#( h. Lawless )
gncrezan · 1 year
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thoroughly enjoying @infamous-if so here's sketchdump of my post-read doodles before i run through it once again!!!!!!!!!
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thesearchforbluejello · 2 months
"she wants me to fist a fish" has got to be one of the most unbelievable lines I've ever heard on television
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ofsavior · 1 year
👀 + Lawlicht
ship headcanons. || @kyukicho
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Lawless is more inclined to try new foods or drinks than Licht. This is mostly because Licht likes what he likes and wants what he wants, so Lawless is always willing to share a bite or sip to see if Licht would be inclined to like it. He finds it both amusing and cute to see Licht's reaction.
It's actually really rare for Lawless to ever bite Licht. He doesn't like to do it compared to most vampires. Lawless struggles with his state of being to some extent. Time made him jaded and in some respect empty. However, Licht is a contributor to sparking life into him. Still, there's a reverence in the gesture whenever it happens. Especially whenever he drinks from Licht's hands. To Lawless, Licht's hands are to be treated like gold. He's more inclined to bestow them kisses or touch them for that reason. Usually any interaction with Licht's hands is purposeful and deliberate. Those are Licht's gift to the world after all. However, Lawless considers Licht a gift in his entirety.
Lawless wants to show Licht the world and show Licht to the world. He's very proud of Licht as his Eve, and he really thinks Licht has talent that shouldn't be reserved (contrary to his nature as Greed). However, Lawless has every intention of joining Licht on this grand tour. He wants to give Licht every experience the world has to offer, and he wants to be the one there with Licht through all of it.
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misanthropemom · 2 months
This one is a special favorite of mine
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acourtofthought · 3 months
"I'm Tamlin's emissary for formal uses, but this was Andras's shift. So someone needed to fill in. It's an honor to do it." But now - now we need order, Feyre. We need rules, and rankings, and order, if we're going to stand a chance of rebuilding. So what he says goes. I am the first one the others look to - I set the example. Don't as me to risk the stability of this court by pushing back. Not right now. "No. I decided to take you myself. For that exact reason. They don't want or need your help. Your presence is a distraction and a reminder of what they went through."
"Amarantha had...camps for them. The nobles and favored faeries were allowed to dwell Under the Mountain. But if the people of a court weren't working to bring in goods and food, they were locked in camps in a network of tunnels beneath the Mountain. Thousands of them, crammed into chambers and tunnels with no light, no air. For fifty years." / "It was forbidden to speak of it. Some of them went mad, started preying on the others when Amarantha forgot to order her guards to feed them. Some formed bands that prowled the camps and did -" "They did horrible things. Right now, they're trying to remember what is is to be normal - how to live." "Things were bad, Feyre. I went in his stead, and I did my duty to the court. I went of my own free will. And we completed the Rite." "I do not belong in the Autumn Court. And I'm willing to bet I'm no longer welcome at h-the Spring Court." Home, he had almost said. "You ruined any chance I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but to the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit." "Your mate should have known better than to kick a downed male." / "You will need Tamlin as an ally before the dust has settled. Tread carefully." "They say a beast prowls these lands now. / And though he roams these lands, he does not see or care for the neglect he passes, the lawlessness, the vulnerability." "Many of us would be wiped out entirely. Especially...Especially those of us who are weakened. And when the dust settles, there would be at least one court left vacant, it's lands bare for the taking." The argument that Lucien is pathetic for wanting to reconnect with Tamlin is laughable because it's watering down a pretty major plotline and the fact that the Spring Court was Lucien's HOME for centuries. Tamlin was Lucien's friend, he helped rescue him from his brothers and he gave him a job but this is not just about Tamlin, it's about an entire Court filled with people. Lucien felt it was an honor to guard the borders which protected the people of Spring. Lucien asked Feyre to not force him to risk the stability of the court. He asked her to put an entire people first, not Tamlin. The people who suffered for 50 years, the ones who weren't the nobles and were forced to do terrible things. He showed concern for them as they worked towards rebuilding their lives after Amarantha. Lucien performed the Rite with his abuser to help the lands of Spring. Lucien expressed sadness over not being able to return to Spring, not just to Tamlin's Court but the land beyond it. Isn't it more than likely that Lucien was trying to help pull Tamlin from his depression, not for the sake of his friendship with Tamlin but for the sake of the people of Spring who are currently without a ruler? Who have been without a true ruler since UTM? For the safety of Prythian in general considering the location of the Spring Court and how it borders Autumn and the human lands? Lucien Anti's often miss the bigger picture when it comes to Lucien's actions, focusing solely on what he did or didn't do for Feyre (despite the fact that he was willing to die for her on multiple occasions). They forget that an entire people and their safety is at stake. That Lucien often acted like a leader focused on the good of the many and not just the one.
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uhoh23 · 17 days
Person A - I think he's a Wanderer
Person B - DEMON
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NGL I was originally leaning more towards the demon theory bc there's a lot of evidence for it, but the problem that I have with the demon theory is that it now feels TOO obvious, like the devs are trolling like how they joked about him being a vampire. All three main theories make sense tho - demon, wanderer, or dragon.
There's so many demon implications - 1. The N109 zone being a lawless place that apparently has little sunlight, hence why there doesn't seem to be many plants, making it sound like the underworld bc the underworld probably wouldn't have much life in it, its another version of Hell. 2. Sylus' flower is the Datura, sometimes known as the "Devil's Trumpet." 3. Demons love deals. They trick humans and according to Christian lore, hate humanity. Sylus enjoys using people, even with the good in him. He's always trying to get something.
Point is, it kinda seems TOO on the nose...but the dragon theory is less obvious for me. I would have NEVER thought he was one until I did my research on Chinese mythology 🤣 AND BOY DID I FIND some INTERESTING things. Let's start with the most IMPORTANT point - In Eastern mythology, dragons can shapeshift between human and dragon. There's TWO dragons in particular that stood out to me - Fuzanglong and Longwang.
Fuzanglong - Dragons of hidden treasure. They live underground and hide gemstones, golden nuggets, their most prized possession a magic pearl. Has horns, demonic looking eyes, and dark red is associated with them. Sometimes known as "Keeper of the Underworld." They can cause volcanic eruptions when awoken or when they leave the underground. Elusive to humans.
Sylus and the color red go hand in hand. Couple that with the "treasure" talk that reminds me of Nightplumes due to Sylus saying "A man's heart goes to where his treasure is." Just like a dragon protecting his treasure. Sylus also enjoys gifting MC gems as a gift 🥺 There's also that scene where it looks like MC is underground, blood on her hands, and lava seeping through the ground. This ties to the volcano aspect and the underground aspect of this particular dragon.
The Dragon King - IT GETS WILDER. A guy named Longwang could shapeshift from dragon to human at will. He was the source of rain. His human form had red eyes and his dragon form typically had red scales, but some artists would opt for other colors. Longwang was the king of all dragons, immortal, and eventually he became a God in the story of the Lotus Sutra. His dragon form had wings, claws, and horns. He had four dragon brothers who could also shapeshift, lived in a luxurious palace in the sea, and he ate gems. Longwang was benevolent usually, but he was known to have a bad temper and be intimidating. He also apparently had thousands of kids 🤣
Sylus - has red eyes, he's intimidating to most, gets annoyed easily with most, can't die (or so he claims), the gems thing again, and he's rich. He very well could be a God with his crazy healing abilities and apparent immortality. The Lost Oasis card specifically brings up God's and Longwang played a significant role in a Chinese literature piece called Investiture of God's.
Last, but not least, Sylus' zodiac sign...I find it FUNNY how COINCIDENTALLY this man is an Aries in the Western zodiac, yet in the Chinese zodiac the Aries equivalent? IS A DRAGON. Just search up "Aries in the Chinese zodiac" 💀🫣 The devs did their zodiac homework bc Sylus has MANY of the Aries traits, so who's to say they didn't purposely choose Aries due to it's ties with the Dragon zodiac?
Aries Traits - love the chase in romance and they view crushes as a conquest to conquer, domineering, competitive and hate losing, adventurous, natural leaders, very straightforward, dominant. Dragon Zodiac - natural leaders, adventurous, very straightforward, competitive, can be arrogant, impatient, impulsive 👀🤣 Granted, maybe none of this proves he's a dragon, but I think this stuff is super interesting nonetheless 🖤
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patxhwrk · 2 years
greetings. could u write a little imagine thing for ethoslab? watcher!reader or dsmp!reader thanks! preferably male reader. take ur time if u do write it. stay hydrated.
my fuck this is such a good idea thank you anon for being so smart
anyways dsmp reader with angst sorry about that
completely forgot u asked for an imagine so have a whole fic instead. I might write a seperate imagine for this one too tho
-ˋˏ✄— Bubbling Memories
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Ethoslab x Male! DSMP! Reader
Pronouns: he/him
"You're more home to me than any house is."
.navigation. // .hermitcraft & empires smp masterlist.
—Mentions of character death
—Implications of self-harm & attempt su*c*de
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Every second spent in that lawless server—ironic, considering it had been laws that started wars—was spent in the echoes of left behind misery. There was never silence in that world. If you managed to stumble upon even a sliver of quaint and quiet, you would find that it would have been better to have the ear piercing noise.
Y/n was lucky enough to have been left with one life. The last thing he remembered from the old server was the sorrowful eyes of his friends waving goodbye as he left. The portal—it vaguely reminded him of a nether portal if it was pink—shrunk as Tubbo's and Ranboo's backs turned to leave.
He hugged the blue stained yellow sweater closer to himself as he turned towards the new server—his new server—as the habitants greeted him with warmed welcome arms.
He was half afraid of building something that took effort. But one reassuring conversation with Xisuma—the man somewhat resembled Dream. Why was his mask fucking green?—coaxed him into building one of the biggest and best things he had ever created in his life. Well, it was just an "improved" Logstedshire, but it was the thought that counts, right? Building it reminded him of the time he spent with his brothers—though one had been a ghost, it was fine. He even put a bell where he and Tommy would—!
His hands stopped swinging the bell.
Tommy was dead. His younger brother had visited Dream in the prison where he was left to die. And he left his brother because he was too much of a pussy to confront the same man who had tormented him until he had a knife barely glazing at the skin of his throat.
He shook his head, running his hands through the mop he called hair as the bell ringed a final time. It silenced before it stilled. And then Y/n left his base.
Voices rang in his ear—was it his?—as he scolded himself for building something that gave him so much horrible memories more than the good ones. Why can't be just be like Ghostbur? Forgetful of the sorrows and always looking at the sun even through dark clouds.
His arms found comfort in himself, wrapping around each other as his nails dug into the skin under the yellow sweater. Wilbur wouldn't mind if he stained it, right? Wilbur would reassure him that it was fine, he was fine, it was all fine. And then he'd take the sweater and wash it. Because Wilbur was a good big brother.
No, Wilbur's dead. His brother was long dead before Philza killed him. Ghostbur wasn't like Wilbur, either.
He walked aimlessly around the server. He would have reminded himself of Ranboo's enderwalking state if he was in his own head. He watched as he passed by builds, ignoring the calls of concerned friends—friends? He had friends now?—as his feet brought him further and further from the build that he longed to blow up. Longed to tear into shreds bare handed as the memories of a pain long buried but never forgotten bubbled back to his head. Longed to feel the blood coat his fingers as his fists crashed through the shards of glass that showed the reflections of himself—a man who was too much of a coward to save his little brother. Too much of a coward to stop his father from killing the brother he looked up to. Too much of a fucking coward to just shove the knife through his chest, in the same place the sword dyed the sweater blue.
He longed to let his hands, his arms, his whole body fucking hurt. The seating hot pain that followed, the ache, the numbness, before it disappeared and he'd wake up with one less life left.
A hand was placed on his wrists. Cold, it was so fucking cold, as it pulled his shaking hands away from the yellow—now red stained sleeves—sweater.
It jolted him awake. Whether it was the cold, the tug of his arms, the way his voice called to him, or his concerned eyes searching for something—just something—in Y/n's unfocused stare.
"Y/n, hey," Etho's voice was gentle. He was patient as he tried to bring Y/n's eyes to his own. "Hey, hey, I'm here."
"I—Etho?" Y/n's voice was barely above a whisper, almost inaudible to Etho if he hadn't been paying close attention to him. "What—?"
Etho's arms wrapped around his midsection, pressing him against himself as his hand raised to hold Y/n's head gently. "Thank void you're okay."
Hesitantly, Y/n wrapped his arms around Etho's neck. He hadn't realized his legs were shaking until his whole weight was leaned against him. But Etho didn't complain, he was strong enough to carry Y/n if he ever needed. And he did now.
Y/n sniffled. He didn't stop the tears flowing out of his eyes as he buried his head on Etho's shoulder. And Etho let him. He buried his head on his hair as Y/n's whole body shook.
Pressing a feather light kiss on the crown of his head, Etho whispered in the quiet forest. "It's okay, you can cry. But it is never your fault. None of it is."
Y/n's eyes searched the distance, and he realized just how far he walked when he spotted the world border a distance away. He sniffled and hiccuped as Etho gently and patiently combed through his hair.
He shook off his thoughts before it could remind him of a memory long past and buried himself further into Etho's clothes. It smelled like redstone, and the glowing red dust was enough to tell Y/n that he was working on a project before hand.
"Let's get you home, shall we?"
"No, not my place. Please don't bring me back there, not again."
Etho nodded. The pain in Y/n's voice stung his heart, and he knew he had to make him feel better. He kneeled down for a short second just to hook his arms under Y/n's knees and bring him up to carry him easier. Y/n's head still nested on his shoulder as he took off to the direction of his own base.
"My place, then."
"You don't have a proper base yet, Etho." Etho felt the upwards tug of his lips. His eyes glanced down to Y/n's whose reddened eyes watched the path they took.
"Hey, it's a home to me and it'll be a home to you!" He laughed to lighten the mood. Y/n's quiet chuckles followed after him and he smiled down at him.
"Thank you, Etho."
"Anytime, sweetheart."
Y/n could take down improved Logstedshire when he felt better. Then, he wouldn't have to do it bare handed. Or alone, he reminded himself, as his eyes found dual coloured eyes.
Right now, he was just content to be with Etho.
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todaysdocument · 7 months
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Copy of affidavit of W.R. Rutland filed in case of United States v. Columbus C. Nash, etal
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United StatesSeries: Case FilesFile Unit: 12: United States v. Columbus Nash, et. al.
State of Louisiana vs ..li H. Flowers et al Affidavit of W. R. Rutland Copy Copy State of Louisiana Parish of Grant Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, W. R. Rutland, who after being by me duly sworn, deposes and says That on Tueday 1st day of April he was violently and forcibly driven from his house in Colfax of this Parish and that he barely escaped with his life by flight in the woods. He further deposes and says, After he was driven from his house and in the night time of said day, one Eli H. Flowers together with Ethan Ellsey, James Williams, Lit Sadler, Lewis Michen, Edmond Ware, Baptiste Ellsey, William Ward, Reason Michen, aided and assisted by R. C. Register, Green D. Branbly, Thomas Railey, W. L. Calhoun, Kinared Harvey and numerous other persons not now known to affiant, forcibly broke open and entered his house and carried away therefrom, household furniture, clothes, provisions, bed and bedclothes, one piano, one guitar, one sewing machine, money and valuable papers and books to the value of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, and converted the same to their own use contrary to law and the Peace and dignity of the State. Wherefore he prays for a Warrant for issue commanding the Sheriff or Constable or any of their lawful deputies to apprehend the said persons and cause them to appear before the Hon'l Daniel Kelly Parish Judge for the Parish of Winn, there to be dealt with as Law and Justice may require because the Civil Authority in this Parish is not able to enforce the Laws by reason of violence and lawlessness. Signed W. R. Rutland Sworn and Subscribed Before me on this 4th day of April A.D. 1873 Signed A. V. Ragan Justice of the Peace Parish of Grant State of Louisiana Parish of Grant I, David Hardy, a Notary Public in and for the Parish and State above written duly Commissioned and Sworn, do Certify that the above and foregoing is a true Copy of the Affidavit of W. R. Rutland, and signed and written by him, before A. V. Ragan, Known by me to be an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the Parish of Grant, duly Commissioned and entitled to be respected as such. In witness whereof I have signed this officially and affixed the stamp of my Seal, on the 14th Day of February A. D. 1874 David Hardy Notary Public [seal]
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gatutor · 3 months
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Randolph Scott-James Bell-Jean Parker "La ciudad sin ley" (A lawless street) 1955, de Joseph H. Lewis.
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jerrykinoff · 10 months
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Tommy Cash for GLAMCULT Magazine (Autumn 2018)
thank you @beelzebaeb for finding this ❤️
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Big Business can't stop its illegal, fantastically lucrative gossiping
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Seven years ago, I called Leonard Cohen’s Everybody Knows “the perfect anthem for our times.”
Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That’s how it goes Everybody knows
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
That was just after Cohen died, and while the world seems to want to settle on Hallelujah as his totemic song, Everybody Knows keeps inserting itself into the discourse, in the most toxic, hope-draining way possible. Whenever some awful scandal involving the great and the good breaches, we’re told that “everybody knew” already, so let’s move on.
This current has been running through our society for decades now. Remember when the Snowden leaks hit and a yawning chorus of nihilists told us that they knew already and so should anyone else with the smallest iota of sophistication? Back then Jay Rosen coined a rejoinder to this counsel of despair: “Don’t savvy me”:
Everybody knows. It’s what we heard after the Panama Papers. Swissleaks. Luxleaks. The Paradise Papers. Everybody knows! It’s what the nothing-to-see-here crowd said about Propublica’s explosive IRSLeaks, back in 2021:
The leaks revealed the tax-dodges of the richest and most powerful people in America, which were jaw-dropping in their audacity and shamelessness. Sure, maybe you suspected that the 400 richest people in America paid less tax than you — but did you really guess that the means by which they did this was through taking massive deductions on their elite hobbies?
Maybe “everybody knows” that the game is rigged, but did you know how? Like, did you know that REITs — a tax shelter for mom-and-pop investors who buy an income property for their retirement — have become a primary vehicle for gutting unions at hotels, slashing wages and imposing brutal, dangerous working conditions?
The leaks are cumulative. By combining data from one leak with another, we can build out a far more detailed picture of the conspiracy — and it is a conspiracy — among the utlrawealthy and their Renfields in the law, real-estate and accounting trades to duck their responsibilities and mound ever-more treasure on their hoards.
Take the Jersey Offshore leaks (2020), comprising the internal memos of La Hougue, a fantastically crooked firm of fixers on the Isle of Jersey, one of the lawless tax-crime jurisdictions that the UK pretends it has no control over. La Hougue has a playbook, 11 tactics for lying about your taxes. The remarkable thing about these 11 tactics is how flimsy they are, how easy it is to penetrate their lies. When Parliament says it can’t possibly do anything about the criminal havens in the Channel, remember the Jersey Offshore leaks and remind yourself that not even Parliament is that credulous. They know. Everybody knows:
Why do working people think the Democrats are just another party for the ultra-rich? Maybe it’s Pelosi’s relentless opposition to meaningful curbs on insider trading. Or maybe it’s the kinds of politicians that the Democratic Machine likes to rally behind — like Tali Farhadian Weinstein, who raised millions in 2021, in large-money donations from Democratic finance-sector donors in her bid to become the DA of Manhattan. Farhadian Weinstein and her husband have more than $100m in annual income, and yet, paid no federal tax in 2013, 2015 and 2017. In 2014, they paid $6,584:
Propublica isn’t done with the IRS Files. Today, they published a long investigation into ultra-rich corporate executives who buy and sell their competitors’ stock for massive profits with suspiciously precise timing. The data comes from 1099-B filings, which brokerages file with the IRS with each trade, but which the IRS doesn’t share with the SEC:
Here are some examples:
Ohio billionaire August Troendle, CEO of Medpace, repeatedly bought and sold shares of $Syneos — his company’s archrival, timing the transactions with a management shakeup that dropped the stock by 16% in one day, and an SEC investigation that crushed Syneos’s stock by 25%. His precision timing made him at least $2.3m in profit.
Isaac Larian, CEO of Bratz-maker MGA, made $28m trading shares in Mattel, MGA’s nemesis and frequent litigant — during a period when Mattel stock crashed by 57% (!). Larian boasts that “I made a LOT more money shorting Mattel stock than they did running a $4.5 billion toy company.”
Larian’s trades also involved some very precise timing. Sometimes, he took positions just before his own company announced its upcoming products, and others positions immediately preceded major disclosures from Mattel. Larian’s subordinates told Propublica that he is “is a boss with an endless appetite for information about his company and its competitors, constantly grilling subordinates on minutiae about the industry.”
Larian couldn’t explain the timing of these trades. His lawyer told Propublica that it was “false and defamatory” to suggest that he “possessed material, nonpublic information that Larian knew was obtained in breach of a duty.”
Next up is Gerald Boelte, founder and chair of the massive oil company LLOG. LLOG partners with other companies for its oil drilling. Companies like Stone Energy. Boelte bought a huge position in Stone the day before the company’s 2015 earnings report, in which they revealed an increase their reserves’ value, pulling in a 65% one day profit. He’d never bought shares in Stone before.
Boetle told Propublica, “I do not and have never traded on any material, non-public information of competitors, business partners or others… Any implication that I was investing based upon advance knowledge is therefore clearly false.”
Jim Sankey is CEO of Invue. He bought $3.2m worth of shares in his rival Checkpoint, while checkpoint was in secret negotiations to be acquired by CCL Industries. Sankey was already thoroughly connected to Checkpoint, having sold a $150m product line to them in 2007. There’s no record that he’d ever traded Checkpoint before. He made $2.3m. Sankey says “he did not know Checkpoint was going to be acquired.” He says that his company was not approached by Checkpoint as a potential acquirer.
Barry Wish was a board member of Ocwen, a company he co-founded. After the Great Financial Crisis, Ocwen bid unsuccessfully to buy $215b worth of Bank of America mortgages. The winning bidder was Nationstar. Three weeks before Nationstar’s winning bid was announced, Wish bought $600k worth of Nationstar shares. After the bid was announced, he sold them for for a $157k profit.
Wish told Propublica that he never traded competitors’ stock: “No, not at all.” Propublica read him the details of the trade from his leaked 1099-B. He said “You might see it, but I don’t have any recollection” and hung up.
Steven Grossman is a cardboard heir — a nepobaby who inherited Southern Container Corp from his grandpa. After he sold the company to Rock-Tenn for $1b in 2013, he stayed on as a senior exec. Over the next 5 years, he traded large blocks of shares in Rock-Tenn’s competitors, companies like Temple-Inland, a company that he made a 37% profit on after its acquisition was announced in 2011, one week after Grossman started buying its shares.
Grossman falsely told Propublica, “I haven’t traded stock since then.” IRS records show that Grossman continued to trade. Grossman also told Propublica that he had no role with Rock-Tenn, despite being on their payroll for five years. When asked about his extremely lucky timing buying and selling Temple-Inland, he said “That was 10 years ago” and hung up.
As Propublica’s Robert Faturechi and Ellis Simani write, Securities regulations have their origins in the crash of 1929, and the subsequent collapse in confidence in markets and capitalism, the sense that the system was rigged for the wealthy and political insiders. That is a pretty good summation of sentiment today:
It’s not just that corporate executives are corrupt, it’s that they’re lavishly, shamelessly, endlessly, incorrigibly corrupt. Take Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern, the sixth- and seventh-largest Class I railroads in the USA, whose merger was just approved by the Surface Transportation Board.
There are plenty of good reasons for the STB to have blocked this merger. The rail industry is already excessively concentrated, and its top execs are so convinced that they’re both too big to fail and too big to jail that they’re rendering entire towns permanently uninhabitable in order to eke out a few more points in profit:
But there are specific reasons to have blocked this merger, starting with the whistleblower report about CP and KCS executives illegally coming together for a three-day “retreat” at The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, a notorious site for Republican operatives to collude with the business lobby:
As Luke Goldstein writes for The American Prospect, both companies spent millions in 2020 and 2022 on campaign contributions to “grease the skids” for the merger — in particular, ensuring that the combined company could transport Alberta tar sands oil (the filthiest, most energy intensive oil in the world) to US ports.
Though the STB was informed of the illegal meeting — in which the two companies behaved as though the merger had already been finalized — STB chair Martin Oberman told Goldstein that the Board did not write to the companies for an explanation before waving through their merger.
Instead, Oberman dismissed the complaint on the grounds that “Railroads have to be able to talk to one another to function.” Typically this takes place over a free phone call, though — not on a three-day executive junket at a hotel where the rooms run $1,500/night.
Oberman knows what happened at that meeting.
Everybody knows.
It comes as no surprise to learn that before FTX imploded and destroyed the savings of its depositors, it paid out $3b to its top executives, including the criminal Sam Bankman-Fried:
It comes as no surprise that Silicon Valley Bank paid out bonuses to its execs and employees hours before it collapsed:
Everybody knows.
It’s comforting to think that the tax code loopholes that the ultrawealthy exploit are an epiphenomenon of complexity, an unavoidable consequence of the technical requirements of a big regulation that spans 300m+ people. But the truth is, the loopholes in the US tax code were inserted by politicians who got massive campaign contributions from donors who directly benefited from those loopholes. Senator Ron Johnson got $20m from the owners of Uline (Dick and Liz Uihlein) and roofing magnate Diane Hendricks, then he blocked the Trump tax bill until his fellow lawmakers inserted a loophole that produced $215m for the Uihleins and Hendricks, in just the first year:
https://pluralistic.net/2021/08/11/the-canada-variant/#shitty-man-of-history-theory It’s not even surprising that a sitting US Senator amended a bill to give hundreds of millions of dollars to billionaires who gave him tens of millions of dollars.
Everybody knows. It’s weirdly comforting to think that everyday people vote for demagogue wreckers because Facebook hired a legion of evil sorcerers to fashion a mind-control ray out of Big Data and AI, but Facebook lies about everything, and everyone who ever claimed to have a mind-control ray was a liar.
Maybe people vote for demagogue wreckers because they believe the system is rotten, and maybe they believe the system is rotten because the system is rotten. Maybe the self-described evil sorcerers of Big Tech aren’t “hacking our dopamine loops” — maybe they’re just helping opportunists target people who are justifiably angry:
The problem with this explanation is that it requires “progressive” parties to actually do stuff to demonstrate that they are on the side of people, not the side of paperclip-maximizing immortal colony organisms and the corporate executives who pretend to run them:
I try to have hope — that is, I try to believe that if we can only make changes to our material circumstances, however small they may seem, that we might attain a new vantagepoint that reveals more possible changes within our grasp:
Some days, it’s hard to have hope. Some days, it’s so obvious that everybody knows, all that I can muster is fury. Fury is not a full substitute for hope, but it’ll do. It’s a far superior alternative to the fatalism that “everybody knows” and thus nothing can be done.
Some fights you win, and other fights, you just fight, because surrender isn’t an option. Everybody knows, right? If everybody knows, then everybody might just decide to do something about it.
Next Monday (Mar 20), I’m doing a remote talk for the Ostrom Workshop’s Beyond the Web Speaker Series.
[Image ID: A smoke-filled room lit by candles. Around a large formal table sit various 19th century gentlemen-type people. One of them stands and reads from a memo. The shadow he casts is in the shape of a dollar-sign.]
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January 27, 2024
On January 27, 1838, Abraham Lincoln rose before the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois, to make a speech. Just 28 years old, Lincoln had begun to practice law and had political ambitions. But he was worried that his generation might not preserve the republic that the founders had handed to it for transmission to yet another generation. He took as his topic for that January evening, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.”
Lincoln saw trouble coming, but not from a foreign power, as other countries feared. The destruction of the United States, he warned, could come only from within. “If destruction be our lot,” he said, “we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
The trouble Lincoln perceived stemmed from the growing lawlessness in the country as men ignored the rule of law and acted on their passions, imposing their will on their neighbors through violence. He pointed specifically to two recent events: the 1836 lynching of free Black man Francis McIntosh in St. Louis, Missouri, and the 1837 murder of white abolitionist editor Elijah P. Lovejoy by a proslavery mob in Alton, Illinois. 
But the problem of lawlessness was not limited to individual instances, he said. A public practice of ignoring the law eventually broke down all the guardrails designed to protect individuals, while lawbreakers, going unpunished, became convinced they were entitled to act without restraint. “Having ever regarded Government as their deadliest bane,” Lincoln said, “they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations; and pray for nothing so much as its total annihilation.”
The only way to guard against such destruction, LIncoln said, was to protect the rule of law on which the country was founded. “As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor…. Let reverence for the laws…become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.” 
Lincoln was quick to clarify that he was not saying all laws were good. Indeed, he said, bad laws should be challenged and repealed. But the underlying structure of the rule of law, based in the Constitution, could not be abandoned without losing democracy. 
Lincoln didn’t stop there. He warned that the very success of the American republic threatened its continuation. “[M]en of ambition and talents” could no longer make their name by building the nation—that glory had already been won. Their ambition could not be served simply by preserving what those before them had created, so they would achieve distinction through destruction. 
For such a man, Lincoln said, “Distinction will be his paramount object, and although he would as willingly, perhaps more so, acquire it by doing good as harm; yet, that opportunity being past, and nothing left to be done in the way of building up, he would set boldly to the task of pulling down.” With no dangerous foreign power to turn people’s passions against, people would turn from the project of “establishing and maintaining civil and religious liberty” and would instead turn against each other. 
Lincoln reminded his audience that the torch of American democracy had been passed to them. The Founders had used their passions to create a system of laws, but the time for passion had passed, lest it tear the nation apart. The next generation must support democracy through “sober reason,” he said. He called for Americans to exercise “general intelligence, sound morality, and in particular, a reverence for the constitution and laws.”
“Upon these let the proud fabric of freedom rest, as the rock of its basis; and as truly as has been said of the only greater institution, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”
What became known as the Lyceum Address is one of the earliest speeches of Lincoln’s to have been preserved, and at the time it established him as a rising politician and political thinker. But his recognition, in a time of religious fervor and moral crusades, that the law must prevail over individual passions reverberates far beyond the specific crises of the 1830s.
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stick-by-me · 1 year
How do you organize/store your stickers? :o
My friend. You have opened a whole Can of Worms*. I shall gladly answer your question, sorry it took so long I had to figure out how to do it with a ten picture limit asdfghjkl
*Worms would be located under "Wild Animals -> Bugs" or alternatively "Individuals -> Mostly Wild Animals -> Non-Butterfly Bugs"
So first off.
The sticker bins themselves are mostly kept in my closet, though the ones I use the most (Individuals, Domestic Animals, and Food/Garden) are kept under my bed for easy access.
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I have 14 bins of stickers total (though I'll be honest some of them are getting Very Full and I probably need to get some more). Each bin has its own category, though many have subcategories. And they're all approximately shoebox sized.
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Early Year Holidays/Seasons (New Year's, Winter, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Spring, Fourth of July, and Summer)
Late Year Holidays/Seasons (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Fall)
Latest Year Holidays/Seasons (Christmas and Christian stickers)
Shapes/Patterns (Hearts, Stars, Smiley faces, Other Shapes™, Borders, and Words and Affirmations)
Wild Animals (Sea Creatures, Bugs, Woodland Creatures, Other Creatures™, Bears, and Dinosaurs. Admittedly the subcategories for this one are kinda wack)
Domestic Animals (Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Rodents, and Farm Animals)
Miscellaneous (...I have a different diagram to explain the subcategories here)
Non-Disney Characters/Logos (Characters My Brothers Like, Scooby Doo, Superheroes, ""Girly"" Characters, Colleges, and Various Other Trademarked Stickers)
Disney Characters/Alphabet (Muppets, Mickey & Friends, Princesses, Fairies, and Alphabet. Weird combo I know but I have a surprising number of Disney alphabet stickers)
Food/Garden (Ice Cream, Candy, Cupcakes, Fruit, Fast Food, Other Food, Flowers, Other Plants, and Gardening)
Weird Shaped Packages (no real subcategories but this is where I keep Sticker Books and Sticker Flake Packages)
Individuals (I have another diagram for the subcategories here)
Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club Part 1
Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club Part 2
(Note that I hope to organize the Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club stickers into their respective categories before I leave for college but that may or may not actually occur :P)
The Miscellaneous tote is an organized, if lawless, land. Here are the subcategories for it!
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(I wanted to color code the text but Tumblr only has like 7 colors 😔)
Maroon: Stationary/School
Red: Music/Theatre
Pink: Travel/Countries
Magenta: Modes of Travel
Orange: SPACE!!
Yellow: Science/Technology
Gold: True Miscellaneous/Pretty Things
Bright Green: Fantasy
Forest Green: Sports
Teal: People/Occupations (ie clowns, cowboys, ninjas, etc.)
Cyan: "Girly" Things (ballerinas, teacups, purses, etc.)
Royal Blue: Parts of People (eyeballs, mostly)
Indigo: Games/ Toys
Purple: Baby/Birthday
Then there's the Individuals tote. "Individuals" basically refers to any sticker that is smaller than your average sheet that I'm worried would get lost in a big tote. This includes sticker mods, stickers off a roll, sticker flakes, anything cut out of a larger sheets, water bottle/laptop stickers, and just. Small sticker sheets.
I, apparently, have 20 main snack bags, each with several subcategories (though there's enough of them that I'll leave most of them to your imagination rather than list them all XD). Most of them mirror the categories of the big totes, but some are unique.
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A: Shapes/Patterns
B: Nature (includes weather, plants, and beach stickers)
C: Miscellaneous 1 (art and travel focused)
D: Miscellaneous 2 ("true" miscellaneous)
E: Miscellaneous 3 (school and science focused)
F: Early Year Holidays/Seasons (Winter-Summer) + Birthday
G: Late Year Holidays/Seasons (Fall-Winter)
H: Food/Scratch and Sniff
I: Domestic Animals
J: Mostly Domesticated Animals
K: Mostly Wild Animals
L: Wild Animals
M: Zoo Animals**
N: Bears
O: Disney Characters
P: Non-Disney Characters
Q: Logos/Companies
R: Words and Affirmations
S: Water Bottle Stickers Overflow (they physically don't fit in the other bags)
T: Tile Stickers
**Zoo Animals is different than Wild Animals in that "Zoo Animals" means the sticker has one particular animal instead of an assortment of different animals (which falls under "Wild Animals".) Yes it's very arbitrary. All the animal distinctions are tbh.
Of course, putting the stickers under my bed and in my closet means I don't get to admire them very often. To counteract this I have a display board I put some new/seasonal/favorite stickers on.
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Currently on display I have a Discowing sticker, a summer sticker mod, and a sticker sheet from my penpal when she visited (plus some bonus sticky notes from the penpal as well).
Since I'm sure you're wondering, the stuffed rabbits are named, from left to right, Blueberry (made by a friend!), Snorb (also made by a friend!), Mocha, Mellie, York, and Spotty.
Of course not every sticker I get is fortunate enough to have a backing. Sometimes I'll get stickers from the supermarket or I'll peel them off a package and I know they'd never survive in the bins, so they go in the Hello Kitty sticker book!
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I've had this thing since I was like 4. I'm a little bit obsessed if I'm being honest. She's never let me down.
And that's the important stuff for stickers! Though I wanted to show off my other stationary, too.
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I keep all my miscellaneous scrapbooking materials/stationary in a Batman lunch tin. All of my letters and envelopes are in an old shoebox. Both are stationed at the end of my comic book shelf! The tin and the assorted letter sets are hidden behind the two Batman stuffies :P
.....does that answer your question? :D
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ofsavior · 2 years
valentine’s day! || @moonhund
A little Valentine's Day headcanon question!
Which of your muses celebrate? Do they view it as a strictly romantic holiday or enjoy it platonically with friends and family too?
Momo - She gives all her friends chocolates to express how important they are to her! She has attempted to give a special someone more meaningful chocolates, but it never conveys well.
Kanae - She grows flowers specific to the holiday! They are shared among all her patrons and fellow demon slayers.
Erza - As a hopeful romantic, she secretly waits for the day someone treats her like a princess on Valentine’s Day.
Mirajane - She bakes goodies for all of her friends, but she does like one-on-one time with dates in the evening.
Marinette - She loves love! There’s never a day that goes by when she doesn’t fantasize about grandiose gestures, and Valentine’s Day intensifies it.
Joe - He accepts chocolates from anyone, but he’s waiting for White Day to express his own feelings.
Are any of your muses against the idea of Valentine's?
Gray - He’s not opposed so much as too awkward to make it meaningful.
Guren - This main is a romantic at heart, but hell will freeze over before he admits to it.
Lawless - He acts like he’s against it, but he buys into it anyway.
Saruhiko - He’d rather die than be put on the spot.
And most importantly, which of your muses wait until the day after to stock up on discount chocolate? :D
Tsurugi haha! Twelve, Claudia, and Roy for sure!
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MWW Artwork of the Day (9/17/24) Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824–1904) Cafe House, Cairo (Casting Bullets)(c. 1884) Oil on canvas, 54.6 x 62.9 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Henry H. Cook Bequest)
Bashi-bazouks, mercenary soldiers in the army of the Turkish sultan, were known for their lawlessness and brutality, but Gérôme usually depicted them at leisure, as he did here, rather than engaged in battle. His frequent repetitions of the subject over a thirty-year period, in conjunction with a technique that matured early and changed little, make these canvases difficult to date on the basis of style alone. Gérôme probably completed this painting soon before he sold it to his Parisian dealer, Goupil, in 1884.
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ltleflrt · 9 months
Ltleflrt's Writing Year In Review
Not a lot of writing got done this year, but considering the level of burnout I've been experiencing in the last 3-5 years, I'm very happy with what I've gotten done :)
Total 2023 Wordcount: 67,799
Total 2023 Kudos: 247
Total 2023 Hits: 2,734
My 2023 Fics:
Peace: 18,643 (WIP)
Fenris didn't have much reason to smile and laugh in his life, until he came to Kirkwall and Hawke gives him a reason to. Fenris doesn't want to disrupt the fragile sense of peace he's found by putting his heart in the hands of another mage, but Hawke's flirting and kindness are difficult to resist.
This is a rewrite of my very first fic Peace Begins With A Smile, and technically most of the wordcount is from there. But I've got many more chapters written than posted, and I know for a fact that I added AT LEAST 10k words to the original story, so I'm keeping that posted wordcount for this year's stats :D
Peace began as a writing exercise, just to keep my creative muscles from atrophying. I had replayed DA2 early in the year, and fell down the Fenhawke rabbit hole again, and it made me want to re-read my own story. I hadn't read it in like 10 years, so it was very eye opening to see just how much I've improved and how much my writing style has developed in that time. I wanted to rewrite it with my new skills, and wow it's a BIG difference.
Reaching Out: 22,825 (WIP)
Everyone knew Malcolm Hawke was a good man. A hero in the eyes of his wife and children, and a respected pillar of the community. At least until rumors of magic started to circulate, and he had to move his family in order to protect them. He'd do anything to keep his family safe, a responsibility he passes on to his eldest son when illness takes him away. Mal Hawke not only bears his father's name, but also the weight of his father's legacy. Everyone, including himself, expects him to step into his father's role, to pick up those responsibilities and carry them with the same steadfast strength. An expectation that is tested when the Blight hits Lothering, and is strained to a breaking point by the lawless and chaotic City of Kirkwall.
This is my biggest 2023 project, all original words. Once again, DA2 infested my brain, and I got an idea for a new version of Hawke that has me really excited. Plus, I have always wanted to write a Fenhanders fic, so this is going to be it! I got stuck, and have been distracted by BG3, but I still have big plans for this fic. (SO big, omg this story is going to be so long lol)
Something to Hold: 14,733
He did not hear the telltale clank of Templar armor behind him. It was probably a local. All Anders needed to do was act as if he were a simple traveler passing through. Nothing remarkable. Nothing worth mentioning to any searching Templars who might follow. Don’t run, act natural, don’t run, act natural, he thought firmly as he forced himself to keep an even pace. The only sign he gave that he recognized he was no longer alone on the road was to move to the edge to give the approaching stranger space to pass him. His heart beat like bird wings against the cage of his ribs as the sound of horse hooves and cart wheels grew closer. His fingers began to tingle with magic, and he curled them inward to hide any wayward sparks. Anders tried to keep his shoulders loose instead of tucked up tense around his ears. When the wagon drew up alongside him, Anders kept his eyes forward and prayed to the Maker that the stranger would ignore him. As was the case with most of his prayers, the Maker didn’t listen. On one of his many escape attempts Anders meets the Hawke family. And forms a special connection with the eldest son.
This was an excuse to write porn lol
I love "what if they met before canon" fics, and I decided to write one of my own. It turned out longer than I thought it would (shock!), and planted the seed for Reaching Out. It can stand alone, but I'm treating it as a prequel :D
Bathed in Starlight: 3,336
“You should have brought a torch,” Gethin scolds lightly as he comes to a stop next to Astarion’s discarded armor and clothing. It’s folded neatly, the armor stacked methodically. Astarion affects an air of carelessness, but he keeps his few belongings tidy and organized. Gethin suspects it’s his way of exerting a modicum of control over his life. “Or stayed closer to camp.” Astarion flashes a fanged smile at Gethin over his shoulder, seemingly unsurprised at his presence. “You know how much I enjoy a nip of danger, darling.” When Gethin’s lips tighten with disapproval, Astarion’s smile droops into a pout and he sighs dramatically. “There was nothing to worry about, was there? Here you are, with enough light for both of us.”
OMG a new fandom! *excited bounce*
I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 on launch day because the bear sex scene in the trailer hooked my interest (yes, I'm a closet furry), and the game has taken over my life. I did not expect to fall in love so hard, with the characters, the story, the gameplay, with my OCs, and one particular elf. But here we are, and I'm gonna fic about it.
This is just a canon conversation that I needed to write from the POV of my Dark Urge OC. Nothing special about it. And of course it had to include bathing. If I never wrote anything else for BG3, I needed to make sure I added my signature to the fandom :D
The Sun, The Moon, and The Night: 8,262 (WIP)
Caelnir and Kestrel are half brothers who were swept up by the mindflayer nautiloid at the same time. When they crash back to Faerun, they meet a pale elf who manages to snare both of them with his charms.
This is the bastard that has distracted me from my other WIPs. Yeah, yeah, I'm mad about it too, but I'm also gonna keep writing it lol
I don't normally create OCs. Like, there's Gabe Hawke and JM Shepard, but they've got more of a canon framework than most RPG playable characters. I have no emotional connections to any of my Dragon Age wardens, and the one inquisitor I care about has just the baaaarest hint of backstory. I can't even think of OCs I've created for other RPGs, because I don't care.
But oh boy, I care about Kestrel and Caelnir. A lot. Mostly because I created them with the same face shape, and I thought it would be funny if I somehow made them brothers even though one is a high elf, and the other is a drow. But they're half elves. What if their mom was just a slutty slutty human who traveled a lot? BOOM. The boys came to life, and now I'm writing fic. And since they both romanced the same character in the game, it's a poly fic. I love the challenge of poly fics, and I also hate the challenge, WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF??
Oh yeah, because Astarion is my blorbo, my boys are precious and special, and I'm the self insert slutty slutty human mom ;D
My writing in 2023 has been nothing like previous years. The fics I've written have gotten very little attention compared to what I'm used to, even going back to my very early days of posting, but I'm having fun and I've got a few friends who are intensely interested in the stuff I'm creating. I'm just happy to be writing!
My plans for 2024 are to keep plunking away at the WIPs in this post. I don't see myself going back to any of my Destiel WIPs, posted or otherwise, any time soon. I think my brain needs a break from the Winchesters for now.
(Of course, there's a shitload of Winchester Inspiration in some of my new OCs, but like...they don't have American accents, so they're TOTALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE LOL)
Anyway, Happy New Year! Here's to many more fics, both written and read, in our future! 🍾🎆🥂
Previous Years
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