#starco nebula au
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Phoebe: Omg! Another egg is hatching!
Cordelia: Omg! This dragon looks exactly like Glauert's sea dragon. Could they be a sea dragon?!?
Hunter: If that the case, it wouldn’t be in this nest, rather in the ocean. So therefore, they must be a hybrid.
Nebula: I am glad they are hatching safe and sound. In my universe, I have to protect dragons as my responsibility as The Guardian of The Supernatural.
Hunter: ‘Guardian of the Supernatural’?
Nebula: In my universe, superheroes & superheroines and magical girls & boys exist. I am one of them. So I am not actually a princess. Just a normal cambion with huge responsibilities and people to protect.
Hunter: Wow, fascinating.
Phoebe: I know right!
On their journey to the metaverse, Nebula, Cordelia, and Phoebe enter Hunter’s universe, where they meets Hunter and came across a nest full of dragon eggs.
It is more of a crossover, however this does not affect @cartooniste2z’s Starco AU’s storyline and any of the two storylines, Cappyverse: Guardians of the Supernatural and Cordelia & Phoebe (but could make a great/good-ish impacts for Nebula if it counts because she gains a new memory of another unforgettable adventure that she will keep it a secret as she promise to her interdimensional half-sister and her best friend, if the creators wants to. Lol).
Nebula Butterfly-Lucitor is from the Cappyverse and belongs to @ej-cappy-universe.
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly and Phoebe Jacobs belong to and are from @aj-thegreatest’s Starkie AU.
Hunter Butterfly belongs to @cartooniste2z and is from his own universe.
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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My jantom and starco kids 💖💖💖😊 The starco one is nebula and the jantom is luke 😊 if you have any questions feel free to ask and i have made some posts on the lore for my starco au 😊💗
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reno-sama · 5 years
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Casual clothes for my babies
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draaabi · 6 years
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Nebula~ My Starco precious child <3
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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Janna Ordonia (on earth)
I drew adult janna 😊 in my au shes a single mom whos a badass sneaky witch and the mother of Luke. She will fight anyone who disagrees that her son is a saint, lol i see her arguing with the pta moms alot about her son. She is aware that her son is picked on and that the kids tease her as being the crazy wierd lady. However she doesnt let it get to her instead loves pulling curse pranks on them and their families. She is really supportive of her son Luke. Unfortunately due to Luke’s bad behavior towards the other kid the moms demanded that child services be called on janna. As they saw Janna to be an unfit mother (thats just the stuck up mothers bullcrap though) luckily janna was able to to prove to them that theres nothing wrong 😄 and stuck the middle finger to everyone. She also has a job as a librarian and she tends to travel dimensions for ingrediants. She often uses a elixir to cover up Luke’s demon features when hes going to school or the public to avoid an commotion.
Her past with Tom was on and off that both didnt mind, however the two started to grow feelings for one another but after janna discovered that she was pregnant with Luke she fled back to earth and remained hidden for about 10 years. After that Tom was in need of an heir and with the help of the butterfly diaz family they found janna. Janna was reluctant at first but on Mewni she can let her son be himself and that she still has feelings for tom. So with that she moved in with tom at mewni.
If you have any questions feel free to ask 😁
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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Some doodles of nebula and my jantom kid luke I havent drawn her in a long time so it felt nice to do so also from what i mentioned on my au lore, luke was actually born and raised on earth for a while and nebula is mewni born, so luke being from earth knows some language that nebula doesnt Also i drew an idea of nebulas mewberty form and again from my lore, when nebula received her wand it didnt transform at all, the wand allowed nebula to use its magic but didnt recognize her as its user yet 😊
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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More of my starco kid Nebula😊
I plan to write more about her and im gonna do a jantom kid soon 😁
From what i can say now that shes an awkward mess but when shes using a sword she becomes a totally different person; quick,determined, and sharp 😊 Also her wand becomes a sword
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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Nebula Butterfly-Diaz Trying some new techinques, also i drew nebula in my style, shes cute 😊 alsp theres swords cause shes has good swordmanship, thus her wand becomes a sword (rapier) 😄 Also some small lore from my au about nebula, when she first recieved the wand it did not transform at all, star and marco were confused. Nebula could still use the wand but not as strong since its still "not hers" however it took a life or death scenerio and bam the wand transformed in front of her very own eyes 😁 hopefully ill draw this soon or so 😁
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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I have loads of free time right now so i drew my starco child, Nebulas mewberty form lol luke grew up on Earth and the poor child (Luke) is so innocent to the concept of mewberty 😗
Any questions about my starco kid au feel free to ask!!!! 😀💖✌️
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draaabi · 6 years
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Practicando para acomodarme al estilo, más dibujos de mi bebe Nebula <3 
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draaabi · 6 years
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Working in the Nebula's AU, she's a Starco child :0
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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Luke Percy Ordonia Lucitor
Heres my jantom kid luke 😁 it was fun finally drawing him, hes the son of tom and Janna
His personality is serious quiet and cold but does have a soft spot for cute things 😊
Anyways he also has little tattoos on one side of his neck is a lil star and the other side is an eye, the eye represents janna cause in my au Janna is a badass sneaky witch and luke is close to janna. His middle name is Percy cause of the Greek myth of peresphone (sorry for mispelling) and i strongly feel that Janna would be the one to name her kids something dorkish so she can tease them about it later, lol an edgy kid with the name of percy. Also luke actually grew up in earth for a while amd then he and janna moved to mewni. His abilities are much like toms but to a lower extent and doesnt know how to control them properly, and he knows some cool alchemy due to his mom, and he has really good pickpocketing skills, again due to his mom. Him and tom are distant and luke is annoyed that he is a prince but Tom tries his best to bond with him .
His relationship with my starco child, Nebula, is good, he considers her to be his best friend and finds her extremely cute (but avoids showing it) at first she thought she was a wimp and a pushover but after getting to know her he changes his mind. Nebula likes him too but worries alot for him
So yah thats some of my au feel free to ask me anything about it or requests and stuff 😁
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jilynxuwu · 6 years
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Heres some more of my starco and jantom kids 😄 both really like cute things but have different views on what is cute lol 😁 Also im kinda proud of myself cause its getting slightly easier to draw in a svtfoe ish style for me, its pretty fun 😊 Anyways if you have any questions about my svtfoe au feel free to ask 😁
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