#staring mournfully at the skirt i want to buy
squidgirlautism · 1 year
do you all think i should get pink black or brown leather gloves
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mayakern · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know, I finally broke down and bought a fancy rats skirt (about the tenth time I looked at it I decided that maybe i should just get it instead of staring mournfully at it once a week) and I have been aggressively twirling in it all evening! And I'm looking forward to the fluffy bunny pattern you posted a few days ago!!!!! If you made a pattern with snakes (or any animal really) twisting around the bottom like the rats and bunnies are I would 100% buy it. I love the hemline patterns!
aww hehe i’m so glad you like it so much!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
i can’t make any promises on designs i will or won’t make in the future because i have a fickle heart 😘
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Winner Takes All
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, fingering.
This is dark!Lee Bodecker and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Based on this drabble request: Lee Bodecker + “I really don’t care who sees but I know you do.” + losing a bet @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​
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gif source: sebastianstansqueen
You sighed and threw down your hand, a full house lost against an unlikely straight flush. That was all your money and you mournfully watched the pot as the sheriff stood and smoothed out the crumpled bills. The rest of the table grumbled and several stared into their empty beer glasses.
“Why I told you fellows, shouldn’t be gamblin’,” Bodecker snickered, “and lady,” he winked at you as he counted his winnings, “lot less paperwork this way.”
Merle stood and staggered away to the bar as Lonny sank down until his head was on the table, he was snoring in seconds. You clasped your purse shut and checked the time on the out-of-place cuckoo clock hung above the bar. Your mama would be asleep already but she wouldn’t wake up to your usual surprise of a few extra bills in the jar.
The sheriff’s pocket jingled as he dropped the handful of coins inside and you pulled yourself up by the table. You didn’t drink when you gambled, you rarely partook when you weren’t. You pulled on your jacket and headed for the door.
“Hold up, girl,” Bodecker called after you, he still held the wrinkled bills as he came up beside you, counting them over and over, “you need a ride?”
“I can find my way home, sheriff,” you insisted as you approached the bar door. 
He stepped ahead of you and elbowed it open and held it with his back as he waited for you to pass through. You couldn’t help but brush up against his stomach as you did.
“I did tell ya ‘bout playin’ with the boys,” he let the door swing open and kept pace with your.
“I think I got your point, sheriff,” you tried to outwalk him and he caught your arm before you could clear the corner of the bar.
“Look, sweetheart,” he counted out several bills and bent them over his finger as he held them out to you, “you’re just tryna help out your ma, I get it. Her heart don’t make things easy.”
“You won, sheriff, I won’t be takin’ no scraps from you,” you waved him away.
“You didn’t let me finish,” he added another bill and grabbed your purse. You tried to yank it back as he snapped it open and dropped the money inside, “we can call it even another way.”
You squinted at him and blinked. His eyes descended devilishly to your chest and you scoffed as you got his meaning. You pulled your purse away and reached inside. You thrust the fistful of bills back towards him. He batted your hand down and turned you against the wooden planks.
“You made a bet, girl,” he pinned you with an arm across your chest, “and you will pay it how I see fit. I don’t need your pennies.”
“Take the money,” you shoved against him, “get off of me.”
“Come ‘ere,” he dragged you along the splintered wall and into the shadow of the boxy building, “you get that skirt up and that’ll be square with me.”
“I said get off,” you grunted as you pushed on his arm, “sheriff!”
“And what’ll your mama think ‘bout you hangin’ ‘round here? Don’t think her heart would take it well,” he snarled as you scratched at his leather sleeve, “specially when I serve the fine for illegal gamblin’.”
“You already took all my money, what do ya--”
“I really don’t care who sees but I know you do,” he sneered, “so you better shut up before you draw some lurkers.”
The bills fluttered to the ground as you tried to force him away with both hands. Your purse fell by your foot and bounced away. He was too strong as he kept you against the wall, his other hand tugging at your skirt as he leaned heavy against you. His weight made it hard to breathe beneath his arm.
“Sheriff--” you gasped as you continued to struggle.
“Be a lot easier if you stop.” 
His hand crawled up under your skirt and he tore you knickers down your thighs. The cotton bunched at your ankles as his hand lodged between your legs before you could push them together. He turned his arm and grabbed your throat. 
He pulled you a few inches from the wall and slammed your head back into it. Dizzy, your legs parted around his hand. He thrust his fingers up into you impatiently and you whined at the pain.
“You want someone to hear?” he hissed, “No, you keep quiet now.”
He fingered you roughly and grew frustrated as your dry cunt chafed around his fingers. He stepped on your panties and pulled them free of your feet. He lifted your leg and bent it around him as he took his hand from your cunt and undid his fly. You pressed against his chest and wriggled, your head pulsing from impact.
“You know what you can buy with that cunt, girl?” he pulled himself out of his pants and poked around blind as his other hand kept your leg in place.
“Please,” you croaked as you beat against his shoulders weakly.
“You wanna be awake for this or should I keep bashing you?” he snarled as he found your entrance, “won’t be long--” he slid inside, a slow, torturous intrusion as he leaned heavily on you, “not long at all seeing’s ya so fuckin’ tight.”
You let out a strangled cry as he began to rock against you. Your muscles tensed in revulsion and your leg hooked around him without thinking as your other leg wobbled beneath you. He kept you on your toes, nearly lifting you off the ground as he moved against you.
“S’why you shouldn’t be ‘round places like this,” he rasped against your temple and he pressed his arm against the wall beside your head, “you’re lucky it’s only me, yeah?”
You whimpered as he fucked you against the wall, your ass hitting the wood with each vicious thrust. You closed your eyes as his hot breath swept down around your throat as he nuzzled your hair. He huffed and puffed as he sped up, his groans barely muffled behind his clamped lips.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’ma cum already, girl.”
You braced yourself against the wall as he hooked his arm under your leg and pushed it up even high. He slammed into you over and over as he bent and bit into the skin visible just above your dress. He spasmed and a hot wave flooded into you.
He shuddered and his hips slowed. He rolled his head over your shoulder and slowly lifted it. He slipped out of you and dropped your leg. You leaned on the wall, ready to collapse as your cunt burned from his trespass. He wiped his dick on your skirt and zipped himself up. 
He tilted his head to crack his neck before he bent to grab your purse and collect the scattered bills. Your skirt fell back down as you felt warmth dripping down your thigh. He pushed your purse strap over your arm and folded the bills carefully. He shoved the bunch down your dress and into your brasserie. He patted your chest and smirked.
“There’s a lot of creeps out here,” he drawled, “let me give you a ride home.”
Please reblog and like! Let me know what you think.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Christmas Confessions
Rafael Barba x Reader. @itsjustmyfantasyroom requested: Hey lovely, may I please have a Bryan Kneef or Rafael Barba or both 😉 x reader for your holiday bingo for the mistletoe square. Semi public would be delicious 😘
Ask & ye shall receive. I went with Barba. This is super fluff with a hint of sexy. Timeline wise this is after The Undiscovered Country, but Rafael never left - pretty current to s.22 (spoiler warning: with Kat having joined and Carisi is an ADA.)
WC: 1235
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"You have no choice, you have to come.” Sonny commented to his mentor who was busily scribbling on a yellow notepad.
"You really are like a dog with a bone, Carisi. I said no, I'm not up to it. Besides, I have back logged reports to work on that Hadid said that she needed ASAP.” Rafael replied as he continued working, not bothering to look up at the younger ADA.
"Don't give me that crap, Barba. I'm not buying it. You're just looking for any excuse to not go.” Sonny replied, crossing his arms against his chest. "Just come for an hour; pop in, get some punch and say hi. Besides…" he continued, "Y/N is there now."
Barba grunted before taking a sip of his lowball glass filled with scotch. "What makes you think I want to see Y/N?"
"Barba, you seem to forget that I used to be a detective. And now, I’m an ADA. if I can't tell what's going in someone's head then I am doing a pretty shitty job. Sonny replied honestly. "She doesn't know.” He added for good measure, not wanting his friend to stress.
Rafael looked up at Sonny, letting out a deep exhale as he did so. "If I go will I get you off my back?"
Sonny cheered. "Carmen owes me twenty bucks; she told me that I'd never be able to convince you to come."
"It's great to know that my emotional well-being feeds gambling addicts.” Barba muttered sardonically. He looked at the pile of reports he had to finish. “I’ll go for one drink, say hello, and come back.” He told himself as he grabbed his phone, camel wool coat and scarf.
The 16th precinct - SVU division was brightly decorated with gaudy holiday decorations that looked like they came from way back when God walked the Earth. Holiday music filled the room as people chatted and laughed.
Rafael walked in slowly, following behind Sonny. Rafael scanned the room in search of you and he sucked in breath as you appeared in his line of vision. You wore a snug red top which accentuated the swells of your breasts and a black leather mini skirt – the look complete with knee high boots and a Santa hat adorned on your head. You were busy chatting with Kat and Fin when you caught Rafael out of the corner of your eye.
You smiled brightly at Sonny and Rafael, waving them in as you did so. "Merry Christmas guys! Sonny, I see you managed to drag Rafael out of his office. Carmen owes you what? Twenty-bucks now?"
Sonny laughed, "Yeah, something like that."
"Care for a drink? I made my famous coquito.” You turned your attention to back to Rafael.
"You made coquito?” Rafael questioned; his eyes were wide. “Uh, yeah that would be great. I haven’t had that in ages.” Rafael found himself suddenly parched. He assumed it was his nerves getting the best of him. He watched you saunter off, your hips swaying suggestively, and Rafael wondered if you knew how much sex appeal you dripped on a day to day basis. He hadn’t meant to fall for you – the fresh detective that came straight from the Academy since SVU had been so short-staffed after Sonny left to join the DA’s office.
What was one drink – turned into many more. Hours later, Rafael found himself enjoying the holiday party, though he assumed it was mostly due to the fact that the coquito was spiked with a lot of rum. Watching his colleagues get drunk around him was amusing. He had always had a high tolerance for alcohol, so it took him longer to feel any effect, especially since the drinks were served in bitty paper cups. But still, he felt pleasantly relaxed.
You made your way over to Rafael who was lounging on the sofa that was brought out from the breakroom. You plopped yourself into his lap, but your balance was off. Rafael was quick to steady you onto his lap. You scooched a bit to make yourself more comfortable and Rafael silently groaned.
"Whoa!” You giggled. "Thanks Rafael."
"Not a problem.” Rafael replied flustered. "Too much to drink detective?"
"No, not at all. High tolerance runs in my family. We're champs.” You rambled and Barba arched a brow at you. He had had more than one conversation with you to know that was a lie if he ever heard one.
"Sure…" he agreed, knowing disagreeing with someone under the influence always led to bad repercussions. You snuggled herself against his chest, your legs dangling over his.
"I just love the holidays.” You mused. "What about you Rafael?"
"Uh, not necessarily.” Rafael replied as honestly as he could. “It’s become over commercialized and it’s true meaning has been lost. And as a lapsed Catholic –”
"That's a shame.” You replied mournfully cutting him off. "Oh!" you suddenly interjected, your previous thought and emotion quickly forgotten. "What did you ask for this Christmas?"
"Nothing.” Rafael replied. "You?"
You chose to ignore his question by further probing his lack of want this upcoming holiday season. "Were you a naughty boy this year Rafael Barba?" You wagged your finger, and made a disappointed sound.
Rafael coughed, startled by your loaded question. "No, I was… fine; my usual self."
You pondered his comment thoughtfully. "Well, then you deserve something for your efforts."
"Such as?" Rafael wondered out loud, his brow cocked once more in your direction. He hadn't realized it until that very moment, but you had placed his hands on the tops of your thighs. He was positive that you could hear feel his pulse racing but apparently you either didn't notice or didn't care. He was unsure and preferred to not misinterpret your actions.
You bopped him on the chin and pointed above. Rafael moved his gaze from you to where you were pointing and sure enough, mistletoe had been hung from the ceiling.
Rafael returned his gaze towards yours, feeling his cheeks burn. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss caught Rafael by surprise initially, but soon he found himself kissing you back. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, seeking entrance and you opened your mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss. You let out a low moan as your lips tangled passionately. You ran your hands through his salt and pepper hair, gripping the back of his head. He nipped at your bottom lip which earned him another moan, this one more earnest.
Silence reigned the room as the onslaught of lookers watched in shock. The gossip tonight would be tomorrow's headlines around the precinct.
You pulled away and lowered your lips to his ear, "“Like I said, you deserve something for being such a good boy.” Rafael didn’t miss how your voice was laced with lust.
He chuckled as you rested your forehead against his. "Excuse me?"
"I know about your feelings for me; I've known for a while.” You confessed before pressing a quick peck on his lips.
"How about we get out of here?" You suggested. “I could use some fresh air.” Rafael nodded, helping you up. Rafael helped you with your coat and then grabbed his. You both left, hand in hand and the party continued to stare dumbfounded at what they had just seen.
"Damn.” Sonny replied as he took another swig of his beer. “Carmen owes me a lot more than twenty bucks."
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses​ @jazzyjoi​ @caked-crusader​ @rachelxwayne​ @prurientpuddlejumper​ @lv7867​ @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​
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