#stayc tarot
theninthdoor · 5 months
Hi! I know you did this a while back but I wonder if the rankings have changed? : Based on tarot which kpop group would you say is the closest? Out of aespa, Le sserafim, itzy, Ive, nwjns, gidle, stay c
aespa || the hanged man rx: I feel like they go through waves of being really close vs giving each other some space. It's all pretty natural, and depends on their schedules, interests at the moment, what they're going through in their personal lives, etc.
LE SSERAFIM || ace of pentacles, king of wands rx: They are actually pretty close, I believe - at least right now. With the KoW rx coming out as the clarifier, I think this might have something to do with their recent experiences + challenges as a group. Previously they might've been a little more distant and out-of-sync, and because that started to affect their group's performance so strongly and visibly, the members must've now decided to make an effort to become closer to one another.
Itzy || six of cups rx: This is very similar to aespa's situation! - they go through waves.
IVE || the devil rx: This honestly reads as them choosing not to be too close right now in order to keep the peace. There are a couple of unresolved issues with them that only seem to get worse when they spend too much time together, or allow themselves to become too vulnerable with/around one another. The girls themselves, I think, need to do some personal growth, and only then can they function better as a group (personally, specially).
(G)I-dle || nine of pentacles: To me this feels very much like "old friends who tell each other everything, but can go weeks or months without talking", you know? It's a low maintance type of partnership/friendship, but still close and strong.
NewJeans || ace of swords, the magician rx: Not all members are close (personally), but still, the group as a whole is very much in sync and they all understand each other perfectly. It's funny because I actually feel like they have chosen to keep some distance between themselves outside of schedules? Like, it reads as a "never mix business with pleasure" type of thing; "keep your professional lives and personal lives separate".
StayC || knight of wands rx: I think some members have built pretty strong friendships here, and the whole group is close to a certain degree. However, I don't really see them considering themselves "close friends", for some reason.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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astroyongie · 5 months
StayC April Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
love: Sieun is dating at the moment, i don't know who she is seeing, all i know is that the relationship seems to be doing good since she is full of love for this person. they are probably hitting the honeymoon phase which is positive because it gives her extra energy 
career: she feels a little stagnated when it comes to her work but she aint complaining about it either. Sieun is actually living the dream that she had always wanted to, and for that she is happy with how things are at the moment 
self: despite her happy self and everything in her life being aligned and providing her good energy, Sieun still struggles with mental pressure. thankfully she is working on it and becoming stronger 
love: I believe that she is currently going through a breakup. this wasn't something that she chose so her partner was probably the one calling it off. she kinda of feel from above, because Seeun really liked the individual and she is hurt by their decision of giving the relationship up 
career: Seeun is between good hands at the moment, since she is able to do everything that she wants when it comes to her career. her sponsor is someone that works inside the company and has the power to change things as he wants for her 
self: things are happening very quickly and she feels like she is losing a little of her balance. although this might be because of her breakup, Seeun is someone that likes things organized and at the moment nothing is going as planned in her personal life 
love: Sumin is equally brokenhearted. Although I believe her breakup already happened a few months ago, she is still in love with her partner and she is unable to forget about them or the love they had. she truly is going through a rough phase at the moment, for her little heart
career: she has a lot more clarity about what the industry is and how one should navigate in it to be popular and have success. she is biting her fingers from her naivety when she started the group but at the moment she mature enough and knows exactly what to do for her carer to go smoothly 
self: she has way too many burdens on her shoulders. the group that needs her and they trust her, her family she needs to support and her heart that needs to heal. all of those are weighing down on her and she needs release 
love: this girl is equally single at the moment. Although I believe that she was in a relationship not long ago, it ended because some people that shouldn't have discovered it, saw it. and for her own good and her image, she had to break off with the person and completely delete them from her life, which makes her sad and frustrated 
career: thankfully, J has good people working with her at the moment and she is well supported by the company since they take her input into consideration. whatever stayc shows, is partially thanks to her 
self: she knows exactly what she has to do to reach the top. J is someone smart, she uses her brain in the right ways and honestly lately she has been focusing on securing her future. 
love: her situation is complicated. She is totally in love with her ex, who she cannot forget and she knows that they feel the same but they haven't worked things out between them. at the same time, Isa has been receiving some confessions and people are interested in dating her so she doesn't know what to choose 
career: she is honestly bored. She doesn't like the concept the group is taking, she doesn't like the songs nor the energy around the members and the group. due to that Isa has been stuck. she wanted to try new things btu her ideas aren't taken into consideration 
self: she is making a lot of self progress when it comes to being a human and a person. Isa is maturing and becoming mentally stronger. i feel like she has been working with a overase project with her sponsor as well 
love: she is single at the moment but she is in love with someone or at least she has her eyes on someone at the moment. Yoon s very ambitious when it comes to love and she has been trying to get their attention by writing to them (text most probably) 
career: things are moving forward for her. i don't worry much for yoon because she is the type of idol who can always find a place inside the industry no matter what she decides. and she knows about it as well. all of her sacrifices paid off in a way 
self: she is focused on her success, but i believe that she wants more than she currently has. that might make her take some decisions or do some stuff to get people’s attention
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outsidereveries · 1 year
did you hear that twice, stayc and jisoo were apparently making fun of desi people on the same day?? (im not desi so i cant say if it's offensive or not) are you ok with clarifying it
i’ve considered how to start, actually.
disclaimer: i am also not desi (apart from the indian ethnicity and/or nationality) but as a person who lives in a country with quite interesting amount of romani people (they are also with origins from india, especially the indian subcontinent) this is from 100% neutral point of view interpretation-wise. i won’t be biased at all. my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
twice (from what i saw, allegedly sana, dahyun and two others that i tried to guess, i am certain chaeyoung wasn’t there)
did the members did this on purpose (even if this is about some of them)?: six of swords, nine of swords, seven of wands, four of swords, six of wands • king of cups
i don’t know?? i feel quite confused tbh. were they forced to do it? because i feel they were.
are they realising what they did?: five of swords, seven of swords, five of cups • the devil rx
fortunately, yes. they realise what they did, and they’re disappointed in themselves.
are they sorry?: queen of pentacles, the lovers rx, ace of cups • ace of pentacles rx
some people are while some aren’t. i feel it was mediaplay and for clout. again :)
will they do it again? (overall): ace of clubs, jack of spades, three of diamonds, queen of diamonds, nine of spades, king of clubs
unfortunately, i see some of them might have similar talks/scandals. possibly earth and fire sign idols in twice.
jisoo, bp
did she make these moves on purpose?: the chariot, two of cups, nine of pentacles • the tower rx
mhm, well, she was forced. i felt the uncomfortable look. i am glad it’s the truth.
is she realising what she did?: five of hearts, ace of diamonds, eight of hearts, ten of spades, king of hearts
yes, she is. but she was forced so :)
is she sorry?: the hierophant, king of pentacles, strength rx, five of pentacles • queen of swords
yes, i feel she’s sorry, however she doubts for some reason how much she is sorry for.
will she do it again?: queen of hearts, four of diamonds, five and king of spades, sevens of diamonds and spades
i think willingly she won’t, but it’s possible she could be forced to do it again.
stayc, sumin and seeun
do they realise what they did?: the tower, eight of cups rx, four of cups rx, two of swords rx • knight of swords
yeah, they realised what they did with a slap in their faces. sorry for being harsh with the slap but i fee they blame themselves for doing it. however they were indecisive for some reason. should they do it, shoud they not..?
was the mocking on purpose?: six of hearts, ace of clubs, jack and four of spades, eight of clubs
no, no, i believe this wasn’t intentional at all.
are they really that sorry?: nine of wands rx, queen of cups, four of wands rx • three of pentacles rx
yes, they are really that sorry, they are even out of touch with the group.
will they mock the indian, more specifically desi community again?: six of diamonds, three of clubs, queen of spades, jacks of diamonds and spades
unfortunately, i feel there might be another similar moments in the future.
possibly from two air and one earth idol in stayc? idk everyone’s sun signs in stayc sorry
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oraclemoontarot · 6 months
Hi may ask is Stayc Isa dating anyone?
hii, ofc !! here's the reading you requested
is stayc isa dating anyone? - tarot reading ★
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disclaimer - for these readings i only look at current energies, take these as a grain of salt too as they are for entertainment purposes only!!
cards pulled: sun, three of wands, five of swords, four of pentacles, eight of cups, seven of pentacles, page of cups, eight of wands + two of wands
relationship ★
right now it seems like isa is happy with where she is at currently; things are going well for her most likely in terms of her career. with relationships, she has worries and she is guarded. she may be looking at a few people from afar but isn't too sure yet on whether any of them are right for her.
with the eight of cups and seven of pentacles, she may have either walked away from a relationship that wasn't for her, or admirers. however, it seems that with the page of cups and eight of wands, romance may enter her life quickly and almost unexpectedly.
the page of wands is full of enthusiasm, energy and they're romantic - it may feel childlike in the sense that it's sweet, exciting and new.
overall ★
with the two of wands, isa may be deciding between options. she's careful and it may be the case that, when a suitor does come her way, she may feel as though the grass is greener elsewhere. but with the page of cups, it may be something she was looking for that will be coming her way soon. so, isa is likely to not be in a relationship at the moment.
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d7reamies · 9 months
i want to try some kpop tarot readings send me asks pretty pleassseee 🫶🏼
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prettyrealm · 2 years
Is it true that mark form nct and isa from stay c were/are dating?
I got a super clear NO.
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Kpop Exposé Reading
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There have been some posts going around about how kpop could possibly lose its fame a few years down the line due to music quality and possible scandals taking place. So… I wanted to do a quick deep dive as to what could possibly be exposed in the Kpop industry.
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What will be getting exposed? : QoS, The Magician rx, 9oS rx, 4oP, AoW rx, 8oP rx, The Emperor rx, 8oW rx, 10oW, PoP, 9oW, AoS, KoC, KNoC, 2oS rx, The Chariot, KoW
Idols will come out and expose the industry for its constant overworking of the idols. Some contestants from group shows and possible ghostwriters,singers and rappers will come out and talk about how they were not given the opportunity to establish their career because of their looks and rigged group shows.
Idols will come out and talk about the mental illnesses they’ve gained during their idol years, and how the company did not care. They would be pleading for a break but they weren’t given one. They’ll talk about their greedy ceos and industry people who only care about money and will constantly overwork idols while they don’t have to lift a single finger.
Idols will talk about how much they hated being an idol… all of the “luxuries”, brand sponsors, stage outfits, m/v’s and etc meant nothing to them. Other than trauma and exhaustion. The idols will talk about how fed up they are with having to act all innocent and well behaved in order to avoid negative reputations. They’ll talk about the overworking and underpayment. As well as exposing the disharmony within their groups too.
Idols will come out and expose either a ceo/manager/staff member and even their own members of being bullies. They’ll talk about the abuse and tormenting they faced thanks to that bully under their companies. Idols will talk about being tricked into overworking by the company and being told if they work hard they’ll be successful… which is true but that led to the company taking majority of the income from the idols work.
This whole expose will be making its rounds all over social media, but there will be one male figure in particular who will avoid this whole fiasco.
Overall, the idols who decided to expose the industry will be feeling really victorious and are happy to finally expose. They got tired of hiding, being forced to keep quiet, hiding secrets no… they just want to be free. This will also allow them to escape the K-pop industry for good.
Who will be exposing the Kpop industry? : KNoW, 7oP rx, The Star, KoC
An extroverted idol or just an idol who is like genuinely fed up will start exposing. Nugu idols/ idols with stagnant careers will also begin exposing. A really well known idol/songwriter will also expose the industry.
Possible Astrological Signs?! : PoS, KoW & 3oC
Idols with Earth placements, Fire placements and Mercury in Cancer
(Card placements are like a domino effect. One courages idol will start exposing, then a 2nd idol/figure who’s known will participate and then there will be an influx of emotionally drained and fed up idols exposing everything and everyone.)
Aftermath : 7oP, 7oW rx, KNoS rx, 4oS rx
The industry could take a while to get back up on its feet, but they will really push to regain its image again. They’ll be unable to try coverup and defend people anymore. The industry will definitely be judged and looked down upon. They’ll try debut more groups and some industry people will come out and talk but they should be careful as they’re words will be used against them. They will get back on their feet… but it could be a really slow process.
General publics thoughts: 4oW, 2oP, Hanged man rx, The Magician, 9oS, QoS, KoC rx
People will be happy?!😭 I think other music industries could start establishing their own things thanks to kpop going into shambles. Some could also not really care tbh… and people will try divert the attention from the exposé? There will be a lot of talk on social media, and more artists could be glad that their creativity will be shown? Some people will be heartbroken, they could just be in utter shock tbh. People will be happy that ppl are getting exposed now. Overall, just a lot of talk on social media, different sides and opinions as per usual…
Kpop stans thoughts : KNoC rx, 3oS rx, KoW rx, QoP, Death & AoP
They will think idols are lying and are jealous of their faves. They will not believe any of the news coming out and will attack the idols still and say they fake. Some kpop stans will definitely be leaving the fandom, and never come back. It will just be a mess tbh, a lot of death threats and doxxing will happen. People will definitely defend and some will applaud the idols who exposed to industry.
Woke Kpop stans will possibly leave this whole kpop industry and this will also lead to the declining finances in the industry.
i hope we will all be prepared for when this day comes because it’s going to be one longgggg bumpy ride 😵‍💫
Thank you for reading 📦
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k-tarotz · 10 months
i would be curious to see how wonyoung is viewed by her peers in the industry. to me, she seems very busy so i wonder what they believe of her... thank you
hii angel!! thank you for sending this ask 🫶🏻
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the star, the empress, 5ofS, 2ofS, page of cups, 5ofW
alright so unfortunately I don’t think she has many people she can call close to herself, in fact many people might pretend to be her friend in order to betray her in some ways. so, with easier words fake friends. this is very much likely from jealousy as they wish to have what she has, want to become a person just like her but lack the necessary factors in order for them to be like her. so, they are just there to observe? so perhaps a few people are also curious if her actual personality is the same as she shows to the outside word, the people she works with and interacts with in a daily basis. I also do see some potential love interests for her that only wish to use her for their very own benefit. they have intentions that I am honestly not comfortable writing out so I won’t but! her members, especially from the maknae line, seem to really cherish and adore her. i can definitely see a few younger ones quitely look up to her.
- Candy
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sweetmastermind · 1 year
~ Predictions for StayC ~
(Remember this is based on tarot, this is not set in stone so take this with a grain of salt, energy constantly changes and dates can not be predicted with accuracy. For entertainment purposes)
Group in general
🔸 A comeback a little different from what they have been trying
🔸Hiatus for one or two members
🔸Not a lot of activities outside the typical comeback and some promotions in music shows
🔸Mixed reactions, something regarding their company that can affect them
🔸 World tour
🔸 August - October - December, 10, 21, 4, 7, 11 might be important
.................... Sumin ....................
🔸 Not really at her best, a lot of disappointment and negative feelings
🔸 Maybe could take a break
🔸 Personal activities are really good, good business for her, could accept a brand deal or work on a project
🔸 Makeup and modeling, maybe even a Commercial or TV appearance
.................... Sieun ....................
🔸 Her health might take a hit, could take a hiatus
🔸 A transforming period for her, she will try something new
🔸 New opportunities and offers, might not take (for personal or company decisions) some of them
🔸 Variety program, something physical, something related to nature and competition
.................... Seeun ....................
🔸 Her mental health is not going to be at the best, might mention problems with sleep or post something at really late hours. Overworking can be an issue too
🔸A comment can cause some controversy
🔸She will need a break but she will be stubborn to accept, so it might or might not happen
🔸Will have a big opportunity, feels like a solo project, radio host or something similar to it
🔸Music cover, helping in writing
.................... Yoon ....................
🔸 She will learn something new or will show a new skill she has developed and work hard for it
🔸 Good mentality, a better version of herself if getting ready
🔸 A lot of investors and opportunities for her
🔸 Love might be on the horizon for her
🔸 Collaboration with another idol/s. Perfume or a fragrance maybe.
.................... Isa ....................
🔸 Really good year
🔸 Overseas schedule, could even collaborate with a foreign brand. Japan might be.
🔸Viral moment, a lot of praise.
🔸Solo activities. Variety programs. MC.
🔸 Should be careful with what she says, a lot of people might not find it okay, and that could be a hit for her
.................... J ....................
🔸 A lot of frustration, stuck energy for her, not a lot going on. Some self-esteem that can cause some stirring in the fandom, they will notice (maybe Seeun and Isa would make a comment)
🔸 Creative projects, songwriting or poems, a catharsis for her
🔸 Gossip might be an issue or malicious posts about her
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sharkissm · 9 months
(Não só 2023, mas sim de tudo)
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"Bibi e as cartas do tarot" já vai fazer +/- 3 anos de postagem aq segundo o meu google drive (n procurem aq, vcs n vão achar já q eu exclui meu perfil antigo 🤡) e meu Deus, o tanto que eu sofri para fazer ela 🤡🤡 usei o ibispaintx, o picsart (q até hj eu n sei mecher), o remini, Jesus eu usei tantos apps, sites e etc q eu devo ter demorado horas nela (errei, não pedi ajuda a absolutamente ngm pq eu n conhecia ngm), tô enrolando até hoje para fazer um remake dela já que eu nunca acho um png bom (seja da Bibi, seja de cartas do tarot, etc) e eu descobri que olha só que ironia: eu não edito vem com verde escuro 🤡🤡🤡🤡 lembro que quando eu fiz essa capa, eu fiquei mt orgulhosa de mim por sequer ter conseguido achar as medidas (sim, sou lerda). Ela não é a minha preferida (se comparar c as atuais), mas das minhas primeiras capas acho q ela é a menos pior 🤨 n sei definir
Eu queria achar uma capa rosa da J do stayc que eu fiz que Jesus, o capa vergonhosa 💀💀💀 lembro dela claramente (resultado do trauma q eu tive de tão feia q ela ficou) e não acho ela no meu drive (Glória Deus, diga-se de passagem), mas se algum dia eu achar ela, prometo atualizar esse post! Pq nem de sucesso se vive sendo capista, ent não acho justo mostrar só as capas que deram certo e não mostrar as que deram errado- já que altos e baixos existem.
Pulando bastante no tempo (provavelmente, já q eu n achei a data exata dessas capas)
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Irei te julgar, eu do passado! Jesus o que eu tinha na cabeça para colocar o título assim 💀💀💀 tantas outras maneiras melhores de eu ter feito essa capa, mas nãooooo vamos fazer algo que me deixe extremamente envergonhada no futuro 😃😃😃😃 os png cortado no pé sem nem ser disfarçado, os triângulo aleatório, as cores são sinceramente a única coisa aqui que me agrada, mas enfim né, como eu disse nem só de altos que se vive, então nada mais engraçado e justo do que mostrar meus fracassos também!
Agora eu irei colocar uma relíquia aqui nesse post (eu tentando fazer capa de manipulação (palavra chave: tentando, já que eu falhei hilariamente))
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Eu não sei o que é pior: o cabelo, a pele, a roupa sem texturizar, as mãos, os olhos, o título, as cores... Por coisas assim eu me recuso a fazer qualquer capa envolvendo manipulação!!! Puro trauma!!!! Eu tinha uma da Mina também, mas aparentemente eu perdi ela (ela sim tava melhorzinha, pq mds essa tá de dar dó!!!)
Temos também as minhas capas antigas que deram certo (por milagre)
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Se não fosse pelo meu user da época dos incas e dos maias, daria super certo postar ela no meu port até mesmo hoje!!! Adoro essa vibe mais dark mas ao mesmo tempo mais suave, não sei explicar, mas gosto muito dessa capa!!! Única coisa que me incomoda hoje em dia é a blusa da Nayeon, que meu Deus como eu manipule a cor mal 💀💀💀 mas de resto ela tá ótima!!! Aqui já podemos ver uma certa evolução (na base de conversar mt c alguns capistas q hj em dia ou se aposentaram ou simplesmente sumiram 😭)
Agora, vindo mais para o atual (as minhas capas de +/- 1 ano atrás no máximo segundo a minha concepção de tempo lascada, podre e capenga)
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Temos uma das minhas favoritas até hoje: summer hater da seulgi. Apenas ela. Eu amo as cores, amo os pngs, amo esse fundo de quadrinho (que inclusive, eu nunca mais achei ele 😭😭) amo os traços, enfim, amo ela no geral. Aqui já dá pra ver que eu já tava sabendo o que eu tava fazendo, mas meu senhor como demorou para chegar nesse nível!!! (Só demorou pq eu sou tímida e morria de medo de ir falar c um capista e ele me morder me xingar me matar (drama queen), não sejam igual a eu do passado!!! Nós capistas não somos assim!)
Agora irei explanar capas que eu fiz para projetos (lembrando q eu só atuo no spirit)
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Essa é uma capa que eu fiz enquanto ainda estava no Fantasyland, e meu Deus eu ainda não superei que eu, EU, fiz uma capa para A @chanyouchan, por motivos de: é a bela!!! Eu chorei TANTO quando ela disse que tinha gostado 😭😭😭 top vitórias da minha vida!!!!
Sim, irei mostrar só essa pq ou eu perdi o resto, ou a capa não me impactou tanto igual essa!!
Temos também capas ainda mais recentes, como
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Que foi presente para a @mercuryport E ELA ACABOU ADOTANDO E EU AINDA NÃO SEI COMO REAGIR SOBRE ISSO, eu surto só de lembrar!!!! Mas sobre a capa em si, amo amo amo o tanto que eu evolui em colagens, amo amo amo amo as cores dessa capa, as fotos, o título (q a própria mimi me deu a ideia já q eu pedi p ela dar sugestões de título 😃 nada suspeito já q a minha mimi não suspeitou)
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Agora, vindo mais para o atual, temos "boca a boca e buracos negros" que a @mercuryport me ajudou MUITO (como sempre). E um fato interessante sobre essa capa é q os pontos de luz são da mesma cor dos lábios da sana e da momo (detalhes, detalhes e mais detalhes), e eu amo o quão dramática essa capa é para mim, amo a paleta de cores majoritariamente preta e cinza e o quão simples ela é (mesmo essas flores tendo levado o maior tempo de fazer 😃)
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"Apocalipse" e "itila" são minhas capas preferidas (principalmente a versão em gif de Apocalipse), e eu adoro a vibe mais fada de itila e a vibe mais "tensa" de Apocalipse, gosto muito também de como eu deixei o título de itila mais apagado, mais fluido, mas ainda perceptível. Também gosto do quão dark a capa de itila parece, mas mesmo assim ela passa uma vibe meio de fada. Mesmo a capa de Apocalipse sendo mais simples, gosto do quanto ela destonava do meu port antigo (já que a maioria das capas era mais claras e divertidas), gosto do quão sóbria essa capa é.
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leonaluv · 3 months
which albums do u think are a waste of time for idol groups to do? mini albums or handful of songs where its either the choreo that makes the song go viral or the group is so or started off as popular that anything sells even if its not what their listeners always want? are enhypen having the same issues as itzy?
No, Enhypen is popular overseas would say that since I get many tarots asks about them and likes lol not much but if I was on another platform that would be thousands, would say they are much more popular.
I like how stayc just came out with a full length album and I get when they like to do fan songs as a gift , I mean some songs arent for me .
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theninthdoor · 2 years
|| masterlist ||
|| rules ☞ here ||
⭒ yes or no, & a message from Spirit
⭒ what do they wanna tell you?
↼ Boy Groups ⇀
NCT (all units) + 「NCT」
↼ Girl Groups ⇀
↼ Soloists ⇀
↼other #tqq ⇀
↼ Boy Groups ⇀
⭒ Points of Attraction
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ True Personality
⭒ & K (&Team) || Their Bond 
⭒ Career Update (jan, 23)
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ As a Boyfriend
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ Individual Members:
Jackson Wang
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ All Units:
⭒ Points of Attraction
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ True Personality
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ & Jungkook || Their Dynamic
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Career Update (nov, 22)
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Ideal Type
↼ Girl Groups ⇀
⭒ Alternative Route
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
⭒ Points of Attraction
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ On & Off Camera Personality
⭒ Career Update (dec, 22)
⭒ How Idols Perceive Her
⭒ A Look Into 2023 - Part I; Part II
⭒ Points of Attraction
⭒ Pre-debut Personalities & Group Dynamic
✦ Individual Members:
⭒ Career Update (nov, 22)
⭒ When Idols First Meet Her
⭒ Ideal Type
⭒ Points of Attraction
↼ Soloists ⇀
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astroyongie · 1 year
StayC July Reading 2023
Note: please take it lightly and enjoy <3
Career: Things have been hard for her, her life as an idol have been hard with a lot of difficulties and harsh moments that she had to go through alone, and she doesn’t seem o talk about it. Sieun is a brave soul and she tries her best to fight through it for the good of the group
Love: She is single at the moment, completely independent and she isn’t focusing on finding anyone. If anything she is trying her best to stay away from matters of the heart and people who can break her
Spiritual:  Her eberhy is quite chaotic, there’s a lot happening into her life and she doesn’t know how to handle everything. Her energy is being very defensive as well, as if she was protecting herself
Career: In contrario to her teammate, Seeun is rather happy with her situation, she was able to innovate thanks to her sponsors and she is actually exploring and exploiting her options and what she can do to involve as an artist and as an idol. She really is working a lot and putting a lot of herself into her image
Love: I don’t think she is dating, but at least not with her consent. I know there’s someone around her that keeps pushing her and keeps annoying her, but every type of relationship she has with that person really is outside her control and she doesn’t wish to have anything serious with them, ever
Spiritual: Her energy is very focused toward work and material world, which means that her spiritual world is kinda of closed at the moment. However the good news is that she is attracting a lot of money for herself
Career: She too is rather okay at the moment, she is meeting a lot of new people (idols and non idols) and making a lot of friends and that way securing her potencial outcome as an artist if the group ever turn badly. Sumin is also trying to seek new solo opportunities
Love: She is in a relationship, her partner has a strong masculine energy and they rather take care of her financially and with anything that she needs. She feels protected and care for which is enough for her at the moment
Spiritual:  Her energy is stable, calm even. I don’t have much to sat other that she keeps good care of her mental health and her spiritual world, she knows how to balance her worlds to keep healthy in general
Career: She is determinated to make her name known, to make the group rise up and thus, J is working her butt off to make sure that everyone will one day know about them. J is also very serious about her idol life and making sure that everything is perfect. At least she is contente with her life career at the moment
Love: She isn’t dating either, but there’s someone that has been enjoying her a lot and she is trying to run away from because she just cannot handle them nor their attitude. She wants to be left alone
Spiritual:  Spiritual awakening for her, she is changing and moving path and actually improving as a person. It’s good news since it keeps her energy clean and okay
Career: Her career is rather doing well, she is enjoying herself a lot and I also see that she has been very kind with her members, with the staff and even trainees and outsiders to the point where she does donations. Isa thinks that by doing good deeds her idol life will also go easier
Love: Her relationship is going okay, she is doing her best to be kind with them and to try and understand their needs and wants even when sometimes it might be too much fo her. Isa is actually trying to do the best for their interest
Spiritual: Her energy isn’t very stable, she goes positive to negative depending to the people sh eis with or the environments. She is too attached to it which could either be good or bad
Career: She wants to scream so much but she can’t. Yoon isn’t being honest about her feelings when it comes to her idol life, she hides a lot and I don’t think she is genuine when she smiles or do favors to her fans. If she could change her idol person she could, if she could change group she would and if she could change company SHE WOULD.
Love: She isn’t in a. Relationship and she rather want to stay that way. Lately Yoon has been working on her self esteem that has been broken way too many times and she just needs some time by herself to reflect and built stronger foundations around her heart
Spiritual: Her energy is too calm, almost stopped, slow. I don’t think she feeds herself well or takes of herself well, I think she is just there waiting for days to pass.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
can you do reading for stayc isa and nct mark friendship
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Probably don’t know each other. If they know each other, just acquaintances. Will help each other if needed despite if it’s legally or mentally. Possibly similar to Xiaoting and Mark’s bond months ago when it was asked on my back-up blog.
They have the potential to be closer though if there’s.. some chance.
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mitskitv · 2 years
about me!
hiii im ali & im 20, i use she/her or they/them
- aquarius sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising
- kpop enjoyer (loona, twice, stayc, billlie are my mains)
- film & tv favourites: dark, madoka magica, studio ghibli films, the social network, everything everywhere, the handmaiden
- other things i like: the raven cycle, pjo, taylor swift, mitski, cats, pokemon, astrology & tarot
my asks r always open!!
reformed dtblr and am a born again girlblogger (was loonali > bambi-dream)
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prettyrealm · 1 year
stayc sieun reputation reading
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female idols:
they see her as someone well connected and maybe even with old money, they type of person you would want to be friends with, but mostly for networking purposes (i hear “an offer you can’t refuse”), they think she has power to make things move and also the power to get back at those who have wronged her, so you would want to be on her good side, they see her as dignified and mature (like a business woman), they think she does good business sense or someone behind the scenes that helps her make good moves,(like whoever helped her with her idol career knew exactly what they’re doing), she may have more privileged here like getting to do things others don’t or refusing things others cannot and some female idols may be jealous of this, some see her as an enemy that will always comes out on top, they think she’s too arrogant, aggressive and destructive (like a queen bee vibe), some may think she does things that would be considered dishonorable, they think she cares too much about hooking up and making money or this may just be something they know is important to her in general, they think she’s really good at getting men and attracting lovers, but some may also think that she tends to get used by men often, they think she’s someone so will always be happy in this career or well off (like her light can’t be dimmed), some see her as patient and forgiving like she doesn’t get upset or react strongly and some think she has a mom vibe.
male idols:
they see her as someone with a lot of freedom to do what she wants, they think she expresses herself rather freely, some may see her as sad and think she cries a lot, but they also see her as someone who gets over breakups quite easily, some may think she uses a lot or maybe even too much profanity, overall, they think she’s really unpredictable, some may like that she’s full of surprises and find this attractive, but others may hate that they don’t know what to expect and that she can’t really be “tamed”, they may even view her as “crazy” and too risk-taking (i think they’ve heard her saying or doing things that could genuinely cause controversy), they like they she isn’t too sensitive and can take a joke and some teasing (and she may even tease back), they see her as someone who is confident in herself, they think she’s super feminine and has a royal vibe, some may see good potential partner or companion and want to date her or even just be around her a lot.
overall, I think staff like her a lot. staff view her as a leader, someone luxurious (they see her as someone born into luxury actually), someone independent who had to grow up too fast, they may hear her talk about her personal life a lot and think she has a lot of toxic friends that use her, but at the same time, i see they think she’s someone who wants to be better than others and feeling like a “hero” so maybe she doesn’t mind being used by those who have less than her, they see her as compassionate and fair (i can see her settling a lot of issues between members or even getting them to compromise with staff when they don’t like something), they think she’s very patient in this area and that she’s good at reading situations and approaching them from the best angle, they think she comes up with good ideas that help make their jobs easier and they like that she isn’t afraid to step outside the box creatively or stylistically (they don’t get too many complaints from her in that area), they also see her as someone with a lot of freedom, a downside is that they don’t think she’s a very hard worker at all and they may see her as very mediocre in this area, like she can and should do better, but the positives outweigh this.
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