takeflightskyla · 10 years
Skyla's had her fair share of crushes over the years.  The biggest one was on Elesa, of course, but she can honestly admit that there was an ace trainer she met that was really cute too.  Burgh used to interest her a lot when she was younger, and Grimsley has that bad boy look.  She got over most of the other crushes, though, it's just Elesa at the moment.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
B-b-b-bird bird bird is the word.
Everybody knows that the bird is the word.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
Video Games
Skyla isn't particularly fond of video games.  She doesn't play them very often, preferring outdoor activities when the weather is nice, and thus isn't very good at them, which leads her to fuss a lot when she plays with her friends.  She's better off sticking to board games, reading, or going outside.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
"Are AWESOME!" she cheered with a fist-pump for emphasis.  Maybe she was biased, but she always preferred to be around other girls.  Boys were always overly abrasive with her, too rough, and mean in general.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
Send me a word!  Then again, we all know that bird is the word.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
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かみふうまんが by いにゃ@更新亀
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
To say the walk to Elesa's apartment was uncomfortable would have been a gross understatement.  In fact, the only remotely comfortable part about it was the fact that the two were holding hands; aside from that the atmosphere around them was heavy, full of static - like the calm before a storm when the birds cease chirping and it almost feels hard to breathe.  Time and time again, Skyla turned her head to look at her friend, struggling to come up with something to say, only to avert her gaze and resume her silence a moment later.  She hadn't felt so helpless since she was a young girl, but she soon decided to stay silent until they got to the apartment.
By the time they reached the building, Skyla realized that she had never actually been to or seen her friend's apartment.  In all of their years as friend, the subject had never really come up.  Most of the time they met in public, spent an hour or two together and then went their separate ways.  Perhaps it was a self-defense mechanism, but her mind started considering what sort of homemaker Elesa could be; someone as busy as her, it could easily go either way.  Either she came home and was so worn out that she wouldn't do a thing and just left things where they lay or she was the type that came home and never stopped working, instantly setting about to cleaning and straightening the place up.  It'll be neat to see, I almost can't wait!  Elesa turned the key to open the main door to the building and they both entered.
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The model ushered her to the stairs, a gesture that Skyla thought little of, figuring it was just the normal way that her friend took to get to her apartment.  It was slow as they made their way up, as the pilot's legs felt rather numb, or hollow even.  Each step was a labored process, but it all seemed to blend together into one large step and was over just as soon as it began, the two of them standing at Elesa's door.  Skyla's mind was torn between the discussion that was about to ensue and the idea of what was waiting for them behind the door while her friend sought out her keys and opened it.  For some strange reason, she was holding her breath the moment it started swinging open to reveal Elesa's apartment.
"Make yourself at home! Sorry about the mess, I haven’t had a lot of time to clean lately, ahaha~. The remote is on the table i’m just going to go make the tea, ‘kay?"
She could only stand by and look around after Elesa booped her nose and went to make the tea.  I see it was option #1, she thought, looking around at the haphazardly strewn-about clothes, the tables in desperate need of a dusting, and dishes setting out.  I suppose once this discussion is over, I should offer to help her clean the place up, her thoughts were becoming neutral, almost detached as she fought to come back from her previous depression.  Then again, when confronted with a room like this, it was hard not to divert one's attention.  "U-Um, that's okay," she said a moment later, following her friend towards the kitchen, clasping her hands behind her back to keep herself from compulsively straightening the place up.
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"Your place is really nice," she said, a small smile forming on her lips.  Or it will be.  She decided to stand and watch her friend, hoping that maybe Elesa would know how to start the conversation off.  If there was one thing to be said for the model's homelife, she certainly seemed to know her way around the kitchen.  The way she got out all of the necessities to make the tea, put them in their proper place and even the efficiency of how she blended everything together was like a dance.  The whole exhibition managed to take Skyla's mind off of her problems well enough that rational thoughts started creeping back in.  "Um, look Elesa.." she started, deciding to just come clean.  "I'm really sorry for causing such a scene in the cafe like that.  I just couldn't keep lying to myself about how I feel about you, y'know?.  I should've been better prepared for what would happen or just timed it better or something.."
Her gloved hands started fidgeting behind her back as she finished her apology, having put herself and her feelings out on the line and awaiting the model's response.  As the water began to boil, the kitchen started smelling wonderful and Skyla's mouth began to remind her of how dry it was from crying.  The herbal scent of tea was relaxing in every other way, though, and she was already excited to get a cup of it.  "Mmm, smells good," was the only thing she could think of to say to keep the air from getting oppressive again.  "S-So, what did you mean by taking it to the next level..?"  They were safe now from the eyes of the public, and Skyla had been dying to know what those words meant from the moment they came out of Elesa's mouth.  No matter what happened now, though, the pilot decided she didn't want to cry anymore.  If it turned out that they would remain friends and nothing more, she would just have to learn to live with that and move on.  Still, her hopes were rather high as she awaited the model's response.
A Hunting We Will Go~! || Elesa x Skyla
Her worry gradually increased for Skyla, did she consider her kiss a mistake? Because Elesa certainly didn’t. That one peck acted for Elesa as a sign of confirmation that despite the opinion of the public, they could pull it off. Her modelling career would still thrive and she would make sure Skyla’s career as a pilot also continued, something such as sexuality shouldn’t matter to people, that’s how Elesa always felt anyway, and she wanted everyone else to feel that way too. That darn stubbornness of hers. 
Keep a hold of Skyla’s hand, fingers laced around hers. Feeling like a bodyguard at the current moment, which was kind of ironic since Elesa was the one usually being protected. It was fun, nonetheless. Her main goal was to be there for the pilot, who still looked like she was in a state of depression. The model had to be a good friend before she could anything else, which was proving rather difficult in it’s own right.
'C'mon Elesa, get into gear! This is your best friend, if she's sad, you're going to be sad! A lot has happened within the last hour, and everything happens for a reason, right? This is a definite sign…Isn't it? How could you of been so dense as to not realise until now, you owe this girl a bunch of apologies!'
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There was an awkward silence throughout their journey from the Cafe to her Apartment, nothing was exchange except slight squeezes on the other’s hand and occasional side glances towards each other, both instantly averting their gaze to the pavement when caught. The model had to simply thank the heavens her home wasn’t that far at all, she couldn’t possibly cope with the stifling atmosphere any longer. She wanted everything out in the open, but of course she didn’t want to do that in public, saving Skyla the embarrassment and herself the blow to her pride.
Pushing open the door to her building and allowing Skyla to enter first, both making their way up the staircase due to the elevator being under repairs, thankfully her apartment was only on the fifth floor, so it wasn’t that much of a struggle, reaching into her pocket and searching for her keys, turning the right one into the lock, pushing her door open and allowing the redhead to enter first. Her expression still as soft as ever although her mind was thinking at a hundred miles per hour.
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"Make yourself at home! Sorry about the mess, I haven’t had a lot of time to clean lately, ahaha~. The remote is on the table i’m just going to go make the tea, ‘kay?" she gave Skyla a quick wink and a boop on the nose playfully before removing her jacket and shoes making her way into the Kitchen, keeping a watchful eye on her friend of course as she made the tea. Her apartment wasn’t the smallest, nor was it the biggest. It was perfect for a party of two to live in and more than enough for just Elesa alone, the kitchen and living room connected whilst a small hallway lead to her bedroom and the bathroom, along with a few closets of course, housing Elesa’s vast collection of clothes.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
'Sup bird brain?
"Bird brain?" she repeated questioningly with her lips pouting to one side.  "Not a very friendly greyface, are ya?  Oh well, I'm just making my way around Johto right now."
0 notes
takeflightskyla · 10 years
OOC: Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo figaro.
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takeflightskyla · 10 years
Ready for take off~!
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
Although the floor was cold, it felt like home to her right now.  Amidst her shuddering sobs, there was no place else she could think of to go.  The door?  That was too far away now.  No, this is where she belonged, and she couldn't be motivated to move from it.  Skyla had no clue how long she lay there in a metaphorical puddle of her own misery, or how much longer it would last.  It was impossible for her to tell who saw or who was watching, what was going on around her, and she honestly didn't care.  She felt utterly alone, and anyone who intended to prove her wrong with their presence she wished would just go away.  She covered her eyes with her hands and curled up a bit further, the injury to her heart swelling up in a plethora of emotions ranging from anger to despair and emptiness.
It came in waves.  At once she would feel like she was able to stand up and walk away with what little dignity she had left, then the heat would rush to her face once more, forcing her jaws to clench and making her feel like exploding like a misfired firework, leaving nothing behind but a fleeting trail of color.  Then this too would pass and she would be left hollow and numb for a moment more.  Why hadn't she acknowledged it?  I'm such a fool.  Why did I even come here in the first place?  I just wanted her by my side when I went to Kalos and now I'm crying in a cafe floor.  You're such an idiot Skyla!  I just need to get Squall and fly back home.. I can do that much..
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As she felt herself muster the strength to stumble to her feet again, however, there were hands on her shoulders, lifting her up before letting her back down onto a much more comfortable 'pillow' than the tile had been.  Skyla wanted to lash out at that touch, swat it away, but she opened her eyes in that same moment and saw that it was Elesa and every ounce of energy she had was sapped away once more.  Perhaps the only person she didn't think she could face, she turned her head away from her and the wave of emotion crashed into her heart once more; yet her sobs did not return.  The same hands that had moved her from her tiled grave began to caress her head the way a mother consoled a hurt child and it gave her pause.
"Skyla I…I’m really sorry. I was just so surprised I didn’t know how to react, I feel terrible that because of me you’re crying right now, please don’t, you’re prettier with a smile~"
She didn't know what to say to that, wasn't prepared for it, at all.  She wanted to tell her there was no need to apologize, she could just go ahead and disappear from the model's life, to tell her that it wasn't because of her that she was crying right now, or even just to say that she wasn't pretty with or without a smile.  The only thing she could do was swallow hard and shake her head - whether to all three points or one individual one, she didn't know.  Staring off into the distance, the redhead's eyes had stopped gushing tears and all she could do was listen numbly to her friend's words.  She wasn't sure if Elesa's comforting gestures were working or if she was simply out of tears, but now she felt more like a pouting child than a heartbroken woman.
"I guess, what I’m trying to say is. I never knew, I always thought it was one-sided with me well…Liking you! I never wanted to ruin our friendship but now I kind of…Want to ruin it and take us a step further."
Price check on super glue?  Skyla's eyes opened wide in surprise at the mere thought of Elesa having felt the same pressure of an unrequited love towards her of all people.  Timidly, she turned her head back to try and face her now, although she wasn't sure how she should try and look.  It was a mixture of surprise, pain, and stupidity, most likely a majority of stupidity, but she couldn't help but want to look at her and try to find the words to say in her friend's beautiful eyes.  The pain was slowly subsiding and becoming replaced once more with fear and doubt.  "A s-step further..?" was all she could choke out, her throat still containing a massive lump from the perceived eternity of crying.
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Then the doubts flooded in.  Skyla had never considered what such a relationship would mean, what it would cost the two, even if they were happy with each other.  It would mean press for the two of them, moreso Elesa than her, due to their status as role models in the Unova region.  The effect on the model's career could be equal parts positive and negative.  While the region was probably liberal enough to handle a same-sex relationship, there were leaders in the corporate world that might take their own personal views out on Skyla and bar her from working for them.  Almost certainly, this was part of what her friend meant by ruining the friendship; there were pressures beyond the simplistic worries of being rejected. 
"Let’s go somewhere more quiet, ‘kay? We don’t want to cause a scene in such a place. Oh! We can go to my place, it’s not far from here at all, I’ll make some tea. The best tea this side of Unova, I swear!"
The redhead simply nodded in acquiescence.  She was probably lucky there wasn't a crowd of people standing around them this very moment.  Though her heart would have said otherwise, she was calm (if not numb) when she pushed herself to her knees then struggled to stand on her own.  She wobbled a little, but she managed it all the same.  Ashamed of her actions, her head hang as she turned a bit towards Elesa and nodded again.  "Yeah," her voice sounded like it was returning to normal.  "That sounds... good."  She tried her best to wear a smile as the two exited the Cafe, but she knew it wasn't the same.  There was a lot to talk about, she knew, but it would have to wait for now.  For now, all she could do was hold onto Elesa's hand for moral and physical support and follow her wherever she went, for better or for worse.
A Hunting We Will Go~! || Elesa x Skyla
She did regret attempting to brush everything under the rug as if nothing happened, but what exactly was she meant to do in that time of situation? Be mad? Be sad? Laugh? It was an entirely new playing field for Elesa, and the ball was in her hands. Except…She had no idea where to throw it, who to pass it to or what to even do with it?! This whole situation was making her head spin, like some roller coaster that she honestly hadn’t lined up for in the first place.
The model knew all the tricks to being ‘plastic’ how to fake a smile, how to produce false tears, she knew how to evoke people’s emotions. She was one with the stage after all, but showing how she truly felt? That was the main issue, having spent so long keeping it inside for the sake of her career, letting it out now was proving to be a battle and Elesa was definitely losing.
It was of course increasingly getting frustrating for her, why could she just let out how she felt? Fear? But fear of what? Fear of the fact she could lose her best friend, something Elesa wasn’t prepared to deal with. Skyla meant too much to her for Elesa to ever hurt her like that-
Though her heart did drop when saw Skyla make a break for the door.
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Was this really happening? Was this the reality of situation now? It was beginning to get too much…Maybe Elesa should’ve bolted out of the door? No. She couldn’t do that. She had to be the strong one here and chase after her, swallowing every ounce of doubt she may of had and just taking a dive, blindfolded and into the unknown. Having spent so long letting everything pent up inside wasn’t exactly the healthiest option, she had to tell Skyla exactly how she felt before it was too late and they became so distant that today would seem like a vague memory. The Electric Gym Leader wasn’t going to let that happen, well. Over her dead body anyway.
Honestly thinking that the redhead was going to be gone before Elesa even got out of her seat only to witness the most heart wrenching, guilt-inducing scene that Elesa only thought would happen in movies; Her best friend on the floor, tears streaming and becoming a mess. It pained Elesa to have to witness that, it pained her even more that she was the cause of that..Luckily it was just them two in the Cafe and the staff seemed to be in the back, composing herself and making her way towards Skyla, kneeling down on the tiled floor next to her, picking her up slightly and placing the pilot’s head on her lap, stroking her head in a calming manner; it was time to step-up Elesa.
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"Skyla I…I’m really sorry. I was just so surprised I didn’t know how to react, I feel terrible that because of me you’re crying right now, please don’t, you’re prettier with a smile~" a small sigh escaping her as she began to tear up a little herself, c’mon Elesa, not yet! "I guess, what i’m trying to say is. I never knew, I always thought it was one-sided with me well…Liking you! I never wanted to ruin our friendship but now I kind of…Want to ruin it and take us a step further." using her free hand to wipe her eyes, stopping them from running a waterfall, then clearing her throat. That took a whole lot of energy for her to say, her head was definitely starting to get fuzzy.
"Let’s go somewhere more quiet, ‘kay? We don’t want to cause a scene in such a place. Oh! We can go to my place, it’s not far from here at all, i’ll make some tea. The best tea this side of Unova, I swear!" 
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
Her mind was racing so fast that she couldn't even pick out an individual thought other than Crap!  She sat there unmoving for quite some time, barely even acknowledging the waitress when she introduced herself and set the menus and silverware down for them.  I did it.  I can't take it back.  "Umm, w-we'll need some time to look!" she replied as if it was the magical, perfect answer and solution to all her problems when the girl tried to take their drink order. 
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Skyla had no clue what to do at this point.  Her heart was pounding and she was incredibly tense.  Maybe she should say something?  But what on Earth do you say to your best friend in a situation like this?  Oh, sorry totally didn't mean to sneak a kiss in like that, just kidding!  The redhead didn't like lying, and she knew Elesa wouldn't believe her anyway.  Maybe just a simple apology and a promise to never do it again would work.  It was fairly effective in every other situation Skyla had been in where it was necessary.  She'd just own up to it and make a sincere promise and usually things were all better after that.  It seemed like the best solution here, too, but something was stopping her from going through with it.
Could she truly make a promise like that?  It was true that she'd let the cat out of the bag in a way, and Elesa was most likely about to flip her metaphorical lid, but at the same time, she'd made her own feelings known.  How could she open up to her that way, make it known that she has feelings for her best friend, and then just try to tie it off like a bleeding artery?  Maybe it was best for her friend's sake, but she didn't know if she could bear the pressure anymore.  It had already bottled up once and exploded into a small kiss; Skyla was afraid it would only get worse.  So, alter the flight plan a bit, she thought, trying to calm herself down.
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Instead of apologizing and promising never to do it again, she could apologize and just explain to Elesa like a rational adult why she just kissed her and what had been going on in her heart the last few years.  Simple, right?  Of course, this plan unfortunately hinged on Skyla's ability to articulate such an explanation in a rational and adult-like manner, and had a high probability of her using the comparison of love to a thermal allowing a bird to fly or the different shades of crayons to the different types of love; two similes that had a high propensity for disaster in conversation.  On second thought, maybe I should just apologize and leave it at that..
The silence in the room was stifling.  It was bad enough that she couldn't figure out what to do or even come up with a course of action, but it honestly felt like she had lost her bond with Elesa somehow.  As if touching lips with her one time had severed clean everything they'd been through together.  The model wasn't saying a word.  If only she'd say or do something!  Help me out here, I don't know what to do!  Putting a hand over her heart, it started feeling difficult to breathe.  Suddenly it felt like she was sitting on the deck of a boat rather than in a restaurant on solid ground.  By the time Elesa had put her hand on Skyla's thigh and finally said something, it was almost too much for her to bear.
"S-So what’re you planning on ordering? I do recommend the vanilla fudge cake, it’s delicious!"
The redhead's body felt numb and heavier than usual when she stood up.  The world wasn't rocking anymore, but she stumbled all the same.  As she made her way to the door, she thought she could hear someone crying.  I wonder who? she thought, her brain feeling just as slow now as her footsteps seemed.  Her eyes stung and everything looked distorted, but unlike when one woke up, no matter how she rubbed at her eyes with her glove hands, it didn't seem to go away.  Oh, it's me.  Oh well, that makes sense.  The realization didn't seem to help her any, it only made her feel light-headed and soon she fell to her knees, having never made it to the door, and then over onto her side, curled up halfway into a ball, and all the way into a sobbing mess in the middle of the cafe's tiled floors.
A Hunting We Will Go~! || Elesa x Skyla
"Of course it’s a surprise silly! I promise it’ll be amazing though, it’ll definitely shock you!" poking the other’s nose lightly and laughing.
Being a quiet place obviously meant the two weren’t going to get a lot of privacy, Elesa knew this from the start. The Cafe itself just outweighed all the Cons of visiting it on a weekday, listening intently to Skyla’s word as she began to go on about what she had been up to, thank goodness she didn’t mention anything about what Elesa said, she didn’t think she could take such a blow from her friend.
Happily nodding along every so often, the atmosphere seemed so surreal, here she was in the middle of day having a casual chat with a long time friend, it kind of made her forget the feelings that seemed to be bubbling inside her for the last year or so, but of course she had to keep them still buried! It was for the best! Skyla had her piloting and probably had plenty of guys lined up as it was and Elesa had her modelling! If they did start….Dating she knew for a fact the press would somehow find out. She couldn’t let Skyla go through that headache, that would be selfish of her.
Honestly she had weighed the pros and cons ever since it suddenly popped into her head ‘oh crap my best friends hot’. Weighing the pros and cons, the good and bad. Of course there was much more good than bad, what could be the bad of dating Skyla…Apart from if the pilot rejected her, it would make Elesa face extreme humiliation and most likely not be able to face her again! Could the model really go through that? But now wasn’t the time for that; all this was was a friendly lunch with her friend. Not lover. Friend.
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"You should stop putting yourself down Skyla, you’re a real eye-catcher you know that~ Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you! Trust me it’s like a sixth instinct of mine, spotting the beauties from the beasts~" it was a great subject changed from what Elesa had said before, now it was like nothing had happened and they were on the right track again, perfect. 
"It’s good to know you’ve done so much though! It hasn’t been too stressful has it? I wouldn’t you having too much pressure Skyla, you could get ill!" yes Elesa the hypocrite at your service. Following after Skyla to their seat, ah perfect. She was hoping the red hair would pick this booth, it was Elesa’s favourite spot in the place; comfortable and private! Just like home! Easily sliding in and smelling the aroma from behind the counter, it was simply making her stomach growl like some sort of Growlithe. Awaiting Skyla to sit right next to her- But that was when she was given quite a…shock.
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Holy…- Did that actually just happen? Was she hallucinating..Could people hallucinate from being hungry? No. No it definitely happened, and a definite lump was forming in her throat, along with bright pink cheeks and a incredibly dry mouth, there had been the occasional peck on the cheek— Wait maybe this was a new friend thing? Or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe Skyla actually felt the same way Elesa did..Or was that just the model wishful thinking- There was only one way to find out; and that was to dive in headfirst, taking in a small sharp breath of air and mentally composing herself before turning to Skyla with a warm smile, placing a hand on the red head’s thigh. Acting as if she never just did that and continuing the conversation.
"S-So what’re you planning on ordering? I do recommend the vanilla fudge cake, it’s delicious!"
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
Pretend Elesa wasn't romantically interested in you and neither was Marshal, who's the next one?
Someone was being rather adamant about finding out everyone that she was romantically interested in.. "I'm not really sure!" she giggled.  "I didn't make a list back when I was in school?"
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
What's your favourite pokemon type? Apart from Flying and Water of course!
"Hmmm.. I'm not really sure," she said, her eyes up-turned in thought.  "I've never really thought about it before.  I mean I don't think there's a type that I don't like.. but electric and fire types are pretty neat!"
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
when are you gonna shock elesa's core? winkwink
"I'm not really sure, we never really exercise together," the redhead responded obliviously.  "Plus I almost never do a core routine, nothing more hideous than a girl with a six-pack, ya know??"
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
are you a member of the mile high club?
"The mile high club?  What's that?" she asked, tilting her head inquisitively.
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takeflightskyla · 11 years
Let's do this~!
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