#starfrost clowns
sillylittleclownin · 1 year
Discussing Pierrot/Birthday mixes
Recently, I’ve seen many clown owners who are beginners adopting “pierrot/birthday” crossbreeds. But, from further investigation of these clowns I’ve noticed that these aren’t Pierrot/birthday clowns, but delicate Starfrost clowns.
Most people are unfamiliar with this breed, because it used to be very uncommon. Starfrost clowns were usually used for “the dance of the stars”, an old common holiday celebrated in December for showings of a new year and a brighter future. These clowns would mimic the stars in a dance form that looked as though these clowns were shooting stars. But since this holiday has died down, so has the need for starfrost clowns.
If I’m being honest, I thought this breed had fully died off. But I’ve been seeing so many more breeds of them which is super exciting! These breeds normally have minimal designs on their face, but the designs they do have are beautifully drawn stars that look like they’re almost shining. There isn’t an exact color palette for them, but their colors mostly range from all different sorts of pastels. These clowns almost resemble ballet dolls, from their delicate and elegant features. Their dress mostly resembles ballet wear, and beautiful long flown dress wear. These are definitely the more fancy types of clowns and even their personalities are like this!
These clowns are very quiet, a lot like mimes and Pierrots. They normally jingle and almost sound like they’re twinkling. They’re often really small, ranging from 2-4 feet tall. They’re very calm and docile, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to manage. Their enrichment can be extremely hard to find, and if I’m being honest I’m not fully sure what all of their enrichment toys are. Their taste is also really refined. They enjoy teaparties and cookies, and adore cupcakes and hot chocolate from what I’ve heard. Basically anything that you’d classify as “winter food” will work. They just really enjoy desserts and especially if they’re star themed. They also need lots of space to dance around and play, and an area with lots of soft colors with stars will make them feel at home. AND REMEMBER! These types of clowns NEED a cold environment! If you live anywhere even remotely hot, I’d suggest not getting one of these guys. On the flip side, if you live in a cold or rainy environment I’d highly suggest giving them a nice loving home!
In my opinion, if your a beginner clown owner I don’t think you should get one of these guys. From what I’ve heard they can be a very hard clown to take care of and keep happy. And I’ve also seen clown owners with a lot of variety in other clowns get one of these guys and I would HIGHLY SAY NO TO THAT!! Starfrost clowns are very bad with other clowns, and can be very dangerous and can lock down if with too many different breeds. They need to have other clowns that are quieter, such as scare, pierott, mimes, sad clowns and other starfrosts. If you have breeds such as rodeo, party, birthday ect, then it could make them go into hiding or even make them go into a depression. Please make sure to have a good mix of quiet clowns for starfrosts!
I hope this made you consider getting some starfrosts, and giving them a nice lovely home! Have fun clowning around everyone :o)
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