#stabble's art
stabble · 25 days
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I think there should be more hype for Hades 2's Medea because she's everything to me
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randomguy1990 · 1 year
can I ask what website, and/or the prompts you put in to get such good emeto art?
No need to hide :p i use stabble diffusion.
Not just put the prompts and get good art though. I had to run a lot and discarded failed results. It's about 2% of results i feel ok, and then i do the last steps with photoshop to fix any remaining bugs.
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maimreddwhite · 1 year
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would like to share my art for @stabble 's wonderful fic that made me feel so many emotions wowowoowwwwwwwwwwwwww <33 link is in the comments. read now
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soubaim · 7 months
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daphne blake full body - Stabble Diffusion - artstyle art constructivist / artstyle art nouveau / artstyle art deco / ads luxury
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
4: Clinch
Summary: What Stryder would do to support his younger sister (Character-centric, probably doesn't make sense and isn't interesting but I wanted to convey how Stryder [Aria's older brother] feels even if it's just a little bit.)
On the topic of family: Stryder Vitali and Aria Vitali
Time period: post-Dragonsong War
941 words
AO3 ver.
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“How must it feel having such a talented younger sister and you are so...worthless.”
It wasn’t the first time that Stryder had heard such a statement thrown his way. Although he was the eldest of the Vitali siblings, he was always perceived as living in his sister’s shadow. With her talents spread across the seventeen soul crystals she bears—both Disciple of War and Magic alike—anyone would fall into the easy trap of comparing the siblings together.
Stryder wouldn’t deny the envy he felt towards Aria as they were growing up. It was true that their mother had paid more attention to his sister because of her early blooming in arcane magicks, but he understood the rationale behind it. After all, there is power that could easily go out of control if the talents aren’t honed, aren’t properly cultivated and left wild and rampant.
However, now that he’s had many years of life on his belt and has taken responsibility as head of their family’s name, he’s matured. He’s learned the reason why his younger sibling is so desperate to learn the martial arts across the entire star, for the role she had assumed with nary a choice was one that she shouldn’t have had to embrace in the first place. After all that they’ve experienced, there was even a time where he questioned what they had done to deserve such responsibilities, such pressure, such pain.
Such a sentiment was only exacerbated when he was witness to the way his sister had changed after Haurchefant had passed; the first Ishgardian that he had ever learned to trust.
Stryder remembered the change in his sister, the way her hope was snuffed out only to be replaced by a burning desire for vengeance that would have all consumed her. In fact, it almost did when she allowed herself to be baptized in the dark abyss of the Dark Knights and pulled nearly too much for her to come back from.
The elder Vitali knew, in the moment he realized what was going on, that he was at a crossroads. He had to make a decision; to be one of two versions of the elder brother that Aria needed—Aria, not the Warrior of Light.
It was a simple answer, really. One that he didn’t need too long to think.
He remembered the night he approached their grandfather, Naivont de Lukos, with his sister. How they both discussed the matter prior and came to a similar conclusion and how their grandsires turned them down. Harshly.
“An inept whelp such as you? Take the family name? Are you of the right mind?”
Stryder knew this mentality was to be expected, but he didn’t prepare for hell to be let loose from his sister’s mouth. It had been some time since he had heard the roguish accent from her; their late mother had beat it into them to speak with more clarity in their intonation. She was fire in all her grace and had given him something that he felt he had lost along the way: hope.
“How dare ya speak to Stryder like that!” Aria had shouted without reservation. “If ya swids think ya could stabble on my brother like that, ya better off stubblin’ and skulkin’ back into the dark! Seventh hell take all of ya!”
Aria then had grabbed him by the hand and dragged him all the way back to Fortemps manor to petition their surrogate father. Stryder remembered the passion she showed, the tears that escaped her eyes as she felt so deeply for her failure of a brother and how angry she was when he had said such a thing to her.
“You are not a failure!” she exclaimed. “You are Stryder Vitali. You are still a trueborn son of the Lukos family. You gave me faith when I could not bear to go on and you pushed me to be a better person. How many times must I tell you this before you realize that I would not be here if you were not by my side?”
The man’s eyes widened and he was taken back to the early days of their childhood. How his sister would rush to him when she was being bullied by the Lominsan children, when she would ask for advice in training, when she had accomplished a new feat and wanted to share it with him. In each moment, he heard her call his name with such love, with such respect and he began wondering why he had even contrived to doubt himself.
So, he turned to their father with determined eyes and a straight back.
“Father, allow me to become the heir to the Lukos name,” he insisted to Edmont. “Allow me the opportunity to support my sister in the ways only I could.”
Stryder remembered the way Edmont smiled so warmly at him, the same way that their birth father had smiled at him all those years ago.
“I have been waiting, my son,” Edmont answered.
From then on, he clinched the title and did exactly as he said he would. He supported his sister the best he could from his place. Whenever she would return to Ishgard for respite, he would always visit her at the Fortemps manor.
(He dared not urge her to move in with him at the Lukos estate. Ever since she had lashed out at their grandsire, the relations between the two had been awkward at best and volatile at worst.)
Whenever he did, she would welcome him in the same way she always had: with the brightest smile and the biggest heart.
He has never regretted his decision. 
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erinseason2 · 7 years
This Post Isn’t About Food! (I do mention Capri Suns once though ;)
I’ve been taking improv classes at the Groundlings and they make my heart swell up ten sizes. (I’m not being paid by Groundlings to promote them. And I’m not trying to aggressively promote ‘losing yourself to the craft of acting.’) What I am saying is that improv is a practice that gives me a space to do things that very little other spaces in life allow you to do (and alongside people with similar desires who have also paid a lot of money to join you!). For example, in class a few weeks ago we ran a scene that our instructor described as ‘A Home Depot porno.’ Tell me that’s not a dream of yours. I get to play so many characters and be a part of so many ~worlds~ that I never get to explore in real life. If I attemtped some of the things that I do on stage on a street corner I would be placed under a 5150 psychiatric hold. 
But improv is an ultra safe space. I’m in a class of 12 plus an instructor and in only 5 weeks I would trust fall on all of them. (Ok so I’d trust fall on a little over half of them. One of them is a small Ukranian woman and there’s no way she’d be able to handle my weight but that’s not her fault!) Below are some bullet points highlighting some things I really appreciate about improv:
You don’t have to be prepared. In fact, don’t be. Don’t you dare go into a scene thinking you know how it’s going to play out. It’s not going to play out the way you think it is so don’t bother trying to script the whole thing ahead of time.
You don’t have to be funny! Seriously. It’s the complete opposite of stand up, where if you don’t have a perfectly polished and original routine that has been mapped out according to a secret algorithm devised to get laughs, you have failed. Improv goes so much better when you are not trying at all to be funny. The situation will be hysterical all on its own if you are letting it unfold organically, driven by the harmony you’ve created with your partner. This harmony comes from listening to your partner and of course ‘yes, and-ing.’ (Google “‘yes, and’” improv.’ It’s foundational. Don’t have time to cover that in this post.)
Last week, we had a substitute instructor who has been teaching at Groundlings for 25 years and who was in the same class as Will Ferrell. I don’t even like Will Ferrell! But I loved this instructor. Oh my god was he good. And by “good” I mean he made me feel comfortable and he laughed during all my scenes and applauded me for “really committing” during a party for yogis scene where I did a full on headstand. Anyways, he delivered this one particularly incredible line when explaining why it is better to commit to the drama of a scene instead of trying to formulate a one liner. He said “improv is like a play where everyone forgot their lines.” BRB, getting that tattoo’d to my ribs. 
Most of you are probably asking by now, “what do I need to be good at improv?” (most of you probably aren’t, and I don’t feel like I’m entirely qualified to be answering this but to hell with it, I’m going to anyways.) All you need is a point of view, and a willingness to escape your ego driven self and commit. Do not go to improv with a plan to “hold back.” Just show up, ask yourself what your character would do/see/perceive (their POV) based on the suggestion you are given from audience or instructor, and work from your gut. Just do whatever you think a Jamaican person stocking dog food at Petsmart would do if that is what you have to work with. 
The people in my class make it the Wonka land that I’ve always dreamed of finding. On the first day I looked around and thought “great, I’ve been put with a bunch of weirdo amateurs. What was I thinking signing up for this.” Come to find out these are my soulmates. (I’m getting weepy. Haha jk. Haha not jk. Well, sort of jk.) These are great people. They were brave enough to shell out the cash to sign up for six weeks of performance art in LA. That’s a true hero. 
There’s always good snacks. I was blessed enough to be put in a group with a single mom of 3. Girl knows her snacks. Every week she brings in something for the class. Last week it was homemade baklava, the second week in it was salted almonds. Two weeks ago she had a cooler of Capri Suns!
You get smarter and sharper. Your brain has to listen and react quickly. There are some elements of mindfulness too in that you don’t have time to judge yourself. You have to stay ultra present. There’s so much science behind how important these kinds of mental breaks are. Look it up.
Back to Capri Suns! Remember Capri Suns? The innocence of stabbling that sharp little yellow straw into the tiny hole, and those first couple sips. I loved the way that aluminum bladder felt in my hand. And the gentleness that was required to cup it just right, in order to prevent spills. All your troubles seemed to float away when you’re sipping on a Capri Sun. Anyways, improv is the closest I’ve gotten to the childhood innocence experienced when drinking a Capri Sun. Enroll today!!!
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stabble · 2 months
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I miss them :(
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stabble · 6 months
So my yuri on ice obsession came back like it always does this time of year and
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Imagine an AU where all those lawyers are figure skaters instead of lawyers.
And competitive skating holds the same kind of weight and corruption that law does in the ace attorney world. Imagine Phoenix becoming a figure skater to help out Edgeworth, who was adopted into the Von Karma family. Who are rumored to pay off judges, blackmail competitors, basically any underhanded tactic to achieve perfect scores.
Miles Edgeworth "Demon of the Ice". Who has never not placed gold at any meet.
Phoenix grew up skating with him as a kid. He doesn't see that joy in his eyes anymore, and wants to help him.
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There's a lot I can still do with this. All the crazy stuff in ace attorney still would be around. There would still be a TON of murder and extortion and other shenanigans.
Maya plays the Pink Princess in Steel Samurai on Ice. Klavier Gavin is a skating sensation who writes all his own music. Troupe Gramarye on Ice
Would you read an ace attorney figure skating au because I'm THIS close to writing it
Thanks for looking at my crazy ramblings
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stabble · 1 month
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Family photo
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stabble · 1 year
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I am in love with Purah. that is all
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stabble · 10 months
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The ace attorney fandom needs to think more about Mia Fey. Think about her going off to college after being sheltered for her entire life, after practically raising her sister for six years. About all the issues she had to come to terms with, realizing Kurain was not perfect and it in fact motivated her mother's abandonment.
And also think about her hot, intellectually attractive friend
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stabble · 1 year
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Omg Captain Jay Ferin from hit show Just Roll With It Riptide?? Beat me up rn
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stabble · 11 months
episode 53 made me dissolve into floor goo
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Love how fast Gil bounces back tho gotta love the guy
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stabble · 1 year
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Forgot to post my mineymay propaganda here
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stabble · 1 year
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Fellas is it gay to open-mouth kiss your homie to open a magic door?
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stabble · 8 days
Hey gang, I'm updating my commission info, so if that's something you're interested in take a peek!
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Reblogs super appreciated and all that jazz! I am a poor poor college student and would love some extra money.
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