#standing in the light of your halo i got my angel now. ( licht & lawless || kyukicho )
ofsavior · 1 year
👀 + Lawlicht
ship headcanons. || @kyukicho
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Lawless is more inclined to try new foods or drinks than Licht. This is mostly because Licht likes what he likes and wants what he wants, so Lawless is always willing to share a bite or sip to see if Licht would be inclined to like it. He finds it both amusing and cute to see Licht's reaction.
It's actually really rare for Lawless to ever bite Licht. He doesn't like to do it compared to most vampires. Lawless struggles with his state of being to some extent. Time made him jaded and in some respect empty. However, Licht is a contributor to sparking life into him. Still, there's a reverence in the gesture whenever it happens. Especially whenever he drinks from Licht's hands. To Lawless, Licht's hands are to be treated like gold. He's more inclined to bestow them kisses or touch them for that reason. Usually any interaction with Licht's hands is purposeful and deliberate. Those are Licht's gift to the world after all. However, Lawless considers Licht a gift in his entirety.
Lawless wants to show Licht the world and show Licht to the world. He's very proud of Licht as his Eve, and he really thinks Licht has talent that shouldn't be reserved (contrary to his nature as Greed). However, Lawless has every intention of joining Licht on this grand tour. He wants to give Licht every experience the world has to offer, and he wants to be the one there with Licht through all of it.
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ofsavior · 1 year
international kiss day! || @kyukicho
😘 Hyde from Licht
Side by side as always. A pleasant stroll through the city, finding their way to a café. Hyde doesn't consider today anything particularly special, but Licht appears particularly irritated (which Hyde's come to learn if often associated with Licht's focus).
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“ Somethin' on your mind, angel-chan? ” Hyde peers over, brow raised curiously. Licht, however, doesn't answer and instead asserts himself with a yank at Hyde's wrist. Naturally, Hyde complies and halts himself.
Suddenly, Hyde's tasting Heaven on his lips. Only a taste isn't quite enough to satisfy Greed. A step closer, and his free hand cups the back of Licht's head. A kiss back, deeper but deliberate. Hyde's all too aware of his own fangs. Careful as he is, he opts to break the kiss after a few moments beat past. Then, he places a gentle peck to Licht's forehead.
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ofsavior · 1 year
happy (belated) birthday hyde! || @kyukicho
He knows Hyde isn't one for things that are too sweet. So there's a small dark brown espresso cake sitting on the coffee table. Licht waits for his servamp to wake up and come into the room before standing and presenting him with a small box wrapped in blue ribbon. Inside is a pretty 24karot gold bracelet with a small gold plate. Inlaid on the plate are both of their birthstones, a bright blue tanzanite and teal cat-eye alexandrite. Licht does his best to give a soft smile and insists, "Happy Birthday, Hyde"
Is it still a catnap when a hedgehog is the one curled along the foot of Licht's bed? Two paws stretch upwards, and he yawns before transforming to his vampire form. Birthdays start to lose their novelty when one's had as many as Hyde, but Licht's managed to make them something special since they've met.
Making his way to the living room, he adjusts his bracelets and pats away the wrinkles in his vest. “ Ah, someone's been keeping busy. ” He notes, taking the gift in hand. Even knowing the date, there's no hiding the subtle surprise to his eyes. It doesn't take much to please Hyde, and knowing he's on the forefront of Licht's thoughts is certainly a gift of its own right. Although, he won't admit that. Gently removing the ribbon, he lifts open the box. Glint of gold and gemstones catches his gaze, admiration shining as brightly as the bracelet itself.
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“ You really went out of your way this year, eh? ” For me. “ You know you don't have to do that... but thank you.” He pauses and turns his head away. before muttering. “ It means a lot coming from you. ”
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ofsavior · 1 year
shippy meme for you hoes. || @kyukicho​
“ why me? out of everyone you could’ve chose.  ” Licht for Hyde
     The question isn’t a simple one. There’s a lot that’s changed between them over the duration of their contract. From foes to friends to something tiptoeing into the waters beyond... The honest answer isn’t something so pretty, but maybe there’s more to it than Licht might expect. Lifting a hand, Lawless rubs the nape of his neck before shrugging to his Eve.
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     “ At first? I saw a light in you that I’ve only ever really seen once before. ” Something so sweet should be a sentiment he wears with pride, but intentions weren’t so pure then. “ I wanted to show the world how that kind of thing only exists in stories. People who shine that brightly don’t get the happy ending they might deserve, yeah? ” Although, his tone sounds deflated. Crimson eyes roll to Licht, and he lowers his hands to his sides.
     “ Part of it was Greed, my nature, but I think there was a part of me that hoped you might be all that you claimed. And I think that’s why we’re here now. I’m glad for that... most of the time. ”
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ofsavior · 1 year
it kiss day! || @kyukicho
"It's a holiday here." Licht huffed leaning down to his demon on the couch and planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Have a happy kiss day."
Holiday? Hyde shot Licht a look as if Licht was speaking nonsense ( which shouldn't really be all that surprising ). Hyde, however, knew better than to ask. Licht could have made up some angelic holiday for all he'd known. Not paying mind to it, he returned to his magazine.
Yet, Licht cut off the space that separated them in an instant. Always the decisive one. Hyde looked at Licht dubiously, wondering what kind of mood he was in. A good one evidently as Licht was already kissing him before he had the chance to think about it. Just as quickly, Hyde was kissing him back with a deeply rooted sense of yearning. But an explanation fell from Licht's lips as Hyde lingered in place, wondering if there would be a second act.
But there wasn't... to his disappointment. He smiled all the same and laughed. Of course this was how it was. Right, right. Nothing more and nothing less with them.
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“ Happy Kiss Day to you, too, Licht. ”
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ofsavior · 1 year
on the topic of good mornings. || @kyukicho
His hands are everything to him. That's why their touch is so important. Resting on an elbow, Licht watches his demon sleep. Fingers playing with the dual-toned strands at his temple. A light and gentle touch normally reserved for ivory and ebony alone.
Hyde was all too aware of the meaning behind the intimacy of Licht's touch. The value of it. Such was the reason Hyde could never have enough of it — even beyond his own greedy nature. Beyond a want, but now a need. Perhaps, that was selfish of him. But hadn't Licht told him to want things for himself?
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Lids fluttered open. Hyde didn't sleep often, and whenever he did it was usually short spurts. The curse of vampirism and all. In this case, however, he was thankful for it. To miss such a moment would have been devastating.
Shifting his position against Licht's fingers, Hyde pleaded for more. Ah, that felt pathetic. " Can we... " He began, cheeks betraying him with their flush. Asking Licht something like this felt oddly foreign. Instead, Hyde decided a different approach. " Licht-tan should do more of this, y'know. "
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ofsavior · 1 year
hand holding!. || @kyukicho
🤚 from licht for hyde
These days, it didn't take much convincing. Licht was more open to time together, or maybe less resistant. Either way, Lawless was happy with the development. They were able to share in more. Such as now, together sitting side by side in the theatre. Othello was playing in town, and Lawless insisted they go. He hadn't expected Licht to agree, but he was happy when his Eve did. They'd become more interested in one another's hobbies. It was nice.
Lawless, however, found himself paying less and less attention to the stage and disproportionally more attention to his Eve beside him. Was Licht enjoying it? Did Licht need help understanding some of the language? Was his view okay? A series of questions, but he found them slowly drowning out form his mind when he caught blue eyes with their usual intense focus. There was something reassuring in knowing Licht didn't do anything he didn't want to do. If Licht needed or wanted something, he would take it. Perhaps, it was Lawless' time to follow that conviction.
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So, he did — in the form of taking a hand in his own. Delicately, his fingers intertwined with those of pianist's, and he'd spend the rest of the show enjoying.
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ofsavior · 1 year
soft and sweet. || @kyukicho
❛ nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time! ❜ - Licht for Lawless
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Hope bleeds from from, leaving him in a slump as he acts as if Licht's physically wounded. So close, yet so far. Why does Licht always favor the cats anyway? Lawless can't help but find it irritating.
Licking his figurative wounds, he curls into a small ball at Licht's side while Licht seems content with Kuro on his head instead. Small and defeated, Lawless grumbles something about nii-san being such a traitor under his breath.
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ofsavior · 1 year
surprise kiss! || @kyukicho​​​
💕Hyde from Licht
       Lawless was fairly confident Licht was conviction incarnate. The determination that set across his features whenever he made up his mind on something: anything from his choice in sheet music to his will to fight. It was beautiful, stunning. Lawless knew, contrary to his unending lifespan, he would never grow bored of it. He could sit in the living room and simply watch Licht for hours, similar to how he was now. Crimson eyes, soft and admiring, looked to his Eve as if tunnel vision focused him and Lawless wanted it that way.
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        “ Lookin’ good, angel-chan. I like the suit. ” He observed, and his attention followed Licht who had decidedly cornered Lawless on the couch. Lawless’ eyes widened, but his grin betrayed him. Licht wanted something, and Lawless would seamlessly comply for once. He’d come to accept Licht didn’t often have a sensible reason for doing as he pleased. His arms extended and fell behind the nape of Licht’s neck, bracelets chiming as they clashed. Then, Licht kissed him.
      Admittedly, Lawless still didn’t quite understand what these exchanges meant to Licht. Purification? Romance? Nothing? It was hard to say, but he’d learned to accept that about his Eve. He was weird, but Lawless wanted him all the same. Maybe that was greedy of him.
       And he kissed back. If Lawless was offered, then he would take. To claim what belonged to him. His fingertips drew along Licht’s neck to the angles of his face until they pulled apart. “ Hey, Licht-tan. Am I purified yet? ” His tone both teasing and exasperated.
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ofsavior · 2 years
idiots (romantic). || @kyukicho​
“you don’t look totally ugly today.” - Licht for Hyde
     Of course he didn’t!
            “ I’m the cu~te vampire Lawless-chan. ” Licht opened Pandora’s box with that compliment. Grin spreading from ear to ear, Lawless tilts his head to angle it beneath Licht’s hand.
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      Then promptly,               ~!poof!~                     he shifted into his hedgehog form and raised his paws to beg for pets.
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     Evidently, he craved attention.
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ofsavior · 2 years
@kyukicho​ Licht vc You want me to hug every hedgehog?
      “ — No. ”
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     v “ No, I don’t want that. ” He wants Licht to hug one (1) hedgehog.
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ofsavior · 2 years
some angst juice. || @kyukicho​​
❛ why are you avoiding me? ❜ Licht @ Hyde
     To say it was difficult to avoid his eve was an understatement. Distance limits weren’t exactly conducive to that sort of thing, but Lawless had certainly been dodgy. Guilty look to his eyes, he toyed with his scarf as if he could bury himself within it. “ Ah Licht-tan... ” He shouldn’t be surprised Licht noticed; despite appearances, Licht always noticed these things. Even the keenest detail wouldn’t get past an angel’s eyes.
    “ I wasn’t sure you wanted to see much of me after I interrupted your practice. ” Such a lame excuse when the truth was something far more... pressing. How was he supposed to even talk to Licht after their exchange?! Didn’t Licht know it’d been centuries since he last spoke of genuine attachment to someone? His shoulders slumped at the thought and hand at his scarf promptly shifted to rub his temples.
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     “ I just... didn’t want to talk about it, kay? Didn’t think it was all that important and you seemed real real busy... ”
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ofsavior · 2 years
softish angst. || @kyukicho​​​​​​​
“  i don’t need you to go white knighting and fix all this.  i just want you here.  with me.  that will make me feel better.  ” - Lawlicht
       Embers of rage flickered within crimson eyes as he bared his fangs at the thought of all that’d been stolen from them. They were both at the mercy of their allies, which was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they were free from the fear of the worst as there wasn’t much worse. Trust remained. They were Servamp and Eve through and through, even if strength was feigning. Licht’s resolve and Hyde’s loyalty held them together like fate’s strings, but even that reassurance couldn’t ease the frustration he felt.
      Somewhere, somehow, Hyde’s deepest desire had become his devotion to protecting Licht. Failure fell upon them, and now composure was crucial. He knew better than to storm out the door and challenge Tsubaki, but that wouldn’t stop him from pacing across the room with his hands pulling at his hair. “ We can’t just sit around here and do nothing about it! ” He was talking to no one in particular, simply venting his frustrations to the world (and Licht by default).
       “ You could have - ” But the words die on his tongue before Licht cuts him off.
            I don’t need you to go white knighting and fix all this.                      A sigh; inaction’s never been Hyde’s chosen method.
     But there’s more to the story as Licht continues, and Hyde listens with sincerity.              I just want you here.  with me.  That will make me feel better.
     “ Licht... ”
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      He’d been a negligent Servamp, hadn’t he? Calmed and concerned, he plopped beside Licht on the sofa and looked to his Eve dotingly. His angel was most important. Tension turned to ease and frustration turned to smile. Amusement lit his eyes as his direction took a new turn. “ Yeah, yeah. I’m sure Licht-tan’s storing up all~~ the angel powers he can to go white knighting himself, right? ” A good-nature jest to lighten the atmosphere. As lacking in power as they were, Hyde took comfort in knowing they could rely on each other.
     “ Well I won’t act without you if you don’t act without me, alright? That means no wandering and getting lost on your own again. We’re supposed to be a team, angel-chan! ”
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ofsavior · 2 years
"Hey! Hedg... Hyde! I'm confessing to you! You better listen up and be grateful!"
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dash shenanigans. || @kyukicho​
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Peering over his magazine, Lawless looks to Licht idly. "Okay, okay, angel-chan. I'm all yours. What's got you so worked up?"
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ofsavior · 2 years
would you rather... || @fatechosen​ ft. @kyukicho​​​​​​​​
4 lawless: would you rather lose licht or lose Ophelia?
    “ I’d rather lose neither of them. It was hard enough to lose Ophelia alone... ” To lose her again or to risk Licht; it’s an impossible choice. He’s extended his hand time and time again to reach them. To pull them to safety at his side. Why could he not have them both?              Why   does   he   have   to   choose?
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      “ It’s different if I was going to save one of them. I know Licht can hold his own... but choosing who to lose isn’t like that. There’s a lot I’d like to do differently with Ophelia, but I have the chance to do things right with Licht right now. I don’t want to give that up. But I want... ”
      His hand starts to shake, and his eyes fall to it. He could count how many Eves he’s ‘lost.’ Some his fault; some other causes. The world’s never been kind to Lawless and this question serves as no exception.
      “ Why can’t I have them both? ”
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ofsavior · 2 years
fluster my muses. || @kyukicho​​
Licht accepted the challenge. Stomping right up to Lawless. "Oi, Hyde. You're beautiful inside and out and I'm lucky to have you."
    ❛ Ehhh? ❜
     Curious eyes wander to his Eve and peer from behind his magazine. The resolve to Licht’s eyes, however, is demanding enough to command Lawless’ full attention This ought to be important if Licht’s making a deal about it.
      But Licht leaves no time to prepare.
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      ❛ EHHHHHH?! ❜ There’s no hiding surprise when it’s plastered across his wide eyes. Of course, he’s used to Licht’s backwards compliments; but never the forward ones! Is he hearing things right? Hyde chuckles nervously then. Ah, Licht-tan’s cute when he’s genuine. The magazine, now long forgotten, falls to the floor and Lawless scoots over on the couch.
      ❛ I’m lucky to have you, too, angel-chan. I don’t need to remind you how special you are. ❜
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