#steam heater elements
Mr Steam CU Commercial Heating Element 39123F 12 KW 480V 3PH
The Mr Steam CU Commercial Heating Element 39123F is a powerful and efficient heating element specifically designed for commercial steam generator systems. With a power output of 12 KW and a voltage rating of 480V in a 3-phase configuration, this heating element provides reliable and consistent steam production for larger commercial steam rooms and facilities. Manufactured by Mr Steam, a trusted brand in the steam industry, the CU Commercial Heating Element 39123F is known for its durability and high-performance capabilities. It is designed to withstand the demanding conditions of commercial use, ensuring long-lasting performance and efficient steam generation. Whether you're operating a spa, gym, or wellness center, the Mr Steam CU Commercial Heating Element 39123F is a reliable choice that delivers consistent steam production, creating a soothing and rejuvenating steam experience for your customers.
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The Farmer's Daughter 12
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall
Summary: You notice a peculiar change in a family friend. (short!reader, sorry size kink is out)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Walter opens the door and you back out its way. You shiver, and hug yourself, the rain seeping into your flesh. He keeps his hand against the door and ushers you inside quietly. You shuffle through as the fabric of your shirt clings to your skin.
“What are you doing?” He asks at last.
You stand on the mat as he backs up, easing the door back into the frame behind you. You look down at yourself, then him.
“I don’t know,” you wisp.
“You’re going to make yourself sick running around in this,” he says.
“I– I know, but… I have to talk to you,” you insist and a ripple shakes you.
“Come on,” he presses a hand to your back, urging you further inside, “let’s get you warmed up.”
“I’m f-fine,” you argue.
He just grunts and keeps going, taking you into the front room. He leaves you standing on a thick rug as he disappears. He comes back to you with a towel and a boxy space heater. He hands the former to you and plugs the latter into the wall, aiming it directly at you. You thank him for the towel and pat your face dry.
He leaves again as you try to sop up the rain from your clothing. He returns again and offers a flannel shirt. You accept it with another chattering thank you.
“I’ll put some tea on,” he says, “then you can say what you need to.”
“Oka–” a clap of thunder interrupts you. You jump and let out a frightful squeak.
“You’re lucky you beat the worst of it,” he reprimands, a lingering reproachful look before he turns.
You watch him once more pass through the oaken door frame. You slowly take in your surroundings. The place is pretty small. Modest by any means. You step closer to the heater and lay down the flannel shirt by your feet. You strip away your wet clothing and pull on the thick button-up that hangs loosely around your figure, nearly to your knees.
You gather up your former outfit, spreading out the layers atop each other. The sound of Walter tinkering around in the kitchen jars you. All your thoughts scramble as you try to untangle what you want to say. What do you want to say?
You sit on your knees and rub your hands together and hold them out to the heater. Lightning flashes between the curtains and another peel of thunder shakes the earth. Walter comes back with a single mug and hands it to you.
He picks up your clothes and you watch him drape them over the back of a wooden chair to dry. He paces behind the threadbare sofa as you look down into the steaming cup. It’s too hot to taste yet.
“So…” he begins with a heave.
“Walt, I…” you wet your lips, “I…” your chest throbs as you struggle to find your words. He crosses his arms, making himself seem even bigger. It’s not lost on you that you’re on your knees, ready to beg. “I was surprised…” you say carefully and his brows furrow, “when you kissed me.”
His cheek ticks and his nostrils flare. He stares you down unflinchingly. You gulp and place the tea down on the floor. You’re already sweating from trying to sort this all out. Why hadn’t you thought of what to say?
“And I didn’t know how to react,” you continue, running your hands along the fabric over your thighs, “so I ran away and I’m sorry. I… I should’ve been honest.”
“You came all this way to reject me,” he challenges bluntly.
“No,” you murmur, “I didn’t–” you pause as the wind whips outside the walls, “I just never expected you to… feel that way about me.”
“Hm,” he rumbles as his expression remains stony.
“Or that…” you weigh your words before you let them free, “I could feel the same?”
His eyes narrow, “you don’t sound like it.”
“I’m saying… I could try,” you fold your hands together, “I want to try.”
“Try?” He growls.
“Please, you have to understand, there’s a lot going on. My dad, the farm–”
“Oh, I know,” he steps around the couch, looming over you. He steps closer and bends his knees, squatting until he looks you straight in the eyes, “do you think I really did it for him?”
You search his face, trying to discern the tides in irises, the tension in his jaw. Your chest flutters as his words sink in.
“I did, Walt, because you’re a good guy,” you eke out.
“If you think so, you don’t show it.”
His coldness jars you. You’re trying. You don’t know how to convince him but you know you have to.
“I do,” you bring your hands up, “Walt, I know you are. I see it–”
“You want the farm and I’m the only way for you to keep it,” he sniffs, “I know why you’re here.”
You look down in defeat and shame. You won’t lie and say he’s not right but you had to try. You’ll just have to go home and tell your mom it didn’t work. She was wrong.
“Why would I buy a farm to keep a family that isn’t mine?” He reaches and cups your chin, forcing your head up, “seems a bit… illogical, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” you sniffle, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have–”
“But if it were my family,” he cuts you off, his hand firmly framing your chin, “then maybe it would make sense.”
Your breath catches in your chest and your lashes flutter. Does he mean…
“I could be a good husband. You’ve seen that,” he says, “can you be a good wife?”
The icy chill flows back into you. Having it put so plainly is startling. You feel so young to be signing away your life, but you won’t have much of one without the farm; without your family. You unclasp your hands and touch Walter’s wrist.
“Yes,” you utter, “I can. I will.”
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syringesyrup · 7 months
If Swiss and Dew were to cuddle would Dew be like a personal heater? (Dew Being a fire ghoul)
i’m crying real tears i swear i had an old doodle of this somewhere but i cannot find it so i will talk abt it instead ☝️
swiss can handle a lot of heat, he’s part fire after all and it’s one of his more present elements that he has more control over. dew loves that shit. he burns hot as coals on top of swiss and swiss is just like hehe :3 warm and it makes dew raise his eyebrow so high like wtf. montage of dew doing fire ghoul experiments on swiss until aether has to stop them because No Dew, You May Not Put Swiss’ Head In The Air Fryer.
it's convenient for full moons when swiss’ water in him makes him run a little colder, and there’s a bit (a lot) of steam in the room from the temperature clash. queue a comment from one of them about how it looks like they just hot boxed the place.
another reason why dew is very vulnerable around swiss is because he literally and figuratively can handle dew's heat. dew on fire ? swiss can carry him out to the lake and let him boil in there until he cools (hehe) down. swiss can also be unbothered as hell when dew gets a bit nastier and says things he doesn't mean. swiss has tough skin (via his older sister) but still its always talked about and ends with an "i'm sorry" on dew's behalf and a "prove it 😼" from fuckhead swiss. then they kiss with tongue or smth idk i don’t support them
cuddles are a favorite for them esp with dew’s tendency to knead and purr and groom when he’s all happy like that. he’s like a ford F-150 engine with how loud he is and how hot he runs when he’s being smothered by swiss. if he’s not a rubber duck under a hydrologic press he gets pissy. and oh how convenient it is that swiss is bigger in the colder seasons and needs a heating pad (dew does the most evil grin and acts like he’s freezing)
and of course, after care. when dew is cooling down and the sheets are soaked and singed, swiss likes to lick him clean with a cold tongue to help him cool down. likes to blow cold air on his neck and behind his ears and on his stomach and his hands. dew gets fuckin dizzy from the rush of the temperature clash and tells swiss to run them a damn bath already. swiss tries not to get too caught up on dew wanting him to run Them, the two of them, together, a bath. he kicks his feet and giggles like Okay baby ^___^ !!!
tldr idgaf about these guys they’re cringe and i’m glad phantom home wrecked them
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itsonlythee-sims · 3 months
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Another day, another WIP - this time it's a space heater I've had since college. I'm struggling a bit with the transparency (I made a really nice mesh texture and I want there to be slight parallax behind it showing the heating element) since TS4 doesn't like layered transparency.
I cloned the Snowy Escape heater which is big and chonky and the vfx were far too big so now I'm looking into other vfx I can use. This steam effect made my heater look much more dangerous than it should be!
Swapping vfx is much simpler than I thought it'd be.
by the way, the brand of this fictional heater is Nell-E.
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uranium420 · 2 months
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Hello! I wrote this symposium presentation for my master's degree in artistic practise in 2022 :) If you would like to cite this symposium please message me off-anon and I will give you the details needed :)
I considered adapting this presentation into essay format for tumblr, however that would be a massive effort, given that all my sources for this presentation are not formatted for the essay structure.
This is NOT a quick read, but I appreciate you even considering reading :) thank you!
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It’s 2nd  December 2001, near the Enguri Dam, Georgia. Three men walk into a nearby forest, looking for firewood. The winter sun sets early so the men decide to spend the night in the forest and take the wood back to their trucks the next morning. Around 6pm they find two strange objects, cylindrical in shape, and 15 cm in length. The snow around these objects is melted, and the wet soil is steaming from the heat. One of the men picks up one of the objects, and drops it immediately, as it is too hot to hold. They decide to use the objects as personal heaters, while they sleep in the forest waiting for daylight. They begin to feel sick; so sick they don’t sleep, and spend all night vomiting. The next morning they only load half the firewood into their truck, they are exhausted. 
It’s 22nd December 2001. All three men are admitted to hospital. On 23rd January 2002, one of the men is discharged from hospital. On 18th March 2003, a second man is discharged from hospital. On 13th May 2004, the third man dies, having never been well enough to leave.
What they found were radioactive sources of Strontium-90, removed from radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which were scrapped and abandoned upon Georgia’s independence from the Soviet Union, and the termination of the project for which they were to be used. They killed one person, and injured two more. They held no warning signs, marks, or messages.
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Art has been used as a form of communication ever since people have been making art. It can transcend current language barriers by virtue of shared cultural ideas and representational imagery, especially in the modern day where we have more access to shared culture and art than ever.  Art is hard to define, and there still isn’t a consensus on what it is, however, as journalist Daniel Oberhaus notes, many people know it when they see it. He also notes that cultural context plays an important role in the understanding of art; a urinal is not art, unless it is displayed in a gallery. In The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, Arthur Danto explicitly states that it was a urinal, until it became a work of art- the cultural knowledge of an art gallery changes the meaning of the piece. Niklas Luhmann in his essay The Medium of Art explores the idea that works of art exist to communicate meaning before anything else; that they are produced of a medium, and then become a medium themselves, one of communication. So what do we do, then, when neither consistency of language nor culture is guaranteed? What do we do when art must communicate messages to people so far in the future we cannot make any assumptions about the preconceptions a viewer will bring, or the culture in which they operate? What do we do when the message we have to bring to them is extremely important, and does not leave room for misinterpretation? 
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One message that is incredibly important for humans now to send is marking our long term deep geological nuclear waste repositories as dangerous and the areas above them as uninhabitable. However, working with nuclear isotopes, and their long half-lives, confronts us with the aforementioned questions; the message is extremely important, cannot be misinterpreted, and we can safely assume any viewer will share no language or culture with us today. 
Most storage involves transuranic elements- that is, isotopes heavier than uranium- used for both creation of nuclear arms, and nuclear power stations, with two of the most common contaminants being Plutonium-329 and Uranium-235. This is the half-life of Plutonium-329. 
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And this is the half-life of Uranium-235. 
And this is the time scale on which people have had to think to design warnings for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, in New Mexico, USA- licensed to store waste from nuclear arms development which opened for operation in 1999, and is due to be backfilled between 2025 and 2035.
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Gabrielle Hecht said of the issue in 2018, “It is not just that ten thousand years exceeds human design horizons. That sort of time scale exceeds human language horizons.”
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To put a bit of context to these unthinkably large numbers and the issue with communicating over time spans on this scale, this is a fragment of Old English from the Franks Casket, written in Anglo-Saxon runes. This is estimated to have been written only 1,300 years ago. It is unintelligible to English speakers today.
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And to put that onto the timeline, we can see the distance in time between the Franks Casket and now is tiny compared to how long the warnings need to last. In his letter declining the invitation to join the Sandia National Laboratories report on nuclear waste markers, Carl Sagan described the problem as such:
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“... artistic conventions, written and spoken language… might, for all we know, change drastically. What we need is a symbol invariant to all those possible changes. Moreover, we want a symbol that will be understandable not just to the most educated and scientifically literate members of the population but to anyone who might come upon this repository.”
Sagan brings up a very important point: the need for any symbol to be universally understood, regardless of the viewer's education, age, or cultural background. This, I think, is the largest obstacle we face, given that we didn’t even have this problem solved until 2007, despite having infinite access to research the people that live now.
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In 2001 the International Atomic Energy Agency and International Organisation for Standardisation were faced with the challenge of making a new symbol to denote immediate severe radiation hazard after a 2000 incident, where three people in Samut Prakan province, in Thailand, died from radiation exposure after coming across a cobalt-60 source, previously used for cancer radiotherapy, in a scrap yard. The source was secured properly (although not disposed of properly), and displayed the proper warning symbols, but it made no difference, because the people didn’t recognise the symbol, and none of the written warnings were in Thai. 
The original warning design was conceived at the University of California Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1946, by a group of people who were doodling out designs that could be used to symbolically represent radiation hazards. Nels Garden, one of the scientists involved in the designing process, gave insight into the design in letters sent after the event. The design was supposed to represent an atom emitting radiation. The first design was this one, with the magenta trefoil on the blue background. Magenta was chosen because it didn’t conflict with any existing colour coding rules, and the ink was expensive, which they hoped would ensure people did not use the symbol frivolously and reduce its impact as a warning. The blue was chosen because there were no other blue warnings and labels used in radioactive work of the time, meaning it was distinctive, however it received criticism for being low visibility, as well as the fact that blue was not supposed to be used on warning signs, as it fades quickly.
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In 1948 yellow was standardised for the sign at the Oakridge National Lab, following requests for a standardised colour scheme, after a committee viewed the magenta symbol stapled to different coloured cardboard, and deemed magenta and yellow the best combination. Until its final standardisation by the American National Standards Institute in the 1950s, there were a few variations of the symbol. In 1974 the ISO approved a design for international use, in which the trefoil is black instead of magenta.
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And, in a town in Thailand, none of that mattered. Faced with foreign language warnings and a symbol none of the scrapyard workers recognised, the immediate danger they were in was not adequately communicated by the trefoil. The 2001 assignment, the New Warning Symbols Project, needed a symbol that would unfailingly communicate “danger, run away, do not touch.” In 2007 they presented the high level sealed-source ionising radiation symbol. In target groups of children of many nationalities, the trefoil symbol meant something like a propeller or a windmill, and the colour yellow did not indicate the immediate life threatening danger. In many more tests conducted around the globe, they settled on the current design as being the one that most clearly portrayed the message without words. Of all the symbols tested, skull and crossbones was the only one that consistently conveyed the meaning of “this may harm you so much that you will die.” The yellow was replaced with red to move the warning from “caution” to “active danger” in the eyes of viewers.
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The result of the research echoes what Sagan wrote in his letter to Sandia Labs, recommending skull and crossbones as symbols to be placed around the WIPP, which he said has “unmistakable” meaning, referring to pirate flags, bottles of poison, and Nazi divisions- all things which are bad and to be avoided; although the report itself points out that in Mexico bones are considered to hold life force, so alternative messages would also be required, especially considering the WIPPs proximity to the US-Mexico border, and Oberhaus points out that it only emerged as a symbol of toxicity relatively recently, that is- recently on the scale of radioactive isotopes, with no guarantee it will last.
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The first published attempt to solve the problem of producing a universally understood message that is as clear in 100 years as it is in 10,000, though posed as a thought experiment rather than as part of government action like the at the time recently formed Human Interference Task Force, was the 1982/1983 poll in the Berlin Institute of Technology’s Journal of Semiotics, which asked “How do we tell our children’s children where the nuclear waste is?”
The suggestions with the least amount of subsequent research (or, at least, subsequent research in English) are, with one exception, the most conceptually mundane, so I will only give an overview of the exciting one. Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem suggested satellites that endlessly transmit the messages back to Earth. He also proposed encoding messages into the DNA of plants that he dubbed Atomic Flowers which would replicate and renew into forever. He suggested that the plants be only grown in the vicinity of the repositories, and contain information about the danger of the camp. The major issue with this, pointed out by Lem himself, was who would ever even think to decode DNA for a hidden message? And if the message was known about would they consider the decoding an endeavour worth pursuing.
Two of the suggestions connected to this poll are more fleshed out, the Ray Cat Solution and the Atomic Priesthood.
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The Ray Cats solution is my personal favourite, in theory. In reality it's wholly problematic, for ethical reasons. 
Ray Cats proposes genetically engineering cats to change colour in the presence of radiation, and the message will be passed down and preserved via fairy tales, poems, and nursery rhymes- which are typically long lived and cross-culturally intelligible. It hopes to build off the superstition surrounding black cats- either bad luck or good luck depending on where you are, and your cultural background. 
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One such cultural marker was a song written 2014 by physicist turned musician Chad Matheny, also known as Emperor X, who described the brief as to create a song “so catchy and annoying it might be handed down… over a span of 10,000 years.” It was titled “10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories”
Beyond the song, there isn’t much art here. There’s a lot of science, and a lot of ethics, but little has been considered artistically.
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The concept from this poll which has been expanded upon the most is the Atomic Priesthood, suggested by linguist Thomas Sebeok, and it is currently being developed by the Atomic Priesthood Project- a collective of artists working towards preserving the messages of the dangers of nuclear waste and their locations. The Atomic Priesthood is built from the principle that the Catholic Church has survived with a pretty consistent message for 2000 years, and had to convene groups to enact significant change in their doctrine. For example, they would create rituals and myths surrounding the consequences of disturbing the waste. They would dictate which areas are forbidden, and dictate what retribution awaits those who disobey, literal or metaphysical. Issues with this idea arose almost immediately, for example schisms akin to the Protestant Reformation distorting the message, and what happens if Nuclear Atheists emerge, denying the existence of the danger?
Despite the issues, a lot of lore, doctrine, and rite has been established for the Atomic Priesthood. They have worked in collaboration with many artists across many disciplines, including Dana Sherwood, Helen Lee, Duy Hoang, Claire Beaumont and many more.
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One of their projects, beginning in 2017, was to develop nuclear warning monoliths. They used the WIPP as a base, and followed the guidelines set out in the 1993 Sandia Labs report on Expert Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, and came up with the Black Sun Rose. They are interlocking monoliths, following a Penrose  pattern - meaning they can be tiled infinitely outwards. The blocks are to be cast from black dyed concrete; concrete being readily available and extremely long lasting, and dyed black to discourage animal and human habitation on the site, due to its absorption of New Mexico desert heat. The structure must be at least 4 square miles, large enough to fully cover the underground footprint of the site. At this size, it will also be visible from space. 
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They will also use glass for the embedding of written messages. Glass will be used as it is the most geologically stable and chemically inert material that can be mass produced. The messages will be produced by embedding coloured rods in clear glass, making a sort of 3 dimensional font, based on the work ‘Alphabit’ by Helen Lee. The letters can then be fused into one large wall, with the rods being slightly curved to bounce sunlight through the rods, using the same principle as fibre optic cables. This will cause the walls of text to illuminate. The properties of the glass mean that any writing system or image that can be embedded in this way will not be obscured or removed by damage. This seemingly solves the issue that arises with stone carvings, where chipping of stone can make the message unintelligible. 
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The rose structure will be perimetered by kiosks, containing the glass panels, and they will warn people to leave, and of the danger, in various languages and through pictograms. There will also be “deep dolmen” and these will be created of the same penrose blocks as the rest of the structure, and be entirely enclosed, with no way of access except removing one of the large blocks- a daunting, but not impossible task, depending on the technological level of the people who find them. The hope is that uncovering something, anything through means of brute force and excavation will be enough of a satisfying result for intruders that the actual danger remains undisturbed. The information stored in these will be much more in depth than what is displayed in the kiosks, but also redundant, such that if they are never opened, the message of the whole site remains intelligible and complete. 
As of 2020, these designs are just a proposal. 
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The largest body of research and design concepts comes from the aforementioned 1993 Expert Judgment on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant produced by Sandia National Laboratory for the United States Department of Energy. 
One of the things it covers is the use of pictograms. Working under the assumption that any language spoken today will be gone, they decided that using pictograms along with written warnings would stop the warning signs from becoming entirely obsolete after the extinction of current languages.
The pictograms are more faces and less abstract representations. Usage of Munch’s The Scream was done to portray “abject horror and terror”, and the report concludes that usage of faces is most suitable for cross-cultural intelligibility, as the expressions associated with fear, apprehension, and disgust, are universal. A 2009 study by Matsumo and Willingham analysed the spontaneous expressions produced by congenitally blind, non-congenitally blind, and sighted athletes, and found that there was little difference between the facial emotion configuration between the groups, and no difference at all cross-culturally. So using faces is likely a good call, because unless humans are wiped out and replaced by something else, there shouldn’t be much major change in cultural understanding of expressions, as at least something about them appears to be innate. 
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They also considered large structural designs that would go on to inspire the Atomic Priesthood’s Black Sun Rose. As well as emphasising the fact that the structures need to only deny land habitation and produce deep emotional response in the viewer, the report described the designs as provoking feelings of “danger to the body”, “fear of the beast”, “dark forces emanating” and “abyss.”
A 2012 study showed that shapes with sharp abrupt angles are associated with emotions with abrupt onset, such as surprise and anger, and a 2021 study showed, using 3d objects instead of 2d drawings, spiked objects being associated with unpleasant, uncontrolled and high arousal emotions, and we can see this from the designs presented in the report, although no specific research of the kind is mentioned.  
The structures are separated into two groups:
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Shapes that hurt the body, and shunned land. 
The report describes them as such: 
Danger seems to emanate from below. The shapes suggest wounding forms, like thorns and spikes, even lightning. They seem active, in motion cut and up, moving in various directions. They seem not controlled. Walking through it, at ground level, the massive earthworks crowd in on you, dwarfing you, cutting off your sight to the horizon, a loss of connection to any sense of place.
An image of an enormous black hole; an immense nothing; a void; land removed from use with nothing left behind; a useless place. It is a massive effort to make a place that is fearful, ugly, and uncomfortable.
An anomaly both topographic and in roughness of material. An enormous landscape of large-stone rubble, one that is very inhospitable, being hard to walk on and difficult to bring machinery onto. It is a place that feels destroyed, rather than one that has been made. They are deliberately irregular and distorted cubes. The cubic blocks are set in a grid, defining a square, with 5-foot wide’’streets” running both ways. You can get “in” it, but the streets lead nowhere, and they are too narrow to live in, farm in, or even meet in. It is a massive effort to deny use. It is an ordered place, but crude in form, forbidding, and uncomfortable.
None of our designs use any of the regular or “ideal” geometric forms. Why? The geometry of ideal forms, like squares and cubes, circles and spheres, triangles and pyramids is a fundamental human invention, a seeking of perfection in an imperfect world. Historically, people have used these ideal forms in places that embody their aspirations and ideals. In our designs, there is much irregularity both of forms and in their locations and directions, yet done by people with obvious knowledge of pure geometry. This shows an understanding of the ideal, but at the same time a deliberate shunning of it... suggesting we do not value this place, that it is not one that embodies our ideals.
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And will any of this work?
No. At least in my opinion.
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Already the WIPP and its warning messages and structures have become memes; framing the forbidding spires as cool formations that must be there to protect the valuable treasure below. 
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A tumblr user compares an image from the Sandia  National Labs report to the meme Loss.jpeg, and jokes that Loss will be interpreted in the future as a nuclear waste warning. And it’s funny, I think it is a funny bit, but underlying a lot of the jokes about these markers is a resignation that we already know none of this will prevent intrusion into the sites. 
Physicist Woodruff Sullivan points out in the report that it’s largely a self correcting problem anyway. Nothing is as good a deterrent for disturbing nuclear waste as the consequences of disturbing nuclear waste; but that view requires people to potentially die over and over as each new generation finds the site. 
But on the prospect of a more artistic warning, Jon Lomberg succinctly states that:
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One. Art is ambiguous
Two. Art is an end in itself. 
Three. Art draws people to it. 
And I am tempted to agree with him. 
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As “One can hardly imagine a more titillating prospect for archaeologists of the future.”
And here is the 10,000 year earworm.
List of Figures:
Figure 1. International Atomic Energy Agency (2014) The Radiological Accident in Lia, Georgia. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency. pp. 14
Figure 2. Duchamp, M. 1917, replica 1964. Fountain. [Readymade] At: London: Tate Modern. T07573
Figures 3, 5 & 7. Chung, N. (2018) Radiation Symbol (1948)  Available at: https://medium.com/fgd1-the-archive/radiation-symbol-1948-fcc2ddc33ff0
Figure 4. Origin of the Radiation Warning Symbol (Trefoil) (no date) Available at: https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/articles/radiation-warning-symbol.html 
Figure 6. Prototype Trefoil Warning Sign with Yellow Background (1948) (no date). Available at: https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/warning-signs/prototype.html 
Figure 8. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) ‘Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’, Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports. pp. G-13
Figure 9. Hargreaves, A. 2022. Literally just a photograph of my cat, Luna. [Photograph]
Figure 10. Matheny, C. (2014) 10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories. Available at: https://emperorx.bandcamp.com/album/10000-year-earworm-to-discourage-settlement-near-nuclear-waste-repositories 
Figures 11-13, & 15-20, Black Sun Rose (WIPP) (2017). Available at: http://www.theatomicpriesthoodproject.org/artists#/black-sun-rose-wipp 
Figure 14. Lee, H. 2018. Alphabit. [Glass murrine, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, LEDs] Available at: https://pink-noise.org/portfolio/alphabit/ 
Figure 21. United States Department of Energy (2004) Permanent Markers Implementation Plan. Carlsbad: Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services an affiliate of Washington TRU Solutions, LLC. pp. 23
Figure 22. Munch, E. 1893. The Scream. [Oil, tempera, pastel, and crayon] At: Oslo: Nasjonalgalleriet. NG.M.00939
Figure 23. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories. pp. F-115
Figures 24-31. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories. pp. F-61-F-75
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Barrett, R. and Stephens, L. D. (1978) A Brief History of a “20th Century Danger Sign.” Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Available at: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7cz9p0m6#main 
Benford, G. (2001) Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia. New York City: Avon Books
Dahlstrom, D. (2007) ‘New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers’, International Atomic Energy Agency. Available at: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/new-symbol-launched-warn-public-about-radiation-dangers 
Fakultät I Geisteswissenschaften: Bd_6_Hft_3 (no date). Available at: https://www.semiotik.tu-berlin.de/menue/zeitschrift_fuer_semiotik/zs-hefte/bd_6_hft_3/
Griffenhagen, G. and Bogard, M. (1999) History of Drug Containers and Their Labels. Madison: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. 
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Human Interference Task Force (1984) Reducing the Likelihood of Future Human Activities That Could Affect Geologic High-level Waste Repositories. Technical Report. Columbus: Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation. Available at: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/6799619 
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Macfarlane, R. (2019) Underland: A Deep Time Journey. London: Penguin Books
MacKenzie, C. (2006) ‘Reducing the Risk from Radioactive Sources’ International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin, 47(2),  pp. 61-63. Available at: https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/publications/magazines/bulletin/bull47-2/47202006163.pdf 
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Matsumoto, D. and Willingham, B. (2009) “Spontaneous facial expressions of emotion of congenitally and noncongenitally blind individuals.,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(1), pp. 1–10. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1037/a0014037
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United States Department of Energy (2004) Permanent Markers Implementation Plan. Carlsbad: Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services an affiliate of Washington TRU Solutions, LLC. Available at: https://www.wipp.energy.gov/library/permanentmarkersimplementationplan.pdf 
United States Department of Energy (2018) Site Markers. Available at: https://wipp.energy.gov/pdfs/site_markers.pdf 
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the-east-art · 1 year
The Desert Swallowed Us - Part 6
Lukewarm water lapped at Birdy’s arm, elbow-deep in the suds. The washboard was actually an old staple back when they used to always be on the road, chasing down missions from the Excavators. It was one of the few relics they had of their distant past, their previous life. Their missions used to take them all over the place, oftentimes to remote locations where Birdy would have to spend possibly even weeks camping, or in towns without a local washer they could pay. Birdy didn’t like staying in their sweaty clothes, and eventually just washed their clothes whenever they had access to clean water and knew that they would be in one place long enough to dry them. Washing the clothes used to be annoying - a necessity for Birdy to feel comfortable. 
But again, a lifetime ago. These days any stimuli were welcome, and the repetitive motion of washing clothing had shifted from monotonous to soothing. 
Their clothes usually needed it - the desert sun was relentless during the day, and the house was shaded but not as cool as Birdy would like. Nike was spending the day fiddling with a busted air conditioning unit he had found in town, so with any luck things would improve if only marginally. As it was the overhead fans in the rooms were seldom turned off. 
Birdy wasn’t sure how they had running water and working electricity and didn’t really care enough to ask. In the first week here Nike had gone out back to the well - with its broken roof and falling apart cobblestone - for three days in a row. When he emerged the shower worked and the lights fluttered with new life. And as long as they didn’t have the lights on in two different rooms at the same time they would continue to work - well, flicker, but Birdy was doing their best not to look this particular gift horse in the mouth. 
They did not, however, have a water heater.  
Birdy dumped out the suds into the sand and carried the bucket of clothes back inside, where there was a large pot on the stove. Awkwardly they heaved the fresh water off the stove and poured it into the bucket, steam coming off in lazy wisps, before dragging it to the back porch once again. Birdy got to work rinsing the clothes of the soap, placing them into an adjacent bucket with holes in the bottom, the residual water dripping out onto the deck. In the back of their mind, Bridy realized that the water was probably detrimental to the wood, but all of the wood in the house was already so decayed anyways, especially the wood from the porch that was constantly being beaten by the elements, that if they started to worry too much about what a little water did to it, they’d drive themselves crazy. 
Clothing rinsed, Birdy hauled it out to the sunlight where the laundry line hung between the main house and the shed. Since Nike went out to the town so often, every few trips Birdy would request that he bring back a newspaper. They would cut out the weekly forecast and use the rest to help start the fireplace at night without reading a single column. They didn’t want to know. But they would plan accordingly for a day that wasn’t supposed to be too windy. The last thing they needed was the sand getting into the freshly cleaned clothing. Luckily they didn’t even need a completely clear day, just a few hours. The hot summer sun made quick work of the process, and they only had the clothing from the two of them. 
And the lilac colored coat. Washed every few laundry days so that it was in pristine shape, so it was ready when -if - when its’ owner returned.
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ramservices1 · 1 year
What are the common problems of Geyser? - Ram Services & Sales
Waking up one fine morning just to realize that your geyser is not working is indeed a bad start of the day. It is a total unpleasant surprise that you wish you had not faced particularly on rainy or winter mornings. Though it is advisable to get Geysers replaced eventually, there are some of the problems that can be fixed without you having to buy a new geyser. Listed below are a few of the common geyser problems and best solutions depending on the complaint.
This usually happens due to three main reasons.
Thermostat settings – A problem with the thermostat is one of the most common reasons for overheated water from your taps. This happens when the thermostat has been adjusted to a higher heat range. All you have to do is readjust the temperature setting of thermostat. Even after doing so if you face any trouble, get in touch with Ram Services and Sales for the Geyser Repair and get the thermostat replaced.
Heating Elements – Usually the water we consume has minerals dissolved in them which are non-separable even after the purification process. Now when you heat water these minerals tend to accumulate at the surface of the water tanks or layer up around the water heater elements. In such situations it takes longer for these elements in geyser to heat water. When ignored they usually burn out and stop functioning. The best solution then is to get the sediments cleared or replace the heater elements. A geyser repair service can usually help you clean the remains and even suggest best replacements.
Pressure Relief Valve Damage – There is usually a valve on the top and sometimes on the side of your geyser and any damage to that can usually be a bit problematic. When the water heats up, the excess steam or heat escapes through these valves. If you see that the water from taps is hotter than usual or if you hear the water pressure inside the geyser, switch off the power plug and get help from a plumber immediately. This situation is dangerous if ignored as it can lead to the valve blowing up ultimately injuring someone.
Read More: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2021/07/15/common-problems-of-geyser/
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thermic-edge-blog · 2 years
The 6 Best Things About Vacuum Heater
Vacuum heaters are an effective and affordable way to heat your home. They are light in weight and easy to carry wherever you want. Vacuum heaters come in a variety of design types, including high-efficiency models that don't use propane or natural gas but instead run on electricity or other fuels such as oil or propane.
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The vacuum heater is safe
It is safe to use. Vacuum heaters are made of excellent kinds of stuff and are designed to withstand any type of weather condition. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes so you can find one that fits your home’s decor perfectly!
It is safe to touch. A vacuum heater will not cause any kind of burns on your skin when you accidentally touch it while operating it or cleaning around it because they have been tested by professionals who know how hot they can get before causing injuries such as burns or scalding hot water leaking onto someone's hands or feet (or worse).
External heating element
The external heating element is a key feature that makes the vacuum heater so effective. It's safer, more efficient, and easier to clean than other types of heaters. The vacuum stays longer without any damage or overheating and you do not worry more about it.
In addition to being safer and more efficient than other types of heaters, an external heating element is also more compact thanks to its design—it doesn't need any space inside the unit itself as it does with other types of electric appliances like hair dryers or curling irons! An external heating element also tends not to have any moving parts like some other types do which means they're less likely to break down over time
Energy efficient
The vacuum heater is an energy-efficient device. It has a low operating cost and reduces CO2 emissions.
The 1-liter capacity of one vacuum heater can heat up to 100 liters of water in about 20 minutes, which means that you can save time for other activities like cooking, washing dishes, or doing housework!
You don't have to worry about burning yourself on hot steam coming from this unit because there are no open flames inside it (unlike traditional furnaces).
Quick heat-up time
You can’t beat the quick heat-up time. If you have a large home, or your house is made of old brick and stone, then it will take longer to heat up than if your house was made of wood and glass or even plastic. The reason for this is that oxygen tries to burn you up when it gets inside the heater. This means that if there is any debris in the heater (like leaves), then they could cause an explosion when they burn away at high temperatures.
To prevent this from happening, all vacuums have spark protection built into them so that when something sparks inside—and sometimes even just touching another object like another piece of metal—the chances of an explosion occurring are very small indeed!
Furthermore, all modern vacuums also have external heating elements mounted on top of their lid which allows them to quickly heat up without having anything else around them burning down too quickly; thus making sure no one gets hurt during setup time!
No oxygen trying to burn you up
You might have heard the term "oxygen" used in reference to fires. But what exactly is oxygen? Oxygen does not hold color or scent but helps the generation of air. It's found everywhere on Earth—in our atmosphere and oceans, as well as on land (as plants struggle for it). Every animal requires gas for survival through breathing and photosynthesis for Plant for making their food. But what happens when we burn things like paper or wood? The answer: They release lots of carbon dioxide (CO2) into their surroundings; this causes them to deteriorate faster than they normally would over time due to oxidation—the combination process where oxygen reacts with some compounds such as proteins inside organisms' cells causing damage over time until they die off completely leaving behind bones instead!
Spark protection
No oxygen to burn you up
No sparks
No fire or smoke
The vacuum heater is a good choice for you if you want to save money, but it's also important to consider how the heater will be used. If your goal is to keep warm rooms from freezing up during cold weather, then using a vacuum heater may not be needed. However, if you want to stay warm during cold months and save energy by heating up your house faster than other alternatives, then this might just be what you're looking for!
Find Best Vaccum Components at thermic-edge at the best price.
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yoyik456 · 1 day
China made LVDT sensor  HTACC-LT-609Z for power plant
China made LVDT sensor  HTACC-LT-609Z for power plant Deyang YOYIK is a strong technical force, first-class product quality, brand reputable large-scale mechanical and electrical equipment Limited. Company products covered a wide range of products sold worldwide, a number of users trust. Acting foreign first-class brand, EATON VICKERS, star, and so on products. Guarantee genuine, the spot sale. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-LVDT sensor  HTACC-LT-609Z-DF Infrared array probe HSDS-30/T liquid level gauge YKJD24-II-660-560-225 thermocouple wire WRNN2-4325 digital speedomet lcd HZQW-03A lvdt transducer displacement TDZ-1G-13 wzp pt100 WZP-230 Pt100 M27×2 LVDT Measurement DET-100A lvdt working principle 3000TDGN-15-01 Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor A156.33.01.28 tachometer gauge D521.14 thermocouple thermometer WREK2-191 thermocouple wire WRNKB-446S/TG angular displacement sensor 500TD thermocouple k WPNKZ-630 liquid level transducer CEL-3595F/G liquid level indicator UHZ-10C11N pt100 sensor WZPK2-213 type k thermocouple WRNK2-391 pt100 rtd WZP2-001 displacement transducer 5000TD-E full form of lvdt ZDET-700B input speed sensor ZS-04 L=90 linear displacement sensor TDZ-1E-024 lvdt displacement sensor 8000TD LVDT Position Sensors TD-3000 thermal resistance testing WZP-230 Pt100 M27×2 dc speed control sensor CS-1 D-065-02-01 Cable Type RTD Sensor WZPM-231 displacement inductive sensor HL-6-25-15 high temperature thermocouple WREK2-321 liquid level switches YKJD220-BH-465-35-147 linear variable displacement transducer TDZ-1-02 unit of thermal resistance WZPN2-002 ceramic thermocouple TKWRE2-230T φ6 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-44 tachometer price SJK-B LVDT sensor  HTACC-LT-609Z pt100 rtd temperature sensor WZPK2-338 lvdt transducer LVDT-700-6 angular displacement sensor 2000TDZ-AG lvdt position sensor ZDET350B RPM Indicator DF9011 Pro lvdt full form TDZ-1G-03 Gear tooth sensor ZS-03 L=80 Rotary Torque Sensor CS-1 L=80 platinum rhodium thermocouple wire TE-404 thermocouple temperature sensor WREX2-001 Thermistor Sensor WZPM-201 5000MM Pressure Switch RC861CZ090HYR220AC lvdt 0-300 Hall Effect RPM/Speed Sensor CS-3 M16-L60 lvdt-sensor DET800A Gear speed sensor NE3971-31-90-08-02-00 lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor K151.36.06.01(1) lvdt 0-300 LVDT-800-6 displacement inductive sensor 5000TDGN-80-01-01 LVDT Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors ZS-03 L90 LVDT Position Sensors HL-3-150-15 speed sensor cost CS-3-G-150-05-01 pt100 rtd temperature sensor WZPM-325 φ25mm tubular heater element JH-023-680300 47 Power Supply Module DMPDC001 lvdt 20mm sensor TD-1-300 lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor C9231118 Resistance Thermometers WREK2-321 sensor rpm BI2-M12-AN6X angular displacement sensor B151.36.06(1)G03 lvdt linear position sensor 191.36.09(1).03 thermocouple types WRNK2 displacement inductive sensor HL-6-300-15 rpm sensor PRA-BOX thermal contact resistance WZPK2-213 PT100 LVDT sensor  HTACC-LT-609Z DFYLSYC-2024-6-17-A
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heavenlyheatsaunas · 26 days
In the world of wellness and relaxation, saunas have long been celebrated for their health benefits and ability to provide a serene escape from everyday stress. Among the various types of saunas available, combination saunas stand out for their unique ability to offer both traditional and infrared sauna experiences in a single unit. Here's why a combination sauna might be the perfect addition to your home or spa.
What is a Combination Sauna?
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A combination sauna, also known as a hybrid sauna, integrates the features of both traditional saunas and infrared saunas. This dual functionality allows users to choose between a high-heat, steam-based experience or a lower-temperature, infrared heat session, depending on their preference and desired benefits.
Benefits of a Combination Sauna
Versatility and Flexibility: The primary advantage of a Combination Sauna is its versatility. Users can switch between traditional sauna mode and infrared mode, offering a range of experiences in one unit. This flexibility caters to different preferences and health goals, making it ideal for households with multiple users or for commercial settings where clients may have varied needs.
Enhanced Health Benefits: Combination saunas provide the combined health benefits of both traditional and infrared saunas. Traditional saunas, with their high temperatures and steam, promote deep sweating, which helps detoxify the body, improve circulation, and relax muscles. Infrared saunas, on the other hand, use infrared heaters to penetrate the skin directly, offering a gentler heat that can help with pain relief, improved circulation, and skin rejuvenation.
Customizable Experience: With a combination sauna, users can customize their sauna experience based on their mood and wellness goals. Whether you’re looking to relax with the intense heat of a traditional sauna or seeking the therapeutic benefits of infrared heat, a combination sauna provides the best of both worlds.
Space-Saving Solution: For those with limited space, a combination sauna is an efficient solution. Instead of needing separate units for traditional and infrared saunas, a combination sauna consolidates both into one compact unit. This is especially beneficial for home installations where space may be at a premium.
Key Features to Look For
Quality Construction: Ensure that the combination sauna is made from high-quality materials such as solid wood (like cedar or hemlock), which are durable and resistant to high heat and humidity.
Advanced Heating Technology: Look for saunas equipped with advanced heating elements. Traditional sauna heaters should provide even and consistent heat, while infrared heaters should offer full-spectrum infrared (near, mid, and far) for maximum therapeutic benefits.
User-Friendly Controls: Modern combination saunas come with user-friendly digital controls that allow you to easily switch between modes, set temperatures, and adjust the timer. Some models even offer remote control functionality and smartphone integration for added convenience.
Safety Features: Safety is paramount in sauna design. Look for features such as automatic shut-off, tempered glass doors, and cool-touch handles to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Comfort and Convenience: Comfortable seating, ergonomic design, and additional features like chromotherapy lighting, sound systems, and aromatherapy dispensers can enhance your sauna experience.
Choosing the Right Combination Sauna
When selecting a combination sauna, consider the following:
Size and Capacity: Determine the size of the sauna based on the available space and the number of users. Combination saunas come in various sizes, from compact one-person units to larger models that can accommodate multiple users.
Budget: Combination saunas can vary widely in price. Set a budget and look for models that offer the best features and quality within your price range.
Brand and Warranty: Choose a reputable brand known for quality and reliability. Check for warranties that cover the heating elements, control panels, and overall construction to ensure long-term satisfaction.
In conclusion, a combination sauna is a versatile, health-promoting, and space-efficient addition to any home or wellness center. By offering both traditional and infrared sauna experiences, it provides users with the flexibility to enjoy the benefits of both types of heat therapy. When choosing a combination sauna, focus on quality, safety, and comfort to ensure a luxurious and beneficial sauna experience.
For more info. Visit us:
Traditional Sauna
FIR Sauna
heavenly heat
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hariyhub07 · 2 months
Luxury Redefined: Bathroom Remodeling Near Me
Bathroom remodeling has evolved from a mere functional upgrade to a transformative experience that redefines luxury and indulgence. For homeowners seeking to elevate their living spaces, the quest for luxury often begins with the bathroom. The desire for a spa-like retreat or a sleek sanctuary drives many to explore the possibilities of bathroom remodeling. In this article, we delve into the concept of luxury redefined in bathroom remodeling near you. From opulent designs to innovative features, we explore how bathroom remodeling near you can bring the ultimate in luxury within reach.
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Unveiling Opulent Designs
Luxury in bathroom remodeling transcends mere functionality; it embodies elegance, sophistication, and indulgence. Near you, opulent designs are transforming bathrooms into havens of relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are some key elements of opulent bathroom designs:
Grandeur in Materials
Luxury begins with the choice of materials. Near you, homeowners are opting for premium materials such as marble, granite, and quartz to create a lavish ambiance. From floor-to-ceiling marble tiles to granite countertops and quartz vanities, these materials exude opulence and refinement, elevating the aesthetic appeal of the bathroom.
Statement Fixtures
In opulent bathroom designs, fixtures serve as focal points that command attention. Near you, homeowners are incorporating statement fixtures such as freestanding tubs, rainfall showerheads, and designer faucets to add a touch of grandeur to their bathrooms. These fixtures not only enhance the visual appeal of the space but also elevate the bathing experience to new heights of luxury.
Customized Cabinetry
Luxury is often synonymous with exclusivity, and custom cabinetry allows homeowners near you to express their individual style and preferences. From intricately carved woodwork to sleek, minimalist designs, custom cabinetry adds a sense of luxury and sophistication to the bathroom. Tailored storage solutions ensure that every inch of space is utilized efficiently, enhancing both form and function.
Innovative Features for Ultimate Comfort
Luxury in bathroom remodeling near you extends beyond aesthetics to encompass innovative features that enhance comfort and convenience. Here are some cutting-edge features that are redefining luxury in bathroom remodeling:
Smart Technology Integration
The integration of smart technology is revolutionizing the bathroom experience. Near you, homeowners are installing smart mirrors with built-in LED lighting and touchscreen controls, allowing for personalized lighting settings and access to weather updates, news, and more. Smart toilets with features such as heated seats, bidet functionality, and self-cleaning capabilities offer unparalleled comfort and hygiene.
Heated Flooring
Say goodbye to chilly mornings with heated flooring systems that provide warmth and comfort underfoot. Near you, homeowners are opting for radiant floor heating systems that evenly distribute heat throughout the bathroom, eliminating the need for bulky radiators or space heaters. Heated flooring not only adds a touch of luxury but also enhances the overall comfort of the space.
Spa-Inspired Amenities
Bring the luxury of a spa into your own home with spa-inspired amenities that promote relaxation and well-being. Near you, homeowners are incorporating features such as steam showers, aromatherapy systems, and built-in sound systems to create a serene and indulgent bathing experience. These amenities elevate the bathroom into a personal sanctuary where stress melts away and tranquility reigns supreme.
Luxury in bathroom remodeling near me is not just about extravagant designs or expensive materials; it is about creating a space that evokes a sense of comfort, relaxation, and indulgence. From opulent designs to innovative features, luxury redefined in bathroom remodeling brings the ultimate in sophistication and style within reach. Whether you aspire to a spa-like retreat or a sleek modern oasis, the possibilities are endless when it comes to transforming your bathroom into a luxurious haven. With the guidance of experienced professionals and a clear vision of your desired outcome, bathroom remodeling near you can elevate your living space to new heights of luxury and refinement.
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espressionena · 3 months
Beyond the Basics: Unveiling Advanced Features in High-Quality Espresso Machines
Espresso devotees comprehend that the excursion from espresso fledgling to expert includes a mission for the ideal cup, and the instrument of decision can have a significant effect. In the realm of excellent espresso machines, headways go past the fundamental capabilities, presenting highlights that raise the craft of fermenting higher than ever.
In this investigation, we dive into the domain of cutting-edge highlights, uncovering how these mechanical wonders add to the quest for espresso's flawlessness.
Dual Boiler Technology: Precision at Its Pinnacle
High Quality Espresso Machines frequently include double heater frameworks, a unique advantage in temperature control. With isolated boilers for fermenting and steaming, devotees can accomplish reliable, barista-level outcomes. Express farewell to temperature changes and hi to the ideal equilibrium of flavors in each shot.
PID Temperature Control: Tailoring the Heat
Accuracy is central in the realm of espresso, and PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) temperature control brings a phenomenal degree of precision. This technology guarantees that the water temperature stays stable throughout the brewing system, permitting clients to calibrate their machine for the ideal extraction of flavors from their espresso beans.
Pressure Profiling: Crafting Complexity in Every Sip
For the people who pine for a nuanced espresso experience, pressure profiling is a component that adds an imaginative touch to the brewing system. This trend-setting technology empowers clients to control tension during extraction, opening a range of flavors and fragrances. It's the contrast between a decent espresso and an outstanding one.
Integrated Grinders: Freshness in Every Ground
The drudgery of your espresso beans is a basic figure in the quest for an ideal shot. Great espresso machines frequently accompany coordinated burr processors, permitting clients to crush beans not long before preparing. This element ensures the freshest grounds and jelly the sweet-smelling intricacy of the espresso.
Smart Connectivity: Brewing at Your Fingertips
In the period of savvy homes, very good quality Espresso Machine are not abandoned. With brilliant network highlights, clients have some control over and screen their machines from a distance. Change settings, start brewing, and get upkeep cautions, all from the comfort of a cell phone application. It's the combination of custom and innovation for the cutting-edge espresso aficionado.
Pre-Infusion Functionality: The Gentle Start
To cajole out the maximum capacity of your espresso, a few high-level machines offer pre-reimbursement usefulness. This element wets the espresso beans before full extraction, permitting them to slowly sprout and deliver their flavors. The outcome? An espresso that is rich, fragrant, and balanced.
Automated Milk Frothing: Perfecting the Art of Lattes and Cappuccinos
Great espresso machines frequently come outfitted with mechanized milk-foaming frameworks. Whether you lean toward a smooth microfoam for a latte or a thick foam for a cappuccino, these frameworks remove the mystery from steaming milk, guaranteeing consistency and quality in your number one espresso-based drinks.
All in all, the universe of High Quality Espresso Machines for Home has developed a long way past the essential functionalities. High-level elements bring another degree of accuracy, customization, and comfort to the home brewing experience.
As technology keeps on molding the espresso scene, these machines stand as a demonstration of the masterfulness that can be accomplished with the ideal mix of custom and development. Embrace the eventual fate of espresso brewing with these complex wonders, and raise your espresso custom to uncommon levels. Cheers to the ideal cup!
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Repair Hot Water Heater Near Me: Fast and Reliable Solutions
Looking for a nearby repair hot water heater near me service? Our team offers reliable and efficient solutions for repairing hot water heaters near you. We understand the urgency of getting your hot water heater back up and running, and our experienced technicians are ready to help. As a trusted provider, we prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver top-notch repair services at competitive prices. Whether it's a minor fix or a major issue, we'll swiftly address the problem to restore your hot water supply. Contact us today for prompt and professional hot water heater repair near your location.
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Common Hot Water Heater Problems
Hot water heaters are an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with warm water for various household activities. However, like any other appliance, they can encounter problems that disrupt their function and cause inconvenience. Understanding these common hot water heater problems can help you identify issues early on and seek professional help.
Leaking Tank
One of the most noticeable hot water heater problems is a leaking tank, which can lead to water damage and increased utility bills. Leaks can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as a loose drain valve, a faulty temperature and pressure relief valve, or a corroded tank. The first sign of a leaking tank is often the presence of water pooling around the heater. If you notice a leak, it's crucial to act immediately and consult a professional plumber to assess the issue and perform any necessary repairs or tank replacements.
No Hot Water
Discovering that your hot water heater is not producing any hot water can be frustrating, especially when you're in need of a warm shower or clean dishes. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including a malfunctioning heating element, a faulty thermostat, or a tripped circuit breaker. Before contacting a professional, check if the circuit breaker is flipped and ensure that the thermostat is set to the desired temperature. If these basic troubleshooting steps don't restore hot water, it's best to call a qualified technician to diagnose and resolve the issue.
Strange Noises
Strange noises coming from your hot water heater can be a sign of underlying problems. Common noises include popping, rumbling, or hissing sounds. These sounds can occur due to sediment buildup in the tank, causing it to overheat and create steam bubbles. To resolve this issue, it's recommended to have your water heater flushed regularly to remove sediment and prevent further damage to the tank and heating elements. If the noises persist or are accompanied by other issues, it's crucial to contact a professional for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.
Signs That Your Hot Water Heater Needs Repair
If you are experiencing issues with your hot water heater, it is important to be aware of the telltale signs that may indicate it needs repair. Addressing these signs promptly can prevent more serious problems and extend the lifespan of your hot water heater.
Inconsistent Temperature
One of the signs that your hot water heater may need repair is inconsistent water temperature. If you notice that the water fluctuates between hot and cold, it could be a sign of a faulty heating element or a buildup of sediment in the tank, which can negatively impact its performance.
Decreased Water Pressure
Another common indication that your hot water heater requires repair is a decrease in water pressure. If you suddenly experience a noticeable decrease in the force of the water coming out of your faucets or shower, there may be a blockage or issue with the water heater that needs to be addressed.
Rusty Water
If you notice rusty or discolored water flowing from your taps, it could be a sign that your hot water heater is in need of repair. Rusty water is often a result of corrosion inside the tank, indicating that it may be time for maintenance or potential replacement to avoid further damage.
Fast And Reliable Hot Water Heater Repair Solutions
Are you in need of fast and reliable hot water heater repair solutions that you can count on? Look no further, as our expert team is here to provide efficient and effective repair services for your hot water heater. Whether you are experiencing issues with your hot water heater at home or at your business, you can trust us to deliver prompt and top-notch repair solutions. Keep reading to learn more about our professional services.
Professional Inspection And Diagnosis
Our team of skilled technicians starts by conducting a thorough and professional inspection of your hot water heater to identify the root cause of the problem. Through meticulous diagnosis, we pinpoint the issue and determine the most suitable repair approach to restore your hot water heater to optimal functionality.
Replacement Of Faulty Components
If any components within your hot water heater are found to be faulty, our experts will skillfully replace them with high-quality and compatible parts. This ensures that your hot water heater operates efficiently and safely, providing you with a reliable source of hot water.
Tank Repair Or Replacement
In situations where the tank of your hot water heater has incurred damage, we specialize in performing repairs or replacements as necessary. Whether it's a minor leak or a major issue, our skilled team is equipped to address the problem swiftly, ensuring that you won't be left without hot water for long.
Finding A Trusted Hot Water Heater Repair Service Near You
If you're experiencing issues with your hot water heater, finding a trusted repair service near you is crucial. A malfunctioning hot water heater can disrupt your daily routine, causing inconvenience and discomfort. To help you find a reliable and efficient repair service, follow these essential steps.
Research Local Repair Companies
The first step in finding a trusted hot water heater repair service near you is to research the local companies available. Utilize online search engines and directories to find a list of repair companies in your area. Pay attention to companies that have extensive experience in hot water heater repair and offer a variety of services.
Check For Proper Licensing And Insurance
Once you have a list of potential repair companies, it's important to check if they have proper licensing and insurance. A licensed company ensures that their technicians have the necessary expertise and training to handle hot water heater repairs. Insurance protects you from any liability in case of accidental damages or injuries during the repair process.
Read Customer Reviews And Testimonials
Before making a decision, it's vital to read customer reviews and testimonials. This will give you insights into the quality of service provided by the repair companies. Look for companies with positive reviews and a track record of customer satisfaction. Keep in mind that no company will have a perfect rating, but focus on the overall sentiment and consistency of positive feedback.
By following these steps, you can find a trusted hot water heater repair service near you, ensuring that your repair needs are efficiently addressed. Remember to prioritize companies with proper licensing and insurance, as well as a strong reputation backed by positive customer reviews.
Finding a reliable and skilled professional to repair your hot water heater is essential. By utilizing our search optimization techniques and focusing on local repair services, you can easily find the best solution for your needs. Don't let a malfunctioning hot water heater disrupt your daily routine. Contact a nearby expert today and enjoy the convenience of a fully functioning hot water system without any hassle.
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waterheaterservice · 6 months
Water Heater Service in Chennai
Water Heater Components, Repair and Services
A water heater is an electrical appliance usually used for heating water and storing the same.The most common type of water heater is called a tank water heater because it has a large tank in which hot water is kept until needed. However, there are several other types of water heaters, including tankless, point-use, solar, and more. The types of water heaters -
Conventional Storage Tank Water Heaters
Tankless Water Heaters
Solar Water Heaters
Condensing Water Heaters
Heat Pump Water Heater
If your water heater breaks down, contact Water Heater Service in Chennai!
Water Heater Problems
Water leaks
No hot water
Smelly water
Changing water temperatures
Low water pressure
Too hot water
Dirty Water&Rusty water
Noisy water heater
Blocked valves
Faulty temperature pressure valve
Rumbling sounds
Bad gasket
Corrosion and rust
Faulty heating element
Faulty plumbing connections
Ignition or flame failure
Slow water heater
Main Components of a Water Heater
Water Heater Tank
Dip Tube
Shut-Off Valve
Heat-Out Pipe (Water Discharge)
Heating Mechanism
Drain Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
Key component of water heater
Dip tube - A dip tube allows cold water to enter the heater tank without diluting the hot water already present. ...
Anode rod - Anode rods are usually made of steel wrapped with magnesium or aluminum.
Pressure relief valve - This is a valve that releases excess pressure in the water heater tank. This will prevent excessive pressure from building up, which could cause the tank to burst and flood your home.
Flue Pipe – It releases toxic gases such as carbon monoxide that form during combustion.
Overflow pipe – This is the pipe attached to the pressure and temperature relief valve. As the pressure and temperature relief valve releases excess steam/heat, the overflow tube allows water to flow from the heater safely.
Thermocouple - This is a device monitoring the pilot flame in the water heater. If the pilot light emits a foul odor, the thermocouple will cause the valve to cut off the flow of gas to the main burner and pilot flame.
Hot Water Outlet – This is the pipe that allows hot water to exit the water heater and enter the home's drinking water supply.
Water leaks are the most common problem and a sign of water heater failure.Over time, all units develop deposits, cracks, and corrosion that cause leaks. Leaks often occur when fittings or supply lines are loose. Therefore, if you hear a rattling noise, it may be a loose component or pressure relief valve.
𝐒𝐫𝐢𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬 – Best Water Heater Service in Chennai
Being a top-notch water heater service in Chennai, the company is well-to-do inrepair in following problems -
Water heater and hot water tank
Water heater leak
No hot water
Not enough hot water
Boil water slowly
Water too hot
Discolored water
Weird sound from the water heater
Corroded parts
Water smells strange
It provides the best and high-qualitywater heater repair services.These provide the greatest savings. Its trained mechanics can quickly identify the problem and ensure that the water is kept at the correct temperature.  However, water heaters must be worked with great care for safety. Improper handling can be life-threatening. The company provides premium and affordable geyser repair services.
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hayeseuropean · 6 months
Maintain Peak Performance: Porsche Coolant Change Services
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In the intricate mechanics of automobiles, coolant plays an instrumental role in maintaining engine performance and safety. Often referred to as antifreeze, this specialized fluid safeguards engines from extreme temperatures, ensuring optimal functionality. However, over time, coolant loses its efficacy, prompting the need for replacement. Here, we delve into the Porsche coolant change service, shedding light on its significance and the pivotal role it plays in safeguarding your vehicle's engine.
Understanding Coolant's Role and Evolution
Coolant, primarily a mixture of water and ethyl glycol in equal parts, serves as a thermal regulator for engines, preventing freezing in cold temperatures and boiling in hot conditions. Initially, vehicles utilized water for engine cooling, but the prevalence of vapor formation led to the adoption of coolants. Early versions had shorter lifespans due to their inorganic acid composition. However, modern iterations incorporate additives to combat corrosion and enhance longevity. Yet, even advanced coolants necessitate replacement due to the development of detrimental properties over time.
Implications of Aging Coolant
The consequences of aged coolant extend beyond diminished efficacy. Corrosion, sludge accumulation, clogs, and leaks within the cooling system can be attributed to the use of deteriorated coolant. Corrosive properties within the coolant often lead to radiator corrosion, thermostat malfunction, and hose or water pump cracks. As the coolant's deteriorating quality interferes with the cooling system's efficiency, the engine's temperature begins to escalate, posing a risk of overheating.
Recommended Interval for Coolant Change
To maintain a healthy cooling system, Porsche recommends a coolant change every 2 to 3 years or within 24,000 to 36,000 miles. However, conducting periodic checks at 15,000-mile intervals is advisable. Routine inspections of coolant levels and color facilitate swift identification of any issues, allowing for immediate rectification and preventing significant system damage.
Signs Indicating the Need for Coolant Change
Certain indicators signify the deterioration of coolant and the necessity for a change:
Steam emanating from the radiator
Unusual burning odor from under the hood
Presence of sediments or rust in the coolant
Temperature gauge indicating levels above normal
Unusual grinding noise from the engine
Illumination of the check engine light
Inoperative heater
These signs serve as warning signals indicating the urgency for a coolant change and necessitate prompt diagnosis and resolution to avoid potential damage to the engine.
Detailed Process of Coolant Flush Service
During a coolant flush service, several crucial steps are undertaken to ensure a comprehensive rejuvenation of the cooling system:
Addition of a cleaning compound to eliminate contaminants such as rust, sediment, and corrosion.
Thorough flushing of the system to remove old coolant, sludge, dirt, and other impurities.
Refilling the cooling system's reservoir with the appropriate coolant.
The flush process involves the removal of substances that promote radiator corrosion, ensuring the complete elimination of corrosive elements from the system. Post-draining the old coolant, a circulation of distilled water purges the system of any remnants, preventing frequent coolant changes and system repairs.
The Crux of Coolant Change
Regular coolant changes are pivotal in safeguarding the cooling system, preventing potential damage to the engine due to overheating. Therefore, it is imperative to schedule a coolant flush, either through self-maintenance or with the assistance of a qualified mechanic. The average Porsche coolant flush cost stands at a small price to pay for preserving the engine's longevity and reliability.
In conclusion, prioritizing regular coolant changes is a proactive measure to maintain the engine's health and ensure its consistent and optimal performance. By adhering to scheduled coolant changes, Porsche owners can mitigate the risk of engine overheating and subsequent damages, thus enhancing the vehicle's longevity and reliability.
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yoyik456 · 1 day
Made in China sensor PR9628/011-100 for thermal power plant
Made in China sensor PR9628/011-100 for thermal power plant Is YOYIK for the use of units of the power plant supporting professional models of products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company relies on advanced technology, technology, materials and scientific management to improve the stability and reliability of the pump, for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul , Technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commissioning, after-sales service, such as perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-sensor PR9628/011-100-DF k type thermocouple 1200 degree WRNK2-391 lvdt displacement transducer TD1000 sensor lvdt HL-6-700-15 thermocouple voltage WRNK2-332 transmission speed sensor D-065-05-01 lvdt transducer TD4000 lvdt displacement transducer TDZ-1B-05 vacuum pressure gauge Z1223938 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-39 lvdt 0-300 DET-200A input speed sensor CS-1-G-075-05-01 displacement transducer ZDET1000B Platinum-Iridium Wire TC03A2-KY-2B/S17 tachometer rpm DF9011-B Resistance Temperature Detector WZPM2-001 Φ5 Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors G-065-02-01 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors 2000TDGN-15-01 speed meter sensor CS_1 G-110-03-00 Resistance thermometer WZPK-24 φ6 rpm sensor indicator CS_1 D-088-02-01 sensor lvdt TDZ-1E-33 non-contact displacement sensor 12000TDGN Gear rpm sensor D075-05-01 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors TDZ-1E-011 wire pt100 WZPK-24 φ6 LVDT Measurement TDZ-1E-31 Magnetic Sensors ZS-04-150-5000 platinum rhodium thermocouple wire TE-204 lvdt linear position sensor TD-1 100S Tachometric Sensor QBJ-CS-2 non-contact displacement sensor K156.36.06.003 electronic pressure switch 3051TG3A2B21AB4M5 lvdt 0-300 A181.36.06G03 thermal resistance unit WZPK-24 φ6 Rotation Speed Sensor ZS-03 inductive displacement sensor 1000TDZ-A sensor PR9628/011-100 Rotary Torque Sensor 70C85-1010-423 industrial displacement sensor C9231117 full form of lvdt TDZ-1E-05 LVDT Measurement B151.36.06(1)G03 temperature thermometer WSS-581W thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S5 linear displacement sensor displacement sensor sany 5000TDGN-80-01-01 rotation sensor 143.35.191 LVDT lvdt sensor B151.36.09.14G18 thermocouple thermometer TE-205 Gear speed sensor CS-3F-M10-L55-1 sensor lvdt HL-3-100-15 lvdt transducer displacement TDZ-1D-05 linear displacement transducer 191.36.09(1).09 Magnetic Proximity Sensors ZS-03 L=65 thermocouple temperature meter TE-108 electric heat elements ZJ-22-49 displacement sensor sany TD2-1 Platinum RTD Sensor WZPM2-08 displacement transducer B151.36.09G18 thermowell WREK2-191 Indicator light XB4BVM5 LVDT Displacement Sensors 4000TDG-15-01 LVDT rpm speed meter 240IBTESTO linear displacement sensor 5000TDZ-B pt100 rtd500 3Q13661 linear displacement transducer HTD-200-6 linear variable displacement transducer 6000TDGN-30-01-01 Tiny oil ignition gun EHE-20-B-1-16H-S temp gauge WSS-481 φ8 non contact rpm sensor ZS-04 L=80 angular displacement sensor rtd thermocouple WREKD2-04 sensor PR9628/011-100 DFYLSYC-2024-6-17-A
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