talia-kohan · 5 months
I decided to take this class because I have a studio art minor and this looked like a class that filled a requirement but also would be relevant to me in other areas of my life. I really enjoyed this class and the things I learned that are applicable to my potential career. As an advertising major many of the things we did in this class will help me in my creative executions going forward and I think having the ability to develop things in an artistic, collaborative space where I have so much access to feedback was very beneficial and something people not taking art style classes do not get as much of. Having to create works of art that still fit certain design specifications and deliverables was a new and relevant challenge that will be beneficial for me going forward. While there were definitely a lot of things that challenged me in this class, I feel like it pushed me to be able to identify my design style and preference more clearly and taught me many tips and tricks of graphic design I should know. 
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talia-kohan · 5 months
When starting the process book, I was having a lot more trouble developing a cohesive concept and visual guide for the project than I anticipated. While I have definitely made strides in my digital illustrative abilities since the beginning of this semester, it is not typically the art form that comes most naturally to me. However,  I didn’t want to just scatter some pictures around and just make a glorified picture book. After experimenting a bit with my negatives and the multiply feature on photoshop I found a look that I am actually excited about. Adding vibrant colors to the pages made it feel more fun than just black and white negatives. I have had a few little issues on indesign with my colors not appearing the same as they should and may change them around a bit to develop a more cohesive palette. For the most part I am feeling much more confident about my process book. 
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talia-kohan · 6 months
While the logo project is very fun and exciting, this project has been a bit difficult for me. I am struggling to find my own ways to create an illustrative logo as I am not super confident in my drawing abilities. Working with illustrator has been a learning curve and while I definitely feel like I am improving, I feel limited by my lack of physical illustrative talent. Even to scan in a traced image felt less helpful for me than it was for other people because my drawing was not precise. I’m hopeful that with time and learning the software better I can improve on my digital illustrative abilities as this is something I will likely be using in my professional career but as of now it is a bit of a struggle. I also feel like the elements I am using to represent my characters are pretty straightforward which makes my logos seem less creative than some. I think once I play with the spacing of everything a bit more it will hopefully make the logos tie together.
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talia-kohan · 6 months
Following the logo project, I feel confident in the way my designs came together. I was a little anxious during the project that the final result wouldn’t look cohesive but I am happy with the end result. I have had more trouble than I anticipated with the syntax and semantics project. While choosing objects was not necessarily difficult, being able to determine the semantics and presence was more of a struggle. I felt like microphones as a group have a similar presence in most places so I was struggling to determine descriptions that contain enough variety. At the end of the day I felt like the greatest variety was more detectable within the umbrella of places where a microphone would have some presence. It was interesting to have to think thoroughly about the objects- the nature of the project makes you analyze the objects in a more specific and out of the box way.
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talia-kohan · 7 months
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The poster project was very interesting as I felt like a lot of what I was doing with photo editing for this is applicable to things I'm learning in some of my major classes. I found that it was difficult to get the effect I desired on the text. I wanted to get it to have the same texture as the background and still a white color, but I couldn’t figure out how to get that effect. I ended up applying two grunge textures and using a textured brush to clip away at the mask a bit for a worn effect. It worked pretty well but I’m curious to know if there is a way to do the initial thing. It was really interesting seeing all different types of executions of the project in class especially since I chose a more photographically based execution. I would love to try to make something in illustrator or execute a different creative style.
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talia-kohan · 8 months
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The newest assignment has definitely made me start thinking about some interesting elements of the project and also my personal abilities. I was feeling quite challenged and a little disheartened after the 10 divergent sketches I drew. I am not the greatest at drawing and it was difficult for me to put what I was seeing in my head as an idea on paper. I understand that sketches do not need to be perfect but I felt very critical and almost embarrassed of what I had drawn despite the fact that they served the purpose of a sketch. I also struggled to come up with many ideas that weren’t in the photographic realm. Photography is definitely the visual art form that I am the most comfortable with but I want to be able to think of ideas in all realms, even if I don’t know exactly how I would execute it.
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talia-kohan · 8 months
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The first couple weeks of this class have been very interesting. As an advertising major, a lot of these design  platforms and techniques are important for me to know, so even though I am taking this class for my studio art minor it applies to both. The poetry exercise we did on the first day was intriguing to me because of the way it relates to songwriting- I was seeing and hearing some interesting word combinations that had a lot of poetic value. As someone who has attempted to songwrite unsuccessfully before, this exercise and the results were very insightful. I was also very intrigued by all of our conversation about font choice and at the prospect of creating my own typeface. I like to write in script and I feel like most cursive fonts don’t appear the way I want them to. I think it could be really interesting and beneficial for my designs to create a font.
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