Slurred words Zara & felicity
“Honestly? I hate my parents for everything they’ve done to all of my sisters, but maybe I hate them for what they’ve done to Felicity the most. Since we’ve all been at St Judes, she’s been painted as this hard-working, robotic character who only does what she does to compete with Amber. Others would be called passionate and driven but when it comes to her, all I hear is harsh, or closed-off, or moody and aggressive and it breaks my heart because that’s not my sister, okay? You don’t know who my sister is and you never will because regardless of what she does, you’ll only ever see the version of her that fits into whatever toxic narrative is getting the most hype on your stupid blog. It’s so funny that this academy is apparently hyper aware of girls supporting girls and not pitting women against each other, but never consider why that concept even exists in the first place. Nobody’s comfortable enough to shed light on the fact that not all women have the privilege of being a girl’s girl and everybody’s best friend - Felicity being a prime example of this. Because listen, to be a girl’s girl...to be one of the women who actually benefit from ‘Girls Supporting Girls’, you have to contort, mould and sculpt yourself into a tiny window that’s almost completely fucking impossible to fit. Girls will support you if you have a particular body, or you’ve got a hotter partner, or your having more success, or you’re more attractive, or say things that’re a little bit out there but nothing too controversial because God forbid any woman separate herself from the status quo and show a little bit of fucking individuality and ambition. Maybe she is all of those things; maybe she is closed-off and moody, and straight up a bit of a bitch. But she’s also nurturing. I’ve lost count over the times she’s held me while I’ve cried over yet another good for nothing boy. And, she’s also funny...Really funny...The type of funny that doesn’t work at somebody else’s expense. She’s loving and despite all of my Dad’s flaws loves him immensely. God, if any of us will be able to stand with her heads held high at his funeral when the day comes, it’ll be her because every time she sees him she shows him appreciation where I just slam both literal and metaphorical doors in his face. I’m a lot like her and you are too, whether you care to admit it or not. You’re not an outline of an underdeveloped character is some bullshit coming of age story. You have multiple masks that get you through the day and hidden secrets that sleep with you at night. There’re things that make you cry and things that make you laugh, and then there’re things that make you do both. You’re well within your rights to dislike someone, but I’ve never understood attacking somebody for being human in the same way we all are and quite frankly, I’ll never forgive anyone who puts her in the firing line.”
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faedawayyy · 4 years
best friends that fight all. of. the. time. i feel like there are best friends who are the same in every way and vibe constantly and best friends who fight like sisters and if i knew felicity, we’d probably be the last one. i feel like she’d be one of those friends i tell myself i don’t like/can find better friends but then you end up posting vague social media statuses just to get an excuse to talk to them LOL 
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fallin-flcwer · 4 years
send ♥ for my top three favourite muses that i’ve played
send ✦ for my longest active muse
send ♔ for my favourite female muse
send ♕ for my favourite male muse
send ✘ for my least favourite muse and why
(A good chunk of these are Next Gen I’m sorry sdkfjsff) ♥ Jiwon: Right now she is my current fav mostly bc her backstory gives me a lot to work with. I tend to do best with characters I’ve properly thought out their backstory for, and how it justifies the way they present themselves.
Youi: Probably because she’s more or less an extension of Jiwon LMAO. I think a lot of my characters share a lot of similar personality traits and values, but Youi kinda challenges that. She’s the most witty, borderline bitchy character i have without getting into drama and confrontation, which i try to avoid bc it genuinely makes me anxious. 
Jihoon: I suck at playing male characters but if there’s anything I excel at it’s playing goofy guys LMFAO. Jihoon is pretty much my stupid 3am thoughts personified and he’s an energetic mess but I love him.
✦ Christelle: Christelle was actually a muse I came up with like a just over a year before I joined DisneyHQ! She was in two rps beforehand, the second one being where I first met Athena’s Meg and Ez. She was actually a really innocent, soft, sweet girl. I definitely didn’t plan on changing that when I first started in this rp but she evolved so naturally I didn’t even notice the change until I found the old twitter account I used for her.
♔ Sylvia: Excluding Jiwon, Youi and Chris I really have a soft spot for Sylvia LMAO. When we did the Next Gen AU at the beginning of the year I kinda expected her to flop bc the Phoenix’s kids in the last few aus never stuck with me, even though they had the same secret as Syl. But after a day of playing her I got attached and now she’s probably one of the most developed muses I have.
♕ Dwight (RIP) & Duyi: I can’t play males for shit LMAO but all in all I think these two are my greatest successes, which is why I love them. Going back to me liking to have proper backstories developed for my characters, Dwight’s family connections is really what kept me going with him until I kinda hit a wall for him career-wise, which led to the downfall of my muse for him. 
The same thing kinda goes for Duyi ig. I feel like I would’ve lost muse for him not long after I brought him in if it weren’t for his connection with Madee, but after a bit I managed to flesh him out a bit more. 
✘ Kobi: OKAY LISTEN. I love her with all my heart but playing her just doesn’t feel the same as like how I used to :/
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stjudesfandom · 2 years
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everleigh isn’t a good friend to zara, imo. she’s always more concerned with herself, especially after zara has probably had the year from hell this year...it’s just a very one sided friendship. like your “bestie” was going through a break up and you cared more about flirting with blair? ok... 
@starliightxo @yeaahishowedupatyourparty
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theinsiderrp · 2 years
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not long ago, remy and riley decided to become exclusive with their flirtationship, which as far as we know meant not being girlfriends but not sleeping with anyone else. HOWEVER, according to our sources, riley asked for that to stop so that she could see other people...but here’s the tea; she hasn’t even shown an ounce of interest in remy since. maybe swooning over long-legged models is more her speed. ouch.
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papcrhouses · 3 years
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bella as BLOOM @yeaahishowedupatyourparty
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nari as STELLA @fulmincre
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yulia as FLORA @faedawayyy
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mallory as TECNA @starliightxo
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elodie as MUSA @goldenpctals
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starliightxo · 3 years
@.JulianKingsley: Here it is.. The official trailer for Alice In Wonderland ♠️♥️🐇
FULL CAST: Kobi as Alice (@fallin-flcwer) Theo as Mad Hatter (@nyctophiiliiaa) Eloise as The Red Queen (@faedawayyy) Kendall as The White Queen (@. starliightxo) Clyde as The Knave of Hearts (@goldenpctals) Wes as The Tweedle Boys (@papcrhouses) Oliver voicing Absolem (@starliightxo) Luke P as Hamish (@papcrhouses) Matt voicing Cheshire (@nyctophiiliiaa) Duyi voicing The White Rabbit (@fallin-flcwer) Kristofer voicing Bayard (@faedawayyy) Lacy voicing Mallykmum (@yeaahishowedupatyourparty) Myself voicing Thackery Earwicket, Heidi as Margaret (@nyctophiiliiaa) Leo as Lowell (@starliightxo) Margo & Maelyn as Fiona & Faith (@faedawayyy @goldenpctals)
GUEST APPEARENCE: Kyle & Disney voicing The Frog Servents & The Tall Flowers (@yeaahishowedupatyourparty)
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thespotlighthq · 3 years
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kit and amelia hosted paramore’s mini-concert last night and fans flocked to go and watch. the band played a few of the classics as well as the new ‘that’s what you get’ which was met with positivity. it’s fair to say paramore have found their sound and crowd and we think they’ll only keep going from strength to strength despite some of the negativity they get.
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goldenpctals · 3 years
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@.AnastasiaCx: Casual drinks ! @.BellaCarmichael @.kendallcarmichael @yeaahishowedupatyourparty @starliightxo
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park & Gisele and Disney & Gisele
read more so nobody moans about the length! :’) 
Gisele and Park 
Who’s the messiest one: Gisele, sorry...Park is a neat-freak. 
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: Gisele LOL and Park definitely knows this and uses it to his advantage
Who’s the funniest drunk: I don’t find either of them funny LOL Gigi gets more emotional and Park gets more annoying.
Who texts the most: Park, unless they’ve argued, then Gigi because she can’t leave it alone as well as he does :’) 
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Probably Park 
Who reads the most: LOL Do they own a book between them? Gisele, since she reads more scripts and actually works.
Who’s better with kids: Park
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: I feel like Park will forever say it’s him but he probably spends 3 days trying to fix something that Gigi fixes in 3 minutes.
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: I don’t know but if I was going to assume, then Gigi. Park’s not a hobby person.
Who cooks and who cleans up: They do whatever Gigi’s decided they’re doing LOL 
Disney and Gisele 
Who’s the messiest one: Gisele...again, sorry. The Hamiltons just aren’t :’)
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: It’s definitely closer but I’m going to say Disney. I can picture situations where Gigi would be okay with it and Disney doesn’t like any. 
Who’s the funniest drunk: Gisele
Who texts the most: Gisele, unless they’re fighting, then Disney will send several essays over the course of several days. 
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Neither!
 Who reads the most: Disney
Who’s better with kids: Disney right now but I feel like Gisele in next gen, going off of their children’s relationships with them. 
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: Gisele. Disney won’t even try and if all else fails, they pay someone to do it.
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: Disney. She’s got a whole spiritual, vegan, hippy-side that definitely gets on everybody’s nerves. Think Kourtney Kardashian.
Who cooks and who cleans up: Gisele cooks, Disney cleans. 
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🎄 ~ Julian & Soraya
“Wait, wait, look at this,” Soraya said. Julian knew her inside out. They’d been together for over a year and had spent most of the three hundred and sixty something days together. What he hadn’t learnt, though, was that decorating the tree with Soraya wasn’t an easy job. It was stopping and starting. One moment they were untangling lights, the next she was lining up decorations and analysing each of them in great detail. One minute, the tree was seventy-five percent done, the next minute she’d dismantled it all due to stress and wanting to start again.  Now, four days after December the 1st - when they’d started decorating - it was just the star to put on the tree. They were almost at the finish line. “It lights up,” she said, as if he hadn’t been there when she found it in the shop and almost combusted at the excitement of it all. Sat crossed legged on the floor, Soraya flicked the switch a few times, watching as the lights appeared and then disappeared before looking up at Julian.  “It looks so pretty, we’ve done a good job...”  Spoken like the only person who could experience Post Christmas Depression before it’d even gone. “I just, now we have to wait until next year to decorate the tree.” Her knees came up to her chest and she rested her chin on them as she pouted, still fiddling with the star in her hands. “I don’t want it to be over yet, that’s sad...”  There was a genuine heaviness in her chest and the twinkling of the lights reflected in her eyes that may or may not have been tearful.  Holding the star out to him, she smiled still. “You put it on, I can’t do it.”
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🍪 ~ Holly & Adrian
“Yeah, but just chocolate chips is boring,” Adrian said, placing particularly strong emphasis on the final word of his sentence. “Think about how many of those Santa has to look at in a night...Just put the spoon down, and think about it.” Gently, he took the utensil from Holly’s hand and held it in the air to make his point; she was tall, but not as tall as him. He span it around like a baton for dramatic effect.  “All I’m saying is adding gummy bears is exciting. It’s like...adding a new decoration from the tree. It doesn’t change Christmas, it just makes it better.” Although, from the look in her eyes, he knew the only case he was building right now was one for reasons he should sleep on the sofa tonight. So, he begrudgingly gave the spoon back and caught his daughter’s eye as Holly turned her back, giving her a lopsided smirk as she submerged a green bear into the cookie mix.  Wrapping an arm around Holly’s middle, he rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at the tray in front of her. “You know I didn’t mean that,” he smiled sweetly, subtly holding his free hand out to Haley as she gifted him with a secret high-five. “Your baking is amazing.”  Adrian reached over her head and grabbed a mug from the cupboard. “So, what is he drinking, Hales? Hot chocolate? Milk? Beer?” and then tactically stepped away from Holly at the last question. “Kidding, Santa doesn’t drink and drive...Right, Holly?” he smirked again, pulling the milk from the fridge. 
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Slurred words Park & Gisele
“Okay, so what’re you expecting me to say? You want me to reel off some tacky monologue about how she’s imprinted on me and I have a heap of random habits because we were close? That’s not how it is, or how it ever was. I can honestly tell you that the day someone has that much of an effect on me is the day I throw myself off a cliff. Sorry to disappoint. Anyway...I think it says a lot about someone when they’re incapable of reading the room and want you to spell everything out for them. They’re the same people who thrive off of dancing around the elephant in the room as if it isn’t a fucking elephant and therefore, blatantly obvious. And, the best part of it all is nothing has actually happened but I’ll put it simply, I want no part in what’s inevitably going to happen. Everyone in this town seems stuck on their own carousel of bullshit, going around and around the same recycled drama with the same four or five people and it’s fucking exhausting to watch. Each to their own, though, this is all a drop in the ocean really and even though it probably sounds like I hate her - because we’ve normalised talking about people in Shakespearian sonnets, or like we’re living in a fucking John Green novel - I don’t. I care, of course. Forever. Just not enough to relive the same three years she seems to love being stuck in.”
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Slurred words Anastasia & Julian
“...Why would you ask me about him? It’s like seven degrees of separation. I know him through Brody being Disney’s husband, Disney being Kyle’s ex and Kyle’s being his brother. That’s really weird that you’d bring him up like that. We’re not close. I don’t know him. At all.” 
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faedawayyy · 4 years
i feel like she’s the definition of somebody i’d be just fine about tbh. i think i’d really like her as a person and would definitely be like...hello/goodbye friends LOL kind of like i said with madison. but i feel like there are some people you could imagine being close with and others not so much. especially because of her back story too. i don’t know if we’d be super close bc i’m not a very persistent person when it comes to getting others to open up but she’s super cute and i’d want to be her friend as much as i could be.
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faedawayyy · 4 years
in small doses and on certain occassions. i feel like it’d depend on the mood and how i’m feeling on the day, but some days i’d be able to get behind the energy and appreciate it, other days i’d be like lol no ty. i don’t think i’d ever //hate// him or really strongly dislike him but i think there’d be days he grates on me. but that being said i definitely think i’m too whiny and emo to be one of his favourite people either so the feeling’s probably mutual 
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