#steven is a furry and connie is too now you can't stop this
susoftjockau · 4 years
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art by @badartbysomeguy 
“I can’t believe how cute it is,” Steven giggled, his legs kicking happily behind him as he laid on her bed. Connie did her best to ignore him, trying to focus on her own tablet. “He feels just like me! You were so right. I’d be such a cute golden retriever. And pink! Of course I’m pink. I love pink.”
Connie couldn’t ignore all praise, though, and heat burned up her cheeks. “Okay, you can quit gushing about it now.”
”Never!” He grinned slyly. “Unless you want to talk about the other thing.”
“Don’t you dare.”
He slid up behind her, leaning over the back of her chair so she could feel him towering over her. “What would you be, Connie? You have the power to draw yourself as any animal and you’ve never done it? Don’t lie. What species are you? What’s her name?”
“I have never made a fursona,” Connie said for the thousandth time, her voice as flat as ever.
“Then we can make one. Together.” He stroked her cheek tenderly and she groaned again (along with a few choice swear words). He continued, “You’re so sweet. Smart. Funny. Aggressive. I think you’d be something like… maybe a German Shepherd. Or a Husky.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’d choose something cooler than a dog.”
“Oh. You have thoughts about not being a dog.” His lips came close to her ear in a dark whisper. “You’re halfway there. Embrace the fur.”
She laughed and squealed, pushing him away. “You’re such a dork!”
“A wolf! Like a cooler dog!” Steven suggested, then eyed her face. There seemed to be no affection for wolves there. “No. You want something really cool. Not who you are. Who you want to be. I’m thinking big cat.”
She grinned. “Lion.”
“Spirit baby,” Connie insisted. “Kindred love.”
“You can’t kin Lion!” He laughed as she stuck out her tongue. “Maybe you’d be… a tiger. Largest big cat. Strong. Confident. Cool stripes.”
“Nah. I’m not cool enough.” She shrugged.
“You are cool enough, but that didn’t speak to you.” He crossed his arms as he pondered that. “Hmm… ooh, a cheetah! Fast. Nimble. Busy.”
“Feels like the kind of animal that can’t enjoy a snow day,” she teased. “Too frantic. I thought this was supposed to be wish fulfillment. I’m not busy in my fantasies.”
“Then a snow leopard,” Steven said. “Quiet. Private. Definitely knows how to enjoy a snow day. Adorable, but underneath, a rarely seen powerful hunter. Slower than a cheetah but more nimble. Chasing prey over sheer cliffs.”
Connie bit her lip. Snow leopards were pretty. And strong. And cute. By the time she finished zoning out, Steven was beaming from ear to ear, making a giddy squealing sound.
“You’re thinking about it! You’re a snow leopard! Draw a fursona, Connie. Connie. Connie, look at me.” His hands came down on her shoulders as she forced herself to do as he asked. “Embrace it. Draw a sona.”
She flushed and covered her face. “Shut up.”
“Cute kitty paws that could kill a man.” He pushed her hands aside to replace them with his own, squishing her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, you’d be adorable in snow leopard ears. All fuzzy!”
She squeaked. “No! I’ll draw it right now if you promise to never say that again!”
“And a tail!”
“Steven!” She shrieked with laughter as she smacked his hands away. “Forget this whole thing. You’re incorrigible!”
Beat away yet again in his quest to convert Connie to furrydom, he settled back on her bed to admire her previous work. But later that night, after he had gone home, Steven’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He tugged it out to find a very adorable Snow Leopard anthro, with a simple text of, “Help me name her? And don’t say I told you so.”
- @universallywriting​
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