#started on how he chose her very complicated ex as the guardian form and all that shit it brought up hoowee
des-no9 · 1 year
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when your teeny Tief gf makes sure your order of brains is correct. fresh, NOT pickled thank u very much only the best for her Emperor
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thosetwistedtales · 4 years
What’s with Higgs’ smelling & licking people?
I told some of you that I had thoughts and that I’d be sharing them sometime soon, and so--- now I am. 😈 And I think I’m gonna try to break this down into three parts cause Higgs... is a rather complicated man.
Conscious | External 
Starting with the obvious here in the reason why Higgs busts past these very obvious personal boundaries is because he’s an asshole with ISSUES. Listen---, Higgs spent his childhood getting the shit beat out of him by his uncle. He had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no real means of defending himself when he was a child in comparison to his adult-sized ‘guardian’. He had no control over what happened to him. His life was literally in the palms of his uncle’s abusive hands... And he damn near ended it. Would’ve in all likelihood if Higgs hadn’t defended himself and eliminated the threat of him altogether. 
Point being in the aftermath from what we know of canon Higgs started off as a freelance independent porter, who eventually built up his own porter company, and later became partners with Fragile as Co-Ceo’s of their companies. Since teenhood, Higgs has never let himself be put in a position where someone else was in charge of him. And within the narrative of canon events its made CLEAR Higgs has a thing for flexing just how powerful he is, how little control those who come across him truly have.  “♪ I’ve got the whole world in the palm of my hand.~♪” & “The name’s Higgs. The particle of god that permeates all existence.”
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Subtle right? 😂. The way he invades the personal space of others like those boundaries mean less than nothing to him, like social norms like polite space are unspoken rules that happen to other people but not him, how he literally licks people just because he knows he can, wants to prove it. Licks them because he knows just how damn unsettling it is. Licks people like---.                             “ I  l i c k e d  i t  s o  i t ’ s  M I N E. ”  a.) he does it cause he can b.) he does it cause he’s an absolute dickweed  c.) he does it cause he’s a fucking wacko weirdo who likes messing with people 
Subconscious | Internal 
“...We have five senses, but only two that go beyond the boundary of ourselves. When you look at someone, it’s just bouncing light, or when you hear them, it’s just sound waves, vibrating air, the way touch is just tingling nerve endings. Know what smell is? It’s made up of the molecules of what you’re smelling.”
...Ya’ll catch on to how Higgs is lowkey really into ancient civilizations and how the people of old as dirt times interacted with each other and the world around them? There’s his whole fascination with ancient Egyptians, we also get bits from his monologuing to Sam during that good old fashioned boss fight on the beach. He talks about the first tools of mankind but doesn’t get into the physical ones that we’re all born with. OUR SENSES. The ones he tends to use himself a lot specifically... Scent & Taste.
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 As human beings, we use what we have to survive. We rely on our senses to navigate how to interact with the world. Because both scent & taste have to do with the stimuli involved in taking into the body these senses are often referred to as gatekeepers. As senses go both of these are extremely hard to lie to or manipulate. You can’t exactly control the concentration of airborne molecules or how your tastebuds experience oral stimuli. They are arguably our first line of defense, our natural armor. We use them as our personal alarm system (smoke, disease, other potential threats), component of flavor (quality of food before we eat/ingest it), physical communication (pheromones). I mean they’re the basics of survival. What smells/tastes BAD = not good/dangerous? What smells/tastes GOOD = good/safe!
As someone who had to use everything he had growing up to ensure his own survival, as a man who chose a profession that relied on his senses and instincts it makes every bit of sense to me that on a subconscious level at least..., Higgs would choose to continue to use them in how he interacts with the world around him, especially for those he has a keen interest in, or feels a connection to... He is a rather tactile individual after all.
Deep Dive | Intimate
Lastly, both pieces tie into this... Want & Instinct. Fragile was arguably one of the few people Higgs’ has ever connected with on a level beyond mere survival. Beyond what he NEEDED, and stepped into want. Into living. Partnering with her was a smart business move and while it may have been her DOOMS abilities that attracted him in the first place I think from an observer’s stand point just how he chooses to interact with her both in the flashback and their reunion.... 
We may never know the complexities of their relationship but Fragile clearly meant a great deal to him. Even if he hated her at one point, was jealous of her (her abilities, the childhood she had, the relationship with her loving PROUD father), you don’t look at someone the way Higgs’ looked at Fragile during the final moments we see them together on the beach, you don’t lean into their touch, and you certainly don’t leave them a personal note in your bunker asking them to forget you, to give up the bitterness and desire for revenge that’s clearly destroying them. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. Something Higgs CLEARLY doesn’t have when it comes to his ex partner... For better or for worse Higgs cares about Fragile.
A similar argument can be made for how he may feel about Sam given the context of his actions within canon. Sure most of the non-lethal interactions we see between them can still be chalked up to Higgs being an asshole and having made a hobby out of fucking with everyone’s favorite porter just for funsies. But------ I doubt that’s all there was to it. 
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As I’ve said, Higgs’ is a complicated individual. A grown-ass man with grown-ass feelings and given his journals and what context clues we’re given in scenes it's my opinion that Higgs was fond of both Fragile & Sam.  And with what limited experience he had making friends--- it’s not out there to think the oddity and the abrasive way he handles social interaction with them both is a might bit awkward. A tad CRINGE. Not unlike that of a youngster picking on the kids he finds fun and mayhaps develops a kind of crush on and wants to get to know better but doesn’t quite know how or knows what to do with his interest and feelings.
Yeah in that context the thing with the licking and smelling thing is still hella creep but makes a bit more sense no?
Keep in mind that scent and taste are the senses most closely linked to memory. The memories we get through experiencing stimuli through these senses tend to be the most vivid and easily recalled. Thinking about that, and thinking about how both are the only senses we have that go past the boundary of ourselves, that only occurs when we take in something other inside us, how in its way that’s a kind of connection is it not? And perhaps at the end of the day, in his heart of hearts, that’s something Higgs wanted from Sam & Fragile. And was willing to take it in whatever form he could have it. Even if only the mockery of one. The memory of it.
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kisilinramblings · 5 years
Hello! I have a question regarding the episode. Since you are fond of analysis, and I'm fond of how reasonable & understanding your approaches are, I'd like to know your opinion on a "flutter of butterfly wings". It looks like first flutter was presented in Timetagger(?) How do you think it might be used in future episodes and how much our heroes are going to fix or not, given Bunnyx is the one who's, let's say, responsible for return of the "right" line, since she has access to "time-tags"? [1]
Also it seems like timelines are “overwritten”/erased with each intervention. I’m sorry if I expressed myself ambiguosly (though time related things are quite complicated themselves). 
P.S. I also liked that in your post you made accent on how Gabriel acted like a trash in _that_ timeline. Meaning we’ll keep in mind what he’s capable of, but not denying that in future something might influence on his decisions, either for better or for worse. Correct me if I misinterpreted. Thank you! [2]
It depends intrisically on how the time continuum theory is interpreted by the creator and his writing team which then defines how the ML universe works according to those laws they have set for the story and for themselves to respect no matter what.
Here’s a little video about time travel in fiction so you know where I start.
By concept, the Miraculous Ladybug superpower – the one that allows to set everything back to normal – is a form of time-travel superpower to fix the timeline back to its balance. All damaged are erased as if what has happened didn’t happened. If bystanders were brainwashed into minions, they don’t remember their experience because their state is revert back before that anormaly had caused them to not be themselves. And because there were not themselves, they took actions that they wouldn’t have taken otherwise. (ex : Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer, Despair Bear, Oblivio)
That doesn’t mean negative emotions are bad that they must be erased from the timeline. They are part of the balance. What isn’t normal however is there currently is a Miraculous Holder who is misusing his supowerpowers and provoking an imbalance by preying on those negative emotions. And when things go wrong, Ladybug has to erase the imbalance and find a solution, an alternative. This didn’t work and you were very upset by it? All right! Let’s try this instead, shall we?
In other words, ever since Marinette has started to be Ladybug, she is protecting the timeline to stay on the path of balance.  In fact, I think we could say the path of balance is one single continous timeline. So when LB is casting the Miraculous Ladybugs, she is putting the timeline back on track, on the path it has to follow, but the events are still part of it.
Of course, it’s not a complete do-over like Code Lyoko. In Code Lyoko, everything is resetted but the memories of a few selected people. In Miraculous, the time of the day doesn’t changed back. People who weren’t brainwashed by a supervillain still remember the Akuma attack and what damages they have caused.
However, this not much a time-travel thing than a general narrative rule. You don’t write a story to in the end have characters who learn nothing. You know, the “It was all a dream. The end” narrative? It’s really frustrating to get invested in a story and its character – whether it’s a book, a comic, a movie, a tv show or even a video game – for everything to be set back to the initial situation with characters who ultimately went through all of this no concrete impact on them in the very end. (Note : there is a nuance between a character who didn’t learn anything concrete from their experience and a character who chose to not learn anything)
That’s why it is of the utmost importance that something must be left of it and still affect the characters afterwards. Doesn’t have to be necessarily good, but there must be a reflection that is ingrained that will affect the character later on.
The true soft-resetter in the ML Universe is the holder of the Snake Miraculous. The Rabbit Miraculous is another level. Bunnyx must not interfere with events. If she does, it is because it is already written in some sort. Her interventions are already part of the balance. The Rabbit Miraculous being camouflaged as a watch and transmitted as a Kubdel heirloom so it reaches Alix (Timebreaker) for example. Or Bunnyx remembering the Timetagger events because she has lived it as her younger self, and thus meeting her Future!Self was part of the timeline. 
A detail shown when Chat Blanc was about to trigger the end of the world is that all of the holes of the Burrow showed static snow, including the one of the past dating before the terrible mistake has been made. Indicating that in the ML universe, everything is connected. Everything is part of the balance. Everything is part of the world itself.
When Bunnyx initially appears in the episode, she has no information but the date to find Mini-Bug, lead her to the Akuma and fix the balance. The only person who could have given her these indications is Future!Ladybug herself. Because Future!Ladybug remembers she had made a mistake that day and without Bunnyx intervention, there was no other way to fix the balance drifting to its end. 
Bunnyx realized this as she kept watching and invistigating the timeline drift.
First, Bunnyx starts disappearing. Next thing is with Licorne-Bidouchou, Rose’s plushie, who Rose wins it back in this drifting timelime – while in the original timeline – Bunnyx it supposed to still have it before the plushie vanishes out of thin air. 
So really, can the future truly be rewritten by a single flutter of the butterfly wings or is the flutter of the butterfly wings actually an integrated part of the time continuum for the world to keep its balance? I think it’s the latter. 
Because, even using the Ultimate Power granted by the unification of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous which would alter the world as we know it, the world will always seek back its balance. The world will no matter what follow the balance as its true timeline and it will always find a way.
Thus why the Miraculous exist in the first place and why the Order of the Guardians of the Miraculous was established : to help the world keeps its balance.
Speaking of the Order, let’s talk on in Feast, Master Fu’s mistake was fix by the Miraculous Cure. The temple of the Order that was destroyed suddenly reappears after 172 years. The past was not rewritten. Allowing to preserve Master Fu’s mistake impacts. How his mistake shape the world how it is today.
So yeah, in Miraculous, everything happens for a reason. 
And about your P.S. Yes, you understood me perfectly what I was implying there ^^ That turn of events was erased, including Hawkmoth’s actions. Ladybug is only aware of the final result, not the details. That was Bunnyx’s role to show us a brief summary to what lead to Chat Blanc’s akumatization. Telling us Hawkmoth is capable to lead the world to its destruction. Telling us what extreme measures he is ready to take in order to accomplish his goal. This also tells us, that as long as Hawkmoth will want Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous, Marinette and Adrien will never have an happy ending together.
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reesebird · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://reesebird.com/2019/02/08/raising-non-biracial-kids-in-interracial-relationships/
Raising Non-Biracial Kids in Interracial Relationships
Raising Non-Biracial Kids in Interracial Relationships
What happens when you're in an interracial relationship and your mate has a child from a prior non-interracial relationship? Will the kid accept you? Will you feel strange in public knowing that people can tell the child is not yours? Will it somehow affect how you parent the child? Will you be less accepting of the child? Will you have drama with the other parent – especially if they're a racist? Our inquiring minds want to know!
All of these are excellent questions to ponder and some that friends named "Alex" and "Jessica" encountered last year. Their story personifies what a long interracial couples go through in this unique situation. Alex, a black male, had been in a serious relationship with Jessica, a white female, for about two years when the couple decided to move in together. They were headed toward marriage after Alex proposed so they thought it would make sense to move in together to save money for the wedding.
Jessica had a 9-year old boy and a 12 year old daughter by a white man from her first marriage. Jessica's kids liked Alex and he felt comfortable around them while the two were dating, but as we all know, things can sometimes change in a relationship when addresses change. "Dan", Jessica's ex-husband, was never really a fan of Alex because he grew up in a very color-conscious family … the kind that still referred to black people as 'colored' and abhorred interracial dating. Dan was not necessarily a blatant racist but he did not have any problems expressing his disdain for his ex-wife's new beau. When they were just dating it was not as much of an issue, but when Jessica and Alex moved in together Dan took exception to the living arrangement. Unfortunately, he put his impressionable children in the middle and tried to shape their opinions of Alex.
A few months into the new arrangement, Jessica's son stopped wanting to go to the park to play baseball with Alex and her daughter scoffed at him picking her up from school. Alex and Jessica knew exactly what was going on and decided to confront Dan about it. The conversation was not a good one – as Dan became indignant and Alex decided that it was not worth it to push the issue. He and Jessica knew that they would just have to figure out how to remedy the situation since constant fuel to the fire from Dan.
The most important thing that they did was to not change what they were doing. Alex knew that if he cave in and changed how he tried to interact with the kids it would prove Dan's efforts successful and also make him lose credibility with the kids. Instead, he decided to continue doing everything he'd previously done with them. He also had a long, one-on-one, conversation with Dan. It was not confrontational because Alex framed it in terms of the kids and explained to Dan that he did not want to replace him as their father. He implored Dan to not make things complicated for the children. Dan heard Alex out and decided that, although he did not like the arrangement, he would try to be more amicable and, most importantly, he would let the kids form their own opinions.
Occasionally, the situation with Dan got better. However, that did not mean that Alex did not have some other challenges to get through. And, surprisingly, many of those actually set in after they became married. For example, Jessica's son broke his wrist during a football game and Alex took him to the Emergency Room. Jessica was out of town on business. When you raise children, whether they're your biological ones or not, you form an incredible bond to the point where you can sometimes forget that you're in a blended family. Until someone points it out to you. Then, it's hard not to forget it sometimes. In the exam room, the doctor, looking around inquisitively, finally asked Alex "are you the coach?" That bothered Alex so he shot a dirty look to the doctor, which made him inquire differently "or the guardian?" Alex got his composition and said politely, "No, I'm his stepfather" and watched as the doctor turned bright red and uttered a familiar phrase "Oh, I'm sorry!"
Alex was well aware that this type of mistake would not be made nearly as often, if at all, if his step children were black. But instead of focusing on that fact, he chose to shift his thinking to figure out how he could better educate people. To that degree, he and the kids ever figured out ways to nip that kind of stuff in the bud. The best example, that also showed how their interracial relationship had grown over the years, was when Alex had to take his step-daughter to shop for her homecoming dress. Again, Jessica had been tied up and asked Alex to handle it since the clock was ticking. In a real show of maturity and class, Alex deferred to Dan and asked if he wanted to do the honors. Dan was unable until a few days later, so he handed the task back to Alex. At the dress shop, there were definitely stares and confused looks from the salespeople when they walked in and started looking around. She shuffled quickly to a rack across the store, and just picking up the first dress she saw, called out loudly "Hey, Dad, what do you think about this one?"
With a broad smile, Alex winked at her and came over to help her sort through the selection. The salespeople did not have to ask any awkward questions or make any dumb assumptions and, best of all, it was a way for Alex and his daughter to show off their unique family ties to everyone.
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