takeflightskyla · 11 years
A Hunting We Will Go~! || Elesa x Skyla
"Ha!" she exclaimed proudly from the back of her beloved Squall.  "Who needs an airplane on a day like this, right girl?  What a beautiful day!!"  The Swanna's head stayed on course, although her eyes swept back and forth to catch a glimpse of what she meant.  There didn't seem to be a cloud in the sky, except for a few dotting the horizon to the north, far away from where they were heading.  Although it was a bit chillier at their altitude, it was relatively warm for this time of year and it kept getting warmer as the two approached their destination.  Skyla wore a unceasing smile on her face as Squall caught another thermal, allowing her to glide for a bit and rest her wings.
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"Remember the first time we did this, Squall?" asked the redhead, leaning down and grasping the Swanna's neck gently so her words were closer to the Pokemon's ear and she didn't have to speak as loudly.  The day Squall had evolved, it had been when her trainer had desperately wanted to see her friend in Nimbasa.  At the time, she had no method of transportation unless her parents could take her; she was only twelve years old.  It had felt like forever since the last time Skyla had been able to visit and her Ducklett, sensing this desire, evolved into Swanna in order to carry her to her destination.  The redhead had been afraid at first, practically choking Squall until she finally got used to the lack of ground underneath her feet.  That particular part of the memory made the whole thing rather bittersweet for the Pokemon, but she trumpeted in acknowledgement regardless.
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The journey from Mistralton to Nimbasa wasn't very long as the Swanna flies, and it was maybe only another half hour or so before Squall touched down near the Park, away from the busy, human-filled streets.  As if she'd be doing this all her life, Skyla casually hopped off of her Pokemon's back and patted her on the head.  "Thanks, girl, you can rest now!" she said as she recalled Squall back into her Pokeball.  "I know exactly where to go!"  At this time of day, Elesa was undoubtedly working at the auditorium, getting ready for the next fashion debut, and Skyla had been there numerous times before, so finding her way there would be like a walk in the park.  Pausing, the redhead thought for a moment, then looked around at where she was and started giggling.  "Guess for now, it really is a walk in the park, huh?" she asked herself rhetorically.
Although the route was simple on paper, getting through the throngs of people on the Nimbasa streets made it a bit more complicated; what was supposed to be a straight shot turned into a zig-zagging design that looked more befitting of a game of snake.  Ancient arcade games and one feeling of eternity aside, it was really only a few minutes before Skyla arrived at the auditorium and entered into its dark main room.  "Well, I suppose they do most of the stuff backstage," she whispered to herself as if there were someone she would disturb had she done otherwise.  She stopped to look around and saw on the far right side an employee's only sign to get backstage, but she didn't want to get in trouble just yet so she decided it'd be best to just peek around the curtains.  Making her way down to the stage and up the stairs on the side, the redhead gently pushed the heavier-than-they-looked curtains to one side and looked for the first person working there.
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"Psst!" she whispered loudly to catch the girl's attention.  The random girl, confused as she was, went over with the intention of telling her no one was allowed backstage without an employee's ID, but when she got there, Skyla cut her off.  "Hi!  Yeah, I know, no one's allowed backstage, I understand; I was coming to visit Elesa, though and tell her something.  Could you send her out here for me for ju~st a second please??"  Either the request was simple enough the girl wouldn't have had a problem with it or the redhead's disarming smile had worked again, because she nodded, dumbfounded, and went to retrieve the model so she could talk with Skyla.  Taking her head back out from behind the curtains, she fist pumped happily and whispered, "Phase 1 of Operation: Abduct-a-Model complete!"
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