#steeplechase ep 42
18catsreading · 11 months
Shoe box: I could kill him for you if you don't have the guts. Are you too, um, is it still ok for me to ask if you're too pussy?
Montrose: it's actually not ok --
Shoebox: Good ok are you too pussy to do it? Cuz I'll put a pistol right in his mouth and give him the express train to bitch city.
Emerich: did we invite you to --?
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karmathenightowl · 1 year
TAZ STEEPLECHASE EP 41 SPOILERS and Possibly What Ifs Discussion
Damn, okay there's a lot to unpack here
So my "Montrose Pretty is Devon Denton" theory is incorrect
BUT with the reveal of Montrose being Eggard Denton (Kenchall's dad), not only does everything click based on information brought to us in previous episodes but it also paints a rather heartbreaking implication of his role in the Denton family and Steeplechase as a whole.
Now it all makes sense that Montrose is a Denton for his knowledge about theme park attractions. From the lore of Ephemera (even his excitement and passion for it) to the existence of Jungle Island. There's also the moment he says "Sorry, Carmine" during the finale of the Gallspire heist when dressed up as Jessie the Infinite Spectre Fairy.
Now here's where things get very interesting.
I don't know if I'd call this entire next section a theory but mostly samples of What Ifs I have in my head. Hear me out:
Let's start with Kenchall. Back in Ep. 17 when he requests Poppy's Angels to steal the Gallspire, he notes that:
"If he (Eggard) had been born— if he had muscled his way up there, I’d be running the company right now. But instead, Carmine’s stupid monarchy passes from first born to first born. So, now next in line after Evelyn is her shithead son, Devon.
Then there's his brief conversation with Orwell and upon being asked what his childhood was like, Montrose responds:
"It was...quite lonely."
Then the theme from The Future is You plays in the background.
In the now debunked theory I made a while ago about Montrose being Devon Denton, someone replied the possibility of Eggard having a rough childhood because of living under Evelyn's shadow due to the fact that she was the next successor of Steeplechase. This neglect is what probably prompted Eggard to run away from home, probably fake his death since Kenchall stated that Eggard died "10 ish years ago" and start a whole new life as Montrose Pretty.
But despite that, it seems like he still yearns for that familial connection, bonding he never got with his real family. So why not try to make some connections with a new family, i.e the family from The Future is You.
There's also Episode 40, in which Montrose faces Carmine with his mask off.
Carmine says "I have to ask…do I know you?" and lights from inside the rocket point at Montrose.
Montrose replies with "Hello Carmine. I have decided to wear my true face for this special occasion."
I'm intrigued with how Episode 42 will play out with Carmine's realization of Eggard, if there will be any at all.
I want to cut back to Kenchall for a bit and preface this theory with a smaller one that may be a FAR stretch but I can explain.
We know Kenchall is far from being a good person. What if he had high expectations from Eggard, wanting the role of future park successor next in line so badly even though he knows that his father can't obtain that and pass that on to his son.
But also, what if Kenchall didn't care.
This is going to sound nuts, but if this is true, I see Kenchall as sort of a Veruca Salt type of person. This idea of Kenchall probably being a spoiled brat and having a father wanting what's best for his son and loving him despite this. Being in the Denton family known for their theme parks and innovative talents within the Dentonic Corporation, seems likely that Kenchall would be the sort of pampered kid that could get whatever he wanted. But all that doesn't matter. He clearly wants to take over the park, as stated in episode 17. Justin stated that Kenchall was seen as the black sheep of the family, but what if that was a lie? What if Kenchall made that up so others could see him as an outcast of the family when in actuality it was his father who was the real outcast.
What if Kenchall has a one sided resentment towards Eggard for something that wasn't even in his control i.e becoming successor to Steeplechase due to him being born mere minutes after Evelyn.
Then we come to today's episode at the end, with Montrose (now with his mask off) going to Kenchall at his APC. He says, "Its been ten years. We have a lot to catch up on."
Kenchall doesn't recognize him, saying "I don't know you."
Montrose retorts that he does, and says this:
"I have a lot of explaining to do, but I know you of all people will understand the great lengths I have gone to try and cease control of this park, this corporation, that I missed out on by mere minutes. I need the time to explain this to you Kenchall. Do you understand?"
In raising him, what if it made Eggard heartbroken to see Kenchall unhappy. In wanting to please him, Eggard decides to find his own way in obtaining control of the park to pass down to his son. And the implication that Montrose/Eggard has done all of these heist jobs for the possibility of pleasing his son makes this sound very sad in the grand scheme of things. He even risked his life multiple times, from eating a pin, to having his hand be fused with two elephant tusks.
But from what Kenchall has done to him, Beef, Emerich, and countless others, this perception may change. Maybe Eggard wants control of the park but doesn't want his biological son involved in it. I mean, he did adopt Todzilla after all...
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ethersierra · 11 months
I haven't listened to the latest episode yet, so I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but have they announced when the last episode is coming yet? I remember hearing something (possibly from you) about it ending on ep 42, but they hadn't said anything in podcast about it that I heard. It being TAZ Steeplechase.
It has been confirmed that this week's episode is the last of Steeplechase. They did in fact make it to 42.
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