#stavro is off to uni
alalumin · 2 months
I have decided to keep going to my uni 🙌
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justlani · 4 years
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Now we have began. Back at uni. First task back and we had to research 3 typography designers and basically get to know them and their work. Talk about what why we thought the were good or even bad. Talk about why we thought they were so successful and so high up in the design type industry. Don’t get me wrong I hate writing or doing any task that doesn't involve me designing something myself but it was a good kickstarter. I actually really inspired me! Like I was reading what she of these designers have done to be successful and accomplished and I just thought fuck yes this is what I want, this is what I want to achieve. It was amazing. The second type designer I researched called Astrid Stavro so impressive. She has the career and the motivation I am working towards. she has worked in several countries around the globe, she has worked with countless big clients, she isn't just a type designer she has worked in all different worlds of designs. I love that she didn't just stick to on e category but worked unto juggle a load of design abilities. I didn't think I was going to enjoy this task as much as I thought I did and it just made me feel really inspired and motivated. Fucking good task to start off the year to be honest!.
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alalumin · 7 months
Everybody please wish me luck, I have to deliver my project and it looks more like an art project than a professional product prototype (the thing it was supposed to look like)
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alalumin · 5 months
I was very bored after finishing the assignment early so I started doodling in Photoshop, but the professor caught eye of if. To my surprise he actually really liked it and told me to use it in my assignment for his other class. This is doing horrible (very good) things for my ego
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alalumin · 7 months
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Does anyone know of a store in Athens I can buy these from??? I can't believe I am posting about it here but my deadline is approaching😭
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alalumin · 8 months
"This artist made this man look like a woman" "This artist made this woman look like a man" Havw you thought that maybe humans just look like that
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alalumin · 7 months
Ο ομιλιτής χρησιμοποίησε και τη λέξη "προμοτάρω" και "διηγούμεθα" μέσα σε ένα λεπτό.
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alalumin · 9 months
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This is how I feel right now
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alalumin · 5 months
Δε το πιστεύω ότι παιδιά από το groupchat της σχολής είδαν την ερώτησή μου και κανείς δεν απαντάει. Ρε μαλάκες στους άλλους πως απαντάτε κατευθείαν; 😭😭😭
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alalumin · 2 months
So tempted to drop out for a second time.
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alalumin · 6 months
I don't want to have to wake up at 6.30 am :(
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alalumin · 4 months
I am sacrificing my morals about the beauty industry for this diploma
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alalumin · 4 months
OK my professor replied, I can actually do the project 🙌
No idea why the groupchat fell silent when I finally decided to ask a question. Guys you can't ask me why I am so quiet and then never reply to me when I say something. It's the third time this happened.
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alalumin · 6 months
Had the most awkward interaction with a classmate, someone throw me out the window
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alalumin · 7 months
Εγω οποτε πρεπει να ζωγραφισω στη ταξη: Εχω χασει τη μπαλα κατι παει τελειως στραβα, θελω να ανοιξει η γη να με καταπιει-
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alalumin · 7 months
No more exams!!!!🔥🤟🤟
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