#still baffles me when people say this series doesn't treat the female characters well. it does. and it is so refreshing having a cis male m
boneskullravenriver · 7 months
One of the things I love about Darrow is how much he loves mustang.
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He never fails to just pause and describe her with this vibe of admiration and respect even when he's wary of her especially during this scene.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
Chrom and/or Robin for the ask game :)
I'll do both!
First impression: I don't even remember when I first got properly introduced to him. Heroes, maybe? No, I think it was before Heroes got released. It's definitely not when I first played Awakening though, since that was just last year.
Impression now: Truly the most male character of all of Fire Emblem. He's amazing. The perfect combination of Marth and Ike. His voice is perfect. He singlehandedly puts my sexuality into question.
Favorite moment: It's got to be either his battle convo with Walhart or his reaction to Lucina's reveal, immediately believing and comforting her without asking how or why.
Idea for a story: Something about his journey in search of Robin after the ending, that and him fitting into the role of Exalt (granted he's already been at it for two years by this point, but you don't exactly learn how to govern properly in just two years)
Unpopular opinion: I feel that Chrom's approach to trusting people is, as always, really misinterpreted by the fandom (and honestly one of these days we need to have a whole discussion on how this fandom treats naive characters and the belief that naive = stupid).
He knows the danger of trusting everyone, but he still chooses to- as he explains in his support with male Robin, he'd rather risk falling into a trap than turn his back on someone in need. Heck, if he didn't do this, Robin wouldn't be with him now.
Besides, he's got Frederick to watch his back and do the suspecting for him.
And you know, the fact a good chunk of fans just shrug it off as "lol he's so stupid" is just annoying, when the whole philosophy is yes, dangerous, but also fascinating and noble!
Favorite relationship: Romantically with Robin, no question. The two pair each other so well it's baffling, especially with male Robin. I feel they have even more chemistry there!
Platonically with Lissa, mostly because I like they act like actual siblings. Well, besides the occasional "big brother".
Favorite headcanon: He's a huge mythology nerd. He knows a lot about the lore of other worlds, even if he doesn't know they're real until Heroes or his trip through the Outrealms. He actually learned Aether by reading about Ike's stories and imitating him.
First impression: Again, no idea. They're one of those characters that feel they've always been there.
Impression now: I'm just so fascinated by them. They're by far one of the most intriguing characters in the entire series, through their personality, their relationships, their special connection to Grima and their metanarrative role. I literally wrote a whole essay about it! Of all the FE avatars, they're the only one who I think actually works better as an Avatar, even if I still thing they get restrained by the role sometimes.
Also I like female Robin (those pigtails are iconic and her map sprite looks so fluffy), but I still like male Robin a lot more. His default look and voice is just perfection, and I feel his supports are overall better!
Favorite moment: Their ending where they sacrifice themselves and the bad ending of Future Past. Those scenes are just *chefs kiss*
Unpopular opinion: They're a lot more interesting than people give them credit for, and it saddens me that a lot of fans think they're just one-note and generic. (But really, you can say this about almost every 3DS FE character, they just shrug them off as "lol anime stereotypes" and then some of them go on explaining why a character of the Kaga games that only has three lines is better written than all of Fates or some other bs)
Favorite relationship: Romantically again, with Chrom. But I really like Cordelia and Tiki too!
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea of the line between them and Grima being even more blurry than normal and they keep rubbing off on each other, like for example Robin feeling this near unstoppable rage when their loved ones are being horribly threatened or wronged, or Grima having a strange fondness for the Ylissean family despite them being technically their enemy.
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