shadowedlugia · 8 years
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Mizukage: “I need an adult. I need an adult..” @askadragonite
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ask-a-shiny-jolteon · 8 years
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[Topio left the Stargazing event!] [Normal asks and M!As are open again]
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Van Helsing@Noir: "Hey, little girl. How come you look so bored? This festival seems pretty lively! Aren't you haveing fun?" ((I'm not actually part of this thing but only cuz my chosen setting prevents it XD))
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Noir: “This festival is just amazing. I’ve never been so excited to meet so many strangers. There aren’t that many pokemon where I live……But…….To answer your question……. I…..I…. I just have trouble displaying and expressing my emotions……. It’s something I hope to work on by interacting with you….. You….. Normal individuals?” She asks, raising a brow to the large darkrai.
“…… By doing so……. I hope to learn to be able to express my emotions one day too…… Like all of you……. That’s all I really want……”
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askgoldenjolteon · 8 years
Some time later...
Sitting alone at the art station, Jean focused all her concentration on the sheer rock face before her, dozens of bowls of paint cluttered around her person. 
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A soft, tuneless hum could be heard, low in her throat, as she raised a paint-soaked paw to dab once more at her creation, one ear occasionally swiveling to and fro, catching any sound within the vicinity. “Mmmm-mmm-mm-- Ah..! There.” Jean huffed a breath through her nose, and leaned back to gaze at her finished work, bringing an already messy paw to rub at some drying paint that had collected on her cheek as she’d worked.
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Positively beaming, Jean leaned forward and placed a forepaw below the work, making sure to press her pad flat against the stone, ensuring as she did so that when she removed it, a print would be left in its place, as she had seen others do before. 
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“I hope the others made it back safe.” She mused, eyes flicking over the painting, her voice low. She sat there, staring for a long moment, before a bright ray of light fell over her, and the rock wall; over everything. “--Mm?” Turning, Jean squinted against the bright light of the rising sun, as it rested over the hills in the distance. “Ah, is it really morning?? Already? I should get going, then.”
She stood up, tongue swiping across her muzzle to remove any traces of s’mores that might have still been present, and rubbed her paws in the grass, doing her best to remove as much paint as possible. After she had rubbed off as much as she could, she straightened and cleaned up her area of the station, emptying the bowls and gathering her belongings, making a mental note to dip in the first stream she passed to remove the remaining paint. Bags packed and secured to herself, she took in a soft breath, then released it, mind now full of thoughts of the trip home, and the soft bed that awaited her return. She chanced one more glance at her painting, which now shone in the strengthening sunlight, the still wet paint glinting in the dawn. Smiling to herself, she turned, and, after checking that the straps of her bags were secure, headed off towards the hills, her tail bouncing lightly behind her, following the beckoning of the morning sun, towards the horizon, and towards home.
<< [Cameos: Lao from @askmoonchildren, Nero from @guideofthetornworld, and Honey from @askbookwormflareon.] Only three of the individuals Jean has depicted (not including herself) actually attended the Stargazing Festival! So who might the others be? >>
<< Jean has left the Stargazing Event! >>
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Selene: I'm glad you had fun, but it's time for us to head home. You still have to prepare for school right? Yan: Aww... But I don't want to go... Selene: Don't worry, I'll make sure to visit when you get home after school, like always. Look! I managed to get us some of the s'mores they had. Yan: Yay! Selene: C'mon, it's still a long way home. [Selene and Yan left the event]
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askbookwormflareon · 8 years
A Faint Memory
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O-oh! It’s nothing, really..!
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>Rosie and Honey appear to have left the festival!
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pmdvarlaja · 8 years
Quinn sat alone on the outskirts of the party, arms propped behind him as he leaned back to look at the stars above.  Oddly, they seemed especially bright and clear here.  Hundreds upon thousands of the pinpricks of light shone above, the Eevee lost in wonder as he realized that each beacon of light marked another sun with its own planets much like his own.
"It's like another world here..." he whispered to himself, looking down from the sky to take in the party.  It was winding down, Pokemon leaving or heading over to the tends to sleep for the night.  He still wasn't sure what it was exactly, and as he watched the subtle glow of Pokemon moving about he realized he had forgot to grab one of those glowsticks for himself.  Oh well.
Collapsing backwards into the grass, Quinn found sleep overcoming him.  He considered moving over to the tents, maybe finding someone to stay with for the night.  Yet he didn't move from his spot.  Eyelids grew heavy until, cradled by the grass, the Eevee fell into a deep slumber.
That night he dreamed of adventures and new friends.  He dreamed of joining the Guild he was heading towards, of meeting teammates and striking out on adventurous missions.  He dreamed of giant monsters, of creeping darkness, and of terrors lurking in the dark.  Yet by his side stood his companions, those he had yet to meet, and together they would face it all.
Quinn's eyes fluttered open as light broke over them, the Eevee raising a paw to shield his eyes from the warm glow of day as he pulled himself upright.  He shook out his head as he oriented himself, slowly pulling his paw down and looking back at the field the party had taken place in.
It was empty.  No sign of the party remained, not a single tent, string of light, or fire pit.  Not even the log he had spoken to that Zorua at.  In confusion Quinn walked over to the field, pacing about the area to look for any signs of the previous night's events.  Yet, none remained.
Had he dreamed it all?  It had seemed so real, so vivid.  If that had been a dream...  Troubled by this, Quinn turned to head back the way he remembered coming the previous night, back towards the road that eventually would lead to Sentinel's Watch.  As he was walking though he felt something off, reaching up to his left ear and feeling around it.
His paw grasped something, a small ring that had been slid over his ear.  Pulling it off, he found it to be a small, dimly glowing yellow glowstick.  Its light was almost gone.  Quinn stopped as he looked at it, paws curling around the ring.  Someone must have put it on him while he slept, so he wouldn't be stepped on...  That meant the part must have been real!
Quinn gave one last glance over his shoulder, back to the empty field.  Had they just cleared out before he woke?  Yet, there should still be signs of the fire, and that stump...  Maybe it had been a different world, Quinn thought as he recalled his whispered words before he fell asleep.  The idea seemed ridiculous, but...  What other explanation could there be?
He stuffed the dying glowstick into a pouch on his belt before taking off running, skipping through the tall grass until he found the road again.  Ahead he saw the caravan, Pokemon bustling around it as they prepared to depart.  Tracking down his carriage, Quinn slid inside just before the door was closed, taking his place on the bench opposite a rather large Chesnaught.  With a sigh the Eevee leaned back against the wood wall behind him, eyes closed in thought.
Eventually sleep would once more overtake Quinn as the boredom of caravan travel set in, but before he drifted off he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever again meet any of those Pokemon from the previous night...
Quinn has left the Stargazing Event!  The flashback is now over!
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<There is a soft hissing noise..>
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So.. what are you trying anyway..?
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I...Did you two.. do this? I had forgotten how beautiful the sky was..
<He looks around him. His eyes stop on Aveza.>
...Huh. Y’know, you’re both pretty too. Green’s a good color for you, Aveza!
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askshinyshaymin · 8 years
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Rini: That really was a blast, wasn’t it, Prilla?
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Rini: It was pretty cool seeing all these people here, all at once. Sometimes I forget how many different kinds of Pokemon there are.
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Rini: I bet it was even cooler for you though, right? I mean, surely you’ve never seen so many new Pokemon!
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Rini: ...But hey, I really do hope you liked it. I did. Especially since...
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Rini: ...Well, since I spent the festival you, I mean.
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Rini: ............
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Rini: Um, hello? I’m kind of spilling my heart out, here. Prilla?
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Rini: Ah...
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Rini: Right.
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ask-a-shiny-jolteon · 8 years
Nimmy@Topio: Oh hey! It's you from earlier. This place is really cool! I heard there were s'mores over at the campfire. You should try them!
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askanymon · 8 years
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What? Nobody’s even here. Someone’s going to get fired.
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askgoldenjolteon · 8 years
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A few moments [with much paper shuffling and bag raiding] later...
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Jean stood back to admire her handiwork. The flyers were all spread evenly, the red letters shining ever so slightly in the powerful starlight, and the Poké Puff cases sitting open and ready, the puffs set facing towards the s’mores fire, with a small sign placed beside them reading, “Please take one!” “I think that’ll do it! I hope they’ll be interested in attending...” Absently taking an orange Poké Puff for herself, she turned from the kiosk, and tugged the strap of her shoulder bag back over her head and neck, fiddling with it for a moment as it snagged on her collar. Finally settling it back along her flank with a soft huff, she straightened up again, and, after casting one last look at the kiosk, padded away towards the fire, swiping her tongue around her muzzle to remove any lingering frosting, and looking forward to a few s’mores herself..
<< Jean has set up....an information booth, by the looks of it? It seems to be set up so that those leaving will see it as they exit the Festival. >>
[[ Cameos and Flyer Content below! ]]
Cameos: Eon, Eros and Champion from @askeon, Hawk from @askshinydeerling, Aku from @askillusionfox, Min from @askskymin, King from @askswampshaymin, Nathari from @askgalaxyrabbit, Six from @askshadowedteam, Rini and Prilla from @askshinyshaymin and Enigma from @blackwaterranch ‘ v ‘// 
Flyer: The residents and facilitators of Cherrywood Sanctuary are excited to announce that this fall, the Sanctuary will be holding a Festival celebrating the end of Summer, the last harvest of the Orchard located on the Sanctuary grounds, and the Seven Year Anniversary of the Sanctuary’s opening! 
There will be several activities, including various carnival games, free spa access, and an evening scavenger hunt! Furthermore, in the spirit of the festival, all fees for our currently adoptable residents will be waived, in the hopes of finding them new homes! This will be the perfect time to meet, and get to know, our wonderful residents. 
We hope you will join us in our celebration, and that we will see you quite soon! [Date to be determined!]
Just as a quick addition: This post is technically supposed to take place before all the attendees start to leave, so everyone gets a chance to see them, if that makes sense, haha;;
There will be more information on the event after the plot post and giveaway have been addressed!
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askkingpin-blog · 8 years
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You feel unnaturally saddened that the event is over, which is rather out of character for yourself. The feelings most likely being caused by how you made friends, or acquaintances at least, letting your social side out for once. You  also feel it’ll be best to head home before daybreak arrives, you won’t be visible to others that way. No matter, you feel thankful you found out about the event and hope to attend events like this in the future!!
» KingPin has left the Stargazing Event «
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shadowedlugia · 8 years
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“T-thank you for the offer Mr. Loki.. I can take care of myself. And I-I’m sorry, I just don’t want the to get damaged. If it does, I’ll get in a lot of trouble...” Mizukage is frightened by the overly tall stranger.
[( We can continue this if you want. Forgive me for the delay. I’ve been working on this for a while. But I’m slowly getting back into Mizukage. I have one other post for the stargazing event but still so much to do heh!)]
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askrinowott-blog · 8 years
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Theo: Thanks for being the tent Knoll.
Knoll: And thanks to you for being the campfire.
Theo: This was fun, you know a nice change of pace from the whole always on the move you know. Not to mention you weren’t all lame telling old person jokes.
Knoll: Haha quite right, it was a grand time, I had many s’mores.
Theo: Yeah these things are honestly as big as me soooooo not sure I’ll finish it. I guess we’ll head back in the morning yeah? 
Knoll: Indeed, it is a day venture back home, unless your willing to be super charged again? 
Theo: Nah walkings good... thanks for coming with me to this Knoll, I hope Rinos having a good time on her own.
Knoll: I’m quite certain she is.... this is a important time of year for her.... get some rest. 
Theo: Righto! After my s’more.
((Theo and Knoll have left the Stargazing event))
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