shadowofsteel · 8 years
Star meme for Stellaaaaaaa~
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // Youarefamily // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // You’re nice // You’re mean // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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stellagreyson · 8 years
(( @sentinel-kane ))
Stella had dragged him off to Sanctuary for Christmas, having had to have agreed to a lot of not-so-fun missions afterwards as compensation. Still, she was glad she got them the time off; it would be worth it.
She had Kane sitting in the living room of her home, some easy lounge music playing on the holotape player, while she danced around the kitchen and finished up their dinner and desserts.
While Marec sat on the couch and watched, Stella’s massive Maine coon cat, Chevvy, came over to say hello, first simply purring and rubbing herself against him. Then, she decided she wanted more affection and hopped up onto his lap, at which point she took up quite a bit of space, rubbing her head against Marec’s face and purring loudly.
Stella, meanwhile, was blissfully unaware of her cat practically smooshing and almost suffocating her guest.
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stellagreyson · 8 years
Late Night Unconventional Fitness
(( Okay, so I was listening to a song (Recovery by Kosheen), and I had this weird inspiration strike. So I wrote some stuff. Involving Stella and Maxson. >_>
And before people start questioning the physics and biology of things, I do this IRL, so I know what I'm talking about. :D
Before you start thinking Stella a whore, read the entire thing. <_> I may or may not continue it *cough* if enough people seem to like it. Read under the break! ))
It was late at night, and while most of the Brotherhood slept soundly after a successful mission, Stella found herself restless and unable to fall asleep. Instead, she donned a pair of compression shorts and a sports bra, and padded her way barefoot to the training room.
A single vertical pole was erected in the middle of the room, everything else was moved off to the sides. The speakers in the room played an easy, almost tribal song that had a way of making people move. It was just the one song, on loop; it was speaking volumes to Stella.
With her eyes closed, she stood with her feet shoulder-width apart, beginning with slow hip circles to warm up, rolling on the balls of her feet, her knees beginning to bend as she went from circles to figure-eights. One hand held onto the pole, the other simply hanging easily at her side. She rolled her head, her shoulders, stretched her arms, took two steps to widen her stance, then folded forward in half, her head hanging for a moment, hands flat on the ground. Slowly, she rolled up, back curling, shoulders rolling back.
She stepped in, beginning a slow walk around the pole, one hand holding on loosely. Each step was on the balls of her feet, measured, precise, hips swaying hypnotically. Her other hand came to the pole in a firm grip, her hips pushing out in a wide circle, one leg trailing outwards behind it to trace a wide pedal-shaped circle on the ground. A re-grip, the same leg coming out in a pirouette as she ducked under her arm to turn her back to the pole, one hand high, one hand low.
One foot slipped behind the other as she adjusted her grip just behind her head and slowly slid down the pole. The leg that went behind was stretched out before her by the time she sat down, the other folded across. Her hands came down onto the ground behind her and her legs swung around, once again tracing large circles as she ended up on all fours, then sat back on her heels. A breath, then up on one foot, then the other, hands pushing off on her knees as she stood up. Once again, she walked slowly around the pole, one hand high, the other relaxed at her side.
Outside in the hallway, Arthur Maxson found himself without sleep, as well. He felt confined in his room and needed to get out, so he found himself wandering the empty hallways in his slacks and a simple white t-shirt. He heard the music ahead, and with a raised eyebrow, he approached slowly, quietly and stepped just inside the room.
Stella had gripped the pole with both hands again, one leg coming up and swinging out in a ballet pirouette again, her knee hooking around the pole just as she launched herself forward and off of her feet, spinning around the pole. The muscles in her arms, her shoulders, and her back flexed with the effort, easily supporting her weight as her feet touched down and she circled her hips in a wide circle.
Arthur's interest was piqued, and he decided to lean against the wall by the door, watching in silence with his arms crossed over his chest. Stella seemed too far into the zone to really notice anyone had entered the room, her eyes closed half the time.
He'd heard of such activities happening in certain seedy clubs, but as he watched Stella re-grip the pole with both hands just at shoulder-height, her back, shoulders, and arms flexing once more as her legs came up before her in a wide straddle, he realized there was nothing of sexual intent in her movements currently.
She inverted herself, slowly, her core strong and supporting the weight of her strong legs as one came up to hook around the pole just above her hands. She twisted her body until it was parallel with the floor, her free leg coming down, foot sliding along the pole until she was in something of a demi-split. Her hands came off completely as she straightened out, holding the pose for a moment. She bent backwards, curling her body behind the pole and reaching up above her knee with one hand to grip the pole, her hooked knee straightening out, the lower leg coming away from the pole as Stella grabbed her ankle. She held it once more for a moment or two.
Arthur's eyes widened slightly as he watched her release her bottom leg and grip the pole. Her flexibility was incredible, and the sheer strength she displayed as she untangled herself and straightened out to be parallel with the ground once more, legs straight out and bicycling slowly while being supported by her arms and core, was remarkable.
Again, she twisted, and slowly lowered herself in a manner that looked like she was walking on air until she was right-side up, legs wrapping around the pole to hold her up and give her arms a rest. Slowly, she slid herself down the pole and touched down on the balls of her feet gingerly, then flat on her feet.
The control she showed over her body was beyond impressive, unlike anything he'd ever seen, and he felt his heart suddenly racing in his chest.
Arthur pushed away from the wall and padded over silently, her back to him as she took a step to the side and set a hand on the pole. He stopped behind her, his own hand coming to wrap around hers on the pole firmly.
Her breath hitched, muscles tensed at the unexpected contact and company. His other hand came to rest on her hip as he stood right up against her.
His head was craned down, his lips by her ear and his voice smooth, confident as always. She'd felt a shiver run up her spine, and slowly, she turned her head to look over at him. How long had he been watching?
“Elder Max--” She couldn't even finish before his lips caught hers in a heated kiss. Her eyes widened, her heart jumped up into her throat, and her muscles tightened. Her other hand came to sit atop his on her hip while both of his hands gripped her a little tighter.
When he felt her relax beneath him, he let go of her hip, letting his hand slide over her smooth abdomen and grip her other hip, turning it towards him and turning her until her back was to the pole. He still held the hand above her head. Stella looked up into those piercing blue eyes of his, seeing a familiar fire burning in them as their gazes met.
“Art--” Again, she was interrupted by his lips, the kiss hungrier, deeper this time as he pressed his body against hers, trapping her between himself and the pole, feeling her melt beneath his touch, his kiss.
~to be continued?~
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stellagreyson · 9 years
( for @brotherhood-psyker~ )
“Let’s not, and say we did.”
“Stop squirming, Greyson. Do you want Gallows to come in and see you being chickenshit about a vaccine?”
Stella hated needles. She put up with them, but if she could avoid them, she would do it like the plague. Unfortunately, she and Sister Gallows were being sent out into the Glowing Sea and needed a heavy-duty dose of Rad-X just to be safe.
Stella decided she would give her the rundown of the mission while they were both getting jabbed in the arm, and was now reconsidering her decision while Knight-Captain Cade prepared the needles.
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stellagreyson · 9 years
( @simplyirresynthable :p )
“Danse, Danse!”
Stella came bounding through Listening Post Bravo, clearly excited about something. She hadn’t seen Danse in a while, but her latest discovery was definitely something that could make everything else wait.
As she ran through the hallway and down into the main room, she didn’t notice the things strewn about the place and ended up tripping over what looked like a bench of sorts. Thankfully, years of military training taught her how to roll over and end up in a crouch and not severely injure herself. She rose slowly, dusting herself off as big brown eyes scanned the place for the first time, a look of confusion screwing up her sharp features.
“Are you redecorating?” She asked, blinking a few times. She shook her head and blinked the question away, her excitement returning.
“I need your help clearing out a factory full of raiders. It’s important.” She grinned and almost flailed with excitement. Stella was never really known to get excited about Raiders in a factory, but this was an amusing sight at best.
“It may or may not be a Fancy Lad factory.” She added, grinning from ear to ear.
“...Okay it totally is a Fancy Lad factory.”
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stellagreyson · 9 years
( For @sentinel-kane )
They had been sent to recover a rather large piece of tech. Kane and Stella were supposed to go into the lab to clear it out of any raiders, ghouls, or whatever might pose a threat in there, with a scribe following behind a little further to locate and prepare whatever it was they were looking for, and to signal the vertibird to come extract them afterwards.
The signal grenade sat there, flaring and flashing while a team of scribes fumbled inside the laboratory, which looked like it could tip over after the havoc the two sentinels had wreaked in there. They tried not to blow the place up, they really did.
Stella hobbled over, a bloody and dirty mess, and plopped down on the small guard wall next to Kane, idly handing him a bottle of whiskey she’d collected afterwards. Her own power armour was back at the Prydwen for repairs, and she had to go into the mission in her combat armour and black officer’s uniform. She’d come out of the ordeal fairly well, thanks to Kane providing her with cover in his armour.
“Next time, when I say ‘head’s up’, it doesn’t mean look back at me.” She said, poking him in his armoured shoulder and grinning. “Unless I yell ‘flashbang’ or something.”
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stellagreyson · 9 years
Stella stood at the door to Elder Maxson’s private quarters, garbed for the first time in the black Brotherhood uniform, though she remained unarmoured and unarmed, save for the small laser pistol she had strapped to her hip at all times. Just in case.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, raising her hand to knock on the door, cringing a little at how loudly it echoed. For some reason, everything seemed louder to her in her heightened state of anxiety.
“Elder Maxson? A moment of your time, if you would permit. If..you’re not busy, that is.”
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stellagreyson · 9 years
“Sing, Stella!”
Some of the Brotherhood members were sitting around and sharing some drinks over a meal together, celebrating a successful, difficult mission, Stella among them.
“Sing for us, Stella!” “C’mon, please!”
They’d heard her singing once, and the Brotherhood kept no secrets. It spread like wildfire, and they had her singing whenever they had nights like this. Her voice was soothing to them, helping them forget their troubles for a time.
“Aw, come on guys..”
“Sing!” They all started chanting, banging spoons on their mugs, until Stella finally succumbed to their wishes, shaking her head and chuckling. Someone even went so far as to put some music on; they found a holotape of a song she knew and loved to hear.
There were soft violins in the back, and a soft drum beat to carry the song. Shortly, she picked up the words in Italian.
“Voi cui eternità, A posto in braccia, Mia vita. Voi che d'altro mondo. Sognate, d'altre fiamme.”
She had an operatic voice behind her, but she was being modest at the moment. The boys had already drawn enough attention; some of Ingram’s men had wandered over for a listen.
Everyone was silent, a few of the ladies who wandered over were mouthing some of the words. Everyone seemed to have fallen into some kind of trance; even Stella herself seemed to have gotten caught up in her song.
(( Feel free to use this as an RP starter, if anyone likes.))
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stellagreyson · 9 years
ooc; just for my followers
So I decided ima do a thing.
Maybe some of you aren’t here to see content of a sexual nature, or maybe that’s exactly why you’re here. I won’t judge. But to make it easier to find/ignore posts containing sexual material, I’m going to tag them with #Sexout
Feel free to do the same, if you like.
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stellagreyson · 9 years
She’d returned to the Prydwen almost immediately after the detonation. Stella had attended her debriefing with Elder Maxson and Captain Kells with a numbness, simply nodding and replying like an automaton, almost.
When they’d dismissed her, she walked herself over to a slightly more secluded part of the Prydwen and stepped out of her T-60 suit, plopping herself down in a chair and pulling up a small table. Reaching into her suit, Stella pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a foggy glass, then set them down on the small table.
She sat back for a moment, closing her eyes and letting out a shaky breath, trying to keep herself composed. A part of her wanted some company, wanted someone to talk to and spill everything out to, but another part of her just wanted to curl up into a hole and die alone, the same way she’d come into this forsaken world.
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stellagreyson · 9 years
I was trying to take a screenshot of Stella during a conversation, and accidentally took a really good screenshot of Danse. Oops?
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stellagreyson · 9 years
“This is insane! I can’t kill you!”
She’d been off in the Glowing Sea, delivering Virgil his antidote serum while the Brotherhood was going through the data she’d brought them from the Institute, and going over in her head ad nauseam what had transpired when she’d gone into the Institute for the first time.
As soon as Stella returned to the Prydwen’s deck, she knew something was off. The Paladins standing guard, the scribes moving about, they all looked at her differently, almost with...pity? A few of them even went so far as to mumble ‘I’m so sorry...’ beneath their breath. She’d felt a sickness inside of her well up at the mention that Elder Maxson wanted to talk to her.
And then it all went downhill from there. Maxson came down at her like the fist of an angry god, claiming she’d been keeping secrets from him. It took a lot of prodding and convincing, but she’d calmed him down, relatively, and gotten an explanation that the records she took from the Institute claimed that Danse was a synth. He then left it to her to go ‘take care of the situation.’
Now, here she was, trying to talk Danse down, trying to convince him that he didn’t want her to kill him, the situation only getting more ludicrous.
“This is insane, Danse! I can’t kill you!” She was on the border of hysteria for the second time in a matter of days. She’d dropped down to her knees to be at level with him, though still she somehow came up shorter than him. Righteous Authority dropped down to her side.
“Why the hell not?” Danse shouted back angrily, scowling down at her.
Her face contorted through a range of emotions as she struggled to come up with a way to explain, tried to come up with the right words. She knew what Danse felt like that first time he’d opened up to her. Frustration overtook her, and she’d decided actions would speak louder than words at this point.
And then she was on him, her hands coming up to the sides of his head, one of them sneaking up the back of his head and into his hair, eyes closing as her lips caught his in a deep, almost desperate, and passionate kiss that bore her entire soul to him.
She broke the kiss, but didn’t pull away very far, didn’t let go of him. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw that dumbfounded look he gave her whenever she’d even tried her hand at flirting. He always seemed so awkward when it came to feelings...
“Because I love you, you idiot...”
(( Note: I’m also totally cool with this being a potential RP starter, as well!))
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stellagreyson · 9 years
This blog. She is still (aesthetically) under construction, but I am totally open to RP while doing so!
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stellagreyson · 9 years
“I don’t want to set the world on fire...”
At least the music hadn’t changed in 200 years.
Stella was sitting in a simple lawn chair in the backyard of her home in Sanctuary Hills, the home from...before. The small radio was sitting on a small metal table with a smoked bottle of...something. She thought it might have been scotch at one point.
While brown eyes stared into the foggy glass in her hand, her mind was elsewhere. Back in the Institute, when she first stepped foot in it.
“Is it so hard to believe that it was not ten years, but in fact sixty?”
She screamed, getting up and hurling the glass in her hand at the wall of her home, falling to her knees and breaking down into tears.
I’m sorry, Shaun...
She could see him again, lying there in his bed, in pain, while she towered over him in her power armour, clutching onto Righteous Authority. He couldn’t even look at her.
I’m so sorry...
She clutched onto her head as the image of putting Shaun...Father..out of his misery, replayed over and over in her mind, followed by watching the mushroom cloud erupt from the College grounds from up high on one of the buildings.
Reaching up, she wiped her face with the sleeve of her Brotherhood uniform, sniffling a few times and looking back at the bottle on the table.
Of all the things she had to build up a resistance-like tolerance to, it had to be alcohol...
“I just want to start a flame in your heart...”
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