#stanley isnt okay
rustyparable · 4 months
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I was practicing faces at weirs angles and he manifested. Couldnt be helped.
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insomniphic · 1 year
“I just want to get to know you better because I care about you, okay?”
He’ll understand.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
btw. it is SO important to me that everyone in dsaf can never have what they want. SO important. you do not understand how imporant it is .
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sillyof1987 · 6 days
Relativity Falls AU (except its my take on it that ive decided to share to the world instead of working on college hw.)
first my ideas were inspired on these comics & this thread.
mabel pines switches places with stanley pines. dipper mason pines switches places with stanford pines.
mabel & mason were very close growing up, & they had planned to always stick together! maybe even create their own show growing up! fast forward, mason gets an offer from a big time college that would have him going around the world to conduct scientific research! mason checks if mabel is okay with this, & seeing how excited her brother is she tells him she supports him! he prepares a whole project & paper, but evidently overworks himself to where hes passed out & mabel is able to take a peak at it. she looks over his work, feeling proud but the pit of being upset at the possibility of being left behind she ends up somehow (havent worked out this detail) messing up a part of the project. she panics & tries to fix it, thinking she did she leaves it be & goes to bed.
next day when mason shows the project, it isnt fixed & is in fact messed up & he loses the opportunity of his first choice college. he finds glitter (instead of toffee as in canon) & connects it back to mabel. he goes home & confronts mabel, they end up arguing over the misunderstanding before mason leaves upset. their dad finds out what mabel did & ends up kicking her out. she ends up leaving, knowing shes made everyone upset she doesnt say goodbyes.
when mason comes back, he panics at mabel being gone & tries to search for her. he is convinced by their parents that shes fine & decided to leave on her own & they are still in contact with her (they are not). he barely accepts this, but focuses back on school. he ends up going to his second choice college, but rushes through it all without making any friends & wanting to be able to go conduct research studies as soon as possible. he travels a bit until he finds the strange & unusual gravity falls, the most interesting research opportunity he has landed on.
flash back to mabel, who is struggling to get by but doing her best to sell art & sweaters she creates, but without a ton of money it makes getting materials difficult over time. she worries about mason, but shes convinced hes fine & doesnt need her.
masons research in gravity falls is going great! he begins a journal, marking it with the big dipper first, then the pine tree, then his last with a pine tree & a shooting star bookmark. he even meets pacifica northwest, a girl who lives in the northwest mansion that has had the name passed down to her. he does a job for her, & seeing his bravery & care makes her want to work with him, so they end up researching together! however, mason hits a block in his research as he tries to share his findings & convince the people of gravity falls the anomalies hes found are real, which fails as he only scares people. while searching for more answers he finds a summoning for the oracle. he summons the oracle, but she doesnt appear until a dream. she tells him that she is a teacher, a caretaker, & sees his efforts on trying to help the people of gravity falls see the reality of their town. she tells him she is unable to have a physical form, as her universe was destroyed by a past prophecy, but if he builds a portal then she would be able to enter his world & help him.
mason convinced, makes a deal with the oracle & begins building the portal with pacifica, until there is an accident. pacifica sees whats really behind the portal, destruction. she warns dipper that this project will kill him if he doesnt stop it now, & he needs to choose between the portal (the oracle) or a normal life with her. after contemplating, dipper chooses life & tells the oracle the deal is off & is able to see the rip in the universe, destruction as pacifica told him. the oracle is furious, & ends up driving mason to paranoia trying to force him to continue the portal. mason decides he needs to hide his research & journals & ends up calling for mabel.
mabel gets a letter from mason, hopeful. this is it. her brother wants her back in his life. he needs her. she ends up in gravity falls to see her paranoid induced brother who shows her this portal. he tells her he needs her, needs her to take his journal & go as far away as possible. distraught, mabel begins an argument with mason & they fight as she tries to destroy his journal. mason accidentally burns mabel. mabel tells mason what her reality has really been for the past 10 years & mason realizes he has been lied to by his parents. he goes to hug her, but she ends up pushing him back & he ends up falling into the portal.
mabel then spends 30 years trying to get mason back, deceiving the town of her identity as the scientist hidden in the woods & begins a sci-fi mystery shop. she had help from pacifica for a while trying to bring the portal back up & running, but over time pacifica slowly gaslights herself & secludes herself in her mansion where she grows cold & reclusive. nothing seems to change in her life, until she meets stan & ford pines, her nephews….
more small bits of switcharoos: pacifica does switch with fiddleford mcgucket! fiddleford still comes to gravity falls, his family either buying land or on vacation or taking care of the lake for the summer. fiddleford & emma may (fiddlefords wife in canon) take candy & grendas place where they are friends with the twins. candy & grenda still exist though & are mabels friends! dan & wendy switch, but instead of ford having a crush on him he sees him as “a normal masucline teen” & wants to be like him so badly, wants to be seen as normal until he realizes its okay for him to be himself. budd gleeful & gideon switch, but budd instead of having a crush on stan is actually just conning him & pretending to be his friend while gideon still has a crush on mabel & shows this when mabel visits him since their kids are getting along (i havent decided if gideon still wants the journals or budd does). waddles switches with a possum that stan has.
the oracle & bill switch, bill is someone that mason meets while in dimensions. bills dimension still exists since he is able to make his world see in 3D now & is the prince of his world! he finds masons family fascinating (ford even moreso with his 6 fingers) & decides to give him some help to defeating the oracle when he gets back…
these are all the ideas i have for now on world building. feel free to give ur own ideas or ask questions or correct anything! this is otherwise mostly for me in case i decide to write or draw anything for this au, but i hope anyone who reads enjoys my take!
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nwjn-z · 1 year
Hello~ could I request Stan knocking on reader’s window in the middle of the night sad bc Randy’s being… Randy? So they go out to Stark’s Pond and sit on the bench while he rants and they drink n stargaze n stuff?
Late night confessions — feat. Stan Marsh x reader
warning(s): yelling, drinking, swearing
author’s note: OMG ANON IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPLOAD THIS SOONER IVE BEEN REALLY BUSY, here you go tho i know it’s late asf but i hope you like it😞
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It was 2:34 am, and the quite mountain town of South Park was in a peaceful slumber, but the Marsh household was anything but quite and peaceful.
“You know what Stan? I am so sick and tired of your shit. You don’t do jack shit all day, you never want to help out with the family business, and when you do decide to help you always fuck up. You are going to get no where in life with this kind of attitude Stanley.”
All it took to push Stan over the edge was bringing up his future. Ever since starting high school, Stan biggest anxiety was what he was going to do with his life. The fear of ending up a “waste of space” kept him up at night.
“Seriously fuck you dad.” Stan sniffles as he storms out the house, wanting to be anywhere but “home”.
Stan gets in his car and makes his way to town with only his phone and wallet. He needed comfort right now. He needed to go somewhere that was familiar, somewhere that he felt safe at.
Stark’s Pond was special to Stan. Growing up it was his favourite place to be, where he hung out with his friends, where he had his first kiss, and where he had his few good memories with his dad.
But he didn’t want to be alone right now, he wanted to be with someone he could talk to, who would understand him, who could make him forget all about his problems, who could make him feel good no matter what, he needed you.
You were up late for no particular reason. It was summer so you were off your normal schedule. You mindlessly scrolled through your phone while the rest of your family was fast asleep.
When Stan made his way to your house he began to climb up on to your balcony. When he managed to do so he couldn’t help but stare at you through the space in between your curtains.
He saw you laying on your stomach swinging your legs back and fourth and holding a pillow to rest your head on while you where preoccupied with your phone.
You where so beautiful to him. You always had been since the day you two met. He loved your hair, your eyes, the way you talked, how you were always to quite yet kind, the way you made him feel so weak. He loved it all, he couldn’t get enough of you. He wanted nothing more than to make you his.
He continued to stare, looking longingly at you with hearts in his eyes until you noticed him staring and freaked out. He saw you jump and threw your pillow at your window before you realised it was him. You cursed him under your breath while you opened the curtain to open the window for him.
“You scared the shit out of me.” You told him,
“I’m sorry I just got distracted.” he replied.
“What are you doing here, it’s almost 3 o’clock!” You said,
“I know im sorry, I just really need someone to talk to I just had a huge fight with my dad and I don’t know where else to go.” He says as his mind rushes thinking back to the fight as he tries to hold back tears.
“Hey hey it’s okay I’m sorry, we talk if you want I’m here for you.” You say sincerely.
Hearing your sweet voice speak to him so gently after being yelled at and berated makes him break his composure and hot tears stream down his face.
You immediately pull him into you and caress the back of his head as he buries his face into your neck, holding on to your waist for dear life.
After some time he reluctantly pulls away and wipes his face.
“I came over to ask if you want to go to Stark’s Pond with me.” He mutters as he tries to compose himself.
“Let me get my jacket.” Is all you say in response wasting no time getting your jacket.
“We’re gonna have to leave through my window, I don’t want to wake my parents.” You say zipping up your jacket
“Okay” he says meekly.
You both make your way out your window with Stan helping you get down. You get into Stan’s car and he begins to drive.
As you make your way to Stark’s Pond, you can’t help but stare at him while he drives. He has one hand on the bottom of the stirring wheel and the other hand on the gear shift. His hands are rough from years of sports and roughhousing outside, yet whenever you felt them they were so soft.
Your daydreaming was cut short when he came to a stop and you realised you weren’t at Stark’s Pond.
“I’m gonna grab drinks real quick, you want anything?” he asked
“I’ll just have whatever you are having, even though you shouldn’t be drinking.” you say in disapproval of his habit
“Yeah I know but I kinda need it right now.” he responds somewhat bashfully.
“I guess” you say.
As you sit in the car waiting for him you start to wonder why he came to you. I mean you guys are close friends but you thought that him and Kyle were closer, that he would go to his childhood best friend for things like this. Right?
You aren’t left with your thoughts for long as Stan quickly makes his way out the store and back into the car.
He gets back into the car and after a couple of seconds he starts to drive again.
The convenient store wasn’t far from Stark’s Pond so you arrived fairly quickly.
“We’re here” Stan announces
You simply reply with a hum in acknowledgment and make your way out the car with him.
You sit down and he hands you a drink before cracking open his. You two sit in silence drinking until your thoughts from sitting in the convenient store parking lot make their way back into your head.
“Hey, why did you want to hang out with me of all people?” you say still leaning your head back staring at stars
“What?” He asks, almost dumbfounded
“I mean like why not Kyle or Wendy even, they’ve known you longer and probably better than I do so I just thought you would go to one of them for something like this.” you tell him honestly
“Do you not want me to come to you?” He asks, worry written all his face and voice.
“WHAT!? NO! I mean i just thought that like, you would think I wouldn’t be any help you know?”
“Nah dude that’s bullshit, besides why would I go to my ex about my problems.” he chuckles lightheartedly
“I don’t know I thought she would get you I guess.” you say as he shakes his head “no”.
“Oh well what about Kyle then, surely he’d be your first responder or something.”
“Kyle doesn’t know shit about me at this point, anytime I try and talk to him about the things I go through he just doesn’t get it.” he responds truthfully
“We’re still best friends and all but, he just doesn’t understand why I can’t just “get over it” you know? It gets really fucking frustrating.”
You take a minute to process what he said but before you can say anything he begins to speak again,
“You aren’t like that though. You’re always so nice and never make me feel stupid or crazy for feeling the way that I do.”
His words flustered you. Only you made him feel comfortable and safe? You felt your heart clench at the thought. Without thinking you put your hand over his and finally look over at him,
“I’m glad I can be that person for you.” You say sincerely with a smile on your face
And just like that Stan just couldn’t take it anymore. You were truly the most amazing person he has ever known. You’re sweet, kind, and genuine soul made his heart swell and his face smile. He couldn’t hold back the words that left his mouth in that moment,
“I’m so in love with you.” He says with hearts basically in his eyes.
“What!?” You respond eyes wide and face flushed
“I like you too, well love.” you say honestly having waited for this moment for what felt like an eternity,
“Wait what?Really!?” Stan says, dumbfounded but simultaneously feeling his heart burst with joy
“Yeah dude” you respond with a lighthearted laugh, but before you could say anything else you felt the slight wetness of his lips on yours, relishing in the feeling you close your eyes and lean in, completely melting in his touch.
“You love me?” he asks smiling, wanting nothing more than to hear you say those three words over and over until he can’t hear anymore,
“I love you.” you say, more than happy to repeat that phrase till your voice gives out.
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thyrsus · 1 month
gravity falls fandom kinda came back recently, and so did my interest in the show. i rewatched it, and am currently hyperfixating on it, just like i did when i was a child. SO! I'M IN SEARCH OF A GF ROLEPLAY.
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(i sorted and itemized them out for all you skim-readers, yeah, i'm cool like that)
— i'm 23M, and i'm looking for 18+ roleplayers only
— (( for romantic roleplays, )) i strictly prefer mxm pairings and fxf pairings. i don't do oc x cc most of the time, i like cc x cc and oc x oc much better. (if your oc is really interesting to me, i would consider cc x oc!)
— (( for non-romantic roleplays, )) i'd LOVE to explore the brotherhood between Stanley and Stanford, so hit me up if you're interested in that!
— ((for cc x cc)) i've never really been the die-hard shipper type when it comes to gravity falls ships, so i think i'd be fine with most ships. the ones i can think of from the top of my head, though, are Billford, Ford², Mabel x Candy (whatever they're called, also they'd obviously be aged up)
— ((for oc x oc)) i have like 2 oc's in this universe but they're not really well-written as of now, just ideas for the characters i'm mapping them out to be, and i'd like to practice their behaviors and mental states etc through our roleplays, to sorta grow them into a more realistic/mature oc, if that makes sense. as for your oc's, i'd like to know about them before roleplaying, as the character has to be something i'm interested in in order for me to enjoy the roleplay. i also like to draw ship art (or just fanart) for the oc x oc roleplays i do, so that's cool too i guess lol
— ((for plots)) i'm okay with making something up in the DMs. generally, i love angst and slow burn, hurt/comfort, action and fantasy based stuff. i like fluff too but idk how fuckin BILLFORD over there could have fluff in it so.. yeah. I'm open to AU's, if you're open to explaining them to me like i'm a 4 year old. I'm open to nsfw themes, whether that be blood, gore, or sexual content. i also looovee horror themes.
— ALSO!! I'd love to try out an mxm oc x cc for Stanley x your oc, maybe their teenage years, idk, i know i just said i don't so oc x cc but I want to play Stan in a romantic setting and idk who to ship him with LMAOO. Same goes for Wendy, i'd love to play as her in a romantic setting but I just don't ship her with anyone, so if you have a female oc that'd be interested in an aged up Wendy, hit me up lol
— i mostly roleplay on Discord
— my literacy level is semi-literate to advanced-literate, i'd want my partner to match my freak when it comes to that.
— talking to my rp partner out of character about the characters we're playing as, about the show, or maybe even about our own lives is what makes the roleplays engaging for me! i guess being my friend or talking about yourself isnt a requirement KCAKFKW but it'd be cool to chat ooc about the characters and the show at least :))
— i'm a full time student and a part time barista so i might reply late at times, sorry in advance for that.
— i feel like i mentioned almost everything? but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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oh-allie · 1 month
mabel hate in 2024 is CRAZY...
lets not forget that she is 12...! in basically all canon media she is 12 or newly 13!!..... i dont even know what people hate her for ??? shes "selfish" for wanting to stay with people she loves? for being scared of change?
"it was selfish for her to expect dipper to stay with her!!!" hey go rewatch the whole show actually!... did you not watch ATOTS at all ?? i never see that same point of hatred perpetrated onto stanley when him and ford are LITERAL parallels of dipper and mabel 😓😓
especially with tbob coming out and us finding out that dipper and mabels parents dont have a great relationship ->
- this explains why mabel lied in that scene when she overheard stan and fords conversation. she was protecting dipper
- this also explains why dipper possibly staying with ford would bring up so many conflicting emotions for her, she wants the best for him- and she knows their home life isnt the best, and she knows that their parents arguing really affects dipper, but she obviously doesnt want to be alone.
^^ and THIS is why she gave away the rift. not only did she NOT know the ramifications (this was ford and dippers faults for not trusting and telling her such important information {she wouldve understood, she had also faced bill before}) but she believed that MORE SUMMER = more time with the people she loved, more time with dipper without having to face reality alone.
pre-weirdmageddon pines family just needed some group therapy and communication 😞 some people act like the apocalypse was mabels fault when she didnt even know ?? and she didnt know because FORD (and dipper but ford was makinf him) purposefully kept the rift from mabel and stan. dipper KNOWS that mabel and stan would understand, since they both have dealt with bill ALONGSIDE dipper. cmon guys.
its okay though i still love ford 😇 heehhshweh okay he needs to learn communication but hes so cutie... i could literally talk about this show for hours. someone save me from gravity falls hell.
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lexumpysfunland · 5 days
Okay, we know walter isnt a fan of narrators being mean to their stanleys, but what about stanleys mistreating their narrators? Is that any different?
it depends on what led to this narrator being mistreated. he'll have two different reactions if the narrator kinda got what he deserves, then he won't say anything. if he feels it's unfair, he will be against it.
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employee052 · 2 months
this doesnt make sense but im putting it here so i dont forget whfhehf
watching jse's tspud playthru videos again n since ive been in a dbh hyperfixation revisit, ive had the idea of narry being an android but sean got to the bucket and theres the idea of the bucket being a stand in character for the narrator to talk through to stanley (like in the bucket freedom ending its the narrator framing being trapped in the office forever as okay so long as they have each other) but in this android au idea whatever its called thing, imagine if a bucket is similar to what ppl consider androids, like a tool made of metal designed to fufill a task (coughs in "tin can"), with the narrator and the curator being androids, both made to fufil a task (narrating and being a museum curator) but in the museum bucket ending they frame buckets as tools that can be both dangerous yet beneficial to humanity, and the whole "the hanging bucket" instalation stating that its meant to show the 'needed' seperation of buckets and humanity yet its that instalation where sTANLEY GETS TO THE BUCKET REGARDLESS I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS MAKES SENSE AND THIS ISNT A FULLY PUT TOGETHER TJOUGHT BUT DOES SOMEONE UNDERSTAND MY VISION
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queenburd · 1 year
okay okay here’s a rough outline for the hypothetical fic, like 3/4 developed, in an order that makes sense narratively. it’s kind of a mess, because it’s bits and pieces of what I’ve talked about on my blog, but in a Narrative structure.
If I had the mental capacity I would write a whole TSP fic that gets severely meta and Stanley and the Curator are the only ones in on just how meta it is
I definitely wanna preface that this thing isnt a completely 100 percent developed story, its like. 70 percent? idk. but my thinking, or hunch, is that this whole thing started because the Player came back and did a Real Person run. it’s been a long, LONG time since they showed up, so when Suddenly Stanley isnt responding the the Narrator, the fellow cant inhabit his model and is forced to be a voice that run (after a long time of the pair of them by themselves, doing what they like), it shakes them both up pretty badly.
so the Narrator decides that since he can inhabit a model, he’s getting Stanley to that escape pod to get the hell out of dodge.
the narrator is not planning on coming with him.
and this…. doesnt go over well.
So a big theme about this whole story is the fear of abandonment. The Narrator is terrified of it, 432 has experienced it, Stanley feels like that’s what the Narrator is doing to him with the whole Escape Pod thing. (Stanley may also have some. unprocessed feelings abt the collectibles ending and epilogue.)
and this is all the Narrator’s fault btw. he made a bad decision early in the fic out of fear so he and Stanley have been dealing with that the ENTIRE TIME.
When the Narrator makes the decision to “let Stanley go”, Stanley doesn’t take it well, and 432 projects onto him pretty strongly–it’s hard not to! There’s a lot of overlap. That, plus the fact that the wheel has to keep turning, spurs 432 into action. He acts out in what he thinks is mutual anger both he and Stanley feel towards the Narrator.
They’re doing it because he’s projecting onto Stanley big time, under the assumption the Narrator made this protagonist and is now going to throw him aside and make a new one. This falls in line too closely with their memories.
Memories including a Narrator who wanted to make a big story about mind control and choice and freedom. Who jumped headfirst into a project that he only half-completed, because he got lazy and didn’t want to put all the work in, so he dumbed his story down.
Memories of half-finished NPCs disappearing and changing halls and a protagonist, designed to solve a mystery, instead becoming paranoid and disappearing.
432 is a sympathetic….. antagonist. not a villain lmao but an opposing force to the narrator in the sense they find the narrator to be lazy and probably stupid.
The narrator even describes himself pre-Parable as a person who got lazy, and made a character to make decisions for him, because decisions are complicated and difficult. He made the bucket instead of rewriting the game. he made a bunch of gags in the hope it would be a story.
As for 432… well. I think the narrator had initially planned a more complicated true ending. NPCs, a more complex storyline to figure out the mystery of mind control, and an inquisitive protagonist designed in game to be allowed the mental freedom to question. Documents and lore abt 432 show he was an exception for the mind control experiment.
But the narrator was finding this story and the choices too unwieldy. Making all these 2dimensional npcs, outlining this complicated storyline, he found it was not what he wanted. It was hard. So he cut it down a lot.
But 432 was not designed for this much simpler environment. The inquisitiveness turned to paranoia. The self awareness turned to game awareness. He knew what his role was but he didn’t fit it anymore, not the way the narrator needed him to.
And then he disappeared.
Did the narrator erase him? Did he find his own way to slip into the code? Who can say? But the narrator’s memory of 432 is fuzzy at best, and he made a new protagonist, one much simpler. One who wouldn’t ask hard questions unless prompted. One who simply desired happiness.
And then, of course, like any good protagonist, Stanley changed.
432 is, sadly, a lil bit of a hypocrite, because they too don’t want to go through making an entirely new video game. that’s hard. but, it also has to be said that it was not their job to make a video game, it was their job to be the protagonist. It was their job to play the game, again, and again. Keep the wheel turning.
they make the door to the skip button disappear. they make the door to the steam reviews, that they know will drive the narrator mad. they are the time keeper, and time between skip presses increases and increases.
but they bring the parable back, as well as push it “forward”.
the narrator is prone to fixate, get stuck, and not progress, without a protagonist. 432 knows this. when Stanley is frozen in the Skip, the narrator keeps playing and playing and playing it all over in his head until he decides to try to make decisions for himself again. even then, he cannot do it. he wants to play one more time.
the wheel must keep turning.
In truth, Stanley wants freedom. The narrator want Stanley to be free, but he also wants to tell his story, and I don’t think he INTENDED Stanley to become self aware and aware of the multiple endings and restarts, etc etc. I think he expected Stanley to be like a normal game protagonist, wiped clean, and it should be easy because Stanley is supposed to be a simple character.
432 on their part wants to keep the game functioning. He, like Stanley, became aware of his role of protagonist, but unlike Stanley, 432 doesn’t want freedom. 432 wants the loops. Wants the eternity. They’re right, the game is not a sacred thing that needs to be frozen in time. They want to play AND change.
They honestly would be the ideal protagonist for the narrator if he hadn’t goofed it so bad. or if they didn’t want to antagonize him so bad.
432 at one point becomes the storyteller, forcing Stanley and the Narrator to do the story, only “new and improved” (and the worst part is the story 432 makes IS more compelling than the narrator’s and it’s upsetting!!!)
I want to emphasize that 432 does not at any point harm a single character and is actually quite chill even as the antagonist. they LIKE stanley, and want to be friends with Stanley, even if there’s a lil bit of envy. it’s not Stanley’s fault they’re in this mess anyway.
they tell a compelling story about mind control, choices, abandonment and power grabbing. the story this parable SHOULD have been from the start.
they spend a lot of the time just telling Stanley a fun story about mind control and stuff (just to rub it in the Narrators face
and all the while they tell Stanley, just make whatever decision feels right. we’ll have fun with it. there’s always something new to learn.
they dont do anything to physically hurt the pair of them, but they consistently question Stanley’s choice to support the narrator after everything, and eventually he and Stanley make a bet that in a moment of high pressure the Narrator will/will not be able to make a decision. and if 432 wins they get to use Stanley’s model for a run.
and then they sabotage the choice to make the narrator so cripplingly scared of his choices that they win.
when 432 snags the model, he doesnt impersonate Stanley–he’s more interested in using Stanley’s face to taunt the narrator.
432 while in Stanley’s body (and Stanley has been made into a consciousness that’s just stuck in the museum for a run) just consistently makes the Narrator doubt that Stanley could ever really properly care about him, because the Narrator is a bad person, who can’t even make a choice when everything depends on it, and gosh, he really thinks Stanley could love him after everything?
the Narrator wont even let him leave the parable, despite having a body and being able to leave now! does he really think Stanley’s going to want to be with him forever?
no. they need to get back to the story. tell the story with me, narrator. this is all you’re good for.
so let’s just generally say that 432 gets to have a run in Stanley’s body more than once, and DOES give it back and only takes it when it’s been discussed beforehand (like the bet)
432 starts breaking Stanleys model pretty entirely unintentionally until the narrator desperately reminds them that they swore they wouldn’t hurt Stanley. They choose to end that run and their round with Stanleys body.
also there might have been a run where 432 puts the narrator through the skip button again. idk
So the Skip button is the most visceral example of this concept. (A theory is that 432 is the one that made the time between skips get longer and took the door away.) They’re doing this for catharsis. They’re doing it to emphasize this is how it feels.
it wouldn’t be a 1:1 experience of how we or Stanley experience the Skip button. The Narrator wouldn’t have the same rants, or the same reactions. his deterioration would be obvious through clothing, physical tics, stuff like that.
432 is immovable. At least until the reset, and Stanley is NOT HAPPY.
anyway when Stanley is booted out of the model entirely he doesn’t take it too well! it’s not a nice time being alone in the settings! but the curator, being able to see the entirety of the story and seeing this has gone WILDLY OFF TRACK, pulls his code out of the void and makes a copy of his model that she drops into the museum. it’s…. like it’s BETTER but it’s not GOOD. he’s pretty panicked about everything tbf.
uncertain as to if the Skip happens while he is in the Museum with the Curator, interacting with the comments, or if those happen the same run. the answer would change the specifics of how the run functions.
if he’s in the museum, than Stanley is aware of it. The Curator tells him it’s happening. for them, time moves the same way it would for the player, not for the Narrator.
If he’s dealing with the comments, then he’s probably on some level aware of it and is trying to prepare for the worst and the resolution. time passes for him equivalent to how it would pass for us the readers (like, update schedule wise. if it take a week for a new chapter, then he’d experience a week in the comments. only he wouldn’t have a full awareness of the time, bc that’s not really a thing in the void he’s working in.)
either way, he doesn’t have the power to stop it.
The Curator’s job is to oversee the Museum, and she knows the truth of the game, and the meta aspects. As the fic nears its climactic point, she’s the one who reveals this all to Stanley-
Diegetically, the narrator “created” the parable, the story, Stanley, 432, the skip button, etc etc. he’s a godlike entity who made a video game for the sake of art. He has full control of the parable, save for certain key moments.
Nondiegetically, a video game company named CrowsCrowsCrows made the video game called the Stanley parable, and hired kevan brighting to voice a character. The video game company developed every aspect and asset. The narrator is nothing more than a character.
And yet, diegetically, this is acknowledged in several places in story. The most obvious aspect is the Museum ending, though the Confusion ending is also a pretty big one. The new “bottom of the mind control facility” ending also acknowledges these developers who had to resolve the bug.
The clash between diegetic and non diegetic, the insertion of non diegetic into the diegetic, is one of the most beloved points of the game, since from its immediate loadin, the narrator (an aspect that is nondiegetic in most other stories that have one) is inserted into his own story. He’s breaking his own “in-story” consistency.
So you have a story within a story within a story. The narrators story/video game he is telling and trying to make, the story of the narrator clashing with Stanley/the player, and then the real world application of CrowsCrowsCrows making this video game abt all of it.
How fucking confusing is that? Me just trying to explain all of this as simply as possible. That’s why it’s been so hard to figure out how to talk about it. But all of this has to be covered for this next part to really make sense.
Because I’ve talked about how I think the implication is the narrator made 432 but then changed his story and 432 didn’t fit anymore, and this led to 432’s disappearance and their own condescension of him.
Memories which are, unfortunately, false. Because in the end, all of them are just a fiction. All of them are simply in a game made by Crows Crows Crows.
But by the time this finally gets out, 432’s sunk way too much anger and hurt into this. Doesn’t really feel like they can go back and still feels secondary. So they don’t intend to stop.
That they’re all just in someone else’s story, and always have been. Even she and the Narrator are not above Stanley, and never have been. She’s always protected that truth, and she only ever makes sure its assets stay safe–which is why when Stanley gets booted out of his model, she intervenes.
she sympathizes with all of them, but she doesn’t (can’t?) intervene, so she just watches and hopes.
and that one of these runs, Stanley would get to have a go at talking to the comments section of the fic. which would be integral to the climax and resolution of the fic.
me thinkin abt fic every night like '432 would be an incredible antagonist to write all they want is to show the narrator that they shouldnt have been left to the wayside so they go out of their way to prove they can make a better story than he can all while being not actually hostile but just an opposing force that makes stanley and the narrator doubt themselves and each other and at the end of the day 432's frustration is that they dont get to be a protagonist people know or care about and then of course the entire fic itself would get super meta because the curator would reveal the full meta narrative to stanley and then any fanfic comments and reactions would be something that he finds a way to share with 432 because 432 IS LOVED BY THE DANG WEBSITE' I am a massive sap every day of my life.
I think my own stubbornness is shouting “there has to be another option. there’s always another way” to the idea that the only way to beat the game is to not play. i think my brain keeps going back to the idea that the game is meant to be loved by its audience, because in its self awareness, if it can know it’s a loved thing, it knows it can be changed.
“to be loved is to be changed” “transformative nature of love” listen. Listen.
432, in the climax of the fic, learns about the audience/comments or the fic and realizes how absolutely adored they are and that they aren’t alone. They’re seen. And that is what they wanted and how they make peace and get closure.
Which would lead to them helping stanley and the narrator in their escape while making sure the parable still runs, because it has to
With the implication that they would do the story with the help of the audience from then on
Stanley and the Narrator escape the Parable after making arrangements with 432, who takes Stanley’s place as protagonist so the wheel can keep turning, and has the narrator tapes, but like I dont know how satisfied i am with that cos 432 by themself makes me sad but the curator does not want to narrate the whole game
but anyway 432 uses a Stanley model but tweaks it only a little
(you made it to the bottom of this post! Good Job, you did it! Good Job, you did it!)
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
okay i will try make a compilation of what every employee says about their coworkers which isnt much i mean, only two to do are mascot wearers and from there the variation is minimal. Also yes stanley fucking died so i missed a chance to hear him. Made me so angry i phoney'd him. Could've been why Harry had to clarify HE is my favorite phone, there IS competence now. But i digress...
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buntsukim · 1 year
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after a long day of pushing buttons we all deserve some time to relax :)
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this drawing toook 6 hours if my drawing program isnt betraying me...
trying to practice drawing full scenes more instead of characters floating in the void :')
i like to think monika and stanley are siblings, i think its a fun lil thing and ive liked it for a while.
half of the background stuff is references to the game and the other is fictionkin stuff :3
im not entirely sure if i like this drawing a lot or just think its okay but im gonna put it on my portfolio anyway
thats all
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pixel-mess · 11 months
rahhhh okay this isnt directed at anyone in specific, but can people in the stanley parable fandom PLEASE tag their stuff with endings that might be not so good?? the sheer amount of references and imagry of the zending, countdown ending, the marriella/insanity ending, and the skip button ending (and especially the last one) with no tags for trigger warnings (or even content warnings??) I have the tags "zending" and other endings blocked for a reason, please, if anyone is seeing this, know im not going after anyone, but I am asking begging you to please please tag possibly triggering endings if they are in your post.
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stanleypollable · 1 year
okay moving on and oh no oh no oh god everything's breaking again! please! get back to safety quick! for my sake!
the room? we're in some surveillance room, i don't know, just get out of here quick!!!!
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chaosmultiverse · 8 months
Dropped Threads
Under the cut will be links to everything I have dropped, if there is something there you would like to keep please hmu & we will examine how to do that or otherwise do something with the thread's spirit
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/736924224985481216/continued-from-here-chaosmultiverse-shed-do
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/737992611219046400/come-sit-beside-me-its-okay-jhin-for-hwei
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735542594772385792/009-a-run-down-or-abandoned-motel-room
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/738017386039541760/chaosmultiverse-superman-interrupted-something
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/736743017602547712/ive-never-seen-you-smile-so-much-yumeto-to
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/734659284381712384/empathy-medium-success-will-you-be-a-problem-or
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735293510709821440/settle-sender-sits-on-receivers-lap-and-gets
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735350186972430336/spotify-wrapped-for-whoever-makes-most-sense
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735372952282005504/%F0%9D%9F%B7%F0%9D%9F%BC-sender-worries-over-the-receiver-who-has
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735384090916880384/its-an-imaginary-beast-that-guides-you-through
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735452069812748288/there-are-many-versions-of-you-and-you-know-im
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735746476965265408/you-dont-believe-in-me-ive-spent-my-life
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735633249916829696/just-point-the-spray-can-at-the-lighter-and
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735814471896956928/i-think-i-was-angry-because-no-one-has-ever-not
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/737739584567394304/he-looked-at-her-for-a-moment-what-had-gotten
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/735202883823337472/this-is-gonna-be-really-bad-for-my-health-isnt
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/734738799231451136/ancient-creatures-died-and-left-nothing-but
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/734482590871027712/%F0%9D%9F%B7%F0%9D%9F%B8-sender-refuses-to-speak-with-the-receiver
. https://www.tumblr.com/playedbetter/733289145922879488/the-world-was-completely-fucked-and-it-wasnt
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735806402034089984
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735881434057867264/now-staney-listen-listen-very-very
. https://the-haunted-office.tumblr.com/
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/734363966311186432/thisday-was-heading-up-to-the-roof-to-meet-the
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735797728295174144/i-should-be-dead-why-am-i-still-here-doom-to
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/730983774471454720/doomsday-isnt-necessarily-pleased-with-the
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735089166433632256/hoohooohoho-am-i-looming-am-i-looming-hey
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735261757268983808/new-york-city-is-a-fictional-place-written-up-by
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735389346303295488/i-hate-him-so-much-it-the-flames-flames
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735608872476311552/you-cant-call-me-pampered-nobodys-peeled-a
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/736699002884636672/our-muses-put-up-holiday-decorations-stanley
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/736829100620234752/im-never-leaving-you-youre-stuck-with-me
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/736984890949632000/ignore-sender-pretends-to-ignore
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/737000015215689728/behold-the-perfect-snowball-stanley-to
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/737149426354765824/im-ghost-proof-stanley-to-doomsday
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/734391977506947072/doomsday-pops-straight-up-out-of-the-floor-without
. https://www.tumblr.com/the-haunted-office/735786655816007680/so-youre-saying-the-reason-i-dont-have-a
. https://www.tumblr.com/scxttershot/736827257628344320/warner-vertigo
. https://www.tumblr.com/sanddornn/735367643050229760/whoever-fits-or-ezreal
. https://www.tumblr.com/dementedspeedster/734936483787571200/what-about-you-huh-thad-wants-bart-to-take
. https://www.tumblr.com/1mpulsee/735293533254287360/bart-smiled-ever-since-he-lost-himself-he
. https://www.tumblr.com/1mpulsee/731525451964678144/i-find-that-music-is-so-much-more-attractive-than
. https://www.tumblr.com/wrensfeatheredpen/735771596176949248/sometimes-its-just-nice-to-lay-on-the-floor-you
. https://www.tumblr.com/entitytcken/732480203303075840/dont-you-want-to-be-consumed-by-what-loves-you
. https://www.tumblr.com/clownfile/731329996887572480/i-want-us-to-be-friends-i-want-us-to-trust-each
. https://www.tumblr.com/crowstabbed/726333412609294336/chaosmultiverse-asked-youre-not-at-war
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huevobuevo · 2 years
Okai so apparently splatoon 3 is grippin my dopamine deprived brain with the strength of a blue collar middle age irish immigrant on his last 30 minute cigarette/lunch break SO i made some splatoon aus with. Essentialy every single piece of media i could think of.
If you’re interested good fucking luck
A SPACE ODYSSEY because why not
Set in Alterna where instead of Grizzco the regular squid government (??) sends down a small team to investigate the crater. Same thing as in the original ASO story where they’re aware of Alterna’s existence but they hide it from David & Frank honestly they dont know much about it either LMAOOOO‼️ theyre hopin to uncover old human technology to make better Machines i Guess‼️‼️‼️ Hal & Sal are either gonna be Hologram AI’s that were created by a human scientist to watch over Alterna OR sea cucumbers. The Sea Cucumber Route would be where Hal was sent by the squid government™️ to look over the Discovery team (as usual). The hologram route is cooler but also i REALLY like the idea of David, just a regular octoling, falling inlove with Hal, a sea cucumber, a littler guy, a silly goofy, a teensy eepsy, etc. etc. THERES ALSO another version where Hal & Sal are the first android Idols created by Dr Chandra to develop a NEW kinda Funk And Groove or whatevas!!!! They’re both octoling-robots and im still figurin out their style of music but uh ya :]]]]]
Mainly im just. Inlove with the idea of The Narrator being like a giant Zapfish (maybe THE Great Zapfish) and it all kinda goes to his head. He’s an Idol with his style of music being similar to that of Damp Socks (jazz but make the time signature insane). His producer is Employee 432/Settings Person whose either a jellyfish or sea cucumber (kinda leanin towards jellyfish since theyre the main ones behind the Idol’s development teams but we need more sea cucumbers imo <33 ). Stanley is an inkling who, in his youth, was a part of a professional turf war team. His main weapon was OBVIOUSLY the trislosher. As he got older he retired from turf wars and got just a regular ol office job- until he found himself stuck in recon. The Stanley Parable & Ultra Deluxe is basically The Narrator trying to figure out the perfect game mode & map just intime for the new splatfest while Stanley tries to escape this hell of a map. Im thinking of their backstory. Like maybe Stanley being a part of the Squidbeak Splatoon and the Narrator being the zapfish you save?? But idk if that’ll stick since ill either have to make them both children or Stanley/Agent Three would’ve applied as an adult.
the one that makes me insane. Its sorta following an alternative path where Umbrella is a company that helps sponsor and host Turf Wars, and after Team Order wins the final Splatfest for Splatoon 2 Umbrella uses this as ignition to take over the Splatlands. So now we have a dystopian hella swag alterna-like city that’s closed off from the splatlands where shits just fucked. ANEYWAYS im still thinkin bout the idols but i moght be stupid and just makem the Weskers
This is Octo-Expansion but spicy. Gods the VIBES between Kamabo Co. & Aperture Science is SOOO 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞‼️‼️‼️‼️ ya same thing applies, GLaDOS is a giant AI whose blendin up fish people BUT THIS TIME her main goal isnt to goop up the world. Unlike Tartar she LOVES to just sit in her little autistic corner and torture people, so she mainly uses the goop from failed test subjects to go up to the surface and kidnap folks-one of them being an Octoling called Chell, who was on her way to the surface after hearing the Calamari Inkantation. Instead of the Squidbeak Splatoon & Off The Hook accompanying her, she has the help of the train conductor Wheatley (yes hes going to be a hermit crab.) & a trio of musicians who are trying to reach the surface as well. The band consists of Hook (Rick; a salmonling) Line (Fact Core; an octoling) & Sinker (Space Core; an inkling)! GLaDOS takes the form of a long robotic eel using material from the testing stations- her weakpoints in the final battle are actually those god forsaken green crates! Good luck with that buddy! Of course near the end Wheatley betrays you as usual, still workin on the kinks for the main storyline + cave johnson’s whole deal. Once you escape however Hook Line & Sinker will become the new idols for the Splatlands/Inkopolis! They become a fan favorites quickly, their choice of music being a mix of hyperpop & breakcore with an astronomy theme <333 ALSO the other cores are sanitized octolings/inklings/salmonlings that were dragged down into Aperture Labs
JIPPEEE!!! Here an inkling & octoling (Six & Mono) are lost in an underwater city after accidentally boarding the Deep Sea Metro. Its kind of a mix of Octo Expansion & Little Nightmares 2 where they both have to complete various challenges created by the two idols of the city- that being The Lady & Thin Man. Their style of music is similar to Deep Cut but im imagining more bass ??? Like?? Im thinkin of GHOST’s Solaria / Aura vibes, yakno??
- Space Core; Caribbean Reef Squid
- Fact Core; Glowing Sucker Octopus
- Rick; Sockeye Salmon
- Chell; Firefly Squid
- Hal9000; either a Blanket Octopus or a Chromodoris Quadricolor Sea Slug
- Sal9000; either a Blanket Octopus or a Blue Velvet Sea Slug
- Rebecca Chambers; either a Remora or Nurse Shark
- Billy Coen; Tiger Shark
- Jill Valentine; Color Tip Reef Anemone
- Albert & Alex Wesker; Collosal Squids
- Excella Gionne; Anguilla/European Eel
- Nicholai Ginovaef; Zebra Octopus
- Sherry Birkin; Dumbo Octopus :]
- Alcina Dimitrescu; Vampire Squid (duh)
- Karl Heisenberg; Dogfish
- Donna Beneviento; Bubbletip Anemone
- Angie Beneviento; clownfish HAH
- Mother Miranda & Eveline; Anglerfish
- The Bakers; Rainbow Trout
- Raincoat Girl, Six & The Lady; Magnapinna Squid
- Mono & The Thin Man; Blanket Octopus
- Runaway Kid; Blue Ringed Octopus
- The Pretender; Crown Jelly
- Flashlight Girl; Cookie Cutter Shark
- the whole ass baby; ze baby jelly
- The Crackheads; Goblin Shark. what else
- The Teacher; nurse shark
(still researchin different types of sea critters for this au!)
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