#stepdad kaidan has lived rent free in my brain for far too long
acciokaidanalenko · 1 year
A Different Life, Ch. 1
Chapter One: The New Normal
Summary: It starts as a regular Saturday...
CW/TW: Major Character Death
Preview of chapter below the cut. AO3 link: here.
The hot pan sizzled as Kaidan carefully poured the last spoonful of pancake mix onto it. A plate with several already made sat on the counter to his right, along with the bacon and eggs he'd already finished cooking. His attention drifted out the window in front of him for a moment, watching as the skycars zoomed by in streaks of varying colors. A view you couldn't get anywhere else on the Citadel, only on the Presidium.
Bubbles began to rise to the top of the pancake, he quickly flipped it before it could start to burn.
As Kaidan stood beside the stove, he noticed a small hand reaching out from behind him. He watched as it gripped a piece of bacon between two tiny fingers and disappeared.
"Hey! Breakfast isn't ready yet," he admonished, playfully swatting at the hand.
A triumphant giggle sounded behind him as it retreated. Kaidan turned his head and looked into the pale blue eyes staring at him from the opposite side of the island at the center of the kitchen, a gleeful smile on the small, freckled face before him.
"I'm the early bird! You didn't have any worms, so I taked your bacon 'stead!" Another giggle sounded as the child devoured their stolen prize, perched precariously on the edge of the bar stool, short legs kicking back and forth as they dangled below her.
"The Canadian in me is very proud," Kaidan said with a gentle chuckle. He turned back toward the pan and moved the pancake to the plate, turning off the eye of the stove and moving the pan aside before grabbing the plate of food and moving toward the island. "Wanna help me set the table, Morgan?"
"Oh-Kay!" she answered enthusiastically, jumping down from the bar stool and following behind Kaidan as he carried the plate of food to the table. He placed it at the center and went to grab the plates and utensils from their respective cabinets. Together, he and Morgan had the table set in just a few minutes. "Can we go get Mama now?"
"Yeah, let's go get her," Kaidan agreed, nodding his head and motioning for her to lead the way.
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