shiprecs · 10 years
Crazy, Stupid, Love by toraten
Summary: After Stiles gets possessed and de-possessed, he falls into a depression. It's a time in his life he's not proud of. He's unable to help his friends who seem to have no problem getting on with their lives and battling all evil that threatens Beacon Hills, with a smile on their faces. , He's unable to do all the big things with his life he was expected to do.
He knows there need to be some changes once he gets off of his anti-depressants: the sheriff and Derek think it would do him good to start working out, and since Stiles doesn't really have a good reason not to, he agrees.
In which Derek is a terrible life coach, but at the same time he's exactly what Stiles needs.
 .Stiles/Derek, PG-13, hurt/comfort, slow build, future.
Word Count: 13, 000
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shiprecs · 10 years
The Magic's in the Coffee by xxxillusionxxx
Summary: Ever since the tall, muscled, leather-clad werewolf had begun his daily coffee routine at the Skullery—a horrendous name in Stiles’s opinion, but his boss was a skeleton who thought he was terribly clever—an impromptu competition developed among the baristas.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, non-human!Stiles, mystery, drama, romance.
Word Count: 17, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
A Lot of Red Leather and a Lot of Smoke by howl-to-the-wind
Summary: Derek Hale and Oliver Queen are best friends who work out together once a week at HAO Gym. Stiles Stilinski works the front desk and is convinced they’re together which sucks because he is totally attracted to Derek. Felicity Smoak comes crashing into Stiles’ life and the two instantly become BFFs and bond over their attraction to billionaires who are out of their league.
.Stiles/Derek, M, crossover, AU, future, sport, drama, pining.
Word Count: 15, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Just A Few Extra Benefits by heartsdesire456
Summary: When Derek comes to Stiles with a confession that he has trust issues that make any sex life impossible, he offers Stiles a mutually beneficial proposal:
They are close friends who trust each other explicitly, therefore, they can have sex with each other and take care of both his intimacy issues and Stiles's 'virginity' issue all in one no-strings-attached deal.
Derek and Stiles are comfortable with their arrangement... It's everybody else that is waiting for their friendship to be damaged beyond repair.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, friends with benefits, oblivious, humour, future, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 13, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
My Boys by losingmyangelgrace
Summary: “Afternoon Sheriff, sir, what can I do you for?” he might as well try for innocence.
.Stiles/Derek, PG-13, AU, future, fluff, angst, cops, kid fic.
Word Count: 11, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Meet Me At Your Worst by Febricant
Summary: It should have been climactic, really, for the extent of the damage.
.Stiles/Derek, M, pack feels, bonding, mild dub-con.
Word Count: 17, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Rumour Has It by WhoNatural
Summary: Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore.
.Stiles/Derek, PG-13, pining, AU, angst, humour, high school, BAMF!Stiles.
Word Count: 12, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Designing Werewolves by alexscat
Summary: Stiles doesn’t know the first thing about interior design, which is unfortunate, since Lydia wants him to redecorate her whole house in a week. It’s lucky Scott’s packmates run their own decorating and painting business. Stiles has his doubts about the Hales, but Laura turns out to be pretty cool, and Derek, well, he’s the hottest painter Stiles has ever seen.
.Stiles/Derek, PG-13, AU, Hales, writing, future, fluff.
Word Count: 13, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Head Cases and Questionable Characters by howl-to-the-wind
Summary: Working for Argent & Hale, one of the most prestigious legal firms in the country, was always eventful to say the least. It was a big headache a lot of the times, sure, and a pain in the ass in most, but for Stiles Stilinski, it was a dream come true. He adored his colleagues, was paid a boatload of money, and everybody knew that he was damn good at his job.
.Stiles/Derek, PG-13, AU, crossover, drama, pining, humour, Hales, all human.
Word Count: 18, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Laying Groundwork by LunaCanisLupus_22
Summary: His expression isn’t much to go by but the entire clubs howling gets louder at his appearance and Stiles literally pops a boner watching the guy’s big hands wrestle with the microphone stand.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, hurt/comfort, angst, smut.
Word Count: 10, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Laying Groundwork by LunaCanisLupus_22
Summary: His expression isn’t much to go by but the entire clubs howling gets louder at his appearance and Stiles literally pops a boner watching the guy’s big hands wrestle with the microphone stand.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, hurt/comfort, angst, smut.
Word Count: 10, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Laying Groundwork by LunaCanisLupus_22
Summary: His expression isn’t much to go by but the entire clubs howling gets louder at his appearance and Stiles literally pops a boner watching the guy’s big hands wrestle with the microphone stand.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, hurt/comfort, angst, smut.
Word Count: 10, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
By Moon And Stars by kellifer_fic
Summary: "I know of him, mostly stories that seem a little fantastical. Shifters exaggerate just like common people. They like their war stories."
"Tell me of him. Tell me a war story," Stiles invites.
.Stiles/Derek, M, crossover, violence, hurt/comfort, romance.
Word Count: 15, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Back to Beacon Hills by surrenderdammit
Summary: Stiles is a born werefox, returning to Beacon Hills with the hopes of starting over and finding some sort of home again. Maybe he can finally stay in one place long enough for his scent to catch.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, nonhuman!Stiles, knotting, marking, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 10, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
we won't destroy you by andnowforyaya
Summary: Derek and Stiles have a complicated history. There's a guy in a red and blue spandex suit who complicates things further.
.Stiles/Derek, G, AU, hurt/comfort, angst, crossover.
Word Count: 11, 000
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shiprecs · 11 years
Trust In This (Even If You're Scared Stiff) by otter
Summary: Stiles' kid has a tendency to get into fights and possibly has bad taste in friends. Or enemies. Stiles isn't sure yet, but he's pretty sure the other kid's dad is too hot to be human.
.Stiles/Derek, PG-13, kid fic, fluff, AU.
Word Count: 10, 000
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