yuriko-mukami · 6 months
All Mine
with @ruki-mukami-dl
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Art made by @eri-talks as a gift. Thank you so much! 🩵 Full version available on Yuriko’s X account. ⚠️ Please note that the account is meant for adult audiences. ⚠️
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marlenesteyn · 5 years
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>> STEAM/ME//TIME (detail I) @smac_gallery #steamytime #steamme #steamy #metime #contemporarypainting #southafricanartist #marlenesteyn #pareidolia #myselves https://www.instagram.com/p/B2oHPSwpKg4/?igshid=1vq7gyk2bwsa2
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yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Rukiko: Shared Satisfaction
Full video on Yuriko's X account.
You need to be logged in to X to see the post.
🔞 Please note that the said account is aimed at an adult audience. 🔞
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yuriko-mukami · 5 months
Her Calamity Dark Prologue
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
Story so far...
This story includes themes that can be triggering. The content has similar traits to Diabolik Lovers' games. By reading forward, you accept that the story is meant for people who enjoy dark romance with scenes intended for adult readers. There won't be further warnings, so if you aren't a fan of these types of stories, DO NOT READ.
TW & CW: Toxic relationship behavior, captivity, sex, violence, blood, biting, various kinks, and probably something else too.
Chapters with sex tagged with #steamytimes and chapters with either toxic content or violence tagged with #lurid lilies.
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She's something worth holding onto After everything she's gone through Rose full of thorns Hope through the storms She's got stories that could haunt you
— Curiosity by Bryce Savage
Yuriko pressed her palms together and lowered her gaze. She was standing at the far end of the backyard of the Mukami manor in the shadows of tall trees, where she had built a tiny stone shrine that held a photo frame with her mother’s picture. She had just placed a cup of rice right next to it.
Mom, if you can hear me… I’m so sorry what happened to you. I never realized how your life was, I never saw it for real. I probably made many mistakes, but you said nothing about them. And… I didn’t ask how you were and what was going on in your mind. Then you were suddenly gone… A whimpering sob escaped Yuriko’s lips. I wish we would have more time together… but I understand that you had to go to Yuuto. But… but… if only you had told me, then I would have realized sooner… I loved you so much, yet I didn’t say it often enough. And now, it’s too late…
So much had happened in the last few years. Yuriko’s mother, Tsukino Hisoka, had gone missing when Yuriko had been in her second year of high school. She had started to skip classes, until she hadn’t gone to school at all during her third year, ending up failing completely. After that, her father, Tsukino Keisuke, had moved them to Kaminashi City… which had turned Yuriko’s life upside down or more like, inside out.
Little had Yuriko known, that her parents had met in the said city, fallen in love there, and married, even though her mother had been a Kitsune and ran away from her home village that was located in the Demon World. All this had been slowly revealed to Yuriko after she had met a Vampire called Mukami Ruki in Ryoutei Academy where her father had forced her to start over her third year.
I know it might sound scary, Mom, but I have found my happiness with Ruki. Only because of him, the seal you and Dad made that witch put in my blood was broken and my fox side surfaced. Because of Ruki, I can finally be myself. Yuriko sighed. Was that too harsh? Surely, her parents had thought what would have been the best for her and that’s why hid away her supernatural true nature. I… I don’t blame you for doing it, of course not. But I’m happier this way. Ruki… I love him, and I don’t care that he is a Vampire. So, you simply need to accept that, Mom.
Was her mother happy now? Yuriko couldn’t help but wonder. Hisoka had been executed for running away and marrying a human, and Yuriko would never see her again. It had been so long ago since they had talked to each other the last time. So many things had been left unsaid.
Yuriko lifted her gaze and looked at her mother’s photo. Hisoka didn’t smile in it but stared into the distance. It had been taken in the same year, Yuriko had been born, hence Hisoka looked much younger in it than Yuriko remembered her. But it had been the only photo she had managed to find in the apartment she had shared with her father for a brief while. For some reason, Keisuke had left that photo behind along with all Yuriko’s things, when he had left. To where? Yuriko didn’t know… and she had come to realize that she didn’t care. It was better this way. Now, the man couldn’t hurt her or her big brother, Yuuto, anymore.
“But Mom, don’t worry. I’m going to do my best in school now and help Yuuto build his life here in the Human World. Everything will be fine for both of us. Your efforts weren’t in vain.” Yuriko clapped her hands together two times and bowed her head for a moment.
“Here you are…” The voice from behind the bushes made Yuriko flinch. She glanced at her mother one last time before turning around.
“Ruki…” Curling her lips up, Yuriko tried to make her eyes shine.
Ruki stepped into the shadows that offered a fresh spot in the summer’s heat. Even though Yuriko was sure the Vampires didn’t sweat, Ruki had replaced his usual combo of long-sleeved shirt and blazer with a black t-shirt that had a skull pattern. Yuriko was sure that Kou had gotten it for Ruki. She dug her bare toes into the soft ground as if drawing strength directly from the earth. She was only wearing a light sundress and still sweating. How unfair.
“A penny for your thoughts, my angel.”
“Umh…” Shifting in place, Yuriko hid her hands behind her back. “Nothing big… I just… came here to… talk to Mom…”
A cool touch brushed Yuriko’s hair off her cheek and behind her ear. Leaning in, Ruki pecked her lips. “I see.”
“I… I… know it doesn’t probably make sense, but I feel closer to her this way…”
“Then you should keep doing this. I will tell my brothers to leave this corner alone.” Ruki wrapped his arm around Yuriko’s waist. “But if you are done now, you could come to the pool with me.”
Yuriko leaned against Ruki. “Isn’t Yuma still in the garden, filling that mystery hole that had appeared while we all were buying the groceries?”
Ruki shook his head. “He finished with it. I still do not understand where it came from. It looked like something had dropped from the sky… Haa… probably my imagination.” Nudging his nose against Yuriko’s, Ruki smirked. “However, Kou took Yuma and Azusa out, so now, we are all alone here.” He captured Yuriko’s bottom lip between his and gave it a gentle tug.
Gasping, Yuriko nodded, and Ruki released her lip. Before she could say anything, he had already gathered her into his arms. Hastily she enveloped his neck with her hands, holding onto him while he marched through the yard towards the pool. When he stepped into direct sunlight, the heat welcomed Yuriko once more.
“Somehow, this summer feels hotter than any other…” Yuriko buried her face in the crook of Ruki’s neck. He was cold against her, like her personal cooler in the sweltering weather. But being this close to him caused a whole new problem, another one Yuriko had struggled with recently.
Was it because of the summer heat? Was it something else? Yuriko had no idea, but as she drew breath and Ruki’s musky scent sailed into her nose, her heart took a sudden leap and she was happy that he was carrying her, for her legs would surely have given up in this very instant. Sticky, soaking feeling slithered deep within her, gluing her panties between her thighs even though Ruki had literally done or suggested nothing more than alone time in the pool.
“Hmm… already turned on by your master~?” Ruki’s whisper vibrated against Yuriko’s eardrum, causing a squeeze in her. She shifted in his arms, letting him feel her fingernails on his nape. “Lately, you have been much more like this than before, almost like I have awoken something in you. I wonder what it is…”
I wonder about it too! Yuriko gasped against Ruki’s neck, covering it with tiny kisses. His groan encouraged her, and she gave him a tiny suck. Probably not enough to leave a mark but the sudden urge to have his everything was coursing faster and faster in her. She needed him right now.
“You started to use the new potion this month, did you not?” Ruki’s voice was already hoarse.
The new potion for contraception? Yuriko nodded. Ruki had gotten her another one that needed to take only once a month after she had started to forget her daily routine due to all the stress that had dropped on her shoulders lately.
“Mhm, I have… ” Yuriko breathed the words on his skin, tracing the column on his neck with her tongue. He was cool and salty, just what she yearned for.
“Good girl.” Ruki put Yuriko down right next to the pool before grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling the cloth over his head. It landed on the grass. “My brothers will be away until the evening…” There went his belt. “Come here…”
Grabbing Yuriko by her waist, Ruki pulled her against him. She could feel a bulge pressing on her belly as his hands traveled along her back until they met her buttocks and slid under them, flipping her hem. “So many clothes even though it is hot…”
“Maybe… you should help me get out of them… Master~?” Yuriko lifted her gaze, realizing it was blurry.
Ruki leaned in, capturing her lips with a brief smooch. “Color me curious. What is lying behind those pretty eyes of yours that just changed their shade?” Leaving Yuriko’s butt alone for a moment, Ruki lifted his hand and picked up her eyeglasses. He made sure they were secured on a table near the pool.
“Umh… thoughts of you in the night…” Yuriko swayed her hips. The soaked sensation heated her face even more. “Feelings… I might need to feed…”
“Yet the sun is far from setting…” Ruki stepped closer again, gazing at Yuriko from head to toe. “You look like a little angel…” Without further ado, he snatched her dress, ripping it off her and tossing it on the ground, leaving her standing in her lingerie in front of him.
The moist, soaking feeling was spreading. Soon, it would reach Yuriko’s thighs.
Ruki simply watched her, smirking. “Naughty thoughts, my angel?”
“I… I…  umh… just want to make you feel good…” This was almost too much. Yuriko feared she would faint soon if she didn’t cool down. With a hasty decision, she turned her back to Ruki, lifting her arm and inching her finger under her bra from the backside. Soon, it was unhooked, and she let it slide down.
“Hmm~?” There was a hint of intrigue in Ruki’s voice.
Almost quivering, Yuriko tugged her fingers under the waistband of her panties. She wished she would have worn lace instead of cotton today, but it couldn’t be helped now. Leaning forward, she glided the fabric down her bottom. She didn’t crouch her legs as she lowered the tiny piece of clothing, allowing Ruki to view her from behind for the whole time.
This surely didn’t help with the overly heated feeling but that was one of the reasons Yuriko let this happen. She lifted one foot after another, dropping the panties near the edge of the pool.
“Such a beautiful view. You should stay like that for a moment.” Ruki chuckled. “Or perhaps spread your legs a bit.”
Shivering, Yuriko moved her thighs apart. As she started to feel light-headed, she could hear the sound of Ruki’s zipper going down. Rustle revealed that his pants went off, probably along his boxers, releasing the hardness Yuriko would have wanted right this very instant. Her insides clenched, pushing out more sticky moistness of lust as if welcoming Ruki to enter anytime now.
I can’t handle this! I’m flaring all over! Yuriko straightened up, panting as she peeked over her shoulder only to notice how ready Ruki was for action. She could already imagine the wet slaps, skin against skin as he would thrust her into oblivion and bliss. Oh, she wanted him to shove his hardness deep into her so roughly she would see stars instantly. So harshly that her moans would echo from the wall of the manor. She needed him to fuck her until there was no sense left in anything.
I can’t be this lewd! Oh my gosh!
Turning her head, Yuriko took a leap. A step. Second. A jump. The air swooshed in her ears as her feet left the ground. She gasped and closed her eyes. Her feet broke the surface of the water first, sinking into coolness. The water splashed around her just before it covered her all over as she slid toward the bottom of the pool. Such a pleasure!
Yuriko’s soles reached the floor of the pool, and she bounced upwards. Only seconds later she broke the surface again, gulping for air and blinking as water ran down her cheeks. She couldn’t help but notice how Ruki stared at her from the edge of the pool.
“I should punish you for jumping off without permission.” The words came with a chuckle.
“Ehh? But —”
Yuriko’s protest was interrupted when Ruki dived into the pool. He broke the water hands and head first without splattering it as Yuriko had done. She could see how he swam closer and closer, popping up right next to her only moments later.
Droplets sparkled in Ruki’s dark hair and slid down his nose as he blinked for a while. Yuriko pedaled in place to keep herself in an upright position. She was still slightly out of breath from the jump… and now it felt like not even the water could completely cool her down. Could it be that the new potion made her act like this?
Ruki hauled Yuriko into his embrace, lifting her lightly. Without further thought, she enveloped his waist with her thighs only to feel his hard shaft pressing between their bodies. Holding Ruki by his nape, she raised her gaze to meet his eyes. As she nibbled her bottom lip, Ruki let out a chuckle.
“And now you are acting all innocent. Are you trying to spur your master on with these tricks of yours?” He tilted his head. “Is that so, my angel?”
“I…” Yuriko swallowed. To be honest, she wasn’t sure. It was like something new had opened in her this summer. After everything they had been through it felt impossible to hold back. Her life was here and now, and she wished to have everything with Ruki before someone would take it all away. It was clear that anything she had at the moment could turn out into nothing in the next one.
Before Yuriko could muster an answer, Ruki captured her mouth and pulled her into a kiss. He gave her lower lip a hungry nip as if reminding her how his love could easily hurt and heal at the same time. As always, his kiss was cruel and devouring, impossible to resist.
Already trembling in Ruki’s arms, Yuriko opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to meander in. Groaning, Ruki started a tempting tango that set Yuriko’s soul on fire and pushed all else from her mind.
Pouring everything in the smooch, Ruki made the couple float through the pool until Yuriko’s back met the edge in the shallower end. Only then, he broke the smack, leaving Yuriko panting. He spun her over, pressing her against the rim. In the instant his teeth raked her nape, tongue flicking over the skin.
“You burn like the sun…” Ruki placed a peck on the crook of Yuriko’s neck and nuzzled her shoulder, scraping it. “You should get your punishment…”
Ruki’s lips were as cold as his body but that wasn’t enough to stop the flaring that had taken Yuriko over. Without another warning, he pierced the skin of her shoulder with his fangs and grunted as her blood gushed out. A cry pressed out of Yuriko and her body arched against the edge of the pool as white pain shot through her, blinding her mind from other sensations for a moment. With each suck, Ruki pulled her deeper into dark temptations that contradicted the brightness dancing around the yard.
“Ruki… ahh… please…” Yuriko wasn’t sure what she begged for. Even in the scorching daylight, the world faded from her. Her entire body tingled at Ruki’s touch as his body prowled against hers. His rough hand squeezed and caressed her buttock.
Another pleading moan left Yuriko’s lips. “Please… please… please… I need you…”
As Ruki pulled his fangs out of her skin, Yuriko whimpered. His cold tongue glided over the fresh bite, sealing it but not taking away the sweet swollen pain that throbbed in her.
“You must state your wishes clearly.”
Ruki’s words made Yuriko pant. Frowning, she tried to muster out more even though her whole body was tensed, and her brain turned into a mush. “I… I… need… to fuck… you.”
Silence followed.
Ruki turned Yuriko around, meeting her gaze. There was a whirlpool behind his eyes of the cloudy evening sky. “You… need to fuck your master?”
Slowly, Yuriko managed a nod.
A smirk arose.
“I see. But it does not work like that.” Ruki’s voice was hoarse. He hauled Yuriko against him, his hardness rubbing on her belly. “I am your master, and I will fuck you. Not the other way around.”
Placing her hands on Ruki’s shoulders, Yuriko gripped them. She was pure fire inside, not wanting to hold back any longer. “Please… it… I… I… umh… wish… for it…”
Something flashed in Ruki’s eyes as his arms tightened possessively around Yuriko. His length pressed on her front; hard steel ready to intrude in her. The silence lingered again, and Yuriko dared not open her mouth again.
A minute passed. Perhaps two.
Suddenly, Ruki rolled them over, his back resting against the pool's edge. He lifted Yuriko up and onto his lap, onto his shaft. “Then that is what you will get.”
Gasping, Yuriko held Ruki’s shoulders tighter. Emboldened by her own reckless desire, she swayed her hips and guided him in, not believing that she truly was straddling him, easing herself down and taking him in. His girth stretched her, forcing a long moan out of her lungs.
Ruki gripped Yuriko’s hips, his fingernails slightly digging into her skin as a groan compressed through her mouth. He jerked his shaft up, filling Yuriko to the deepest parts of her. Her back arched in response, and she wiggled against him, whining in a way that sounded almost like howling.
“That’s… my… good… girl!” Ruki thrusted up, groaning between each word. He slid one hand on the small of Yuriko’s back and the other up her spine, all the way to her head, pressing her face closer while his fingers entangled with her hair.
Capturing her lips, Ruki locked Yuriko into his embrace and started to ram into her. Their foreheads pressed together as they moved together, body to body, mouth to mouth. Each thrust sent Yuriko reeling as she enjoyed every single second of holding Ruki inside her.
Almost scrunching Yuriko, Ruki kept going, and she luxuriated in the sweet sensation of almost painful penetration that sent her toward the flaring sun. Powerful sensations built and throbbed below her waist as her every nerve end quivered. Her body clenched around Ruki’s thick manhood, his rough motions sending her closer and closer to the edge already. Her entire body vibrated in response.
Tongues tangling, Yuriko’s insides squeezed against Ruki’s member faster and faster as she was riding to the release she ached for. Sobbing and moaning into Ruki’s mouth, she swayed her body at the pace of his harsh lunges, her cells turning into sparkles as every secret part of her cried out his name. And when he finally poured himself into her, bucking and groaning, Yuriko’s toes curled and back arched as she came apart too.
Hanging on half into kissing, half heaving, Yuriko quivered in Ruki’s arms, relishing the sensation of his cold cum flooding her. Lazily, she swung her butt, hugging his slowly softening shaft with her walls as if her body was trying to get every last drop of his juices. His hand glided to her nape, giving it a tiny clutch.
“You are such a bad girl when the mood is right…” Ruki’s whisper vibrated on Yuriko’s lips. “You simply cannot shake your lust for your master, is that it?”
“Mhm…” Yuriko swallowed, still panting. “I… I just want to be used… by you… because I trust you and love you.”
“Is that so?” Ruki chuckled.
As an answer Yuriko clenched her walls again, this time deliberately, forcing Ruki to grunt.
“I see…” Lifting Yuriko from his lap, Ruki pulled out and whirled her bridal style in his arms. “Let me carry you in.” He pecked her lips before getting up from the water and walking out of the pool.
The summer breeze traced Yuriko’s bare skin as Ruki walked under the trees and toward the manor. Even being exhausted after their tryst, she couldn’t help the heated feeling that was already coursing its way back into her veins.
Ruki stepped into the manor, heading toward his bedroom. “I love you. From the bottom of my heart. And for that, I will fulfill your wishes.”
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You can find the uncensored version of the pic from Yuriko's X account and later in the ebook version of the story.
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Yuriko yawned, cuddling against Ruki on his bed. Ruki was playing with her hair in an almost lazy manner as if he had been much more relaxed than usual. The sun was sinking behind the window, disappearing behind the tall trees of the forest.
Finally, the inner burning had eased up a little. Yuriko pressed her nose against the column of Ruki’s neck. It was dry now. They had taken a shower – a rather long and heated one – after what had gone on in the pool, and then Ruki had wrapped Yuriko in a towel, making sure she had been properly dried before bringing her into his bed. Her curls were still somewhat damp, and the moist summer heat was wafting in the air, but her muscles weren’t stiff, and she was able to close her eyes and simply breathe.
This moment of peace. The couple wasn’t in a hurry. Everything was perfect right now; their worries were pushed aside. This was what Yuriko needed.
“You should move into this room…” Ruki placed a kiss on the top of Yuriko’s head. “You are always sleeping next to me anyway. We could bring your clothes and other things in here. I can move my bookshelves in the library so that we have more space here.”
“Umh… are you sure?” Yuriko fluttered her eyes open while her heart bounced a little faster. “I mean… I would love to share this room with you.”
That way we would be even more together officially, right? The soft sensation of her lips curling sent warm shivers through Yuriko’s body. She sighed when Ruki’s fingertips caressed her cheek.
“I am sure. I want to have you by my side at all times. Your everything belongs to me, and I will never let go of you. It only makes sense for us to live in the same room.” Ruki’s nose rubbed against Yuriko’s hair as he drew breath. “I wish nothing more than —”
A tap on the window.
Yuriko flinched from the sound and lifted her head, almost hitting Ruki’s chin. He crawled upright, moving her a bit further before landing his feet on the floor and heading toward the window. As he opened it, a tiny bat flew in, dropping an envelope into his hands. It flapped its wings, dancing in the air around Ruki.
“Good boy, you did well. I will call you again later, when I have read this and decided if it demands an answer.” With Ruki’s words, the bat flew back out, and Ruki made sure the window was shut again.
“Umh… what is it?” Yuriko sat up, pulling the blanket on her lap. It was too hot to wrap her body into it, and honestly, she didn’t mind Ruki seeing her naked anymore. He had seen everything and… he loved every inch of her. That much she had already learned.
Ruki scooted right next to Yuriko, pecking her cheek before he shredded the envelope open. He pulled out something that looked more like parchment than regular paper — it even had a dusty scent on it. Without answering Yuriko, Ruki focused on reading the message. And with each sentence, his brows knitted closer together.
“Haa… It seems I need to take my words back…” Ruki dropped the letter on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. “Do not get me wrong. I want to stay by your side, and I want you to live in this room with me… but that must wait a bit longer.”
“Eh?” Yuriko swallowed but that only made something cold slither down her stomach. There was such a serious tone in Ruki’s voice.
The Vampire raised his hand, brushing a damp curl behind Yuriko’s ear. “Karlheinz-sama has invited me to Eden.”
“For what?” Yuriko could hear how her voice quivered.
“I do not know. The letter said he had something important to discuss with me and that I should arrive alone.” Ruki sighed. “I am probably away for a few days. I will make sure that you are safe all the time. One of my brothers will accompany you.”
“Umh…” Yuriko hung her head. Ruki was her perfect distraction from unwanted thoughts, and now he would be gone. Even if it was only for a few days…
“You could meet up with Elizabeth. I will ask Kou to bring you to the mall and entertain you there. He knows how to do that.” Ruki snatched Yuriko’s chin and lifted it. “Then perhaps a library visit on another day and catching up with your brother on the third. You will be so busy that you do not have time to worry. And when I come back, I will spoil you so much that you will beg me to let you rest. So, make sure you will sleep enough while I am gone.”
Once again, the heat covered Yuriko’s face before the words even had time to sink in. She noticed that a glance from Ruki was enough to make her nod. She would do exactly how he wished. To be his good girl.
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yuriko-mukami · 3 months
Her Calamity Dark 06
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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Finally home. I had not been away for that long, but it was obvious that days had passed for Yuriko, and I did not like the idea in the least. I trusted my brothers to keep her safe and my familiars had delivered the same message but it bothered me when I could not keep my eyes on her, knowing what exactly she was doing.
“Welcome home, Ruki-kun~” Kou was the first to greet me when I stepped in. Another reason to make my shoulders tense. Where was my angel?
“Kou… I’m back.” I sighed while glancing around.
“If you’re looking for Yuriko-chan, she’s upstairs in your room since she was sure you wouldn’t appreciate it if she was loitering around the hall…”
“Why would I not appreciate —?”
“Why indeed? That is the question, Ruki-kun~ I would love to know the answer… and see your face as well~”
I had not been a minute at home, and Kou was already picking my nerves. Was he annoyed because I had asked him to take Yuriko to meet Elizabeth and watch over them? I had promised to compensate him for that, so it should have not been a problem.
“You make no sense, Kou. And I am tired.” I headed to the stairs. There was a distant aching in my temples and I did not need more right now. I did not know what to tell my brothers or Yuriko about the situation with the Founders. Since Yuriko was close to Elizabeth who was fond of the Tsukinamis, it was probably better to keep her out of this. Then again, she was growing closer to my brothers as well. If I revealed what I had learned from Karlheinz-sama, would there be a chance that someone could slip the matter out during dinner or some other inconvenient time?
“I bet she’s going to melt that frown from your face~ Have fun, Ruki-kun~” Kou’s voice poked my ears even though I was already climbing up. “Oh, and don’t forget my reward. For the task and the surprise~ Do not worry, I didn’t peek though.”
“Haa… later, Kou.” Stepping into the hallway, I glanced down. There was a disturbingly smug smirk on my brother’s face. It was obvious that he had been up to no good but I had bigger worries right now.
Tsukinami Shin had said I owed him one. He was not incorrect. Unfortunately. But I also owed my whole life to Karlheinz-sama and I had given my heart in Yuriko’s hands. Other than that, Karlheinz-sama had directly told me not to sway from my path, for he did not wish to remove his paws. I did not want to cause him problems but I could not put Yuriko in danger… and it was clear that the First Bloods had a connection with the Kitsune. Yuriko’s grandfather had referred to Shin as Shin-sama.
Sooner or later I might need to betray my word for Tsukinami Shin. But not yet, for I had not secured my angel’s safety. I would not let the Kitsune take her. No matter what, I would keep her for myself.
With these thoughts pressing on my shoulders, I pulled my room’s door open and roamed in. There was rustling from the couch that instantly made me turn my head. Yuriko pushed a book aside, getting up while tugging a short hem down her thighs.
I swallowed.
The light blue dress barely covered Yuriko’s delicious sweet spots. The neckline caressed her shoulders while the azure straps of her bra were out in the open, the cups’ lace peeking from the dress. Her cleavage heaved up and down at the pace of her breathing.
“Welcome home, Ruki~” A shivering whisper. 
Finally, I was able to tear my gaze up Yuriko’s neck. She had tied an azure thread around it as if she were a gift to be opened. The teal pools stared at me through her glasses while teeth dug into her plump bottom lip. 
With only a few steps, I was right next to her. “Do not bite what is mine.” I ran my thumb over her lips. “I am the only one who is allowed to hurt you. Do you understand, Yuriko?”
“I… I… yes…” 
Fuck, her heart was bouncing so fast. It was luring me in as it made her blood rush through her veins. I wanted to sink my fangs into her throat. I wanted to hurt her ever-so-sweetly, give her the most delicious pain that would eventually turn into pleas of pleasure. The perfect distraction from disturbing thoughts.
“Just what are you wearing? Are you trying to seduce your master~?” Because it was working. 
Yuriko shifted in front of me. “Well… umh… I thought you might… like this.” Her movement made her twins press together, and I wanted to sink my face into them. Or perhaps… it was time to implement another craving of mine. 
Before I realized it, I had already removed my blazer and tossed it on the couch. “On your knees.”
“I… umh… excuse me?” Yuriko blinked, those teal pools full of questions. Such an innocent girl but she was growing into a fine woman step by step.
“You heard me. Remove your glasses and get on your knees.” I smirked. “Or are you disobeying your master?”
“I… I… of course not…” Yuriko lifted her hand. Her glasses made a tiny clapping sound when she pushed the earpieces against the frames and put the glasses on the table. Finally, she bend her knees, landing in front of me and gazing up, slightly squinting. Such an adorable sight. 
“Good girl.” I tugged my belt open and unzipped my pants. I could already feel the throbbing… but before I could do this I needed to make sure that everything would play smoothly. “Now, listen closely to your master. Can you do that?”
Yuriko nodded, gazing up at me. I had to collect all my concentration to keep myself in check.
“Tonight, if anything, anything at all does not feel good or scares you, you are to say ‘soup’. Do you understand?”
“Eh…? Soup…?” There were questions written all over Yuriko’s face.
I nodded, keeping my eyes on her. “Yes. Soup.”
“...umh…” Yuriko shifted on her knees, tilting her head while she was apparently pondering over my command. “Why?”
“To ensure your well-being.” I needed to make Yuriko understand this. I did not wish to hurt her in the wrong way. “Say the word, and I will stop no matter what is going on.”
Blinking, Yuriko stared at me as if wanting to remind me how inexperienced she still was.
Frowning, I bored my gaze into hers. “Is that clear?”
“Yes… it is. I’ll say ‘soup’ if I’m uncomfortable.”
“Such a good girl…” I brushed her cheek briefly, giving her a smile, before letting my pants fall. 
Yuriko’s lips were partly open even though she was yet to know what was waiting for her. She had no experience of this, I should take that into consideration. No matter how much I yearned to fuck her mouth until she would be a gagging mess of tears, I would need to be gentler… a bit at least. 
“Do not worry. Your master is about to give you a treat.” I took the waistband of my boxers and pulled it down, letting my cock spring free. I could not help but enjoy the sight of the widening eyes as my angel stared at my offering. “Open wide and lick it all slick.”
Taking my length into my hand, I guided it closer to Yuriko’s mouth. The pink cave of future pleasures opened slowly, and she pushed her tiny tongue out. The instant it hit the tip of my dick, the room was filled with her thick scent of lust. I would make her yearn for so much more before giving her the release.
For a while, Yuriko lingered on the tip as if she was unsure how to proceed. I gave her a nod, and finally, she started to trace the thick veins with her tongue. 
“Give me your hand.” Yuriko obeyed my words instantly, lifting her arm. I took her fragile palm and wrapped it around my erection before sliding in. Her eyes grew wide, and I could see how much she struggled. Such a tiny mouth but also so wet and hot as her soft tongue greeted me again.
“No biting.” I placed one hand on Yuriko’s head, making sure she could not pull back just like that. Of course, she could not give me an answer. Not now when I had robbed her ability to speak. As much as I enjoyed hearing her voice whining my name, seeing her like this was a pleasure of its own. So obedient, so submissive, doing everything her master asked of her. Such a good girl but also a bad girl when the mood was right. My naughty little thing in the moonlight.
As I grew even harder against Yuriko’s tongue, I could not hide my groan. My shaft jerked, and I pressed the back of her head.
“Ngh!” The sound Yuriko made was music to my ears, sweetened by the gagging movement her throat gave me while her eyes got a little teary. Yet, she did not even try to fight back but kept sucking and bobbing her head back and forth. Exactly like this, I wanted her to worship my hardness, taking it in with devout desire. My fingers curled in her hair, guiding her head as my vision was turning darker while trembling pleasure rushed through me.
Yuriko’s mouth was a trap of moist heat, and she charmed my shaft with her tongue. She was inexperient in this, yet so eager to please. As she worked on my cock, my body bucked on its own. Fuck! With her, I was constantly in the brick of losing control. I forced her to take my cock even deeper, not minding how her drool mixed with my precum slid down her chin. She took my cold, thrusting cock so well, sucking hard with tears in her eyes, nearly choking on it.
That must have been the most beautiful sight I had seen for a few days. Only now, I realized how much I had missed her and her devotion to me. Watching her whimpering before me while I sank my cock in her mouth repeatedly filled me with joy and burned in my loins. If I did not stop soon, I would release my load on her tongue. As tempting as the idea was, the craving in me was only growing and even more than cumming right now, I wished to indulge it.
I let go of Yuriko’s head and pulled back, staring at how a string of saliva and cum connected my shaft to her mouth. Only for a little while but the sight raised a vein-flaring sensation that coursed through me. Fighting the urge to shove back and fuck her mouth till my crescendo, I collected Yuriko from the floor and lifted her on her shaking legs. 
Tracing the delicate softness of Yuriko’s bottom lip, I collected our mixed juices with my thumb and pushed them back into her mouth. Her seductive tongue licked it all without a question.
“That’s my good girl.” I was surprised by how hoarse my voice was. She had affected me more than I was willing to admit out loud, but no one would ever know what kind of trembling she caused in my dead heart. 
Heat paint Yuriko’s cheeks with deep rouge. She wiped the tears from her eyes and recompensed me with a smile. 
“You like it when I call you that, do you not?” I already knew the answer but I wanted her to voice it out.
“I… I… umh… yes. I only wish… to be your good girl.”
That was what I yearned to hear. As a reward, I pecked her lips, enjoying their spongy smoothness. I moved my mouth down her slender throat, taking my time savoring the scent that radiated through her skin. She was craving for her master as she should. 
I tugged the tread Yuriko had added to her outfit, pulling it open and letting it float to the floor. Perhaps I should gift her with a collar.
As I nuzzled my nose along the colum of Yuriko’s neck her veins were throbbing at the pace of her heart. The haste thumping called me, seduced me. Before I realized it, I had revealed my fangs, scraping her skin. A tiny droplet of blood blemished rosy neck. As I licked it, the taste rushed on my tongue, making me only long more. Sinking my fangs deeper, I sucked, allowing the sweet liquid of Yuriko’s life to numb my senses. Pressing her close, I barely realized how she whined and quivered in my arms while I relished her deliciousness. 
This young woman was driving me mad. I did not know what was it with her but lately, her scent had become stronger and my ability to resist my urges, had grown thin. I wanted to lock her in this bedroom and never let her out, making her mine over and over again.
Knowing I should not take too much, I forced myself to loosen my grip, pulling my fangs out. As a dessert, I licked over the punctual marks and savored the last drops of blood before they closed. Still, the swollen redness remained, making me curl my lips. Perfect. She should be marked all over like this.
I reached my hand at the apex of Yuriko’s thighs. This new dress of hers made it easy since the short hem barely hid anything from sight. My fingers met the dampness that diffused through her lace panties.
A growl escaped me. “I will buy you a new pair.” With a swift yank, I tore the fabric and tossed it on the floor. The gesture made Yuriko’s aroma of fervor stronger. While I was actuating her, I rived the upper part of her dress down to her waist – breaking one of the straps. Yuriko whimpered but allowed it to happen, and as I wrenched the cup of her bra under her breast, she let out a quivering sound of excitement. The tiny bud perked up and hardened before my lips captured it and pulled. It was perfect in my mouth and I could not resist to toy it with my tongue while the peaks of my fangs scratched the skin right next to her nipple. She laced her fingers with my head and pressed me even closer, forcing a groan out of me as her nub rubbed my tongue and her breast nudged my face.
I enjoyed the bud in my mouth a while longer while massaging the other perky mound. Sighing, I released my catch, but only to gather Yuriko in my arms and carry her toward the bed. I tossed her there and crawled right after her when she was still comprehending the situation.
“You should have known what will happen if you try to seduce your master.” It was more a growl than I meant to but Yuriko had already pushed me beyond caring. What mattered to me was her eyes fixating on me while her tongue wetted her lips. “Yearning for a kiss perhaps?”
Yuriko nodded. That was all I needed to grab her and haul her into my embrace. I locked my mouth with hers, possessing it completely and making her breathless. She answered with a sharp eagerness and desire that only spurred me on more. I sneaked my hand between us, tugging her damp curls before gliding past them and sinking my fingers into her soaking cavern. She clenched, coating my fingers with creamy juices of hers.
“I need you…” I groaned into Yuriko’s mouth, breaking the kiss. “Now. On all fours. Hurry.”
Yuriko’s limbs trembled but she did as she was told. I yanked the pillows near the headboard and shoved them under her belly before forcing the upper part of her body down and lugging her ass up.
Such an amazing view.
Parting Yuriko’s thighs, I admired her a little more. She opened like a blushing lily in front of my eyes, her entrance drenching and ready as if begging for me. I grabbed my length and teased her folds with it, coating myself with her gushing moistness.
Yuriko moaned my name, and I lift my hand, slapping her ass. “It is master tonight.” Her whine was such a pleasure.
Pushing her legs apart with my knees, I leaned in, shoving in her. Heated wetness squeezed me, making me groan again as I thrust deep. Yuriko squeaked in protest as her passage quaked and trembled at my entry. The sounds she made and her delicious tightness fed my hunger.
I stayed still for a moment, allowing Yuriko to adjust the sensation. Not for too long though, for I was planning to guide her into the darker heat of passion. When I felt her relaxing under me, I pulled back, then drove in again, hitting deep. Bit by bit, I expedited my pace while her tormented groans urged me to continue. She grabbed the blanket into her fists, squeezing and gouging it as her back arched. Pressing my hand against her shoulder blades, I forced her to stay down and hold her by the curve of her waist with my other hand.
Yuriko’s muscles gripped me tighter as my relentless thrusts rammed into her. Tonight I was not going to hold back. I sank into pleasure that burned in my loins and spread all over. The sight of her gaping mouth and teary eyes only enticed me.
“Oh gosh, Ruki!” 
I lowered my pace and slapped Yuriko’s squeezy ass again, enjoying her whimpering. “Call me master.”
“Ahh… Ru… I… gosh!”
Slap. It seemed my angel needed a little discipline. I loved how her flesh bounced under my palm as the red mark beautified it even more. Shoving in, I felt her pussy clenching and rippling around me.
“Master!” Finally, the whining word left Yuriko’s lips. I left her tortured ass alone and pressed my chest against her back, kissing her earlobe between unforgiving pushes.
“Good girl… nhg… I knew you could do it.” My fang scraped the sensitive skin of her ear while I whispered into it. The scent of her blood almost drove my mind black. I wanted her everything. Every tiny inch of her. She belonged to me and for me only.
I rushed in, pulled out, and prodded again, bliss taking me over as Yuriko was turning into a moaning mess under me. I moved hard and fast, jackhammering toward the climax when her pussy started to spasm around me. She gave a hoarse scream of relish, trashing against the mattress while my cock still strained in her, aching for release.
I clasped Yuriko’s hips pulling her into my final thrust, growling in pleasure and pouring my cum into her. Stopping my movements, I panted on her neck and never wanted to let go. So, I stayed in and let her pussy milk me while I was slowly going down from my high. It was surprising to see my hand trembling when brushed her curls aside and smooched her cheek.
“I love you…” My words were mere murmur, yet I could feel how her face moved as she smiled.
“I… love you too, Ru… Master…”
Nuzzling, I pecked Yuriko’s skin again. “Just use my name, my Angel.”
“Ruki.” Like a desperate sigh, the word pressed out of Yuriko’s mouth. “I truly love you so much. I wish always be yours.”
My heart welcomed those words. I would make sure she would keep that promise, and I would keep mine. “Do not worry. I will never let go of you.”
“I’m happy…”
Yuriko shifted under me. It occurred to me that she was probably getting a bit uncomfortable. Reluctantly, I straightened and pulled out slowly. Yet, I felt instantly colder when I had to leave her heat.
I was about to take hold of Yuriko and haul her in my embrace when I glanced at her ass and pussy still perfectly laid out before me. Creamy droplets slid down her folds, and something started to course in me.
A thought. Too delicious to push aside.
“Push it out.” I could hear how hoarse my voice was. “My cum… Push it out.”
I stared at the peach-shaped ass in front of my eyes, caressing its cheeks. As Yuriko did not do as told, I squeezed one. “I said push it out.”
Another squeeze. “Do it.”
Yuriko whimpered, but then I saw it. The white, sticky liquid started to run between her swollen folds, dripping on the sheets. My seed leaked from her insides. Fuck! Such a sight. I moved my hand down, spreading her even more. She whined but didn’t stop.
Slowly, I pressed my index finger into the mess I had made, outlying the stickiness all over her thighs. “Beautiful…”
Yuriko gasped so roughly that her ass shook. Delicious… and that made me think. Hmmm… I let my finger slide up her folds. The pretty butt cheeks tensed as I guided my finger between them, spreading our mixed cum to the furrow. “Open your legs even more. Now.”
Quivering all over, Yuriko did as told. “Good girl~” I smirked, helping her with one hand while moving my sticky and wet finger further toward the sweet spot I had yet to conquer. Circling the opening, I watched her reactions closely. Her muscles stiffened even more. “Relax. I will not hurt you…”
Without a hurry, I pressed the tip of my finger in.
“Oh my gosh!”
I moved the finger out but pressed it in again right after. Teasing her like this, I enjoyed every little moan that escaped her lips. “It can bring you great pleasure. You will see it when I take this part of you as mine as well.”
“Now…?” Yuriko was shaking. 
I kept my finger still, smirking. “No, not now. We must train you a bit more. This is such a tight part of you…” I pushed the finger deeper until I felt her resist. “But you will learn how to relax enough.”
Leaning in, I kissed Yuriko’s ass while moving my finger back and forth. She was damn tight but I did not expect anything less. Yet, she had not told me to stop, so I kept going while showering her backside with smooches and licks. Bit by bit the tenseness in her released, yet I wanted more. She had been such a good girl and deserved a reward. 
While spreading our juices deeper into her hole with my digit, I crawled down, pressing my lips between her soaked folds. She was a mixture of our lust when I licked over her heat. A soft moan danced from her lips only encouraging me to enjoy more of her. Lapping the succulent petals every drop of our blended tastes numbed everything else away. I sucked her pearl in between my lips, making her whine louder. Sucking and teasing her with my tongue I kept my finger moving in and out of her ass. 
Yuriko trembled, squeezing the bed sheets while the pillows under her hips were getting damp from our pleasures. She arched her back, almost sobbing and pleading, her body writhing in orgasm overload. “Oh gosh! Too much! I can’t take it!”
I did not mind. She kept screaming and crying, her muscles stiffening all over as she came apart on my lips, her ass clenching around my finger. I could only imagine how it would feel on my cock but that was exploration for another time. For now, I pulled my finger out gradually and kissed Yuriko’s ass one more time before collecting her shaking body into my arms.
Yuriko nuzzled against me, still sobbing. The amber-yellow orbs were all teary, and she was sticky with sweat and cum in my embrace. My beautiful angel who was willing to give me everything.
My love. My perfect distraction. 
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yuriko-mukami · 1 month
When His Head Is Between Her Legs...
So, so good. Yet not enough. A rasping gasp erupted between Yuriko’s lips as they parted. "Oh gosh, Ruki!"
Her calf hit his back, her toes curling again. And again. She clenched her fingers, tugging his shirt while the bookshelf pressed her arching back.
Not. Enough. She needed more. "Please, please, please!"
A chuckle vibrated against her thigh. "Please what~?"
A smooch on her flaring skin. Gentle, not demanding. A tease while she soaked his digits.
"You need to be a little more specific~" The fingers stopped, a cool breath caressing the apex of her legs.
"Please, don’t stop..." Her voice broke. "I... I... I... beg you! Please, take me to cloud nine!"
"Good girl." A sudden movement, a tigher grip of her hips, fingers sinking deep as the tongue flicked and made her almost leap.
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Inspiration from Ella Red's song I Like You Best and Rukiko RP with @ruki-mukami-dl . Yuriko's base purchased from nukababe/Etsy. Ruki's pose from an official CG from Rejet. The background is edited from a photo. The version with fewer clothes can be found on Yuriko's X account.
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yuriko-mukami · 5 months
Rukiko: Painful Pleasures
Full video on Yuriko's X account.
🔞 Please note that the said account is aimed at an adult audience. 🔞
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yuriko-mukami · 9 months
My Love for You — Insatiable
The moonlight plays upon your skin A kiss that lingers takes me in I fall asleep inside of you There are no words, there's only truth
— Insatiable by Darren Hayes
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The base received from a friend. Do not repost. Reblogs are allowed and welcomed.
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yuriko-mukami · 3 months
His Possession: Heaven Scenarios
written together with @ruki-mukami-dl Earlier published only on ebook versions of the story
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[Heaven 01] [Heaven 02] [Heaven 03]
Links will lead to AO3. You must be logged in to see the work.
⚠️ Warnings for Heaven 03: This chapter contains blood, violence, gore, torture, and death but also shower sex. It's toxic by its nature, and probably even more violent than a typical DL canon scene. I don't recommend reading it if such works of fiction make you uncomfortable. Dead dove, do not eat. ⚠️
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yuriko-mukami · 3 months
Her Calamity
Dark 08
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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The scent of lavender wafted in the air of the bathroom, but it was mixed with a feral lust that lingered around Yuriko these days. This had been for a while now. At first, I had not paid it too much attention but after coming back from Eden I could not help but notice how she was all over me, asking in such a needy sweet tone for me to take her over and over again.
Not that I did not enjoy that, but it was not normal behavior for her. She was usually shy and timid, not being able to express her wishes profoundly, but now, she acted shameless. I was sure that if I allowed my hand to slide down her belly under the bathwater, she would spread her legs before I reached them.
Yuriko shifted against my chest while I caressed her arms, trying to keep myself calm and collected even though the urge in me was growing stronger. The urge to sink my fangs into her shoulder while making her clit cry from the pleasure my fingers would give it. I must not give in to this craving for carnal bliss because there were matters we needed to discuss.
Perhaps taking the bath together had not been my brightest idea but after being separated from my angel for most of the day, I could not stand the idea of her bathing alone.
Leaning in, I allowed myself the gratification of kissing Yuriko’s earlobe. “Can you tell me again what happened with Yuma?” She shivered in my embrace as my words slithered into her ear. 
Such a lovely reaction.
Yuriko squirmed. “Umh… nothing much. I was taking a nap under the bushes when I smelled something and then my body burst into action before I could think about it. It was like I wanted to… attack that bunny.” My ears could capture her whispers while I watched a tint of pink spread on her cheeks. “I don’t want to eat a bunny… when I’m a fox…”
“Well…” I was not sure how to react. This was a new side of her, but foxes did eat meat in nature. “It is difficult to fight your instinct when you smell delicious prey. But it is not impossible if you make sure you are not too hungry.”
At least I thought so. Foxes ate because they needed nourishment. Of course, the Vampires demanded that too, but there were other aspects to sucking blood than simply drinking. I wanted to believe it was not like that for Yuriko. “Do not worry. As your master, I will make sure you are well-fed at all times. You do not need to eat any rabbits that wander into Yuma’s garden.”
“Umh… I hope that’s enough…” Yuriko meandered in the tub, her ass rubbing against my shaft. Even though I was capable of controlling myself, she sometimes did not make it easy. I could already feel the blood rushing to the parts she was rubbing by accident. For a moment, I played with the thought of pushing her against the edge of the tub and sinking my cock deep into her moist cavern without a warning. She would squeeze me perfectly and cry out my name, her voice echoing from the bathroom walls. I knew she was ready to take me in. The air was full of the aroma of her lust.
“There is another thing…” Strained mumbles forced me to focus. Now, was not the time. There were too many things we had to discuss. “Something happened when Azusa-kun and I were walking back home the other day…”
I nodded. Azusa had already informed me about this insolent fox person who had approached him and Yuriko. I had been wondering when she might mention it and now, I was not disappointed in her. “Do you want to tell me more?”
The words dropped out one by one. First came a surprise. Yuriko and Yuma had spotted a fox in the woods. It was unclear if that had been a Kitsune or not, but Yuriko assumed so. And then there had been another. This time in a human form. Kozima Toru, as Azusa had said too. Greyish-white hair and amber-yellowed eyes like Yuriko had when her fox side surfaced. That description was different from those foxes we had seen in that village in the Demon World, but we knew that Yuriko’s mother had once fled from there… and I had seen the photo. She had had white hair too.
According to Yuriko, Kozima’s intentions might be innocent. I could sense her curiosity, and while I could understand it — this was about her kind, after all — I did not like it. She should have eyes only for me and our family, not for some stranger who was scheming whatever. Other than that, Yuriko seemed to attract all the strange people around her. I had just done a background check on her another acquaintance and now this…
“Do tell me why all these suspicious people swarm around you…” A sigh left my lips. I buried my face into Yuriko’s damp hair and inhaled deeply. She tensed in my arms.
“I… I… think that Kitsune was just curious about me because… we are alike…” Yuriko pulled her knees against her chest which made her lean forward, giving me a bit more space while I would have liked to press her on my chest.
“It is not only that but also the German witch.”
“Wagner Nalia.”
Yuriko turned her head, meeting my gaze. The teal of her pleading pools was vibrating as if it was about to change colors. Interesting. “So… she really is a German. Azusa-kun said so too, but I wasn’t sure if he was correct...”
It took me a while to gather my thoughts. Apparently, Yuriko had not bothered to ask the witch where she had come from but simply taken Azusa’s words and now mine about her origin. Sometimes, it seemed Yuriko was way too trusting when it came to strangers. I sighed. “That was not my point. She is a questionable person, and I am unsure if you should spend time with her.”
I was sure. The answer was no, but somehow, I could not bring myself to say the word. Once again, I wondered what this angel in my arms had done to me. She made me sway more and more even though I had given my word to Karlheinz-sama…
“Umh… but Nalia is my friend. It feels good to be with her…” Yuriko squirmed against me, making me crazy. 
“You already have me and Elizabeth.”
“People usually have more than one or two friends…”
Just how many would she need? Why was I not enough? While I wondered that the teal started to turn watery right in front of me. Was this friend matter so important to her?
“Besides, Nalia and Yuuto will meet up. I’m hoping they become friends too. Then she would be almost like family.”
The witch wanted to become such a close person to Yuriko? Now, I was even more suspicious. My familiars had made a background check on this Nalia and found out that her bloodline was somehow connected to ancient European witches. Of course, those were only talk of humans who could not be completely trusted but there must have been something that had made them think there was something wrong with Nalia’s family.
Yet, Yuriko did not see it. Haa… I wished her to have a happy life, and lately, she had not smiled enough. So, I decided to let the matter go. For now. “She can be your friend. But I will keep my eye on her. If she threatens you in any way, I will not hesitate to cut her out of your life.”
Yuriko flinched, and for a moment, I hated myself. “Not like that. Do not worry. I gave you my word that I will not take another life ever again.”
Unless that would be absolutely necessary to ensure Yuriko’s safety, but I left out that part. Sometimes it was better that she did not know what went through my mind. I brushed a wet curl behind her ear and smiled. “I simply want to keep you safe, my angel.”
With a nod, Yuriko accepted my words and eased one of my worries. Unfortunately, there were several others. “But about that fox…”
“Oh! He said something peculiar… Something like… we could meet again after the mating season is over.”
Suddenly, I had no words. Azusa had not mentioned that. A mating season? Did the Kitsune have such a thing too? A smirk rose on my lips before I could prevent it. Now, I knew why Yuriko had been so restless recently. “I see… Well, we do not know his intentions, so it is better to keep your distance now.”
“But Ruki…”
“We do not negotiate this, Yuriko.” I let my hands slide along Yuriko’s sides and grabbed her waist, lifting her slightly. “And now, your master wants to enjoy that mating season of yours to the fullest.” Fufu, as long as the season would last, it would be easy to distract Yuriko from the matters I did not wish her to think about. Easy and enjoyable.
Sitting on my knees under her in the tub, I placed Yuriko on my lap, her thighs on both sides of me. I was sure she could feel what kind of reaction her closeness had caused when my length rubbed against her swollen folds. Fuck, I wanted to sink my shaft into her in this instant.
“Take support from the edges. I do not want you to slip.” My voice was already strained in my own ears as I whispered to hers. Holding Yuriko by her waist and not letting her sit down on me, I allowed my cock to peck her entrance and pulled right back. Moving again, I pushed in only slightly, grinning as I heard her whine while backing off once more. 
Repeating the gesture several times, I watched how Yuriko’s cheeks were first painted with the hazy color of cherry blossoms, but then, the shade deepened until it almost reminded me of spider lilies as she squirmed more and more in my grasp.
“What is it, my angel~? Fufu, you look adorable right now~” So sexy. I could feel how soaked she was inside, making my loins already flare from the yearning to reach deeper.
“I… I… umh…”
Just how red could Yuriko turn? It was amusing how she struggled to voice out her cravings. Her visible embarrassment only spurred me on. I dipped my shaft in once more, forcing another whine out of her.
“If you want something, you need to beg for it.” I jerked my hips up.
Yuriko gasped. “Ruki… please…”
Chuckling, I bucked again. “You can do better.” 
The scent in the bathroom thickened, making me inhale deeply. I had to admit that it started to affect me more. Perhaps… Kitsune pheromones? Would they work on a Vampire?
“Oh my gosh! I… can’t take it!” Now, this was more like it. Yuriko’s voice echoed from the walls. “Please, Ruki… do it already!” “Do what?”
Enchanting. But, at the same time, I was getting impatient with Yuriko’s tarrying. A moan escaped from her beautiful lips as I poked her again.
“Take me, please!”
My lips curled up. “As you wish~” I shoved Yuriko’s hips down and jerked mine up, finally sinking into her damp depths which silky heat captured me. Something sprained in my mind as she welcomed my cock with a harsh, milking squeeze and cried out my name while arching her back with the movement. I had to bite my lip, not to groan instantly. 
Yuriko’s fiery warmth imprisoned my shaft over and over again as I raised her hips and thrust down again, water splashing in the bathtub while her wailing filled my ears with its sweet melody. 
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Uncensored version of the pic on Yuriko’s X account. Please note that it's meant for the adult audience. You must be logged in to see the picture.
My cock throbbed with bliss that coursed through me. Pulling out almost all the way, I hoisted Yuriko and then shoved her down, plunging deep again. Her warm wetness was my turmoil and elysium as I allowed myself to be lost in it. This was something beyond physical pleasure. To know she belonged to me and that would be so for all eternity. No one else could ever have her like this, the very sight before my eyes would stay as my personal gratification.
Arching her upper body and throwing her head back, Yuriko wept. With luscious cries, she begged for more like the good girl she was. As an answer, I slammed her down to my shaft and made her whoop. Her gaping mouth released another series of enticing laments.
Helping Yuriko raise and lower her waist, I drowned in dreamy rapture. Hips bucking, shaft pulsing, I plundered into her. She squashed me with every thrust, charging groans out of me. Her tiny fingers clenched the edges of the bathtub so harshly that they looked completely white like a contradiction of her otherwise flushed skin as she was trapped in tormenting ecstasy only, I was allowed to give her.
I held Yuriko one hand from her waist and slipped the other between her plump thighs, searching for her clit. As my fingers reached the nub, circling it, Yuriko whined and quivered. Her passage squeezed me at a rapid pace, making me almost lose it. 
“Fuck! You’re so tight!” Grunting, I heaved into Yuriko’s ear. Nudging my nose through her damp hair, I pursued the column of her neck. The bouncing pulse was calling me through a throbbing vein. Without further thought, I kept my fingers dancing on her most sensitive spot while my cock was buried deep into her depths and sank my fangs into her neck.
“Oh my gosh! Ruki! Too much!”
Such a sweet wail. Yuriko met my driving rhythm beat for beat as she stretched and melted around me. Starting to ride my shaft, Yuriko took it all in. She took all of me so well while tortured moans squeezed past her lips.
Yuriko writhed on my lap, hot and wild as I sucked her blood. Fuck, I needed to cum so badly. Adding more pressure to my fingers, I made them tease Yuriko’s swollen bud and pressed harder into her, deeper, filling her up. The water sparkled around us, splashing on my face, the scent of lavender soup mixing with our aroma of mutual bliss.
Lost to the rhythm, I grunted and sucked, shoving in again and again. I heard Yuriko’s heart pounding, felt her body quivering at the same moment, her walls almost crushed my cock and her lips pressed out a whimpering moan as her release hit full force. 
“Gosh… Ahh… too… too much!” Yuriko squirmed, trying to push up. I lunged her back down.
“Gosh… Ruki!” Back arching, walls clenching me, Yuriko started to cry.  “Oh my…! Please… I can’t take…” She squeaked as another spasm vibrated through her passage, forcing me almost see stars as she shook in my arms. “...any more!”
I pulled my fangs out, panting. “You’ll…” 
Penetrating deeply, I borrowed toward Yuriko’s molten core. “...take it…” I clasped her hips, pulling her hard into my final thrust. 
“...ALL! Fuck! I love you!”
My balls tightened as I growled with pleasure, pouring my seed into Yuriko’s depths. Heaving and grunting, I embraced her from behind, holding her as close as possible. She gave a sobby little moan, still trembling.
Weeps vibrated out of Yuriko. “...gosh… Ruki…”
“Shhh…” I brushed through her hair. “You did so well, taking all of me like that.” Kissing her curls, I started to sway her against me. 
Another whimper.
Lifting Yuriko, I groaned and pulled out. It was difficult to turn her around in the tightness of the bathtub, but I managed and collected her against my chest. I smooched her lips, stroking her cheek.
“My good girl…” Looking directly into Yuriko’s eyes, I tried to reach into her mind. Had this been too much? “Are you alright?”
A nod.
Swallowing, I shook my head. “I need to hear you…”
“I…” Yuriko wiped her cheeks with a shaky hand. But then, a tiny smile broke out. “I am… Ruki, I… I… this was…”
A deep shade of scarlet rushed on Yuriko’s face. “I… I… loved it… and I love you, Ruki.” Pecking her lips again, I almost hummed. “That is what I wanted to hear. I love you too. From the bottom of my heart.” Placing yet another kiss on the tip of Yuriko’s nose, I ruffled her hair. “Now, let me wash you again. Then I will put you in the bed and cuddle you all night long.”
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Yuriko nuzzled Ruki’s chest under the blanket in his bed. Every muscle in her body was tired and sore, yet she couldn’t sleep. Not just yet. Ruki’s hand rested on her back while the other played with her curls.
“You should move into my room.” Ruki chuckled. “It is unnecessary to have two rooms when we are always sharing the bed. If I take my books to the library, we can fit your things here.”
Warmth spilled in Yuriko’s heart. Finally, Ruki said the same thing again. She had thought he had forgotten or perhaps changed his mind, but now she could be sure. Ruki wanted her into his room, permanently. “I wish nothing more than that.” She placed a kiss on his chin line. 
“Then we will start tomorrow. You can sort your things while my brothers and I move the books and shelves.”
“Maybe we can let one shelf stay and keep the most important pieces of literature there?” Yuriko peeked up, meeting Ruki’s gaze. The stormy blue-gray smiled at her.
“I cannot tell you how much I love that beautiful mind of yours. Yes, that is indeed what we will do.” Ruki lifted his head, pecking Yuriko’s cheek. “Now, you should rest. It has been a tiring…”
“Umh?” It was like Ruki had forgotten to say something. Yuriko was about to voice her question clearer when he moved her onto the mattress and leaned over her, brushing a wayward curl off her cheek. 
“There have been so many things going on that I have forgotten to tell you something, my angel.” Ruki sighed, averting his gaze for a moment. “It does not please me, but we must do something.”
“You know that I’ll do anything for you.”
Ruki frowned. Didn’t he want that after all? But Yuriko had made a promise to help him out no matter what it was about.
“Karlheinz-sama has invited us for dinner.” Ruki cleared his throat. “Not only us but Adam and Eve as well. Sakamaki Shu and Komori Yui. We are to meet them there.”
Okay, Yuriko hadn’t expected Ruki’s news to be something like that, for she had nothing to do with the Adam and Eve plan. The only reason she even knew about it was because Ruki and Yuma had been tangled in the matter. And now, Yuma was heartbroken since Komori Yui had chosen the eldest of the Sakamaki family.
Yuriko didn’t know what to think about all this. But then again, it was just a dinner, and if it made the Vampire king happy…
“That… doesn’t sound so bad.” Yuriko yawned, still pondering. The king of the Vampires was an intimidating man, but all Yuriko knew about Sakamaki Shu seldom showed up in school. Komori Yui seemed to be a kind soul, and Yuriko was happy to meet her properly because the last time she had only heard the girl wailing behind Yuma’s door. Now, everything would be different.
“Are you sure?” Ruki locked his gaze with Yuriko’s. She couldn’t do anything but nod. “You do not need to worry. I will make sure it is completely safe for you.”
“I know, Ruki.” Yuriko yawned again. Her eyelids started to turn heavy. “We… we made a promise to Karlheinz-sama. You do as he tells you and I help you out. So… I think we should do this. It is just dinner after all.”
Perhaps Yuriko should have wondered why the Vampire king wanted her to meet his son and his fiancée, but right now, it was too much work to think about such matters. All Yuriko wanted to do was sleep… 
Ruki disappeared from her view, as Yuriko’s lids dropped. She forced them open and tried to focus her gaze. Suddenly, the Vampire was very close. Cold lips captured hers. “Sleep now. We will talk more tomorrow.” Ruki lay down next to Yuriko and enveloped her body with his arm. If he said anything more, Yuriko didn’t hear it.
7 notes · View notes
yuriko-mukami · 8 months
Diabolik OTP: Forever Free
Diabolik OTP Challenge
Prompt 22: Breathless
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Art made by @lesyarei. You can check the full, uncensored picture from the artist's X account.
I was planning to write a fic around this but it turned into something more poetic. I hope you like it @ruki-mukami-dl. I love you. 💙🩵
17 notes · View notes
yuriko-mukami · 2 months
Her Calamity Dark 10
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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The library was quiet and surprisingly cool. So was the angel in my arms as she absorbed herself into a book. While she turned page after page, I found it difficult to concentrate on the novel and played with her curls instead. Such a strange feeling, not like me at all. 
I could not stop the disturbed feeling whenever the scene from a couple of days ago played through my mind again. Even though I did not want to admit it, it was clear that Karlheinz-sama had manipulated Yuriko’s feelings to make her fire appear. I did not like how he had made her fear. She should have been happy at all times and no harm should have come to her.
But Karlheinz-sama wanted Yuriko to train Shu. I could not prevent that if I wanted to stay as his loyal servant. It seemed that all I could do was stay by her side and make sure that Shu would not maltreat her. Though he had seemed like he truly was afraid of the flames… but fear was a great power that was able to push people into desperate actions. I needed to be on guard. Perhaps, I should have a private chat about the matter with Shu. 
As Yuriko shifted against me, I buried my nose into her hair and inhaled her sweet scent. It was different again, less intense and not so… needy? That made me wonder if the Kitsune she had met had been correct with the mating season. It would not be that surprising for foxes to have such. The Vampires had their own as well once a month but for the Kitsune it could work differently since they were not tied to the moon like we were.
It still bothered me how little I knew about the Kitsune. But I had learned one new thing now. Their fire could not burn Karlheinz-sama. It was even possible that any Vampire could survive the flames, but I was not too eager to try that out. I would prefer Yuriko to be happy and not need her fire at all. It seemed to only come out when she was upset which was not the course I wish to take.
A sigh left my lips before I was able to prevent it. Instantly, Yuriko raised her gaze from the book and locked her teal orbs with mine.
“Umh… everything okay, Ruki? Did I turn the page too fast… or was I being too slow?” Her teeth dug into her plump bottom lip. Immediately, I lifted my hand and brushed my thumb over the rosy petal.
“Do not hurt what is mine.” I leaned in, pecking her mouth. The temptation was too much, and I ended up pulling her lip with mine. “No, you were not too fast or too slow. I was simply lost in thoughts. You can continue reading if you wish.”
But Yuriko tilted her head and kissed my thumb. “What were you thinking about?” She turned, closed the book, and put it on the table before meandering around and sitting on my lap. As she faced me, her warm fingertips traced my cheeks. The air thickened with the genuine worry she radiated. What had I ever done to deserve all this cherishing?
The answer was nothing. I did not deserve her. As simple as that. Yet I would not let go of her, for she would be mine forever. That might be selfish of me, but I did not care. I had found the one thing I wanted more than anything in this world so I would keep it. I was incredibly lucky that she did not fight back. At least not anymore.
“Ruki?” The chirp from Yuriko made me realize I had not answered her inquiry. 
“Haa… I do not wish to worry you. But I do not like what happened during the dinner.” Yuriko opened her mouth as she heard my words, but I pressed my index finger against her lips. “It is not your fault, so do not apologize. I will discuss this with Sakamaki Shu. Perhaps, we can find another solution that will please Karlheinz-sama, for I wish not to involve you with those arrogant aristocrats.”
“Umh… aren’t you an aristocrat too?” Yuriko spoke against my finger. The soft movement vibrated on my skin, making me want to push that digit into her wet cavern and force her to moan instead of talking. “Not… that I want to work with Shu-san, but I don’t wish to offend Karlheinz-sama either.”
Always so well-mannered. I had to admit I enjoyed this side of her. Unlike many others, she knew how to behave in the company of other people. Of course, she also lost her temper at times, but mostly she tried to be a good girl. My good girl.
“Haa… yes, I was an aristocrat… but that was in the past and I am not so proud of those days…” I brushed a wayward curl behind Yuriko’s ear. “Neither of us wants to offend Karlheinz-sama, but do not worry, I will arrange this in one way or another.”
“So… so… I don’t have to… try to burn… Shu-san…?” Teal started to pool. Yuriko would not want to hurt a fly, I was sure of it.
I nodded. “I promise. You should learn to call that flare of yours, but only use it for the intentions that feel right in your heart.”
“Alright, then I won’t —”
Yuriko’s phone vibrated on the table. Both of us turned our heads toward it, seeing a name appearing on the screen. I could not push aside the tenseness that instantly slithered to my temples. “It seems Elizabeth misses you.”
“Umh… Yes… We haven’t been texting for a while. I wonder if everything is okay…” Yuriko reached out, picking up the phone. For a moment, I admired her thumb work with the screen when she tapped her secret code so fast that a Vampire would be proud of her. It did not stop me from memorizing the series of numbers though. Just in case.
“Is she well?” I asked as Yuriko went quiet and stared at the phone, her brows knitting tighter and tighter together. Although the answer was quite clearly no with the way her face wrinkled, I wished to hear her tell me the news directly.
Yuriko sighed and turned the screen toward me. Leaning in, I read what the zombie girl had scribbled to her, secretly adoring the fact Yuriko was willingly showing me the conversation.
Yuri-Yuri! Big News!!!  Σ(°ロ°) I’m not living with the Sakamakis anymore! Because Shin came for me when the Sakamakis were out with Yui. I can’t believe it! (°ロ°) ! Currently, I’m in the Tsukinami mansion, even sharing the bedroom with Shin. So, don’t be worried. Everything is okay. I just don’t know if I can come to school when the semester starts but I try to talk about it with Shin and Carla.
“I… I think Shin kidnapped Eli-chan…” Yuriko patted her lips with her finger. “Though… is it a kidnapping if Eli-chan wanted to go with him? She doesn’t sound like she is hurt and kept against her will… but I’m a bit worried if this will cause trouble…”
“You should not worry yourself too much with the matters of others. Elizabeth seems to be fond of that Founder after all.” Even with what I said, I was conflicted. It would have been better if Yuriko had not paid attention to this occurrence, but it was strange that this happened right after I had had a conversation about the First Bloods with Karlheinz-sama. So far, those two had not made any moves that would have bothered anyone, but this… “Elizabeth was living in the Sakamaki mansion, was she not?”
Yuriko nodded to my words. “Yes, yes, she was. I met her when you were away and honestly, the meeting made me worried. She had punctual marks on her hands and —”
I chuckled. “You are rather marked yourself. It is not a reason to stress when someone is living with the Vampires.”
“But this was different! Those weren’t bite marks, I would have recognized one. And she said that Reiji-san was doing experiments for her…”
“Is that so?” I frowned. “Then you do not need to worry. That Founder clearly saved her from bad treatment.”
Reiji was doing research with Elizabeth? This piece of information nudged something in me, it felt important even though I could not put my finger into it. Still, there must be a meaning behind it because Reiji rarely did anything simply for the sake of it. Perhaps, studying poisons and drinking tea, but not something like this. I doubted it. And punctual marks could mean he had either injected something in Yuriko’s tiny friend or taken her blood. Maybe he was making a new type of poison out of zombies’ blood.
I almost shook my head but stopped at the last second. Yuriko did not need to see my inner turmoil. Instead, I caressed her cheek and smiled at her. “Do not burden yourself with nothing. Your friend is safe now.”
In the hands of the Founders. Were they scheming or did that insolent fool truly have feelings for that zombie like Yuriko had told me?
“I… I could write back and ask for the address. Then I could visit her to see if everything is okay with her and Shin.” Yuriko locked her gaze with mine.
“Absolutely not. You do not do such a thing.” I grabbed her chin. “Tsukinami Shin helped us once but that is no reason to get too familiar with him. Your friend chose to be with him but that is on her. You may write her and wish her good luck, but you are not to visit her.”
I would not let my angel enter the dwelling of the First Bloods. No amount of pleading gazes would make me change my mind about this. Those two were enemies of Karlheinz-sama and without a doubt plotting something. Elizabeth might even play a role in it. Why else had they gotten her out of the Sakamaki mansion just now? There was a bigger meaning behind it, and it was better to keep Yuriko out of it.
“Let us focus on something else now. My brothers are not at home, but you still need dinner. Come with me in the kitchen to cook together this time.” I picked up the phone from Yuriko’s hands and pecked her lips once more. “What would you like to eat?”
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“Is the salad not to your liking perhaps?” I set my fork on the table, laying my gaze on Yuriko who stared out of the window while poking her bowl. She flinched at my words and hastily stuffed a forkful into her mouth.
After a while, she swallowed. “Mhm… that’s not it…” 
“Then what is it? It is not like you to be picky with your meal.” Usually, it was the opposite. Yuriko never complained about my choice of dinner, unlike my brothers who were not shy to express their distaste if something was not as they wished. But no matter what I put in front of Yuriko, she ate and complimented it. Sometimes I wondered if she even had a favorite dish.
But today, Yuriko had emptied only half of her bowl, forgetting to lift her fork lost in thought. I did not like that.
“Umh…” Yuriko squirmed in her chair. “There is just so much… going on…”
Nodding, I sighed, for she was not wrong. I rather would have her not to anguish but it seemed she was a natural worrier. “Everything will be alright.”
I wanted to believe that. But… the First Bloods, Karlheinz-sama and now Elizabeth… It was like our blue sky was about to be covered with deep gray clouds. Other than me visiting Eden, we had been living in our personal bubble these few weeks. It had been like we had gotten a paradise of our own but now other people wanted to pull us from there. There were days when I wished I could have taken Yuriko and left this place for good to have our peace.
Yet I could not do that to Karlheinz-sama. 
Still, before the rising storm would hit us, we could have our piece of heaven. “It seems like your master needs to entertain you a little~ But first, I will fix us some iced tea.”
Getting up from the table, I gathered our bowls. I covered Yuriko’s with plastic and slipped it in the fridge, grabbing the bottle of green tea I had purchased for her. I was sure I had made ice cubes before and a peek into the freezer revealed that I was not wrong. On another occasion, I would have simmered the tea myself and let it cool down slowly, but I did not wish to wait for hours for it to be ready.
As I clattered some of the ice cubes in a tall glass, I stopped staring at the view. Perhaps… Yes, it could be fun indeed and would surely keep both of us busy. 
“How thirsty are you?” My back turned at Yuriko, I clipped my belt open and pulled it off with a slow, quiet movement, making sure the buckle did not give out a noise when I placed it on the counter next to the glass.
“Umh… not very…” 
That was the exact answer I wanted to hear. “Perhaps you should get up then.”
Turning around, I laid my eyes on Yuriko. She pushed herself up and arranged the hem of her light summer dress that was almost see-through. Baby blue fabric complimented her hair, but I wanted to get rid of it.
I stepped closer and brushed a curl behind Yuriko’s ear, revealing a faded bite mark on the column of her neck.
“I know you worry… and that you have suffered, especially lately.” I placed a kiss on Yuriko’s partly open lips. “But I do not want you to hide anything from me. I will find a way to soothe you, make you feel pure. So put your trust in me. I will satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.”
I loved the innocent face Yuriko was giving me. Those teal eyes that gazed at me were full of unvoiced questions.
“I will take good care of you, I promise. Now, undress for me. Will you?”
“Yes. I told you. No one else is at home.” As a cue, I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it over the backrest of a chair. “I will not say it twice.”
“But… but…” Yuriko squirmed before me, and the sweet shade of fresh roses spread on her face.
“Be a good girl…” I brushed my thumb over her lips and when she smiled, I pushed it past them, letting it sink into her wet cavern and enjoying the soft touch of her tiny tongue. “Be a good girl and I will reward you.”
Yuriko blinked, sucking my thumb. I remembered well how that tongue felt on something else, and the mere thought made me smirk. But today, I was up for something else. She would be my delicious dessert, not the other way around. As I pulled my finger out, her mouth made a plopping sound. 
I watched as Yuriko lifted her hands, pushing the straps of her dress down her upper arms. The cloth slithered along her body and piled around her ankles, covering her bare toes. Her bosom heaved under a white lace bra while the rosy buds under the fabric started to peak through it.
“Such an enjoyable sight. Now, take off your bra.” Keeping my eyes on Yuriko, I relished in the tone of her face which only grew deeper. She let her hand travel behind her back, clipping the hooks of her lingerie open and letting the lace piece drop. Her perky breasts bounced with the movement. Only slightly, but I made sure I did not miss a single shift.
“Good girl.” It was amusing how visibly more flushed my words made Yuriko. “Turn your back on me.”
A confusion swiped over her face, but she did as told. I grabbed my belt on the counter and roamed closer. “Do you trust me? Completely?”
“Yes, Ruki, I do.” Yuriko’s voice was a symphony of temptation to my ears.
Running my finger along her arm, I leaned in, close to her ear. “And do you remember what to say if you do not enjoy what I am doing?”
Yuriko shivered. “Umh… yes?”
“And what is that?” I breathed into her hair.
“Soup.” The word came out firm.
“That is right.” Before I knew it, a smile had already occupied my lips. “Say it loud and clear if needed. Do not hesitate. Is that clear?”
Nuzzling her hair, I gave a teasing nibble to Yuriko’s earlobe. “That is my good girl.”
I collected Yuriko’s arms and hauled them behind her back. She tensed as I started to secure them with my belt but did not fight back. I loved how obedient she was and always willing to explore things I suggested to her. 
After tightening the belt, I whirled Yuriko around, meeting her wide eyes and flustered cheeks. “You look so beautiful right now.”
“Umh… that’s a bit…”
Pressing my index finger on her lips, I shook my head. “Do not deny it. And stay still.”
I took a step back and caught the glass from the counter, moving it on the table next to us. Fishing one of the ice cubes there, I monitored Yuriko. She did not move but I could see how her breasts went up and down along with her breathing. 
“Let us see how long you can stay silent…” Lifting the ice cube, I inched closer again. Yuriko swallowed and nodded, her muscles visibly stiffening. Adoring her reaction, I pressed the cube gently on her chest. In the instant, her skin was covered with tiny bumps and a gasp slipped past her lips. 
Sliding the cube down, I advanced her breasts. Yuriko squirmed but did not back down as I glided the ice on her cleavage, gazing at the rivulet that slithered down the valley toward her belly button. With circling movements, I started to caress one of the perky mounds with the ice cube, watching how her nipple grew harder and harder. I brought the cube right next to it, and Yuriko inhaled deeply, locking her breath in. The anticipation made her tense even more.
Taking my time, I slid the ice over the tip of her breast. Yuriko gaped, her eyes widening even more but she managed to keep her voice down. Watching her struggle like this was quite intriguing, and I could not help but wonder how much she could take.
Moving the ice over the other breast of hers, I captured the bud of the first one into my mouth. It was hard and cold against my tongue. Sucking it, I started to tease the other with the cube. Yuriko whimpered but soon, swallowed. Grazing the tip with my fangs, I glanced up. Yuriko quivered, pressing her lips together all flushed. Her eyes met mine, and in that moment a thick aroma of her lust wafted in my nose. 
“Hmmm, enjoying yourself?” I pressed a kiss on her nipple while circling the ice around the other one. I got only a trembling whine as an answer. It was adoring how hard Yuriko tried to stay silent.
Crouching in front of her, I moved the ice under Yuriko’s breast. Without hurry, I trailed it on her belly, watching how she shivered. She tried to pull her stomach in when I reached her belly button but there was no escaping the cooling sensation I tormented her with.
I kissed Yuriko’s abdomen, allowing my gaze to travel south. It was impossible not to smirk when I saw a soaked spot on her panties. “That turned you on, did it not?” I traced the waistband of her tanga, seeing how melting ice made the fabric moist and Yuriko squirm. “It seems that the last piece of your clothing is rather wet. Isn’t that uncomfortable?”
I chuckled. “You are allowed to speak.”
“I… I… a little bit…” Even Yuriko’s voice was shuddering. 
“Hmm… perhaps your master should help you out then…” 
With one swift sway of my hand, I tore the cotton with lace rims and tossed it on the floor. Yuriko’s knees buckled but she managed to balance while I inhaled deeply the luscious scent that lingered from her. It was not even the call of her blood but something else, something equally delicious. Watching her, I glided the ice on her bluish curls between her legs. 
“Oh my gosh!” Yuriko pressed her thighs together and whimpered.
“Shh…” I continued dampening the swirls even more, not minding her meandering. Her aroma was getting stronger, making my pants feel way too tight. Soon, I could not deny my own yearning to shove myself deep into her dewy depths. But first, I wanted to play a bit more, so I tugged down the zipper, relieving the squeeze. 
I tried to nudge my hand between Yuriko’s thighs, but she kept clenching them together. “Are you preventing your master from touching you? I cannot have that…”
Straightening up, I gazed at the woman who shivered before me. Without a doubt, she was the best thing that ever happened to me. Seeing her giving herself into my care, filled me with a joy I had not felt earlier in my life. Nothing compared with the warmth she spread into my endless life that was not so dull anymore.
I dropped the rest of the ice cube back into the glass and grabbed Yuriko by her waist. Hurling her over, I shoved her upper body against the nearby counter, pressing it down. She looked adorable toeing there.
“Hmm… that must be a little uncomfortable for you. A tiny punishment for your disobedience.” Chuckling, I slapped her butt cheek and enjoyed the bounce. Her fingers curled while her wrists were still perfectly secured by my belt. But I was proud of how she managed to swallow her wails.
After spreading her legs, I let Yuriko wait while I captured a new ice cube from the glass. This time she did not try to press them back together. Such a good girl, learned her lesson so fast.
As I glided the ice cube on one of Yuriko’s butt cheeks, a small cry escaped her. Smirking, I realized I wanted to squeeze more out of her, a concert of moans meant for my ears only. Caressing her ass, I showered the squishy skin with kisses and inched the ice over the crevasse of her buttocks. Whimpering, she squirmed, but I kept her pressed against the counter.
Crouching again, I forced Yuriko’s legs even more apart, revealing her glistening petals before me. She smelled of hidden cravings I wished to indulge.
While I wetted her butt with melting ice, I nudged my way between her folds, licking over them and coating my tongue with her creamy lust. Her thighs clasped against my ears, making me chuckle.
“There is no way out now…” I let my words vibrate against the drowning sweetness of her pussy and continued sliding my tongue over her entrance, reaching for the pearl I wished to make weep for release.
I was rewarded with a deep moan, almost like a growl, when my mouth met the moist nub. I sucked it, teasing it with my teeth, gently, not wanting to hurt Yuriko. Her legs shook, her body arching, and she almost soaked my face with her juices. So eager. As I circled her clit with the tip of my tongue, my fingers slipped, losing the grip of the ice cube. Distantly, I heard it dropping on the floor, but I was beyond caring. 
“You taste like heaven.” My voice broke, and I started to eat Yuriko out, squeezing her thighs with both hands and keeping her in the tough position.
Moans filled the kitchen, entangling with Yuriko’s arching and meandering as she turned into a mess by my mouth. I sank my tongue into her, tasting her bliss and pushing my pants down at the same time. My boxers followed, and I could not help but grunt as the aching pressure eased slightly.
“Oh gosh! I… it’s too good! Ruki… I will…!” Yuriko’s pussy pulsated, and I pulled back, heaving. She let out a frustrated wail. “No… I was… I was so… Ruki… please?”
“No. You are not allowed to cum. Not yet.” I groaned, and her scent got only thicker. 
“But Ruki!” Yuriko meandered. I pressed my hand on the small of her back and straightened, gazing at her.
“Your master wants to fuck you, feeling every luscious clench of you. Meaning, you are only allowed to cum when I say so.” I paused, letting my message sink in. “Is that clear, Yuriko?”
“Ehh?! Umh… but… but… what if I can’t… hold back?”
“You can and you will.” I pressed a finger against her entrance and felt the throbbing. Dipping the digit in, I watched her. She flinched, her hands curling into fists and opening again. “And to make this especially delicious, we will train you a little more today.”
Using her juices, I soaked my finger dripping wet before gliding it up her folds and between her buttocks which instantly tensed. “You know what I mean, do you not?”
“I… I… know…” Yuriko quivered on the counter.
“Good. Keep your legs spread wide and take everything your master will give you.” Holding my length, I guided it toward her entrance and slowly nudged it. The heat felt almost unbearable and undownable at the same time. Gradually, inch by inch, I pushed in while circling her other hole with my wettened finger. She clenched, whining as I stretched her and filled her tight depths.
“Fuck, Yuriko!” I was fully in, feeling how her pussy embraced my shaft again and again as if she was already on the edge of her peak. Staying still, I inched my finger a little deeper and pulled it back. Working on her ass like this, I enjoyed every little whine she let out of her mouth, gaping and gasping every time my digit sank deeper. One day, I would thrust my cock there and conquer that part of her too. There would be nothing in her that would not belong to me. 
Finally, I began to move, keeping the same pace with my shaft and my finger. Yuriko wept, her walls clasping me with every lunge. I drowned in her thudding flesh, groaning and growling at how well she was taking me in. 
“Gosh! Please! I can’t…!”
“You… can…!” I shoved in faster and faster. Fuck! Her heat was going to be the end of me. Plucking my finger out, I seized Yuriko’s waist and thrust deep. My loins flared and my balls felt like exploding. “You want to cum?” I grunted, pulling almost completely out, and rammed in again. “How badly?”
“Ahh… Ruki…” Yuriko whined and moaned, sobbing. “So badly…!”
 Digging my fingers into her skin, I buried my shaft deep. “Beg… ngh… for it then.”
In the corners of my mind, I started to hope that Yuriko would beg and cum, for I could not hold much longer. Her closeness was too much, her tempting being too captivating and her squeeze too sweet.
“Ruki, I… I… I’m begging you… please, please… let me… cum!”
Heaving on her nape, I growled. “You can… cum now!” I opened my mouth and pierced Yuriko’s shoulder. She shrieked under me as her blood gushed onto my tongue, squirming and quivering while her pussy clenched so harshly my mind was blown away. Reaching the stars, I shot my load into her, shaking against her back while her liquid of life flowed into me. 
And just then… something warm and fuzzy, something soft and furry popped between us, tickling against my stomach. Slowly coming down from my high, I tried to comprehend. Shivering, Yuriko panted under me when I hastily sealed the new wound with my saliva and lifted my head. 
The first, I saw the ears. White and blue fox ears sticking out of her head. Glancing down, I noticed the blue tip of a tail that peeked under my stomach. A chuckle crumbled out of me as I pulled out and watched Yuriko. “That good?”
Sobbing and panting, she gazed at me over her shoulder and nodded. Behind her glasses, her amber eyes greeted me along with the deep blush on her cheeks. She had never looked more beautiful. All fucked and her inner being set free. I knew that no one else could ever satisfy me better… and I would make sure it would always be the other way around as well. Forever, I would keep her as mine.
With haste, I opened my belt, releasing Yuriko. I lifted her in my arms and teleported directly into our bedroom. I took her glasses, put them on the nightstand, and laid her on the bed, cuddling her and stroking her ears. Her tail swayed as I held her close.
“Yuriko…” My voice sounded strained in my own ears. “You have made me yours. I promise that I will cherish you. We will be together at all times, and I never let go of you, for you have made my dull life full and stolen my heart. I love you.”
Weeping sweetly, Yuriko curled against me. She wrapped her tiny arm around my body, pressing closer. “I love you too, Ruki. You are my greatest happiness.” 
I had found my luck and my answer. No matter what would happen I knew I would always choose Yuriko. Even if it would be our doom. For she was my everything.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
Getting Ready
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The base is purchased from nukababe/Etsy. Background edited from a photo I have taken myself. Do not repost. Reblogs are allowed.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
"Umh... Ruki? Would you like to show me how that... ermm... getting naked together can offer... offer liberating experience...?"
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Edit is made with official Rejet's picture of Ruki’s bedroom and Ruki sprite edited by @ruki-mukami-dl. Yuriko is made by me from a base I purchased from nukababe/Etsy.
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
His Possession Ecstasy 05
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
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When Yuriko opened her eyes, at first, she didn’t know where she was. The blurry dim space spread in front of her, but she couldn’t make out the details. But then familiar scents wafted into her nose. Books, old ink, and Ruki who came closer. The chair let out a shriek when he rose and walked to the bed, sitting on the edge. His figure became clearer as he leaned in and brushed a white sweaty curl off Yuriko’s face.
“How are you feeling, my angel?”
The question pushed Yuriko into a spiral. All that had gone through whirlpooled through her mind, making her gasp like there wasn’t air in the room. She darted up, clenching her fingers against her chest, trying to get even a bit of oxygen into her lungs. Everything around her disappeared while in the depths of her mind, Sakamaki Laito pierced her wrist over and over again, destroying everything she had just gained in her life. Ruki must hate her now. He would probably toss her away like everyone else had done to her because of her stupid mistakes. Now all had come to its end, there was nothing left that loneliness and darkness Yuriko could not bear. Not anymore when she knew that there could have been something so much better… Yet, that all had now slipped between her fingers and she couldn’t reach it anymore for all was lost and she was going to end up all alone, no one would care about her and… and… and…
Suddenly, someone embraced Yuriko, pressing her head on a strong chest and swaying her slightly. “Just breathe, my angel. Breathe. Your master is right here.”
As a gentle hand stroked her hair, Yuriko grabbed Ruki’s shirt, burying her face in it. The sobs made her whole body tremble against his. She gagged, feeling like drowning in her own tears. Her chest squeezed, her heart slowed down, and the room started to fade.
But Ruki didn’t push Yuriko away. He held her and kept brushing her hair. His coldness radiated to her, soothing her and delivering the message that not all was lost. One arm held her, not letting her go even though she trembled and whimpered. Ruki whispered words whose meaning Yuriko couldn’t gather but his tone was soft and caring. She couldn’t understand. She had done a terrible crime by not fighting back well enough, yet Ruki was still caressing her and keeping her in his arms.
Ruki’s shirt turned wet but still, he didn’t shove Yuriko aside. Slowly, her sobs became infrequent, and her quivering started to fade away. She released her grip that was already hurting her fingers and tried to stroke the wrinkles she had caused off the fabric. 
“I… I’m so sorry… Ruki… I didn’t mean to… Eli-chan and I were supposed… to have girl talk… nothing more and then that… Sakamaki boy… appeared…”
“Haa… such foolishness…” Ruki sighed. “But it was my blunder. I should have not let you go there. I apologize for my failure as your master.” He took Yuriko’s hand into his, playing with her fingers. “I should have taken better care of you. And I promise you that I will not fail again.”
Yuriko lowered her gaze, staring at their fingers but soon, her gaze wandered to the nasty mark on her wrist. The proof that someone else had claimed her blood… “I… I don’t blame you, Ruki… for it was all my own fault. Yet, I’m selfish and I don’t wish to carry this mark…” Yuriko ran her fingers over the bite mark even though the pain made her flinch. She lifted her gaze to meet the storm in Ruki’s. “Please… can you… can you cover it with yours?”
“Yuriko… I do appreciate that you wish for only your master to mark you…” Ruki’s thumb slid right next to the ugly mark. “...but if I bite you here now, it will hurt much more than my usual nibbles. Even if I am gentle, you will suffer.”
“I… I don’t care! I just want it gone! You should be the only one who leaves marks on my skin. I want you to claim me again. Please, Ruki, I need this! I need you!”
If Ruki wouldn’t bite Yuriko now… that would mean he didn’t want to anymore, right? He was kind enough to mask the truth with his deceiving words, but Yuriko knew how things truly were. It had always been like this in her life. If she had made even a single mistake, hard punishment had followed. She didn’t deny deserving it… but… but… She had already lost so much. She couldn’t lose Ruki too. 
“Good grief… you are a handful.” Ruki pulled Yuriko sitting on his lap, cupping her cheeks, and locking his gaze with hers. “Just what is going on in that beautiful mind of yours? Do share your thoughts with me, Yuriko.”
“I… I… I can’t live if you… if you… don’t want me… anymore… because of what… happened!” Yuriko sobbed, hot rivulet sprinting down her cheeks. “I understand… if I’m stained… If I’m blighted for you now… if you hate me… but… but… I feel like dying… when I think about it…”
“My angel…” Ruki’s words were a mere breath on Yuriko’s lips. “You are not tainted, not by this and not for me. I will overwrite the marks that filthy dog left on you. You will know nothing but the pain and pleasure I will give you. Prepare yourself for I will show you what divine being you are for me.”
Ruki pecked Yuriko’s lips before lifting her arm. His lips traced over her wrist, covering it with kisses. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth while Yuriko couldn’t do anything else than stare. The fangs sank through her skin, making her cry out from the pain that painted her body and mind, yet nothing had felt better for a long time. This pain… It was the sign of Ruki’s love that had not died because of Yuriko’s indecent deeds. It was proof that he still accepted her by his side. That he still yearned for her blood.
With a few tiny gulps, Ruki filled his mouth with Yuriko’s liquid of life before biting the wrist again. Repeating the process, he drew several of his marks over the one Laito had made, hiding it in sight. Yuriko whimpered and whined as her skin ached much worse than ever, yet she didn’t regret her plea. This was exactly what she craved for now, what she needed to feel whole again.
Finally, Ruki licked over all the bite marks, sealing them, and kissed the blemished skin. Yuriko felt lightheaded, swaying on his lap, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “Thank you, Ruki…”
“I hope I did not take too much…” Ruki gave Yuriko a gaze that shook her to her soul as he lowered her onto the sheets and crawled next to her. “Now, I will show you that my feelings for you have not changed… Tonight, you will touch the heaven in the gentlest possible way…”
Caressing Yuriko’s cheeks, Ruki leaned in and captured her lips into a kiss that made her sigh and close her eyes. He pecked her petals several times before sucking the bottom lip in between his and pulling it slightly. His fangs only graced the sensitive flesh, not breaking it but giving it a teasing nibble.
Yuriko sobbed into the kiss. It was so soft and sweet, much more than she deserved. Yet, Ruki kept kissing her while he laced his fingers with her hair. She almost expected him to pull it, but he simply held her head, surrendering to the blissful smooch that felt like tying their heartstrings back together. All that had happened… the issues with Yuriko’s father, their fights about having friends, and Sakamaki Laito’s attack… all that faded away for the moment their lips were connected, and the red thread of fate bound them even tighter.
Way too soon, Ruki’s lips left Yuriko’s but only to cover her tear-stained cheeks with tender smooches. In his embrace, she relaxed into a state of warm bliss that slowly swayed down her chest towards her toes, coating her all over. Ruki’s mouth traveled to her chin, following its line until he sucked her earlobe. “Such a good girl. Just surrender yourself in your master’s care.”
As Yuriko let out a whimpering whine, an amused smile played across Ruki’s lips. His hands grabbed the hem of her top, pulling it up and over her head. The piece of clothing was on the floor before she had a chance to say anything. Not that she would have complained. Her breath turned into soft pants when Ruki kissed her chin one more time and headed south. His mouth moved down her throat, nibbling here and there but not leaving marks this time. Soon, he captured one of her perky buds, teasing the peak with his tongue and teeth.
While the bud hardened in the soothing coolness of Ruki’s mouth, his hands wandered further. He traced a line from Yuriko’s belly to her hip, taking the waistband of her pajama shorts and towing the clothing down. Raising her bottom, Yuriko allowed him to remove her panties right after. 
Sucking and pulling, Ruki kept teasing the tip of Yuriko’s breast while his hand massaged her belly with circling movement, sliding down almost painfully slow until he glided over her curly hair, and a finger dipped into her heat that was turning into a moist swamp. With this simple touch, the flame of desire kindled deep within her. 
Ruki wasn’t in a hurry but took his time to explore the wetness of Yuriko’s folds, finding his way to the throbbing nub that already craved his touch. Tonight, the dance of his digits wasn’t demanding. No, it was tempting, seducing, and full of sweet torment that guided Yuriko toward bliss. His lips were all over her bosom, leaving damp spots on her skin, along with reddish signs of love.
Pressing Ruki’s head against her chest, Yuriko arched her back and lifted her hips to meet every stroke of his fingers. Her sighs turned into moans of pleasure, whimpering and whining, yet full of yearning as she reached for the clouds and beyond. Gradually, she lost her sense of place and time, becoming one with the coursing heat in her veins and relinquishing the sadness that had lingered within her moments ago. Right now, there was nothing else than Ruki whose every touch and kiss set the pyre in her scorching her all over.
And just when Yuriko was about to reach the high end of euphoria, Ruki’s breath whispered onto her lips: “Not yet, my angel.” He swept her into an earth-shattering kiss, while his dampened digits traced her sides, hand pulling her even closer. Ungratified craving flamed Yuriko from the inside, yet she couldn’t resist the coaxing of Ruki’s lips and tongue.
As Ruki pulled back, a wet thread glimmered between the couple. Only briefly, until it dispersed, drizzling down Yuriko’s chin. Chuckling, Ruki snatched the hem of his shirt, hauling it up as Yuriko watched, not being able to avert her gaze while he revealed his tummy bit by bit. The trousers followed, their clothes forming a pile on the floor. Finally, Ruki pulled the waistband of his boxers down, releasing his manhood that was already reaching its full size.
“Spread your legs for your master like the good girl you are.” Ruki leaned in, placing his hands on Yuriko’s knees, and nudging them apart. She accepted him with a flaring face and smile, feeling how her depths already clenched as if pining for something hard to stretch them.
Guiding his length to Yuriko’s entrance, Ruki put a hand against the mattress right next to her head and lowered his body, coating his tip with the moisture of her lust. Slowly, he slid into her, and instantly she pushed closer, moaning. His answer was a trembling growl directly to her ear.
Bit by bit, Ruki glided deeper, filling each craving inch until he reached Yuriko’s core. He sighed with gratification. “You are squeezing me so well…”
As Ruki began to move, Yuriko sank back into the bliss that had been slumbering in her for a while. The steady rhythm sent cascading waves through her, pulling her to the bottomless sea of satisfaction. Ruki’s bed under her turned into her anchor, his shoves her sails, as she drifted further. She wanted to claim every inch of him over and over again until they would have become completely one being. Pleasure throbbed in her veins with a scarlet web of desire, painting the room with haze, and a lusty feeling of warmth stole over her.
Ruki kept the pace, locking his gaze with Yuriko’s. He slid his hands along her arms until their fingers met, entwining together.
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The CG edit is made by @cutelih. Thank you so much. Do not repost.
Yuriko gasped with each measured thrust, their moans and groans mixing together with slippery slaps as Ruki increased his tempo slightly. He inhaled deeply, closing in Yuriko’s lips. “Yuriko, my angel, I love you.” His breath whispered over the sensitive petals.
“I… ahhh… I love you… as well.” Gasping, Yuriko let her words vibrate from mouth to mouth as their pants mingled in the shared confession of their love.
Enjoying each deep nudge, Yuriko wiggled against Ruki who snuggled closer to her, growling, and chuffing into her ear. His voice husked her name as she felt him jerking deep within her. The movement ripped through her in a tumbling wave of relish. As the waves grew into a whirlpool, she was hauled into the ocean of bliss, her release cresting like a storm. Moaning and writhing, her fingers curled, squeezing Ruki’s hands as hard as her walls were clenching around his length.
And just a moment later. Another tidal wave flooded Yuriko as Ruki reached his peak of pleasure, shooting coolish cum into her depths while panting her name into her ear. “You are… mine… haa… haa… all mine… forever. I — love — you!”
Collapsing over Yuriko, Ruki gasped against her neck. At this moment, nothing else mattered. Yuriko had never opened herself up in this way, but she knew that they would live their lives in their own style. Forever, they would trust who they were.
And nothing else mattered.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
His Good Bad Girl
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She's a good girl on the outside But a bad girl when the mood's right In the moonlight, she becomes his naughty little thing...
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She's exclusive She's elusive But with him, she's so inclusive She's a giver, but only when fulfilling all his needs Yeah she's got those pretty eyes But behind them lies Thoughts of him at night She can't seem to fight Feelings that she knows she's gonna have to feed...
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And ever since the day That he got a taste She's his only chase He cannot replace Thoughts of her up in his mind, a curiosity
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She looks like a little angel But at night's a different angle Demon eyes looking fatal Got a mind, dirty playful
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Yeah she got naughty thoughts That she can't control She doesn't wanna tell, she would rather show Red little heart, black little soul Teeth that are sharp, bite that is cold
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She got a secret little dirty mind Lewd imagination in the night She doesn't like to waste any time She so creative when you cut the lights
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She just wanna make him feel good She just wanna make him feel good She knows how to make him feel good...
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She just wanna taste The forbidden fruit She can't shake her lust She likes being used By someone she trusts By somebody who Is as hooked on her As she is to you...
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He doesn't want her to leave when... She's tangled in his sheets and... She gives him all he needs mmm...
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Slowly falling Cravings calling I won't let you go
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And ever since the day That he got a taste She's his only chase He cannot replace Thoughts of her up in his mind, a curiosity
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Lyrics from Bryce Savage's Curiosity. Pictures: from Pinterest, CG edit by @cutelih, drawing by @eri-talks, gif made from CG edits by elizabeth-virnien & drawings and edits by me. I just happened to hear this song yesterday and it had so strong Rukiko vibes that I couldn't get it out of my mind...
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