#star wars exhibition 2011
film-classics · 5 months
Carmen Miranda - The Brazilian Bombshell
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Carmen Miranda (born Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha in Marco de Canaveses, Porto on February 9, 1909) was a Portuguese-born Brazilian singer. Nicknamed "The Brazilian Bombshell", she was known for her sass and signature fruit hat outfit that she wore in her American films.
Miranda was introduced to a composer while working at her family's inn, and she soon recorded her first single ("Não vá Simbora") in 1929.  She then signed a two-year contract with Rádio Mayrink Veiga, the most popular Brazilian station of the 1930s. Her rise to stardom in Brazil was linked to the growth of a native style of music: the samba.
At the invitation of US show business impresario, Lee Shubert, who saw her perform in Rio's Cassino da Urca, she came to Broadway and starred in hit musicals: The Streets of Paris and Sons o' Fun.
Her fame grew quickly, and she was formally presented to President Franklin D. Roosevelt at a White House banquet shortly after her arrival in the US.
When news of Broadway's latest star (known as the Brazilian Bombshell) reached Hollywood, Twentieth Century-Fox offered her a contract in 1941. Her most memorable film performances are in the musical numbers of films such as Week-End in Havana (1941) and The Gang's All Here (1943).
After World War II, Miranda's films at Fox were produced in black-and-white, indicative of Hollywood's diminishing interest in her. As a result, Miranda decided to produce her own films to limited success. Although her film career was faltering, her musical career remained solid and she was still a popular nightclub attraction. She continued to tour the US, Europe, and Latin America.
After filming a segment for the NBC variety series The Jimmy Durante Show, where complained of feeling unwell, she died at home in Beverly Hills, California from a heart attack. She was 46 years old.
Was the first contract singer in Brazilian radio history; subsequently, the highest-paid radio singer in Brazil in the 1930s
Chosen by former Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas as a goodwill ambassador in the United States in 1939
Was the first Latin American star to have a block in the forecourt of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in 1941
Was Hollywood's highest-paid entertainer and the top female taxpayer in the US in 1945, earning more than $200,000 that year
Has a museum in Rio de Janeiro, Museu Carmen Miranda, established in her honor in 1976
Received the Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique Grande Oficial, a Portuguese order of knighthood, in 1995
Has a square in Hollywood named Carmen Miranda Square with a ceremony headed by honorary mayor of Hollywood Johnny Grant and attended by Brazilian consul general Jorió Gama in 1998
Was one of 500 stars nominated for the American Film Institute's 50 greatest screen legends in 1999
Honored by the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro in 2005 and the Latin America Memorial in São Paulo in 2006 with a Carmen Miranda Forever exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her death
Bestowed the Ordem do Mérito Cultural by the Ministry of Culture of Brazil in 2009
Was a part of a set of commemorative US Postal Service Latin Music Legends stamps, painted by Rafael Lopez, in 2011
Commemorated in the 2016 Summer Olympics closing ceremony with a tribute
Honored with a Google Doodle on her 108th birthday in 2017
Was the first South American honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6262 Hollywood Boulevard for motion picture
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magnusmodig · 5 months
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— on the nine realms ; a general study of asgard .
aka vi's world-building reference .
The following details are what I consider to be canon for the Nine Realms. This is primarily based on what we know from the MCU, some minor spinoffs (the thor video game comes to mind), concept art + screenplays and some inspirations pulled from the marvel comics (no particular runs just in general)
It's what I'll be referencing when Thor speaks of the Nine Realms, specific planets within them, and Asgard.
THE NINE REALMS (general.)
The following are all the known realms under Asgardian Protection (pulled from the MCU.) Technically there are 10 realms but only 9 if you don't count Asgard.
Asgard || A flat planet also known as 'the realm eternal' . Home of the Asgardians . Asgard resides in its own pocket dimension in deep space and can only be accessed by wormholes. The center of Yggdrasil .
Vanaheim || Sister planet to Asgard . Where the Vanir (sister species) live . Also where skraelings, some breeds of trolls, and mire giants live . (hc : frigga's homeland.) Where hogun is from.
Alfheim || Home of the Light Elves . Highly magically inclined . To the north live the Falligrians and Falligar the Behemoth .
Svartalflheim/Harudheen || Home of the Dark Elves . Once prosperous, Svartalfheim and its surrounding planets have been completely corrupted by Dark Matter . The Dark Elves (and all other life) are now extinct, with a barren land destroyed by war and the Aether (reality stone) .
Muspelheim || Realm of fire. Where Surtur lives. Various Infernir live here . (Infernir also known as Fire Demons and Fire Giants.) Home to The Infernal Forge and a material called "Scabrite" . Scabrite makes up all Muspelheim's armor and weapons . It can absorb incredible amounts of heat .
Niflheim || A realm of the mists and cold . Helheim exists within the depths of Niflheim . Notoriously, Niflheim's legends say that the spirits of the dishonorable dead and the damned travel the dense fogs there . Hela was banished to Helheim, sealed in the Cave of Ages .
Jotunheim || Realm of the Frost Giants and eternal ice and snow . Led by King Laufey . A portion of Jotunheim was destroyed by Loki during the events of "Thor" (2011) .
Nidavellir || A small planet built around a neutron star . Where King Eitri and the dwarves live. The birthplace of urdu metal and its enchanted objects and weapons, including the Infinity Gauntlet, Gungnir, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker .
Midgard || A realm surrounded by its own solar system with 8 other planets. The main inhabitants of Midgard reside on Earth . Home of the Avengers and Jane Foster. A known host of a wellspring of the 'water of sights' that is connected to the Nornns.
Nornheim/Urðarbrunnr || Presumably: a realm connected to the nornns/water of sights, that is inhabited by other beings beyond the nornns , such as rock trolls. (it's implied the nornns themselves are kept to the waters and are semi-supernatural beings.) Filled with forests , swamps , and large mountains .
ASGARD (overview.)
A flat planet with a top side and a bottom side. Topside features various biomes including but not limited to: forests, mountains and cliffs, deep mines and cave systems, jungles, beaches, and small deserts. The bottom plane of Asgard is host to large crystal structures. (hc: mined and utilized as energy sources and magic storage for spells, weapons, and various other mechanisms throughout Asgard.)
Has day and night cycles, an atmosphere, and various weather patterns. Yearly consists of two (and a half) seasons. Its primary two are summer and spring. (Summer has warm days and evenings/nights that result in easily-melting flingsnö , or a light and powdery falling snow.) Spring (Asgard's longest season), is most hallmarked by its near-perpetual twilight hours. Asgard also exhibits some signs of the beginning of fall, which presumably a farmer's season of rest, but Asgard itself does not experience cold snaps or winters.
Asgard boasts a vast series of waterfalls, rivers, and fjords, though all ultimately lead to, and end in, the Sea of Space. The central city is built around and above these waterways.
The Bifrost spans from the Palace of Valskjalf to Himinbjorg, the Bifrost's observatory. This bridge spans the broad length of the Sea of Space, and reveals the cosmos of space the farther out towards the observatory one travels.
Asgard has 1 sun (that orbits around Asgard perpendicularly), 2 (stationary) moons that can be seen during the day.
Asgard's main colors are red and gold. Its main symbol is the celtic triquetra (sometimes also referred to as the trinity knot.)
Asgard uses all forms of viking art styles, but its main three consist of: Jellinge Style, Mammen Style, and especially Urnes Style .
ASGARD (places.)
Locations in Asgard (based on the 1960s comics - present comics. Not comic or mcu accurate obvsly but i'm taking liberties and referencing what I can within reason.)
Valaskjalf - (hc'd) name of the city of Asgard. It houses the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf where Thor + co live. The palace gardens are run by the Queen of Asgard (currently: Frigga) and are called Fólkvangr. Within the great city of Valaskjalf is the Hall of Science, within which is a great ash tree representing Yggdrasil, and acting as an observatory of the Nine Realms.
Himinbjorg - Heimdall's observatory, which can only work upon use of Hofund, an uru-made sword wielded by Heimdall.
The Sea of Space - the name of the sea that stretches from the Asgardian fjords and out into the void of space (also synonymous with "the void of Yggdrasil".)
Gundershelm - the mining region of Asgard. From here can be found the descent into the crystal caves beneath Asgard, known as the Glade of Crystals. A series of waterfalls and great fjord surrounds this place. The crystals begin to form even outside of the mouth of the mining caves descending down. Hence the name 'glade' of crystals, as the fjord looks something like an open patch in a field of snow from above and afar. Therein also lies the Amethyst Cavern and Boulder Road (which is said to span all the way past Varinheim into Skornheim. The trek can be dangerous due to how long it is, and its intense heat.) One of the more popular mines, the "Mines of Andvari" also is here in Gundershelm.
Varinheim - the mountainous area of Asgard, where the asgardian wolves dwell, amongst other hazardous beasts. Varinheim is where the Trials of Virtue (an Asgardian 'coming of age' trial) is held. It is often filled with mists from the snowy peaks far overhead, and the more uncommonly traveled lands are referred to by commoners as the 'land of the lost'. Hreidmar's Hol is deep within the land of the lost, which is a mysterious valley Asgardians dare not pass into for long. Here there is a strange old man called Hardol who is an ancient healer.
Ringsfjord - a merchant town nestled in one of Valakjalf's fjords. It's a place where the finest smithies and weapons makers make their shops, as well as magical enchanters. Legends have it that four enchanter brothers named Brona, Enrakt, Forsung and Magnir lived in Ringsjford, and that Brona was one of the first Asgardians to discover the rifts between realms. (One of which was named 'Brona's Barrier'.) But Brona's discoveries had long since been lost to time, especially after the creation of the Bifrost (until Loki, an equally adept sorcerer, was able to rediscover the passageways between realms for himself). Their forge is called "Forge of the Sons of Ivaldi" and boasts some of the finest asgardian-made weapons in the city.
Skornheim - another old and magic-rife land that's filled to the brim with danger. Including but not limited to; dense swamp-woods, quicksand, spiny plants (called 'nightmare plants'). The most important point of interest here is Skornheim's Stronghold which is a surviving ruin from the first battles against Surtur.
Gymirsgard - west of Skornheim. To reach Gymirsgard, one would have to traverse through the dense forest/swamps and brave the threat of unusually large water-dragons the likes of the fabled Jormangundir.
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months
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Movies I watched this week (#174):
2 old Hungarian films:
🍿 Ferenc Molnár's classic The boys of Paul street is a novel about two honorable gangs of school kids, who are fighting over an empty lot in the center of Budapest of 1902. When I was their age (so early 1960's) it was called "מחניים", and it was one of my favorite books (together with these of Erich Kästner's, Yigal Mossinson's, Enid Blyton's, Karl May's, Jules Verne's, etc).
So it was wonderful to discover that it was made into a well-made drama in 1968. The premise of a syrupy children story from that time, made about a naive world, unaware of any future European world wars, doesn't bode well. But it retained all its earnest truths, honors and morals. It was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film (together with 'The Firemen's Ball', Truffaut's 'Stolen Kisses' and Bondarchuk's winner 'War and Peace'). In a week that was cinematically disappointing, that was my bright spot. 8/10.
🍿 Unrelated to David Cronenberg, The fly won the 1980 Oscars for animated shorts. It tell a story from a pesky fly's point of view.
I am trying to watch at least 25% movies directed by women. Female Directors (2012) was made by 2 young female graduates of a Beijing film school, who couldn't afford to make a "Real" studio movie, so they make an indie "Home" movie of themselves. Strong early Godard vibes with shaky handheld camera and bad potato sound. Fresh and candid look as they search for themselves via sex, cinema, money. It feels like I've been in all these alleys.... [*Female Director*].
Short Vacation (2020), a gentle, tiny Korean version of 'Stand by me', but without any histrionics or a dead guy. 4 unremarkable middle school girls, members of the photography club, receive analog cameras from their teacher, who suggest they use the summer break to take of 'the end of the world'. They decide to take the train all the way to the last station, and end up in the "middle of nowhere". 7/10.
2 with actress Sakura Ando, both from 2023:
🍿 "It's like a prehistoric dinosaur turned monster..."
My second Godzilla (after the 1954 original), Godzilla minus one, the latest in the franchise. The monster stuff was ridiculous, as usual I guess, but the human drama part recreating post-war Tokyo, and especially the cutest 2 year old baby girl got bonus points from me. 5/10.
🍿 In Monster, my 6th film by Hirokazu Kore, she stars as a single mother to a 11 year old son who starts exhibiting strange behavior. For most of the story, it feels like 'The kindergarten teacher' and 'Hunt', and 'The teachers' Lounge', where the accusations of abuse might not be true, but it ends as a beautiful heartbreak, softly told. With a tender score by Ryuichi Sakamoto, his last before his death. 8/10.
The Sensualist (1991), an erotic Japanese animation, in a traditional Ukiyo-e woodblock style, like the original story of which it is based. Combination Patrick Nagel, Hiroshige and very-adult Disney stories. Ends with a long, artistic 'Coitus'. M'eh.
Patisserie Coin de rue (2011) is Food porn for imbeciles who love Japanese cake shops. I have a serious sweet tooth myself, but this story was just too dumb. Gorgeous cinematography of beautiful patisseries, and religious reverie for desserts. I could barely last for 42 minutes.
The Contestant is a new British documentary about aspiring comedian "Nasubi", who participated in a grotesque Japanese Television show in 1998. For 13 months he was placed naked in an empty room and was told that in order to get out, he will need to win 1 million yen in write-in sweepstakes. He didn't know that his every move was being broadcasted and that he'd became a massive hit. A bizarre, real-life 'Truman Show', and possibly the very first 'Reality TV' show ever. It was stupid, and cruel 'Mass Entertainment'. Fortunately, there's a tiny point of redemption at the very end. 2/10. [*Female Director*].
Cœur fidèle (Faithful Heart) (1923), my first 'poetic realist' melodrama by French Impressionist Jean Epstein. A technical classic with modern editing, dynamic story telling and lots of expressive close ups. He was 26 when he made it on location in the port of Marseille.
Sleeping beauty is a disturbing erotic art film by an Australian auteur, with a small cameo for Sarah Snook. A pretty student freelancing as a hooker on a 'Story of O' type journey into the deep end of 'Sleep' fetishism. If it was made by a man, I would hate it uncategorically. As it was, I found it prurient and shallow, flat and cold. 2/10. [*Female Director*].
I saw Gifted before, and the ratings I gave it weren't too high. But I'm a sap for tearjerkers about special little girls and their single dad/uncle, so I gave it another go. The Hallmark-style custody battle was mediocre, but all the girl stuff left me in tears nonstop. Add some Cat Stevens to the score, and you get quality Soap. 7/10. (Photo Above). Re-Watch ♻️.
The rope (1984), my first Sudanese movie. 2 blind nomads stumbles in an empty desert, tied together to a donkey. A cruel, wordless metaphor. Unbearable misery. 1/10.
Bogart & Bacall X 2:
🍿 Fast film is a 2003 Austrian mash-up art film, composed of 65,000 paper cutouts of Bogart and Cary Grant, and moving through 400 other classic movies. But this type of collage was done better and smoother in the Hungarian 'Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen' and Michel Hazanavicius' 'La Classe américaine'.
🍿 Dark passage, my first Film Noir by Delmer Daves. 5'10'' Bogart plays an innocent convict, who escapes from San Quentin, trying to prove his innocence. But wherever he goes, people around him keep falling dead. It was the third of four films real-life couple Bacall and Bogart made together. 1947 San Francisco and surroundings was lovely with so few people and cars on the roads.
I haven't seen Bob Fosse's acclaimed All that jazz since its premiere 45 years ago, so I was so looking forward for a re-watch. But after 3 days of attempting to go through it, I could muster only 33 minutes, before realizing how much I hated it, and had to stop. The genius Alpha male who kills himself in self-loathing, while abusing everything and everybody around him, is no longer appealing to me. The entitlement, misogyny, idealization of a legendary narcissist "Icon" was unbearable. ♻️.
3 shorts by British illustrator Elizabeth Hobbs:
🍿 "When I was a debutante, I went to the zoo every day..."
The Debutante (2022) is based on a story by Leonora Carrington. A debutante persuades a hyena from the London Zoo to take her place at a dinner dance held in her honour. [*Female Director*].
🍿 I'm OK (2018) is even better. It is based on the life of Expressionist artist Oskar Kokoschka during WW1. Same frantic, hand-drawn splotchy style. 8/10. [*Female Director*].
🍿The Old, Old, Very Old Man (2007) is still earlier. Created with blue ink on a bathroom tile. The style here is dirtier, more primitive. [*Female Director*].
Amino ('Shadows'), a dreary award-winning Filipino film from 2000. A poor, hungry man with absolutely nothing to his name but a camera, gets his camera stolen in Manila's most miserable slum.
"I'm not lying. I saw her! Fuck you!..."
I haven't seen A simple Favor since January 19, but every time I recommend it to somebody, I feel compelled to check it out again. So about every 6 weeks now?! Jesus Christ, it's absurd!
Anyway, Anna Kendrick has the whitest teeth, and the worst taste in ugly shoes, on and off screen. My 10 Minutes Pinch Point Analyses still stands. 10/10. Re-Watch ♻️.
Surprisingly, I haven't seen any of Stormy Daniels porn work, but I had followed her story "with interest". The new documentary Stormy offers little new information to political junkies, but it details the harrowing path this brave woman had to endure, and the incredible price she had to pay. Unfortunately, it shows many clips of Orange Sphincter talking, something I try to avoid as much as possible. May he lose bigly in his current criminal case in NY, and also may he catch incurable rectal cancer today, and live the rest of his days in painful agony. [*Female Director*].
(My complete movie list is here.)
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Taylor Swift’s ‘The Eras Tour’ dances to No. 1 at the box office, eyeing 'Joker' film record
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Movie theaters turned into concert venues this weekend as Swifties brought their dance moves and friendship bracelets to multiplexes across the country. The unparalleled enthusiasm helped propel “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” to a massive, first place debut between $95 million and $97 million in North America, AMC Theatres said Sunday.
It’s easily the biggest opening for a concert film of all time, and, not accounting for inflation, has made more than the $73 million “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” earned in 2011. In today’s dollars, that would be around $102 million. And if it comes in on the higher end of projections when totals are released Monday, it could be the biggest October opening ever. The one to beat is “Joker,” which launched to $96.2 million in 2019.
A unique experiment in distribution, premium pricing, star power and loose movie theater etiquette—more dancing and shouting than a Star Wars premiere—have made it an undeniable hit. Compiled from Swift’s summer shows at Southern California’s SoFi Stadium, the film opened in 3,855 North American locations starting with “surprise” Thursday evening previews. Those showtimes helped boost its opening day sum to $39 million – the second biggest ever for October, behind “Joker’s” $39.3 million.
Internationally, it's estimated to have earned somewhere between $31 to $33 million, bringing its global total in the range of $126 million to $130 million.
“This is a phenomenal number,” said Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media analyst for Comscore. “To have a blockbuster style opening weekend for a concert film is unprecedented.”
Swift, who produced the film, went around the Hollywood studio system to distribute the film, making a deal directly with AMC, the largest exhibition company in the United States. With her 274 million Instagram followers, Swift hardly needed a traditional marketing campaign to get the word out.
Beyoncé made a similar deal with the exhibitor for “ Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé, ” which will open on Dec. 1. The two superstars posed together at the premiere of “The Eras Tour” earlier this week in Los Angeles. It was a needed injection of star power with Hollywood actors over 90 days into a strike that has left most red carpets void of glamourous talent and resulted in several high-profile films being pushed to next year.
“The Eras Tour,” directed by Sam Wrench, is not just playing on AMC screens either. The company, based in Leawood, Kansas, worked with sub-distribution partners Variance Films, Trafalgar Releasing, Cinepolis and Cineplex to show the film in more than 8,500 movie theatres globally in 100 countries.
The spotlight on Swift has been especially intense lately as a result of her relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. The two made separate surprise appearances on “Saturday Night Live” this weekend and were also photographed holding hands in New York.
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It led to some hyperbolic projections going into the weekend, with some analysts predicting that “The Eras Tour” could make over $125 million. Dergarabedian said it's common for outsized expectations to be attached to massive brands like Swift. There's also no precedent for something like “The Eras Tour” and a celebrity of Swift's stature.
“The laws of gravity don't apply to Taylor Swift,” Dergarabedian said.
The film scored well with both critics and audiences, who gave it an A+ CinemaScore, a metric that typically signals a film will continue to do well after its first weekend.
Elizabeth Frank, the executive vice president of worldwide programming and chief content officer for AMC Theatres, said in a statement that they are grateful to Taylor Swift.
“Her spectacular performance delighted fans, who dressed up and danced through the film,” Frank said. "With tremendous recommendations and fans buying tickets to see this concert film several times, we anticipate ‘Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’ concert film playing to big audiences for weeks to come.”
The stadium tour, which continues internationally, famously crashed Ticketmaster’s site and re-sale prices became astronomical. Pollstar projects that it will earn some $1.4 billion. The concert film offered fans both better seats and a much more affordable way to see the show for the first or fifth time. Prices are higher than the national average, at $19.89, which references her birth year and 2014 album, and ran closer to $29 a pop for premium large format screens like IMAX. Even so, they are significantly less than seat at one of the stadium shows.
Showtimes are also more limited than a standard Hollywood blockbuster, but AMC is guaranteeing at least four a day on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at all AMC locations in the U.S. Many locations also specified that there are no refunds or exchanges. And fans will have to wait a while for “The Eras Tour” to be available on streaming — part of the AMC deal was a 13-week exclusive theatrical run.
Michael O’Leary, CEO of the National Association of Theater Owners said in a statement the moment was, “Another landmark weekend for cinemas.”
“This year has been marked by unprecedented experiences for movie lovers in theaters across this nation,” O’Leary continued in a statement. “The ‘Eras Tour’ debut proves, yet again, that fans are eager to share other experiences in a communal way, with theater owners working creatively to build memorable moments in their cinemas.”
O’Leary said that a survey of 6,000 people by his organization and The Cinema Foundation found that 72% want to see more concert films on the big screen.
“The Eras Tour” accounted for over 70% of the total weekend box office grosses. “The Exorcist: Believer” placed a very distant second in its second weekend with $11 million, followed by the “Paw Patrol” movie in third with $7 million. Rounding out the top five was “Saw X” with $5.7 million and “The Creator” with $4.3 million.
“This is great news for theaters,” Dergarabedian said. “'The Eras Tour' wasn’t even on our radar in mid-August. You take this out of the equation and it would have been a totally different weekend.”
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shortfeedshq · 1 year
May the 4th Be With You: Celebrating Star Wars Day
If you’re a fan of the epic space opera franchise, Star Wars, then you probably know that May 4th is a special day in the fandom. Dubbed as “Star Wars Day,” it’s a celebration of all things Star Wars, from the iconic characters and memorable moments to the movies and the merchandise. In this article, we’ll dive into the history and significance of Star Wars Day, explore some of the ways fans celebrate it, and take a closer look at the cultural impact of the Star Wars franchise. Table of Contents - The History of Star Wars Day - The Significance of May 4th - How Fans Celebrate Star Wars Day - Star Wars Day Merchandise and Sales - The Cultural Impact of Star Wars - The Future of the Star Wars Franchise - Star Wars Day in the Time of COVID-19 - The Global Reach of Star Wars Day - Star Wars Day Trivia - The Star Wars Legacy: Why We Love It - The Force is Strong with Star Wars Cosplay - The Best Star Wars Games to Play on Star Wars Day - May the 4th Be With You: Fun Star Wars Activities for Kids - Famous Star Wars Quotes to Inspire You - Star Wars Day Conclusion The History of Star Wars Day The origins of Star Wars Day can be traced back to a play on words. The phrase “May the fourth be with you” is a pun on the famous line “May the Force be with you,” which has become a hallmark of the Star Wars franchise. While the exact origins of the phrase are unclear, it’s believed to have first appeared on May 4th, 1979, in an advertisement in The London Evening News, congratulating Margaret Thatcher on her election as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Over the years, Star Wars fans have adopted May 4th as their own special day to celebrate the franchise. The first organized Star Wars Day event was held in 2011 at the Toronto Underground Cinema in Canada, where fans gathered to watch screenings of the movies and participate in Star Wars-themed activities. Since then, the holiday has grown in popularity and is now celebrated all over the world. The Significance of May 4th Aside from being a clever pun, May 4th holds a special significance in the Star Wars universe. It’s the date when the final battle of the Galactic Civil War takes place in the movie, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. In the climactic scene, the Rebel Alliance defeats the evil Empire and restores peace to the galaxy. May 4th is also close to the release date of the first Star Wars movie, which premiered on May 25th, 1977. How Fans Celebrate Star Wars Day There are countless ways that fans celebrate Star Wars Day. Some organize movie marathons and watch all the films in the franchise, while others dress up in cosplay and attend conventions or other Star Wars-themed events. Many fans also take to social media to share their love for the franchise, using the hashtag #StarWarsDay In recent years, the Star Wars Celebration has become a major event for fans of the franchise. The event features panels, screenings, and exhibitions showcasing the latest Star Wars movies, TV shows, and merchandise. The next Star Wars Celebration is set to take place in 2022 in Anaheim, California. Star Wars Day Merchandise and Sales Star Wars Day has also become a huge day for merchandise sales, with retailers offering discounts on Star Wars-themed products. Everything from clothing and accessories to toys and collectibles is available for purchase, and fans can take advantage of these sales to add to their collection of Star Wars memorabilia. Some retailers even release special edition products on Star Wars Day, such as limited edition t-shirts or exclusive action figures. These items often sell out quickly, so fans need to act fast to get their hands on them. The Cultural Impact of Star Wars The Star Wars franchise has had a significant impact on popular culture since the release of the first movie in 1977. The movies have inspired countless spin-offs, adaptations, and merchandise, making it one of the most successful and influential franchises of all time. The Star Wars universe has become a cultural phenomenon, with characters like Darth Vader and Yoda becoming household names. The franchise has also spawned a legion of devoted fans, who have kept the series alive through conventions, cosplay, and online communities. The Future of the Star Wars Franchise Despite the conclusion of the Skywalker saga with the release of Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker in 2019, the Star Wars franchise is far from over. Disney, which acquired the rights to Star Wars in 2012, has already released a new trilogy of movies, as well as several TV shows and spin-off films. Upcoming projects include a new trilogy of movies from Rian Johnson, the creator of the popular TV show Breaking Bad, and a new TV series called The Book of Boba Fett, which is set to premiere on Disney+ later this year. Star Wars Day in the Time of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way that fans celebrate Star Wars Day. Many events and conventions have been cancelled or moved online, and fans have had to find new ways to connect and celebrate their love of the franchise. However, the pandemic has also provided new opportunities for fans to come together virtually. Many online communities have organized virtual events and watch parties, allowing fans from all over the world to participate in Star Wars Day celebrations. The Global Reach of Star Wars Day Star Wars Day has become a truly global phenomenon, with fans from all over the world celebrating the franchise on May 4th. From Australia to Europe to the Americas, fans come together to share their love of Star Wars and honor the legacy of the franchise. Star Wars Day Trivia - The original Star Wars movie was released on May 25th, 1977, but Star Wars Day is celebrated on May 4th because of the pun “May the fourth be with you.” - The iconic “I am your father” line from The Empire Strikes Back is often misquoted as “Luke, I am your father.” - The word “Ewok” is never actually spoken in any of the Star Wars movies. - The original Star Wars movie was actually the fourth in the series, with the prequel trilogy and the sequel trilogy being released later. The Star Wars Legacy: Why We Love It The enduring popularity of the Star Wars franchise can be attributed to a number of factors. From its memorable characters and thrilling action sequences to its themes of hope, friendship, and the power of the human spirit, Star Wars has resonated with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The franchise has also been able to adapt to changing times and technologies, with new movies and TV shows continuing to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the Star Wars universe. The Force is Strong with Star Wars Cosplay Cosplay has become an integral part of the Star Wars fandom, with fans donning elaborate costumes to bring their favorite characters to life. From Stormtroopers and Jedi to droids and aliens, Star Wars cosplay allows fans to express their creativity and show off their love of the franchise. The Best Star Wars Games to Play on Star Wars Day There have been a number of video games based on the Star Wars franchise over the years, offering fans the chance to explore the galaxy far, far away in their own way. Here are some of the best Star Wars games to play on Star Wars Day: - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: This action-adventure game puts players in the shoes of a young Jedi Padawan as they explore the galaxy and fight against the Empire. - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Considered by many to be one of the best Star Wars games ever made, this role-playing game takes place thousands of years before the events of the movies and allows players to create their own characters and make choices that affect the story. - Star Wars Battlefront II: This multiplayer shooter lets players engage in epic battles across a variety of iconic Star Wars locations, playing as both heroes and villains from the movies. - Star Wars: The Old Republic: This massively multiplayer online role-playing game allows players to create their own characters and explore the Star Wars universe alongside thousands of other players from around the world. Conclusion Star Wars Day is a celebration of all things Star Wars, from the iconic movies to the spin-offs, TV shows, and merchandise that have made the franchise a cultural phenomenon. Whether you're a lifelong fan or a newcomer to the galaxy far, far away, May the 4th is the perfect day to celebrate the enduring legacy of Star Wars. FAQs - What is Star Wars Day? Star Wars Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on May 4th that honors the Star Wars franchise and its legacy. - Why is Star Wars Day celebrated on May 4th? Star Wars Day is celebrated on May 4th because of the pun "May the fourth be with you," which sounds similar to the iconic phrase "May the Force be with you" from the movies. - How do fans celebrate Star Wars Day? Fans celebrate Star Wars Day in a variety of ways, from watching the movies to attending conventions and dressing up in cosplay. - What is the future of the Star Wars franchise? Despite the conclusion of the Skywalker saga, the Star Wars franchise is far from over, with new movies, TV shows, and spin-offs in the works. - What are some of the best Star Wars games to play on Star Wars Day? Some of the best Star Wars games to play on Star Wars Day include Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Battlefront II, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Read the full article
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carpetcleaning143 · 1 year
Baltimore's Famous Landmarks
Baltimore, MD is a city rich with history and culture, and it's also home to some of the most famous landmarks in America. Whether you're visiting or have lived here your entire life, there are plenty of iconic places to see and visit that can't be missed! Whether it's the nation's capital or something as simple as a museum, there are so many amazing things to see in this city that will get you excited about visiting Baltimore again (or maybe even moving here).
The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House
The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House is a historic museum in Baltimore, Maryland. It was the home of Mary Pickersgill, who made the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key's poem "Defence of Fort M'Henry". The house was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1960 and is now operated as a museum by the National Park Service.
The house was built around 1830 by John Stewart and purchased by Mary Pickersgill in 1841. She expanded it to include second-floor living quarters over time; during this period she made flags for ships using cotton imported from South Carolina and Europe as well as wool from local sheep farms. The original Star Spangled Banner Flag was sewn for Fort McHenry after being commissioned by Commodore Joshua Barney; Barney asked Pickersgill to make another one because he liked it so much (the first one survived until 1873).
The Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is a 555 feet tall obelisk that stands in the National Mall. It was built to honor George Washington, who was president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. The monument was designed by Robert Mills and completed in 1829.
It is currently closed for repairs after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake caused damage to it on August 23rd, 2011
The Nation's Capital Trail
The Nation's Capital Trail is a 200-mile bike path that runs from Washington D.C. to Cumberland Maryland, following the Potomac River for much of its length. The trail is part of the American Discovery Trail and is used by cyclists and hikers as well as horseback riders. It's possible to do it in sections or all at once if you have time on your hands!
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is a historic site in Baltimore, Maryland. It is located on Whetstone Point near the mouth of Baltimore Harbor and was built to replace Fort Whetstone (built in 1776). The fort was named after James McHenry, Secretary of War under President George Washington during the American Revolution.
It was here that Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner", which became the national anthem in 1931. In 1814 during the War of 1812 between Britain and America, British warships attacked Fort McHenry for 25 hours straight with cannonballs but failed to breach its defenses; this inspired Key's writing. Today you can visit this monument through guided tours or self-guided audio tours by downloading them from their website (see below). There are also exhibits inside where you can learn more about what happened during those 25 hours when Francis Scott Key penned his famous words about our flag being still there waving proudly over us all!
If you're interested in learning more about other landmarks nearby then look no further than Charm City Circulator Bus Route 15A which stops right outside Fort McHenry's entrance gate every day except Sundays when they're closed due to budget cuts due to too much money spent repairing the damage done by Hurricane Irene last year."
National Aquarium in Baltimore
The National Aquarium is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life. It was founded in 1981 by Robert J. Sullivan and David A. Rubenstein, who together raised $2 million dollars to open their first location at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The aquarium currently has three locations: one at the Inner Harbor (opened on October 1st) and two others located on Pier 4 Park in downtown Baltimore along with its exhibit "Aquatic Animal Health Center" where they treat sick or injured animals; as well as another one known as National Aquarium - Camden Yards which opened on April 18th, 2016 featuring only freshwater fish species from North America including those who live within Chesapeake Bay Watershed area
Laura Village
Laura Village is a historic village in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It was named after the wife of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The village is part of a larger area known as "Carrollton", which was platted by his son Charles Carroll Jr., who owned much land in Baltimore County at that time. The village consists mostly of 19th-century homes, many built with stone quarried from nearby Jones Falls Valley (now part of Druid Hill Park).
Yorktown is a historic town in Virginia, located on the York River. It was the site of the Battle of Yorktown, which ended the American Revolution. The Colonial National Historical Park and several other sites are located there and makeup it one of America's most visited tourist destinations.
Baltimore has many landmarks to visit and explore. Whether you're looking for the best places to see in Baltimore or want some fun activities to do with family and friends, we've got it covered!
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Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. It can help keep your home looking great and smelling fresh. But it’s not something that everyone knows how to do themselves! Even if you have the best carpet cleaner in Baltimore at your disposal, there are still a few things you should know before hiring them (or trying them yourself). Carpet cleaning in Baltimore is a great place to spend some time. We know that you want to make sure that your room looks as good as it can be, so we’ve put together this list of the best bed and breakfast spots in Baltimore. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. We’ve seen a lot of changes in that time, but one thing has remained the same — our customers love us! They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. You may find us online using these keywords carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning Baltimore, steam cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, steam cleaning Baltimore, tile and grout cleaning Baltimore, and carpet cleaning near me.
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weemsbotts · 1 year
Living History with Joanne Barron
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Mrs. Joanne Barron (1955-2023) served as the Executive Director of Historic Dumfries Virginia, Inc. & The Weems-Botts Museum from 2011-2017. Her hospitality, commitment to education, and passion for history guided our organization as she breathed life into our mission statement by making local history accessible to everyone.
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(Tea in Merchant Park with Mrs. Joanne Barron, 2013)
In 2012, Morgan, Mangold, an intern for The Weems-Botts Museum, interviewed Dumfries Town Historian & Local Legend Lee Lansing. In a draft version of her article, Ms. Mangold sat down with both Lansing and Barron, recording their interaction.
“Mrs. Joann Barron remembers fondly that, “Mister Lansing, when our Museum became a Historic Site, it was in very bad shape. And Mr. Lansing and his son [renovated it]; we’ve got pictures in the Museum of them re-doing everything.” As Lansing recalls “after we were able to buy after the county was able to buy the building at that time, uh, I was able to get in there and work and do some of the work…to bring it back up to where it should be.” Though the buildings are absolutely beautiful pieces of history now, poison ivy seemed to be a serious problem at one time and when remembering that tale, Mr. Lansing and Mrs. Barron chuckled at each other.    
In being an architect, the Weems-Botts Museum was not the only building Mr. Lansing’s name can be attributed to. The United Methodist Church of Dumfries right cross the street from the museum was built by none other than himself. “That’s all my design. The whole part of the church. All the furniture and everything is my design,” he brags lovingly. Though the furniture is beautiful and the place of worship magnificent, the suspended cross is the star. As Mrs. Barron tells, “when my husband [Vonn Barron] was a little boy he said it was like a miracle, you’d look at this cross and you couldn’t figure out how it was up there. Because you can’t see anything.” As Lansing explains, “when I first designed it. I had the cross supported from the floor. And we came up with some special types of piano wire that we can hang it from the roof. So that’s what we [did] we hung it from the roof. You cant see what holds it up there.” It is a miracle thought up by a genius.”
This interaction is truly remarkable as Mangold captured an intimate and wonderful exchange between two friends who dedicated their knowledge, experience, and passion for history to the Town of Dumfries.
Under Barron’s leadership in 2011, The Weems-Botts Museum won a nomination for the Virginia Association of Museum’s “Virginia’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts” program for our Traveling Colonial Wood Truck on display in the exhibit room. “The fact that over 100,000 votes were cast by the public for all the nominations confirms that historic preservation matters to the citizens of the commonwealth,” Margo Carlock, Executive Director of the Virginia Association of Museums stated - “The Top Ten Winners highlight not only the unique stories found in collections across Virginia, but also the challenges that accompany preserving these artifacts.” Barron’s perseverance and commitment in this effort helped promote awareness of our small museum and showcase our treasured artifacts.
Barron’s accomplishments and achievements as Executive Director could be seen in her active advocacy for living history programs at the museum. From hosting Prince William Resolves signing events to holding Victorian teas to constantly inviting the public to engage in colonial and Civil War interpretations in Merchant Park, she provided a passionate and fascinating voice for all aspects of historical life in Dumfries. Her Ghost Walks, Charter Day celebrations, colonial camps, living history weekends (just to name a few), brought friends and families together in Merchant Park, truly making Dumfries a destination for Prince William County. It would take countless pages to review and describe the legacies and impacts we feel from her persistent aim to put us on the map. Whether you came for tea or ghosts, Barron was always there, ready to greet you with a smile and warmly welcome you to the Historic Dumfries Virginia family.
Note: Have memories you would like to share about Joanne Barron and the organization? Please send us an email ([email protected]) or call (703-221-221) so that we can continue to document the history of our organization! To see how the organization has grown and evolved from Barron’s tenure, check out our March newsletter here.
(Sources: HDVI Archives)
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Yunosuke Ito and Keiji Sada in I Will Buy You (Masaki Kobayashi, 1956) Cast: Keiji Sada, Yunosuke Ito, Keiko Kishi, Minoru Oki, Mitsuko Mito. Screenplay: Zenzo Matsuyama, based on a novel by Minoru Ono. Cinematography: Yuharu Atsuta. Art direction: Kazue Hirataka. Film editing: Yoshiyasu Hamamura. Music: Chuji Kinoshita. We have come to accept that professional sports is a big and sometimes corrupt business, so that movies about that business, like Jerry Maguire (Cameron Crowe, 1996) and Moneyball (Bennett Miller, 2011), are designed more to show how things work than to serve as exposés. In fact, I think we have to go back to Japan in 1956 and Masaki Kobayashi's I Will Buy You to see a film that really purports to be shocked about the venality behind a supposedly innocent and much-loved game like baseball. In Kobayashi's view, the bidding war over a star college player becomes a nastily cynical exhibition of greed, corrupting everyone, including the player and his family. The central figure in the film is Kishimoto, played by Keiji Sada as an essentially nice guy who is dismayed by what his job, persuading a player named Kurita (Minoru Oki) to sign with the Toyo Flowers, forces him to do. Sada has some of the look and manner of a Gregory Peck (without Peck's ineradicable blandness), making it possible for us to sympathize with the character and also to understand how he can persuade Kurita's wary mentor-trainer, Tamaki (Yunosuke Ito), that he has the player's best interests at heart -- unlike the more ostensibly greedy rivals from other teams. Tamaki is something of a shadowy figure: He may have been a spy during the war, and for most of the film we're not entirely sure that his occasional attacks of pain from gallstones aren't faked, an attempt to win sympathy. He also has a wife and child, but spends most of his time with his mistress, Ryoko (Mitsuko Mito), whose younger sister, Fudeko (Keiko Kishi), is Kurita's girlfriend. Fudeko professes to hate baseball, and she is ashamed of her illegitimate birth. Every character in the film, it seems, has a complex backstory. That includes the members of Kurita's family, who live in the country and are mistakenly treated as naive yokels by some of the agents attempting to sign the young player. In the end, the greed of the family even produces brother-on-brother violence. The film ends in irony loaded on irony, capping a well-told and sardonic story.
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becrystalamazed · 2 years
A near-comprehensive list of death and death-like consequences in British Children's Gameshows
Y'know, in case you didn't think us british people were weird enough.
Shows in which death is the consequence for losing:
Terror Towers (1994-1996) - The losing team is eaten by werewolves (off screen). The death is perminant.
Knightmare (1987-1994) - The dungeoneers lose by dying in a variety of different - and graphic - ways. One death clause also effects their advisors. However they are ultimately resurected.
Raven (2002-2010) - The warriors are killed by demons or curses for failing the majority of challenges. However, they are ressurected afterwards, and ultimately leave the compition alive.
Raven: The Island (2006) - Losing warriors are killed if they fail a single challenge or do not attempt a challenge. The death is perminant.
Raven: The Secret Temple/The Dragon's Eye (2007, 2009) - Losing warriors are killed if they fail a single challenge. They are ressurected under certain conditions: 1) Their team has collected enough magic jewels to exchange for their life 2) They haven't been ressurected previously 3) Their elimination takes place during the first three weeks. But if any of the three conditions aren't fufilled, they are dead perminantly.
Prosiect Z/Project Z (2018-?) - Any child that get touched by a zombie becomes a zombie. If the team fails to crack the exit code and escape, they all become zombies. They are seen as zombies on screen, either in person (case A) or through an animation (case B).
Don't Unleash the Beast (2020-?) - Teams that fail to escape the treasure room in time are eaten by the eponymous beast (off screen). The death is perminant.
Fee Fi Fo Yum (2010-2011) - The losing team are eaten alive by the giant holding them captive (on screen). The death is perminant.
Den Of Doom (2007) - Losing kids are eaten by hyenas off screen, but their cooking is shown.
Shows in which a death-like outcome is the consequence for losing:
Escape from Scorpion Island (2007-2011) - The losing team has their souls trapped by the Island
Raven (2017-2018) - Instead of dying after challenges like in the original series, the warriors are sent to a dark dimension. They are still always returned, however.
Trapped!/Trapped! ever after (2007-2010) - Losing children are trapped in a tower of horrors forever.
Relic: Guardians of the Museum (2010) - Losing teams are imprisoned within the muesum exhibits forever.
Mission: 2110 (2010) - Losing children (bar those in 3rd and 4th place) are vapourised and sent to an unknown location in space and time and their safety is in question.
Jungle Run (1999-2006) - At various places in the jungle, failure in a single challenge can result in eternal imprisonment, the most prominant being the Temple of the Jungle King.
Sub Zero (1999-2001) - The losing team is either cryogenically frozen or (in later series) ejected into outer space (NOTE: This is unpleasant but also shown as survivable within the show).
Gwrach y Rhibyn (2022-) - Any losing team is captured by the titular Hag
Show in which death is the consequence for WINNING:
Mission: 2110 (2010) - Due to a continuity error, the winner appears to be vaporised instead of being sent home via time travel, which is what's supposed to happen.
Terror Towers (1994-1996) - The winners become ghosts who haunt the tower forever.
Honourable Mentions!
Splatalot (2011-2013) - The winners are assassinated (off-screen) soon after winning. While the show aired in Britian, as well as Canada and Australia, the assassination is only canon in the Canadian version.
Jedi Temple Challenge (2020) - An American gameshow, as The Mandalorian has canonised it as part of the Star Wars Universe and confirmed its place in the timeline, all the kids that win and become Jedi Knights, and possibly every kid that competes, presumably die in Order 66
To be updated as I find out about more
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Daniel Johnston who Died: September 11, 2019 in Waller, Texas
Daniel Dale Johnston (January 22, 1961 – c. September 11, 2019) was an American singer-songwriter and visual artist regarded as a significant figure in outsider, lo-fi, and alternative music scenes. Most of his work consisted of cassettes recorded alone in his home, and his music was frequently cited for its "pure" and "childlike" qualities.
Johnston spent extended periods in psychiatric institutions and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He gathered a local following in the 1980s by passing out tapes of his music while working at a McDonald's in Dobie Center in Austin, Texas. His cult status was propelled when Nirvana's Kurt Cobain was seen wearing a T-shirt that featured artwork from Johnston's 1983 cassette album Hi, How Are You.
Beyond music, Johnston was accomplished as a visual artist, with his illustrations exhibited at various galleries around the world. His struggles with mental illness were the subject of the 2005 documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston. He died in 2019 of what is suspected to have been a heart attack.
Johnston was born in Sacramento, California, and grew up in New Cumberland, West Virginia. He was the youngest of five children of William Dale "Bill" Johnston (1922–2017) and Mabel Ruth Voyles Johnston (1923–2010). He began recording music in the late 1970s on a $59 Sanyo monaural boombox, singing and playing piano as well as the chord organ. Following graduation from Oak Glen High School, Johnston spent a few weeks at Abilene Christian University in West Texas before dropping out. He later attended the art program at Kent State University, East Liverpool, during which he recorded Songs of Pain and More Songs of Pain.
When Johnston moved to Austin, Texas, he began to attract the attention of the local press and gained a following augmented in numbers by his habit of handing out tapes to people he met. Live performances were well-attended and hotly anticipated. His local standing led to him being featured in a 1985 episode of the MTV program The Cutting Edge featuring performers from Austin's "New Sincerity" music scene.
In 1988, Johnston visited New York City and recorded 1990 with producer Mark Kramer at his Noise New York studio. This was Johnston's first experience in a professional recording environment after a decade of releasing home-made cassette recordings. His mental health further deteriorated during the making of 1990. In 1989, Johnston released the album It's Spooky in collaboration with singer Jad Fair of the band Half Japanese.
In 1990, Johnston played at a music festival in Austin, Texas. On the way back to West Virginia on a private two-seater plane piloted by his father Bill, Johnston had a manic psychotic episode; believing he was Casper the Friendly Ghost, Johnston removed the key from the plane's ignition and threw it outside. His father, a former U.S. Air Force pilot, managed to successfully crash-land the plane, even though "there was nothing down there but trees". Although the plane was destroyed, Johnston and his father emerged with only minor injuries. As a result of this episode, Johnston was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.
Interest in Johnston increased when Kurt Cobain was frequently photographed wearing a T-shirt featuring the cover image of Johnston's album Hi, How Are You that music journalist Everett True gave him. Cobain listed Yip/Jump Music as one of his favorite albums in his journal in 1993. In spite of Johnston being resident in a mental hospital at the time, there was a bidding war to sign him. He refused to sign a multi-album deal with Elektra Records because Metallica was on the label's roster and he was convinced that they were Satanic and would hurt him, also dropping his longtime manager, Jeff Tartakov, in the process. Ultimately he signed with Atlantic Records in February 1994 and that September released Fun, produced by Paul Leary of Butthole Surfers. It was a commercial failure. In June 1996, Atlantic dropped Johnston from the label.
In 1993, the Sound Exchange record store in Austin, Texas, commissioned Johnston to paint a mural of the Hi, How Are You? frog (also known as "Jeremiah the Innocent") from the album's cover. After the record store closed in 2003, the building remained unoccupied until 2004 when the Mexican grill franchise Baja Fresh took ownership and decided that they would remove the wall that held the mural. A group of people who lived in the neighborhood convinced the managers and contractors to keep the mural intact. In 2018, the building housed a Thai restaurant called "Thai, How Are You". Thai How Are You permanently closed in January 2020. The building remains empty
In 2004, he released The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered, a two-disc compilation. The first disc featured covers of his songs by artists including Tom Waits, Beck, TV on the Radio, Jad Fair, Eels, Bright Eyes, Calvin Johnson, Death Cab for Cutie, Sparklehorse, Mercury Rev, The Flaming Lips and Starlight Mints, with the second disc featuring Johnston's original recordings of the songs. In 2005, Texas-based theater company Infernal Bridegroom Productions received a Multi-Arts Production/MAP Fund grant to work with Johnston to create a rock opera based on his music, titled Speeding Motorcycle.
In 2006, Jeff Feuerzeig released a documentary about Johnston, The Devil and Daniel Johnston; the film, four years in the making, collated some of the vast amount of recorded material Johnston (and in some case, others) had produced over the years to portray his life and music. The film won high praise, receiving the Director's Award at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. The film also inspired more interest in Johnston's work, and increased his prestige as a touring artist. In 2006, Johnston's label, Eternal Yip Eye Music, released his first greatest-hits compilation, Welcome to My World.
Through the next few years Johnston toured extensively across the world, and continued to attract press attention. His artwork was shown in galleries such as in London's Aquarium Gallery, New York's Clementine Gallery and at the Liverpool Biennial in 2006 and 2008, and in 2009, his work was exhibited at "The Museum of Love" at Verge Gallery in Sacramento, California. In 2008, Dick Johnston, Johnston's brother and manager, revealed that "a movie deal based on the artist's life and music had been finalized with a tentative 2011 release." He also said that a deal had been struck with the Converse company for a "signature series" Daniel Johnston shoe. Later, it was revealed by Dick Johnston that Converse had dropped the plan. In early 2008, a Jeremiah the Innocent collectible figurine was released in limited runs of four different colors. Later in the year, Adjustable Productions released Johnston's first concert DVD, The Angel and Daniel Johnston – Live at the Union Chapel, featuring a 2007 appearance in Islington, London.
Is and Always Was was released on October 6, 2009, on Eternal Yip Eye Music. In 2009, it was announced that Matt Groening had chosen Johnston to perform at the edition of the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that he curated in May 2010, in Minehead, England. Also that year, Dr. Fun Fun and Smashing Studios developed an iPhone platform game called Hi, How Are You. The game is similar to Frogger, but features Johnston's art and music. Johnston played it during its development and liked it, although he was not familiar with the iPhone.
On March 13, 2012, Johnston released his first comic book, Space Ducks – An Infinite Comic Book of Musical Greatness at SXSW, published by BOOM! Studios. The comic book ties-in with the Space Ducks album and an iOS app. Johnston collaborated with skateboarding and clothing company Supreme on numerous collections (consisting of clothing and various accessories) showcasing his artwork.
On March 1, 2012, Brooklyn-based photographer Jung Kim announced her photo book and traveling exhibition project with Johnston titled DANIEL JOHNSTON: here, a collaboration that began in 2008 when Kim first met Johnston and began photographing him on the road and at his home in Waller, Texas. On March 13, 2013, this photography book was published, featuring five years of documentation on Johnston. The opening exhibition at SXSW festival featured a special performance by Johnston along with tribute performances led by Jason Sebastian Russo formerly of Mercury Rev. The second exhibition ran in May and June 2013 in London, England, and featured a special performance by Johnston along with tribute performances by the UK band Charlie Boyer and the Voyeurs with Steffan Halperin of the Klaxons. On October 10, 2013, Jason Pierce of Spiritualized hosted the New York City opening of the exhibition, which included special tribute performances led by Pierce and Glen Hansard of The Swell Season and The Frames.
In November 2015, Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston?, a short documentary about Johnston's life, was released featuring Johnston as his 2015 self and Gabriel Sunday of Archie's Final Project as Johnston's 1983 self. The executive producers for the film included Lana Del Rey and Mac Miller.
In July 2017, Johnston announced that he would be retiring from live performance and would embark on a final five-date tour that fall. Each stop on the tour featured Johnston backed by a group that had been influenced by his music: The Preservation All-Stars in New Orleans, The Districts and Modern Baseball in Philadelphia, Jeff Tweedy in Chicago, and Built to Spill for the final two dates in Portland and Vancouver.
On September 11, 2019, Johnston was found dead from a suspected heart attack at his home in Waller, Texas, a day after he was released from the hospital for unspecified kidney problems. It is believed that he died overnight.
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kittesencula · 3 years
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Francesco Cito
Born in Naples in 1949, he moved to London in 1972 to devote himself to photography, although in the early 1970s he adapted to the most varied professions. His professional debut in the world of photography took place in 1975, when - thanks to his employment at the pop-rock weekly Radio Guide Magazine - he began touring England photographing concerts and pop music characters. Later he began to collaborate as a free-lance photographer for The Sunday Times Magazine, which dedicated to him the first cover for the reportage "La Mattanza". Later he also collaborates with L'Observer Magazine.
In 1980 Cito was one of the first photojournalists to clandestinely reach Afghanistan occupied by the invasion of the Red Army and, following various guerrilla groups fighting the Soviets, he traveled about 1200 KM on foot. His photographs of the first Red Star soldiers who were ambushed.
In 1982-83 he made a report on the Camorra in Naples, published by the major national and foreign newspapers. Also in Naples in 1978 he made a report on cigarette smuggling from within the smuggling organization for The Sunday Times Magazine.
In 1983 he was sent to the Lebanese front from the Weekly Era and follows the ongoing conflict between the Palestinian factions, represented by the pro-Syrian leader Abu Mussa and the nationalist Yasser Arafat, founder of Al-Fatah (Organization for the Liberation of Palestine). Cito is the only photo-journalist to document the fall of Beddawi (refugee camp), Arafat's last stronghold in Lebanon. He later documents the various phases of the Lebanese civil war up to 1989.
In particular, in 1984 he devoted himself to the conditions of the Palestinian people within the occupied territories of the West Bank (West Bank) and the Gaza Strip. He follows all the phases of the first "Intifada" of the years 1987-1993 and of the second in the period 2000-2005, being wounded three times during the clashes.
In 1989 he was sent to Afghanistan on the Friday of the Republic and still moves clandestinely in the wake of the "Mujahideen" to tell the story of the Soviet retreat. He will return to those areas again in 1998 sent by the weekly Panorama, with the intention of meeting Osama Bin Laden (meeting never happened due to the start of the bombing).
In 1990 he was in Saudi Arabia in the first "Gulf War" following the first contingent of US Marines after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. It follows the whole process of the "Desert Storm" operation and the liberation of Kuwait (February 27-28, 1991).
In the 90s he documents the different phases of the Balkan conflicts.
In 1994 he made a report on the extremist Israeli settlers for the German weekly "Stern".
In 1995 he won the third World Press Photo prize for the reportage with "Neapolitan weddings".
In April 2002 he was among the few to enter the Jenin refugee camp under curfew and siege for 40 days by the Israeli "Tzahal" army (as well as other cities administered by the Palestinian Autonomy Government).
In Italy Francesco Cito often deals with mafia cases, but also with other kinds of events (such as the Palio di Siena which earned him the first prize at the World Press Photo in 1996) and other relevant aspects of contemporary society.
From 1997 onwards, the goal is also aimed at Sardinia, documented outside the tourist itineraries to better read its social aspects and restore an identity more linked to traditions. This work is partly enclosed in a dedicated photo-book ("L'Isola al di là del mare", 2003).
In 2007 he was invited by the Sakhalin Governorate (Russian islands former penal colony told by Chekhov) for a photographic work on the territory, during which he illustrates the life and production activities following the discovery of huge oil fields. This work has been the subject of a photographic exhibition and a photo book on the subject published in Russia ("Sakhalin", 2007).
Between 2005 and 2011 he carried out a documentary work in Palestine of the various phases of the construction of the Israeli wall, subsequently exhibited in various Italian cities.
In 2011 he dedicated himself to documenting the conditions of Palestinian children suffering from deafness problems. This work too has been the subject of a photographic exhibition (in Bergamo), like the complex work on the coma theme (“Vite suspended”), still under construction, exhibited several times in various Italian locations.
In 2015, the Author created the photographic exhibition "Color W&B" in Seravezza (Lucca), a retrospective of the many reportages conducted over the years in various countries around the world. On the occasion of this exhibition, he produces the book "Francesco Cito, Photographer", accompanied by texts by Ferdinando Scianna and Carlo Verdelli.
In his long and intense career as a photojournalist, Francesco Cito has collaborated with the major national and foreign newspapers. To name a few: Era, People, The Friday of the Republic, Italian Illustration, L'Espresso, L'Europeo, Oggi, Panorama, Sette-Corriere della Sera, D Donna, Io Donna. And then: Die Zeit Magazine, Figaro Magazine, Frankfurten Allemain Magazine, Life, Paris Matche, The Independent Magazine, The Observer Magazine, Sunday Times Magazine, Stern, and more.
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doomedandstoned · 2 years
Italy’s Slowtorch Ignite Fiery Riffs & High Octane Rhythms on ‘The Machine Has Failed’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Album Art by Solomacello
The Italian stoner metal scene has really been flourishing over the past several years. Its vibrant spirit and gritty heft reminds me a lot of Greece over the last decade, with the emergence of punchy acts like 1000mods, Planet of Zeus, and Puta Volcano. Electric Valley Records has been paying attention, too. They're latest signing is SLOWTORCH, the four-member crew of heavy haulers hailing from the city of Bolzano in northern Italy.
Here is a band that puts on high energy performances with accessible, relevant lyrics. With one full-length notched on the belt already (2014's Serpente), the band once known as Godmachine prior to their 2005 reincarnation, now returns with a riveting 9-tracker. 'The Machine Has Failed' (2022) is a salvo of hefty beats and sizzling riffs from one side to the next.
Lyrically, the songs have less to do with drunken revelry than with contemplation about the present state of a world emerging from pandemic. As we peer into the hazy unknown, we wonder what civilization will become.
Behold man He brazenly walks among the gods To steal their fire and rule his kind To boldly fly to distant worlds
Oh, the heavy price Blunted fangs Clouded eyes Leaden legs
I am man He screams at the stars Crawled from the sea To march against the sun
In the wake of COVID-19, the cracks and fissures of the machines lay exposed to everyone as we veered ever so precariously toward total societal collapse. Indeed "fear is the North Star," as the band sings. It seems to be the real foundation of society, evidenced by the outbreak of war soon after plague. Given the fundamental nature of humanity, can we hope for better?
Frontman Matteo Meloni's vocals burn smooth and clean, with the kind of heartiness that turns every verse into a fist-raising rocker. I was hoping for another exhibition of that grungy Alice in Chain dual vocal harmony that I loved so much in the song "27" from the EP, '4 Barrel Retribution' (2011), but that was over a decade ago and the band's sound today sounds less jaded and more spiked with urgency, conviction.
Bassist Karl Sandner and drummer Fabio Sforza comprise a hardworking and unrelenting rhythm section, providing the ideal launching pad for Bruno Bassi's guitarwork to sparkle and fly.
The band had this to share with Doomed & Stoned readers about the return effort that stands before us:
‘The Machine Has Failed’ is a part portrayal of our times, part social commentary. Some of the lyrics are heavily influenced by Huxley and Bradbury (Brave New World, The Island, Fahrenheit 451, etc.), both of whom seem just as relevant now as they were then, while some songs represent our perception of the times we live in as it becomes increasingly clear that ‘the machine’ has indeed failed.
Slowtorch's new album drops April 29th on Electric Valley Records (pre-order here). Ahead of its weekend release you can party on with this, the world premiere! Stick it in a playlist with Sevendust, Kal-El, Space Coke, Green Desert Water, High Reeper, and Hypnopilot.
Give ear...
LISTEN: Slowtorch - The Machine Has Failed
Electric Valley Records presents Slowtorch’s sophomore full-length, The Machine Has Failed, due out 29 April 2022 on multiple variants of vinyl, in addition to digital release.
Formed in 2005, Italian stoner metal force Slowtorch has consistently delivered their signature barrage of straightforward, driving riffs, pounding drums, throbbing bass lines, and roaring vocals on stages across Europe. Think of Clutch meeting the forces of Black Sabbath and Corrosion of Conformity, and you will get the notion of the tough, paranoid, and vibrant tones Slowtorch peddles.
Having a couple of EPs and a full-length (titled 'Serpente') under their belt, they have shared stages with acts such as Orange Goblin, Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons, Volbeat, Suicidal Tendencies, Yawning Man, Mondo Generator, Colour Haze, and Truckfighters. The Bolzano quartet’s current line-up, comprising Matteo Meloni (vocals), Bruno Bassi (guitars), Karl Sandner (bass), and Fabio Sforza (drums), has remained together for a decade, dating back to 2012.
On the upcoming album, The Machine Has Failed, Slowtorch rides out the storm with full strength and slow-burning grooves, capturing both the low-end stoner vibes and the incredible ‘70s metal/hard rock sparkles. A part of the record is a portrait of the current era, and the other part reflects the social commentary. Some of the lyrics are heavily influenced by the works of Huxley (Brave New World, Island) and Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451).
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unsafepin · 3 years
Optical Illusions: A Study of Aesthetics in Activism in Two Accounts
There’s been a particular thing bothering me about social media for a while. I should probably get a cool editing app, write it in a few bullet points and post it on Instagram. You know what I’m talking about, right? The goddamn infographics. If I have to sit through another slideshow explaining to me another military conflict, another societal issue, another existential unfairness on a baby pink background in a cheery font, I might combust. But the cognitive dissonance of aesthetics in activism has been a problem for a while, hasn’t it? So today, I want to examine the effect of focusing on aesthetics over content, or, on the flipside, not considering the optics of your activism enough, and what it does to the consumer of your content by picking apart two local activist-adjacent media projects, Tetraedras and Giljožinios.
Firstly, I want to make my own bias abundantly clear. I am personally acquainted with the teams of both projects, so obviously there will be innate personal bias involved. I highly encourage anyone reading to check both projects out themselves (@t3traedras and @giljozinios on Instagram, as well as Giljožinios’ YouTube channel) and make their own conclusions on the matter. I believe that while my familiarity breeds deeper knowledge of my subjects, it also makes me more vulnerable to assumptions about individuals involved. My insights come from the perspective of an observer, not an expert. Welcome to the circus.
The use of the word “optics” in a metaphorical political sense sprung up in the 1970s to describe the way major political decisions would not necessarily affect an average citizen, but how it would appear to them, e.g. 'U.S. President Barack Obama temporized for weeks, worrying about the optics of waging war in another Arab state after the Iraq fiasco' (Toronto Star, 19th March 2011). However, it’s become increasingly relevant in our age of social media, an age of perceptions over substance, of shortening attention spans and increased barrage of information one has to stomach daily. Social media is the great equalizer - a random person off the street can theoretically hold as much influence as a politician - thus it is becoming increasingly crucial for the average Joe posting on the countless apps owned by Facebook to be as familiar with PR terms as a firm with a six figure salary. Or at least that would be nice, seeing that more and more average Joes are becoming actively involved in politics and education, seeking to influence their newfound audience.
So, let’s see how successful average people with no media or politics degrees are at balancing their image. Both Tetraedras and Giljožinios lean into their 2010’s social media project optics: millennial pink themes, bold names, young teams. But that’s where the similarities end. Tetraedras’ brand is safety. The shades of color on the profile are calming, the illustrations are youthful and playful, their more serious posts are interspersed with more relaxing content (poetry, photoshoots, etc.). Giljožinios is confrontational. The colors electric, posts loud and to the point, they’re what it says on the box - a leftist project - and unapologetic about it. This might help to explain why audiences react as differently as they do to these two, on the surface, similar accounts. Because while you might’ve stumbled on Tetraedras organically while browsing, them having almost two thousand followers, Giljožinios crashed into the educational/political social media scene by being featured on the goddamn national news, that’s how controversial the project is. And obviously I am oversimplifying the issue, Tetraedras slowly built up to posting more opinionated content, while Giljožinios came in guns blazing accusing USA of imperialism, but you’ll have to let me explain. Tetraedras, in its essence, is a welcoming environment. They explain complicated problems in short bullet points with accompanying comforting visuals, their mascot is a inoffensive geometrical figure and their face is a beautiful girl, make-up matching the theme of the post. Giljožinios is named after a revolutionary device, their profile picture is a monarch being beheaded, their host quite infamously sat in front of Che Guevara memorabilia in their first and (as of writing) only video. It’s a lightning rod for angry comments by baby boomers, no matter what comes out of their mouth. In fact, I would argue that, if presented accordingly, the idea that the US is conducting a kind of modern imperialism is just a simple fact and personally can’t wait until Tetraedras posts that with a quirky illustration of Joe Biden to introduce the concept to the wider public.
This leads me to my next point, because despite what’s been previously suggested, I’m not here to solely sing Giljožinios’ praise. There is a cognitive dissonance in both of these flavors of social media activism, but while I can understand Tetraedras’ on a PR level, I’m kind of personally insulted by Giljožinios’. While purely personally I find aspects of Giljožinios’ radicalism distasteful, I appreciate the honesty in the youthful maximalism, of coming in strong and not backing down, but from the guys that made a communist Christmas tree once I almost expected something more stirring than “military industrial complex bad”. This leads me to ask: who is your content for? Your average breadtube-savvy twenty-something already heard this a thousand times, because they consume similar english-speaking content and I doubt any minds of the vatniks that came by to fume in the comment section are being changed. I’m obviously harking on a newborn project here, the team of which has already been bitten by authorities censoring their content, but so far there has been a lot of optical bark, but no substantial bite, especially considering the team seems to be in a safer place now. And the inverse is true for Tetraedras, while I can understand wanting to be visually interesting yet inoffensive, their visuals are sometimes laughably, morbidly light for the topics they discuss Sexily posing in Britney Spears-inspired outfits while discussing the horrors of her conservatorship springs to mind (funny how Britney’s conservatorship leads her to have next to none bodily autonomy, including her public costume choices). And, once again, your target audience is teenagers. They understand English, they’ve seen the news, they don’t need you to translate infographics filled with statistics and information that’s locally completely irrelevant. There needs to be some kind of middle ground between aesthetic cohesion and common sense, because this all signals to the viewer that the content is meant to be mindlessly consumed first and to educate second.
Which leads me to ponder what kind of consumption accounts like these encourage, which will surely lead me to an early grave as I drink away the existential dread of how social media rots all of our brains. Because yes, actually, producing funky visuals to convey an idea way too complicated for an Instagram post is fun. I myself got distracted multiple times during writing to make the first slide for my own post. Meta, I know. This is obviously more of a problem for Tetraedras, who seem to fervently resist injecting their content with a few more paragraphs and a tad more nuance, but even with Giljožinios choosing a more appropriate long-form format to educate, I still pray everyday they don’t get lost in the revolutionary reputation their group built up and forget to make a point, not just talking points.
Because what all this all inevitably leads to is misinforming the public. Again, this seems to be less of a problem for Giljožinios, as the amount of critical eyeballs they have on them leads to them being corrected on every incorrect numerical figure and grammatical mistake, I just hope all this harassment, once again, doesn’t get them all caught up in the optics of a revolution against all the Facebook boomers and forgetting to do their due diligence to the truth. As far as I know, the only factual mistake is miscalculating how much Lituania invests in NATO and there’s still a historical debate in their comment section about the existence of a CIA prison in Lithuania, if anyone’s concerned. Tetraedras, however, is safe. And safe content goes down just like a sugar-coated pill, you don’t even feel the need to fact-check it. And fact-checking is what it sorely requires, or else you’re left with implying that boxing causes men to become rapists and citing statistics of every country except the one in which, you know, me, the team and the absolute majority of their followers live in.
So what’s my goddamn point? Burn your phone and go live in the woods, always. But in the context of this essay, if you are a content creator that aims to educate, inform, incite, whatever, you need to put aesthetics on the backburner. And, more importantly, we as consumers need to stop tolerating content that puts being either pretty or inflammatory first instead of whatever message it’s trying to send, because the supply follows where the demand goes. Read books, watch long-form content made by experts, not teenagers on the internet chasing followers out of not even malicious intent, but almost a knee-jerk reaction. Because while the story of those two accounts cuts especially deep, expectations for local-, even friend-made content being much higher than that for some corporate accounts shooting their shot at activism, the problem is entrenched deep, thousands of accounts exhibiting the same problems racking up millions upon millions of followers. Having said that, my attention span is barely long enough to read the essays I write myself, so maybe do burn your phone and go live in the woods.
Also, pink is actually my brand so both of these accounts are being contacted by my lawyers and the rest of you don’t try any shit.
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skyguyed · 5 years
the normalization of abusive behavior in reylo
for those wondering why some people are calling reylo an abusive ship, below the divide are examples and explanations from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi where Kylo Ren displays abusive behavior towards Rey.
This is important because abusive/toxic actions in fiction are often normalized to the point where viewers may not notice abusive behaviors as red flags, or may grow to see abusive behavior as normal, even romantic (or valid precursors to romance).
This post will also discuss the role of fictional portrayals in shaping reality, and why I believe supporting reylo means normalizing abuse.
Thank you in advance for your time and energy to read this. 
The purpose of this post 
This post (essay, really, it’s gotten pretty long) will examine every interaction between Rey and Kylo Ren, and will point out where and how abuse occurs in this relationship. I will also discuss why this matters.
This post is not meant to police anyone or insult, nor is it meant to incite disrespectful arguments. It is not a call for censorship. The purpose of this post is to help unaware reylo shippers understand where and why reylo is abusive, to help fans recognize abusive behavior, to assess the relationship between fiction and reality, and to discuss why I believe supporting reylo means normalizing abuse.
Trigger warnings for mentions, descriptions, and discussions of violence, domestic violence, abuse, and rape.
Legal definition of abuse:
According to the judicial branch of California,
The domestic violence laws say “abuse” is:
Physically hurting or trying to hurt someone intentionally or recklessly;
Sexual assault;
Making someone reasonably afraid that he or she or someone else is about to be seriously hurt (like threats or promises to harm someone); OR
Behavior like harassing, stalking, threatening, or hitting someone, disturbing someone’s peace, or destroying someone’s personal property).
Read more about Domestic Violence.
What abusive behavior does reylo display?
Kylo Ren exhibits these types of abusive behaviors towards Rey (timestamps indicated when appropriate):
Immobilizing her 
Using the Force in the forest on Takodana (TFA, 1:17:32)
With physical restraints in First Order custody (TFA, 1:25:40)
Threatening her with a weapon 
With light saber, while she’s immobilized by him (TFA, 1:18:00)
Stalking her
“You still want to kill me.” “That happens why you’re being hunted by a creature in a mask.” (TFA, 1:26:08)
Putting down her friends
“Where are the others?” “You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends?” (TFA, 1:25:57)
Kylo Ren called Rey’s parents “filthy junk traders” (TLJ 1:48)
Hurting her friends: Finn, mortally (TFA, 1:54:42)
Not to mention killing his father Han in front of her, who had become someone she trusted.
Entering her (mind) without permission (confirmed by JJ Abrams as an intentional rape parallel in a Facebook post to Daniel Fleetwood, since deleted/made private - see summary here)
This happened twice- once on Takodana when he had her immobilized (TFA, 1:18:12), and then again in First Order custody: “You know I can take whatever I want.” (TFA, 1:27:00) despite her tears, fear, and obvious discomfort and protests
Threatening to expose her secrets (where is BB-8 and the map to Luke Skywalker)
Attacking her with a weapon
Also using the force to attack her (multiple times)
Rendering her unconscious (real world equivalent: drugging or physical violence)
First on Takodana with the Force, (TFA 1:13:32), then on Starkiller Base, by launching her into a tree (TFA 1:51:24)
Trying to manipulate her (into joining the Dark Side)
Snoke may have initiated their force bond, but as soon as Kylo realized what it was, he started using it to make Rey sympathize with him
Kylo Ren feeds Rey only part of his side of the story, painting himself as a victim (leaving out how he slaughtered/turned the other students, and what he did to concern Luke in the first place [re: the “darkness rising in him,” TLJ 1:00:33])
Gaslighting and verbal abuse: “You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You’re nothing... but not to me.”
“Your parents threw you away like garbage. You can’t stop needing them.” (TLJ 1:12:02) He hangs this over her head, again at TLJ 1:31. And “the truth” at 1:48.
Kylo also literally abducts Rey after knocking her out, although that isn’t on the cited list. And he frames her for murdering Snoke after she wouldn’t join him, which puts a huge target on her back. And um, tries to actually kill her (“BLOW THE PIECE OF JUNK -- OUT OF THE SKY!”)
Kylo’s own manipulation, abuse, and gaslighting by Snoke do not excuse his treatment of Rey. (Finn was abused and brainwashed, too. And he chose to turn better.)
Here are resources for abuse victims. 
Why the interrogation scene has clear rape parallels
This is not meant to cheapen or lessen the trauma faced by physical rape/assault victims. I understand that this comparison is upsetting to some people because, since it is presented on-screen as a parallel, it could be argued as much less severe or even be seen as trivializing the plight of real-life victims. I’m not trying to speak for all abuse victims when I say this, but as a person who has experienced sexual violation, I can’t help but see a clear parallel here. 
The interaction is highly invasive. Rey is terrified and protests when she is able to. Kylo Ren tells her shit like not to be afraid, etc. (which sounds like stuff abusers say). She tells him to stop (1:27:39) “Get out of my head” and still he proceeds, ignoring verbal and physical protests. This is not a healthy dynamic, and shouldn’t be portrayed as romantic, or as a prucursor to romance. It’s clearly violating, and it’s triggering to a lot of fans.
When we do not acknowledge this scene as a nonconsensual psychological invasion of a person, I believe we are glossing over an extremely vital dynamic in this relationship. The fact that Kylo says to Rey, “I can take whatever I want,” shows an entitlement to her mind and body that he doesn’t deserve, an attitude shared by many abusers. It creates a power difference that forces Rey to fight back to regain control from him. I’ve seen people argue that he was “gentle” but gentle violation is still violation.
But they’re at war.
This really doesn’t excuse Kylo’s actions towards Rey, sorry. And even if they are at war, this kind of behavior he’s exibited towards her thus far does not make a good foundation for a healthy relationship. That trauma, those offenses will still be there.  
Also, if they’re at war, Rey has every reason to fight back, so saying that “Rey abused Kylo Ren back” when he’s the perpetrator is a flimsy argument. Her ability to “kick his ass” does not make her immune to abuse. It also shifts the blame for Kylo’s mistreatment from him, to her, which is vastly unfair, echoing the victim-blaming sentiment that’s pervasive in our own reality, that real victims face.
Why do we care if Reylo is abusive? It’s just fiction.
We should care that Reylo is abusive because fiction reflects and influences reality. This TED Talk discusses how fiction changes people by increasing empathy, and changes a person’s point of view. Fiction is powerful in shaping a person’s actions. Reading fiction helps readers navigate a real social world. Additionally, fiction can spark public dialogue and raise attention to real-world issues. Reading fiction has been associated with an increase in charitable giving and voting (x).
Here are some examples of fiction influencing reality:
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) was the first major US novel with a Black main character, and it “ opened reader’s eyes to the realities of slavery and the humanity of enslaved people.” “Stowe’s candor on the controversial subject of slavery encouraged others to speak out, further eroding the already precarious relations between northern and southern states and advancing the nation’s march toward Civil War.” (x) Conversely, in modern times, it has helped popularize harmful antiquated stereotypes of Black people (x).
Joe Biden attributed historic changes in American views of homosexuality to Will and Grace (1998), which influenced American views on LGBT rights and helped open the door to more programs with LGBT leads. 
Fifty Shades of Grey (2011) popularized BDSM and caused a spike in reported sex-related injuries, and has been accused of perpetuating dangerous abuse standards. A 2014 study showed correlation between the novel’s readers and eating disorders, abusive relationships, and binge drinking. 
Star Trek has been vastly influential. Astronaut Mae Jemison (the first Black woman in space) was inspired by Lt. Uhura. The show featured American TV’s first interracial on-screen kiss. Steve Wozniak cited Star Trek as an influence for co-founding Apple (x). Star Trek has encouraged many people to pursue a career in science (x).
Jaws (1974) caused beach attendance to fall the following summer, sparked an increase in shark trophy hunting, and demonized sharks in the public eye. (However, shark research received more funding.)
Six in ten Americans get their HIV/AIDS information from the media (x). Musicals like Rent (1993) helped humanize people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as LGBT people. Rent has also been cited as helping encourage LGBT people to come out.
The Turner Diaries (1978) is a novel cited by white supremacists.
Lolita’s (1955) sexualization of a 12-year-old girl has impact on modern celebrities wardrobe choices and image.
Black Beauty (1877) caused the bearing rein to be banned in Victorian England and inspired animal welfare activists.
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle (1906) portrayed harsh working conditions for immigrants in industrial areas, and raised awareness and produced public outcry which directly led to the passing of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act, both in 1906.
After the release of 13 Reasons Why (2017), schools saw an increase in student self harm and suicides, and related internet searches. 
Psychologist Raymond Mar writes, “Researchers have repeatedly found that reader attitudes shift to become more congruent with the ideas expressed in a [fiction] narrative.” “For example,if we watch a TV program showing a sexual encounter gone wrong, our own sexual ethics will change... If, however, the show displays a positive sexual encounter, our own sexual attitudes will move towards the permissive end of the spectrum.”  (x pg 150)
In one study, 19% of respondents said that after finishing a work, a character’s voice stayed with them, influencing the tone of their thoughts (x).
More resources:
100 stories that changed the world
The power of fake gay (and black) friends: We form judgements about characters the same way we form judgements about people.
Readers may change their beliefs and thoughts to match a fictional character’s
The importance of framing in relationship portrayal, an essay by an abuse victim. This essay is very long but it is a must-read. It also touches on the fact that the power of fiction is more than just having fun and our experiences shape how we interpret media.
Abduction as Romance - a harmful trope where the abductor is framed as “a decent guy” at the end. (20-min video, well worth the watch.) Danger is portrayed as a sexy trait, while the disempowerment of women is fetishized. The video also comments on how often white guys get away with it, while men of color don’t. Also, see commentary at the end of the video about what real redemption means.
Yeah, but how does supporting reylo influence reality?
Supporting Reylo means that we’re giving credibility and validity to violence at the beginning of a romance. It’s like saying to a child who got pushed by another on the playground, “oh, they’re bullying you because they have a crush on you.” It’s promoting a fundamental entitlement and disrespect. 
Impressionable young people seeing this abuse treated as a desirable dynamic, as conditions that could lead to romance, are being primed to accept this or even emulate this in their own relationships. When we see this treated as acceptable in fiction, we are primed to see this as acceptable in reality.
Why not promote healthier dynamics? Why not rehearse the rejection of abusive behavior? 
 A look at canon
So, let’s not forget, that in canon, Rey and Kylo Ren are not in a relationship. So, some say, that means it’s impossible for this to be abuse. However, by suggesting that these characters should be in a relationship is harmful because it romanticizes rocky starts to relationships, and physically violent starts to relationships. 
More reasons why Kylo Ren is dangerous
While Kylo Ren has been shown in canon to be able to freeze or immobilize people, instead he mortally wounds Finn, who is clearly Rey’s friend and defender, in order to intimidate her and overpower her.
Not to mention that throughout the film, he displays characteristics of an abuser, such as violence towards others, (uh, murder), destruction of property, and other characteristics. It may be argued that these outbursts are symptoms of mental illness. It may also be argued that Kylo Ren is a victim of abuse himself, by Snoke. However, none of this excuses his shitty behavior. Being mentally ill or also an abuse victim does not grant one a free pass to act abusive towards others. 
Kylo Ren also tortures and invades and abuses Poe Dameron. Thank god I haven’t seen anyone shipping them. Kylo Ren is an abuser, y’all. 
Oh and one more thing? Kylo Ren never uses Rey’s name in the TFA; he doesn’t see her as a person, just an object to overpower, an obstacle to beat down. He doesn’t use her name until The Last Jedi, when he begins to try to manipulate her, rather than indimidate her with force alone. Then she becomes a tool to him. Clearly he still doesn’t value her as a whole person. Again, not romantic. Dangerous and toxic.
Why I’m still against Reylo even if Kylo is redeemed
It’s not a woman’s responsibility to “fix a damaged man.” (It’s not anyone’s responsibility to use romance to “fix” anyone, actually. Romance is not a cure for abuse.) The burden of redemption should be on the villain alone. Kylo had plenty of opportunities to accept help. Additionally, we shouldn’t support abusive behavior as a start or precursor to romance, because that’s a really harmful message to send. And, previous acts of violence are the biggest predictors of future violence, so I’m wary of them entering a relationship without significant amounts of therapy and reform on Kylo’s part.
What do we do from here?
Don’t support Reylo. That’s it. No conditionals. No “well if they change” no “well they’re fictional so they can be written differently” no AUs, no. Please don’t promote a relationship that is based in abuse. 
I’m not saying we need to sanitize our fiction of abuse or of abusive relationships. That’s not going to make them go away in real life. I’m not trying to censor or silence anything. I’m trying to make sure that abusive relationships are CLEARLY FRAMED as abusive, and not promoted, normalized, or glorified in any way. (See my previous post discussing this.)
Have fun, but understand that fiction is powerful and influential, and it’s our responsibility to engage with it in a way that supports healthy relationships.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
The practice of production companies owning the sites and venues where their films are released is called vertical integration. It was effectively banned by a Supreme Court decision in 1948, when the studios’ ownership of theatres was deemed to be pushing independent producers (such as Disney, which owned no theatres) out of the movie market. With streaming, the practice has nonetheless made its incremental return by way of a variety of loopholes and regulatory decisions (though concerns were raised as early as 2011, with the Comcast acquisition of Universal), and, with lax enforcement—and the Trump Administration’s endorsement—it’s growing. Yet one difference between the current environment and that of the postwar years is that streaming sites are far less costly to build than theatres. (The difficulty is in monetizing them.)
Remarkably, that earlier environment, of a movie business that was concentrated in the hands of a few studios, arose in the wake of a public-health crisis similar to the one the world faces now: the influenza pandemic of 1918. I’ve been reading “History of the American Film Industry,” by Benjamin P. Hampton, published in 1931, which contains a brief but dramatic recap of what happened to the film industry at that time. The First World War was still raging when the flu hit, and, in many parts of the United States, theatres were forced to close. (Then, as now, regulations were issued locally.) “No New ‘Movies’ Till Influenza Ends,” a headline in the October 10, 1918, issue of the New York Times announced. (Note the quotation marks around the word “movies,” which was still a slang term at the time.) Production companies decided to withhold new releases, because theatres across the country—though not yet in New York City—were being closed. “One thing the verdict would do,” the Times article adds, “would be to force New York to content itself with ‘old’ pictures instead of the weekly arrival of new reels.”
Of course, there was no home-video distribution option at the time, and, as a result, Hampton writes, the closing of theatres had a vast ripple effect on film production: “Studios closed entirely, or operated on part time, and pessimists croaked that this was the beginning of the end.” Productions didn’t shut down (as they are doing today) because of fear of contagion on the set but rather because, with the closing of theatres, demand for new movies suddenly stopped. Then, a few weeks later, Hampton writes, when the Armistice was signed (on November 11th) to end the war, the public instantaneously lost interest in the vast number of war movies that production companies big and small had been producing—at exactly the moment, Hampton says, that they also wondered whether, as a result of the theatre closings and the flu, the very appeal of moviegoing had become obsolete.
Here’s where Hampton’s conclusions are especially relevant: “The producers who hesitated lost ground in the struggle that was shaping its lines for the final test of industrial survival, and those who disregarded common business prudence and rushed ahead on a showman’s hunch saved their skins.” Many smaller companies went out of business, and the resulting shakeout led to a consolidation that made the big ones bigger, creating the studios that became the masters of production, distribution, and exhibition together; the flu, combined with the end of the war, gave rise to the mega-Hollywood that’s being duplicated again today. (Hampton tells a fascinating wider story, stretching into the nineteen-twenties, involving huge investments in Hollywood, an influx of capital from Europe after the war’s end, shifting audience tastes, a decline in the popularity of stars—and a rise in the power and prominence of directors.)
It’s impossible to know whether the opportunity to garner new home-viewing audiences during the current crisis will be as short-lived as the chance to rescue production companies was in late 1918. But I suspect it’ll be longer-lasting—that the hunger for entertainment will drive viewers to new releases online whenever they show up, and that studios will begin calculating their online streaming drop dates with the same care that they devote to their theatrical-release calendar. The big question, of course, is whether, after the pandemic subsides—be it in a matter of weeks or months—studios will instantly go back to a theatrical-first model. It’s not implausible to imagine theatrical releases being transformed into special events, strictly limited runs of a week or a month that will coexist with, or briefly precede, streaming releases (as Netflix has done with such films as “Roma,” “The Irishman,” and “Marriage Story”). Certainly, in doing so, the studios would be leaving a lot of money, from ticket sales, on the table—but, whereas theatrical exhibition gives the multiplexes substantial cuts of the box office, streaming gives the studio that owns its own site nearly the whole pot. (Of course, that’s a business model based on pay-per-view rather than subscription, which is a different matter altogether.)
The stockpiling of movies pulled from release is only one of the crises studios currently face. Another is the longer-term threat of a dearth of new ones, as more and more productions have been shutting down. In the Times, the producer Elizabeth Cantillon, whose shoot of “The Nightingale” was halted last Friday, said, “Movie theaters, television networks, Netflix—they all need content all the time. If we can’t produce it because we can’t be next to each other, what happens? It’s just going to be a lot of YouTube videos of people in their bedrooms.” Depending on who those people are in their bedrooms and what they’re doing, their creations could well be an improvement over many movies currently put out in Hollywood. I’m reminded of one of the great recent movies, “This Is Not a Film,” from 2011, which the Iranian director Jafar Panahi made under house arrest and during a ban on making films, with an iPhone and a video camera that a colleague brought over to his apartment, set down, and left running. In the film, Panahi sees neighbors, takes the elevator, sticks his head out the door—but, for much of it, he is inside, speaking to the camera alone. (It’s streaming on Kanopy and Mubi.)
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cityofsanantonio · 4 years
Best Museums in San Antonio City
The San Antonio Museum of Art boasts one of the most comprehensive collections of ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Near Eastern art in the southern United States. #9 of 49 Museums in San Antonio "The Witte Museum is within walking distance of the San Antonio Zoo which was excellent and the San Antonio Botanical Gardens were also beautiful and a membership to many zoos and botanical gardens from around the world.
Museums in San Antonio - Yelp
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THE 10 BEST San Antonio Specialty Museums
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The Best Museums in San Antonio - TripSavvy
tripsavvy.com/the-best-museums-in-san-antonio-2934268 The San Antonio Museum of Art, known locally as SAMA, houses one of the best collections of art in all of South Texas. Permanent collections include Greek, Spanish, Asian and Latin works of art. Traveling shows are on display for limited times; check the website to see what's on exhibit when you plan to visit. 06 of 08
Find Museums in San Antonio
sanantonio.com/museums-in-san-antonio Directory of Museums in San Antonio. Restaurants; Nightlife; Events; Attractions; Hotels; Real Estate; ... City-Tours. Book a tour. 300 Alamo Plaza San Antonio TX 78205 (210) 225-1391. 2. San Antonio Museum Of Art. Categories: Arts, Museums, Attractions, Art Museums. 200 West Jones Avenue San Antonio TX 78215. 3. Witte Museum.
Best 30 Museums in San Antonio, TX with Reviews
yellowpages.com/san-antonio-tx/museums San Antonio, TX 78205 From Business: Guinness World Records Museum is a state-of-the art museum that features a selection of exhibits, videos, touch screen computers and games.
COVID-19 forces San Antonio's major museums, zoo ...
mysanantonio.com/sa-inc/article/COVID-19-forces-San-Antonio-s-major-museums-15704222.php COVID-19 forces San Antonio's major museums, zoo, Botanical Garden to get creative with fundraising Randy Diamond , Staff writer.
List of museums in Central Texas - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_museums_in_San_Antonio,_Texas Museo Alameda, San Antonio, closed in 2012, space now the Educational & Cultural Arts Center for Texas A & M San Antonio Museum of Aerospace Medicine , San Antonio, closed in 2011 [202] USAF Security Forces Museum, San Antonio, history of the U.S. Air Force Security Forces, closed in 2014 and being consolidated with the USAF Airman Heritage ...
San Antonio's Ruby City museum!
mysanantonio.com/business/article/San-Antonio-s-Ruby-City-museum-named-one-of-14-13483930.php San Antonio's Ruby City museum named one of 14 most anticipated buildings of 2019 S. M. Chavey , mySA.com / San Antonio Express-News Dec. 21, 2018 Updated: Dec. 21, 2018 1:29 p.m.
THE 10 BEST Museums in San Antonio - Tripadvisor
tripadvisor.ca/Attractions-g60956-Activities-c49-San_Antonio_Texas.html #9 of 49 Museums in San Antonio "The Witte Museum is within walking distance of the San Antonio Zoo which was excellent and the San Antonio Botanical Gardens were also beautiful and a membership to many zoos and botanical gardens from around the..."
Museums in San Antonio: From the Most Famous to Hidden Gems
inspirock.com/united-states/museums-in-san-antonio Find the best San Antonio museums. Art, history, and specialty topics. Book tickets + skip the line at The Alamo, National Museum of the Pacific War + Bullock Texas State History Museum.
Museums in San Antonio, TX | CityOf.com
cityof.com/tx/san-antonio/local/museums One of the most impressive art museums in Texas, the San Antonio Museum of Art attracts art aficionados of all ages. For a taste of Texas, view its extensive collections of pre-Colombian art, Latin American folk art, Spanish Colonial art and contemporary Latin American Art. South Texas Museum of Popular Culture 1017 E Mulberry Ave
The City of San Antonio - Official City Website's Home
sanantonio.gov Ron Nirenberg MAYOR. Ron Nirenberg is the mayor of San Antonio, the fastest growing city with the 7th largest population in the United States...
San Antonio Attractions : The Official San Antonio Guide
sanantonio.com/attractions/categories/museums One of San Antonio s, and the United States , most photographed attractions is The Alamo, and should not be missed by anyone visiting the city. The museum tells the story for The Alamo s fall and displays interesting historical artifacts. For more history, La Villita (the Little Village) in the heart of San Antonio has been restored to look as ...
San Antonio, Texas Museum Directory
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The DoSeum | San Antonio's Museum for Kids
thedoseum.org Holiday Camps November 23 - 25 | December 21 - 23 | December 28 - 30. Explore STEM, art, and literacy concepts while keeping your mind at play all day!
Category:Museums in San Antonio - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Museums_in_San_Antonio Wikimedia Commons has media related to Museums in San Antonio, Texas.: Pages in category "Museums in San Antonio" The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
THE 10 BEST Museums in San Antonio - Tripadvisor
tripadvisor.co.za/Attractions-g60956-Activities-c49-San_Antonio_Texas.html "San Antonio Museum of Art San Antonio SAMA is a gem 503559474 SAMA is an amazing regional museum with terrific collections from Egypt, Greece, Asia, Oceania - and to me, the highlight is the Latin American collect..." "A variety of artifacts were on display, among them were Scenes of the Life of Buddha, including a Crowned Buddha, as well as objects related to Brahma, the Dance of Divine Love ...
The 10 Best San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) Tours
viator.com/San-Antonio-attractions/San-Antonio-Museum-of-Art/d910-a21887 Just off the city's River Walk, the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) is a must for anyone with an appreciation for art. It houses the largest collection of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Asian art in the southern US, with more than 30,000 pieces spanning 5,000 years in its collection.
Buckhorn Saloon & Texas Ranger - City Sightseeing
citysightseeingsanantonio.com/en/buckhorn-saloon-texas-ranger-museum Located right in the heart of downtown San Antonio, the Buckhorn Museum and Saloon is just two blocks from the Alamo and one block from the Riverwalk. For over 131 years, The Buckhorn Saloon has been known as a gathering place for good conversation, great food and spectacular wildlife exhibits.
Museums - San Antonio Chamber
web.sachamber.org/Museums Museums | San Antonio Chamber of Commerce | 602 E. Commerce St., San Antonio, TX, 78205 |
Museum Jobs in San Antonio, TX - November | Indeed.com
indeed.com/q-Museum-l-San-Antonio,-TX-jobs.html SAN ANTONIO MUSEUM OF ART 3.7 San Antonio, TX 78215 Interest in and or knowledge of the Museum and fine art is a plus. Prior experience with merchandising and inventory, cash handling in a retail setting.
San Antonio Museum of Art
samuseum.org A visit to the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) takes you around the world and through five thousand years of art in a complex of buildings that once housed the Lone Star Brewery. SAMA is renowned for the most comprehensive ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art collection in the southern United States.
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Best 6 Free Museums in San Antonio, TX with Reviews - YP.com
www.yellowpages.com/san-antonio-tx/free-museums Free Museums in San Antonio on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Museums in San Antonio, TX.
Art Museums in San Antonio - Yelp
www.yelp.com/c/san-antonio-tx-us/artmuseums Find the best Art Museums on Yelp: search reviews of 11 San Antonio businesses by price, type, or location.
Kid-friendly Museums in and around San Antonio
sanantonio.kidsoutandabout.com/content/kid-friendly-museums-and-around-san-antonio San Antonio has over 100 museums, and most of them are places you want to take your kids! Here is KidsOutAndAbout list of kid-friendly museums in & around San Antonio, TX. If there is an attraction that we have missed in our list below, please email us to let us know , and we'll add it promptly.
Museums, arts groups align to protect cultural economic ...
CAUSA partners include the San Antonio Museum of Art, Briscoe Western Art Museum, Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, McNay Art Museum, San Antonio Symphony, Centro San Antonio and the San Antonio.
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