#still learning to draw furries so this is a bit wonky but i still love him
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he was forced to eat cement as a kid </3
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fanartfunart · 4 years
My art progression as showcased through dragons as I avoid doing schoolwork:
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2014: I had recently received a digital tablet. Promptly made drawings of long-haired people from behind because I hated drawing humans, and also loved backgrounds and animals more. I do everything on one layer because I’m a child who just transferred over from paper. Probably didn’t even know what a layer was. I exclusively drew dragons (and most everything) in profile. 8/10: I actually had awesome style as a teenager and these are definitely dragons. Storytelling also on point. Everything is a little stiff though.
(cont. under cut)
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2014 (part 2): A gigantic leap as I figure out how the heck to color digitally in a way that’s not purely airbrushing everything in. Bright colors show up. I still draw humans flat and as minor details. Animals are still my best friends. Everything becomes absurdly long and angular for far too long starting from here. 5/10: Awkward and lanky. And my mountains got worse, lost all sense of texture and style. There’s no emotion.
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2015: Everything is fuzzy. I am obsessed with trying to capture texture but I’m also a teenager and do not know how to capture texture. I also discovered the beauty of making OCs that have weird weird colors and designs. Background creatures remain to be weird sketchy things because I still don’t use base sketches for backgrounds. 3/10: proportions got weird again and the wings are a gigantic downgrade from 2014 me.
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2015 (part 2): I continue to be a teenager obsessed with texture and playing with weird settings in digital art. I learn what layers are and why they’re helpful. I exclusively use this knowledge for separating background from foreground.  1/10: He has no legs and no personality and I didn’t know what I was doing. The initial paper drawing was better.
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2016: This is for a biology project where we made up our own creatures.... I personally am not sure if I count this as a dragon. I get into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and everything becomes cute and fluffy, what can I say. I also learned I’m allowed to not use the default canvas and change it. IDK I start drawing After the Fall‘s early concept art and superhero ocs. There’s a distinct lack of normal dragons. 5/10: It feels more like Modern Me and the personality has returned, but also it’s also unsure if this counts as a dragon or a weird bat creature.
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2017: I am still obsessed with my superhero ocs, but I’ve given some of them a dragon friend. I also draw almost exclusively in character-only style and the once prominent backgrounds dwindle to nothingness. dragons gain actual scale texture and I still do everything on only 2 layers. My humans are prominent but long, unusual beanpoles. 10/10: I still love this dragon baby and this is an excellent showcase of personal artistic growth. Look at his innocent little face. He’s got personality and is 100% a dragon.
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2018: I begin to use layers more thoughtfully, and even tried making a “lighting” layer. I decide this is a bad idea. This marks the start of the Ombre Wings which remains present in the Daydream AU. People remain lanky and perspective is also wonky. This also marks the end of an era, as I abandon all my superheros due to my co-creator/partner dumping me. 5/10: The lighting got worse from every version before. Also all definition in my backgrounds disappeared... why.
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2018 (part 2): I get a tumblr and get into Sanders Sides. I make the Daydream au. Virgil is the first non-furry dragon I make with ears??? I abandon trying to draw scale textures for working on perspective and lighting. Shading gets a little flatter again, but I’m also more mindful of actual lighting sources, so it’s forgivable. Dragons return to being Very Big in comparison to people. 8/10: Good memories. The start of an era. Most consistently I’d drawn dragons in a while at this point in time.
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2019: Cartoon big eyes become the Standard.  Things have started to become very flowy and soft. I draw a lot of babies which translates to everyone becoming a bit stockier in adult versions too. (This is good because everyone stopped being weirdly long). I add sprinkles of scale-shading back in. Looking back, claws begin to be more paw-like than actual claws in comparison to 2017′s lizard-y claws. 9/10: Designs are on Point and expressions are getting real nice. I’ve finally figured out how to lock and shade layers. Also Babies.
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2020: I’ve got AtF going again, and I branch back into making non-scaled dragons. Texture is a Thing, and I make a lot of digital brushes for textures I use a lot. I start using my new coloring technique more regularly. 9/10: about the same since 2019 dragons-wise, but the process has gotten smother and faster. The point off is both an attempt at pretending to be humble while also being aware that my art will change no matter what, and I will think that is better so that potential is There (except for 2017. That’s perfection. The most adorable dragon I’ve ever drawn.)
2021: Despite the fact I’ve gotten really into DnD and despite Dragons being in the name, I have not drawn barely any DnD dragons. There are no colored dragon drawings in the first 2 months of 2021 and this is a flaw. -10/10: no dragons.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Oh could I have a matchup? Please! I don't usually go anon, but so you may judge fairly I will... so mysterious XDDD
I'm green kindness soul, I'm shy and very very caring. I'm a li'l clumsy, a tad ditzy and complete space head, I'm in my imagination most of the time. I like jokes and puns and I laugh no matter how many times a good joke or cleaver pun is told, but I'm kinda bad at making/telling my own jokes. I love cuddles and laying in. I can be very lazy sometimes and I'm pretty messy too. I'm INFP if that means much to you.
Looks: long dark brown hair, brown eyes. I'm Short but chubby cuz I'm fun sized.
Strengths: I like learning new things. I'm good at staying calm. Despite being shy I find it easy to get along with anyone, I apparently have some kind of cute charm that makes people want to protect and look after me, or so I've been told. It's really hard to offend me, and I hardly ever get angry. I have a big heart, love is stored within the me, I love all my friends and fam and I'm ready to defend their honour at a moments notice.
Weakness: I'm dyslexic so reading and writing are a tad difficult but i like it anyway, I'm kinda forgetful, a little naive and a bit of a cluts. I get flustered very easily and have a weakness for being teased, and kinda have a thing for bad boys. I'm too quiet some times, and I'm not comfortable in crowds. I have a fragile heart and I can be overly emotional sometimes but don't show it.
Pet peeves: people leaving the milk out of the fridge, (if I wanted it warm I would have put it in the microwave) Pausing shows or movies. My music being interrupted. Being pushed out of my comfort zone, I'll crawl out at my own pace thank you.
Odd habits: I stim by making weird noises, I coo like a pigeon when I'm stressed or tired and sometimes I randomly make a purring like noise. I don't sit still. I space out often. I get very absorbed in movies and such and if it gets tense or scary I need to cuddle with the closest person.
Hobbies: Too many and counting XDD I like drawing, tinkering, Gaming, cooking, all sorts of arts and crafts, writing, reading stories aloud, dancing, coding, singing, etc. Etc. I pick up a new hobby like every other week or so.
No nos: um... idk I'm pretty chill but I don't like people who pretend to be something they're not and I don't like disloyalty.
I'm curious to see who you'll put me with ^_^
Oh you were easy! I’ll match you with OAK (horrortale sans)!
Well first of all, your kindness was a big factor in picking him. Plus you mentioned that you’d laugh at the same joke more than once. Sometimes oak repeats things due to his wonky memory. He needs a companion who’d be patient and gentle with him, and you sound like a wonderful fit!
If you want your cuddles, you’ll get your damn cuddles lol. Also your cute factor just add fuel to the fire. Oak is a very touch guy so expect a hand on you at all times
As for the bad boy bit: softie in the streets, monster in the sheets ;)
Dating oak would include:
That animal magnetism bro. You guys will wind up making lots of furry friends during walks, and that means friends with the owners. Most of ebotts dog walkers know who oak is lol
Grocery trips are a biweekly trip that you two do together. The horror brothers hate food waste and so while they have a stocked pantry of non-perishables, they only get small bits of fresh food to make sure they use all of it. Oak can’t go on his own so would love to take you as company
He’d be actually be completely in love if you read to him. Stories are so much easier to remember when it comes from your lips
Oak also likes giving out little treats all the time. Feeding people makes him feel secure, so you’ll be getting lots of random snacks/candies from him throughout the day
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