#standard solar panel size
aelfheimerandrobots · 2 months
Sims au: Old Helex, Castle Heights, Old Dreadnaught Castle| Overlord
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Brought to you by popular demand we are now featuring a tour of the infamous, Dreadnaught Castle! This castle has gone by many names over the centuries and certainly has a reputation of a sort but it's current owner has certainly done quite a deal to turn this crumbling old fortress into a magnificent mansion! Now this tour may take us awhile ( a reblog or two) due to its sheer size, but don't let that deter you! This masterpiece is worth the long walk! Should you survive ....
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Rather than a street view look we'll start this tour with an aerial shot of this sprawling estate. From it's magnificent front towers to it's beautiful gardens and lovely private pool this mansion features of plenty modern touches to bring the crumbling relic up to our contemporary standards. With solar panels galore, on-site farming, rain capture water heaters, and natural springs this space does it's best to erase whatever carbon footprint it might take to keep this place up and running. And the incredibly manicured gardens surely- wait...do those trees look...phallic to anyone else?
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*ahem* Yes, well, phalic nature of the tree-lined exterior approach aside, the gardens are excellently maintained and offer lovely moments of picturesque splendor in this quaint countryside. And what a front walk this makes for! With a romantic fountain, iron lampposts, and an expansive patio with elegant architecture this space certainly holds to higher standard of elegance and atmosphere.
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Continuing our tour of the grounds, we'll be starting with the southern garden path. This lovely pathway beckons us in with a fantastical archway and leads down an ancient but lovingly restored path to the Castle's growing fields. While not terribly expansive this section of the grounds do offer horribly fertile ground to grow grapes for the ground's famous in-house wine. I'm told that most of the manor's food needs can also be supplemented from these fields and offer a lovely tableau for the grilling and picnicking area adjacent to the fields. This outdoor rest area looks out perfectly over the estate's expansive pond, which we will happily explore next!
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This large pond can be easily accessed via the posterior entrance to the estate grounds as well as from the Castle directly. The Castle entrance here leads from the ground-floor laundry and storage area directly onto this waterway and it's lovely collection of flora and fauna. With romantic archways and grottoes reserved for enjoying the beauty of nature one can hardly blame Overlord, the current owner, from doing his best to stock the pond with local wildlife. Why there's a lovely pair of swans who- Is that an Alligator? No not the log, the thing next to the log. I saw it move! I did! Right there! I- ugh... okay fine. Let's move on to finish the tour of the grounds.
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This long back walk opens toward the road leading to the estate and back out to the road, allowing access to staff and guests alike from the rear should they not wish to traverse the long drive to the front entrance of the estate. Though, I'm told it's bad manners to approach the estate in this manner. The walk is lined with lovely memorials to beloved pets who once walked these grounds and opens up to the west side of the grounds which feature a historical graveyard that has largely been overtaken by native plant growth, now cut back and cultivated to reveal more of the old facade. How odd though that some of those graves seem freshly dug. Also why is there a giant bonfire located near the gravesite? Hm. Yes well, moving on. The West end of the grounds also feature some ruins from the old castle which have been left intact for posterity but removed from the castle proper due to their crumbling nature and state of disrepair. And with the grounds wrapped up, let's head on inside for the rest of the tour!
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We enter on the ground floor into the lovely foyer which features many of the estates modernized furniture while also highlighting the eras that have come before. Particularly the nineteen twenties which saw quite a bit of activity for the Castle! With lovely art deco revival pieces and stately vintage furniture to highlight updated facades and restored architecture, this foyer feels grand and welcoming. The water feature in particular is quite lovely and an amazing statement piece! Huh, that vase...is that really an urn? Hm. I'm sure I must just be mistaking it for a funeral urn, that's all. Shall we move on?
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Heading into the hallway on the right we've entered into a stately passageway that features some lovely modern art pieces as well as a bit of industrial storage while still providing access to the safety measures included in the castle to protect the owner's vast investment into this home.
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Heading into the door on the right and we've entered into the ground floor office space. This cozy den has plenty of charm and really highlights the use of industrial, art deco, and luxury inspired pieces to create a cohesive and good-looking environment. The office's private bathroom also features lovely tile work that manages to avoid feeling cramped thanks to the vaulted ceilings and large mirror. Just around the corner from the couch is the first set of stairs on the east end of the castle, which will eventually become the east tower. Ah and I see we've included a few antique taxidermy pieces. What a...lovely vulture skull. Oh and a preserved cow-plant! How...unsettling beautiful. Erm, let's just head on out shall we?
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We'll head next into the door at the end of the hall which leads us into the ground-floor laundry which has access to both the exterior grounds as well as the pool deck and patio space! The laundry itself is serviceable and feels charming with much of the original stonework and infrastructure remaining intact. And with this room we'll go ahead and take a break before returning to our impressive tour!
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ozzni · 8 months
In Stellaris, you've got a few resources to use, all of which are denoted in units of unspecified size. This makes sense, because there's no way you know how much alien food weighs, and consumer goods can be any number of things, given they're spent for pop upkeep, research points, unity, and amenities. But then there's the Energy Credit. it's the standard currency of the game, like gold coins or dollars, but instead of being dug out of the ground or printed out of a machine, energy credits are made with solar panels and energy generators.
I can fully accept that electricity is just the standard currency across the galaxy, but then I wonder... how much is one energy credit? is it a currency so valuable that only the empires of the galaxy and massive quadrillion-dollar companies can afford to use it, or is it relatively inexpensive, analogous to maybe 50$ each? Is the galactic market just a gigantic battery with a computer attached to it that empires throw resources around while occasionally charging up the imperial battery reserves on it? Electricity is just such a pre defined resource that I really want to know exactly what an energy credit is. how long after the market's establishment do the empires of the galaxy take to start pegging their own currency onto the energy credit? if a galactic imperium is declared, is the energy credit pegged to the currency of the Imperial Core? do the empires of the galaxy run actual electrical wires through hyperlanes to facilitate trade? how many watts are in an energy credit?
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the-helixverse · 9 months
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Orbiting Alpha Centauri B, Harvest, as it's colloquially known, was humanity's first foray into both paraterraforming of an entire world and the first attempt at large-scale agriculture outside the Solar System.
A small world in orbit around the K-type star, roughly halfway between Earth and Mars in size, Harvest was originally a barren rock with no water, no life and a thin atmosphere of toxic gases. The world was initially mined for minerals, but then a new project was considered thanks to its close proximity to its parent star.
This involved the creation of a worldhouse, an huge translucent sphere situated just above the Kármán line, which would serve to control the planet's temperature, shield the surface from cosmic radiation and provide a base of operations for the project.
Enclosed within this sphere, the planet's surface was mechanically eroded using lasers and grinders, creating soil that could then be infused with nutrients, while the atmosphere was artificially introduced using material from comets and nearby gas giants. The panels of the worldhouse can be lightened or shaded at will to encourage the development of wind and regulation of temperature, while clouds could be seeded to produce rains where they were needed.
Once this initial layer of topsoil was established, farming began on a massive scale. Within a few decades, the entire surface of Harvest became home to fields of crops, many of which are larger than whole countries back on Earth. These not only include food crops, but material ones such as cotton and medicinal ones such as willow.
Beneath the surface, vast cave systems are also home to farms of edible fungi and deeper flooded ones engaging in aquaponics. Harvest was designed as a self-contained testing ground for horticulture and agriculture, with many experiments visible from orbit.
The planet's equator is dominated by a large black belt, which may be mistaken for fire damage or even a body of water, but is actually a series of plants modified to produce black leaves and capture 99% of the light produced by the star. Seeds grown here have been sent to Proxima Centauri to see if they can grow under a red dwarf.
Harvest is sparsely populated by planetary standards, with less than 50 million residents both on the surface and in the worldhouse stations. Most of those on the surface either live in stationary communities resembling small farming towns on Earth or in mobile towns resting on enormous harvesters that run on Haber-Bosch reactors producing fertilizer for the fields. Settlements are never far from the space elevators tethering the worldhouse to the surface.
While many might view Harvest as a paradise, the planet's leadership is infamously strict. Because the biosphere is entirely artificial, as the world lacks any tectonics or water cycle, very few risks are allowed and unwelcome visitors are turned away. Should a serious threat arise, natural or artificial, the worldhouse is equipped with defensive lasers.
Anyone who wishes to visit Harvest must complete a long questionnaire, submit to thorough screening and are committed to 24-Earth month-long contracts. Of course, between the assistance from robots and high-quality medical care, it's not nearly as backbreaking as some might believe. Most who do work or settle there are people who prefer the quieter life and prefer to get their hands dirty.
Despite the strict regulations, Harvest is frequently visited by ships who seek to use the worldhouse's mass drivers for some extra acceleration to their destination. They're often given complimentary foodstuffs before being sent on their way.
With trillions of bushels of apples, grain bins, bales of hay, and countless billions of other crops produced every year, there's plenty to go around.
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damonsabatini · 2 years
What You Should Know About Shipping Container Homes
Before purchasing a shipping container house, you must be aware of various factors. Among them are structural concerns, insulation, modifications, expenses, and other factors. Shipping container homes are an excellent method to repurpose used shipping containers. They may be rather costly to build.
There are several things you should know if you want to create a shipping container house. Some of the most prevalent issues are structural. It is also critical to locate a reputable contractor to assist with the building.
The majority of shipping containers are composed of steel, which is a long-lasting material. It does, however, expand less than wood. That is, it does not have the same structural stability as wood. Steel, fortunately, is readily mended and patched.
Your local municipal planning agency may offer information about container dwellings depending on where you reside. This information might help you assess whether you can build a container house.
Building codes for container dwellings are still required in many areas. This can make building one difficult. You'll also need to choose a good place for your container house.
Insulation materials for shipping container homes come in a variety of styles. It is critical to select the ideal one for your requirements. This is affected by the climate and location.
If you reside in a hot environment, for example, you should invest in a heated insulating material. However, if you live in a chilly climate, you may want a more relaxed style. The materials you select will also differ based on the sort of container you have. It is possible that you may need to insulate both the inside and outside.
Spray foam is the most often used material for this purpose. Although it is pricey, it offers enough insulation. It not only acts as a vapour barrier, but it also prevents condensation from developing.
Insulation panels are another common choice. These are lightweight and simple to install. They may be sculpted and sliced. You will, however, need to make some room inside the walls for them. Another possibility is closed-cell spray insulation. Spray foam is more costly than other types of insulation. Nonetheless, it is a good choice for humid areas.
Many individuals have started converting cargo containers into houses and workplaces. These alterations are frequently tasteful and appealing. They provide individuals with a secure, low-cost option to live in areas where there is insufficient infrastructure to sustain traditional dwellings.
Modifications might range from constructing a new roof to installing windows. Building a container home might take several weeks or months. To begin, you must secure permission from your local government. This is a legal obligation that will save you money and time.
Shipping containers may also be used to create schools and first-aid facilities. These are ideal for youngsters who require temporary accommodations. More individuals are swapping cargo containers as the economy improves and the building sector expands. They are less costly and easier to install than standard building materials.
Add windows, doors, HVAC systems, and solar panels to personalize your container. These changes can drastically alter the look of your cargo container. You may also cut energy use by adding insulation.
If you want to save money on your home, shipping container homes are a good solution. They may be made in a variety of forms, sizes, and patterns. However, they are only sometimes inexpensive. Prices vary depending on the size, style, and location of the home.
If you want to create your own shipping container home, you must prepare ahead of time. Your local government will need you to get a building permit. A contractor will also be required to create the rooftop. This will necessitate the installation of power and other services.
You will also need to install windows and doors. Your container house will sparkle with a few tiny, high-quality touches. You may be able to create a small shipping container home for as low as $20,000, depending on your budget and the amount of work you want to perform. A more sophisticated home, on the other hand, may necessitate the hiring of a professional contractor.
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bracedfangirl · 2 years
Albeit a bit late here's my ninjago worldbuilding hcs collection as promised:
The reason we only hear the characters of ninjago speak one language is because the language of the ninjagan humans is a common language, sorta like in Lord of the rings.
As such there are a bunch of other languages present on the continent. Each serpentine tribe has a different language (albeit they're related languages, with distances like english to swedish at most), Shintarans have their own language, Merlopians have their own language and Metalonians also have their own language which is distantly related to standard ninjagan (think spanish to russian distance)
Given that Metalonians are shown with lots of viking elements, I'll be picking their sound bank from a nordic language
And then... There's my custom little nation, the Drassulians. Drassul is just name of their capital city, and they call themselves "Gazar". They're known in various names across the continent: Drassulian (ninjagan); Dragazer (shintaran, comes from "Drassulian gazar"); Göser (metalonian); Gizer/Gezer (in the serpentine languages) and Gussur (merlopian)
The Drassulians are horse nomads (the main reason the ninjagans named them after a city... It was their only major permanent settlement for centuries, and started as a fortress), and in some rural areas people still live in yurts (albeit richer sheperds have gotten their hands on sattelite tv, phones and solar panels). They have sporadic small permanent villages where farmers live, and quite some cities of varying sizes, all having developed from former fortresses (the word for city in their language means something like "place with a fortress")
Their language is not related to any major languages in Ninjago, their only relations were found with tribes in the icy north. They write with a runic script, read right to left.
They're constructed from 5 different major tribes (technically 6, as one tribe is a combination of two smaller ones), and the tribe named gazar is the leading tribe, and they give the monarch (something similar to a great khan I guess? English doesn't have a word for it).
And here comes the interesting part. Drassul as in this country of nomads was annexed by Ninjago back when the emperor was young. There was a cursed ghost attack on the capital about 5 years after the serpentine war, and the monarch at the time died during the fighting, and the ninjagan emperor exploited this, because the khan had a daughter who was too young to rule and had to flee... No one knows what happened to her...
Now, in my headcanons...
Misako is that daughter
(And before you guys ask, yes I kinda based Drassulians on ancient hungarians cause well... When you're creating a fantasy culture it's always the easiest to use your ancestors and related cultures... It was just convenient... Plus hungarians are barely ever the bases of fantasy cultures so why the hell not)
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tubetrading · 1 year
ERW Pipes in Solar Panel Mounting Systems: Design, Benefits, and Installation Techniques
As the world continues its shift towards renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a prominent player in the quest for sustainable electricity generation. Solar panels, with their ability to harness the abundant energy of the sun, have become a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.  However, the successful installation and longevity of solar panels heavily rely on the quality and durability of the supporting structures. One crucial component in solar panel mounting systems is ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) pipes.  Let's explore the design, benefits, and installation techniques associated with ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. – an excellent ERW Pipe distributor in Gujarat, concerning solar panel mounting systems.
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ERW pipes, supplied by Tube Trading Co., a leading ERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, are widely used in solar panel mounting systems due to their excellent structural properties and affordability.  These pipes are manufactured using the electric resistance welding process, which involves passing a current through the edges of a steel strip, heating it to the point of fusion, and forming a continuous weld.  This welding technique ensures a strong bond between the edges, resulting in pipes that are highly resistant to deformation and corrosion. 
One of the primary design considerations for ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. – a renowned ERW pipe provider in Gujarat for solar panel mounting systems, is their load-bearing capacity.  Solar panels are exposed to various forces such as wind, snow, and the weight of the panels themselves.  ERW pipes, with their inherent strength and structural integrity, provide reliable support for the panels, ensuring stability and longevity. The quality ERW pipes supplied by Tube Trading Co. undergo stringent quality checks and comply with industry standards, making them a trusted choice for solar panel mounting systems. 
The benefits of using ERW pipes in solar panel mounting systems: 
The benefits associated with using ERW pipes in solar panel mounting systems, listed by Tube Trading Co. – a reliable ERW Pipe distributor in Gujarat are as below; 
●       Strength and Durability:  ERW pipes are known for their high strength and durability.  They are capable of withstanding various external forces such as wind, snow, and the weight of solar panels.  This strength ensures the stability and longevity of the mounting structures, providing a secure foundation for the solar panels. 
●       Corrosion Resistance:  ERW pipes are manufactured with protective coatings and finishes that make them highly resistant to corrosion.  This is particularly important in solar panel mounting systems, as they are exposed to outdoor elements for long periods.  The corrosion resistance of ERW pipes helps maintain their structural integrity over time, reducing maintenance requirements and extending their lifespan. 
●       Flexibility in Design:  ERW pipes are available in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses, offering flexibility in design.  This allows for customized mounting structures tailored to specific project requirements.  Whether it's a residential rooftop installation or a large-scale solar farm, ERW pipes can be easily adapted to different layouts and configurations. 
●       Lightweight and Easy Installation:  ERW pipes are relatively lightweight compared to other materials commonly used in solar panel mounting systems, such as structural steel.  It, being lightweight, simplifies the installation process, reduces labour costs, and saves time without compromising on structural integrity. 
●       Cost-Effectiveness:  ERW pipes are an affordable option for solar panel mounting systems.  They are cost-effective compared to materials like stainless steel or aluminium while providing comparable strength and durability.  This makes them an attractive choice, especially for large-scale solar installations, where cost considerations are crucial. 
●       Availability and Supply:  As an ERW pipe distributor, supplier, and provider in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co. ensures the availability of high-quality ERW pipes for solar panel mounting systems.  Their expertise in the industry and reliable supply chain ensure that customers have access to the required ERW pipes to meet project timelines and specifications. 
Installation techniques: 
Installation techniques play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and reliability of solar panel mounting systems.  When using ERW pipes, it is essential to follow proper installation practices.  Firstly, the pipes must be accurately cut and measured to achieve the desired dimensions and angles.  Tube Trading Co., being an experienced ERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, can provide pipes that are pre-cut to specific lengths, simplifying the installation process.  Next, the pipes should be securely anchored to the ground or supporting structures using appropriate clamps or brackets.  This ensures that the panels remain firmly in place, even during extreme weather conditions. 
Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of solar panel mounting systems.  While ERW pipes are inherently resistant to corrosion, periodic inspection and cleaning are recommended.  Any signs of damage or wear should be promptly addressed to prevent structural issues and ensure optimal performance. 
Final Thoughts: 
ERW pipes are an essential component of solar panel mounting systems.  Tube Trading Co., as a reputable ERW pipe provider in Gujarat, offers high-quality pipes that meet the structural requirements of solar panel installations.  With their excellent load-bearing capacity, flexibility in design, lightweight nature, and affordability, ERW pipes provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for mounting solar panels.  By following proper installation techniques and conducting regular maintenance, solar panel systems utilizing ERW pipes can achieve long-lasting performance and contribute to the sustainable energy transition.
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I don't think people fully appreciate the scope of Doctor Emmitt Brown's genius. For the sake of this discussion, we are going to put aside any sort of "it's only a movie" or "that's not how physics works" argument and just calculate the numbers and provide comparisons.
The Delorean time machine in the first film required a total of 1.21 gigawatts of power to activate the flux capacitor--which as we all know is what makes time travel possible. He is able to produce that 1.21 gigawatts by using an on-board plutonium reactor.
Let's break down how insane that is.
First of all--that on-board plutonium reactor. Doc Brown built a plutonium reactor small enough to fit on a car and not overburden it such that the vehicle could still hit 90-100 without any real difficulty, if given enough stretch of road (we're ruling out its presence in the retrofitted version that could fly, because by that point, Doc Brown had it retrofitted with a Mr. Fusion household reactor). By current standards, fission reactors are massive, heavy, and require extraordinary safety systems to prevent meltdowns, run-away reactions, mediators, etc. in order to maintain a CONTROLLED reaction. Usually this is by way of heating up water into steam. That steam moves through a heat exchanger that heats up MORE water, which again becomes steam. That second production of steam turns a turbine to generate electricity. Why do they heat water twice? Because the steam produced through direct contact with the nuclear pile becomes radioactive. By using that radioactive steam to generate more steam in a separate, isolated system ensures that whatever steam comes into contact with the turbine is not irradiated. It's a safety measure--and possibly a means of providing a gap between when the reactor ramps up and down and energy generation.
Doc Brown's reactor is far too small to use a water-based heat exchange system to turn a turbine. He must have developed some system that turns the heat--and possibly even the actual radiation--directly into electricity, much like an RTG, a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (it should be noted that an RTG only works with the heat generated, the radiation itself is contained and in no way contributes to production of electricity, the nuclear decay is what creates the heat, that in turn is used to make electricity). NASA has used these before to power various missions into deep space. Curiosity and Perseverance both use RTG's for power rather than solar panels. New Horizons--the probe that gave us our first true images of Pluto--is powered by an RTG. Every spacecraft that has been sent on a course out of the solar system was powered by an RTG of some design or another. The Martian talks extensively about this technology. Doc Brown has built something similar, and it's small enough to fit inside a car--a sports car no less.
Let's talk about the fuel for that RTG style reactor. In the film, we see a 'plutonium rod' which appears as a vial of clear red liquid suspended in a larger container of clear, colorless liquid. No doubt that is some sort of mediator or shielding substance to help contain the radiation or keep the rod relatively cool. It isn't until the vial is accepted into the Delorean that Doc Brown says that it's safe enough to remove the radiation protection. Based on the size of that vial--assuming it's about 1 cm in diameter, and about 12 cm long, we can assume a volume of 9.42 cc (cubic centimeters). Given that volume and the known density of plutonium (19.84 grams per cubic centimeter), we're looking at about 187 grams, less than a quarter of a kilogram of plutonium. Yes, I know, plutonium is actually a grey metal, usually in solid form, not liquid, and not red. The way it appears on film is just for show. It plays better to the camera. If we give Doc Brown the benefit of the doubt and just say that the entire vial of red is pure plutonium, then he's powering his flux capacitor with approximately three quarters of a kilogram of the substance.
The RTG's that power Voyager 1 and 2 contains 4.8 kg of plutonium-238 dioxide, and generates about 157 watts of electrical power. When they were first manufactured, they produced about 2400 watts of thermal power. The RTG's that power Curiosity, Perseverance, and New Horizons have similar production capabilities. An RTG produces a substantial amount of heat that gets dumped, unable to be converted to electricity. On a vehicle like Voyager or Curiosity, that excess heat is used to keep the electronics warm. The Delorean doesn't have such concerns. Not only that, but 2400 watts--2.4 kilowatts--is a far cry from the 1.21 gigawatts the flux capacitor needs to enable time travel, six orders of magnitude less energy. What's more, the RTG contains substantially more plutonium than what we see inserted into the Delorean.
What does it take to generate that 1.21 gigawatts of power? You need a nuclear power station with a large fission reactor. That reactor can produce one gigawatt of power over the course of an entire year, producing about 25 metric tons of waste, up to about 290 kilograms of which is plutonium. 290 kilograms of plutonium versus 187 grams, that's three orders of magnitude greater than what is in the Delorean. Not only that, but Doc Brown's reactor is able to immediately extract all the energy from its fuel with extraordinary efficiency.
In the span of only a few minutes at most, Doc Brown's reactor is able to take 187 grams of plutonium and convert it DIRECTLY into substantially more electrical energy than a full size plutonium reactor from a nuclear power station can produce in a year with 1,550 times more fuel--all in an apparatus small enough to fit inside a car without encumbering it.
Perhaps, after the events of the third film, and Doc Brown is declared missing and presumed dead, the state begins going through his belongings, where they find the specifications for his hyper-efficient reactor and that gives rise to the kinds of power generation needed to perform high-energy particle experiments needed to expand humanity's understanding of science. That in turn could have given rise to the technology necessary for the creation of hover conversion systems for cars, hover boards, and even Mr. Fusion.
Doc Brown is a freaking GENIUS!!
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certifiedsolar · 2 years
Solar Power for Homes and Businesses on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast is one of Australia's leading solar power locations, with over 30% of homes on the Gold Coast already using solar panels. This solar penetration rate is driven by the abundance of sunshine, low system installation prices and substantial federal government solar incentives.
6.6kW Solar Systems for Homes on the Gold Coast
If you're looking for a solar Gold Coast system for your home on the Gold Coast that will give you maximum potential and help you to claim 33% more than the standard 5kW government solar rebate, then consider a 6.6kW system. These typically come with 20 x 330W solar panels and a 5kW inverter - meaning they'll be able to produce more power when there's less sun than the standard systems.
Battery Energy Storage for the Gold Coast
With a battery in conjunction with your solar system, you'll be able to make the most of your rooftop-generated power and reduce your mains grid electricity consumption by up to 80%! Batteries can also be used to store solar energy for use at a later date or provide backup power in case of blackout.
Solar Pitch for the Gold Coast
There are many factors that affect how much solar power a system will actually produce on the Gold Coast. The kW rating is important, but the actual usable production of a solar power system is often determined by the positioning of the panels and whether or not it has been optimised for winter.
Panels facing South of East or West will lose most of the solar power they capture in winter. So if you want to maximise the efficiency of your Gold Coast solar power system then be sure it's installed at an optimal pitch, due North.
The best way to achieve this is to get your solar panels installed at the lowest angle possible, which means lying them flat against the roof without changing the angle. This will save you time, money and effort in the long run.
If you don't have a roof at your property with a flat surface, then there are other ways to install solar panels on the Gold Coast, such as on the side of your home. These will be less expensive, but they won't look as neat and professional and are less effective at capturing sunlight.
Commercial solar solutions on the Gold Coast
Getting your business off the electricity grid is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, slash your electricity bill and minimise your reliance on the standard power grid. Having your own solar panels on your business premises will also reduce your overheads and protect you against future power price rises!
Commercial establishments can require higher sized systems for their power hungry equipment and we're proud to deliver this service on the Gold Coast. Our team of experienced installers can guide you through the process and ensure your solar installation is successful.
The Gold Coast is a fantastic location for solar panels, with a high level of sunshine and an environmentally conscious culture. The city is a great place to live, work and play - so why not get your solar panels installed now?
Certified Solar specializes in providing solar energy and energy storage system installations for commercial and residential projects. We transform our clients’ energy needs by helping them drastically reduce and eliminate their electricity bills, aiming for the maximum return on each investment.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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The Chinese spy balloon was shot down. Now the accusations have begun but doubts arose
The U.S. Air Force released more information about the slaughter of the Chinese balloon with the use of an AIM-9X missile.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/02/2023 - 12:26 In Military
When a Chinese spy balloon was shot down on the coast of the Carolinas on Saturday afternoon, F-22 fighters deflated a diplomatic crisis. USAF also released details of the slaughter
The balloon entered the continental United States on the eve of the canceled visit of Secretary of State Antony Blinken to China. Despite China's insistence that it was a civilian weather balloon and the expression of "regret", the U.S. Departments of Defense and State quickly confirmed that it was a surveillance balloon and a violation of international law. China is undermining the rule-based international order - and does not want to admit it. To reassure an anxious public and maintain a high diplomatic position, the United States should emphasize how China is undermining the international legal order that the United States seeks to protect.
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Nations have been using balloons for intelligence and surveillance purposes since the 18th century. They were a popular method of collecting information during the American Civil War. Today's high-altitude balloons (HABs) offer a much cheaper method for collecting information than space satellites. The United States has employed HABs during recent military exercises to raise awareness of maritime dominance and identify potential threats - in full compliance with international law and the permission of foreign nation-states.
Listen to the audio of the F-22 pilots with the callsign FRANK01 and FRANK02 who shot down the balloon on Saturday afternoon. The balloon fell about six miles from the coast about 16 meters deep. No one was hurt. The F-15 Eagles flying from Barnes National Air Guard Base, Massachusetts, supported the F-22, as well as replenishers from several states, including Oregon, Montana, South Carolina and North Carolina.
See in high definition the moment the missile kills the Chinese balloon. An F-22 Raptor from the 1st Fighter Wing of Langley Air Base, Virginia, fired an AIM-9X Sidewinder missile at the balloon. The F-22 fired the Sidewinder against the balloon at an altitude of 58,000 feet. The balloon at the time was between 60,000 and 65,000 feet.
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China's HAB initially entered U.S. airspace over Alaska, left for Canada and re-entered near Idaho before being located by civilians over Montana on Thursday night. It seemed to be equipped with solar panels and controlled by radio. His belly containing his equipment was the size of three school buses. It is not yet clear if the balloon was controlled or simply moved with the wind.
China unequivocally violated international law by sending a spy balloon to U.S. airspace without the express permission of the United States. China - along with all recognized states in the world - is part of the International Civil Aviation Organization and is a signatory to its underlying treaty, known as the "Chicago Convention". ICAO is the international organization that creates and monitors international civil aviation standards. Each new standard is negotiated by the states and then adopted by the ICAO as part of an Annex to the Convention. Maintaining these standards is crucial to keeping international travel and trade safe for the citizens of the world. Anyone who has been on a plane was kept safe by these critical international laws.
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Legally, balloons are aircraft and are subject to the same requirements as other aircraft - even when operating at high altitudes. Each state has exclusive sovereignty of airspace above its territory. States do not agree with the exact altitude where airspace ends, but all proposals for demarcation of the sovereign airspace of outer space begin at significantly higher altitudes than those in which HABs operate. The ICAO Convention prohibits foreign military aircraft from flying over the territory of another state without express authorization by special agreement or otherwise. According to U.S. law, such authorization would have to come from the Secretary of State. Other remotely piloted aircraft - including balloons - cannot be operated in the territory of another state without the express authorization of that state. Civilian unmanned free balloons must follow the same rules - with one important exception. Light balloons used exclusively for meteorological purposes and operated in the manner prescribed by the competent authority are not subject to the same rules. This is the probable reason why China invented its " meteorological balloon" lie: it is the only chance it has to claim that it behaves in "strict compliance with international law".
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Even if the Chinese balloon deviated from the course, according to international standards, China should have exercised due consideration when warning the United States that its balloon had entered U.S. airspace. If the balloon dipped below 60,000 feet at any point, it would be subject to additional international safety standards, including the requirement to be lit at night.
China's lie will completely empty in the coming days, as the Pentagon learns everything it can from the wreckage of the balloon. Many questions will probably remain. Was the balloon controlled by the People's Republic of China while flying over the U.S. sovereign airspace? Wasn't there really no place between Alaska and the Carolinas where the Pentagon could shoot down the balloon safely? Did China send the balloon to coincide with Secretary Blinken's planned visit? How did a balloon enter U.S. airspace undetected? Why was the public not notified when the balloon was initially sighted in Alaska? If the balloon disrupted U.S. airspace over Montana and the fall interrupted it over the Carolinas, are current international standards enough to keep the population safe? Could such a balloon be armed next time, like the Japanese balloons responsible for the only deaths of civilians on United States continental soil during World War II - attacks that the United States government covered up for years?
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Mysterious balloon seen in Japan in June 2020.
If China intentionally sent a test balloon when it did, its tactics are reminiscent of the use of laws elsewhere: exploiting U.S. law compliance to promote its own strategic goals. The spy balloon has put the military in a difficult situation: bring it down and risk civilian casualties on American soil, or leave it in the sky and risk lost information and political consequences. To the Chinese people (and American politicians who prefer to politicize threats to national security instead of facing them), China can say that it sent a spy balloon to the United States and the U.S. did nothing about it. If Secretary Blinken appeared, he would have come from a position of weakness perceived by the Chinese (probably reinforced by selfish American politicians). If he canceled, China could blame him for it.
The United States must neutralize this message. In other arenas, the U.S. has been timid in denouncing China for its violations of international law. Here, the United States should not hesitate to own its airspace. It must condemn China's actions and seek any available legal solutions. In addition, it should clearly explain to the American people why they chose not to take down the balloon, emphasize that it has taken appropriate measures to mitigate China's intelligence collection and ensure that future balloon incursions are stopped or mitigated. While U.S.-China tensions remain inflated, the U.S. must ensure that this balloon bursts with the right message.
Source: With information from Forbes
Tags: Military AviationBalloonsChinaF-22 RaptorUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Why You Should Consider a Commercial Solar Panel
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If you are looking to build a new home or add a structure to your existing home, then it might be worthwhile to consider a commercial solar panel. They are a great way to get clean, renewable energy into your home, and can also save you money. In addition, many states offer a Clean Energy Credit, which can make your project even more affordable.
The costs of commercial solar panels have dropped dramatically over the past decade. As a result, many businesses of all sizes are taking advantage of the financial opportunities presented by this type of technology. In some cases, businesses may qualify for tax relief.
The federal government offers a 30% investment tax credit for installing a solar panel system. This rebate can lower the initial cost by up to $20,000 for some businesses. However, this credit will be stepped down after the year 2019.
Another federal program, the Clean Energy Credit, is another way to reduce the costs of installing a solar panel. The credit is equal to 30 percent of the total cost of the solar panel.
In addition to the federal incentives, local utility providers also offer rebate programs for renewable energy technology. The savings generated by a solar system can vary by state, but in general, a commercial system will pay for itself within six years.
When choosing solar panels for a commercial or residential property, it's important to find the most efficient model for your needs. This will help you maximize your energy use and reduce your costs. There are many factors that affect panel efficiency, including the type of cell and the number of cells.
Higher efficiency panels are designed to generate more electricity per square foot. They are also perfect for roofs with limited space. If you need to install a large amount of panels, you may be able to get more for your money with a less-efficient model.
Efficiency is a measure of how much sunlight is converted into electric power. It's measured under standard test conditions, which are based on the cell temperature and the level of irradiance. Solar irradiance is affected by the time of year, latitude and atmospheric conditions. Clouds and snow can cut down on the amount of sunlight that hits a solar panel.
Solar carports are a great way to protect your vehicles from the sun and rain. These canopies are easy to install, maintain and repair. They can also serve as mini power plants for your home or business.
Solar carports can save your company money on electricity and help reduce your carbon footprint. Aside from helping the environment, they are also a great marketing tool. As more people become eco-conscious, they will want to patronize businesses that are invested in the future of the planet.
Whether you own a restaurant, church, or auto dealership, your commercial property is a prime candidate for a solar carport. You may even be eligible for state or federal rebates. Depending on your location, you can sell any excess solar energy back to your utility provider.
Storage capacity for electricity
Adding storage capacity to your commercial solar panels helps to reduce the amount of electricity that you draw from the power grid. By having less power pulled, you can avoid the cost of peak price rates. Depending on your storage capacity, you can even shift energy from off-peak to on-peak times, which can help make your monthly electricity costs more predictable.
Battery-based systems can also provide backup power during outages. This can be especially important for schools and hospitals. They often have large campuses with lots of rooftop PV potential.
The United States has seen a surge in interest in pairing solar with battery storage over the past few years. While the technology has come a long way, it still has a way to go before it is fully utilized.
Clean energy credit
If you are installing a Solar system for commercial use, you might qualify for a clean energy credit. You can get up to 30 percent of the cost of the equipment. This tax break can be applied to any type of solar system. In addition to the federal credit, you may also qualify for a local or state rebate or subsidized loan.
In the past decade, the solar industry has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and invested billions of dollars in the United States economy. As prices have fallen, more and more companies and nonprofits have invested in renewable energy projects.
A recent reconciliation bill, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, includes a new 30% solar tax credit, $370 billion in climate spending, and other funding measures. This will help reduce the cost of home energy, save American families up to $1,000 per year, and decrease carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.
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tomjonesau · 2 years
Choosing the Right Commercial Solar Panels for Your Home
The demand for solar panels in Australia is highest since many people embrace this form of energy. As a result, the cost of solar panels has decreased, making them cheaper than they were previously. When buying a solar panel, you must know that not all solar panels are equal in producing electricity. A cheaper panel will always produce less power than a high-quality and expensive panel. In making sure that you consider your budget, you will be interested in balancing the long-term performance of that panel against the total cost of buying that panel.
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Solar Panel Statistics
When comparing these solar panels against each other, you will be required to know that each solar panel has its standard power measurements that can produce, efficiency and the operating temperature coefficients determined under typical testing situations. From this, homeowners are provided with the opportunity of choosing a panel that meets all of their power needs.
Check on Panel Quality
When buying a solar panel, you will understand that you can sort these solar panels generally about their cost, durability, and efficiency. Also, these panels are likely to vary by the manufacturer and the type of solar panel, like those from commercial solar panels, and the year it was produced. Since the solar manufacturing process is developing every day, that solar installer you might be considering for hire is needed to have the best grasp on the current out there in the market.
Communicating well with your installer will make it easier for you to learn about the current market prices of these solar panels. It is always advisable to consider getting that expensive panel for durability and better performance, and a warranty will always be guaranteed. Consider TGR for getting Solar Panels.
Energy Output
The amount of electricity solar panels can generate must be essential and something you should always consider. About the size of your home and with the help of a solar panel installer, you will know what type and size of solar panel will be capable of powering your entire house with solar. If you might be living in a large home, then you should avoid purchasing a small solar system since it will not be able to produce sufficient power. Instead, it would help if you considered getting a bigger 9.9 kw solar panel system.
Research on That Solar Panel Manufacturer
For the past few years that have passed, the solar panel industry has grown a lot. You will find many reliable and professional solar panel manufacturers in the market. Even if there might be better solar panel manufacturers, there are also much poor quality and unreliable ones. Always be keen before choosing any manufacturer to guarantee better-performing solar panels.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Small Satellite Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Small Satellite Market size is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 18.2% during the forecast 2021-2026 to reach $8.2 billion. Small satellites, also termed as Smallsats are a class of flight-proven spacecraft, designed to meet high reliability mission requirements. The increasing popularity of these mini-satellites and nano-satellites is mostly due to their lightweight, versatile and inexpensive designs, integrated with the latest software and hardware improvements, which fuel the growth of the Small Satellite Industry. Hence, the affordable solution has broadened the diverse mission-specific standards across various industry verticals, including, asset tracking, security & defense, IoT, and other space programs. Furthermore, the rise in demands for satellite imagery, low-cost high-speed broadband, along with the investments in fundamental research in CubeSats are some of the factors that drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Report Coverage
The report: “Small Satellite Industry Outlook – Forecast (2021-2026)”,  by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Small Satellite Industry.
By Offering: Hardware (Satellite Antennas, Solar Panels, Terminals, Support Equipment and Others), Software and Service. By Type: Mini-Satellite, Micro-Satellite, Nano-Satellite, Pico-Satellite, Femto-Satellite and Other. By Industry: Satellite Services, Satellite Manufacturing, Launch Vehicles and Ground Equipment. By Mission: Constellation Missions, Installation Missions and Replacement Missions. By Application: IoT/M2M, Communication, Earth Observation & Meteorology, Military & Intelligence, Scientific Research & Exploration, Weather and Other By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others)and RoW (Middle east and Africa).
Key Takeaways
North America is estimated to hold the largest market share of 45.7% in 2020, owing to the eminent requirement for responsive defense forces, massive investments for breakthrough custom-designed satellites, along with rigorous commercial services demand for satellite bandwidth and network solution.
The M2M Satellite Communication technologies are majorly driven by the potential launches of cloud-based solutions is estimated to drive the market.
The promising requirements to seek reliable connectivity between the land and sea operations, along with VSAT connectivity for on-board security, drive the market growth.
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Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Type
By Type, the Small Satellite Market is segmented into Mini-Satellite, Micro-Satellite, Nano-Satellite, Pico-Satellite, Femto-Satellite and Other. The Mini-Satellite is estimated to hold the highest share of 33.5% in 2020, owing to the advantageous features, including miniaturized design, travel at high speeds and remote sensing technology. In addition, affordable development solutions of Nano-Satellite technology makes them a suitable option to deliver superior solutions for communications. In February 2021, Fleet Space Technologies, an Australian nanosatellite company is set to launch its fifth nanosatellite, Centauri 3. The Centauri 3 is Fleet Space’s fifth and most advanced Commercial Nanosatellite, designed to power up a global network of connected devices deployed worldwide. Increasingly, these miniaturized spacecraft provide lucrative opportunities to most business enterprises to accelerate the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Application
By Application, Small Satellite Market is segmented into IoT/M2M, Communication, Earth Observation & Meteorology, Military & Intelligence, Scientific Research & Exploration, Weather and other. The communication segment held the major share of 22.2% in 2020 in the Small Satellite Market, due to the successful introduction of game-changing software for the satellite communication industry along with new business opportunities to expand remote location operation and real-time asset monitoring. In March 2020, a leading provider of next generation content connectivity solutions, NOVELSAT announced a comprehensive solution for mission critical satellite communications. The solution by Novelsat is designed to deliver highest levels of transmission security, resilience and robustness, with a comprehensive wide-ranging security suit, including, transmission security (TRANSEC), communication security (COMSEC), low probability of detection (LPD) and low probability of interception (LPI). Therefore, the growing demand for optimum levels of security and protection for business operations and other mission critical communications of across defense, security and government is estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America is estimated to hold the largest market share of 45.7% in 2020, along with Europe, owing to the eminent requirement for responsive defense forces, massive investments for breakthrough custom-designed satellites, along with rigorous commercial services demand for satellite bandwidth and network solution. The industry is poised to continue its rapid growth as SpaceX and others put up constellations of thousands of satellites intended to serve areas without access to broadband. In order to deliver beta testers download speeds, and robust internet coverage from space, worldwide, in May 2019, Elon Musk's SpaceX launched another 60 Starlink internet satellites into Earth’s orbit. The proposal of SpaceX's satellite internet was initiated in 2018, with the successful launch of the two Starlink test craft, known as TinTinA and TinTinB, designed to transfer huge amounts of information rapidly in comparison to fiber-optic cable. Thus, the Small Satellite industry is poised to grow as large scale space organizations are offering “space as a service” to enable business enterprises with accessibility to data, specific to business requirements. Simultaneously, the market of Small Satellite is witnessing potential growth in Asia Pacific region, owing to the digitalization across industries and vast majority of demonstrative space debris clearance service. In March 2021, Astroscale, a Japan-UK based company launched a mission aimed at removal of debris from Earth's orbit. With Elsa-d, a small satellite under the "End-of-Life Services" offerings by Astroscale, the mission was developed for a space debris removal system. Therefore, the significant intended areas to serve by the lower-cost satellite technologies and surging demand for Earth observation satellites in these regions are estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Drivers
Popularity of M2M Satellite Communication
The M2M Satellite Communication technologies are majorly driven by the potential launches of cloud-based solutions, and growing demand from various end-users to expand their business reach globally, are estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market. In addition, rugged, superior and cost-effective Satellite Terminals and telematics devices are becoming a part of the present-day comprehensive fleet management solution, which also boost the market growth. In December 2020, the leading GPS Tracking Systems provider, Rewire Security launched GPS & Telematics software for fleets. The latest software by Rewire enables enterprise owners to generate the location of vehicles in real-time, monitor fleet driver behaviour, observe driver route history and other GPS & Telematics software features. Based on the increasing needs of visibility across the transportation sectors, in October 2020, ORBCOMM, a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, launched ST 2100, a state-of-the-art satellite communications device that enables solution providers for seamless Satellite connectivity to IOT applications, and also several other targeted verticals, such as fleet management and utility. Thus, the latest versatile Communication device launches and power-efficient platforms, such as Satellite Antenna for maximum reliability and security drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Potential demand for Maritime Satellite Communication solution
The promising requirements to seek enhanced and reliable connectivity between the land and sea operations, along with VSAT connectivity for on-board security and surveillance of shipping industry influence the demand of Maritime Satellite Communication platforms, thereby drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market. The technology innovations across maritime sectors are expanding due to the introduction of gyro-stabilized ground terminals, Minisatellite platforms and multi-frequency dish antennas to reduce the time lag during data transfer. In April 2019, a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, ZTE, announced the collaboration with Zhejiang Branch of China Mobile to launch “Heweitong”, a marine broadband satellite solution. The Heweitong offers seamless extension of the mobile network to the ocean, and mitigate other issues, such as high cost, poor coverage and slow data rate. Therefore, the growing emergence of new marine communication with ubiquitous connection for exceptional service is estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Challenges
Compatible Issue
The Small Satellites are designed to deliver advantageous services and indubitably, there are several successful launches around the globe and other possible space missions that eventually supported the mass production of platforms such as the CubeSat for upgraded communications role. However, small satellites are not compatible with every kind of operation due to being launched in lower orbits and also, tend to have a shorter lifespan. The design lasts for a year as it gets orbital decay due to the other orbital elements in space. Moreover, the available space is very limited, which is a major concern along with other mentioned design flaws, which hinder the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Landscape
Partnerships and acquisitions along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the Small Satellite Market. The Small Satellite top 10 companies include Airbus SE, BAE Systems plc, Dauria Aerospace, L3Harris Technologies, Inc., Lockheed Martin, Magellan Aerospace, Maxar Technologies Inc., Northrop Grumman, ORBCOMM Inc., Rocket Lab, Park Aerospace Corp., Sierra Nevada Corporation, Aerospace Corporation, Space Flight Laboratory and many more.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In April 2021, the Norwegian Space Agency announced the successful launch of the NorSat-3 maritime tracking microsatellite built by Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), a premier microspace organization and provider of low-cost microsatellites and nanosatellites, in Toronto. The NorSat-3 maritime tracking is designed for space-based maritime traffic monitoring.
In April 2020, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA awarded Lockheed Martin a $5.8 million contract for the Blackjack program, a satellite integration operation. The Blackjack is a project of DARPA to deploy a constellation of 20 satellites in low Earth orbit by the year 2022 to generate global high-speed communications. 
In March 2020, Rocket Lab, a private American aerospace manufacturer and small satellite launch service provider signed an agreement to acquire Sinclair Interplanetary, a Toronto-based satellite hardware company. The acquisition is developed to deliver reliable and flexible satellite and launch solutions.
For more Aerospace and Defense  Market reports, please click here
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miqenergy · 2 days
Selecting a Reputable Installer for Solar Power Systems
With energy prices on the rise, more homeowners are choosing to harness renewable power with solar power systems. These cost-effective solutions can significantly cut electricity bills. However, it is important to select a reliable installer.
A solar system consists of two main components: solar panels and an inverter. The solar panel’s cells convert sunlight into electrical currents, which are then fed into the home.
ALS Solar
ALS Solar is an Australian-owned and operated solar energy company. Their team of experts is dedicated to helping clients save money on their electricity bills with a high-quality solar power system. They offer a range of solar systems for both commercial and residential customers, as well as energy storage solutions. They also provide ongoing support and maintenance for their customers.
The company’s mission is to make solar Sydney power accessible to everyone. Their goal is to help customers reduce their electricity bill and become more self-sufficient by using renewable energy. The company also donates to local charities, including the Woburn Boys & Girls Club.
ALS Solar is a reputable solar panel supplier that offers a 25-year product warranty. Their technicians customize systems based on the energy needs of their clients. They use Australian-made panels and inverters to ensure the systems are reliable and durable in Australia’s harsh climate conditions. In addition, they offer a free site assessment.
RK Solar
The RK Solar team has been designing, selling, and installing solar energy systems for over 11 years. Their systems are Australian-made and custom designed for each client’s needs, and they offer a range of packages for both homes and businesses. The company’s team of accredited engineers, electricians, technicians, and energy consultants ensure that all projects meet the highest standards of quality and safety. They also offer a 5-year installation warranty.
They install a variety of solar power systems and batteries for residential and commercial clients. They use top technology brands, including LG solar panels, Tesla Powerwall, and Solar Edge inverters. Their installers are qualified to handle all types of solar installations and are CEC-approved.
They’ve been featured on 9News, 7News, Skynews, SBS, and Ausbiz. The company’s sales and installation processes are easy to understand, and their customers have seen impressive results in their electricity bills. They’re an excellent option for homeowners looking to reduce their electricity bills.
Opera Solar Energy
A solar panel system is an excellent way to reduce your electricity costs. It also provides many environmental benefits. In addition, it can earn you government rebates, which can help offset the initial investment. This rebate is based on the size of the system and varies by zone. For example, a 6kW solar panel will earn you 58 STCs, which is worth $2,279.
To choose the best solar power systems Sydney for your home, you should first assess your energy consumption patterns. Look for reputable providers that offer competitive prices, warranties, and personalized solutions. You should also compare the product quality and technological features of each provider.
The Opera House has signed an industry-leading Power Purchase Agreement with Flow Power to invest its annual electricity spend in renewables. The agreement will match 85% of the Opera House’s power needs with clean electricity from NSW wind and solar projects. This project will support the Opera House’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.
Solaray Energy
Solaray Energy is a leading solar power company that delivers energy-efficient solar systems to Sydney homes and businesses. They are dedicated to reducing emissions in Australia and helping customers become more self-sufficient with renewable energy. They offer a range of services to meet their clients’ needs, including design, installation, and maintenance. They also provide financial options to make the transition to solar as cost-effective as possible.
They have a team of experts who are well-versed in the latest technology, and they can help you choose the right system for your home or business. Their technicians are Clean Energy Council-accredited and use only tried and tested quality products.
The company offers a wide range of options, from string inverters to microinverters and power optimisers. They also offer customisable battery storage units and EV chargers. They are committed to providing high-quality installations and customer service, and they are an Enphase-authorised dealer. They also offer a comprehensive warranty and maintenance plan.
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missiongreensolar · 4 days
The Benefits of Commercial Solar Panel Installation and Flexible Solar Panels
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In today’s environmentally conscious world, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to cut costs while reducing their carbon footprint. One of the most effective ways to achieve both goals is through commercial solar panel installation. With advancements in solar technology, such as flexible solar panels, businesses can now take full advantage of solar power, regardless of the type of building or roof structure. At Mission Green Solar, we specialize in providing customized solar solutions to help businesses reduce energy costs and boost sustainability.
Why Commercial Solar Panel Installation Makes Sense
Commercial solar panel installation is a smart investment for businesses of all sizes. Whether you run a small retail store or manage a large industrial facility, the benefits of solar energy can make a substantial difference to your bottom line.
1. Significant Cost Savings
One of the most compelling reasons to consider commercial solar panel installation is the potential for significant cost savings. Energy bills are a major expense for most businesses, and with electricity prices rising, solar power offers a way to lock in lower energy costs. Once your solar system is installed, you can immediately start generating your own electricity, reducing or even eliminating your dependency on grid energy. Over time, these savings can amount to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your operation.
2. Tax Incentives and Government Support
In many regions, including Australia, businesses can take advantage of various government incentives and tax credits that make solar installations even more affordable. The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) in Australia allows businesses to receive rebates based on the size of their solar power system. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront costs of installation, making solar power a more attractive option for business owners.
3. Reduced Environmental Impact
Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power that generates zero emissions. By installing commercial solar panels, businesses can drastically reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. Reducing your carbon footprint isn’t just good for the planet – it can also enhance your brand’s reputation. Consumers are increasingly drawn to businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility, and going solar is a highly visible way to showcase your commitment to sustainability.
The Rise of Flexible Solar Panels in Commercial Applications
While traditional solar panels have long been the standard in commercial solar installations, flexible solar panels are gaining popularity due to their versatility and ease of installation. These lightweight, thin-film panels are particularly useful for businesses that may have unconventional building structures or roofs that cannot support the weight of conventional solar panels.
1. Versatility and Adaptability
Flexible solar panels are incredibly versatile. They can be installed on roofs with unusual shapes or angles, making them ideal for commercial buildings with non-traditional architecture. Unlike rigid solar panels, flexible panels can conform to curved surfaces, which opens up new possibilities for solar energy adoption across various industries. Whether you own a commercial warehouse, factory, or office building, flexible solar panels provide an adaptable solution that can work for almost any type of structure.
2. Lightweight and Easy Installation
One of the main benefits of flexible solar panels is their lightweight design. This makes them easier to install compared to traditional panels, which can be heavy and require specific structural considerations. For buildings with weight restrictions or older roofs that may not support the weight of traditional panels, flexible solar panels offer a great alternative. Additionally, their easier installation can result in lower labor costs, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to save both time and money.
3. Durability
Despite their lightweight design, flexible solar panels are built to withstand harsh conditions. These panels are resistant to impact, and some models are designed to be walkable, which means maintenance staff can safely access the roof without damaging the solar panels. Additionally, flexible solar panels are less prone to cracking or shattering than traditional glass-covered panels, which enhances their durability and reduces the likelihood of repairs over time.
Choosing the Right Solar System for Your Business
When it comes to commercial solar panel installation, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best system for your business will depend on several factors, including your energy needs, the size of your building, your budget, and the structural integrity of your roof. This is where partnering with a professional solar provider, like Mission Green Solar, is crucial.
At Mission Green Solar, we work closely with businesses to design and install customized solar systems that maximize energy production and cost savings. Our team of experts will evaluate your property, assess your energy consumption, and recommend the best solar solution for your business.
Why Work with Mission Green Solar?
1. Expertise in Commercial Installations
Commercial solar installations require specialized knowledge and experience. With years of expertise in installing solar systems for a wide range of commercial clients, Mission Green Solar is the go-to provider for businesses looking to make the switch to renewable energy. From system design to installation and ongoing maintenance, we provide a complete, end-to-end service that ensures your solar investment delivers the maximum return.
2. High-Quality Products
We only work with the most trusted brands in the solar industry to ensure your system is built to last. Whether you opt for traditional solar panels or choose flexible solar panels for your commercial building, you can rest assured that you are getting top-quality products that will stand the test of time.
3. Customized Solutions
Every business is unique, and so are its energy needs. At Mission Green Solar, we take the time to understand your business’s specific requirements and goals before recommending a solar solution. Whether you're looking for a large-scale solar array or a flexible panel solution, our team will design a system that meets your needs and fits within your budget.
Solar energy is more accessible and beneficial than ever before, especially for businesses. By investing in commercial solar panel installation, you can reduce operational costs, increase sustainability, and improve your company's public image. And with innovative technologies like flexible solar panels, more businesses can now take advantage of the power of the sun, regardless of building constraints.
At Mission Green Solar, we are committed to helping businesses make the transition to clean energy with tailored solar solutions. Contact us today to find out how commercial solar panel installation can benefit your business.
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pvmarketofficial · 4 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Installing Solar Panels in the Dubai
With solar energy becoming increasingly popular in the UAE, many homeowners are opting for solar panel installations to cut down on electricity costs and promote sustainability. Below is a guide to help you through the process of installing solar panels in Dubai.
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1. Assess Your Energy Needs
Begin by analyzing your current energy consumption to estimate the size of the solar system required.
Review your utility bills to calculate your daily average energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This will help you decide how many solar panels you need.
2. Select the Appropriate Solar Panels
Given the UAE’s hot and sunny climate, selecting the right type of solar panel is essential:
Monocrystalline Panels: Known for their high efficiency, these panels are a top choice for rooftop installations in hot climates like the UAE.
Polycrystalline Panels: These are more affordable but slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels.
Thin-Film Panels: Though less efficient, these panels can handle heat better and may be more suitable for areas with limited space.
3. Familiarize Yourself with Local Solar Programs
Dubai’s Shams Dubai initiative supports homeowners who want to install solar panels. The program allows homeowners to feed excess energy into the grid and get credits, which helps reduce electricity bills.
Ensure you register with the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) or other relevant authorities, as this is a key step in taking advantage of available benefits.
4. Choose a Qualified Solar Installer
It’s important to hire a certified, experienced installer who understands local regulations and has expertise in solar panel installations. A professional installer will evaluate your roof, calculate your energy needs, and assist with the approval process.
Request multiple quotes and check reviews to select the best installer for your project.
5. Site Assessment and System Design
The installer will conduct a site visit to assess factors like roof orientation, shading, and available space. This is critical for ensuring that the system generates as much energy as possible.
After the assessment, a custom solar system design will be created based on your home’s energy needs and the specific conditions in the UAE.
6. Apply for the Necessary Permits
Your installer will help you apply for the required permits from DEWA or other local electricity authorities. These permits are necessary to ensure your system complies with local safety and building standards.
7. Solar Panel Installation
Once the permits are in place, installation can begin. Depending on the complexity of the system, this process typically takes a few days to a week.
The panels will be mounted, inverters installed, and the system connected to your electrical grid or battery storage if applicable.
8. Final Inspection and System Activation
After installation, the system will be inspected by the relevant authorities to ensure everything is installed correctly and safely.
Once the system passes inspection, it can be activated, allowing you to start generating solar energy for your home.
9. Maintenance and Monitoring
Many solar systems include monitoring tools that allow you to track how much energy is being produced and consumed in real time.
In the UAE’s dusty environment, regular cleaning of the panels is essential to maintain their efficiency. Scheduling periodic maintenance will ensure your system operates at its best.
10. Consider Financing Options
While solar panel installations can require a significant upfront investment, there are various financing options available in the UAE. Some companies offer leasing options, and certain government initiatives make it easier to invest in solar energy.
Evaluate the long-term savings on your electricity bills to justify the initial cost of the installation.
By following this guide, you can smoothly navigate the process of installing pv modules in Dubai. Harnessing the power of the sun not only helps reduce your energy bills but also supports a greener and more sustainable future.
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sunalimerchant · 5 days
Why Partnering with an EPC Solar Company is Key for Commercial Solar Projects
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As the demand for renewable energy continues to rise, more and more commercial businesses are exploring solar power as a cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution to meet their energy needs. However, implementing a successful solar energy system for a commercial project requires careful planning, technical expertise, and seamless execution. This is where an EPC solar company comes into play. EPC, which stands for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction, is a specialized type of contractor that provides end-to-end solar solutions, from the initial design phase to the installation and maintenance of the system.
In this article, we will explore why partnering with an EPC solar company is crucial for commercial solar projects and how they can help businesses optimize their solar energy investments.
1. Comprehensive End-to-End Service
One of the primary reasons why an EPC solar company is key for commercial solar projects is the comprehensive range of services they offer. Unlike traditional solar installers, who may only handle installation, EPC solar companies manage the entire process, ensuring that every aspect of the project is covered. This includes:
Engineering: EPC solar companies take responsibility for the technical design and engineering of the solar system. They assess the site, analyze energy needs, and design a system that optimizes solar energy production for the specific commercial application.
Procurement: EPC companies handle the procurement of all necessary materials, including solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, and electrical components. They leverage their supplier networks to source high-quality equipment at competitive prices.
Construction: EPC solar firms manage the construction and installation of the solar system, ensuring that it is built according to the design and complies with all local regulations and safety standards. They oversee the project from start to finish, including testing and commissioning to ensure the system operates as expected.
By offering a one-stop solution, EPC solar companies simplify the process for commercial clients, providing peace of mind and reducing the complexities of managing multiple contractors.
2. Expert Project Management and Execution
Large commercial solar projects often involve multiple stakeholders, complex logistics, and a variety of technical challenges. Coordinating such projects can be overwhelming without proper project management. EPC solar companies specialize in handling large-scale projects, offering expert project management to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.
From obtaining permits and complying with local regulations to managing timelines and budgets, EPC solar companies ensure that the project is executed on time and within budget. They also provide transparent communication throughout the process, keeping commercial clients informed about progress and addressing any issues that may arise along the way.
With years of experience in managing complex projects, EPC solar companies can identify potential challenges before they become problems, allowing for timely interventions and seamless project execution.
3. Tailored Solutions for Specific Energy Needs
Every commercial business has unique energy requirements, and a one-size-fits-all solar solution won’t always meet those needs. EPC solar companies are skilled at designing customized solar systems that are tailored to the specific energy demands of the business.
Whether the company is looking to offset energy costs for a manufacturing plant, reduce electricity consumption for an office building, or power a retail store with renewable energy, an EPC solar company will create a solution that maximizes energy efficiency and return on investment. They take into account factors such as roof space, energy usage patterns, and local weather conditions to design systems that deliver optimal performance.
4. Long-Term Support and Maintenance
A commercial solar system is a long-term investment that requires ongoing maintenance and support to ensure it continues operating at peak efficiency. Partnering with an EPC solar company provides businesses with the advantage of long-term support.
EPC companies often offer maintenance and monitoring services after the system is installed. They can track system performance remotely, identify potential issues, and perform regular maintenance to prevent any downtime or performance degradation. This proactive approach ensures that businesses continue to benefit from their solar investment for years to come, minimizing disruptions and ensuring maximum energy savings.
5. Cost Efficiency and Financial Savings
Commercial solar projects are not only about reducing environmental impact but also about saving on energy costs. By working with an EPC solar company, businesses can achieve significant cost efficiencies throughout the project lifecycle.
EPC solar companies have established relationships with suppliers, allowing them to procure materials at competitive prices, which translates to lower upfront costs for businesses. Additionally, their expertise in optimizing system design ensures that businesses get the best possible performance from their solar installations, maximizing energy production and reducing electricity costs over time.
EPC solar companies also help businesses take advantage of available financial incentives, such as tax credits, rebates, and financing options, which further enhance the financial benefits of switching to solar power.
For commercial businesses looking to invest in solar energy, partnering with an EPC solar company is key to ensuring a successful project. From initial design to procurement, installation, and ongoing maintenance, EPC solar companies provide end-to-end solutions that simplify the process, reduce costs, and maximize long-term benefits.
With their technical expertise, project management skills, and ability to tailor solutions to specific energy needs, EPC solar companies offer businesses the tools they need to transition to renewable energy with confidence. By working with an experienced EPC partner, businesses can achieve their sustainability goals, reduce energy costs, and enjoy the long-term advantages of solar power.
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