#still not crossing my fingers or anything i just think itd be Deep
kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
Okay I WOULD like for Emerald to be the Fall Maiden. BUT, do we really think she's gonna be the last person in Cinder's thoughts? The only females she'd think about are herself, Salem, and Ruby, unless it's a female killing her. So unless Emerald kills her....
I think it depends on the scenario where it happened!
For maximum drama Emerald would be present to see her die, and that alone ups the odds. Then Emerald could be in her final thoughts from either trying to save Cinder, even after everything that Cinder's done to her (because Emerald still struggles to let go, because Emerald has been shown what true caring is and wants to share it, a number of possible reasons) or maybe even because, like you said, Emerald herself was involved in Cinder dying.
Either way you could get a heart wrenching scene of these two confronting each other in that white space as the powers pass on, like Penny and Winter had but with a very different tone. No interruptions or outside influence. Just what Cinder thinks of Emerald and what Emerald thinks of Cinder.
And then, for better or for worse SORRY I JUST NOTICED I HAVE POLLS NOW Cinder will always be a part of Emerald now. Part of her past, but nonetheless part of how she got there. But even further back through that link of the magic, you can follow it back to Oz, who is Oscar, who is the person who reached out a hand to her to help her find a better life.
its just. THE THEMES!!! they'd be so RICH
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
Hi kirpy!! Congrats on 300 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your writing sm,, and im obsessed with ur newest kkobrin story. They make me sooo feral. I also want to mention I really like your taste in music.
So I do have a writing idea, if you are interested. It's basically just punk! kkobrin. I drew some art for this idea myself, but I can't write for shit. Itd be really cool to see you write a short drabble about them in this au being punks and fighting the problematic shinobi system. I dont rrally have any specific prompt about it tho so it might be too vague sorry. If u want to see the drawings and hcs I made for more info, theyre on my art blog @seoz-seoz. And if you don't like this concept, I totally understand!! No pressure. This may not be for everyone. Lol.
Either way, thanks and take care of yourself!!! Congrats again <3
HI SEOZ!!!!!! so i ended up having a lot of fun writing this even if it didn’t display their punk-ness very well, so i’ll just explain my vague ideas for them here AKDJAKDH
rin and minato are both very overthrow the system, but in a legal way. they want to pry power from under danzō’s feet like stripping paint off a wall. rin helps out in the hospital of course, but also plans a lot of educational activities for children of all ages, and underhandedly radicalizes them that way SKDKSK
obito is far more direct, and will attack root agents, destroy root hideouts, and in generally just more uh. violent. but he also participates in rin’s activities because he loves working with kids :3
kakashi just likes to go around vandalizing things with graffiti and yk. openly threatening root agents because he can. he also helps with rin’s stuff, and more often than obito. he also hosts his own art classes where he teaches older kids how to identify root hideouts and get away with vandalizing them SKDBSKDJSKDJ
all three of them only don’t get in more trouble because minato’s the hokage and he turns such a massive blind eye to their activities to piss danzō off dkdkskkd
ok here is the story i love them and i love ur art sm!!!!! <33333 also this isn’t 1k it’s 947 words which is. so annoying. but ik jack shit ab punk anything and couldn’t think of anything else to add :(
Rin let the door to the Hokage’s office slide shut behind her and took a seat on the couch next to, to her surprise, Obito. He glanced up at her, then grinned both in greeting and like the cat that’s caught the canary.
“Whatre you doing here?” she asked, noting the dirt on his clothes, like he’d been up to something. He probably had; Obito was like that.
“You first,” Obito responded, crossing his arms. Rin leaned back on the couch, realizing what Obito meant: he thought she was in trouble. Ah, then this would be news to him.
“Minato’s gonna help me plan an activity for the students where they can learn about the rivers and fish and stuff. Science-y stuff, you know.”
And if watching Obito deflate wasn’t the best thing she’d ever seen. Minato shuffled the papers on his desk, stifling a chuckle. “What’re you in for?” she added, because she wasn’t nice.
Obito slumped deep into his seat, sending the Hokage’s desk a burning glare. “I attacked a ROOT agent with a lead pipe,” he grumbled, and Rin reached over to grab his head and pull him into her chest.
“Awww, and Minato got you into trouble?” she cooed, petting his face as obnoxiously as possible. Obito groaned, long and loud, but made no attempts at escape.
“He broke their arm and leg,” Minato said, raising an unamused eyebrow at their antics. “They had to be hospitalized. According to them, Obito attacked unprovoked, too.”
“They were spying on me!” Obito retorted, spluttering and finally fighting his way free when Rin accidentally stuck a finger in his mouth. “I was only acting in defense of myself,” he added when he was sitting again, glaring at Rin.
“You were vandalizing a building.”
“It was abandoned!”
“I’m pretty sure trying to destroy a building is still illegal, Obito.”
“Well it was obviously a hideout for Danzō’s goons, so really, I was doing you a favor.”
Minato looked up from his paperwork, meeting Obito’s eyes with an icy glare. “Right. My former student wreaking havoc on an abandoned building looks great on my image as a Hokage.”
Obito opened his mouth to retort but Rin grabbed his ear and yanked on it lightly, scowling at him. “He’s very sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes when Obito didn’t take the initiative and instead snapped his mouth shut. She reached around him to grab his lips and, in a poor mockery of his voice, pinched and opened them and said, “I’m so sorry, Sensei, and I promise not to destroy any more buildings for at least a week. Or attack any more ROOT agents. Also you’re the greatest Hokage ever and I’m very thankful you’re going to let me off with only a slap on the wrist and a disapproving glare.”
Minato frowned at Rin’s antics, his disappointment changing none when he shifted his gaze from Obito to Rin, and she grinned in response. “You’re on Naruto duty for a week, too,” he finally said, looking back at his paperwork, and Obito groaned loudly.
Not that he didn’t like Naruto, but Rin understood. He was a handful without his parents around.
“Okay, both of you out please,” Minato said, waving them off, and Obito gladly stood and quickly made his way out.
“Ah, the field trip?” Rin asked, and Minato continued to wave her off.
“Whatever you have planned is fine, I’m sure. You have my permission to do whatever you want,” he said.
Well, not like she expected anything else. “Thanks Sensei!” she exclaimed, following Obito out with a wave to Minato.
It was getting close to dusk, which meant that they needed to find Kakashi because he was on dinner duty tonight. Sometimes it was easy, but other times Kakashi didn’t want to be found. Whether it be a bad mission or he was too involved in his current piece to be bothered, he would be hard to find.
Luckily, today was easy.
“That’s the building I was vandalizing!” Obito yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Kakashi, who was detailing some fur onto a wolf with electricity in its eyes and a bloody ROOT vest in its mouth.
“Subtle,” Rin called, following Obito.
Kakashi looked over at them, then very obviously grinned at Obito who was marching over angrily.
“So you can get away with threatening a ROOT agent in a permanent mural but the second I get caught attacking one, Minato’s about to flay me alive?”
“Maa, favorite’s privileges, I guess,” Kakashi responded, smoothly leaning away from Obito’s attempt to grab at his jacket collar.
Obito growled in frustration at his failed attack, but pushed it no further. “Tch, whatever,” he said, swiping a spray can from the ground. He walked over to the mural and sprayed a small red heart in the corner, before Kakashi could stop him.
“Ah, right over the water details,” he lamented, placing a delicate hand over his wounded heart. Rin grabbed a can and did the same right next to Obito’s, in pink. “You both wound me.”
“I think we should have fish for dinner,” Rin said, ignoring Kakashi’s whines, and beginning to help him pack up his supplies. Obito nodded in agreement, gathering Kakashi’s brushes into a pile. Kakashi worked on transferring his supplies back to his scroll, and then ended their familiar dance.
“Do you want grilled fish?” Kakashi asked, pocketing his scroll. “You guys keep telling me you regret not asking for it every time I make dinner.”
“Eh, I’m not really feeling it right now,” Obito said, and led them out of the alley. Rin snorted. They would absolutely regret not asking for grilled fish again.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
They Hung Up
Summary: August can always fix your problems, especially when someone is ripping off his princess.
Warnings: fluff, ddlg, daddy kink
A/n: inspired by my chat with ebay this morning. Apparantly ebay will charge buyers import and customs VAT on items that aren't even being imported into the country... or going through customs. And they don't charge this at checkout they only charge it when they take the actually money. When i told the lady thats stealing your taking more then the agreed amount from my bank she hung up on me telling me to 'speak to the tax office'
Taglist: in reblogs.
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"No but you cant charge import tax on something that isn't being imported.... No they cant that's illegal look I just want my money beck for the tax-what do you mean no?!... Hello? Hello?" You could have cried you were so angry and upset. You closed locked your phone screen and sniffed shaking your head in frustration.
"Princess what's wrong?" You snapped your head to your daddy, august was scowling. You could see the aggravated look as he took in your tears. Your daddy never liked you wasting them on other people. Your sweet pure tears were only meant to be shed for him! Every droplet was his to pull from you, be it tears of rapturous pleasure or shed from being spanked for being naughty.
"August? I? they hung up on me!" You hissed quickly running over to him tucking yourself into his thick frame pressing your head into his chest trying to soak in the smell of his aftershave. The spicy scent was heady and a little overbearing, you could tell why. Under the spice was the metallic twang of blood and deep sooty smell of fired bullets. You both loved and hated it, as safe as it made you feel remembering just who and what he was if frightened you, one day he could be hurt.
"Who? Sweetpea?" He purred softly needing to calm you down before he could make heads roll. His arms encircled you squeezing you tightly and he rested his chin on your head the  began swaying with you slowly.
"The support desk! They charged import tax! And nothing was imported! Daddy I was careful and-and I checked and double checked there was no warning not on check out or nothin' then they took another ten dollars on top and now my bank is angry and charging me for going over!" You said quickly panicked that he would be mad at you for spending too much again.
"Okay pumpkin slow down... Tell daddy what's going on slowly... Don't miss anything out okay angel" he said pulling you back a little to let you catch your breath. But you quivered and opened your mouth wiping at your eyes before trying to argue.
"Yeah but!?"
"Shh shh no buts take a deep breath... Now out, good girl now start from the beginning" he coaxed slowly cooing at you as you took a few breaths and calmed, settling down n his arms feeling safe and secure, even if you were still angry.
"I got that lamp with the shelves... It was fifty four dollars and ninety nine cents" you started explaining from the beginning and waited for August to nod.
"Yes I know, I remember you showing me to see if it would fit in the corner" he spoke remembering the little pull cord box lamp and three shelves, you wanted it for the internet router and house phone to sit on so you had more room for snacks on the side table.
"Well I got it and paid but then when paypal billed me they charged sixty four dollars and ninety-nine cents... I messaged them and they said it was import tax!" You cried out getting yourself all angry again, cheeks puffing out sweetly as you huffed and growled even throwing you hands up in frustration. August made to speak but you continued your tale of the mean support desk and their money thieving ways.
"I looked it up and cos its coming for inside the state I don't have to pay! So I called and they said I had to because the shop was registered outside of the USA! But its wrong! They're wrong and when I asked for my money she hung up on me! She said I have to talk to the tax office people!" August frowned that wasn't right and he knew it. It was clear you were being taken for a fool. These bastards were at it all over the place he'd seen some of it on the news, instead of tax evasion as we know it there was a new crime. Stealing tax from buyers and classing it as profit. Because its tax most people don't question it.
"And then my bank sent me this! Saying I was over my limit and in the minus! So now they are taking twenty dollars when my next allowance goes in!"  You cried quickly pulling up an email on your phone from your bank showing a notice of charges you now had on your account.
"Its not fair I didn't do nothing wrong daddy but now I'm loosing the tax and twenty dollars of my allowance!" You yelled and began sniffling again your lip wobbling. His heart melted as he watched you try so hard not to break down and cry again. You were being his big brave girl.
"Okay pumpkin i will sort this out give me the phone" he said plucking the phone from you then turned around heading to his office.
"But you cant! Its a withheld number-" you said sniffling following him one hand fisting the back of his jacket as he strode through the pent house to the secure room.
"Oh come on sweetheart don't tell me I'm going too soft and you've forgotten just who your daddy is~" he cooed opening the door and ushering you to the small teepee in the corner that had a large iPad and a few fuzzy scatter cushions .
"Go sit and watch YouTube or something okay? Let daddy fix this mess" he said pulling your headphones from the drawer and handed them to you ushering you to the small cozy spot he had made you.
You watched as he plugged your phone into his computer and made a few quick clicks before picking up his own phone and dialled a number with a smug look the  clicked his fingers at you pointing to the headphones wanting you to pop them on and stop worrying. You pouted but slipped on the large pink headset  and pretended to loom at your screen and select a video in reality you were listening to your daddy.
"Yes you wouldn't recognize it. How? Well this is a government number, you just told a young lady to inform us about taxes?" You flicked your eyes up at him grinning hearing the professional growl to his voice the 'daddy means business' tone that made you quiver with want and fear. It never meant good things, most of the time he used this tone when you were a bad girl. You only hoped the mean woman on the phone felt bad now too.
"Why yes, yes she did a miss y/n yes that's her. I would like for you to put me through to head office" you bit your lip hearing him begin his assault. No one not even the lady on the phone and her jargon would out smart your daddy!
"Pardon me I'm sorry I'm Mr Walker...I work for the tax office in her state and have decided to open an investigation about tax fraud over the issue, we have had many complaints... oh yes she informed us of everything, she was distressed over the tax miscalculation? Which has caused her to go over drawn on her account and incurred charges" he spoke firmly and turned looking to you as you giggled watching him in his huge leather spiny chair. You gasped when he frowned and pointed a finger to your iPad clearly telling you to stop being nosey and watch your videos.
"Yes I am aware of that but the shop is registered overseas, it doesn't export from overseas... so there is no international import tax due." He continued spinning around in the chair making a few notes on the large paper pad in front of him.
"Yes that's why I'm calling I've been on your website and your policies are in fact breaking the law and infringing on the rights of consumers. Do you understand? What you have done is illegal and fraudulent and I can see it isn't the first time so I would like to speak to your head of office now- thank you" you quickly looked down as August spun once more and grunted at you pointing to the door with a scowl catching you eavesdropping again.
"Poppet either watch your videos or go and have some lunch" he said covering the mouthpiece on the phone making you pout and flick your legs at him and cross your arms stubbornly. You wanted to watch!
"Decide or I will decide for you" he said raising his brows at you but you just huffed pleading with your eyes at him to let you stay and listen.
"Right lunch it is come on up! Off you pop go make a sandwich and have some juice" he said holding out his hand for the headphones.
"But I want to see you tell them off daddy!" You huffed non to impressed at being set out of the room so quickly.
"No, now do as I've asked daddy will be out in a few minuets this wont take long" you held his gaze for a few moments before you lost your nerve then stood with a pout handing him your headphones and left the room closing the door when you were told to.
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It was twenty minuets alter August came put of the office and padded to the kitchen seeing you at the breakfast bar swinging on a chair whislt munching a chocolate spread sandwich a few candy wrappers on the side and packets of chips and un touched apple. He sighed giving you the stink eye but didn't say anything. You found a loop hole he said lunch and sandwich... he hadn't specified what type of lunch and sandwich.
"All sorted poppet! Your being refunded and getting compensation which will be debited into your account in forty eight hours" he said rounding the breakfast bar snatching the apple opening the cutlery drawer fishing out a knife.
"That's quick daddy... I thought they can only do it in five days?" You asked watching as he sliced the apples and began cutting the core out for you.
"Oh princess its amazing what people can do when they think the big bad tax man is on to them~" he chuckled at your face as he placed the apple on your plate. You didn't want to eat it but you would . Quickly. Because if you left it too long itd go brown and you would whine about it, get a warning and end up having to eat it anyway.
"Will you get in trouble? you pretended to be the tax man daddy" You said cautiously lifting a small apple wedge to your mouth and nibbled it.
"Me? Of course not daddy has many different identities love, and I can use them when I want love... besides we just uncovered a company that not only evades tax but it stealing it!" He grinned. If there was one thing he liked it was justice. Everyone should pay their dues. Especially someone who rigs a system to benefit themselves.
"And.. My bank charges?" You asked still unsure if he will be mad a you for over spending...Again
"All gone, daddy will cover them princess; now just how much chocolate spread is in that sandwich?" He said leaning over your plate trying to pry apart the two slices of bread.
"Err a little" you shrugged still eating your apple whist trying to smoosh your sandwich and hide the super thick chocolatey layer.
"Mm hmm there's more chocolate then bread poppet~" he hummed unimpressed but let it slide, again you'd found your loophole, the last thing he'd do is punish you for being a smart ass. It could save your life one day.
"Sorry daddy" you said whilst pulling the plates closer to yourself protectively worried he would steal our chocolate.
"Oh don't be poppet once its gone its gone its you that will miss it not me" he chuckled and spun around crossing the kitchen to make his own lunch. You grinned happily, what had been a bad day was getting better and better! You were getting your money back, compensation,  your daddy was paying your and charges and you got to keep your chocolate spread! What more could you ask for? Well there was one more thing you could ask for.
"Daddy can I have a puppy?"
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.25
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
alright!!! so this chapter is a little special. its a contest!!!!
for literally no reason at all, i decided to have a little fun with this chapter. in this chapter, there are a bunch of pop song references. the majority are from the early 2000s (before 2010, tho there may be one or two from 2011 or 12) and one is from the 90s. whoever can list the most references wins a drabble/short fic of their choice from me!
to enter, submit a list of all the songs that were referenced in this chapter (or the ones you could find!!)
shoot me an ask if you have any questions~!
mental support = nino, ebony = alya, draco = adrien, vampire = alya
i hope you enjoy!
mental support: a reminder that i hate all of you
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: u love u s
mental support: i can t believe you just made me listen to all of that what the fuck
draco malfoy: Now You Know
mental support: i wish i didnt
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: its so good so iconic also the writer is now a fukcing awesome published author and mari and i r gonna read her books together join us we can b the nerds with a book club
mental support: i just spent several hours listening to you three do a dramatic reading of my immortal i think weve gone past nerds with a book club
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: sounds fake
vampire: You cant say that wasnt a lot of fun though I forgot how wil d that fic got
mental support: i need to process
draco malfoy: Have fun
draco malfoy: Reasons to quit modelling: Early morning shoots
draco malfoy changed his name to asleep in makeup
asleep in makeup: I can’t wait to be done today
mental support: i am so sorry dude fingers crossed that your dad stops sending you to them
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: ^^^
mental support: al babe please change your name
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: f i n e uhhhhhhhh
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way has changed their name to aint no lie
aint no lie: baby bi bi bi
mental support: i dont know what i expected
aint no lie: pls choose a lyric and join me
mental support: youre ridiculous why do i love you
mental support has changed their name to fool for you
aint no lie: lmao sap
fool for you: true
vampire: Oh my god we have so man y orders to day Wont be on Im dying Im gonna dronw in frosting
vampire has changed their name to too many cookies
fool for you: uhhh no such thing let me know when youre on your break i wanna stop in and say hi and also steal some baked goods pull you away from baking for a bit
too many cookies: My knight in shining arm or  <3
fool for you: mostly hoping for cookies deemed unworthy to sell but yes i can work with knight
too many cookies: At least youre honest
asleep in makeup: Get me out og hits hous e
aint no lie: omw get ready to leave boy i was in the area on a walk
asleep in makeup: Thnak s
fool for you: let me know if i can do anything ok?? if you need to stay the night or something that super chill my moms wont mind besides they keep trying to invite you all to dinner
too many cookies: Same as what Nino said!!! And also what!! I love your moms Id love to go to dinner??????
fool for you: yeah but theyre gonna tell embarrassing stories
too many cookies: You say that like I wasnt there for most of them
fool for you: yeah but adrie nand alya werent
too many cookies: Ok true true
19:11 in PM between too many cookies and alseep in makeup
asleep in makeup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J1-eYBbspA
too many cookies: Why the fuck
asleep in makeup: I’m with Alya We’re listening to 2000 hits from the US
too many cookies: Of course you are Are you having fun And feeling better??
asleep in makeup: Yeah We’re cuddling and making fun of the music videos Mostly the fashion Also her mom brought home some food from the hotel so we don’t have to eat ramen which is both awesome and a disappointment
too many cookies: Mhm How hard are you pining
asleep in makeup: Shut up
too many cookies: You love me
asleep in makeup: Unfortunately Why are our friends just so Great Good Incredible Sos I’m getting emotional about them Mari I really love them what did we do
too many cookies: We have really great taste obviously
asleep in makeup: Man I have shitty luck
too many cookies: Or the best
asleep in makeup: That’s your department
too many cookies: True tru e Are you going to survive??
asleep in makeup: Yeah Cuddling with Alya is unfairly nice
too many cookies: Tell me about it Anyway why this song
asleep in makeup: Because I love you and just wanted to remind you
too many cookies: This is the worst way to tell me that But I love you too I have to go help my mom with dinner but Ill talk to you later <3 Have fun Dont die
asleep in makeup: No promises
20:02 in fucking clock hearts
aint no lie has renamed this conversation to tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
too many cookies: Wha t
fool for you: what the fuck
asleep in makeup: We’ve been watching music videos for like 3 hours
aint no lie: im liv in g
asleep in makeup: My dad would die if he saw any of the outfits people are wearing in these
aint no lie: american pop music from the 2000s is wild join us
fool for you: i thik im good
asleep in makeup: Youre not
aint no lie: were not falling in love were just falling apart :/
too many cookies: Im too tired for fake deep al
aint no lie: rip im sorry babe
fool for you: can i break into the bakery and get a cookie i need sugar
too many cookies: Cn I convince you to watch a show with me or something
fool for you: duh
too many cookies: !!!!!!!!! Let me know when you get here Im just at the foot of the stairs braiding my hair Ill let you in  
aint no lie: bo y why are all of 3oh3s songs fucking icon ci
too many cookies: 3oh3 is that supposed to like Mean somethin g
aint no lie: idk its just another word i never learned how to pronounce
too many cookies: RIp
fool for you: yo mari im here
too many cookies: !!!
aint no lie: a;lsdkfjasdf things i apparently need to do add chloe on snapchat
fool for you: yo why
asleep in makeup: She just sent me a selfie of her wearing designer shades just to hide her face cause she took her makeup off
aint no lie: she is???? weirdly chill snapchattin g marhs whtf
too many cookies: Whtf???
fool for you: what hell the fuck
asleep in makeup: That might have to do with us having been friends since we were like In diapers Chloe isn’t the best person but we still talk for a reason
aint no lie: fair
fool for you: i follow her on twitter for her rants theyre ridic they make my day
asleep in makeup: Oh uh Nino can I come over when you’re done at the bakery?
fool for you: yeah of course dude!!! that offers always there
aint no lie: >:(
too many cookies: I take it you two had this argument alread y
asleep in makeup: Yup I feel bad invading Alya’s space for so long
aint no lie: youve been around all night before!!!!! its not a big deal!!!!!!!!!!! the party dont stop
fool for you: want me to steal some cookies from you
asleep in makeup: Stealing is bad
aint no lie: why are u leaving me!!!!!!!!!!!
too many cookies: Ill let Nino tak ethe cookies then its not stealing Also cant you have this con vo irl??
asleep in makeup: Yeah but this is better
aint no lie: yeah also were comfy on the couch and itd be weird to yell at each other when were sitting like this
PM between asleep in makeup and too many cookies
too many cookies: Rip
asleep in makeup: Please don’t make this worse
too many cookies: Come on Romeo
asleep in makeup: That’s not my name
too many cookies: Fiiine You ok?? I know youre going over Ninos Hes getting ready to leave btw but he just mentioned that in the main chat
asleep in makeup: Yeah I just Its been a really really messed up week
too many cookies: Fair enough Let me know if you need anything ok???
asleep in makeup: Thanks <3 Going from Alya to Nino will be fun
too many cookies: Tonight your e fallign in love
asleep in makeup: Very funny But let me know if you need anything too Ok???
too many cookies: I will <3 <3
in tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
fool for you: ok so how many cookies is too many cookies
aint no lie: there is literally no such thing weve talked about thi s
fool for you: i bet if you eat too many you could die
aint no lie: come on let me shake up ur world and change ur life eat All The Cookies
fool for you: thats too many cookies
aint no lie: eat all the cookies an d die
fool for you: youre just jealous that adrien is coming over
aint no lie: please this isnt even jealousy >:/
fool for you: bruh oh btw im leaving in like 2 minutes gonna steal you away from alya
aint no lie: n e v e r
asleep in makeup: Please save me she’s been playing the same song for like half an hour
aint no lie: listen hot stuff im in loe vwith this son g
fool for you: let the beat rock dude
asleep in makeup: Mari pl e a s e
aint no lie: i cant stop cause im haivng too much fun!!!!!!!
aint no lie: i cant believe ive been betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fool for you: youre so dramatic
aint no lie: this is the worst thing to ever happen o t me
asleep in makeup: Its not enough to say that I miss you, is it
aint no lie: no >:( tell me what i wanna hear and that is that ur coming bcak
asleep in makeup: Sorry Al
fool for you: yeah ive got a blanket fort set up still from last time so i win
aint no lie: shi t
too many cookies: Youre all ridiculou s You need to come back down t o earht Weve got bigger problems than this Liek the fact that I canT FIND MY SCISSOR S
aint no lie: r i p
fool for you: theyre under your chaise
too many cookies: What
fool for you: check
too many cookies: ……. Holy s hi t HO W
fool for you: magic
aint no lie: u might no t believe ur eyes but ninos magic
asleep in makeup: I thought I got away from this
aint no lie: nope <3
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Into The Dark - Part 5
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Part Four - Into the Dark Series Masterlist -  Part 6
Words: 1552
Prompt: Reader is recruited by HYDRA to get the Winter Soldier back. Things don’t go as planned when Captain America and others show up.
Pairing: T’ChallaxReader
Warnings: None.
A/N: Sorry for making you wait so long! Also, sorry, Cap is kind of an ass here. Anyways, here’s part five. 
“Again, Y/N.”
“No. We’ve been at it for hours, look at him.”
“The broken it is the better. He can take it.”
“I’m giving him a break anyways.” she said, turning to leave. “It’s insane to continue with him in this state.”
The tall doctor grabbed her from her forearm, spinning her around. “who the hell told you it was up to you?”
She swallowed, “doctor Brennan, you know it’s best-”
“What it’s best,” he stopped her, “it is to do as you're told - as HYDRA tells us. You don’t want to get on their bad side.”
She scoffed, “let them try. I’m not afraid.”
“Then I sure hope bravery runs in the family,” he shoved an iPad t in her hands, it showed a live feed of security-like cameras.  One showed her mom at work, one had a view of her living room, the were videos of her sibling and father as well. Hell, even her best friend seemed to be recorded from inside her car.
She dropped the device, feeling light at the same time her heart felt like it would leave her chest. She felt the cold plastic syringe being dropped on her palm, “this goes beyond you, Y/N. Inject him.”
The water rained down hot on Y/N shoulders, leaving her skin feeling tender. What could’ve been a relaxing – and much needed – shower, ended up being clogged with the revelation T’Challa had given her.
A day and a half.
She knew she had been trapped there a long while, but being in a windowless room had left her disoriented. She tried to push away all the scary thoughts that made her stomach turn and focus on her current problems.
She needed to press the button. The button was in the keychain. The keychain was in the backpack. She had no idea where her stuff was. She thought of this over and over, trying to figure out a plan.
T’Challa had offered his clothes for her to wear, so just asking for it would probably not work. She rubbed her body absently, her wrists aching at the friction, sore from being in handcuffs for that long.  That’s when it came to her, she had a plan.
Twenty minutes later, she left the bathroom with renewed energy. She couldn’t possibly know if it would work, but it was the best she could do at the moment. Time wasn’t on her side.
“Feeling better?” T’Challa asked looking at her. She was wearing one of his black t-shirts. It hung loosely on her short frame.
She gave a timid smile, trying to push away the way his smell on her made her feel. “Yeah, I did manage to think some things over,” she said.
T’Challa raised his eyebrows, “Really?”
She shrugged, “Yeah. I’ll help you get rid of the trigger words.”
“Why is she uncuffed?” Asked Steve as he entered the room to find her sitting at the table next to T’Challa.
“Because she is not a prisoner anymore,” he answered, “Y/N here has offered her help. I believe she can help us – help you Bucky – to get rid of the trigger words.”
Both soldiers turned to look at him. The expression on Bucky’s face was undecipherable, too many emotions at once went by. While Steve’s face settled in one. “Absolutely not!”
“Hear her out, please.”
“No way. We already did that and she barely said a thing,” Steve said, “Now a day later she wants to help?”  
“Fine,” Bucky’s voice cut through the room shocking everyone. He turned to look at Steve, “is either this or back to cryo, Steve.”
Steve’s nose flared, but nodded, this was a decision only his friend could make.
The day was almost over and almost no progress had been made. She had tried for real. Even with her ulterior  motive, she still hoped to help him somehow.
Which was hard to do when she also had to try and get her plan to work, two super soldiers huffing and pacing around, and T’Challa piercing her with his stare
“It’s been hours, I don’t understand why it’s taking so long,” said Steve, “You’ve done it before.”
“I’ve introduced the words before, not undone them,” she reminded him while looking down at the notes she had taken there. “Also, I’m not working with the same equipment.”
T’Challa chimed in at this, “we have one of the most advanced equip-”
“I don’t mean the technological stuff,” she cut him off.
“She means the injections,” said Bucky, his voice flat. “Right?”
She rubbed her temples, he was right. Last time, HYDRA had mandate her to get the words in by any means necessary. This time was different, this time the fact that Bucky was a human being was taking into consideration.
“That is just perfect,” Steve let out a dry laugh, “well, you don’t get to torture him this time. So, keep trying.”
“I am trying,” she said enunciating each word.
“Then try harder!”
“I am!” she yelled back, “It’s hard to concentrate with you on my ass!”
“That is enough,” T’Challa interrupted, voice cool and collected, “I believe it’s time for a break. Y/N, walk with me.”
T’Challa and Y/N had been walking in silence for the past ten minutes. For the first time since her arrival, she could enjoy the beautiful scenery that Wakanda had. “Are you okay?”
“Sure,” she shrugged, “just stressed.”
“Don’t let him get to your head. if you clog it with intrusive thoughts, you won’t have space for those that do matter.”
“He was a point, though, I don’t think I’m capable of doing it,” She said stopping and passing a hand through her hair.
“I think you are, you are doing the right thing.”
“Exactly!” she said exasperated. “I’m trying to do the right thing, but I’ve never done that before.”
“No, think about it! How am I supposed to know what it’s the good thing to do if I myself ain’t good?” She asked throwing her hands in the air.
T’Challa He walked until he was mere inches fromm her and placed each hand in one of Y/N’s shoulders. “Stop it.”
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Answer me this,” he asked voice deep, moving his head so she was forced to look him in the eyes, “did you do things willingly?”
“Who cares? I did them. I decided to grab needles and syringes. I came up with the words.”
“Just answer yes or no for once,” he insisted. “Was it willingly? Were you coerced?” he asked, his voice almost desperate “Did they threaten you?” That last question had her fidgeting, tensing. He was in the right direction. “They threatened people close to you.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, but she looked down to her feet and nodded anyway.
“Then you are a good person. You are a good person put under awful circumstances,” he said. He lifted chin so he could look at her, “you are trying to protect people you love. Good people protect their loved ones.”
“Thank you,” She smiled holding back tears. T’Challa closed the space between the two, kissing her deeply, hoping to drown all her worries away with his lips. Y/N melted into the kiss, grabbing onto him when she felt herself being overtaken by all the range of emotions T’Challa caused in her.
It took her a solid minute to regain her composure. T’Challa had read her in a moment, leaving her almost bare, and he still believed she was good. Her heart clenched, there was no way he would think the same after that night. “T’Challa”
“Tell me, Y/N.”
“I have some notes I brought with me, in case I ran into some problems with the Winter Soldier. They’re in my backpack. I think it might help.”
Y/N’s finger tapped nervously on the table when T’Challa arrived with her stuff. Her heart going crazy when she had her forgotten black backpack in her hands.
“There you go,” said T’Challa, as she pulled a used notebook and read through the pages, “I’ll go get Rogers and Barnes, and informed them we might have more information.”
The second the door closed, Y/N shoved the notebook back and started rummaging through her things. She took a small knife, still in its sheath, and shoved it in her back pocket. The moment her fingers grazed the plastic keychain, she let out a deep breath. She took it out, hand shaking slightly.
“Y/N, what is that?” T’Challa’s deep voice sounded in the room. She had been so invested in getting the button she hadn’t her him come in. Y/N’s frantic eyes went from the king to the keychain. She could see the change in his posture, “don’t do this.”
The pain that was laced in his usual serene voice almost made her stop and put it down. She could only hope he would remember his own words and understood that once again, she did not have a choice. “I’m sorry.”
T’Challa jumped forward to get it but before he could reach her, she pressed the button hard, and a ringing tone erupted from inside her bag. His eyes went wide in panic.
“What have you done, Y/N?”
That’s it for now, I hope you guys liked it!  Feedback is loved and appreciated!
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Chapter 13: Death by giggles
✗ Adrian  ✗ I decided to walk to the rec center on campus. Aj would probably be mad if i decided to drive and not get the benefits of the fresh air or some bullshit reason. The walk wasn’t that long either, the campus wasn't that big anyways. When i reached the center I saw Aj sitting outside with his bag on the ground at his feet.
“Yo.” I shouted out to him and held my hand up.
Aj turned around and stuffed his phone into his pocket. “You actually came, surprising.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Im an asshole, not a promise breaker.” I walked up to him and slugged him in the arm.
“And you hit like a child.” He laughed and hooked an arm around my shoulders. “Lets go and get changed and start on making you bulkier.” he bent down a bit, taking me with him to pick up his bag.
“I dont wanna look like you. I like my size.” I mumbled beside him.
“Oh, i’m not going to make you huge like i am, just….bigger...stronger i mean.” He smiled at me with a huge grin.
“Yeeeaah okay big guy.” i laughed and shook my head. We went up to the front desk and showed our student IDs and were let in for free.
Aj took me to the locker room, “Are you squirmish on changing in front of people?” He looked back at me with a grin.
“No, I went to public school and had gym classes thank you.” I walked up to a locker and set my bag down, pulling my shirt off over my head.
“Aight.” he laughed and went to a locker close me and dropped his bag. He pulled out his clothing before taking anything off. Aj took his shoes off first then pulled his shirt off. I had my tank top on under my shirt and stared at aj as he undressed. Aj wasn’t a freakishly huge guy, but he was built like a brick shit house. He had a very broad chest and shoulders, with very large biceps. And i shit you not you could probably wash clothing on his abs , I wasn’t able to count but i feel like he’s more than a twelve pack of abs….he could very well have more and his hips had like the most perfect v-line cut to them. I looked up to see Aj staring down at me with a brow raised. “Having fun?”
“Aaaauuuuuuh…” I looked down at my feet then back up at him, “yeah.” I said bluntly.
“At least you’re honest.” he laughed. “But when i take my pants off can you not stare? I feel like Karim would know even if he isnt here and kill me when i get home.”
“I can try not to.’ I looked at the clothing on his bag. “Do you just bring a extra pair of pants?” i asked looking back up at him.
“Yeah? Shirts are pointless if im going to get sweaty.” He put a hand on my shoulder and slowly but gently pushed me and made me turn around and have my back to him. I heard a belt buckle and pants hit the ground.
Grabbing my basketball shorts from my bag, i quickly took my shoes off and wiggled my skinny jeans down to my ankles and step out to put my shorts on. Sitting on the bench to put my shoes back on, i looked over at Aj. He had on like a wear pair of tight sweat pants but it wasn’t tight around his waist, it was actually quiet baggy and the cloth around his legs was tighter. Aj sat on the bench beside me and put his shoes back on.
“Do you have anything specific you wanna try or do?” He leaned back and waited for me to finish tying my shoes.
“Uuh, not really i dont work out that much.” I turned to face him as i grabbed my hair and tired it up in a high ponytail.
Aj grabbed the bottom of my tank top and lifted it up to my chest. “Dude, you dont work out? Bullshit.” he dropped my shirt.
“I said not much, i did before school, i usually get lazy during the semesters.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Hm, we’ll we’re going to get that changed.”  He got up and slapped my back, “cmon.”
“Chill muscle head.” I flipped my head over and grabbed my hair that way because the first ponytail didnt go right. “Some of us have hair we need to fix.”
“Woah holy shit dude you’re huge.” A familiar voice came from behind me. “Come here often?”
“Yeah, and you are? I think i’ve seen you before.” Aj spoke to the voice behind me.
“Kane.” he said and i saw Aj make a motion like he was extending his hand.
Flipping my head back up, i had tied my hair in a messy as fuck bun, “whats up Kane.” I turned to look at Kane who had Aj’s hand in his.
“Sup.” he smiled down at me. He had on a white tank top and gray sweatpants and his hair pushed back by a bandana. “You started working out?”
“Not started, just bonding time with Aj.” I got up off the bench and gave Kane a high five.
“Wanna join us for a work out?” Aj put his hands on his hips. “Im use to working out alone, but it is fun to have others, especially if you two fail horribly.”
Kane started laughing loudly while i smacked Aj on his arm. “We might be tiny but we aren’t weak.”
“HA, i dunno about you, but im pretty sure I’m stronger than you.” Kane started chuckling evily to himself.
“Oh you’re on blondie.” I grabbed his bag from him and tossed it in my locker and closed it. “Cmon lets go, start walking.” i got behind  Kane and started pushing him out of the locker room.
Aj had the great idea to see how much both of us could pick up in weights or how much we could press.
“Actually, is there a tire in here?” Kane looked up at Aj. “Like, a fairly big heavy one?”
“Uh, yeah? Why?” Aj raised a brow at kane and then pointed over to a huge tire on the ground.
“Cmon skrillex hair cut.” Kane laughed and grabbed my wrist. “We’re gonna see if you can pick up this tire.”
“The fuck? I doubt you can do it either.” I huffed and let Kane drag me.
“Hahaha, try it, you go first.” Kane motioned his head to the tire.
“No you first.” I crossed my arms over my chest, “this was your idea.”
“Oh god, flip a coin for it.” Aj walked up and stood between us. “Or pick a number between one and ten. Whos ever closest goes last.”
“Five!” Kane shouted and looked to me.
“Eight.” I glared at Kane.
“It was three. You go first Adrian.” Aj put a hand on my shoulder and shoved me a bit.
“Ffffffuck FINE!” I sighed heavily and stepped closer to the tire. “Do i need to do this a certain way?”
“Hands under, lift with you legs.” Aj had his hands out in front of him and squatted down to demonstrate. “Just dont hurt yourself.”
“Aight will try not to.” I sighed and spread my feet a bit apart and lowered down at the knees and got my hands as best as i could. trying to lift the tire i held my breath and tried to pick it up at least a little. I was failing horribly at this too, it was not moving an inch at all with how much i was trying.
“You can see his arm muscles, it not like he doesnt have any.” I heard Kane mumbling to Aj.
“Yeah but this is hard.” Aj mumbled back.
Grunting really loudly, i fell backwards on my ass. “Fuck you both!” I turned to look at them and gave both of them the middle finger. “You come and try this shit Kane, cuz i know Aj can do it.”
Kane came over and helped me off the ground. “Aight pretty boy, stand back.” He patted my shoulder. Kane lowered himself at his knees like i did and got his hands under the tire. He shrugged his shoulders a bit and took in a deep breath or two. Pursing his lips he let out a light grunt and worked the tire up. It wasnt the quickest lift ever by he was able to pick it up. Once he got it on its side, he put his hip against it so itd stay up and hooked his arm around it. “So?”
Aj started clapping lightly for him. “Nice i didnt think you could lift it.”
“What the fuck man?!” I glared at him, “you’re like fairly the same size as me and i couldnt lift it!?” i groaned and threw my head back.
“I think he just has more-” Aj was going to speak until Kane laughed.
“Nah what ever you were going to say might be true, but thats probably not the case.” he had a huge smile on his face, “im actually a mechanic, lifting and moving tires is fairly easy for me even if i dont look massive.”
“You cheated then!” I yelled and went to grab Kane by the shirt and shake him.
Kane started laughing hard and grabbed onto my wrists, “its not cheating if i dont tell you!”
“FALSE ADVERTISEMENT YOU SHIT!!” I started shaking him more violently. He grabbed onto my forearms trying to stop my shaking.
“Alright children.” aj grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me away from kane, and put his palm on Kane’s chest. “We’ve established that Kane here can kick your ass Adrian.”
“I demand a retry!” I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Nah i can still kick your ass half-shave.” Kane had a cocky smirk on his face.
“Imma kill you!” I extended my hands out towards Kane again this time trying to go for his neck. Aj still had his hand on my shirt and was holding me back, Kane all the while was laughing his ass off at it all.
“Im sorry come here you delicate angry child.” Kane walked up and hugged me putting his arms around my neck, “im sorry.” he spoke softly and nuzzled his cheek against mine.
“Imma kick your ass later for this.” I put my arms around his waist to return the hug.
“You guys look cute together.” Aj laughed before turning around, “cmon follow me you tiny kittens.”
“I prefer the term mighty cub thank you.” Kane stuck his tongue out at Aj who had his back to us.
“Alright, mighty cub, get stalkin.” I pushed on Kane to let me go and pressed my hands on his shoulders forcing him to walk in front of me.
The three of us had fun together at the gym. Aj slowly regretted having me and Kane together because of the fact we’d start goofing off with each other as Aj tried to teach us or we’d get distracted by watching Aj do something and neither of us really followed after him. We both just kinda zoned out and stared at Aj’s ass when he started doing squats. Kane was losing his shit with randomly giggling at seeing Aj flex or something and would grab onto me and shake my arm trying to hide his giggling. When Kane and i were actually able to function and participate in what Aj was trying to get us to do, it was enjoyable. Minus the fact that i did not have the stamina, willpower, or strength to do anything that Aj was making us do. Kane was a lot more well off than i was, He was just a bit shorter than me and not as fit looking like i was either and the kid was still kicking my ass in everything. Eventually at the end we all sat down on the floor catching our breath.
“So Aj whats your major or minor.” Kane asked as he wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt
Aj looked at him with a raised brow. “What do you think im at college for?”
“Uuuuuuh.” Kane stared at Aj with wide eyes and looked him up and down, “football?”
“Pfft. no.” Aj started to chuckle, “gave up football in high school. Im going to school to be a physical therapist, personal trainer, chiropractor, and massage therapist.”
“Oh fuck what do you not do?!” Kane leaned away from Aj a bit, “HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO SCHOOL FOR DUDE?!” Both Aj and i fell over with laughter at Kane’s reaction. Kane grumbled “its not that funny! Dude you’ll be like eighty when you graduate!”
“Its all good man, i actually get that a lot.” Aj sat back up again. “Dunno if i’ll pursue all of it yet, but its what i wanna do. What are you here for?”
“I have a degree or certificate whatever you wanna call it in Mechanical engineering, minoring in theater.”
“You do theater?” I asked and popped up again off the floor, “you didnt tell me that?”
“I think i did but thats beside the point, heres the real question. Aj, what the fuck is your real name?” Kane leaned forward towards Aj, leaning down on his legs. “I just wanna know where Aj comes from.”
Aj leaned closer to him and waved for me to lean in too, “okay so, if any of you call me by my real name, i get to kick you okay?” we both looked at each other and nodded, turning back to Aj. “okay, not really but i dont like being called it. My name is Austin and my middle name is Joseph. Now you have to share yours.” He leaned back away from us.
I put my hand up a bit, “Russell.”
“Lucius Riley!” Kane smiled happily and rocked side to side slowly.
“Story time? Why’d your parents give you two middle names?” I asked and put my elbow on my knee and my cheek in my hand, “you have an odd combo of names too.”
“Well my dad named me Kane.” His smile softened a bit as he spoke, “mom didnt know if she wanted to name me Lucius or Riley, so she just convinced dad that im having those as my middle name. My middle names mean a lot to me.”
“Can i ask why?” I spoke softer this time, seeing that Kane had a not so happy look on his face but he was still smiling.
“My parents split up and i lived in two homes, eventually i lost my mom.” He spoke in a very soft whisper, “so thats why its important to me, i also was with her a lot anyways after my dad got remarried and they were raising my half sister.”
“Hey, i’m really sorry about your mom.” Aj spoke softly to and put a hand on Kane’s shoulder.
“Thanks.” He smiled up at Aj and smiled at me, “it sucks to have lost my mom, but i know she’s watching over me.”
“Thats a good outlook on it.” I said and leaned over to pat Kane as well.
“Yeah.” he said softly and pulled out his phone from his pocket. “AH, guys, i need to bounce, I promised id take my roommate and his bro to something tonight and i need to shower and do some things before we leave.” Kane started getting up and fixing his clothing.
“Uuuuh, is it possibly a show at the Lethal Apple?” I asked looking up at him.
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuh….” he paused, “yeah i think so.”
“YOU BITCH! Thats my show with my band!!” I scrambled to get up and shake him by his shirt once again.
“AAaaaah! Dude!” Kane grabbed onto my wrists again, “Im sorry please dont hit me! I’ll be there aight!”
“You better be!” I looked down at Aj, “you coming too?”
“I can ask Karim if he wants to go, is Val going?” Aj got up and patted his ass off from any dirt.
“I think he will yeah.” i looked up at Aj who had a smirk on his face.
“Then yeah, ill see if Karim can go and we’ll see you there.” he put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me away from Kane. “you need a ride home man?”
“Nah, i got my truck, thanks tho.” Kane smiled up at Aj, taking a quick look down at his chest then back up.
“Aight, you want a lift back to the dorms Adrian?” Aj looked over at me.
“You drove?” I asked.
“Yeah?” He answered.
“YOU BITCH, I WALKED HERE.” I brought my hands up to Aj to shake him and he stared at me with a raised brow. I stopped my reach and put my hands back down when i realized he hasnt been wearing a shirt and i’d feel bad for touching his chest. I think Karim would actually kill me if i touched Aj’s fucking pecs “Fuck you.” I mumbled, causing both Aj and Kane to laugh.
We walked back to the locker room to grab our belongings. Kane left us early on because he parked elsewhere in the lot. Aj didnt tell me he only had his motorcycle and didnt have a second helmet. He got the engine going and had his helmet on and waved me to hop on the back. I got on pretty easily given this wasnt my first experience riding bitch seat, but i was nervous about putting my hands around Aj’s waist.
“I wont go anywhere if you dont put your hands around me.” He looked back and raised the visor off his face and up onto his helmet.
“Will Karim know? I feel like he’ll kill me if he knows.” I kept my hands between my legs.
Aj stared at me with a confused look before laughing loudly. “I think Karim wont mind because it means keeping you safe. He’d kill me knowing i didnt have a second helmet for you instead of you hugging me to stay safe.”
“I still feel wrong if i touch you….” I mumbled.
“Just shut up and put your hands on my hips, you’ll be fine.” He laughed once more.
Grumbling loudly, i put my arms around Aj and leaned into him, holding on tightly. I patted his chest to let him know i was good and he was ready to take off when he put his visor back down. The trip to the apartments was an even shorter trip by vehicle but Aj kept at a slow pace for me since i didnt have a helmet on. He pulled up as close to our building as he could and let me get off.
“Hey.” Aj raised the visor up.
“Hm?” I turned around to look at him and shift my bag onto my back.
“You wanna come over for dinner soon at our place?” he shifted his weight on the bike, “Karim would want to get to know you more and hang out with Val some, those two are close anyways.”
“Yeah, i can ask cupcake what his plans are. I just gotta tell my parents im not coming home this weekend.” I twirled my hair on my finger.
“Cool, i’ll ask Karim what his weekend looks like and i’ll text you or val what we decide on then.” He flipped his visor back down and held a peace sign up. “Peace man, i’ll see if i can make it to your show.”
“Alright, see ya if you can.” I waved him off and watched until he was out of the lot to climb the stairs to the apartment.
The lights were off and the door was locked, so i assumed Val wasn’t home yet and still off doing some things. I walked in and turned the lights on, going to the bedroom and tossing my bag down before going over to the dresser and pulling out the draw Demyan sleeps in. I looked down to see him all bundled up on my clothes.
“Hey, you good?” i poked his little head.
He looked up at me and yawned a bit, “Oh welcome back pup.”
“Thanks. You need anything? Food, water….condoms?” I asked and petted him gently.
“Uhm...no thank you, I think i do not need any of that.” he curled back up and closed his eyes.
“Alright, i’ll be in the shower.” I closed the drawer a bit before i pulled off my shirt and stepped out of my shorts. Going to the bathroom, i took my boxer briefs off and turned the water on. Having the hot water hit my skin felt so nice after that work out with Aj and kane. I was still freaked out by how i didn’t have the bruises from my fight with Aj anymore, and i was too freaked to ask how the fuck Aero had to deal with it. I quickly washed my hair and body, so i could soak in the hot water for awhile before i had to get ready. I heard the door click shut outside the bathroom. Turning the water off and grabbing a towel, i wrapped it around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.
I took just a few steps out before i had Val run right into my chest. He stumbled backwards after he ran into me. I put both my hands around his waist and pulled him closer to me so he didnt land on his ass. “Well, welcome home to you too. Though I would prefer if you were just as naked as I am.” i looked him up and down and smiled.
Val stared up at me with wide eyes and his face bright red. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even hear you, so I assumed you were listening to music or something and I wasn’t paying attention and I’m so sorry.” he backed up away from me and held his hands up waving me off.  
I stared at him before hunching over and laughing a bit at his reaction.“Oh god cupcake, you’re too much.” I patted my knee before getting up straight again and putting a hand on my hip. His reactions were usually just so cute and it was fun to tease him a bit. “What did you do today?”
“I went and hung out with Karim and then we also met Gabe and his little brother Yori, They were going on a walk like we were so they ended up joining us.” he started to calm down and answered me.
“Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun, compared to the torture I went through with AJ and the gym. God, damn I don’t have the stamina to keep up with that man,” I groaned painfully at the thought of doing a real work out with Aj at some point, thank god i had Kane today.
Val giggled just a bit before speaking, “I’m sure he had a good reason for making you work so hard.” he smiled as he played with his bright red hair.
“You kept your hair down.” I pointed out. Watching him play with it. His hair was such a nice color and it was a shame he wore it up so much. It looked so nice down.
“I-I did yes. I didn’t feel like putting it back up,” he sounded a bit nervous with his response as he looked up at me with those blue eyes that looked so nice with the red hair framing them.
I hummed a bit and smirked down at him, looking him up and down. He really did look nice with his hair down, looked a bit girlish more but he was still really cute looking. “So, what do you wanna do for food?”
“I think we have fish and potatoes. We can make fish and chips for dinner,” he pondered on the thought for a bit.
“Isn’t that a Friday thing?” I asked, i thought people only ate fish on fridays. Its why tuesdays are Taco tuesday and fridays are Fish friday.
“It doesn’t have to be just a Friday thing,” he sounded cocky with that remark and had a smirk on his lips.
“Go take a shower, I’ll work on the potatoes.” i chuckled a bit and ruffled his hair.
“After you get dressed. You’re not using anything in the kitchen with just a towel around your waist,” he pointed his finger at my hips and had a pink blush on his cheeks.
“Ugh, you’re not fun, live a little cupcake.” I turned around and went to the bedroom, Val following after me
“I’ll be out shortly.” fiddled around behind me and then went to the bathroom to shower.
Waiting for the door to close, i looked down and saw Aero sitting at my feet staring up at me.  “Hey princess.” I bent down and petted her head a bit, “mind giving me a second to put underwear on, i dont wanna taint your sweet princess eyes.” She meowed at me softly before walking over to Val’s bed and sat down, curling up and cleaning her foot and whipping it on her head. Watching her i grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs and putt them on under the towel and dropped the towel on my bed. Grabbing a pair of my black torn skinny jeans, putting on a shirt that had the top half made out of fishnet and the bottom half that covered my stomach as solid black and pulled on some socks.
I left the bedroom and went to the kitchen to pull out the potatoes and start working on them. I got at least two potatoes clean and shaved before Val bounced up beside me in a tank top and shorty shorts. He helped with the potatoes before working on the fish. Cooking went by fairly quickly and we sat at the small table together.
“You going out somewhere?” Val asked as he chewed on a potato chip.
“I have a show to do tonight, so i’ll probably be heading out after we clean up. Wanna come?” i asked before putting food in my mouth.
“Mmm!” val hummed and swallowed his food, “sure i’d love to!”
I held a thumb up to him because i had too much food in my mouth, and my phone started buzzing. Pulling it out of my pocket i put it on the table.
‘Karim and i will be coming, where is it?’ Aj had sent the text and i spun my phone around so Val could read and pointed down at it.
“Oh cool, do you know all whos going?” He looked down and up at me.
Swallowing my food. “You, Aj with Karim, I think Joce might have invited that kid she was with, and Kane will be coming with him and his brother.”
“Gabe and yori?” Val asked.
“Yeah i think so.” I took another bite.
“Oh fun! It’ll be nice to get to meet Kane a bit.” he smiled happily and took another bite.
Swallowing hard and taking a drink, “he’s a little weird just so you know.”
“Arent we all?” Val smiled up at me.
“Only the best of us.” i grinned and stuffed my mouth with the rest of my food and got up to put the dishes away. “Mmm.” I hummed, and walked back to the table to grab a drink. “You dont have to come with me, unless you wanna meet the band early before.”
“I’d like to meet them at least.” He looked up at me and smiled with his fork in his mouth. Getting up soon after and putting the dishes up.
“Hmm.” Val walked behind me as i hummed, i put my hand around me and grabbed his exposed thigh, my arm going across val’s body. “Might wanna put something a bit more appropriate on. I like the booty shorts but at the same time i dont want you to get molested or something.”
“I was going to change anyways. It’s very rare that I leave the house in short shorts. Only when I’m asked to will I leave with them on. Let me just go throw on some jeans quick.” his face was a bit red and he mumbled softly.
Sliding my fingers up just under his shorts by a bit, i let go his leg. “Alright, ill be outside then, i need a smoke.” I walked over to door and slipped on my brown boots and opened the door and walked out. I waited at the bottom of the stairs and leaned on the railing while taking a quick smoke break.
Val jogged down the stairs, “smoking isnt good for a singer.” He commented as he walked around me.
“Eh, we’ll be fine, i dont do it often.” I picked my foot up and put the cigarette out against the bottom of my boot and tossed the bud into a trash can. “Your ass looks good in those jeans.” I brushed my hand along the bottom part of his ass but mostly on the back of his thigh.
He shivered a bit, “thanks?” he mumbled.
“Your welcome, now ass in the passenger seat of my car.” I pulled out my keys and walked towards the lot. I hopped into the drivers side and turned the car on, waiting for Val to hop in as well and buckle up. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” He smiled and slumped down in the seat a bit to get comfy.
“Good good.” I put the car in reverse and backed out, going into drive and leaving campus. The Lethal apple wasn’t far from the college but it was enough so that we had to drive and couldn't walk. When we got there i saw Kane standing outside of his truck and leaning on the bed. Pulling up next to him, i waved and he waved back.
Val hopped out first before i turned the car off. Following after him i walked up to kane. “Hey man.” i held a hand out.
“Sup.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bro hug. “Didnt know where to go so we just waited out here.”
“Hi Val!” Yori leaned over into the drivers side of Kane’s car.
“Hi Yori! hi gabe!” Val leaned to the side to say hi to yori then back over to say it to gabe as well.
Yori and gabe both got out of Kane’s truck and walked around to stand by us. “Sup gabe, you have fun with Jocey?” I smiled at Gabe and he kinda tensed up and started blushing.
“Uh, yeah i did.” He mumbled and rubbed the back of his head. “She’s a nice girl.”
“Oh yeah?” I started to chuckle low to myself and smirking. Val slapped my arm and glared up at me. “Oow, what?” I laughed and looked down at him.
“I dont know what you’re thinking, but be nice.” He frowned at me.
“Yeah, im sorry man.” I put a hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “Treat her right tho, if you fuck up, im kicking your ass….and so will Harv and Desi.”
“Uuuuuh.” gabe stared at me with a confused look.
Val hit me again, causing Kane and Yori to laugh. “Be nice!”
“Damn! Ow, fine fuck sorry.” I rubbed my arm and looked down at Val who was puffing his cheeks at me.
The sound of a loud engine and pipes grew closer to us before pulling up beside all of us standing outside. I assumed it was Aj because he held up a peace sign to us, and the person hugging him around the waist had to be Karim because he waved as well. Aj backed the bike up a bit and turned to park it backwards in the spot on the other side of my car. He put his feet down and turned it off before patting Karim’s thigh and letting him get off.
Karim pulled the full helmet off his head and fixed his hair. “Hi everyone.” he smiled sweetly.
“Karim! Im glad you came!” Val bounced over to Karim and hugged him.
“Of course!” Karim hugged him back, “id love to see Adrian perform.”
“Thanks.” i smiled. Aj got off the bike soon after and took his helmet off.  “Wanna put your shit in the back of my car so you dont have to lug it around?” I pointed at my car.
Aj took Karim’s helmet, “uh, sure thanks.”  I opened the back of my cars diver door and let Aj put the helmets in there and their jackets as well, before locking it up.
“I thought you didnt like riding the bike.” Val asked Karim.
“Its not my favorite thing but i feel bad making Aj fit into my car.” He laughed lightly and played with his hair.
“Yeah, he had to get the smallest car available knowing i cant fit in most cars cuz im tall as hell.” aj wrapped an arm around Karim and pulled him in closer.
“Sell the bike and get a bigger car.” Karim said flat with a smirk on his face.
Aj looked down at Karim with a raised brow, “no.” he said flatly as well.
Val laughed happily beside them before putting a hand on my back, “should we head inside?”
“Yeah,” I paused and looked around the lot, “i see everyone’s car but Harvey’s so you can meet Asher, desi and Joce.” i lead the way into the Lethal apple and was allowed to take everyone back with me.
“Gabe!!” Joce shouted and bounced up to gabe and instantly wrapped her arms around him. “Im so glad you made it!” she hugged him tightly. Joce was wearing high waisted short shorts with thigh high socks with a distressed very cut up hoodie that only covered her shoulders and short cropped tight tank top under it.
Gabe started blushing and hugged her back “Of course, I told you I was coming and I always keep my promises.”
“Good!” She smiled up at him and let him go, “Hi kane, yori and val!” she smiled at them and they all said hi back. Then turned to see Karim and Aj. “hi, who are you two and why the fuck are you so big?” she held her hands out to Karim and Aj and looked up at Aj.
“Im Karim.” he grabbed her hands, “val’s friend, and this is Aj my boyfriend.”
“Sup midget.” Aj held her hand too. “Its not my fault you’re tiny as hell.”
She blinked slowly at Aj and turned to me. “I like this one, you find him?”
“He found me cuz of Val and threatens to kick my ass a lot.” i crossed my arms.
“I LIKE HIM WE’RE KEEPING HIM!” Joce laughed loudly and let go of their hands. “Aside from that, Im Jocelyne you can call me Joce.”
“Its nice to meet you too.” Karim smiled at her.
Desi walked up in her combat boots, tight leather pants and bustier top. She had uneven blue and purple hair with blue eyes. She usually wore her bright green anti-brow piercing and her lip ring that sat in the middle of her bottom lip. “Hi boys, nice to see Adrian is making more friends. Im Desirae you can call me Desi.” she walked around and shook all of their hands. “Please be gentle with our singer, we’d like to keep him around more.”
“Shut up.” I lightly smacked her back. “Im not a child.”
“I know, but you are a heathen so thats why.” She smiled wickedly at me. “Asher come say hi.” she turned around to look behind her.
“Sup.” Asher walked up to us and waved at everyone, “im asher.” he was the more normal side of our group minus his orange as fuck natural hair that had a bluish under color that Joce did. He wore black capris and a cropped asian like jacket over a tank top.
“We’re missing our drummer too, He running late?” I asked Desi and she pulled out her phone.
“He should be here now actually, he said he was running a bit late but shot a text to me.” She answered and put her phone back in pocket.
The back door opened and in came a panting Harvey. “Hey guys sorry ‘bout that.” He looked up and shook his head. “Woah you guys brought friends.” he smiled sweetly at everyone. “Hi, im Harvey, nice to meet you all.” He bowed his head a little. “Nice to see another tall as fuck guy too.” He extended a fist out to Aj. Harvey was the tallest out of all of us, and he had long hair that was split down the middle red and black tied up in a messy bun and had a nose bridge piercing. He wore nice fitting brown jeans and a deep maroon vest jacket that he had mostly zipped up.
“Yeah totally.” he fist bumped Harvey, “you go to our school, ive seen you at the rec center.”
“Yeah i do.” he laughed lightly. Harvey then looked over at Gabe. “you gabe?” He asked.
“Yeah?” gabe stood kinda stiff with his answer.
“Aight, treat our little tiny princess well okay?” he smiled at gabe.
Joce came up and punched Harvey right in the stomach. “I’d worry more about you than him!” she huffed and put her hands on her hips.
Harvey hunched over a bit from the impact, “sorry Joe, didnt mean it like that.”
“Good!” she huffed proudly. “We’re all happy you guys came though, we hope you enjoy the show.”
“Of course, we’re all excited to see you preform.” Val smiled and came up to me, “we need to go find a seat let you guys set up?”
“Yeah might be a good idea.” I looked at my phone and back down at Val.
“Alright.” he got up on his toes and hugged me tightly, “good luck!” and he let me go and left with the others.
Joce, Des, Harvey and Asher all stood there and stared at me with wide looks trying not to smile. “What!? Go get set up you dorks!” We got everything prepped on stage and ready to go.
We don’t talk much as a band before, during or after our shows. Hell we dont even have a band name yet since we haven’t really thought about it. We just kinda roll with it and all have fun together. The Lethal apple was fairly busy tonight too which was good for us. Not a lot of people paid much mind to us when we got on stage minus Val and the group, they looked up when they heard us come on.
“Some legends are told, some turn to dust or gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries.” we opened up with Centuries and the chitter chattering came to a stop when we started playing and i started singing.
I dont know why but tonight's performance felt way more fun and special to me, and i think it was because of everyone coming to support us. We weren’t all close at all, but the fact that Val had friends who’d come to support us, that Joce meet Gabe and that made Kane yori and him come along, really meant a lot, even if i wasnt close to anyone of them. I kept looking over at Val who looked so amazed by it all and he’d lean into Karim and whisper something to him. Yori and Gabe looked pretty amazed by it all too, i could tell that Gabe was mostly watching Jocelyne as she stood on the other side of Desirae, with me in the middle, Asher to my right and Harvey behind us. Aj and Kane were the only two who kinda rocked to the music, both of them had their hands up briefly with their thumb, index and pinkie fingers up in the rock symbol.
We performed until closing time for the Lethal Apple.  The others waited outside for us to finish moving shit around or into our cars. When we finished moving things around we met up with the others huddled around the cars.
“Sup dudes.” I raised a hand and walked closer to them. “Enjoy the show?”
“It was great!” Val beamed happily and bounced on his toes a bit.
“Thanks cupcake.” I ruffled his hair up a bit. “Ready to head home guys?” I looked back at the group of my heathens.
“Yeah, i gotta get back to my dorm, my roommates are probably waiting for me.” Asher pulled out his phone, “yeah i lied, they are waiting and are spamming my phone. So i’ll see you guys later.”
“Bye Asher!” we waved him off and watched him leave. Harvey and Desirae left soon after Asher did.
“Do i need to take you home again Gabe?” Joce poked Gabe’s side playfully.
“Uuuh.” He blushed red and looked at Kane.
Kane started doing that same giggling from the gym earlier today. “Yori get in the truck, we’re leaving gabe with the lady.” Kane started pushing on Yori who held his place and leaned back into Kane.
“We aren’t leaving him a second time!” Yori laughed, “unless he wants us too.” he had a wicked looking smirk on his face. Kane’s giggling stopped for a moment before he started giggling uncontrollably loud.
Everyone minus gabe, started to laugh because of Kane’s giggling. “Dude why do you giggle so much?” I asked and put my hands on Kane’s shoulders.
“I dun-hehehe-fuck if i know!” he started laughing harder now and put his face against Yori’s back and turned away so none of us could see his face.
“It was fun guys, but Karim and i need to head home.” Aj spoke and pointed at my car and waited for it to unlock before grabing his things. “I need to make sure my cat didnt eat Karim’s bird or he isnt loud cat crying waiting for us to come home.” He put his jacket on and gloves, then his helmet and got on the bike, turning it on and walking it out of the spot and waiting for Karim.
“It was, thanks for inviting us.” Karim smiled at me then gave Val a hug and whispered something to him before putting his gear on and getting on the back of the bike. “Bye everyone!” He waved and Aj held up a hand before taking off with Karim.
“Gabe, decide if you’re riding with us or the lady friend.” Kane yelled at Gabe as he got into his truck and turning the engine on.
“Ummm, a, I’ll go with Joce, I wanna hang out a bit.” he mumbled softly and smiled at Joce.
“PARTY TIME!” Joce bounced in her spot and threw her arms up.
“Alright man, Joce, i dont care when you bring him home, just bring him back to us at some point.” Kane laughed and waved a hand before getting tackled over by Yori.
“In one piece please!” then he leaned off of Kane and back into the passenger side.
“Will do i promise!” Joce wrapped her arms around Gabe’s arm.
I motioned for Val to hope in the car before getting in the driver’s side. “Joce, have fun with Gabe, but use a condom okay?” i laughed and slammed the door closed before she could pull me out of it.
“Fuck you adrian! I hope you choke on a dick!” she yelled before dragging gabe off to her car.
I laughed to myself and turned to look at Val who was hunched over trying not to laugh and having his head on his lap. “Cmon cupcake, seatbelt on we’re going to find me a dick to choke on.” I patted his back.
Val instantly made a loud spit like noise and started laughing into his hands still hunched over onto his lap.
“You okay man?! Are you choking on your dick?!” i started laughing harder and put my head down on the steering wheel and turned away so i wasnt looking at Val’s trembling shoulders with laughter.
“NOOO!” his voice squeaked out through his giggling fit.
“No you aren’t choking on your dick or no you arent okay?!” I looked back over at him and he was turned away from me.
He wheezed a bit before looking at me, “I’m not choking on my dick, but I could also not be okay.” he ran his hand under his eyes to wipe away the bit of tears he had forming.
“Are you okay man? Do you need CPR? I know cpr or do you want me to leave you alone?” I asked as i tried to calm down from laughing, “also are you flexible enough to suck yourself off cuz thats hot.” i smiled at him, trying not to laugh again.
He giggled lightly before speaking, “I am flexible enough to do that yes, if you didn’t see me bending over from laughing so hard.” his face turned a light shade of pink and he looked away from me for a second then back to me.
I stared at him with wide eyes, my mouth dropping from the smile. I blinked slowly at him for a bit. My mouth started to twitch up into a wide smile but i was trying my hardest not to smile at that comment. Eventually my mouth won and i had a stupid smile on my face before scrunching my nose and making a snorting noise.I stared at val like he had made the noise first and he stared at me with wide eyes. I ended up snorting again before covering my mouth and nose and looking away to start laughing. “You didnt hear that!”
Val smacked the dashboard before leaning back over on himself and giggling uncontrollably as well. “That was adorable.”
“Shut up!” I yelled and let out a loud whine trying to calm myself down, “I have a headache from laughing so hard now, ohmygod.” I sighed and pulled on my face.
“Im sorry.” Val giggled and fanned himself, “are we homebound or finding you a dick to suck on.” He started to giggle louder midway through his sentence.
“NOPE, we’re going home!” I turned the car on and backed out of the lot, heading back to the dorms. The ride was mainly silent with the occasional giggle from Val or me, and the the sound of us smacking each other a bit to make the laughing stop.
When we got to our building, Val hopped out first and waited for me. I put my body against him and pushed him toward the stairs, bumping my knees into the back of his to make him go. We made it up the stairs in one piece thankfully. When we got into the apartment, Aero was sitting on the floor with Demyan pinned under here and was cleaning him yet again.
“Oh god aero, do you like demmy that much?” Val asked Aero who looked up at him and meowed softly.
“Let him go princess, you dont know where he’s been and what he’s been in.” I bent down and tried to get aero off of Demyan. She whined sadly and demyan scuttled away from her and got under a table. “Cmere buddy, i wont let the portable body heater get you.” i stuck my hand under the table and demyan crawled into my palm. Holding him gently i got off the floor. “Do we need to discipline your cat?” I turned to look at Val who picked up Aero.
He looked down at her and scratched her fluffy white face.“There’s always a reason why she does something. Maybe she didn’t like the smell on him?”
I put demyan’s little body up to my nose and sniffed him, “yeah you need a bath little man I’ll be out in like two minutes.” Demyan squawked loudly at me and i put both my hands around him and walked to the bathroom. I got demyan clean pretty fast and he smelled so much better now. Grabbing a soft hand towel, i walked back to the living area where Val was sitting with aero.
I plopped down beside him while i dried off Demyan. We talked about the performance and he told me what he thought about hearing me sing and how the others had fun too. We both eventually passed out on the sofa from today’s show and all of the laughing that we did before we got home.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping really fucking loud by one of the windows. My head was tilted back and when i picked my head up it cracked loudly.rolling my head around i looked to my right to see if val was still on the sofa. He was but the first thing i saw was his ass.Looking down at my lap, Val had his head on my thighs and was curled up on the sofa beside me. I put my hand on his thigh and slowly dragged my fingers down the length of his thigh before gently patting on his ass, “Cupcake, time to wake up.”
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primadonnatartuffe · 8 years
RYAN: *it's time to face the music... she said she'd talk to russet later, so here she is, later, dropping in at russet's place unannounced. maybe because she hopes she'll miss her to avoid doing this just a LITTLE bit longer... but ultimately she does want to, she's just scared. taking in a deep breath, she knocks on her sister's door.*
RUSSET: *No such luck Ryan, she happened to be home in her small little town house on her day off. She had been sipping tea and looking over her outline plan suggestions for the next Odimist fund raiser when she heard the knocking at her door. Mmm, it could be a few people really, but Russet had a bit of a hunch as she gets up from her table and goes to open the door.*
RUSSET: Oh hey =8I *She looks Ryan up and down.*
RYAN: hellooo... *says a little meekly and sheepishly* you busy?
RUSSET: Not really *She hesitates a moment before stepping aside.*
RUSSET: You wanna come in?
RYAN: yeah. *nods before she slowly starts to amble inside, looking around at the interior with interest and awe. russet must be doing well for herself...*
RYAN: i just wanted to... you know.
RYAN: follow up on what i said id do.
RYAN: and talk about... everything?
RUSSET: *Her etsy shop does do well to help fill out her bank account after her usual paychecks. Who knew so many people would want fridge cozies? The main room is rather minimalistic in design style, but just so you know her bathroom is space/galaxy themed.* Mm. Thats cool.
RUSSET: *Shuts the door behind the both of them.* I can reheat tea if you want any.
RYAN: yeah okay i could go for some tea i guess. *despite feeling antsy, she plops herself down on a couch or chair just so she's not standing around.*
RYAN: ... i like your place.
RUSSET: Thanks. *The couch is covered with pink and gray colored thick cableknit blankets, very soft and comfy. Russet briefly vanishes into the next room and a few minutes later she returns with two mugs, one being hers reheated, and another fresh cup for Ryan.*
RUSSET: *She wordlessly sets the mug in front of Ryan and then takes her on seat on the soft swivil chair to the right.*
RYAN: *by the time russet comes back, ryan is completely consumed by this fluffy cozy couch. but she can still reach out to grab her drink.* thaaanks...
RYAN: ...
RYAN: im not... super sure where to... start...
RUSSET: *She sighs over the top of her mug.* I guess I can start. Probably should say sorry for how I was being at the party. Wasn't really the place to hash this out anyways.
RYAN: *shrugs* i mean... its not unwarranted.
RYAN: i know it had to suck seeing me there before anything else.
RYAN: like not to throw a pity party for myself or nothing but i was just really stressed out about coming back.
RYAN: i thought if i just showed up at shindig itd be easier somehow? i guess i didnt expect to see you and finn AND jack all at the same time. the only thing that woulda made it more overwhelming was if dorian was there too. *wilts thinking about dorian... she really made an ass out of herself around him ages ago, and now he's nowhere to be found.*
RUSSET: *She too droops her shoulders at the mentions of Dorian. Why is their whole family troubled with disapearences?* Yeah well. You probably could have thought that through better yeah.
RUSSET: *Sips tea.* ...You said you're staying with dad?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i dont really know where else to go.
RUSSET: Im sure hes happy to have you around.
RYAN: ... i think hes still pissed at me. *sips also and keeps her mug close to her chest*
RUSSET: Well duh. A lot of people are gonna' be pissed. But even if he's mad hes got to be happy you're back home and safe and not gone with the wind.
RUSSET: Unless you plan to run away again. Not sure how well that might go over. *Sips at her.*
RYAN: *stares down at her mug* no...
RYAN: theres no point in me trying to leave again.
RYAN: there was no point to begin with.
RYAN: it was stupid...
RUSSET: Yeah. It was.
RUSSET: But you still did it.
RYAN: ... im sorry.
RUSSET: *She looks down into her cup, pulling her legs up into the chair with her so she can sit cross legged, and goes silent for several moments.* .............
RUSSET: Why did you do it?
RUSSET: Why did you run away again?
RYAN: i dont know i-- *draws in a sharp breath*
RYAN: it was so long ago now i barely even remember what was going through my head.
RYAN: of course i might remember it better if i hadnt completely fucking fried my brain lmao.
RYAN: *huffs another sigh* i just know i was like... overwhelmed...
RYAN: between jack and me... and with all my bullshit.
RYAN: i just know i wanted to hide from it.
RUSSET: *She listens, and tries to find ways to sympathize with Ryan. Her little sister did have a few problems, and Russet could wrap her mind around feeling overwhelmed by stuff, but running away for years? That was too much.*
RUSSET: You know there are other ways you could have handled it. Without ditching all of us.
RYAN: *eyes start watering. no... she's wearing mascara, she can't have this.* i know that... i know that /now./
RUSSET: *heavens not the mascara. See this is why Russet likes her circle shades, they do well to hide too much emotion.*
RUSSET: I guess at least you learned that much. *Produces a napkin and holds it out to Ryan.*
RYAN: *takes it* ... yeah. *she learned plenty more than that, but she doesn't want to make it seem like she's fishing for sympathy. she doesn't deserve that. she just tries to think of ways to update russet without it coming off that way.*
RYAN: i got into a lot of shit.
RYAN: i made a lot of mistakes.
RYAN: i had to go to rehab. *shrugs*
RYAN: thats why i came back.
RUSSET: Wait... What?? *Sits up more in her chair, frowning pretty harshly.*
RUSSET: Rehab?
RYAN: ... yeah. *dabs at her eyes with the napkin* i got really fucked up and this girl i was seeing made me go.
RYAN: and then she you know broke up with me.
RYAN: but again i dont blame her.
RUSSET: Thats...
RUSSET: Mm. Wow. Sorry I'm trying to like.
RUSSET: Form the right words to respond to that.
RUSSET: ......Thats rough, Ryan.
RUSSET: *Nailed it.*
RYAN: *shrugs* you dont have to say anything its fine. it is what it is.
RUSSET: Yeaaahhh but its still shitty. I mean, I'm mad at you but still thats difficult to go through.
RUSSET: Does your mom know?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i told her and dad first.
RUSSET: Thats good. I'm glad you told them.
RYAN: kinda have to tell people. you know... to reconcile and all that?? its all part of the program.
RYAN: but i want to anyway.
RUSSET: Oh. Well thats better then just coming back to complete the program.
RUSSET: .......I'm glad youre back. Even if it doesn't seem like it.
RYAN: *hearing that makes her eyes water more and her voice squeaks a little when she speaks* cool. yeah...
RYAN: im glad im back too.
RYAN: and i really...
RYAN: i really am... really sorry.
RUSSET: *Ryan you better not start crying, gdi. Russet is too much of a bleeding heart for this.* Thanks. I believe it.
RUSSET: I um... I dont know how long I'm going to be mad at you about this. I forgive you but also dont at the same time its really confusing. And its hard not to still feel hurt because until now I didn't have any idea why you ran away, and I didn't get to think about it too much because I felt like I had to pick up the pieces of everyone else, so I'm kind of bitter? *Says it like a question, shes figuring it out as she goes and just holds her mug closer to herself to feed off the warmth.*
RUSSET: I want us to be okay again, eventually. Because I thought we were getting to some sort of level of okay with each other until you ran off.
RYAN: yeah... i know i fucked it all up. *she's crying, she can't stop it now. she's bottled it up too long, and if there's one person she really feels guilty about, it's russet, for all the reasons she just mentioned.*
RYAN: i wanted things to get better... i was just--
RYAN: fuck...
RYAN: im just so sorry. i dont wanna be dumb or petty or awkward anymore.
RYAN: i missed you... i missed you nagging at me and i missed your cute little craft things and all your motherly lil habits.
RYAN: i didnt realize how much i needed people like that in my life to keep me grounded.
RUSSET: *Well heck. Shes turning a little orange now, a combination about Ryan saying all these nice things about her meddling, and then there is the whole choking back emotion because if Ryan is crying shes NOT going to cry. Because if they both start bawling it will never stop she knows it.*
RUSSET: Well shit. =B'I
RYAN: *wheezes out a watery laugh at that response.* i know... damn... really unexpected hearing ryan get all sappy.
RUSSET: *Nods and sniffles just a little.* It is. I think someone might have to pinch me to make sure this is real.
RYAN: would... a hug work?
RUSSET: *She thinks about it and then places her mug on the glass coffee table before opening her arms wide.*
RUSSET: Yes. =B''T
RYAN: *HHH she puts her mug down as well, wiggling out of this couch and then shuffling over to fit into her big sister's arms.*
RUSSET: *Wraps her arms around Ryan and gives her a big squeeze. This hug is pouring in the warmth and love of all the hugs she hasnt been able to give Ryan in years. Enjoy Russet's watery, emotional, bug chirps in your ear because its too much!!.*
RYAN: *the chirps are a comfort and she responds with more soft giggles. she sighs, relaxing into the hug and letting the warmth comfort her and convince her that things might finally start to be alright...*
RYAN: is it okay if i hang out here for a lil while...?
RUSSET: *She nods into Ryan's shoulder.* Mhm. I'm not doing anything today.
RYAN: okay cool cuz im gonna impose like hell for as long as i can get away with it. *pulls away, smiling softly as she flops back onto the couch*
RUSSET: *When she and Ryan part Russet breifly sneaks a finger under her glasses to wipe at her misty eyes.* Fine by me. But you shouldnt stay too long past dark unless you are getting a ride somewhere.
RYAN: *she's gotta dab at her eyes some more too...* yeah okay that can be arranged. *AND SO she gets settled in, drinking tea and catching up on some of the more positive things that have happened.*
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
You meet the League and butt heads with Clark.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Panic attacks
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You sat in the back of the batmobile for what felt like hours lost in your own thoughts, you regreted this already, why rock the boat now? you were fine, you were learning how to do this on your own, you didn't need anyone they'd get in the way Or hurt! Then they'd hate you, hunt you down, you wouldn't get away! Either that or they'd see you for the monster you was and just leave you somwhere this was a stupid idea, a silly childish hope of a fairytale ending of a home ,acceptance the hope of finding people who will understand, they wont, no one understands they can't. You panicked your breathing shallow, out! you had to get out slowly you looked around looking for the hinge that held the door infront of you closed it had flipped up like a trunk but in your panicked state you wouldnt be able to concentrate enough to send out your ripple instead you had to touch it you fumbled with the harness style seat belt cursing when your fingers couldn't grip finally useing your power the split the mechanism down the seam it must have sent a warning to him in the front as you heard his voice a few seconds later.
"Kid? Calm down Whats the matter?-" 
"NO! Let me out stop, I've changed my mind I can do it on my own!" You cried out leaning forward blindly running your hands over the top of the door sliding your palms hurried wanting to find the weak spot to tear at sniffling as tears began falling blurring your vision 'stupid your so stupid!' You thought repeating over and over scrabbling over the top you couldnt find it! He continued talking low and calm trying to ease you out of your panic attack.
"Hey kid its okay your scared its natural to be scared okay? But I promise whatever your think is going to happen isn't, none of us are going to let anything happen to you, just take some deep breaths for me in......then out.....again for me in ...... and out....." you closed your eyes doing as he said kneeling on the floor shivering from the aftermath of your break down as you felt the vehicle stop. You slumped resting your head on the door in front of you and spoke in a quiet voice
"I can't do it again" You held your breath when you got no reply had he listened? 
"Do what again?" You stayed silent he wouldn't have it and asked again in a different way
"What are you afraid of? Tell me so I can help, we just want to help"
"....I'm better off alone.." and there it was your words were loud and clear Bruce read between the lines the truth behind your fear and panic,abandonment, a kid who lost her parents and has been passed here there and everywhere thrown from home to home until finally you run away deciding you dont need anyone else he sighed.
"We wont leave you, not now your here weather you belive it or not the second you stepped into this car you were one of us and the others are eager to meet you" 
"And when I hurt one of you? It will happen it always does its why they get rid of me." You venom in your voice made his blood go cold, you sounded like one of the many nut jobs he put away behind bars, the ones that wanted to watch the city burn with everyone in it ,all he could do was hope he wasn't to late.
"The only one you could hurt is me and if I'm not mistaken we have been over that already and you said so yourself you caught it, was I angry? Did I shout and attack you? Or call for back up? I could have but did I?"
 You looked down fidgeting with your fingers a little feeling small he almost sounded like a parent and not in that hyped up I'm right and your wrong way you were used to it was more like trying to get you to understand him something you hadnt heard in a long time.
"Well? I expect an answer young lady"
"No, you didn't do none of those things"
"Right and you know why? It was an accident and accidents happen, besides one of us will always be there to watch out for you,everyone in this place is faster then you physically we are all stronger than you there is no need to worry, now lets go meet the team, We are already here." You sniffed a little wiping at your eyes.
"I suppose....I'm scared" He chuckled at that you sounded so tiny and vulnerable 
"No their not scary at all come on" you waited a few breaths then the door opened and he was in front of you he sighed quickly lifting you out palcing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You looked around this place was huge with various different vehicles air land and sea all in matte black spanning the length of the huge space.
"Holy shit..." he hummed in agreement 
"Immpressive huh?" You looked around some you recgonized from news footage in gotham.
"Yeah you have a lot of.....weird  things here" he shrugged just happy that your little break down had passed, he knew the others were watching through the security eager to meet you, but he wanted to make sure you were okay. He cleared his throat nodding to the elevator that would take you up into the main tower.
"This way we can go and meet the team then get you settled in for the night" you blinked at him
"What?" He crossed his arms standing tall
"Well it is nearly eleven pm and your only what fourteen? you shouldnt be up this time, what about school?"
"Im sixteen and I don't go to school I do online...when I can be bothered" he sighed walking to the elevator you trailed behind him as he sent it moving up.
"Fine, either way you can stay here tonight, there is a room ready for you" you nodded a little apprehensive finally the doors opened revealing a huge room with a large round table the others sat around it smileing at you batman pushed you forward when he saw you freeze a little the small nudge sent you walking forward into the room. Wonder woman was the first to approach you with a smile
"Hello Im Diana its nice to meet you we're glad you decided to come" she was beautiful ,polite and looked kind, you almost forgot how powerfull she was just by speakjng to her
"H-hi Im y/n its....nice to meet you too" you said quietly scanning the room still nervous looking for escapes just incase, the window, thick glass but doable not sure how far the free fall would be- your thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice
"I wouldn't we're pretty high" you snapped your gaze up to Aquaman he was....unerving to say the least, he gave of a chill and slightly playfull attitude.
"What?" He smirked nodding to the window
"Your checking for escape I could see it in your eyes, hell sometimes I want to throw myself out the window to escape this lot but were pretty high, I mean wonder boy over there would catch you no doubt but still waste of a window dont ya think?" You smiled a little blushing tangling your hands in your hoodie.
"Itd be fixed before I was a quarter of the way down, its just a habit.Sorry" He smiled waving it off
"Nah your fine its smart you want a back up plan I'm Arthur by the way." You nodded still lookkng around everyone noted you didn't drift to far from Bruce which in a way was good he become a sort of saftey net it seemed. They all new what happened on the way here and downstairs. You were holding up well considering how terrified you were. They all drifted to the table taking their seats, when you didn't follow Bruce came up behind you taking your bag walking to the huge round glase table you followed behind him.
"Jesus what do you have in here? Thats way to heavy for you to be lugging around" he complaind as he set it down lettingnyou take a seat next to him.
"Books,clothes, my phone ,headphones and purse I take everything with me when I leave the homes, its easyier that way don't have to go hunting for it later" you shrugged everyone in the room frowned. It was Clark who began speaking
"So thats everything you own?" You nodded a little scared of him if you were honest you were scared of all of them.
"Pretty much, when it comes to foster homes in Gotham their not the best to put it bluntly us kids are money makers, the state pays them to take me in, when your younger theres more to it they put you somewhere nice with good poeple that care, you know try to make you a model citizen all that crap but teens no we get the shit ones given a bed and told to get on with it we are lost causes by this point just waiting to age out and be fucked off, I haven't been to my foster home in three weeks they haven't tried to get in touch or anything they dont care, occasionally they file a missing persons report and police find you and take you back but thats only cos of the inspections if I aint there when the do a spot check the money stops and they can be stricken off the register loose about $400 a month, but I prefer being out on my own" He frowned crossing his arms infront of his chest taking a deep breath leaning back, you fidgited a little under his intense gaze leaning to Bruce he didn't look happy at all and you weren't sure what you'd done but you felt like you'd irritated him, you cast a glance to Batman who was giving you a similar look making you gulp.
"So where have you been sleeping then for these three weeks?" you snapped your head back to the Man of steel.
".......with freinds and stuff....." he raised an eyebrow he didn't need to hear your pulse change to know you were lying it was clear from the way you spoke quiet and high but he would leave it for now.
"Well from now on you will be home by eight at the latest" you blinked you were expecting an argument or some dismissive 'oh it can't be that bad' but not a curfew... honestly you wasn't sure what to make of it and that made you angry, you wasn't used to people caring for you, your first instinct is to scare them away.
"err what? not being funny but I'm here to get my freaky power under control not to get a fucking life coach, had one he quit...like not just me he quit completely something about having the devil inside or something...Not sure if that was aimed at me tho...Probably...He was old as shit" you shut up when he tilted his head leaning back it was a very...Parental gesture you swear your dad did the same thing when he was alive.
"Well that was before I learned of your situation and the fact that your living on the streets at the moment." you growled at him any fear replaced with anger and a little panic he knew... he definitely knew you were lying the air rippled around you coming to life.
"Are you deaf? I've been staying with friends.... Not that its any of your fucking business" 
"Friends from your online classes you never do? now I don't see that somehow" you shook glaring at him 
"Fuck you!" he stood up not taking notice of the way your eyes glowed you panicked normally that was enough to make them back off he wasn't, standing you faltered not sure what to do you wanted to scare him off, make him back down but you didn't want to hurt him, you freaked out a little as he continued coming around towards you swearing trying to pull back your power not wanting to attack him but in the state you were in it was hard you couldn't grasp it you winced hearing the crackling of the floor beneath you fighting it as it tried to rise up toward him.
"Calm down. I know your lying I can hear it in your pulse now I know for a fact that you've been on the streets and I'm guessing its more because your frightened of hurting them rather than all this teenage 'better of alone' bravado your trying to play it off as. And as for having a life coach Instead of that you'll be getting a family"
"Shut up!" you were really panicking now he had managed to figure you out break past your walls quick and you wanted him to stop.
"...I know your a good kid and have had a rough ride having to grow up to soon now its time to be a kid again. So from now on you will have a safe place to stay each night sometimes that will be here other times it will be with one of us" he kept coming slowly towards you, you stepped back only everyone watch tense but not out of fear or trepidation just ready to dodge what ever you might do.
"I'm not going to be a fucking charity case- this was a bad idea Im leaving" you made to grab your bag  but it wasnt by you chair anymore you swore 
"Your not leaving and your not going to be a charity casenow calm yourself down" 
"What you can't force me to stay here!" You backed off now sending out your power feelkng for your bag wanting to get out of here fast, this was a stupid thing to do, trust people? You cant trust anyone.
"I will if I think thats whats best for you,you can't hurt me... You can't hurt any of us and that is probably scaring you isn't it? its been a long time since you wasn't the strongest person in the room, since you were able to be yourself with out having to have absolute control of every thought and movement... I know because I've been there myself when I was growing up and the shock and fear I had fighting Zod and Batman it was frightening realizing that I could be hurt, its terrifying having something you don't understand or control and you think no one will understand, thats the same for each of us at some point we realized we are not like everyone else and we were alone wanting help someone to turn to thats why we are going to help you, so you can have some form of normality" you gave him a side glance shaking he understood? you thought he must of had it worse you couldn't imagine having to deal with his abilities. 
"Normal? Thats not an option for me, people can't even touch me" you cried out as he sped towards you tuggeding you forward to him making you jump everything happed so fast you couldn't catch it you closed your eyes tight shaking like a leaf knowing that you'd just attacked him unintentionally probably killed him you whined waiting for the inevitable attacks from the others instead the hug tightened he chuckled 
"Look its okay"slowly you opened your eyes looking down the small spikes had snapped as they touched him instead of impaling him you gasped stepping back.
"They didn't?" he smiled shaking his head.
"No they cant...I told you, you cant hurt us" you smiled a little sniffling as tears escaped you felt silly but happy relieved you might be able stay here... you could be here with them with out worrying about loosing control they can handle it.
"I-I dont have to run?" he smiled pulling you back against him
"No you dont have to run...I'm sorry I had to make you attack me it was the only way to make you see you can't hurt me and its the same with Victor, Arthur and Diana Barry is to fast and Bruce well he will think of somthing he usually does, here you can be yourself and relax a little be a kid again and yes that means rules and curfews" you smiled nervously as he retreated a little he was sad you hadnt returned the hug he could tell you were touch straved and you probably didn't even know it.
"I-I cant stay what about the social workers-"
"Hey what did he just say? you be the kid we will deal with all that." it was Diana who had interrupted as supes made his way back to his seat faster then you could register pulling back looking at the floor correcting it as you sat back down.
".... was a dick move tho supes"
"Clark call me Clark, no need for our other names here we're family" you nodded a little it sounded strange when he said it. 
"and I would appreciate it if you watched your mouth its not lady like" you snorted 
"The only lady like thing on me is my v-jay" you deadpanned Arthur roared up at that as Clark rolled his eyes next to introduce themselves was a man who didn't look much older than you.
"Hi I'm Barry, its great to have someone not old here now, they look fun but they are all boring" you laughed at to chorus of grunts and scoffs.
"Well I can't promise I'll be much fun.." he shook his head
"Seriously? I cant wait to see you in action properly, its one thing to see it on screen but honestly, I wanna see you do the glass thing how does that work anyway? Like how do you do what you do?" You leaned back into your chair.
"Err its kind of weird.... its like ripples?" he tilted his head
"Ripples?" You nodded nervous knowing everyone was listening.
"Yeah o-or waves, Im always sending them out  and I can feel everything they feel.... so sitting here I can feel the wall over there.....its close so I can make better sense of it and have better control I can move it like clay.... then to fix the things I break I just zip them up....I can show you if you like? and its okay?"you looked around the room everyone nodded a gruff
"Just be careful" came from behind you, within seconds your eyes glowed bright and the huge table shattered into hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces across everyone they stayed still holding there breath.
"did you hit it? To make it do that?" Arthur asked wanting to understand how it works.
"No I pulled it from all sides ,It feels like pulling apart a huge jigsaw when I do that.....tugging I can stretch it two but that makes it weaker I just make it thinner and larger when I do that.....then I just think of the pieces edges being a zipper that fits back together. Its ends up being so tiny you can't see it" You did as you said pressing them together slowly but surly the table mended itself creating three thirds then used the floor to push them up until it mended from the center out becoming crystal clear glass again.
"OH GOD THAT WAS SO COOL! Can you fix my phone screen its been annoying me for weeks?" You nodded as he produce the phone and you quicky fixed it for him he stared at it in awe running his fingner over wheee the cracks were
"Thats so cool...And usefull"
"Phsychokinesis" you turned slowly to the final man.....cyborg 
"Phsychowhatsit?" He chuckled at you
"Thats your gift its called phsychokinesis like telekinesis but instead of moving things without touching them you can manipulate physical things, their forms, but my geuss is for some reason you can pinpoint actual molecules instead of clumps of them together" you tilted your head at him you it had a proper name.
"Yeah thats right I can't make things float, only move and change em and I can't do it on anything living no plants or animals." He nodded 
"Im victor, the one who found you, I've seen you do some incredible things.....Are you aware of everything that you do or does a lot of things just happen?" You shrugged
"Most just happen, the table I did but.....when people make me jump I try to attack them" you cast a guilty glance at batman behind you he waved you off.
"I dont mean to and if I trip or fall the ground softens ,if i fall really high it rises to catch me...water to I can't go onnthe diving board it gets weird...I don't do any of that either just happens....but I catch them most of the time before things go to bad"
"Self preservation, you said you send out these....Ripples all the time? You cant pull them back?"
"No I tried once it really hurt it was like....It felt like someong ripping my skin off, of burning my nerves i passed out in under a mineut....my fault tho" Arthur sat up leaning over the table
"Whats your fault?" You smiled sadly
"I- after I killed my parents I put it away it was an accident but it was me who did it.....Stopped useing it completly I'd suppressed it then about a year ago.... yeah I had to use it to save my freinds on a school trip... I tried to sheild them protect them, but the oil tanker was huge! I couldnt hold it for long and as much as I wanted to I just couldnt push it back to the water and......my gift it was much stronger then I remembered it hurt.....couldn't hold it... since then I can't put it back" 
"So you've always had it? Then surpressed it for years and then it blew up and now you can't control it?  I think it reacts to protect you, when you fall you don't want to hit the ground and be hurt so it moves to accommodate you instead your power is trying to protect you." 
"That....makes a lot of sense.... shit word tho my names gonna be fucking lame...." Barry laughed.
"eh we can thing of somthing.... well I can they all added man and woman to something" you giggled a little Diana got up smileing at you
"Y/n its late we should probably get you to bed" you blinked at her then got up slowly. Everyone said their good nights as you left the room looking around wearly
"Dont worry, nothing will happen here" she said moving closer slowly hooking an arm across your shoulder you tensed but it only flicked across the floor, like a stepping into a puddle of sand then levled again you relaxed again.
"See? Like Clark said we are family here so just think of us as your aunt and uncles we will protect you...now this is your room you can decorate it soon and there is a small ensuite to, all of us have rooms here homes away from home and soon you will probably be coming with us to our other homes aswell but for now you will stay here training for a while while we sort out the legal side of things. Im across the hall Clark is next door and Bruce two doors down"
"Bruce?" She rolled her eyes a little snorting
"Batman, he always finds a way to hide his own name paranoid bat" you sighed frowning
"ho-how are you going to sort out the social worker thing? I know you said not to worry but I wont be able to sleep..." she smiled patting your shoulder sitting on the bed with you.
"Adoption and as much as I would love to adopt you from what just happend I'm pretty sure Clark isn't going to let anyone else do it"
"Sounds like you knew my situation befor I got here, you can't just adopt me tho thats like a lot of home checks and and you have to pay a lot of money thats not fair-"
"We did know...Bruce has adopted his fair share already and will be pulling a few strings for us tho as I said I'm pretty sure Clark has decided already you need a more quiet stable home, as lovely as Bruces children are they are boisterous and human which can put you on edge which isn't what we want. Clark has one kryptonian son who is older than you and would be well equipped to help you over come any hiccups.Now just relax, go have a shower brush your teeth and get some sleep?" you looked at her wide eyed adopted...By Superman....and having a brother who you also cant hurt.
"Im not tired-" she tilted her head raising a brow at you
"You need sleep your a growing girl, I expect you in bed in half an hour I will know if your not and if your not I'm sending in Clark" you nodded in a way it was nice having someone who cared.
"Good night I will see you in the morning" she said closing the door. You looked across the room it was nice a large twin bed, your bag had been placed on it somehow, a desk tv on the wall built in wardrobe and a door in the corner what you assumed lead to the ensuite. after a few moments you got up using the shower and brushing your teeth before changing and crawling into bed, tonight was strange but it was nice to have somewhere safe to sleep and you was happy you couldnt hurt superman. you fell into a deep sleep fairly easily to warn out not to vaguly aware of someone pokeing their head in the room to check on you.
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