#still need to finish my violet run and catch the area zero one in a beastball...
virvendir · 1 year
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Drawtober 2023 - Day 8
What if Miraidon, but it stands on its hindlegs during battle like Koraidon?
My Miraidon "Zirconium", who got a bit more injured in the turfwar with the other one you can catch in Area Zero. The 'engines' on their hindlegs got damaged, and aren't powerful enough to keep them afloat in battlemode. There is also limitations to speedboosts in ridemode. They basically behave more like a Koraidon.
First time drawing this Pokemon, so I referenced both the official artworks for Miraidon and Koraidon.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Violet Adventures, part 5 (I checked this time): The Way Home.  I forgot to post this yesterday.
Area Zero music continues to fuck severely.
I opted to use the Meowscarada team, which didn’t get a lot of direct play in battles.  Meowscarada, Glimmora, Ceruledge, Pawmot, Espathra, and Tinkaton.  They’re underleveled, but I figure hey, I want to see them in action a bit more, and I’ll need multiple well-leveled picks for the den disaster upcoming.
I did spend a bit of time leveling, the end result of which was a pretty clean win.  Glimmora counters Iron Moth, Meowscarada answered Iron Thorns, and Pawmot handled like literally everything else, the little champion.  We ended on Espathra, who had to finish off Iron Hands, but not before my Calm Mind sweep was interrupted by a fucking 10% paralysis rate.  Espathra literally cannot catch a break.  Thankfully, it never once got full paralyzed, so it managed to just boost speed while Roosting, letting the Poison from Gimmora’s Toxic Spikes do its job until finishing off Iron Valiant by still being faster.  They really should never have nerfed the speed reduction of paralysis.  I’m sorry, just make it less likely to not act but keep the quartered speed, it’s so much better that way.
With that out of the way, we’re on to the gym rematches and the complete dex.  I opted for a search of Palafin first, in case it was there, and to know what to build up if it was.  Then I couldn’t find one after searching like half the map, because most raids were still 3*.  So I decided then to go clear the gym reamatches before aiming for dens.  Quaquaval team, you’re back up.
Vs. Kofu I don’t respect Kofu, so he dies first.  His Veluza has crit moves, so it’s very scary during setup, but Dudunsparce has little trouble maintaining and passes to Brambleghast, who learns Power Whip after the first KO, and just sweeps like nothing.  GG EZ.
Vs. Grusha Grusha has a lead that scares Dudunsparce because special damage, so we opt to lead Garganacl.  Who does maybe half.  After a brief moment of astonished horror, Garganacl drops, is revived by Rabsca as it Revival Blessing’s it, and then Tailwind peters out.  Rabsca gets the second KO of its life.  Just before Cetitan starts going.   I do switch to Mabosstiff for a debuff, but Mabostiff loses.  But Dudunsparce full boosts and passes to Quaquaval.  I revive the team before finishing the job just for EXP sake, then sweep.
Vs. Katy Actually the scariest fight so far.  Dudunsparce gets bopped really hard by Lokix, so we had to run.  We lose Quaquaval too, because Lunge drops attack, ruining what little Baton Pass ability we had.  Eventually, we do find our footing, but only with Garganacl coming in and managing to wait it out through Spidops.  Once full boosted, all of her team is physical, and much like Geeta, Garganacl can just fit on a physical team forever.  So crisis averted, but we lost like half the team to this.
Vs. Tulip She leads Farigiraf, who Dudunsparce sets up on all day.  Pass to Mabosstiff, sweep.  Easier than Kofu.
Vs. Larry Larry, as the only one left I have decided type advantage over, goes next.  Quaquaval learned Close Combat.  He leads Oinkologne, which is news to me.  I thought it was Komala.  It knows Body Slam, which is my own personal hell.  The first two attacks don’t paralyze, so I let myself get optimistic, and try to keep up my pressure thanks to Roost and the defense boosts off Coil.  But, knowing he’s spamming a move with paralysis, I don’t feel like having a potential sweep lost to cheese.  After a mild heart attack of three consecutive inactions and a crit that nearly kills me before the pass, we throw to Brambleghast.  This is, of course, sub-optimal.  But at +4 attack, Power Whip should handle things okay, right?  And sure, Braviary is a hiccup because it resists Power Whip, but otherwise, clean sweep.  Harder than Kofu just because of the paralysis being so disruptive even to the potential sweeper, but nothing too bad.
Vs. Brassius I was worried about Brassius, because Quaquaval is weak to his attacks, and the whole Grass-type thing isn’t a great matchup for my team broadly.  I also didn’t know what he led with, but feared sleep and Dudunsparce getting bopped.  Turns out, I am right to be afraid.  His lead is Lilligant.  I get in an Agility while it set Light Screen, then attempt something dangerous.  The forbidden Rabsca Sweep.  Lilligant Hyper Beams it in the face.  It deals less than half.  Still, should’ve stuck it out and tries a pass to Mabosstiff for Ice Fang instead.  Light Screen wears off just in time, as Bug Buzz is not a 2HKO on Tsareena with it up.  It’s only after this point I remember Terastallizing is real, and do that, taking out Arboliva easily.  Sudowoodo shifts to Grass, and what should have been the end is stopped short by Sturdy.  It’s basically over, but the Rabsca sweep is denied.
Vs. Iono Iono, the most powerful gym leader, is one I saved for last so I had some more levels under my belt.  I decide to try Dudunsparce.  It’s fine, right?  IT IS NOT FINE.  Double Agility isn’t even enough to bypass its speed, and it got a boost from that Wind Power effect.  The only consolation I have is that I do tank a Hurricane, and pass to Garganacl, who cannot be paralyzed by Discharge thanks to its ability, and aim to set up Iron Defense/Body Press sweep on Bellibolt.  Who...knows Reflect.  Iono.  Girl.  Come on.  It also knows Thunder.  Which deals as much as I’m able to recover, so a crit would likely KO.  It also never misses.  Ever.  And apparently doesn’t even bother resetting Reflect, so it hits all five thunder, the last getting an Electromorphosis boost and killing me instantly.  Fucking...insane, girl.  Then Thunder fires again.  That is six.  I counted.  So I look it up.  Thunder has 10 PP.  Go fucking figure.  Rabsca revives Dudunsparce in case we have an opportunity for a sweep, but Earth Powers Bellibolt away.  Electrode then has Electric Terrain.  Someone.  Please.  Help me.  It’s going bad, lads.  Rabsca tanks hits and KOs Electrode and puts Luxray at critical, but there’s still Mismagius, the scariest of all threats, to deal with.  Dudunsparce gets an Agility in, but Luxray drops, and there is effectively no way we manage Mismagius that well.  If it knows Charge Beam again, I’m going to be so bothered.  Unfortunately, one Agility isn’t enough and it kills me.  I decide to be really, really fucking stupid for a minute, and go to Quaquaval, professional failure.  It is at this point I learn that she does, in fact, have Charge Beam.  Fortunately, plan successful, Quaquaval took that hit and got an Aqua Step in, and is now faster.  Victory achieved, though man if Quaquaval had been slower that would’ve been a sweep.
Vs. Ryme Being a double battle, Ryme will either be super hard or super easy.  The answer, it turns out, is super easy.  Play Rough takes out Mabosstiff, but otherwise clean sweeping with Garganacl (Rocky Helmet/Salt Cure passive damage) and Baton Passing to Quaquaval.  Nothing major.
As a brief intermission from fights, the talk with Geeta about the leaders.  Apparently, her responses are scripted for each possible response.  I found no variation in any answer for any leader on any question she asked.  Which is a little sad, since it ruins the mystery a bit and doesn’t tell much about her.  Because man, I was having a ball after telling her Tulip was the easiest and getting a “I’d have to agree,’ then saying Ryme left the biggest impression and getting “Of course you’d say Ryme.”  Like that should be personality building but it’s all the same answer for all questions so there’s just nothing to it.  So I’m dropping this entire discussion as trivial.  With that, on to the Academy Ace Tournament.  Levels are 61-62.
Vs. Arven As I understand it, PP doesn’t refresh?  I don’t know that but I’m working under that assumption.  For the outset, Dudunsparce gets luckier than anyone has ever been, dodging six 30% paralysis shots.  I am very proud of her.  I pass to Brambleghast to avoid catastrophe, and begin the sweep with Power Whip.  We beat him so badly I almost start to feel bad, before pushing that empathy down and Power Whipping his dog back to the Poke-hospital.
Vs. Jacq PP does refresh.  His Arcanine knows Close Combat.  And it crit.  So that’s fun.  While it involves eating another Close Combat, I opt for Garganacl, who should be faster post-Agility and has Rocky Helmet.  More importantly, Iron Defense and Recover.  Predictably, his last PP is a crit on me, but I anticipated this garbage and Recovered so we survived.  Without Close Combat, its Play Rough bounces off for like 13 damage.  Fuck you, mutt.  This is for making me play like a human.  At +4 defense and +2 speed, this should be the end.  Instead, this fucker has Mudsdale.  Is this his actual team, or am I being counterpicked?  I boost again and Body Slam his horse back to plinko.  Lurantis is just as dead.  Slowbro is a problem, and I am now thoroughly convinced I’m being counterpicked.  Salt Cure has good passive damage against Water types, and this idiot uses Light Screen as if that will save him.  Sadly, it lives the Body Press anyway, and we get hit with Surf, nearly taking Garganacl out.  Swallot is next, and like...come on.  Another Body Press resist?  There is no way this isn’t intentional against this team.  I’m looking this up.  No, apparently this is just his team.  His fucking Farigiraf is also Psychic Tera.  I swear to god, this asshole is directly counterpicking Gargancl.  It didn’t even work.  Garganacl crushed his stupid giraffe beneath its hulking salt body.
Vs. Dendra Oh fuck I forgot she was in the first rotation, I thought it was three rounds and I was on to Geeta.  Obviously, Dudunsparce does not do well here, and has to pass just an agility.  Fighting is also, like, the worst possible type for me to have to deal with.  So, I do the only thing I can think of.  Rabsca.  Psychic/Bug is a good resist, barring sudden Dark moves.  Agility puts it ahead of what should be her entire team.  Should.  Yeah, turns out Hawlucha is still faster.  X-Scissor doesn’t severely threaten though.  This goes well enough, until Medicham.  I make a risky play, hoping its move is strong against Psychic, and Tera Bug.  Bug Buzz narrowly fails to KO, and its move is...Ice Punch.  Panicked over nothing, I suppose.  Sadly, Hariyama tanks the Psychic, and Rabsca Sweep is denied once more.
Vs. Geeta I beat your ass once, I can do it again.  Unfortunately, Espathra has Opportunist and I can’t switch my lead right away.  So I have to manually pivot to Mabosstiff.  Geeta’s Espathra uses Reflect, but we manage to crit through it somehow and get the KO anyway.  A much, much easier opening than the first attempt.  Gogoat buffs itself with Bulk Up, but by now I have an in.  Rabsca Bug Buzz finishes it just fine, with Play Rough dealing less than half.  Kingambit, as it turns out, is faster than Rabsca, which creates some problems.  I throw in Quaquaval to answer it, because I am unconfident in a Dudunsparce boost.  Veluza one-shots Quaquaval, but is slower than Brambleghast, who takes it out no issue.  Avalugg comes in, and now?  Now it’s go time.  It takes two turns for it to finish Brambleghast, so I get up a Leech Seed to help keep Dudunsparce alive during the sweep, and a layer of Spikes for safety.  Avalugg’s Body Press is insane damage, and if it crits I’m dead, but thankfully it swaps to Avalanche for the surprise crit that always happens to me.  4% of the time is all the time for my foes.  Not willing to risk more than I need to, I stop at +3 Coil and +2 speed.  Rocky Helmet + Leech Seed finishes Avalugg, and we get to see if Agility Garganacl can truly outspeed Glimmora.  Survey says: yes, thank god.  I was so worried about doing this whole tournament over.  But, Geeta defeated.
We then return to our regularly scheduled Raid Hunt.  I clear a bunch, because some final evolutions I needed started showing up, and then the 6* raid appears.  In my quest through this second run...I find Palafin.  I think to myself, this is it.  We’re done.  But then I check my dex, and find out I don’t have Braviary listed.  But I definitely have Hisuian Braviary!  It even is listed as a Braviary in the search feature!  Which means Galarian Slowking will not check off Slowking from my dex.  So I am at 399 species, and need to go back in to find one more from these random 5* raids.
Kill me.
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poorjamesbond · 7 years
The 9150, Part 3.
Finally, zero was all that mattered.
Between moments of its totality, our faces colored darkly violet in the blacklight, conversations about everything and nothing poured from our mouths like we had all the time in the world. Mostly because we did. Time was not a factor, only distance, which was nonexistent. I told her several people had left me in their dust for being too affectionate. Little points of purple light reflected off the lenses of her eyes as she posed the question, laughing only slightly between the words. "How's this for affectionate?" she asked, leaning her face toward my own so quickly I was sure her forehead would break my nose, not afraid of the pain. She sprayed my face with lip prints, one after the other, each falling in a different place, overlapping only slightly to make sure the entire surface area was covered with the ink of her immediacy. I felt each one like a shard of shrapnel breaking my skin, her face a detonation of the kind of love only found in half-lit bedrooms. Her lips, as unique as her fingerprints, covered all the marks that others left, faded out like old tattoos, yet lingering on through memories of days when my bed faced a different direction. Each print was a zero, an ouroboros consuming itself, lacking the ones needed to spell anything more than the sound of her quick breaths between the shots. If she were venomous, I accepted the chance that I may not live long enough to see morning. And I didn't care.
If the world were a warzone, we were both making the best of a ceasefire, hiding beneath a rickety wooden overhang in a trench on the wrong side of a conflict that would remain irrelevant until our names were called, dogtags thrown into the muddy water gathered around the bed of our clothes, her fingers running over the birthscars that peppered my back, sunspots that would never fade, soft light creeping in across the edges of our skin, allowing us to see the contours of all we usually hid from eyes and the cold that somehow didn't come in through the open door, a 4AM cigarette jumping from between our mouths, the little bottle of Jameson capped on the bedside table, unneeded, handing her water that I drank only after she was finished with it, yet another thing to pass between our tongues, though none of it could fill us up, enough only in the fact that it was never quite enough, never close enough for us to reach a sense of satisfaction for any more than a fraction of a second, reaching back toward each other, each of us eclipsing the opposite body in quick succession, rolling over and over in sheets of grass, leaves of shimmering green sprouting out from the rains finalizing the tail end of the long drought, Gregory singing in the background as she bit her bottom lip, a grin so sharp it cut my vision apart like Lucifer's light, the little vial sewn into my skin, torn out, tossed between the bars of his prison for him to pour back down his throat, his influence dying, unwanted, we tumbled like precious stones, our edges wearing down into smoother surfaces, the patterns we held becoming clearer than the perfect imperfections of a fine quartz, veins of what we couldn't see beneath the scratches and gouges of our regrets, old mistakes becoming blessings as they led us into each others scars, tissue broken apart, allowing muscles to stretch for the first time in years, movements we forgot about, shadows dancing on the walls like smoke in the wind, shadows of the passers by in the alley of our becoming, worlds colliding, solid planets liquefying as they met in the vast emptiness of space, gravity far too strong to fight against, breath becoming secondary to our embrace, gods watching from above and below, refusing to use their powers of divine control, allowing us to simply be, pages flying out from the books piled high around us, tearing themselves from the spines of their bindings, no longer needing to be parts of a whole, covers flapping like predatory wings, falling from the sky in their final dives, plummeting toward the earth, never looking down to fight the acceptance of fate, the cusp she was born on grinding against my centerform, reaching across the divide between our constellations, sparkling like seaglass worn smooth over decades beneath the surface of the ocean, the ribs of a chip allowing us to see inside, the clarity of a world within, usually obscured by frosted surfaces, death clenching his fist outside the window, knowing he would have to wait at least a few more hours, the killers of my darkened city sleeping through the whimpers in our wake, memories seeping into me of trains barreling through tunnels along the Feather River as I fought back sleep in my tent, the skin of my arms tingling sharply, catching static electricity from the dew of dawn’s break, wanting so badly to share the moment, knowing I may never have the chance, and accepting that some things have no words, but she was there around me, even then, across the the sea of the 9150, space being made for a memory years before it could be filled, we danced a two step across my bed, horizontally absolute, our feet meeting nothing but the tops and bottoms of each other, socks still covering hers in ways I could never live with on my own, the ashtray resting on my chest, a hint of warmth seeping through the glass, her fingers placing the filter against my lips before taking it back, walls moving out to give us space, souls of a sunken city separated for eons, nearly forgotten through the ages, brought back together if only to remember how it was before the fall of the tower, the fall of the empire lost in the water, speaking in tongues of a language written, but never recorded, sponging sweat from our stomachs with each others foreheads, tasting all the reasons we kept going.
Zero. The second mark ever to be drawn in the sand.
The first being a line waiting only to curve in upon itself.
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