dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 8: Darkness
So for darkness, I have really wanted to attempt to draw the "Charlie animation", when you are stricken in the dark. It was both cool and horrifying when I first saw that this is what was tanking half your health in the pitch black.
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sapphire-drawings · 2 years
For the art asks thing, 5, 11 or 27? Or all three if you’d like! :)
I'll gladly answer all of these
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Most of it! Well, most of it since I got in the dst hole this year Before that I would almost exclusively draw for myself, my Oc's specifically. Stories I won't be working for a looong time, not sure if I'll ever will honestly, but it's fun to visit them from time to time. (And some. . . weird tastes that remains hidden in the archives of my tablet)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
I either play long videos in the background cuz I like to have some noise (right now Plate Up gameplays cuz I love the game) I also have a playlist on Youtube that I update every month or so with songs that currently give me comfort (not good with listening EVERYTHING I like at once)
Current highlights of said playlist
° Unlike Pluto's recent songs (As They Bloom and Fata Morgana are my faves so far) ° Father's Day (CG5's Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Song) °Jekyll and Hyde - Dangerous Game, His work and Nothing More and Confrontation (Transformation is also there but it brings me memories of the thing I haven't touched in months Cough cough) ° Phantom of the Opera by Jonathan Young Cuz I have a crossover idea with Maxwil and that is like "the end song" of the whole thing. The crossover has nothing to do with the original story but whatever
Oooooor The Prince of Egypt if I'm feeling down or overwhelmed (currently 10hrs of the Stone Tower Temple. . . )
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
I. . . don't?
Most of my stuff are like doodle pages so I don't really plan anything or warm up. The Warm Up IS the drawing itself. Not even when I have a clear idea in mind, I just push through and deliver whatever comes out. That's why they're so sketchy. Silly doodles are just for fun. BUUUUUUUT I do do some figure sketch sessions whenever I feel stuck in my drawing skills, practicing the line of actions really unclogs my brain when nothing seems to go right
Anyway, I exported the timelapse of the starvetover piece cuz that's an idea that exploded in my head in my head and was transferred almost immediately
Sorry if it's a long post but those are 3 questions so you should've expected that haha
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 15: Giant
For Giant, there were a lot of options, but I haven't had an opportunity to draw the Bee queen, so I went ahead and gave her a go.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 11: Newcomer
I honestly couldn't help myself but use one of my characters that I have been using recurring whenever I draw my Don't Starve work in the past. For those who don't know, or who are returning from other social media, this is my character Somnium my "Angel" of Inspiration that I use to help tell my stories.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 16: Haunted
Just a dead Wilson tormenting a poor lil Pigman. But seriously, depending on the server I'm playing, I may kill time by tormenting the local populous. Whether it's the Pigmen, Mctusk, or just whomever is close enough in my path. Why? Because, why not.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 24: Whistle
For whistle, I decided to draw lil baby Webber and their cute lil Webby whistle. I personally have a soft spot for spiders in real life, and Webber is such a precious bean alongside being a cursed spider child. Absolutely had a fun time drawing them.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 29: What if
I'm pretty sure the lingering thought "What if I never answered that stupid radio?" haunts Wilson's mind over, and over again. He would not have to succumb to such a hell.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 18: Heart
The first thing that came to mind was the telltale heart, so I created a scene around it. Now I know you technically use it once you are dead to revive yourself, but I wanted to make it dramatic as possible. "As you lay dying, you reach out your hand. Just one final breath, is all you have left." If all I can picture, just to insure that your body is close enough at death.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 30: Greatest fear
For greatest fear, the first person that popped into mind was Wolfgang. He is a timid individual, and not only that, but he straight up is afraid of monsters. Sure he can tank most of them, but that doesn't mean he won't be screaming the entire time while he's doing it.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 7: Mod For mod, I went ahead and did a mod that I personally find really fun to play. It's the Rein of Runts Mod. It's honestly really well done and each giant has its own animation based on its own abilities. That and they look so cute chibified.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 27: Prank
For prank, the image of Wes messing around with his balloons came to mind and it worked beautifully. And what makes this funnier, is that whenever a balloon pops it causes damage to whomever is nearby, so Wes is taking damage, all for the sake of a joke. A total mad lad.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 25: Candy
For candy, I thought up an image of the kids of the Constant exchanging candy with each other after a Hallowed Night haul, and I think it came out pretty adorable.  
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 23 Wormhole
For this one, I tried to mess with the perspective a bit in terms of the jumping "animation" bit of jumping into the wormhole.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 31: Hallowed Nights
For Hallowed Nights I wanted to try and draw a scene of some of the kid's being taken out searching for candy but didn't have much room for a lot of characters. So I stuck with two kids that would work best for the scene. Wilson takes Wendy, Abigail, and Webber as their "Uncle", While Maxwell, Wendy's true uncle begrudgingly goes along. I also drew in Willow, and I wanted to try and squeeze in Wes, Wolfgang, and Wigfrid, but the perspective didn't look right. I also plan on summiting this for Klei's Halloween art submission for this year as well.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 20: Nightmare
For nightmare, I decided to go with the Ancient Fuelweaver in Nightmare mode. This one was really fun to do, but also really challenging as well, but really liked how it came out.
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dreamwithintheheart · 2 years
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Starvetover Day 22: Costume
For Costume, I went with Wickerbottom's Bewitched skin, cus let's be honest. Out of all the outfits that released I would straight up rock this one with no hesitation. Just love everything about it. I also think Wickerbottom looks majestic in whatever she wears honestly.
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