dlsphjournalism · 3 months
THE BMJ -- HPV: Cameroon fights back against one of the world’s lowest vaccination rates
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- Curious to gain knowledge about her own health, a young grandmother attended the launch of the Women’s Health Programme in northern Cameroon at the end of January 2024. Moved by the sessions on cervical cancer prevention and the human papilloma virus (HPV), she corralled her seven grandchildren and returned to Meskine Baptist Hospital. Together, they received the HPV vaccine. Another woman from Chad made the two day journey through dangerous territory to access the free clinic and the vaccine. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 4 months
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CHATELAINE -- What You Need To Know About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- The morning after I gave birth to my first daughter, in 2017, I eased myself out of bed and felt a sudden gush of fluid. I panicked. I’m an ob/gyn, and my first thought was that I was having a postpartum hemorrhage. It could be fatal. I could bleed to death. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 5 months
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HEALTHY DEBATE -- Simple finger-prick blood test could help women with debilitating condition
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- A Canadian company is working to perfect a simple, finger-prick blood test that would revolutionize the diagnosis of endometriosis – a chronic condition characterized by debilitating pelvic pain that affects one in 10 women worldwide. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 8 months
PREGNANCY FOR PROFESSIONALS PODCAST -- Postpartum Care Models: Impact on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- We need to have a serious conversation about postpartum care models in Canada. Statistics suggest that maternal morbidity and mortality rates are on the rise. Digging deeper into the numbers calls into question all sorts of gaps within our currently care models, how we can better address patient needs through interdisciplinary, collaborative care, the benefit of looking at other models internationally - and how the data collection itself may be leading to misrepresentative statistics.
Dr. Stephanie Ferguson, obstetrician/gynecologist based out of Guelph, Ontario, joins Dr. Alicia Power on today's episode to wade through this complex yet crucial topic on which her current research and fellowship focus on, and where she has already published articles on the topic. LISTEN HERE.
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dlsphjournalism · 9 months
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HEALTHY DEBATE -- Canadian women are waiting longer than ever for gynecologic surgery: Patients and providers are calling for action.
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- At age 60, Kate Revington retired from her role as a university administrator so she and her partner could travel to visit their children overseas while still in good health. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 9 months
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THE BMJ -- Growing interest in Korean “postnatal retreats” highlights dearth of maternal care in North America
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- Over the past 10 years, Hyesook Jeon and her husband Michael have shared their time between her home in South Korea and his in Canada. They met in Seoul in 2004 and currently live outside of Toronto. When it was time to give birth to their daughter in 2010, Seoul was the natural choice for delivery because of Korea’s unique postpartum culture. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 11 months
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CANADIAN AFFAIRS -- New moms navigate postpartum care maze
BY STEPHANIE FERGUSON (FJHI '24) -- Ontario mom Taylor Mott has three children, the youngest just two months old. When her first child was born, her daughter was admitted to a special care nursery. Despite the stressors that came with her delivery, Mott found that the early postpartum period was in some ways easier than with her second and third child. READ MORE.
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