starszakrew · 1 year
yeah every time I open this website it’s so so different and at this point I just don’t have it in me to try and keep up, so I’ll be putting ciri on indefinite hiatus here. you can catch me writing her on discord @starszakrew. love y’all!
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exghul · 2 years
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"  I’M HURTING & HELP IS BEYOND ME.  "      there's something going on with you mentally. you haven't told anyone because you don't want to drag them down with you. it kills you on the daily and you feel like you're falling apart, however, nobody's noticed. you feel like you should be thankful for that, but it just hurts more. you feel selfish and weak for wanting help, yet something deep and knotted beneath your diaphragm is screaming to let go of the pain and let someone else handle it for awhile.
tagged by: fully stole this from @shyires​ tagging: @zataraa​, @birburger​, @decthbringer​, @starszakrew​ :3
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ipanema · 4 years
❝     𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 —    a shooting star.      ❞      Harkens to the memory of late november leonids      &      scattered tarpaulin umbrellas limned by wisps of electric blue.    How the stars did fall then,    towards the eastern horizon much like a banished weeping mother with      &      the atlantic the summation of her tears.       ❝     Been a while since I saw one so bright.    consider it a good omen.     ❞
@starszakrew liked for a starter ☀
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vdovaz · 4 years
oh is it???? telling nyx we love and adore her hours??? i see i see !!! lovely i don't Physically think i can put into words how much i love and adore you. your writing, no matter the character, is always inspiring and simply a marvel to see on the dash. but you, yourself, are simply marvelous. i cannot express how grateful i am to call you my friend
 hi   hello   is   this   the   talent   police   ???   yeah   i’d   like   to   report   a   crime,   because   someone’s   somehow   got   all   of   it   encompassed   in   one   body   !!!      but   honestly   ...   i   don’t   think   i’ve   ever   seen   someone   represent   the   word   Artist   in   its   true   form   better   than   you.   from   your   writing   to   your   graphic,   and   then   your   personality,   you   are   genuinely   someone   i   look   up   to   and   adore   with   all   my   heart.
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etrnty · 4 years
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               ❝     𝐀  𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓  𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖   up  here  ,   is  it  not ?    ❞       they  say  without  casting  a  glance  ,   voice  mild  as  the  breeze  atop  the  balcony  the  disguised  abstractual  entity  leans  most  elegantly  upon.        ❝    unless  you  are  afraid  of  height  ,   of  course.    that  would  be  a  shame.    not  you  precisely  ,   but  people  in  general   ---   so  much  beauty  may  be  seen  from  great  heights.    for  many  it  puts  the  world  into  perspective.    ❞         @starszakrew​​    sc.
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huntedvideo-a · 5 years
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she has walked right into his shot. and normally that wouldn’t bother him- this kind of conversation (or confrontation, depending on which path the encounter took) was good for views- however, finley had been delicately recording the setting of the sun, and now his shot was ruined. there’s an almost silent huff as he lifts the camera to point at the woman. ‘terrible time to walk in front’a me. now i’m gonna have t’come back tomorrow for that shot. time is money, y’know?’ / @starszakrew​.
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astcriismarchive · 4 years
🔥 🔥 🔥
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
i wish people would at least include or even just be mindful of how trans muses are completely passed over in the discussion about how women muses are sidelined in favor of men muses bc lets be real when people make these posts they’re only thinking about cis muses 
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dunnitmoved · 4 years
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❛   i often think of a friend i had in london back in the olden days   –––   her name was agatha. a most delightful woman. beautiful mind, great storyteller, tasty blood... all around a superb lady.  ❜  
@starszakrew​   )   LIKED. 
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lionbled-archive · 4 years
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@starszakrew​ - “ someone i used to know told me that love was forever ”
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A soft smile comes over the elf’s pale features. What a wonderful thought that is. Love being forever. ❝ Well, I hope that’s true. ❞ he admits, for he has forever too, or so he hoped. ❝ I imagine an eternity without love would be a rather miserable existence. ❞ he says to her, and to an extent himself too. Then the elf’s head turns to look at her, ❝ But do you believe that? That love is forever? ❞
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lothson · 4 years
            𝐇𝐄   𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘   𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐋𝐘   𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒   𝐓𝐎   𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐎𝐖𝐍   𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋   𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐖  ,        sword   horizontal   to   protect   from   the   downward   swing .          yet   there’s   an   entertained   smile   on   his   face  ;      a   toothy   grin   that   is   accompanied   by   a   breathy   and   somewhat   worn   laugh .
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                  ❝     you’re   very   skilled   with   your   blade .     ❞       he   compliments  ,    and   it’s   very   much   sincere .    he’s   never   been   one   to   deny   talent   where   he   sees   it .       𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋   𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐒   𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐘   𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 .      dirt   and   snow   a    blockade   to   balance   upon   as   he   forces   all   his   strength   into   pushing   the   other’s   sword   to   one   side .      he   grunts   next   as   he   speaks .      ❝     you    might   even   be   able   to   teach   me   something  ,     which   is   something   i    have   not   said   in   a   while .     ❞         @starszakrew​
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vredeir · 5 years
@starszakrew​​ ↷ meme:     [smile] for ciri to smile at ivar from across the room.
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THOUGH  MANY  YEARS  HAVE  PASSED  SINCE  SKAGOS  REBELLED  IN  A  STRUGGLE  OF  SUPREMACY—  concerning  the  north  believing  they  are  to  govern  skagos,  too,  the  stoneborn  have  become  even  more  stubborn  about  their  wish  for  independence.  is  it  not  true  that  they  have  governed  themselves  since  ?  that  the  island  is  too  far  away  from  the  mainland  to  receive  as  much  attention  ?  they  have  their  own  gods,  their  own  traditions,  their  own  culture.  they  do  not  believe  in  lordships  nor  do  they  care  about  noble  titles.  the  day  may  never  arrive  in  which  a  true  understanding  between  skagos     &     westeros  will  be  established,  but  what  does  it  matter,  when  two,  one  from  each  side,  have  decided  to  be  friends  nonetheless  ?  not  because  they  make  false  promises  to  one  another,  in  hope  to  bring  union  between  the  mainland     &     the  island,  but  simply  upon  comprehension  for  each  their  truth.     (  and  maybe  because  she  sails  from  somewhere  else  entirely.  )     &     whilst  there  is  loud  cheering     &     whooping  in  the  main  hall.  his  people  embracing  their  traditional  music     &     chants.  singing  in  their  native  tongue.  the  great  fire  in  the  mid  illuminates  the  entire  room     &     casts  shadows  of  dancing  figures  on  the  walls.  their  eyes  meet  from  across  the  room  and,  again,  neither  expects  the  other  to  join  the  festivities  when  it’s  equally  fulfilling  to  observe     &     drink  their  ale     &    to  exchange  knowing  looks  between  each  other.  in  response  to  her  smile,  the  corner  of  his  lips  twitches  until  he  raises  his  horn  filled  with  ale,  hiding  his  own  smile  behind  it.
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violet hues are to gaze up and find a young lady. though she is older now, yennefer cannot help but see someone so young. someone she cherished with all of her heart. but what reservations brings this sage to the same place that yennefer will reside on her own obligations ? 
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naturally surprised, she will gather all of her strength to yell out amongst those who go about their days as normal. many will look at her, but she cares little for the passerbys. “ CIRI ! ” and she breaks into a sprint, almost pushing her way over to what is the closest thing to a daughter she could have. her pride, her strong yet bold daughter, yes, ciri was so important to her. not only that, but she was the very reason that yen knew she could love so deeply. life has been rather hectic for the sorceress as of late, but she let little things get to her. there was a job to do after all. still, she could change her cold persona to something so humble, so warm with just seeing the ashen blonde. ( * @starszakrew​
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verumking · 5 years
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starszakrew asked:  hugs him ig death deities need to stick together
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⚔️ *:・゚✧┆lest the harbingers of death seek solace in cold embrace. ❪ unprompted! ❫
       To mere mortals, they were but the VILLAINS of universal fable. DEATH: Life’s formidable adversary, the NEFARIOUS DRACONIAN upon its primordial tower, safeguarding the NATURAL ORDER of the cosmos from divinity-seeking CHEVALIERS. It was the simple destiny of all EXISTENCE-- as it is to be birthed-- to consequently PERISH, to pave way for RECREATION. And yet, long had they both been ANTAGONISED: be it from mankind, or the cruel fate that BEQUEATHED the role upon them BOTH. ( The horsewoman of the APOCALYPSE, the guardian of SOULS DEPARTED. Crowns were still BLEEDING, diadems of thorn nailed to DIVINE BONE. ) 
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       The witcher’s arms came UNEXPECTED around astral ribcage, like an OLD FRIEND upon one’s weathered doorstep. Without WARNING, but nonetheless welcomed: even if CYBERNETIC FEATURES failed to depict as SUCH. Whilst expression remained ever GELID ( austerity stiffening gaze and lips, like the RIGOR MORTIS they were prone to IMPART ) Yozora’s arms mirrored her OWN. Snaking adagio around the lioness’s WAIST, the taller deity withering into Ciri’s PETITE FRAME. There were times where the king CRAVED the intimacy his “occupation” so DENIED. Perhaps he was still HUMAN after all.      
❪ @starszakrew​​​​​ ❫
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huntedvideo-a · 5 years
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fin has held out his hand, but he doesn’t expect her to take it. it’s a peaceful notion, a hopeful one. fin has always been that type- no matter how many times he tried and failed, he’d get right back up and try again. this was no different. maybe ciri would want to hold his hand thi. and if not, maybe the next. he’s looking through the scope of the camera when her hand slides into his, and finley must take a moment to recover. part of him knows he shouldn’t make it a big deal, but to him- it kind of is. ‘your hands are soft,’ says he, leaning away from the camera to look at her with a grin and a squeeze to her fingers. ‘we should totally do this more often,’
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gently holds his hand i guess she can handle hand holding / @starszakrew​.
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mrbulczi-blog · 6 years
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bllakcat-a · 4 years
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@starszakrew​ :   ❛   i’m  not  sorry  for  myself  or  any  part  of  me .   ❜ ask prompt :   MEME.  /  ACCEPTING .
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     NIGHT  SKY  PAINTED  ON  HER  LIPS ,      and   how   they   curve !    there   was     PRIDE   to  be   detected  ,     RARE  TREAT  FOR  THE  CAT  TO  GIVE !    for    others   than   herself  ,   that  is .      ❝   KITTEN ,     now   you’re   getting   it .    ❞     beings   so  complex  :      why   would   they   have  to    apologize   for   being    just   that  ?   ------------      UNPREDICTABLE ,  WITH  SO  MANY  SHADES  OF  GREY !  she   certainly    NEVER   WOULD  .
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