kikokus · 1 year
Sanji Since the Time-Skip, Part Eight (Chapters 810-813)
…So it’s been almost nine years. I’ve recently gotten back into One Piece and am caught up with the manga again, and since I’ve had some requests to continue this series (and there’s obviously been a lot of Sanji content in that time!) I thought I might as well go and do that!
This covers the few chapters of Zou but there’s actually a lot of great Sanji character moments within those four chapters so it seemed to make sense to keep it as its own section. As before, standard disclaimers apply.
[Part One] // [Part Two] // [Part Three] // [Part Four] // [Part Five] // [Part Six] // [Part Seven]
Let’s see if I still remember how to do this...
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So not only does everyone seemingly accept that Sanji’s the obvious choice to fill the position of captain in Luffy’s absence, there’s actually an entire chapter named after ‘his’ crew which really emphasizes the point that we’re supposed to look at him as taking that leadership role for the time being.
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And, because of that, most of the examples in this part have something to do with Sanji stepping into said leadership role, and that starts here once they can clearly see the city’s been destroyed and Sanji’s first reaction is to leave the others behind where it’s at least relatively safe and go off by himself to make sure he doesn’t put them in any danger.
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Chopper threatens Caesar a lot during this part as well but with Sanji here you can tell how much emotion there is behind his words and how angry he is because at this point it’s not even a request anymore, it’s just an order. I really do like how this is set up because the reveal with Sanji’s new wanted poster being ‘only alive’ is before this, but there’s really no other indication as to what that means and once you find out more about his birth family it makes sense why he’s able to take charge as easily as he does. 
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But for as emotional as he’d been with Caesar, he recovers very quickly here and is the only one to point out that they shouldn’t let their guards down just because it seems like the enemy's gone. Caesar also tries to deter him from deciding to help the Minks by painting them as hostile towards humans and really, all Sanji has to go on right now is Law’s word that his crew is there so he has to make a decision on the spot as to whether trying to save them is a good idea.
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Sanji being observant is nothing new but at least in this case we really don’t see what Wanda’s holding until he warns Nami so it’s revealing it to us as readers, too.
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I like that this is stated so plainly because the last time we saw Sanji he was very adamant about escaping with Caesar and not letting Big Mom get her hands on him since that was the promise he made to Law, but now that Doflamingo’s been taken care of he sees that as going along with the fulfillment of said promise. He’s also obviously weighing the option of whether or not Caesar’s worth all of the potential trouble both to his crew and to the Minks (and being snarky while doing it, which I always appreciate.)
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Though I think he quickly realizes that it’s not quite that simple as just handing Caesar over and being left in peace, and I feel like by this point it’s probably hard to keep track of all the people Luffy’s picked a fight with but Big Mom’s obviously a significant one and Sanji’s not ignoring that.
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This is about the most authoritative we see him when it comes to giving orders and it’s very brusque while also keeping Nami and Chopper safe and shutting down any sort of wild ideas Caesar might have. The focus on the panel of him looking down at Bege and giving that little cocky nod is also some pretty great foreshadowing but has another purpose in showing us how easily he can slip into that sort of role when it’s needed.
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Sanji doesn’t really have to say this because conceivably this negotiation doesn’t involve the Minks outside of Pekoms being there but once again it speaks to his inherent kindness that he doesn’t want to cause them any more trouble after what they’ve already been through.
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This is more just about how well Sanji knows Luffy and knows that he would never agree to becoming a subordinate of one of the Yonko, but at this point I think he’s still trying to find a way for all of them (except Caesar) to get out of there safely. It’s also interesting that earlier we get Brook talking about vaguely about the Vinsmoke family and Nami remembering that Sanji had told them before he was born in the North Blue so it wasn’t as if he was afraid to share that part of his past, but that was as much as he was willing to divulge.
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Sanji’s expressions in this chapter are so telling, and I think it’s very effective considering that we don’t know exactly what’s happening but we can tell from his reactions how serious it is and because he’s not saying anything one way or the other that’s all we have to go on. But this is where it turns from him wanting to escape with everyone to him realizing that, now that he’s been told Zeff’s in danger, that’s no longer an option and it’s more about getting the others out instead. There’s a panel directly after where he lights a cigarette which is a very classic ‘I need some time to think’ move from him as well.
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That little sad smile says so much…he’s accepted his fate and is saying goodbye in the only way he knows how, and I think he’s being honest here: he never intended to hide anything because, for him, he’s left that part of his past behind and cut all ties with his family so he didn’t consider it a factor or something to dwell on but now circumstances have made it impossible to ignore.
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His dialogue goes with what I was saying earlier but I really put this here because it shows him using Observation Haki again and while he can’t say for sure that it’s the Minks, he knows they’re likely the most powerful beings left on the island and he’s willing to take that chance if it means getting the others to safety. I’ll also point out that through this entire section he never even tries to frame it as just ‘getting Nami out’; he wants all of them out of there and goes so far as to hug them (even if it’s with the excuse of making it easier to toss them all out at once).
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Sanji’s definitely taking a chance here but even with the little he’s been told about the current situation it’s one he can afford to take because it’s not as if he doesn’t know what Judge is like and he can already infer that Big Mom has some sort of use for Caesar so threatening him is about the easiest way to make his point and gain the upper hand for just long enough to do what he needs to.
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And I think Sanji’s also banking on Bege being smart enough to realize that, too (which he does) so while there was a lot that could have gone wrong he’s managed to accomplish his goal of making sure the rest of the crew is safe. If you look closely at some of the panels in this section there’s these little double curved lines around Sanji which are usually an indication of trembling/shivering but even though he’s obviously emotional he’s still holding it together enough to at least make it seem like he’s in control.
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I’ve seen some comments that after so long Sanji should know the crew would back him up regardless of what trouble he’s in but Sanji’s nothing if not consistently self-sacrificial and this time, because it’s dealing with a part of his life that’s existed since long before he met any of them, I think he truly does see it as something he needs to do on his own. His smile still hurts me, though.
…And that’s the end of this section! That…probably went on longer than it needed to but I guess it proves that almost a decade later I still have a lot to say about Sanji so please feel free to like/reblog if you found this interesting at all and we’ll…see about working on the next part…
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delimeful · 2 years
sharp scales and tall tales (1/1)
warnings: g/t, miscommunication, threats, vague dehumanization/using 'it' as a pronoun, fear, general dumbassery
The old ruins hadn’t shown a single sign of life as he’d approached, but even so, Janus couldn’t shake the eerie feeling of being watched.
He pulled on his horse’s reins as they finally reached the desiccated front gateway, the old stone arch crumbling and pitted in several places.
The heavy wooden doors that had once stood proudly to grant entrance were now reduced to slabs of half-rotted wood, leaned against either side of the archway like they’d been pulled from their hinges and simply set aside. Or torn from their hinges, Janus reflected as he noted the shallow gouges in the wood, as though something heavy and armored with sharp scales had plowed right past the twin doors as easily as an arrow through flesh.
Yes, this was almost certainly where the dragon was.
The thought sent a panicked thrill down his spine, an instinctual ‘what-are-you-doing’ bolt of adrenaline that he normally heeded quite well, since that swift retreat usually ended up preventing his untimely demise.
Not this time.
He dismounted his horse, well aware that taking even a guard-trained horse into a dragon’s lair was practically requesting that one’s steed get surprise-barbecued.
Also, there was a large, hand painted sign planted in front of the gate with ‘NO HORSES’ written on it in bold, bright red lettering. There was even an accompanying simplistic painting of a horse crossed out underneath it, presumably for the more illiterate knights out there.
With one last pat to his mount’s snout, he turned, double-checked his armor and supplies, and promptly strode through the gates.
The moment his foot landed in dragon territory, he let a thick veil of composure fall down around himself, smoothing out his brow and lightening his pace so that his face and body alike betrayed no sign of apprehension.
He’d truly need to sell it, if he wanted to make it out of this with both himself and his errant charge alive. There was no place for the truth here, and luckily, Janus was far more accomplished than most in the art of lies.
So, when he reached the entrance to the stone tower ahead and immediately heard the low, ground-shaking thump of something extremely heavy landing in the open courtyard behind him, he didn’t jump, or even let his hand slip to the hilt of his sword.
Allowing himself a deep inhale, he turned to face the beast behind him.
The dragon was in its more humanoid form, surprisingly enough, with coiffed hair and an elegant set of clothes. Janus had no idea why; it was hardly an effective disguise. If the leathery wings protruding from its back, curved horns erupting from the crown of its head, and slit, narrow pupils all failed to clue one in to its true nature, the fact that it was as tall as the tower before it certainly did the trick.
The dragon’s lips curled back into a mockery of a smile, and there was another sign— Janus would wager only a dragon could fit that many fangs into one vicious grin.
“Well, well, I see I have yet another little knight, trespassing on my territory,” the dragon rumbled grandly, still holding the crouch it had landed in as though ready to lunge forward at any moment. “To what do I owe the dubious honor, Sir Lancenot?”
Janus resisted the urge to twitch an incredulous eyebrow at the name-calling, reminding himself firmly that there was no space for mockery in this plan. At least, not until he’d successfully pulled the rescue off.
“Oh, marvelous and most keen lord of these lands,” he began, making sure his own expression was shaped into something suitably admiring, “I am Deacon, a member of the Royal Guard, here on behalf of the Kingdom of Tempest, seeking your counsel on a matter most vital.”
The dragon blinked, and Janus couldn’t help but be grateful that it had chosen to wear a more human face— it was far easier to read than a reptilian one, though of course Janus would have managed either way. “My… counsel?”
Janus nodded rapidly, maintaining his faux eagerness.
“Ohoho, how interesting.” An intent glint appeared in its gaze, and it leaned closer, its enormous shadow falling over Janus like an invisible shroud. One clawed hand twitched in a way that made Janus’s heart kick up in tempo. “Strangely, I didn’t get the impression that a friendly chat was the reason the last few knights of Tempest deigned to darken my doorstep.”
The subtle accusation rolled off Janus without a single shudder or pause. He was well-aware that the other knights had gone charging in, swords drawn, prepared to risk a fiery death to retrieve their missing prince. He knew because they had all come back alive, surprisingly enough. It was one of many reasons he’d committed himself to this insane rescue attempt.
“A simple misunderstanding, the lower ranks tend to jump to conclusions so quickly these days,” Janus demurred, waving a hand as though brushing the matter aside. “I was sent to smooth things over, as their superior, and thank you on their behalf for your graciousness in sparing their lives.”
They’d all survived to report back to him, about the ruins layout and the surrounding landscape and the dragon’s alarming penchant for toying with intruders.
“‘Smooth things over,’” the dragon echoed, attention entirely ensnared now. “What an entirely unexpected way for a kingdom’s representative to respond to the heir apparent being stolen away!”
There was something wickedly amused in its voice that made the back of Janus’s neck prickle, but he refused to let the beast see him hesitate.
“You’ll find we’re a rather unique kingdom, and that our heir apparent is perhaps, not as valuable to certain powers there alive as he would be dead.”
The unfortunate thing was, his words weren’t particularly far from the truth. It had taken Janus a mere handful of days in the kingdom’s service to learn that the prince’s aunt was far from happy with the current line of succession, and often demonstrated her displeasure through as many avenues as she feasibly could.
Avenues that included attempted assassinations, he’d discovered after foiling a fair handful of them each passing month. The job had proved far more intensive than the cushy ‘royal guard’ position he’d been promised, especially since every attempt he countered had to be kept quiet. He couldn’t allow the risk of a public uproar, of being replaced as the prince’s primary protector, until he could ensure Lady Arescet was no longer a threat.
And then, right when he’d been about to enact a plan to ensure exactly that, his ward had been plucked up by a dragon, of all creatures. Truly, his idiot prince had no idea how lucky he was that he’d so thoroughly endeared himself to Janus.
“Is that so,” the dragon replied, a victorious chime to its voice. “And to think, I expected a king’s ransom! Why, whoever could have been clever and bold enough to anticipate this turn of events!”
Janus did pause shortly this time, thrown off his rhythm. Most dragons would be fuming by now, enraged by the news that they’d picked an out-of-favor royal to kidnap and thus wouldn’t be receiving their customary ransom for their hostage’s safe return. Here, however, there was absolutely no sign of the irritation Janus had anticipated. The beast didn’t even seem disgruntled.
Before he could say anything else, the dragon leaned forwards, placing two giant hands on either side of the ground where Janus stood. With the slightest motion, its claws dragged deep furrows into the ground. It took everything in him not to twitch and give the game away.
“And I suppose you– or your distinguished employer, more likely– have some meaningful method to make it up to me?” the dragon theorized, as though it had expected this all along.
“I know it must come as a shock,” Janus started anyhow, attempting to drag the current mess back on-script, “but– yes. You suppose correctly. You’ll get nothing of worth from the kingdom, but my superior is willing to pay for you to release him to my custody.”
“Ah, because you wouldn’t want a more fortuitous knight to steal him from my clutches and drag an inconvenient loose end all the way back to power.” The dragon had lost some of its amusement, though there was still a vicious glint to those eyes. “If getting rid of the puny prince is so important, I could simply make him disappear myself. With far more ease than you, I’d imagine.”
“No,” Janus’s mouth uttered without his permission, the reply much too fast to be natural. He made an airy gesture to cover his slip. “Rather, that won’t be necessary. My lady might require… knowledge from the prince, so killing him immediately would be hasty. For your reward, the only service we require of you is turning him over to us.”
“Your lady?” Those hands were sliding closer. The dragon’s voice dipped with faux-shock. “Why, you couldn’t possibly mean your employer is Tempest’s very own Lady Arescet?”
“Not… necessarily,” Janus tried, but the denial sounded weak, even to himself. “The identity of my benefactor is irrelevant, and even if it wasn’t, the kingdom of Tempest would naturally prefer that the squabbles of the royal family remain a secret.”
His heart was racing wildly, the thump of it loud in his ears, and though his mouth ran automatically, a litany of swears occupied his mind. These weren’t the questions he had expected to be asked, nor the emotions he had prepared to counter or placate. How had things spiraled out of control so quickly?
“I do believe they have a saying about secrets and their keepers,” the dragon rumbled theatrically, and then it was moving, a talon-tipped hand catching Janus in a crushing grip that forced all the air from his lungs.
Before it could do worse, though, the wards on his armor sparked, and the dragon dropped him right back onto the ground with a hiss, shaking his hand out.
“What in all the realms was that?” it demanded, sounding deeply offended that Janus had dared to come to it prepared for an attempt on his life, such as the one it had literally just tried. “The other knights didn’t do that!”
The other knights weren’t trying to con a dragon, Janus thought but didn’t say, mostly because he was still struggling to suck air back into his lungs.
“He’s pretty different from the other knights,” a familiar voice drawled, and Janus’s gaze flicked over to where he could see a familiar, eyeshadow-donning face poking out from one of the tower’s windows. “Isn’t that right, Jan?”
“Virgil,” Janus tried to say, not sure whether he would sound relieved or surprised or exasperated or some odd mixture of the three. In the end, it came out like a strangled whisper.
“Jan? His name is Deacon, Prince Pouty,” the dragon was saying, its tone too familiar for a kidnapper speaking to a victim. “You should at least be able to tell members of your personal guard apart!”
“Dea– Janus, seriously?” Virgil was giving him a Look. Janus closed his eyes to avoid it, breathing deeply. “What was Deacon supposed to do when an entire dragon dropped by to exact retribution over whatever stupid scheme you were about to try?”
“Die, probably,” Janus muttered, because his sympathy for that particular fellow guard had withered down to dust by the fourth time he’d ‘accidentally’ let an assassin get way too close to the prince’s chambers for comfort.
The dragon interrupted, brow drawn in confusion. “Wait, you know this malicious malefactor? This treasonous transgressor? This– this slimy scoundrel?!”
“Yup.” Virgil had propped his chin up in one hand. “Can’t say I was expecting him to come all the way out here, though.”
Janus felt his heart sink. Virgil had been listening in, which meant he’d heard Janus pretend to be under the thumb of Lady Arescet, and even if he survived the dragon now, he’d have to flee the kingdom–
The dragon threw its hands up dramatically. “Don’t you get it, Dark and Stormy? This is the one we’ve been waiting for, the one who was setting up your abduction for your vile, villainous aunt!”
Virgil snorted. “Janus isn’t working for my aunt, Roman.”
‘Roman’ stared at Virgil, incredulity and disbelief warring on the dragon’s face. Janus imagined that his own expression wasn’t much different. “He just admitted to it!”
“He was lying, you overgrown lizard,” Virgil climbed up onto the stone sill of the window, his hand anchored to the side of the tower wall to keep his balance. “Janus was the one who handled the last five assassins my aunt sent. If he was working for her, he would’ve just ignored them.”
“You knew?” Janus’s voice jolted up in pitch, unable to conceal his surprise.
“Dear Aunt Cetty has been trying to off me since I was like, eleven,” Virgil replied dryly. “I know an assassination attempt when I see one.”
In rapid succession, Janus recalled several particularly stressful moments that he’d had to deal with because of his prince’s overt, near-obnoxious obliviousness, obliviousness that had apparently been feigned all along.
“I’m going to throttle you,” Janus informed Virgil, “Dragon or no dragon.”
Roman growled, a low, reptilian croak that made every hair on Janus’s body stand up, but Virgil only grinned at him like the asshole he was.
“Nuh-uh, it’s too late. You came to rescue me from a dragon because you care about me, now I know that your threats are all hot air,” he retorted, unbearably smug in his teasing. “Ro, gimme a hand, will you?”
Roman grumbled something indistinct under its– his breath, and Janus watched, disbelieving, as Virgil stepped lightly onto the giant’s hand, dropping into a crouch as the dragon expertly ferried him to the ground below, as though the two of them had done this hundreds of times.
Janus barely managed to avoid gaping, but Virgil laughed at him anyway.
“Roman’s a childhood friend,” he informed Janus, as though that sentence was in any way reasonable. “His mom kidnapped my mom once and they ended up getting along well enough to stay in touch. People think he looks intimidating now, but I’ve seen him fly right into a tree and knock half his baby teeth out.”
“Virgil,” Roman groaned, setting a fingertip against Virgil’s face as though to stall any more embarrassing youthful anecdotes. “I should have left you to get abducted by your aunt’s goons.”
“But you didn’t,” Virgil replied, gleeful and only a little muffled. “Now suffer the consequences.”
“There was another assassination attempt planned?” Janus asked, trying to ignore the brain-breaking concept of a royal toddler and a baby dragon being playmates.
“An abduction,” Roman corrected haughtily. “I heard a rumor about it, some goon bragging about a plan to whisk Virgil away to some secondary location! Naturally, I wasn’t about to let that wicked witch have her way.”
An abduction plan wasn’t Lady Arescet’s style, though. She’d never shied from sending assassins directly into the castle before, why–?
Janus nearly choked on his next breath. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Virgil echoed, blatantly curious.
“Oh?” Roman also echoed, blatantly suspicious.
“It’s possible that, perhaps, just maybe, possibly… that was actually my goon,” Janus elaborated, putting on a show of sheepishness.
“Your goon.” Virgil was slowly raising one eyebrow. “For your abduction plot.”
“Potentially,” Janus replied. “Look, I needed you out of the way so Arescet would get sloppy, and a forceful relocation seemed like the simplest way to do it!”
“You arranged the abduction… of your own prince,” Roman said, voice dripping with too much judgment for someone who had recently kidnapped his childhood friend.
“It made sense at the time!” Janus snapped. “I already had several plots and even more elaborate machinations in place– It’s almost like someone decided not to tell me he knew about all the attempts on his life all along!”
“It was funny,” was Virgil’s remorseless defense. “Worth it.”
“So… I didn’t actually need to sit around by this boring tower waiting for some mystery perpetrator to show up?” Janus’s nod was wary, but Roman only let out a long exhale, wings drooping with relief. “Thank the stars, I was so sick of lazing around.”
“I wasn’t,” contributed Virgil, who had routinely avoided his political duties by handing them off to Janus and finding a dark cellar to lurk in. “This was great. Relaxing. Ten out of ten, would get held hostage again.”
“Oh, stop it!” Roman preened at the unorthodox praise. “Just you wait. I know the perfect place for a field trip, we can finally do something fun!”
“...Fun?” Virgil repeated, dubious.
“We?” Janus repeated, incredulous.
Going by the shark-like smile they got in return, they certainly weren’t going to be returning to the castle any time soon. Janus silently mourned the imminent destruction of his more time-sensitive plots and schemes. (Virgil less-silently mourned the end of his time lounging around in a musty old tower.)
In the end, his rescue attempt had failed just as badly as Roman’s assassination-foiling attempt. Despite their rocky start, the two of them almost immediately found common ground in blaming Virgil for it all.
("Still worth it.")
When he’d walked into the ruins, he’d believed that his plot failing would mean his death.
As it turned out, being abducted by this particular dragon was far less lethal– and far more entertaining– than he could’ve guessed.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Love "ON AIR" (E.O)
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You and Lizzie have been keep your relationship a secret for the past years until the secret got revealed, ON AIR.
Warning: None, just pure fluff. I'm in the mood of writing fluff, so y'all will read more of it from me. :D
Requested: Yes by @ilovemarvel97
A/n: Hello peeps! I'm back with some more fluff with Lizzie! So, happy reading!
Main Masterlist
"Babe, how do I look?" Lizzie walks in as she twirls a little to present you with her look for tonight's interview with Jimmy Fallon.
"Wow, darling. You look so gorgeous." Her beauty stunned you. All the wait for a few hours was worth it to see her blushing and smiling at you in that outfit.
"Really? This look, is it simple enough and not too much? What if people have negative comments about it? There will be a lot of people there, in Jimmy's show." Worried sounds in her ramble as she asks. Nervousness is written all over her face.
You grab her by her shoulders. "Sstt.. Liz, Liz. You look great and you will do amazing there. Just take a deep breath, think about a happy place or whatever that makes you happy. Also, I'll be waiting at the lounge in the building next door, I'm five minutes away from you. Okay?" You try to calm her down as you rub her upper arms up and down gently. Then you give a quick kiss on her forehead.
She nods. Your touch soothes her and takes her away from her anxiety. "I will think about you. You are my happy place." Her green eyes sparkling with comfort when she looks at you as she speaks.
"Aaw. That's sweet, Liz. So are you to me."
"Are you really okay to wait for me there, y/n? You can just come with me and wait backstage." Lizzie proposes another idea.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. If I wait backstage, people will question it and it will draw attention, sweetie." You give her your reason as your response.
You and Lizzie have been dating secretly for a year and a half now. Lizzie isn't ready to tell the world about it since it's her first relationship with a woman. Nobody knows except family and close friends. She thinks that if the media knows, it will draw a lot of attention and too much for her social anxiety. You totally understand that. Both of you have kept it sealed pretty well that fans think that you are best friends, well…most of them.
Even though there are rumors about you and Lizzie, they don’t cause any ripples to your relationship. You both met as casts in the same movie three years ago, since then you both are inseparable.
“Alright babe, just call me when you are ready for me to pick you up. Good luck, you’ll do great! When you are on air, tell Jimmy I say Hi.” You laugh a little as you are joking. “Haha. You know that he will ask about us if I tell him that.” Lizzie rolls her eyes playfully shortly before she kisses your lips then gets out of the car.
“Alright everybody, please welcome the woman who plays Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch, the one and only, Elizabeth Olsen! Give her applause!” Jimmy calls her name in excitement as he claps his hands. Audiences instantly stand up and cheer loudly with such hype that overlap with clapping sounds. Lizzie walks into the set and gives a cute small wave to the audience as she walks closer to where Jimmy sits. The talk show host welcomes her with a hug.
Slowly silence starts to fill the set and it’s the cue for Jimmy to talk with Lizzie. “How are you, Lizzie? Good to see you again here.”
Lizzie patches her best smile, draws a subtle deep breath. “I’m good. I’m great actually. Thank you for having me back here. Good to see you and everybody here.” The blonde glanced at the audience and it was enough to make them cheer for her once more.
“Congratulations, I heard your book was a success. They are everywhere now. My kids love them. It’s a great book.” Jimmy’s compliment makes Lizzie smile in gratitude.
“Thank you so much. I was actually excited and nervous but I’m glad that it got very fantastic responses. The whole process from beginning until the launch day was a very fun, interesting and unforgettable moment. I got a lot of support from family, friends and people who are very close to me.”
“Aww that’s really awesome. It’s always nice to know that you have somebody who always supports you.” Jimmy replies in agreement.
“Oh yeah, most definitely. I remember the first time ever I told somebody about this book idea. It was Y/n Y/L/N. She was very supportive and was there for me at every step.” Lizzie’s green eyes sparked in elation. The corner of her eyes crinkled from the wide smile she gets once you popped in her mind as speaks.
“Y/n Y/l/n? As THE Y/n, your co-star in your upcoming movie?" The man asks and looks at her with a knowing smile.
Your girlfriend laughs a little then she nods. "Yes, yes that y/n."
"Oouuh…" The audience responds in unison.
As much as Jimmy really wants to talk about Lizzie and you, he tries to focus on the next topic.
"Oh okay and speaking of your upcoming movieee… How did it go and how do you feel about it?" Jimmy pitches another question to her.
"It was a long filming with a lot of different locations, also I had to do a bunch of flying scenes so there were a lot of wires and strings involved but I'm glad that everything went great! The closer to the premier date the more excited I get. This is my third movie with y/n and it has been really fun to work and spend time with her." Lizzie looks a little nervous and she tries to calm herself down by fidgeting with her ring on her ring finger but her smile is still there. Her brain is multitasking by now between focusing on the interview and thinking about you to help her with her anxiety. Her cheeks turn a little rosie color as she continues to speak highly of you.
Jimmy looks at her and listens to every word she says. He leans a little on his desk, slowly nods at her.
“Y/n has been super sweet and lovely to me since the first time we met.”
“And you met her at the movie set like three years ago, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah. We met at the movie set. It was early in the morning and she came up to me with two cups of coffee in her hands then introduced herself to me but she said she needs my help to grab which coffee that I like so she can shake my hand.” Lizzie can’t help herself to tell the story of how you met her and a cute little laugh slipped out of her.
“So she brought two different coffees in her hands for you and introduced herself to you? Did you actually already know who she is?” Jimmy asks.
“Yeah, one of them just plain coffee and the other one with light cream and light sugar. It was really cute actually and Y-yeah. I know her. I mean, we never met before but I watch almost every movie she is in. She is a great actress.Then we talk more whenever we can on the set. We exchanged numbers. Since then we talk and text on a daily basis. Sometimes we hang out together or with our mutual friends.” Praises and her fond memories of you flows easily out of her smiling red lips.
“Sounds like both of you are really close.” Jimmy shares his thoughts after listening to her answers and some audiences say “Yes..yesss” at the same time.
“Yes, we are.” The Marvel actress admits.
“So has she met your family or maybe your twin sisters?” Jimmy asks slowly to see how she would react to it.
“Well, she met the twins at some events a few times but I think it was Christmas two years ago, which means that was like two months after we became official, I introduced her to my parents and the family.” And just like that, Jimmy’s eyes are rounded, his mouth is slightly open in shock. The audience starts to cheer right after the words “official” and the dark haired man says “Wait..wait..wait..” He politely expresses his surprise to Lizzie and raises his hands a little as his sign to ask the audience to let him talk. Meanwhile, Lizzie looks genuinely confused with what is going on right now. She keeps her smile as she looks back and forth between the host and the audience.
As soon as the crowd calms down, Jimmy proceeds with his curiosity. “Wait. Okay.. Okay. Hold on right there, Lizzie. Didn’t you say that you and Y/n became official?”
Jimmy’s question makes her realize what she just said and she takes her turn looking as shocked as he was. She covers her panic with her iconic laugh while her hand covers her mouth. She shifts her sitting position nervously. “Wait, did I say that? Oh my gosh.” She asks herself innocently and loud enough that instantly brings out laughter from Jimmy and the fans.
“You did. You did. You can’t back out now, Lizzie. Come on, spill the beans.” Jimmy still shows how thrilled he is with the accidental revelation. Little do you know, Lizzie has been thinking that she is ready to share the good news about both of you dating. She plans to tell you this weekend. So this fortuitous confession doesn't really bother her. She perhaps got caught off guard by her own serendipitous divulgence but that's all.
She lets out her soothing contagious laugh, her cheeks slowly turning crimson. “Well, uh–okay. Since the cat is out of the bag, I will answer this specific question. Yes, Y/n and I are together. We have been together for a year and a half now and we are very very happy.” She proclaimed. The blonde laughs once again even deep down her anxiety creeps up slowly but the audience’s exhilarated reaction gives her the reassurance she needs, that people are okay with the news.
She fiddles with her ring again to quickly remind her of you and your smile.
“Wow! This is really unexpected and great news! I meant, all of us have been wondering about you and y/n. Dating or just friends. But we are happy that you are happy.” Jimmy expressed.
“Thank you. I’m sure if Y/n is here now, she will be all laughing because I accidentally spilled the tea.” Lizzie joked followed by her giggle.
“Well, where is she now?" Jimmy questions as he looks around and checks if you are around or backstage. “She is actually waiting for me at the lounge next door.” she stated.
“Oh! She’s five minutes away. I got an idea! Can we call her from here and ask her a question or two? Can we do that?” Jimmy looks at the actress then his gaze moves to the producer to ask both of them for their approval.
He gets the green light from the producer. “What do you say, Lizzie? Is she gonna get upset with our surprise?” He waits for her answer.
“Oh, she won’t get mad. It takes a lot for her to get upset and that’s what I adore from her so much. She will find it funny. So yeah, I can call her.” Lizzie confirms. “Okay, uh everybody needs to keep quiet so she can talk to her. Go ahead, Liz. Whenever you are ready.” Jimmy tries to hold his laugh after he requests some silence. With that, everybody went hushed.
Lizzie turns on the speaker phone. The dialing tone is the only sound that fills the studio. By the third tone, your voice is made to be heard as you answer the call. “Hi love.” Lizzie’s effort to hold her laugh mixed with her nervousness, falters her words. “Liz? Hello? Are you there?” You answer her one more time to check if she is there.
“Hello babe. Y-yeah. I’m here.”
“How did it go? Do you want me to pick you up now?” Your voice sounds clear from the other end of the line. You hear her laugh and like usual and it always makes you laugh too. “What’s so funny?” You wait for her answer.
Jimmy still gives sign language to tell everybody to keep it quiet. “Uh actually, I’m not done yet. I’m still with Jimmy right now.”
“Wait, what? Hold on, I’m confused. You are with JImmy but the interview is over or still on going?” You laugh despite the confusion you have in mind. "It's still going on. He asked me to call you."
"Well, hello there y/n! How dare you keep a secret from me this whole time!" Jimmy hinted. He 
starts talking to you and lets out his joke then people start to laugh and clap.
"Oh hi Jimmy! Secret? What secret?" You start to think if this is about you and Lizzie but you ask anyway.
“Uh well, babe. Actually, he already knows. I accidentally told him in the interview.” Lizzie slowly tells you what happened followed with a little laugh.
“Oh?” That was all you said then this time you laugh the hardest thinking it was actually really funny. “Yes, y/n. I know. You both are great secret keepers.” Jimmy teases in a sing-song tone..
“Well, in my defense, I’m just following what the queen wants.” You return his tease jokingly.
“Oooh, she’s your queen?”
“Yes, she is, Jimmy.” You answer and you hear people react in awe all at once.
“What do you love most about her? Things that make you fall for her.” Jimmy sneaks a question for you. “I will be very cliche but I will say, everything. Everything about her that makes me fall for her. But mostly is her smile, her laughter and her big heart. She is the sweetest and the kindest person I know.” You answer him with nothing but the truth.
Meanwhile Lizzie, as she is holding her phone, she can’t stop smiling from everything you just said. “Awww, that is so sweet.” Your girlfriend reacts to your answer as her other hand try to fan herself
“It is.. Wow, y/n y/ln, I never thought you were such a romantic person. So, back to you, Lizzie. Same questions.”
“Well, like I said earlier, I really adore her patience. I feel like she is the only person I know that will almost never get angry or upset. She is very funny and always makes me laugh. She is a great listener and a very supportive girlfriend. I love her for everything she is.” Her eyes twinkled, her cheeks blush and her heart sends direct order to her face to patch the warmest smile with the thought of you. The sound of the applause exhilarates her feelings.
“Oh my god. You two make a very cute couple. We are really really glad that we finally get the answer about what's been going on between you two for years. Once again congratulations. Lizzie, y/n, I’m gonna have to talk to my producer so we can have another interview with both of you. Lizzie, thank you for coming and Y/n thank you for answering your girlfriend’s call and talking with us here. We’ll see you both soon.”
“Thank you for having us here, Jimmy.” Lizzie responds politely. With that, she also ends the call with you and you take that as your cue that it’s time to pick her up.
You see her talking with the makeup artist. Hearing her laughter really makes you smile. You walk closer to her back and you gently tap her shoulder. She turns around and instantly smile at you.
"Hi!" Without waiting a single second, she hugs you right away. You return her hug and give a kiss on her cheek. "Hi, love." You pull back a little to look at her gorgeous green eyes.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I was thinking about you because my anxiety started to bother me. Then I didn't realize what I was saying about us became official–" Your girlfriend rambled with rows of explanations and guilt.
"Liz, it's okay. I don't mind if people know about us. I'm just worried about you. How are you feeling after what happened? You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm happy that finally people know about us. I was actually going to tell you that I'm ready and should let the media know about us." Her soft voice made its way to your ears. You are very content to hear that your girlfriend wants people to know about your relationship. Joy bubbles up in you, warmth wraps your heart.
"Really? That's great to hear, Liz. Well, at least no more sneaking around behind the paparazzi." Both of you giggle from what you just said. You hug her once more before you say more.
"Let’s go home. Ready?" You whispered and smiled.
Lizzie's warm hand takes yours and her head nods at the same time. Both of you are ready to go, walking towards the exit. Lizzie and you know that there will be a bunch of fans and paparazzi waiting outside.
As soon as you both walk out of the building, there are quite a lot of fans cheering and calling Lizzie’s name and they are surprised that you are there too, holding hands with Lizzie. They sound a lot more excited after they see both of you.
Your girlfriend stops her steps and waves at them. Flashes from cameras keep popping like fireworks. Before both of you proceed to walk further, you hear her call your name. As soon as you turn your head, Lizzie gives a quick peck on your lips that quickly curves a smile for her. “Now, I can kiss you whenever and wherever I want.” She whispers. You can’t help yourself, let out a little laugh. Then both of you walk further to the valet service to get your car.
Although people find out about your relationship in a funny unexpected way, both of you are relieved and happy about it because both of you always wanted the world to know how much you love each other.
A/n: Welp, that's it for today, peeps! Reblog and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next fluff!
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keep-the-wolves-close · 7 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 4: Let There Be Cowgirls and Glasshouse Children
• Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton × OFC Stella Daniels
• Rating: M
• Photo credit
• Warnings: violence, language, brief mention of suicide
• Word count: 3,748ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot for being a sounding board for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, a cheerleader, and allowing me to screech at her about things that have happened during the writing process. seriously couldn't have gotten this far.
Author's note: I hope everyone is enjoying so far!
Jimmy sighed. Another day, another dollar. Another early morning to get barn chores finished before getting his ass handed to him out on the ranch. He couldn’t believe how this hand he’d been dealt was panning out.
The tell tale sstt sstt sstt shuffle of hooves in the round pen could be heard as he walked out of the bunkhouse. Getting closer, he saw Stella working on that horse Kayce had given them. Jimmy stared in amazement as the stud behaved for her. Considering the fact that the other day the horse threw John, himself, and Stella around like ragdolls.
Jimmy leaned on the fence and listened to Stella speak to the mustang. Her tone was gentle, but confident, as she coaxed him to change leads without using her hands at all. At least it didn’t look like she did to Jimmy. He watched in wide-eyed wonder.
“How do you do it?”
Stella’s head snapped to her right at the intrusion of sound. It was still early and somewhat dark. She had wanted to get this done and over with before John started wandering about. She pulled Tank to a slow stop and made him face Jimmy. “How do I do what,” she laughed.
His arms flailed in response. “That! Make him listen! Make him not want to throw you to the moon! To be calm!”
“Oh,” Stella chuckled, “because I’m calm Jimmy.”
He stared at her, open mouthed, and blinked slowly. Laughter bubbled up from Stella’s chest and came out in a joyful ring. “Okay, let me break it down for you like Lee and Kayce did for me.” Stella stepped down off the mustang gently. “First thing you should know is that a horse can hear your heartbeat about four feet away. Give or take the individual horse’s hearing.”
Jimmy nodded but remained quiet.
“The second, which I’m sure you already know, horses are prey animals. Humans are predators. Their first instinct at any sense of danger is flight.” Stella walked closer to Jimmy with Tank. “So when a predator comes up to them nervous, jittery, anxious?” She stopped, with Tank following her lead, about four feet away. “Well, if it were me, I’d probably be thinking what the hell is this predator so afraid of because I should be hauling ass.”
Jimmy started to put two and two together. “So when I saw him flip on Mr. Dutton, and try to throw you halfway across the planet—,”
Stella finished his thought, “— he already knew you were afraid. Because just like we can read their body language, they can quite plainly read ours.” She smiled softly at him. “Come pet him. He won’t eat you. Might sound like a dragon for a second, but that’s about it.”
Jimmy contemplated the invitation. Weaving his way through the fence, he walked toward the resident horse trainer, but the stud started to pull back. Tank snorted. Jimmy's feet stuttered to a stop. Stella got Tank to relax and stand in place. She held her hands out to Jimmy and mimicked taking a big deep breath in and letting it out. Jimmy let out a frustrated sigh.
“Okay that wasn’t exactly what I meant, but it’s a step in the right direction.” Stella giggled. “Alright Jimmy deep breath in,” she breathed in with her free hand, “and out,” she exhaled. “Feel better?”
“I mean, yeah but what was the point?”
“To calm your frazzled nerves is what I was getting at.” Stella smirked at him. Tank nudged her arm and she gave his soft muzzle a pet. “Now walk over to us slow, shoulders back, in a non-aggressive manner.”
Jimmy took a few test steps closer to the pair. When the mustang didn’t overreact, he took a few more gaining confidence.
“See Jimmy? You just have to exercise patience. Not everyone is fantastic at things the first few go arounds.” Tank made a soft noise of intrigue at the lanky man getting closer. “Lord knows I’ve never been.” Stella admitted. Jimmy reached out and let the horse sniff his hand, but Stella warned him. “Go slow and give him an open palm, okay?”
Gingerly he lifted his hand and turned it so his palm faced the sky. Tank leaned his head forward to get closer without actually moving. Jimmy took the direction and carefully stepped closer. Tank sniffed at Jimmy’s hand. Stella petted the horse’s strong neck in encouragement as his lips started to dance back and forth along Jimmy’s palm in search of a treat.
Stella watched with a small ounce of pride as Jimmy smiled wider than she had ever seen thus far. He flipped his hand over and started petting Tank’s long nose and moved up to his forehead. When Stella witnessed Jimmy’s shoulders relax and he reached up to fix Tank’s forelock, she smiled.
While the two bonded, Stella could hear noises of the ranch coming to life for the day. She glanced around with a wide scope, searching for any sign of John.
Jimmy watched as Stella tried, and failed, to look around discreetly. “Did you lose somethin’?”
She shook her head and shrugged. “It’s nothing. I just gotta get out of here when I’m done with Tank.”
“Now come on, Stella. I’ve been around here long enough to know when you’re uncomfortable.”
Stella chewed on her bottom lip as she considered telling Jimmy about the situation with John. Her shoulders dropped. “I pissed John off, and I’m trying to make myself scarce to avoid him until he cools down.”
“What happened?”
“I just heard something I shouldn’t have, and I inserted my foot in my mouth when he confronted me about it.” She smiled sheepishly. “Classic me, you know.”
“Oh. Am I able to help at all?”
“No, not really. If anything, just please don’t tell anyone what I told you.”
He agreed and ignored her confession. “Yeah I should probably get back to the barn work, anyway.”
“I’ll follow you so I can put him back.”
Stella’s phone buzzed just as she finished putting Tank up. She sniffed and wiped her nose from all the dust. Stella looked at the text. It was from Kayce. Hey, you wanna come help me with a horse?
She glanced around and thought about her schedule. The rest of the day was pretty free. The wranglers didn’t need an extra set of hands, and Tank was really the only work she had for the day. She saw an opportunity to have Jimmy learn more from her and Kayce.
Sure. Leaving the ranch now. Can I bring a friend? She texted back. It was a blessing in disguise because she didn’t want to be around to run into John.
“Jimmy?” Stella hollered out. She knew he was still somewhere in the barn.
Jimmy dropped the last few feed buckets into a stack on top of each other. “Yeah?”
Stella’s phone vibrated in her hand as she shut Tank’s stall door. Do I know this friend?
Stella huffed and texted Kayce back. Yes. It’s Jimmy. I want him to learn something useful from us to help him here.
“You wanna come with me somewhere?” She asked, finally looking up at Jimmy.
“Uh, I probably shouldn’t.” He motioned to the outside. “Rip would lose his mind and turn the whole state upside down if I didn’t show up.”
Stella huffed and rolled her eyes. She moved out the barn doors at lightning speed, with Jimmy following close behind. She searched in all directions for the man in question. She spotted him and shouted. “Rip!” His head whipped to face Stella. “I’m taking Jimmy for the morning to teach him some shit. You’ll have him back in the afternoon. The barn stuff is done.”
Jimmy’s mouth opened and closed like a fish as he expected Rip to argue back. When the head man didn’t say anything, Jimmy's jaw dropped even further.
Stella felt the vibration knowing it was Kayce. Uh sure.
Cool beans. Be there soon.
Be safe Stellfire. She smiled at the nickname.
“You’re gonna have to teach me how to do that too.”
Stella let out a howl at the thought of Jimmy doing what she just did to Rip. She locked her eyes on Jimmy, and he almost cringed. “You got everything you need?” He shook his head yes. “Alright, c’mon then.”
They pulled up to Monica and Kayce’s. Stella could see Sam standing on the fence of Kayce’s round pen. Kayce was in the process of getting acquainted with the horse he was working on.
Turning the car off, she glanced at Jimmy. He fidgeted in her passenger seat. “C’mon, you know Kayce just about as well as I do. We all went to school together. He won’t bite.” She smirked. “Much.” Stella hopped out of the car and wandered up next to Sam.
“Hey man, how you been?” She questioned.
“Oh little Stelly! I’ve been good. Well as good as we can be around these parts. Ya know?”
Kayce glanced over with a small smile, but his face hardened when he saw Jimmy sidle up beside her and Sam. He wasn’t a fan of how close Jimmy followed her.
Stella chuckled. “Yeah I’ve heard a thing or two.” Jimmy leaned on the fence next to her. “Oh Sam, this is Jimmy. Jimmy, Sam.” She leaned back so the two could greet each other. “He’s gonna learn a thing or two from cowboy and I today.”
Sam smiled broadly. “Well then you're in good hands, Jimmy.”
The horse squealed in displeasure picking up on Kayce’s aversion. Stella flicked her head towards the pair. “Good lord, cowboy. What’re you doin’? No wonder you need my help.” She jested at him.
“Stella shut the hell up. It sounded like you didn’t make out much better with that mustang of yours. So I don’t wanna hear it.”
A shy voice spoke up from Stella’s right. “Actually, she was doing just fine this morning. He listened to her great.” Jimmy cleared his throat as he tried to build his confidence. He had to remind himself that this was someone he went to school with. “He didn’t even try to throw her across the ranch.”
“Oh he did, huh? How would you know? How would he know, Stell?” Kayce questioned aggressively.
“Oh for the love of god Kayce. He’s not wrong. Tank is doing great, ain’t got a mean bone in his body, but anyone that’s not you… he’s not gonna completely trust.” Stella almost growled.
Sam laughed to cut the tension between the friend pair. “You were the one that invited her here. I don’t know why you’re pissed she’s givin’ you what for.”
“And anyway, I made out just fine with your mustang, thank you very much. It was your father who almost needed the medical help. And thank you Sam. At least someone,” she paused to glare at Kayce’s back, “sees logic around here.”
She gave Jimmy a side glance. “Watch and learn, Jimmy-boy.”
Stella wound herself in between the rungs of the fence. She announced her presence behind Kayce, reaching out to touch his mid-back quickly. His back tensed at her fast finger tips. She murmured behind him as she pulled her hand away. “I’m in with you.” She gripped the lunge line out of Kayce’s hands. The horse calmed down a good bit as soon as the rope switched handlers.
Kayce breathed out, willing the frustration to leave him. “He’s easier on the right, but cross firing to the left,” he murmured an explanation. “When I started making him go left was when he got pissed.” The friend duo could hear Sam as he explained to Jimmy what they were talking about.
Stella looked up at him, her face irritable. They locked eyes in a battle of Kayce trying to get her to forgive him and Stella trying to get him to understand he was out of line.
“Work your magic for me, ma’am.” Kayce smirked and tipped his hat.
Try as she might, Stella laughed through her nose and rolled her eyes. “Just be nice to him, Kace. He’s doing his best to learn.” She whispered.
Kayce backed up and took a spot next to Sam and Jimmy. Sam nudged his shoulder. “What was that, huh?”
“I was an asshole, and she was letting me know.” He gave Sam a look, and then gave the newcomer a once over. “Hey Jimmy. So you said that stud was good to our girl this morning?”
Jimmy nodded. “It was almost like seeing Lee work on him.” He fidgeted with his hands. “So you wanted her to come help?” Kayce nodded. “Why?”
Sam offered his opinion. “He just wanted a woman’s spirit here. To keep good old gelding boy calm.”
“What?” Jimmy brought his brows together, perplexed, not understanding the meaning.
Sam clarified. “Oh, some native teachings say that a woman is the best person to help tame wild horses. They have quiet spirits which helps keep them calm.”
“Well that was what she told me this morning when I asked her how she got Tank to behave. She said, “because I’m calm.” Even though calm isn’t always the word I would use for Stella.”
Kayce laughed at the idea of Stella being described as calm. “Quiet you two. I don’t want her to know she’s my secret weapon.” He stage whispered.
She retorted without looking. “I can hear you, idiot. You’re five feet away.”
Sam howled with laughter and slapped the fence post. “I knew I liked her for a reason!”
Stella smiled at Sam’s joy, and let the horse come to her. It nuzzled into her, breathing heavily. She kept her breathing slow and steady. Calm. She wanted the gelding to feel that and mimic her heartbeat. She was letting him know it was okay to be peaceful with her. She was safe.
“Kace what’s his name?”
She backed up a good distance, Stella motioned to Titan with her head to the left. If this horse could roll its eyes, he would have. He let out a loud huff and began walking to the left. Stella clicked her tongue. “C’mon boy, trot for me.” She watched him begrudgingly pick up the pace. He started crossfiring. Stella pursed her lips and pulled her brows together. When she stopped moving, Titan stopped and faced her.
“Good boy.” She was proud of the cooperation. Stella walked closer to him and started to describe to him what she was expecting him to do. “So bud, when we do that trot, I need these two feet to move at the same time,” she tapped the corresponding legs, “and these two to move together.” She followed through gently tapping the other legs.
Moving back forward to Titan’s face, she waited for him to give her a look of understanding. His soft eyes blinked at her for a few moments, but then he dropped his head and brought it back up. Almost like he nodded to her.
Stella smiled. “Okay. You ready to try again?”
Titan took a wide stride away from her, already walking to the left. Stella moved back toward the center of the pen, and clicked her tongue. “Trot. No crossfires this time.”
Titan slid into his trot and crossfired at the beginning, but after a small bit of encouraging from Stella, the matching feet started to hit the ground at the same time.
“Hell yeah, there you go buddy!”
Stella let him work to the left for a few minutes and stopped her body causing Titan to meet her. She whispered, “now, you be calm and let Kayce work with you. Please?” She pivoted to face Kayce. “And you, don’t be a dick to him. Ya hear?”
Kayce hopped over the fence to come try and get up on the horse. He traded the lead rope for the reins with Stella, and she gave him a light shove that meant don’t fuck up.
She took her place back by Sam and Jimmy, enjoying giving Kayce a hard time with them. She turned to Jimmy. “So have you learned anything yet?”
“I think I’m starting to get it.”
Things got quiet between the three of them and she zoned out on the horizon. She thought about the situation with John. Stella knew that if he couldn’t be convinced that she wouldn’t say anything, she and her horse would be out of a job, and a home, and she would need pasture fencing real quick for her house.
She had thought about saying something to Kayce, but she didn’t want to overstep. She definitely didn’t want to have him go to his dad because that wouldn’t look good for her keeping her mouth shut. Kayce was also dealing with a lot, and it wasn’t his responsibility to mend her busted up fences. Especially the ones she had messed up herself.
A gunshot behind them snapped her back to the present. Stella ducked out of habit, but bounced back up. Sam and Kayce took off toward the house on the top of the hill. Jimmy looked unsure of what to do. Stella jogged up to Sam who had hollered at the kids to stay out of the house before darting inside.
Stella stayed behind to corral everyone and keep them a safe distance from the house. “Jimmy help me with the kids.”
Monica came out of her and Kayce’s house running. “Stella what happened?!”
“I don’t know! We stayed out here with the kids. Kayce and Sam ran up there.” Stella yelled as Monica sped up to her sister-in-law’s house.
Stella and Jimmy brought the kids up to the house a little closer, but kept a good distance. She spoke to them in a gentle tone and tried her best to keep them calm. Jimmy letting them lean on him when they needed to. When Kayce came out onto the porch, he locked eyes with Stella. Immediately she knew it wasn’t good. He looked like he was going to be sick for a brief second.
Monica came out and she looked heartbroken, distraught to say the least. Her face hardened when she looked at her husband. “You take the kids. Give them a bath. Keep them safe. I’ll clean this up.”
“What can we do to help?” Stella asked.
“Would you mind bringing me cleaning supplies, yellow rubber gloves, and a box cutter?”
“On it.” Stella grabbed Jimmy and rushed off to Monica and Kayce’s house to grab the things Monica had listed off for them.
Sam was still standing outside when they got back up the hill. Stella could tell just from looking at him that it was heavy. She felt wrong just barging in.
She whispered. “Is it okay if I go give this to Monica?”
He nodded. “Just you though. Jimmy, you stay out here with me.”
Stella timidly walked up the porch stairs and into the trailer. The air was thick and heavy. She looked over to her right where Monica stood. Her gaze didn’t linger long because she saw the blood spatter and realized it must have been Monica’s sister-in-law. Her eyes closed in a silent prayer and breathed out hard fixing her glasses.
“Monica, I’m —,” she stopped because those words wouldn’t help right now, “— I have what you asked for. What do you need from me? Jimmy?” She wanted to help in any way she could.
“I’ve got this. Just make sure Kayce keeps the kids away from here. Keep them at our house. Please. I don’t need them to see this.”
“Okay I’ll go. If you need a hand,” she placed her hand on Monica’s forearm and made eye contact, “holler.”
Stella and Jimmy made their way back inside Monica and Kayce’s trailer. She shut the door behind her and closed her eyes. This was not how she expected today to go. She felt a nudge against her arm.
“You okay Stella?”
“Ask me later, Jimmy.” Stella had to find Kayce. “You stay here for a minute.”
Kayce just finished giving the kids a bath. He looked up as Stella walked into the room. The best friends shared a sober look.
“Let me and Jimmy finish getting them ready. You go to Monica.” Stella leaned back out the door and directed the new ranch hand. “Jimmy, go turn on a movie or something for them after. We’ll be good here, right everyone?” The children solemnly nodded.
“Thank you, Stell.”
“No prob, cowboy.” She followed after the kids to help them pick out their outfits and their movie with Jimmy.
Kayce made the journey up to his wife. Monica asked, “Where are the kids?”
“Watchin' a show with Stella and Jimmy down at the house.” He leaned up against the wall. “You want me to finish all this?”
“Looks like a suicide. It's not what it is.” She placed the gloves down and started opening cabinets. “No job, three kids, no food.” She then made her way to the sink to look out the window.
“And my dad certainly can't take care of 'em. We can't.” She turned and leaned against the sink facing Kayce. “Samantha's parents, they do pretty good. They got a nice house in Seattle. Only problem is, they won't speak to her. Knew if she asked, they'd say no. Now they can't say no.”
Kayce looked at her speechless as she finished. “It wasn't a suicide. It was a sacrifice.”
Stella had been listening to Monica from the porch. She chewed her bottom lip, not sure if she wanted to interrupt or not. The kids were safe watching a tv show with Jimmy. She had a few minutes before they would come looking. She shook her head. The bad luck just kept coming.
She stepped into the kitchen and cleared her throat. “They’re watchin’ a show. Is there anything I can help with out here?” She placed her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. She wanted to lend a hand, but didn’t want to be in the way.
Monica sighed, defeated. “No Stella. You’ve helped enough today. Unless Kayce needs you for something, I think you can go. He’ll take over for you with the kids.”
“Y’all stay together. I’ll go help Sam put up that horse for now, and me and Jimmy will be on our way. I’ll have Sam stay with the kids until one of y’all comes back.” As soon as she got back to the ranch, she planned on heading out for a ride. She had to clear the heavy weight on her chest.
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*the crocuses stare at Pam*
Ss shshssss shhu ssh?
(What's taking him so long?)
Sshh sshu ss shshussss Ss shshu
(He's working on something, he'll be here soon!)
Ss sshhsu sss ssstss
(His lunch break was done awhile ago)
...sss sstts
(...it's fine)
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irpurnama · 7 months
“Gaseru aah hidup lo mah flat banget tii..”
Aku setuju sii hidup aku tuh flat banget. Selalu menghindari konflik, tidak menyukai tantangan, tidak nyaman pada perubahan, tidak suka berkompetisi, dan tidak suka tampil atau dikenal orang.
Tapi aku pernah dengar sebuah obrolan katanya, “orang yang hidupnya terkesan diam, boring atau tidak suka berkonfrontasi adalah orang yang bijak dalam mengatur dan mengendalikan emosinya, dia menggunakan emosinya dengan cara yang baik”.
Aku tidak sedang menyanjung diriku sendiri, tentu saja tidaaak karena aku masih jauuh sekali dari kata bijak.
Tapi! Tapi gini yaa, hidup yang dianggap flat ini juga memiliki emosi yang sama bergejolaknya seperti manusia lainnya. Aku rasa fase hidup semua manusia itu sama, kadang happy, menderita, kecewa, hancur, mati rasa, bangkit lagi, tertatih, putus asa, semangat. Semua manusia mengalami emosi tersebut, tanpa kecuali.
Maka, hidup yang membosankan itu bukan berarti dia yang selalu baik-baik aja, dia yang selalu berada pada zona aman dan nyaman. Dia hanya merespon “hidup”nya dengan cara yang berbeda. Dengan cara yang “membosankan” menurut orang lain.
Jadi, terima kasih untuk penilaian baiknyaa atas kehidupan pribadi seseorang yang nyatanya belum terlalu kamu kenal. Dan tolong untuk tidak lagi “menilai” tindakan seseorang berdasarkan standar penilaian kamu karena belum tentu alat ukur yang digunakan sama atau sesuai, sampe sini paham, dude?
“Idup lo tuh flat banget, ngebosenin haha..”
My scorpio ego said, “Sstt.. diem! Kita gak sedeket itu untuk bisa menilai satu sama lain”.
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captainofthepearl · 1 year
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It is said in the draft scripts from the 5th movie, dead men tell no tales, Barbossa carried a miniature portrait of his beloved in his pocket.
Clothes for Barbossa:
The pistol made by the history lover's sims
The jacket and pants made by zuckerschnute20
The hair made by anto
The pirate boots made by oranoTR
The hat made by elfdor
The beard made by luxuriant
Clothes for Margaret:
The hair made by (can't remember but let me know)
The costume made by SSTT
Hope ye enjoyed, I'll be postin' more of the others soon🏴‍☠️
How Do I request:
submit a scenario you wish to see, if you have certain dialogue, please feel free to submit that or feel free to mention you wish to see me improvise.
tell me the characters you wish to use in it.
I have an oc can I request that: of course, just give me a detailed description or send me a reference picture.
I won't be able to do Davy Jones nor Salazar in their monstrous forms however I can do their human forms,
Do you only just do Barbossa: no, I can do other characters only involved within the potc verse.
How long will it take: 2 days to a week depending on my schedule.
to submit please use the asks, Dm me or use submissions.
Go on, request away I don't bite.
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The Death Of the Creator
Douglas wiggled in his restraints, the ropes tying him to a chair. "No hope in doing that, you'll just hurt yourself." Caleb said calmly, the whirring of the drill in his hand echoing through the room.
"P-Please- I-I have a kid at home- y-you can't do this!" He pleaded. "Oh, I know." Caleb said, turning to Douglas. "She'll be next, her and her little boyfriend." Caleb said with a grin
"N-No- d-don't you lay a finger on her!!" Douglas shouted, his eyes glossed over over tears, he struggled in the ropes.
Caleb chuckled, his chuckle slowly became a deranged laugh. Douglas felt a pit form in his stomach.
Eventually Caleb stopped, "Hahh... haha.... and what are you going to do? Wiggle in those ropes?" Caleb said with an unhinged smile across his face.
Douglas was silent. "Now tell me boy, do you fear death?" Caleb said with a calm tone. "...P-Please stop-" Douglas pleaded, tears streaming down his face
"That doesn't answer my question." Caleb said again, the smile gone from his face. "...Y-Yes." Douglas responded.
"Good." Caleb said, grabbing Douglas's face and placing the drill bit to the side of his head. "Hold still and this will hurt less," Caleb said firmly.
"W-WAIT- GGHKC- H- AA-AAAAA-" Douglas began to scream in agony as the drill bit was turned on, the steel bit going into his head "G-GAH- STOP- SSTT-H-STOP- P-P-PLEEASE- AA-" Douglas felt a horrible pulsating pain go through his head all the way down to his feet, his hands and legs involuntary twitching and thrashing. Caleb had a pleased look on his face, he seemed proud of himself.
He pulled the bloody drill out of Douglas's head, a nasty pulp made of brain matter, skull fragments, and blood oozed from the wound and down Douglas's neck.
"Hhcgh- hh.... hf... hnnng-" Douglas let out a quiet sob. "Still alive hm?" Caleb said with a smile. "You're a tough one, that should have killed you." Caleb placed the drill to another spot on Douglas's head "N-No please-!" Douglas pleaded.
The drill turned on again, spiraling through his skull and into his brain, blood spraying everywhere this time. "AAAAAAAAA- AH- KGHCK- AAAA-" Douglas screamed, he spasmed and twitched as his brain was drilled into.
Caleb twisted the drill around this time, a nasty squelching sound was made as blood spurted and sprayed, liquefied brain matter running down Douglas's neck.
Caleb removed the drill again, Douglas was gasping for air after screaming like that, his hands were still twitching, but it was certain he was alive. "Twice survived hm?" Caleb said, genuinely impressed.
"G-Ghrghkkk..." Douglas gurgled, blood spilling down his chin. "Tell you what, if you survive this third one, I'll let you go." Caleb offered. "Mmmg-hhgck-" Douglas couldn't respond.
Caleb placed the drill at Douglas's temple and turned It on, but this time there was no screaming, just pained whines and gurgles.
Douglas's body spasmed violently as this happened, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he vomited, not puke, but blood. Just blood. It splattered on the floor disgustingly.
Caleb removed the drill and walked in front of Douglas and knelt down to look at him in the eyes. But alas, his eyes were cloudy and lifeless. "Oh well, guess you won't be leaving any time soon, Doug." Caleb said with a small grin.
He untied the deceased man from the chair and heaved him onto his back, holding him like a sack of potatoes.
He carried him over to the makeshift medical table, and threw him down, the limp body landing with a moistened "SLAP" Blood spattering over the pristine white table.
Caleb began to saw the limbs off of the young man's body, humming a light tune. He then sliced open the man's stomach and chest, prying it open and observing the organs inside, they were still moving.
"What a treat we have here!" Caleb said with excitement, he imagined all the ways he could use them "Perhaps we can pay a little homage to your job." He said, glancing over at the unfinished arcade machine. "I think you'd appreciate that..."
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ur1us · 9 months
Assalamualaikum... hai.. bfttt.. agak nervous jga pertama mau nulis apa yang di pikirkan.. di otak atau malahan di hati (ehem... ciee mau curhat kali.. wakakakka). Ya ini pertama kali loh ya. tpi nggak kehitung yang posting di sosmed pribadi. kebanyakan waktu jaman bahola sering posting-posting di sosmed (ini mah.. kuran lbih isian postingannya mengumbar cinta monyet ahahahah .. ). Tapi kan itu dulu.. yak... masa masa kelabilan.. mengingat umur sekarang sudah mendekat kepala tilu (bahasa wanse).. apalagi sudah adanya buah cintaa.... hasil menanam di kebun.. pastilah perubahan itu kewajiban sesuai dengan sikon... Huah.. nggak tau nih kenapa tiba tiba pengen cerita disni.. tetiba aja inget ada temen yang buat juga postingan di tumblr. iseng iseng ikutlah.. (temen yang disnaan entah ngapaian,, atau sibuk apa dengan kegaiatnyaa. moga moga diberi kebahagaiaanya .. sehat ... ) ... Amiinnn.. haturnuhun saha.. atuh naon.. Sebenarnya dulu ada pernah sih suka nuliss.. sempat juga bikin cerita tpi ya itu.. hanya sesingkat-singkatnya. la wong cuman iseng pengen nulis... kalo dari pribadi mah sukanya membaca.. sedari kecil sudha suka membaca.. pokonya bahan certia dibaca.. yang dulu kalo masih sekolah baca buku pelajaran mungkin untuk anak sekolah bosein yak.. tpi bagiku suka membaca.. apalagi kaloa da ceritanya.. tentang tata surya.. tumbuh tumbuhan... agama.... nikmat membaca itu saat mau makan lah... sambil baca buku... weehh... tak terbanding rasanyaaa... ** tpi sekarang mah.. bukan buku yang temenin waktu makan.. HP... ya itu hp suka invasi kebiasaan orang.. dan satu lagi wkatu memabca yang sedap ya di toiolet ..waktu bab (.. dalam agama mah nggak boleh lama lama di toilet)... tapi klo di toilet itu tenang bawaannyaa.. hahahahha .... tpi sekarang bukan buku jga yang dibawa.. HP.. betul betul agresssor ini HP... Makanya sampe sekrang masih suka membaca buku.. ya.. walaupun sudah banyak beli buku tapi belum semua dibaca.. (**pasti ini kewajiban kalo lagi keluar kota ayng ada gramedia wajib beli buku minimal 1 lah)... itu bejibun buku di rumah udah di bikin lemari buatan sendiri .. ya walaupun reyot reyot sih.. mau ginana lagi hasil olah tanagn sendiri... wkakakak.. tpi lbih cukup bisa namopung smeua buku.. ini mah sudah penuh lemarinya.. penuh buku-buku... Baru 28% an lah buku di lemari itu kebaca.. Banyak beli buku tpi belum di baca.. *** Prinsip nomor satu.. beli buku dlu.. nanti di baca pas ada kesempatan **** ALamak... klo dulu ibu buku buku harian tidak terbakar.. bisa mi jadi bahan tulisan itu buku *dibakar sama nonya sekrang sih.. katanya kenangan akan masa lalu.. wah.... klo udah nyonya yang ne-burning bisa apa... yang penting nyonya bahagia... (**kebahagiaan para-para raja.. wakaawakak) iyaa dulu mah waktu masih pacaran istilahnyaa,, ada bikin buku harian yang nanti slaing tukar buku harian dan saling mengisi sama gebetan waktu itu.. 2 gebetan sih... jadi ada punya 2 atau 3 cerita buku harusnya.. isinya ya curhatan hari hari di buku.. jadi bida di bialgn itu buku adalah maha karya cerita dua insan menyatu .. ceileh.. hahaha SStt.. ini rahasia yak.. dari 3 orang gebetan tiga tiganya pasti saya buatkan puisi dengan tema masing-masing berbeda dengan perasaan yang ada saat itu... 3 orang itu sudah termasuk sama nyonya yang sekarang yaaa... tpi nggak tau smaa nyonya entah di simpanatau tidak itu puisi... yang 2 lagi.. nggak tau juga apakah masig tersimpan tidak... iyaaa dlu mah suka nulis puisi . yaaa.. walaupun pusi-pusisi curahan hati.. Kalo skarang mah udah terasa tumpul ini otak.. buat merangkai kata-kata.. nngak banyak referensi kata-kataa soalnya jarang baca buku sih.. Bismilah mula di giatkan lah buat nulis-nulis ini.. waduh udah banyak jga ini tulisan... sudah secuil tumpukan curahan yak tersampaikan... ahahahhahha oke deh.. byee.. lanjut esok
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piuyul · 11 months
Kita ada pada sebuah tujuan yang sama dan berangkat dengan kendaraan yang sama pula. Kereta eksekutif akan segera tiba di sebuah stasiun baru. Suara bel dengan pemberitahuan yang gemuruh tidak jelas.
Cepat sekali langkahmu, apakah kamu akan menungguku?
Sepatuku terjatuh pada lorong peron, apakah kamu akan bersabar menungguku dengan sepatu lengkap sehabis jatuh?
Kamu akan meninggalkan aku untuk menuju ke tujuan yang kamu inginkan? Bukankah kita satu tujuan?
Namun, nyatanya kamu meninggalkanku.
"Maaf, aku khawatir terlambat" begitu ucapanmu via telepon genggam.
"Oh iya, Sip." Jawabku.
"Bagaimana dengan aku?" Batinku.
Dari situ, aku cukup tahu sikapmu, tidak berkata apapun, hanya bisa memahami sebuah keadaan lebih dari cukup.
Pintas Cerita~
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karenlrworld · 11 months
el gte de SSTT me está pidiendo algo sobre lo que nunca me mencionó en su momento y mañana que regreso de vacaciones aprovechará para exhibirme frente al Director 🙁
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radarlampungtv · 1 year
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100 Juta Rupiah? Sstt.. Honor Dirut RSUDAM Masih Bisa Wah!
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sajak-bumi · 1 year
Ada-ada saja! Malam yang seharusnya hening, tentram serta mendukung untuk istirahat justru dipenuhi kagiatan yang tak menentu. Tak perlu kau tanyakan bagaimana keadanku, wajahku sudah menggambarkan jawabannya. Garis wajahku terlihat gamblang bagaimana aku menyikapi kondisi ini. Aku heran saja, bagaimana dirimu tetap bisa bertahan untuk terus mempertahankan pameran gigi itu sepanjang hari ini? Saranku, jika memang kau sudah terlalu jenuh sama seperti diriku. Tutup saja pamerannya. Jangan terlalu dipaksa. Sstt... Aku beri tahu sedikit rahasia! Semua yang hadir di sini, sudah mengintip topeng yang sedang kau kenakan! Menyerah saja, kau telah gagal teman. Cerita Sekolah - Dinni Mawaddah
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captainofthepearl · 1 year
Margaret and Beckett, test animation ballroom wip.
Clothes for Beckett:
The wig made by the history lover's sims
The outfit made by history lover's sims
Clothes for Margaret:
The hair made by SSTT
The costume made by SSTT
Ballroom dance mod
What's this, Do I take requests; to answer your question yes, I do.
How Do I request:
submit a scenario you wish to see, if you have certain dialogue, please feel free to submit that or feel free to mention you wish to see me improvise.
tell me the characters you wish to use in it.
I have an oc can I request that: of course, just give me a detailed description or send me a reference picture.
I won't be able to do Davy Jones nor Salazar in their monstrous forms however I can do their human forms,
Do you only just do Barbossa: no, I can do other characters only involved within the potc verse.
How long will it take: 2 days to a week depending on my schedule.
to submit please use the asks, Dm me or use submissions.
Go on, request away I don't bite.
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pelangixaviera · 1 year
" Sekian puisi dari Saya, terima kasih" PROK PROK PROK "Huaaa, bagus banget si kamu tadi Ela" Yep, namaKu Pelangi, biasa dipanggil Ela. Saat ini aku memasuki jenjang SMP, eh sudah mau berakhir maksudnya dan 2 minggu lagi akan ada pesta kelulusan hikz TvT dan...yang tidak boleh terlewatkan adalah sifatKu yang sangat barbar berbanding terbalik dengan sahabatKu yaitu Cristal yang sangat anggunly and slay~ "Yaiyalahhh, siapa dulu dong kalau bukan Pelangii" KataKu sambil menggeser kursi untuk duduk. "Itulah tadi penampilan terakhir untuk lomba puisi kali ini, jika ada salah ucap kata Saya mohon maaf. Peserta-peserta dipersilahkan keluar, terima kasih" Ucap kakak kelas yang menjadi panitia lomba. "Yuk, keluar Cris" AjakKu "Haduhh, gue kebelet nih. Gue duluan yakh, nanti ditempat biasa aja meja bundar di bawahh" Kata Cristal dengan muka yang kalian bisa bayangkan ^-^ "Yaampunn Criss..perasaan tadi loe udah ke WC dehh, ck ck ck" "Lah, tu anak jalan cepet amat dah. Tadi ama gue sekarang udah ngilang aja tu bocah" UcapKu kebingungan. TAP TAP TAP Entah dosa apa atau dendam apa, tibe-tibe tu tali sepatu guwe lepas, and loe pada dah bisa tebak apa yang terjadi setelahnya. "AKHH" BRUK "Awhh, ck..sakit bet dah, malunya g ketolong" Gumamku dengan suara g jelas "K-kamu gapapa? Ada yang sakit?" Seorang lelaki tiba-tiba menghampiriku dan bertanya dengan suara merdu but berdamage itu "E-eh...gapapa ka-kak.." Ucapku tersipu karna malu dan...ga ada xixixi Dia mengulurkan tangan untuk membantuku berdiri dan aku nerima-nerima aja, kata emak rejeki kaga boleh ditolak "M-makasih ya kak..." "Sama-sama, by the way...kenapa kamu manggil kakak? Pfftt, kita seumuran loh, apalagi kamu manggil kakak disaat kamu udah kelas 9? Kamu kan pasti jadi angkatan paling tua saat ini pfffttt. E-ehh, sorry-sorry guwe cuman gabisa tahan tawa aja...bukan maksud apa-apa" Lelaki itu berbicara sambil menggaruk kepalanya, ukhhh gemezz dehh "O-oh iya...ehehehe" SUMPAH AKU MALU BGT WOYY "Oh ya, kamu kan tadi yang puisi itu? Bagus banget lohh" "Makasi...oh iya-" "HEH, MINGGIR DONG KALIAN BERDUA JANGAN NGALANGIN JALAN. LAGIAN KECIL-KECIL GA BOLEH PACARAN!" "E-ehh, kami ga pacaran kak..." Ucapku malu dan aku sedikit melirik ke cowok itu. Muka lelaki itu merona seperti kepiting rebus pftt.. "YAUDAH JANGAN NGALANGIN JALAN" "E-ehh..maaf-maaf, aku pergi dulu ya
DAG DIG DUG DAG DIG DUG 'Perasaan apa ini?'
Akupun berlari menuju halaman sekolah, oh iya lupa aku sekolah di SMA Melati. Disini halamannya luasss banget kalau bisa pake pangkat dua dah, lalu ada tempat duduk yang berada dibawah pohon dengan meja bundar itulah tempat yang akan kutuju.
"Elaa, lama banget sihh...hmph" "Yak sorry, lagian juga gak lama-lama banget kan. Loe aja yang terlalu lebayyy" "Idihh, gue bawa kaca nih. Mo ngaca gak loe, ga nyadar ape diri dewek juga alayyy~" Ejek Cristal "Sstt sstt, daripada ributan gini ama loe lebih baik gue makannh syantikz" "Emm, bagi dongg Laa, ya ya ya. Gue lupa ga bawa uang ini" Ucap Cristal dengan mata memelas "Mau? Ada satu syarat, elo harus bilang tuan putri Ela, tolong bantu hambaMu ini yang sangat kelaparan" "IHHH, LOE MAH GA IKHLAS BANGET SIHHH" "Mau kaga? Klo ga rotinya gue makan nih" "Hmphh, ini karna terpaksa ya...Tuan putri Ela, tolong dong bantu hambaMu yang sangat kelaparann" "Gitu dong daritadi, nih ambil" "Y, mks" Jawab Cristal dengan tidak ikhlas "Hahaha,lucu banget si elo. Mau aja disuruh kek gitu" "Elo kan yang nyuruh bambang" Kata Cristal sambil memakan roti yang telah kuberi. "Eh, loe kenal gak ama cowok, kulitnya putih ,  pake kacamata?" "....LOE CUMAN NGASIH INFO KEK GITU KEK MANA NEMUIN DIA COBA. LEBIH SPESIFIK KEK! Elo juga ngapain nyari cowok segala..jangan-jangan..." "Yak, kalu be loe tau. Loe kan hampir ngenal semua orang yang ada di sekolah kita" "Ehemm, cie ciee..ada yang mulai suka nih. Uhuk uhuk" "EHHH, G-GAK KOK!!GUE CUMAN PENASARAN AJA. LAGIPULA LOE KAN TAU GUE GAK AKAN PERNAH MAU SUKA AMA COWOK SEKARANG" "Ihh, kok jawabnya gelagapan gitu sihh...cie ciee~tumbuh benih-benih cinta nihh"Goda Cristal "Ihhh, udahlah..dibilang juga aku GAK AKAN SUKA AMA SIAPAPUN DI SMA INII. TITIK" "Hihi, iya dehh~" "G-gue pulang dulu yak, nanti nyokap nyariin lagi" "Ehehe, iya dehh" "Byee bestiehh"
Aku berjalan kaki menuju rumahKu yang tak jauh dari sekolah, sambil termenung membayangkan sosok laki-laki yang menghampiriku. EH, INGET YA INI BUKAN SUKA TAPI PENASARANN!! BRUK "EHH, KALAU JALAN LIAT-LIAT DONG!"
Jujur yah...gw pny byk list cerita yg gw bikin tp takut gitu loh publish di wattpad gw TvT. Jadi yak...banyak kalimat nyeleneh jg yak, tp gafafa. Met mbaca zayangg
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Halo sobat mathsolv!
Tahukah kamu, menetapkan waktu belajar yang efektif akan membantu kamu menjadi lebih produktif, lho.
Nah,dengan memilih waktu belajar yang tepat, kamu jadi bisa lebih fokus dalam mengerjakan tugas apalagi tugas yang harus diseriusin seperti Matematika. Tapi, kalau kamu masih bingung memilih jam untuk belajar, Mimin punya rekomendasi jam belajar nih, yuk check it out!
Sstt, ada tips dari Mimin biar bisa efektif belajar matematika, cek slide sampai akhir ya!
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