#stevie blackheart carwyn
scumbagg · 4 years
Clemens Point
Ruby x Charles, Death Squad and VDL.
Warnings: the F word, injury.
Thanks once again to the writing queen @verai-marcel​ and the photoshop queen @theunholyoutlaw​ for the Ruby & Charles pic ❤❤
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“Mr Smith, the stew is ready if you’d like to grab a bowl.”
“Thank you, Ms Grimshaw.”
“Anything new?”
“No, she hasn’t woken yet. I’ll find you when she does.”
Ruby stirs at the voices close by. She opens her eyes to blinding light and looks around, realising she’s laying in a cot inside a covered tent. More voices can be heard outside, and somewhere nearby a dog barks as a child laughs.
Ruby looks around and sees Charles Smith sitting in a chair by the entrance to the tent. He’s facing away from her, watching the back of an old woman walk away. Ruby tries to sit up, and immediately regrets it; the pain coming from her left ribcage is unbearable and she groans in agony, flopping back down on the bed. Gasping, she rips the covers from her to look down at her side. The left side of her abdomen is covered with bandages. She’s about to rip the bandage off when two big strong hands grab her wrists and pin them down to her sides.
“You… probably don’t wanna do that.” Ruby looks up into a pair of warm brown eyes. Charles is still holding her wrists down, but loosens his grip when she stops struggling. “Glad to see you’re awake and lively, though.” He chuckles at her frustration.
“Where am I and how did I get here?” Ruby looks around once more. She can smell water nearby, but it doesn’t smell like the river or the swamps.
“Clemens Point, just west of Rhodes.” Charles answers simply. “Arthur and I brought you back here after one of those men shot you,” he says, nodding at her bandaged ribcage. “The bullet went straight through, luckily.”
“Why’d you have to get involved?” Ruby demands. “I had it covered! I could’ve handled it myself… without getting injured.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that. But you definitely would’ve caused some damage, and I think you’d rather not set your business on fire along with half the town.” Charles frowns. “You thirsty?” He asks suddenly.
Ruby realises her throat feels dryer than New Austin, and nods. Charles immediately gets up and heads out of the tent. Ruby watches him leave, frowning at his back. “She’s awake.” She hears him tell someone out of view.
Footsteps approach hurriedly, and Stevie and Kira come into view. Ruby gasps.
“Stevie? Kira? What are you two doing here?”
“I was on guard duty when Arthur and Charles brought you in,” Kira answers. “This is the Van Der Linde Gang.”
It’s as if a light flicks on in Ruby’s brain. “Oh! Of course! Javier and John were in the saloon the day the Lemoyne Raiders shot the place up trying to get to me. I didn’t realise it was them, though. I only heard him,” she nods in Charles’ direction, “shouting their names. Which also makes sense as to why you’re here.” She smirks at Stevie.
Stevie smiles slyly. “Yes, I was here for John, obviously. Kira came and got me as soon as you arrived here yesterday. But speaking of him-” She also nods her head towards the tent flaps. “He hasn’t left-”
“Wait-” Ruby cuts her off. “Did you say I arrived here yesterday?! I’ve been out of it for a whole day?!”
“Well…” Kira pulls out her gold pocket watch. “A day and a half, actually. You were bleeding pretty badly when they brought you back. Some of the gang members fixed you up, and you’d do well to leave that bandage on.” She adds, watching Ruby’s hand subconsciously move to her bandaged ribcage.
“Hey,” Stevie asks suddenly. “You thirsty?”
Ruby frowns. “Why do people keep asking me that? And yes I am, but Mr Smith went to get me something, I think..” She trails off, looking out the tent past Stevie and Kira.
The two women by the bed exchange a look that doesn’t go unnoticed by Ruby.
“What is it?” She demands.
“I’m surprised he left you,” Stevie smirks. “This is the longest he’s been away from your side since you arrived.”
Ruby narrows her eyes. “You make that sound like a good thing.”
“Actually, Ruby,” Kira quips. “It ain’t a bad thing.” She looks at Ruby warmly. “I haven’t spent much time around him, but Charles seems like a pretty decent guy. He pulls more than his fair share around camp, and Arthur seems to trust him, so I do too. Sometimes I trust Arthur’s judgement more than Javier’s.” She rolls her eyes.
“Yes,” adds Stevie. “I’ve only ever heard good things from John about him, and John don’t like just anybody.”
Ruby sighs. The movement of her ribcage expanding sends shooting pains across her whole abdomen and her face contorts in a pained grimace. Kira and Stevie immediately move over her, Stevie pinning Ruby’s arms back as her hands make their way to her wound once more.
“Fucking Lemoyne Raiders,” Ruby gasps, attempting to get up. “I’m going to fucking.. kill.. every last one of them.”
“Not in this state, you’re not,” says Kira firmly, pushing Ruby back down onto the bed. Even in her weak state, Ruby is unsurprised at Kira’s strength; as petite as she was, Ruby had seen Kira throw grown men to the ground before.
Ruby groans defeatedly. “Wait ‘til I find those bastards’ location,” she growls. “There’ll be no such thing as the Lemoyne Raiders once I’m finished with them.”
“And we’ll be right there with you,” says Stevie. “But for now, you need to get your strength back.”
Ruby looks up at her two friends, trying to find the words to thank them, but at that moment Charles re-enters the tent holding a bowl of stew and a bottle of beer.
“So, all I could find was beer, but I did bring you some stew. The camp cook, Pearson, ain’t the best cook, but it’s… edible.” Charles shrugs.
Ruby thanks Charles, attempting to sit up but struggling. Kira and Stevie scoot back and share a knowing look as Charles hurriedly sets the bottle and bowl next to the bed before placing a hand under her back.
“Need a hand?” he asks.
“Sure, thanks,” says Ruby grudgingly, annoyed at having to accept the help. She carefully wraps her arm around his shoulders as he places his other hand under her knees, gingerly shifting her so she is sitting up in bed. As he hands her the bowl of stew, Kira stands up.
“Well, I’ve gotta get back to guard duty. Stevie, you should find Roxy and let her know Ruby’s fine.” She looks at Stevie pointedly, and nods towards Ruby and Charles, raising her eyebrows before exiting. Stevie stands immediately, taking the hint.
“I’ll see what I can find out about the Raiders. I know Roxy had some trouble with them a while back.. I’m sure she’ll be eager to help. We’ll come check on you tomorrow.” She glances at Charles one last time as she leaves.
Ruby chuckles to herself at her friends’ subtleness, ignoring the pain in her side. Charles doesn’t seem to pick up on the exchange and sits down in the chair facing the bed.
“So what do you think?” Charles asks, nodding at the bowl of stew in Ruby’s hand.
“Did he.. empty a whole sack of salt into this?” She looks at the stew sceptically.
Charles chuckles. “Oh - ” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a strip of green. “Add some oregano, it’ll help with the flavour, at least.”
Ruby takes the herb gratefully. “Thank you,” she says, mixing it into her stew and spooning it into her mouth. The oregano made the stew almost nice.
Charles watches her eat with a curious expression.
“What, never seen a girl eat before?” Ruby asks irritably.
“What happened there?” He uses his own hand to gesture towards his eye, indicating Ruby’s scar that ran straight down her left eyebrow and over her cheek. Ruby places the bowl down on the bed and ducks her head so it was out of his view, something she had come to subconsciously do after all the years of shame from it.
“Don’t look at it,” she mumbles. “Please,” she adds, her eyes lifting to meet his. Charles’ hand gently lifts her chin so her gaze is level with his.
“You still look beautiful,” he says quietly, his eyes boring into hers. 
Ruby scoffs.
“A beautiful badass?” he amends, giving her a sheepish smile. .
“Much better,” Ruby says indignantly, returning to her stew. “I’ll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours.” She nods, using her eyebrows to indicate towards the slash running across his right cheek and ending at the corner of his mouth.
Charles chuckles darkly, a sound that seems to come from deep within his chest. “I don’t want to send you running for the mountains. Maybe one day,” he says, standing up. “But for now, you need to heal. Unfortunately, you are going to have another scar under those bandages, but it just makes you even scarier.” He smiles as he heads out of the tent.
Ruby hears the question under it all: maybe one day… did that mean he intended to stay around? Suddenly, she remembers something.
“Hey – Charles! Bones?”
“What?” He turns, a puzzled look on his face.
“My horse.”
“Oh, right. He’s fine – he’s out with the other horses, being taken care of. Funny, actually. We didn’t even have to lead him back with us, he just followed along behind us the whole way here.”
The sun is beginning to set over the campsite, reflecting a bright yellow glow from the water over the camp as Charles walks away towards the water. Ruby watches him, wondering who this handsome stranger was and why he was being so kind to her.
  Ruby remains in Clemens Point for a few more days until she is strong enough to leave. The morning after, she woke to the smell of coffee and looked around to find a cup beside her bed along with a fresh set of clothes. Stevie came back daily to check on her (although Ruby suspected she also had ulterior motives for coming to camp), and she and Kira helped her change her clothes and bandage. Her wound from the gunshot had healed nicely in just under two days and by the end of the third, Ruby was able to sit up without the assistance of Charles, who had brought her stew every afternoon and even helped her hobble out to sit around the campfire on her third night.
The sun is setting once more on Ruby’s fourth day in Clemens Point. Just as Kira and Stevie are finishing up, Arthur Morgan comes into the tent, calling out loudly to make sure Ruby was decent.
“Mr Morgan,” smiles Ruby politely. “I never got a chance to thank you for helping me out the other day. I would say if it weren’t for you and Mr Smith, I wouldn’t have made it out of there alive, but…” she trails off, her lips pulled back in a taut smile and her eyes hard.
“I know, I know. You had it covered. Charles already told me about how you think you were gonna escape from four on one” Arthur waves her off. “Actually, I’ve got some news and I’m sure you wanna hear it. It’s about them Lemoyne Raiders.”
Arthur tells Ruby, Stevie and Kira about how he and Lenny found where the Lemoyne Raiders were camped out in an old estate house outside Saint Denis.
“Shady Belle? I know the place,” Ruby says. “Wasn’t aware it had any inhabitants.” She looks at the other two young women expectantly, leaning forward.
“We’ll scope it out,” says Kira. “Stevie and I will collect Roxy tonight and report back.”
“Okay, but-”
“We won’t hit it without you, Ruby. This is your payback,” says Stevie. “If you’re ready, we’ll do it tomorrow night.”
Ruby sighs and leans back against the wall of the tent. “I appreciate that. Thank you.” She looks at Arthur. “Looks as though my stay is almost up.” Ruby stretches her arms, showing how much her injury is allowing her to move.
Arthur chuckles. “Well, I know of at least one person who won’t be thrilled about that news.”
Ruby rolls her eyes, but they land on Charles, who’s sitting at a table across camp sharpening some arrowheads. As if she called his name, Charles looks up and meets Ruby’s gaze. His lips pull up into a small smile and he stands up and makes his way over to the small gathering in the tent.
“Well, Hosea mentioned something about wanting to find some ancient Braithwaite gold, so I’m gonna try ‘n’ find a lead on that,” says Arthur. “Take care, Miss Cortez.”  He nods at Stevie and Kira and claps a hand on Charles’ shoulder on his way out.
“Yes, Javier said he wanted to try out a new fishing spot that’s great for fishing at dusk, so I best go get ready. See you tomorrow, Stevie,” Kira says as she follows Arthur.
“Alright, well. I guess that’s my cue to leave too. I’ll be back to collect you tomorrow, Rubes.” With a final glance back at Ruby and Charles, Stevie leaves.
“Hey,” Ruby smiles up at Charles.
“You wanna join me for a drink by the fire?” Charles asks.
“Sure,” she says, getting up. Charles moves forwards to help her stand up, but Ruby holds her hands out to stop him. Charles gives a wry chuckle at her stubbornness but stands back. Ruby grits her teeth but manages to stand up surprisingly quicker than she had been able to earlier that day.
“You know, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help,” Charles says, offering his arm for stability as they exit the tent.
“It is, and I don’t need help anyway,” says Ruby, swatting his arm away and hobbling towards the campfire.
Charles grabs two bottles of beer from a crate on a nearby table and the two of them find a seat on a log by the fire. An older man who had introduced himself on Ruby’s second day in camp as Hosea was telling a story to a few other members of camp. Ruby and Charles both sat and listened, drinking as the night grew heavier and cooler air began to set in.
At some point in the night, during her fourth bottle of beer, Ruby realised her head was spinning and her eyes began to droop. Charles had ducked off for a bathroom break and to grab more beer, leaving Ruby sitting by the fire by herself, listening to an old man everyone referred to as “Uncle” playing a harmonica.
“Heeeey pretty lady.” A young woman with short blonde curly hair and freckles splattered across her nose sways up to her and plonks herself down on the log next to Ruby. “You’re the moonshiner Charles keeps going on about, right?” She looks at Ruby through half shut eyes and smiles. “I’m Karen,” She holds out her hand.
“Hi, Karen, I’m Ruby,” Ruby says, shaking her hand. “I’ve seen you around camp while I was stuck in bed.” Ruby giggles drunkenly. “Wait – what do you mean ‘going on about me’? I’ve only met the man once before,” she says, bewildered.
“Exactly!” Karen laughs. “For a man of few words, let me tell you, I’ve heard a few times now about how you shot up the Rhodes saloon, killed a bunch of these ‘Lemoyne Raiders’, then jumped off a balcony onto your horse!”
“When you put it like that, it makes it sound so much more badass. But really, it was nothing,” laughs Ruby, waving her off.
Karen sighs. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Ruby. And believe me when I say that at some point, us girls here have wished he would look at us that way.”
Ruby tries to think of something to say, but the alcohol clouds her brain and her mouth feels dry. As if on cue, a gangly red-headed man with missing teeth swaggers by, telling her he found something “really interesting behind a tree just outside of camp if she wanted to check it out”, adding a wink. Karen giggles and follows him, wishing Ruby good night as she leaves.
Ruby watches the pair leave, and spots Charles heading back to the fire with two more bottles of beer. He sits down in the seat Karen had occupied a moment before, handing Ruby a bottle.
“So,” says Charles. “You’re leaving tomorrow. Are you sure you’re healed enough?”
“Of course I am,” says Ruby, jumping up from the log and doing a small jog on the spot. “If I weren’t healed could I do this?” She lifts her arms above her head and turns in a small pirouette, but her stitches pull slightly and she collapses back on the log, laughing.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Charles laughs as he catches her, but his expression turns sombre.
“What is it?” Ruby asks
Charles sighs. “I just.. I guess I’m worried I won’t see you again,” he says quietly, looking down.
Ruby looks at him thoughtfully. A combination of alcohol, tiredness and humidity are turning her brain fuzzy, and her hand finds its way under Charles’ chin, tilting it up so his eyes meet her own.
“I know where to find you,” she murmurs, leaning forward. “You’ll see me again.”
Charles closes the distance between them, his lips meeting hers as his hand cups her cheek gently. Ruby leans closer towards him and Charles’ other hand finds her waist when a hooting laugh carries across the fire. Ruby pulls away and looks over to see Uncle watching them joyfully.
“Yes! I knew you’d do it Charles, I told John you’d do it! He doubted you’d make a move but I had faith in ya! Where is that greasy bastard, I gotta go get my money..” The old man gets up and hobbles away, muttering about ‘bets’ and ‘making moves’.
“Did they.. did they bet money on us?” Ruby asks incredulously.
“I think so?” Charles laughs.
“Well, on that note, I think I’m going to bed. I don’t think it would have been much longer ‘til you had to carry me there anyway.” She stands up.
“It wouldn’t be the first time I carried you to bed,” Charles chuckles. He stoops down and sweeps Ruby up into his arms. “And hopefully it won’t be the last.”
Ruby wraps an arm around his shoulders as he carries her back to the tent. Charles lays her down gently on the cot before leaning in to kiss her lips again, deeper this time, before pulling away.
“Good night, Ruby,” he murmurs, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Good night, Charles,” Ruby smiles, sleep already taking her over.
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writingandsins · 4 years
❤️ Stevie x Cain ❤️ Harry x Eleanor 💋💋💋
Cain x Stevie
[] Quickie.
[x] Tongue.
[x] Softly bite your lip.
[] We wouldn’t.
[] Long and meaningful.
[x] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember last time?
[] Awkward…
[] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
[] Yes, definitely.
[] No.
[x] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.
[] Maybe.
[] Nope, you’re like family.
[] You’re cute, but probably not.
[] Just simply not my type.
[] If I knew you better.
[] Already did.
[] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be…
[] Hugging each other.
[] Just chilling.
[] Holding hands.
[] Kissing.
[x] Acting dumb. (Cain hates taking pictures lmao)
[] Normal picture.
[x] You holding me from behind.
You are…
[] Cute/Pretty.
[] Good looking.
[] Sexy.
[x] All of the above
You + me + room = …
[] Movies.
[] Cuddling.
[] Hanging out.
[] Kissing.
[] Playing games.
[x] Everything. Cain: “I wanna do more than that doll. 😏”
[] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should…
[x] Hit me up.
[] Be mine.
[] Marry me.
[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.
[] be studying
If we got married, I’d…
[] Divorce you.
[] Make kids.
[] Take your money and bounce.
[x] Smash every day.
[] I would cheat on you.
[] Be faithful.
[] Kill you in your sleep
[] We wouldn’t
Harry x Eleanor
[] Quickie.
[] Tongue.
[x] Softly bite your lip.
[] We wouldn’t.
[x] Long and meaningful.
[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember last time?
[] Awkward…
[] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
[] Yes, definitely.
[] No.
[x] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.
[] Maybe.
[] Nope, you’re like family.
[] You’re cute, but probably not.
[] Just simply not my type.
[] If I knew you better.
[] Already did.
[] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be…
[x] Hugging each other.
[] Just chilling.
[x] Holding hands.
[] Kissing.
[] Acting dumb.
[] Normal picture.
[] You holding me from behind.
You are…
[] Cute/Pretty.
[x] Good looking.
[x] Sexy.
[] All of the above
You + me + room = …
[] Movies.
[] Cuddling.
[] Hanging out.
[x] Kissing.
[] Playing games.
[] Everything.
[] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should…
[x] Hit me up.
[] Be mine.
[] Marry me.
[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.
[] be studying
If we got married, I’d…
[] Divorce you.
[] Make kids.
[] Take your money and bounce.
[] Smash every day.
[] I would cheat on you.
[x] Be faithful. Eleanor: “you are not the marrying type though.”
[] Kill you in your sleep
[] We wouldn’t
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fangirl-ramblings · 5 years
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My requests are currently *OPEN*
If you are interested in me writing something for you in the future then please check out some of the short stories I've written for Red Dead Redemption and check out my FAQ (or feel free to message me with any questions if needs be) before requesting anything.
If any of the links aren’t working, you can also find me on A03
See the full list under the cut (apologies for the for the formatting but i'm in the process of updating)
All NSFW stories will be marked with🍋
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Short Stories
Abigail Roberts Marston
x John Marston
Finally found what I've been looking for Fluff
Arthur Morgan
x reader
You’re too good looking for your own good x g/n reader | Fluff
The First Shall Be Forgotten x g/n reader
The Best Kept Memories x g/n reader | ongoing series
Intruder in the barn x g/n reader | Fluff with a hint of smut
Hush, I’m trying to kiss you! x f!reader | Jealousy & Fluff
I need your touch [🍋] x g/n reader | Self indulgent smut | PWP
x Female Original Character
The Final Goodbye [x Allie Foster] | Angst…just so much angst | CW: death of a spouse
x Charles Smith [Charthur]
I've missed you [🍋] PWP
x John Marston [Morston]
Shut up - I’m nervous too Fluff (with a hint of angst & pining)
Arthur & his bilingual s/o refusing to speak English to Micah
Bill Williamson
The kids, they ambushed me Angst with a touch of fluff?
x gender neutral reader
Y'all think I’m some kind of idiot Angst turning to fluff
It’s the thought that counts Fluff
These are your favourite candies right? [WIP]
Charles Smith
Charles and Javier reacting to a s/o with a morbid sense of humour
Charles finding out his s/o is pregnant
Sweet dreams series [x f!reader]
Sweet Dreams Angst / Fluff / Not quite smut / SFW-ish | [Chapter 3 & 4 spoilers]
Trust me I want this Fluff / Not quite smut / SFW-ish
x gender neutral reader
He loves me for me Fluff
x female reader
I like it when you call me Daddy [🍋] Just self indulgent smut / PWP
You owe me a kiss Fluff
Cupid's Arrow Fluff
x Trans reader
Untitled wip Fluff
x Arthur Morgan [Charthur]
‘I’ve missed you’ [🍋] PWP
x Original Female Character
On Your Best Behaviour Tonight? x Lilly Mae James | bordering on NSFW
Part 2 [WIP]
Dutch Van der Linde
x Hosea Matthews [VanderMatthews]
I want to keep you safe and sound Fluff with a bit of angst
Hosea Matthews
X Dutch Van der Linde [VanderMatthews]
I want to keep you safe and sound Fluff with a bit of angst
Javier Escuella
’I’m too sober for this’ Happy times in camp | Pure inadultarated fluff
x reader
’Have you been crying? [x g/n reader] | Angst with fluff
‘I told you I wouldn’t be long’ [x g/n reader] | Angst & Worry | [Chapter 4 & 5 Spoilers]
‘Me debes un beso’ [x g/n reader] | Fluff [but mild cursing involved]
A Piggyback Ride? [x f!reader ] | Fluff
How I met your mother [x f!reader] | Fluff  - [WIP]
I like it when you call me Daddy [🍋] [x f!reader] | Jealousy | Not so tender sex
x Female Original Character
Mi amor por ti es eterno [x Kira Stephens] | fluff and angst
Charles & Javier reacting to a s/o with a morbid sense of humour [NSFW-ish]
Jenny Kirk
x Micah Bell
Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone Angst | hint of NSFW | cw: violence / descriptions of wounds
John Marston
Jesus Christ, have you slept? Angst
x gender neutral reader
You were far too good looking for you own good anyways Angst & Fluff [Chapter 1 spoilers?]
‘The tears are good tears? Kiss me again” Pure fluff
x Abigail Roberts
Comfier than my Pillow Fluff
x Arthur Morgan [Morston]
‘Shut up - I’m nervous too’ Fluff (with a hint of angst & pining)
x Original Female Character
Reunited [x Stevie “Blackheart” Carwyn] | Angst & Fluff
Their First Time [🍋] | [x Lilly Mae James]
Josiah Trelawny
Don’t look away from me x f!reader (as Mrs Trelawny) | Angst & Fluff
Karen Jones
Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you
x female reader
Smoke & Mirrors Pining / Fluff | CW: Mild Violence
x Molly O'Shea
Kieran Duffy:
Kieran with a strong s/o [WIP]
Mary Linton
x female reader
Untitled Snippet [wip]
Micah Bell
x Jenny Kirk
Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone Angst | hint of NSFW | tw: violence / descriptions of wounds
Molly O'Shea
Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you
x female reader
I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you Pining / Fluff
x Karen Jones
Sadie Adler
x female reader
’Hush, I’m trying to kiss you’ Pining/ Friends to Lovers / Angst
Sean Macguire
I'm not mad, but know I expected better from you’ 🍋-ish | Brief accidental voyeurism 
Simon Pearson
x Susan Grimshaw [Pearshaw]
The Sweetest Voice Pining
Susan Grimshaw
x Simon Pearson [Pearshaw]
The Sweetest Voice Pining
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Ongoing Series:
The Best Kept Memories Arthur Morgan x g/n reader
✧ Chapter 1 
Once Upon A Time In Blackwater John Marston x my oc Lilly Mae James [on hiatus]
✧ Part 1 
Completed Series:
It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over [John Marston x f!reader] | Fluff with a hint of Angst
Part 1
Part 2
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My Original Character: Lilly Mae James
Life before the Van der Linde gang
Letters to camp
John & Lilly’s first kiss
John & Lilly’s first time [🍋]
On Your Best Behaviour Tonight? (Part 1) x Charles Smith | bordering on NSFW
On Your Best Behaviour Tonight? [🍋] (Part 2) [WIP] | x Charles Smith
The Hoodie stays on (Working title) [🍋 ] [WIP] | x Charles Smith
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Daughters of Chaos: (Lilly’s RDO posse)
Better in Numbers 🍋 [WIP] | Lilly Mae James x Charles Smith / Kira Stephens x Javier Escuella / Allie Foster x Arthur Morgan | Extremely NSFW
Close to the Heart (expanded) (Working Title) [WIP] | Allie Foster Arthur Morgan / Lilly Mae James x Charles Smith | Angst | inspired by this original story
253 notes · View notes
r0xy-w0lf · 5 years
Leonardo Davis
Nickname: Leo
Age: 27
Eye colour: baby blue
Height: 6ft 2
Hair: blonde
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Persona and upbringing.
Leo comes from a well to do family, born & raised in a wealthy upbringing. Due to that wealth, he's had the best education paid for by inherited riches. He uses this against his rivals, outsmarting their little minds before shooting them.
While he's a rich guy, he doesn't act like it! He'd be happy to get his hands dirty and is not just a pretty face. He goes out hunting a lot and runs into a lot of unpleasant beings and will happily take them out, guns or fists.
His father owns one of the biggest companies in Saint Denis and his mother is a former infamous outlaw turned housewife. His father and mother mostly his father) forced him into a marriage with another rich lass, but Leo wanted nothing to do with it.
When Leo was younger, his father knew a family from Ireland whom he did a lot trading and deals with. He made a friend called Ryan.
His mother was an outlaw and she knew many other gangs around the state, including coincidentally Stevie and Harrison’s father William George “Wolfgang” Carwyn. She got to know him rather well, as they did jobs together and spent a few “nights” together. Even after Leo was born, she would still go and see him or write to him as they remained close friends after their rendezvous.
His father would get paranoid, knowing full well where her mysterious trips were taking her to. He knew who she was with so he paid a gang to get rid of “Wolfgang” so his wife would love him again. As far as his mother knew, they had succeeded. The gang had failed to kill him, which Leo would be glad of in the future.
Leo saw Stevie a few times and the name “Miss Blackheart” spread across every newspaper. He made the connection as her and this “Wolfgang” fella both shared the same last name. He always thought she was a badass, young woman and knew that she would end up in a notorious gang in the future.
He would meet both of Wolfgang's offspring later on through Roxy. Little would they know of what his father tried to attempt on their father.
His mother would take Leo out for days and nights on end. She would teach him how to steal, kill and loot anyone, as a way of defending and fending for himself.
His mother eventually succumbed to her depression over how her life had panned out at the crippling grip of his father and ended her own suffering, never really coping with her trauma and her change of lifestyle. She left a pile of letters to Leo about her past, about Wolfgang, and about his father's evil schemes.
On days where it was just him and his father, it was nothing but education, being pushed to reach his full potential.
His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and he did for the most part, but his mother's teaching’s had started to lead him into a different path.
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Roxy: a quick story of how they met.
He met a young lady being harassed by a man.
Leo being extremely kind hearted and heroic, decided to step in, only to be thrown to the ground with a gun to his head. Unfortunately Leo was unarmed, so he tried to talk his way out of it
All of a sudden there was a “click” of another gun, held to the strangers head whose gun was held to his. A mysterious figure. The only word that was uttered from her mouth was “valuables”. It surprised Leo that the voice wasn't deep or male like, more so feminine. He started to look closer and realised that the mysterious figure was a woman! At this point Leo was now the one getting mugged.
The aggravated stranger decided to try and be smart and without a second look, she killed him within the blink of an eye. She removed her hood and bandana showing her face without a care in the world.
The girl ran away shouting “DEATH-RIDER! IT'S HER! SHES GONNA KILL ME!”
Leo didn’t move, because he knew that name very well, he read the newspapers frequently and knew how dangerous she was, how capable she was of killing him within an instant.
As she told him to leave, Leo got up and wanted to turn and run, but there was something about her that drew him in. There was something about the way she just let him go and the way that she gave him choice to before killing him.
He looked into her divine blue eyes and saw nothing but fearlessness and beauty.
“Your name miss?”
He pondered on her face for a moment as she looked at him curiously.
“Robinson, Miss, Robinson”.
After a moment she disappeared with only a feather left in her tracks. Leo took her parting gift and decided that he would find her once again, if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
In the meantime, he had to deal with his father. He asked his trusted friend, who was involved in nature studies to find out the breed and location of the bird. His father had arranged a meeting with the family of the daughter that he would be set to marry, but he didn’t care about some girl he felt nothing for.
He wanted Miss Robinson.
A week after his encounter with her, Leo packed a bag and set his excuse of “I’m going to hunt down a legendary buck” in stone for his father. He had gathered the research and found a reliable source as to where the feather could be located exactly…
Somewhere at the top end of Annesburg...
3 days into his search and he found absolutely nothing. He set up a decent camp site and called it quits for the night. His brain then clicked from reading research articles about Miss Robinson in the paper. No one has ever found her during the day, because she roams and robs during the night. All of the robberies and the gang attacks have taken place after sunset. He got up to the sound of gunshots… Was that her? Stupidity got the better of him and he went towards the noise, pinpointing the location of the smoke..
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A a gang hideout in a small valley. He got his binoculars out and started to scan the campsite. Thinking he had found nothing but bandits, he started to move away until he noticed a wooden cage built for a wild animal. He peered for a closer look and there she was. Hogtied inside of it
He felt a sense of protectiveness to free her, but how? Everyone in camp was awake.
Slowly, he quickly but quietly assassinated each and every one of them until they were all dead. He strutted over to the cage, feeling rather good about his accomplishment. He then stopped in his tracks as he noticed that she had been beaten up abit, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. She had gained a gunshot wound to her right arm and a knife slash to the side of her waist, which was bleeding.
“Are you ok miss?”
She looked at him and then looked away. She was racking her brain, considering every scenario of how she would escape but it seemed like he was her only one. She couldn’t just ask him to leave? Not after what he did for her. He approached her again but this time moving closer, close enough to see the face with the dim lantern that he had… and she was stunning.
All of a sudden she flinched back and tried to crawl away like he was the bad guy. Why was she, the most wanted female outlaw of 5 states, so scared to be helped?
“Easy, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
She stopped for a minute and looked at this stranger that she gradually came to recognise and quickly tried to manipulate the situation.
“Come on! Let me go like i did you”
“No you didn’t, you were gonna kill me!”
“That bullshit! You’re alive ain’t you?”
Leo crossed his arms
“Well you’re coming back with me then, so i can stitch those wounds up.”
“Well, undo me then, you fool!”
“I will once i've got you safe and I’m still unsure after last time.”
He picked her up and placed her upright on the back of his horse,
“So what's your real name then, Miss?”
As she went to say her surname he interrupted.
“REAL name.”
“Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy”
Leo smiled contently, like he had found out some good news.
“Im Leonardo but call me Leo”
Roxy didn’t respond whatsoever.
“Where are ya taking me?”
Leo stopped the horse and thought about her question for a moment. He couldn’t take her home because his father would either kill her or give her to the law that would deal with her accordingly for the money that was on her head.
Then he remembered a small cabin in the woods not far away from home, that he used to run away to as a boy. He could leave her there while he got supplies.
“There's a cabin not far off, you’ll be be safe there until you get better”.
She look at him and laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she tried to process how unintelligent he was coming across as.
“Do you really think that I’ll be safe right next to town in your cute little cabin!?”
“I’m an assassin, who robs little rich boys such as yourself... So why the hell would you even think about helping me?”
Again... He had to think about it, because he knew she was right, but none of that mattered. The way she made him feel. It would all be worth it to him.
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Thanks to @theunholyoutlaw for helping/re-writing this for me and credit photo’s to her too!!! Thank sis! ❤️❤️❤️
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scumbagg · 4 years
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Destroyed by grief
@eddescuella @theunholyoutlaw
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scumbagg · 5 years
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The Exorcism of Stevie Blackheart
Emerald Ranch, 1898. Colourised
@theunholyoutlaw @mrskrazy
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scumbagg · 4 years
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9 notes · View notes
scumbagg · 4 years
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Find a better looking girl gang... bet you can’t
@r0xy-w0lf @theunholyoutlaw @eddescuella
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scumbagg · 4 years
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@theunholyoutlaw @mrskrazy
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scumbagg · 4 years
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No context GTA online
@r0xy-w0lf @theunholyoutlaw @eddescuella
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scumbagg · 4 years
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Charlie “had to do it to em” O’Malley
+ Alejandro, Theo & Stevie
@eddescuella @mrskrazy @theunholyoutlaw
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scumbagg · 4 years
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@eddescuella @theunholyoutlaw @mrskrazy
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scumbagg · 4 years
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Charlie introduces the Death Squad to his childhood pal, Sean Macguire
@mrskrazy @theunholyoutlaw @sad-sweet-cowboah
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scumbagg · 4 years
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Death Squad
@r0xy-w0lf @theunholyoutlaw @kaydenlloyd
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scumbagg · 5 years
trying to get a photo of Stevie and omg. the details in this game got me weak @theunholyoutlaw
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scumbagg · 5 years
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