#stealing heavily from CSTP and automatic imagination model
binaural-histolog · 23 days
Monotropism Induction
I am working on the newbie guide, adding a section on inductions as "setting the scene" and creating a headspace for your partner, rather than trying to get them into a "trance" when it's the repeated following of suggestions that is the real engine behind automaticity.
Then I realized that you can make the following of suggestions the focus of the induction and the trance, producing monotropism.
So here's my monotropism induction.
Tell your partner that you want them to follow your suggestions and make them automatic. As they keep following your suggestions, they will find that following suggestions becomes more and automatic until they don't have to think about it at all. The only focus and thought in their mind should be on following the suggestions. They're going to apply all their willpower and imagination to following your suggestions automatically.
Then set up a training system with rewards. Every time they follow a suggestion of yours, they will know they are doing the right thing, and feel a sense of validation and accomplishment. When they do it perfectly, you will tell them they did a good job with that one. Walk them through a series of exercises, including mantras, call and response, and so on, rewarding occasionally.
Keep doing that for ten minutes, and then see how much emotional momentum has built up. Have them try to resist a suggestion and see how difficult it is and how much they don't want to.
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