#still going by Susan at this point but within a year or two she'd have a leading role in The Baron; Hedison was already an established US
grandma-susan · 4 months
Hey mod. Was susan like this while alive? I have a feeling she wasn't.
And if nit what was she like alive?
:: Like what alive? Stubborn, cold, with a quick tongue or her being a stickler for manners and formalities? Yes! She was! Susan was from a middle class family and as a young woman she was a nurse for soldiers and many of the trouble makers were fielded to her because she was a good nurse, but also took none of their shit and made sure that they would get the best care in the most unpleasant way possible if they kept acting up. She was always a stern woman, but not bitter woman, she was a charismatic theater lover, playful outdoors woman and very fond of animals, like fox, rabbits and geese.
Her softer side mostly showed when she worked pediatrics, and tended to patients who were in hospice and when she would act with her theater crew and no one else knew her soft side best than her first 'husband' and 3 step children. Her bitterness and disdain for the elite and religion came after both her husband and her step children were forcefully taken away from her by her husband's family. Not only did they take them away but they also separated each of them to the point where within a year or two it was pretty much assumed they had all died. Susan was fueled by the desire to find her family, climbed up the social ladder married her second husband, but when she found out that her family were most likely dead she turned that grief into a vendetta, especially after she saw her new family was repeating the same tactics on other lower class families. After she completed her goals of ending the bloodline she liquidated the estate, compensated the families effected by her mongrel of a husband, and went onto quietly to living by herself with a servant or two, but overall mostly on her own.
She fully expected to find her second family in Hell and do them in a second time but the records showed that they never entered Hell to begin with. So her anger towards Heaven and its corruption grew to the level it is now. The conclusion she had come up with was despite her second husbands crimes, him, his family and associates were still able to pay their way into Heaven. Her violent tendencies and aggression is a tactic to keep people at bay, because its easier to watch people leave and die if they aren't attached to you. But it is also a protective guise. You see Susan manifested as an old cannibal woman, not because she consumed flesh, but rather she had consumed herself, self cannibalized her personality, her youth, her truths, and became someone else to fulfill a goal. She is able to take several other forms, one being her younger self, and some other characters, one notably named Lord/Mister Tod. And both versions she is less caustic, in fact both Younger Susan and Mister Tod are rather flirtatious, mischievous and playful. But at her base form, its easier to be an crotchety old woman. And its important to note, that Susan never considered or expected to go to Heaven. One, its full of liars and thieves in her opinion, but also early on in her life, primarily after her initial loss, she knew whatever path she took it would would lead to Hell and she was fine with that. After all, to have Free Will should also mean to fully accept the consequences of one's actions.
Ironically, at the moment, she's found more happiness in Hell than on Earth and she'd probably crack Peter over the head if she somehow got redeemed one day and tell him to send her back down. Her full story is still in the works. I'll post it eventually.
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