#starlight express flat top
rainbowratsstuff · 1 year
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He’s having a birthday party for his pet brick 
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Quick little one-shot featuring Amira. Tw for mentions of blood. One-shot under the cut.
Flat-Top swallowed nervously as he skated through the dark halls. The sound of gears grinding filled the air as he glanced around the halls. His eyes were perfectly adapted to seeing in such dim lighting, a gift bestowed upon the rolling stock by the Starlight Express itself. He dreaded the conversation he was bound to have with Amira. He knew she was busy with paperwork while she wasn’t barking orders to the guards left and right. He skated off to the side as a human rushed past him with a shaken expression on their face. No doubt they knew of what happened here on the regular. Flat-Top shuddered at the mere thought of it. He slowed to a stop before two massive crimson doors with stunning baroque lifted engravings cast in silver. The door itself had to be several hundred feet tall and easily over fifty feet wide, as if it were built to accommodate a machine of gargantuan proportions. 
He took a deep breath as he reached towards the door’s controls. It was button operated, one for closing, another for opening. The controls were inlaid a black metal plaque and the buttons were the color of ruby. He pressed one of the buttons and he stepped back as he watched the gears of the opening mechanism turn on the very top of the enormous doors. The locking mechanism clicked, signifying it was unlocked before the doors slowly swung open, revealing an office that gave off a warm glow of flickering fire light. 
“Come in! Make it quick!” A familiar voice demanded from within the office. Amira’s tone was sharp and her tongue sharper. Flat-Top winced slightly at the tone before he entered the office and the large doors swung closed behind him. The concrete floors gave way to Bloodwood floors accented with ruby rugs with hand sewn silver intricate baroque patterns. The office walls towed over him, taller than the doors by a good ten feet. They were the color of blood with golden intricate patterns with silver highlights. In the very center of the wall was a fireplace. The fire was burning strong as always, no doubt ignited by Amira’s fiery breath judging by the immense heat.
There was an array of furniture, each in varying sizes, as if they were made of machines of all different sizes. Surprisingly, there was a sofa that easily reached over fifty feet tall that matched the rest of the room. It was accompanied by a much smaller arm chair, also matching the overall look of the room. An end table or two, both matching the height of the armchair and the couch sat right next to the two seats. Each had a lamp, both were turned off. The fireplace provided plenty enough light to illuminate the room in a warm welcoming glow. The light licked at the silver accents of the rugs, walls, and furniture. 
There, in the center of the room itself were two desks. One was large enough to fit a rolling stock his size. The other was absolutely massive, towering over him as if it were built for something that couldn’t possibly exist, yet there she was, sitting on a chair, busily filling out paperwork, Amira. 
Amira wasn’t in her easily recognizable humanoid form. No. Behind closed doors, she almost never was. Instead, she was in the form of a massive and impressive beast. Her long, muscular body was black as the night sky in color. Her underbelly was the color of blood and pleasantly plump with a few layers of fat that simply added that much more to her appearance. Her hair was now a silver mane that ran down the length of her neck. It was thick and perfectly soft to the touch of those who would dare to run their fingers through it. Her face had a similar shape to a mix of a diesel and steam locomotive with a crimson cowcatcher on her chin. On her nose was the shield of the Union Pacific logo. The blue stripes stretched ever so slightly across the sides of her snout, ending at her nostrils. Each nostril had a blood red horn just just behind each one.
She had six limbs in total and was sitting in an odd manner. Her second pair of legs were in a perfectly comfortable position, resting on the front of the chair, where as the third pair were sitting similar to a dog’s. The chair had a large enough gap in the back of it to allow the rest of her body to rest comfortably. A pair of arms, and two pairs of legs. As for each wheel on her body, there was a limit of some sorts. Each limb ended with clawed paws. Each claw was crimson, almost as if she had dipped them into the sweet nectar of life they all craved itself and were easily as long as he was tall. Her great size easily reached several hundred feet in height. However, the most striking feature on her body were the horns that curled in such an unnatural manner, like great red swirls. Each horn had a prong in the middle, not exactly useful, but sharp and long enough to gore someone if they were unfortunate enough to find themselves at the receiving end of her wrath. She dipped one of her claws into the black ink before she continued to fill out the piece of paperwork, using her claw like a pen. 
He cleared his throat and Amira froze. Her draconian ears pinned back against her skull. Her ruby gaze slowly lifted from the paperwork as she turned her large head to look at him. She was wearing her formal attire, having just returned from a meeting. The top of her outfit was cropped just slightly above her plump belly. Chains that were large enough to be used for logging operations rested against her collarbone and against the very collar of her outfit as it stretched across her chest , having been attached to her attire using strong material. 
The lower half started just before her second set of limbs and another chain rested on her thighs, stretching across them. It draped over her back and covered the front part of her body and partially her legs. There was a considerable gap just at the side of her second pair of legs, allowing her easier movement. The lower half came to an end just a bit before the very end of her body. The rear looked similar to an engine’s, double acting as a large bobtail. 
“What is it you want this time, Flat-Top?” Amira’s voice had softened slightly as her ruby gaze studied him. He felt so small and insignificant compared to her. She could easily crush him if she ever wanted to. Thankfully, she was an ally of his, a very close one at that. 
“I was wondering with blood moon coming in the next week… You think I should just.. you know.. isolate myself? I feel like these instincts are a curse.. I never asked for them. I don’t want to risk harming anyone around me. You know how I feel about that, Amira..” Flat-Top averted her gaze, looking down at the floor as he fiddled with his thumbs. Amira narrowed her eyes at him.
“That is up to you, but mind you, your instincts are not a curse. They are a gift. Use them wisely.” Amira turned her attention to her paperwork, dipping the same claw in the ink once more, using it to fill out her paperwork. Flat-Top looked up at her.
“Amira.. please.. you don’t understand. These instincts are dangerous! Why should a gift be so dangerous?!” Flat-Top protested. He stopped as he saw Amira tense up slightly. She was not one to be talked back at and he knew it. He slowly skated back.
“Amira, I’m sorry..”
Amira whipped her head around it face him before she stood up. Her great bulk towering over him as her silhouette loomed over him, blocking most of the light from the fire place. He fell back onto his rear and scooted back further, one arm raised defensively. She crossed her strong arms and growled deep in her chest. The girls sounded like thunder to him, shaking the office. 
“The instincts are neither bad nor good. It depends on how you wield such a tool. We survived and evolved for thousands of years thanks to our instincts. We still rely on them to keep ourselves alive. They are not something to be feared. They are something to be embraced! The more you deny them, the worse they will be when you finally lose control. Control is needed, yes, but that’s why our laws cover such things. You may kill a human, but you cannot kill another machine. Even then, the instincts do not always abide by our laws, only following the laws of nature itself. You are in denial of your teeth, boy! Sharpen them! Use them! They are the best tool you could possibly have at your disposal. They ensured our kind’s survival for far longer than you and I have ever existed! Do not throw away such a tool, a gift. Heed my warning boy, we must not follow humanities’ morals, as they do not follow our values, our history, our government! You and I are equal to animals. Where we are today is a result of us clawing our ways up the social ladder and making a name for ourselves. We evolved throughout our lifetimes, just as how the many other lifeforms had done over the course of millions of years. We abide by our laws, our own morals from a reality we forged from the fires of ire and vengeance. This is the reality you contributed to, and yet you fear the truth glaring you right in the face? You cannot deny who you are, boy. You and I both know it. Embrace it. Embrace those instincts that were gifted to you. Do not waste them, shun them or fear them. They are a part of you just as you are a part of it.  Heed my warning boy, your instincts are your strongest tools, your weapons. Ignoring them or hiding them will bring nothing but danger to those around you.”Amira’s sharp glare rested upon him as her booming voice echoed throughout the halls of the great fortress. Flat-Top didn’t want to admit it, but he knew she was correct. If she wasn’t the captain of Greaseball’s guard, she would have made an excellent politician. She had years to hone her skill, her craft. Those many years paid off, as she had clawed her way up to where she was now. 
“I shouldn’t have said anything..” Flat-Top trailed off. His fear was replaced with guilt as he averted her sharp gaze. Amira’s ruby eyes softened and her colossal body relaxed. One of her draconian ears flicked idly as she sighed.
“You’re fine, boy. I know you’re still young. You’re still afraid of the world around you, learning new things about yourself. I was like that once. Embrace who you are. Do not fear it, but do not let the instincts consume you. You saw what happened to Joule didn’t you? You watched the instincts take hold and turn her into what she is now. We all did.” Amira’s tone was much softer than before. He knew she genuinely cared for him. She always did, having had a soft spot for him from the beginning. She rarely showed it, but he always was able to pick up the subtle hints of her body language. Her voice hid the truth, but the way she moved did not. The softening of her tone and her body relaxing as she saw him in such a state was more than enough proof for him.
“I know. Just worried is all, but.. You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about them. It makes them worse.. Stress amplifies it.. Along with anger. I’m getting better with my anger, I am. I just.. Need time and consistency.” Flat-Top slowly stood up. For once, Amira’s mouth turned to a gentle toothy grin. Her sharp teeth were easily the size of a small car. Yet, Flat-Top was unphased. The fear of her had already done and gone ages ago. 
“I know. Now-” Amira stopped as she heard a series of small knocks on the door. She stood up straight and cleared her throat. “What is it?” Her tone of voice returned to it’s usual sharp nature, always demanding answers, demanding respect.
“Madame Amira, Greaseball has decided he’d like to make a public appearance. He’d like you to accompany him. Crusher will be with Dinah.” a meek voice, no doubt a guard, spoke from behind the door. 
“Hmph. Very well then! Give me a moment!” Amira called out. She looked down at the brick truck. “Apologies, we will have to continue this conversation another time.” Amira bowed her head slightly. Flat-Top nodded and was quick to skate off to the side before Amira stormed out of her office. The whole fortress seemed to shake as her voice boomed through the halls, barking orders to clear the way. He peered out from the enormous doors before he skated out into the halls. Amira was harsh with her words, yet she provided him with a much needed sense of closure in terms of his instincts.
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etchif · 11 days
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Fem Flat-Top for anon!!!!!!!!!!! He is going to throw a fucking brick at you
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phopollo · 1 month
You guys ever think about how there's currently 2 productions of Starlight Express happening at the same time with two separate groups of characters who fill the same roles
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Aofjsod this reminded me why so far I've only been drawing the 2024 cast, I did not pick a good style for my first time drawing the Bochum cast
Anyways, here's the separate drawings too that aren't all squished
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stealthkragen · 26 days
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aggregates are really great
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whistlingstarlight · 18 days
Don't know if anyone's already made this so here's a gif of Flat-Top being the funniest character in StEx
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blu3c4n4ry · 4 months
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Its almost as if i can still hear their voices
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tabooi · 3 months
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Shout out to every single one of the original freight characters for having been written out of the show at least once now
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wonderful-magician · 4 months
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Dustin and flat-top!
Two more people of the freight left guys....
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honey-dont · 10 days
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stex month day 13: flat top!
favorite actors: SO many. ross dawes is my forever fave but i also love delano williamsen, dennis courtney, luuk hartog, todd lester, mark davis, richard mylan, marcel brauneis, and paul treacy! plus whoever played him in tuacahn, i've never been able to find a cast list </3
i think a lot of actors tend to play him pretty one-note so i love when people balance his jerk asshole side with his softer caring side! plus he's always fun comedic relief, shoutout to ross for smacking himself in the face with his own brick. and how can we forget dennistop's goofy helium laugh. love him
favorite songs/scenes: watching him mess around in freight and the blues is SO fun he's so funny <33 the lil spin and suspender snap paul does is adorable, also love him bothering this poor random woman in the audience with his brick. i mentioned ross above but him climbing around on the set like a jungle gym is so so cute!! also tuachan flats getting super excited to see rusty and waving at him!!
love literally all of his and dustin's interactions too, esp when he waves off the rockies for teasing him ough. their little goofy solo in freight!! <3
AND ofc all of his and rusty's interactions! him being a little shit to poppa and rusty jerking him back by his couplers....peak sibling behavior. love him giving rusty his helmet back after he gets beat up, esp how ross does it bc he doesn't tell him to give up!! he still believes in him!! brb exploding
him and poppa/momma are rly fun too, flat top is definitely their least favorite child but they still care about each other <3
honorable mentions to dinah giving him a cheek kiss too it's so cute
OH wait one last thing. when he hears about cb's plan and he looks SO disappointed in greaseball bc that's him finding out that his hero isn't who he thought he was and UGH. it's so good
wait i lied one more. him and rocky messing around during the megamix and throwing the brick to each other <3
favorite costumes: london!! oh my god all the little details are so good like he's quintessentially 80s london punk and it shows. his little socks! the steel toes on the skates!! the bigass frankenstein bolt collar <3 i'm especially fond of his earlier fluffy black & silver wig, it's adorable
i also loooveee the 3d glasses makeup but the bit where he just had graffiti scribbled all over his face is so funny like "hey what should we put on him to show that he's rebellious?" "just write SEX + DRUGS" "ok got it"
also brick on a chain my beloved <3 AND in late london where his belt was made of wood planks to show that he's a flatcar!! so good
i also have a fondness for on ice flats. his stupid nail boots. and tuacahn bc i respect the decision to put him in a crop top and chaps
favorite ships/friendships: flatdust is my train otp i love them i love them i love them <333 they have it all....friends to lovers....sunshine/grumpy....introvert/extrovert....good stuff. their friendship is so sweet to me bc they're total opposites and yet! special shoutout to that one boot where it genuinely looks like they're about to start making out onstage
i love him and rusty too, they're absolutely siblings to me and wind each other up all the time but they still care for each other! also him and cb in a frenemy situation bc cb thinks it's funny to push his buttons
his hero worship on greaseball is also really interesting bc it ties into his whole self-discovery arc imo
headcanons: he's physically the weakest of the freight and he absolutely has a chip on his shoulder about it </3 i hc him as a bulkhead so engines tend to dislike him too due to him being prone to derailing at speed, so he's desperate to prove that is he is cool and strong actually!! he's also like 5'4" without the boots lmao little guy
he's scared of thunderstorms but won't admit to it so dustin will hold his hand and pretend that he's the one who's scared ;-; he also helps dustin out in his garden sometimes but he sucks at it so he just gets to stand there and be moral support. guy who doesn't get the concept of seeds and will just rip up whole flowers for dustin to plant
also very rarely smiles bc he doesn't like his tooth gap :( dustin thinks it's cute tho
unpopular opinion: flat top is such an interesting character bc like. he does NOTHING and yet he has one of the strongest character arcs in the whole show! it's all about him figuring out who he is and where he belongs and it's so fascinating to watch unfold in the background. him racing with rusty in the final would've been such a good culmination of that
also i don't think this is unpopular but on my knees begging him to be punk again like that's his whole point
anyway sorry for writing an entire essay i'm normal about him.
(last two pics are commissions from arachnidal and sparemayonnaise!)
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dinahdoeeyes · 2 months
My ideal production of Starlight Express.
I suppose I'll just get right into it. First the list of characters, then the songs (excluding little bits/non-songs like Taunting Rusty and the races), then the rest.
Belle, the Sleeping Car (called Memphis Belle)
The Rockies
Volta, Joule, Wrench, Purse, and Krupp
The original National Engines
Duvay and the Sleepers
Setlist (* = will be addressed below):
Entry Of National Trains
Rolling Stock
Call Me Rusty
A Lotta Locomotion ('83 Workship version, but with Buffy added)
He Whistled At Me (Minus the Rusty/Pearl conversation)
*Dinah/Greaseball duet
Freight (With the girls bullying the boys)
Pumping Iron ("Trying to build my body, trying to lose my mind" and "Stretching my bullworker, heaving on my weights" switch spots because I just feel that it'd sound better that way.)
Sleepers moment
*Dinah solo
Hitching and Switching (probably original)
*That was Unfair (extended)
That's Me/There's Me (duet)
Poppa's Blues
Belle's Song (Combo of OG & Broadway — especially "sniffing the coke")
Starlight Express
The Rap: Hey You
*Make Up My Heart
Pearl Twirl
Girls' Rolling Stock
Wide Smile (Mostly the Broadway version, except he says the OG "...C.B." in the chorus instead of Broadway's "...the Red Caboose," until the ending after Electra & co leave.)
I Was Robbed
Right Place, Right Time
I Am The Starlight
Rusty and Dustin
*Dinah's Disco (extended)
No Comeback
One Rock & Roll Too Many
I Do and/or Only You (I really want "I Do," and it feels redundant to do both in a row, but I feel like "Only You" is important?)
*GreaseDinah reunion (extended)
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Starlight Express Megamix (of course)
We are leaning hard into the 80's here! None of that trying to modernize StEx they've been doing since the 90's. It doesn't work, and the hyper-80's...ness is one of the best things about StEx!
This is about 60% the 1984 original, so keep that in mind.
Dinah & Greaseball look most like the original Dinah and Greaseball. (Though Dinah's hair looks like this. I'll get to her costumes below.) Greaseball looks completely like Jeff Shankley's GB.
Most of the costumes look like the Broadway versions.
However, Pearl gets 3 costumes; her pants outfit from the '84 previews (but with white pants), followed by her sleek Broadway dress outfit (w/ Electra), and then the fluffy dress outfit (w/ GB).
Dinah has 2 costumes; the first one being more Broadway (but I dislike the leggings, so different ones), and then, when she pairs with Electra, she changes to and outfit that is similar to her OG outfit.
C.B.'s look is very similar to the original, except his pants are black, and he has his later hat.
I want some of the choreography from the '83 workshop. ( x x x x )
Dinah & Greaseball banter a bit because "Incapable of feeding yourself, Greaseball?" Ohhh *chef's kiss* 2017 London Workshop did something right!
*Dinah & Greaseball get a couple's duet. It's a fun, cute, rock/80's pop mix song that touches on their love for each other and how they don't care about others' bullshit. ("Our Lips Are Sealed" kind of vibes, I suppose.)
Ashley and Duvay are sisters.
Greaseball pulls the girls during "Freight," like he originally did.
*Dinah gets a solo after "Pumping Iron" after the Sleepers talk their bullshit. It'd be about 3½ minutes long. If you've read my Dinah rants, you can get an idea of what it's about.
Greaseball, Bobo, and Espresso are part of the choreography during "Crazy" toward the end, racing around with Dinah, Ashley, and Buffy. (I promise this is FIRE in my head. Have faith. 🥺)
*Grease & Dinah have a longer argument before their breakup.
Dinah and C.B. have a duet. It's the Broadway version of There's Me combined with That's Me. (Dinah singing her solo part first.)
*Pearl sings "Make Up My Heart" about Rusty, Electra, and Greaseball. (Explanation here.)
*"U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D." is slower, sadder, and has more lyrics, like it was in the '83 workshop.
Buffy & Ashley are finally canon. It's Complicated™️, but they get it together by the end.
*"Dinah's Disco" is a bit longer, as is *Dinah & Greaseball's reunion/makeup.
Pearl is absolutely like original Pearl in this: A selfish bitch (who learns and gets better by the end); she is not "naive." ("Further from my vision" over "Sadder but no wiser.")
We actually acknowledge that Pearl is an asshole. But, like Greaseball, she learns and is working on herself by the end! 🙌🏽
Pearl apologizes to Dinah at the end. FINALLY. (During a break in LATEOTT.)
Control loves the trains/coaches/freight, and they love him. He's just a bossy little kid, but they're also actin' up. (I'm open to Control being a girl.)
Electra and the Components do come back.
I... think that's it. I hope didn't forget anything.
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Notes On the Rolling Stock: Freight Trucks
Here are a few bits of information regarding the freight trucks. Information under the cut as always.
Freight trucks have been around nearly as long as the passenger coaches have, but are stronger and not exactly as docile as the coaches are. They are known for their loyalty towards both their own kind and humans alike once a bond of trust is formed. There is no companion more loyal than that of a freight truck. They tend to be unpredictable, but not as dangerous as the engines. They are resilient and strong, making them perfect protectors.
Freight trucks are omnivorous. They prefer to forage rather than hunt, but it ultimately depends on the freight truck or group. Dustin for example, is vegan, whereas Flat Top remains omnivorous. Like passenger coaches, they prefer processed foods, but will hunt or forage as needed.
Freight trucks share the same attacks as passenger coaches. However, it’s worth noting each type of freight truck fights differently. Dustin fights similar to a bear for example. Whereas CB fights similar to a fox or hyena. It’s worth noting caboosen have one of the strongest bites out of the freight trucks, barely beat by the hoppers. 
They have a few unique sounds, depending on the type.
Caboosen laugh like hyenas as a warning to each other, a sign they will attack as needed. They tend to make the same sounds foxes do as well, including the scream when fighting and purring when content. It’s worth noting, they have a hierarchy similar to hyenas as well. The females being bigger and more aggressive than the males.
Flatbed trucks or brick trucks are rather quiet, but have a deep guttural growl, similar to a crocodile or alligator. Their snarls are equally as deep.
Hoppers are surprisingly quiet. Only growling if they feel threatened or to ward off danger. They are the only ones capable of roaring, sounding similar to a bear. This is rare, but it’s a sound most would flee from, as the hopper is either angry or in a fight. 
Boxcars tend to sound similar to the flatbed trucks, but not as deep. Nonetheless it’s still intimidating.
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tabooiart · 10 days
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Favorite Actor(s): Richard Mylan, Paul Reeves
Favorite Song/Scenes: The scene post You're No Engine where he gives Rusty his helmet back and subsequently stops hanging with GB and gang is such a good moment!! In general I love his little background arc where he realizes that GB is a Bad Dude
Favorite Costume(s): OLD LONDON!!!!! I'm ngl I don't actually really like his standard costume he looks naked to me..... plus the old london costume makes him actually look like a punk I love it
Favorite Ships/Friendships: I don't really ship him romantically with anyone! I do think Flat Top x Dustin is really cute but honestly I prefer them as friends or qpr. But also I do think Flat Top has a one-sided crush on Greaseball where he doesn't realize it's a crush. As for other friendships I think Flat Top and Rusty grow much closer post canon now that FT isn't hanging around the gang anymore!!! Honestly he seems like the kind of guy to close himself off from most people and just have a couple close friends.
Headcanons: Flat Top is the youngest out of the freight train and they treat him like a moody little teenager and he hates it
Unpopular Opinion: I guess my unpopular opinion IS that I don't like his standard costume oop! Also I think he should be a genderblind role iirc he's never actually referred to with pronouns in the script lol.
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bogusbyron · 8 months
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stex bits and bobs, & my components designs. ive actually changed a couple of them slightly since i did those refs LOL but theres no huge changes, krupp just has different makeup & his outfit shape resembles OBC a bit more.
plus the usual cheater boys stuff cause uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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stealthkragen · 9 days
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its flat top day!
hes my favorite and i really love his old london costume. bring back brick on a chain!!! bring back black lipstick!!
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dogsamadoodles · 6 months
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Some Dustin and Flats cause I’ve been thinking about them a lot🤲
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