#still not entirely sure i explained it properly though. DX
oflgtfol · 3 years
i know the nuclear waste storage thing proliferated throughout tumblr but the conversations around it never really like, properly addressed WHY i personally find it so profound and meaningful lol
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it’s just. the reason it’s written like that is because this is for long-term storage. not 100 years. not 200 years. literally tens of thousands of years, to the point where the commonly recognized symbols and languages of modern day will very likely not even exist anymore. we all know what a nuclear warning symbol looks like nowadays, but we have absolutely zero guarantee that the people of the year 20,000 will be able to recognize what it means and the danger it presents. we have no idea the what kind of scientific background they will have, if they will even know what nuclear waste IS - whether that's because science has degraded over time, or because it advanced so much that nuclear waste became obsolete, or whether they know what it is but have an entirely different understanding of it than we do nowadays, etc etc.
the report about this states that the best course of action is to continuously reaffirm our current methods. make sure that our current symbols remain in public conscience, continuously educate about this, continuously update current text warnings with language as it evolves over time. that is the best case scenario.
but science is not science unless you account for all cases - especially the worst case. so how do you communicate with a group of people that you have no shared language, no shared knowledge of warning symbols, no shared scientific knowledge with?
the text warning above is only one part of the general plan to warn away from storage sites. it also includes hostile architecture as a way to physically block people from reaching the storage site, as well as a visual symbol of you're not welcome here as a warning. there are also pictographic depictions of people's faces scrunched up in disgust, fear, anger, under the assumption that emotions and facial expressions will be a unifying factor where all other forms of communication fail. in a way, this text warning is the very last resort for keeping people away.
it's written in this utterly strange way that sounds nothing like the way people actually speak. but it's written like this because it's supposed to be easily translatable, both in the literal words and also in the general concepts, in order to account for linguistic changes over time as well as possible changes in scientific and cultural knowledge.
instead of saying "there is nuclear waste here. leave" it instead calls it some sort of "emanation of energy" and it describes the general geographic area using words like "center" and "below." these are easily translatable phrases. they may not have the words or even the concept of nuclear waste, but "emanation of energy" is probably the easiest description of radiation without getting into the jargony, untranslatable science of it. if this future people is aware of nuclear radiation, then it's enough to extrapolate what exactly we're talking about here, and if they aren't aware of nuclear radiation, then it's still enough to understand that there is something intangible, invisible, and dangerous. and the warning cannot describe where exactly the waste is located using modern terms, but "center" and "below" are pretty universal concepts that have existed long before us, and will presumably persist long after us.
but what i really want to pinpoint is how they focus on the harm it causes. they describe it as an emanation of energy but they don't call it "the energy." they call it the danger, and they say "The danger is to the body, and it can kill." body, kill, danger, these are all concepts that transcend time period. people have always had words for these concepts, and they are intimately understood regardless of when you are. above all else, these words can be translated, and they are the most important words in this entire message because of that.
we have no idea if humanity as a race will even exist on these time scales. every day it feels like we’re inching closer to our own demise. and so often when anyone talks about the future even 50 years from now, you’re met with jokes like “bold of you to assume we’ll still be alive then.” it’s such a bleak outlook on life, the assumption that we’ll be gone so soon, and with it comes this uncaring attitude about future generations. why put in the work and effort to preserve things when we'll be gone in the blink of an eye, and on a more callous level, why try to improve things when i won't be alive then anyway, etc etc.
so to dedicate so much thought towards warning people SO far in the future that we cannot even imagine the state of their language, their knowledge, their culture, is just so profound to me. it’s the ultimate sign of human compassion, of caretaking and helping others in need. thousands of generations will separate us from anyone who can come close to being the intended audience of these warnings, and yet we care so much about them that we’ll go to such lengths to protect them from this danger. we can so easily hand wave it, say oh but that’s in the far future, who cares, just keep using our current language and symbols, but no! we want to reach through time and make sure that people stay away for their own health
it especially hits me because this is the impact of our own poor decisions. nuclear waste is so toxic that even thousands upon thousands of years from now it will still be deadly. and we're literally burying it in the ground and leaving it for future generations to deal with. playing with such powers before we’re ready, before we know how to properly handle it, like we’re playing God with things powerful beyond our control. the sheer hubris of it all. and the nuclear waste and the danger it poses both now and in the future is reaping the consequences of it. but the people in the future did nothing to deserve it, it was not their generation who did this, yet they’re dealing with the consequences of what their ancestors did
and so i feel like, this message is both a warning and an APOLOGY. “This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.” this phrase is there to signal that no, this isn’t buried treasure, this isn’t anything you want to be digging around in, even the people of its time were in danger from it. as always, it’s a warning. but the way it's worded feels like something else, too. this place is not a place of honor. all the scientific advancements and awards and medals of honor going towards the development of nuclear energy and weapons and all things nuclear - and yet, this place is not a place of honor. one of our most shining achievements is also our heaviest burden. because here we are, having to warn our descendants in the far far future of the danger it poses, entirely because we were messing with things before we had the proper capability to handle it safely and responsibly. it’s a warning, yes, but it's also an apology. a way of humbling ourselves. "We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture," and yet, "this place is best left shunned and left uninhabited."
and so taking the time to think these things through, of how to communicate to people tens of thousands of years in the future to keep them safe and healthy, feels like both a show of human compassion for the sake of compassion, and also yet another form of apology. because this isn’t some freak accident. this isn't a naturally occurring danger. this is directly caused by our current actions. if they fall sick or die because of exposure, that is because of us, because of what we did and then buried in the ground to hide and forget about, and so it’s really only right that we take responsibility for our actions and the unintended consequences and ensure that no one else is harmed by them
TL;DR, i love this message so much because it's an admittance of hubris and playing god. it's an apology, it's a show of regret, and it's humbling ourselves in dealing with the consequences. it's communication between generations and reaching through the ages to directly talk to our descendants. it's an extraordinary link over time, between vastly different peoples, and we use it to express basic compassion and humility. it's a message about humanity, with all of our worst, but also all of our best.
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Lets see... I dare you to write something fluffy (your choice) with you and Asmodeus; Hope you're having a good day or evening. :Dc
ASFDSERDRFDEFDTRRFGFCGF I’M;;; SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG;;;; I am having a Time© and I hope your day/night is good!!!!!!!!
I attempted but DX ZERO SUBSTANCE OR QUALITY AGAIN WHOOPS and my s/i has Official Cringe Ancestry so. There is that rip
Title: What’s Not To Love?
Summary: The couple is preparing for the arrival of Bronwen’s grandfather, Corson, who is coming over that evening to formally meet her after not having been able to meet her for many years. But as Bronwen starts to worry he won’t like her, Asmodeus dives in to comfort his treasured girlfriend.
♡*:.。. o🌹o .。.:*♡
“Asmodeus…” Bronwen began, fiddling with strap of her icy pink dress as he hummed in reply beside her, “…Is this really a good idea? Should I… Should I actually do this? Maybe I should cancel.”
“Why would you say that? You were excited about this meeting for weeks, Bunny.” Asmodeus frowned a little, turning of his phone and placing his full attention on her. Bronwen’s hands were now folded in her lap, cherry blossom pink nails clacking against each other as she nervously fiddled with her dress’ fabric.
She turned her gaze away from him, her long, dark brown curls hiding her face from him, “I… look, I can’t explain it. I thought it was a good idea but I’m just not sure if I can do this. Like, I’m still so… so… so very…”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to pick up on what she was getting at.
Bronwen nodded a bit, feeling her stomach twist into knots at the very mention of it. “I’m not a demon. Not properly, at least. I have this bloodline that gives me magic…”
She lifted up her hand, ice dancing in her palm before a gentle blow from her rosey pink lips sent the crystals spiralling away, vanishing from sight. Asmodeus watched as the pair of snowflakes fluttered away and faded, almost smiling a little at her choice; ice. It was practically her trademark now, conjuring up a chill, and had been so the moment she memorized her elemental spells. But that wasn’t the focus now; she was.
“…and a form that I still can’t really control yet. Hell, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to switch on command. So what? That was all dormant until I came here. It was dormant for practically my entire life.” Bronwen sighed, “I never would have known about Corson had it not been for that, frankly dangerous, magical outburst I had where Lord Diavolo told me. I could have completely passed as fully human. I grew up in the human world, and even now, everything I do, say and think is so… human. What if Corson meets me and is ashamed that I’m his descendant?”
“Oh, Bunny…” Asmodeus, taking Bronwen’s hand in his and tilting her gaze to meet his own- his heart breaking seeing tears welling up in her eyes, “Do you really believe that?”
She nodded. So Asmodeus placed his hands on her cheeks, pulling her close enough to kiss her gently- and then pulled her into his arms, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes. Pulling her head to his chest, he carefully ran his fingers though her long, silken brown hair to try and calm her troubled heart.
“You shouldn’t. Not even a little. Firstly, the human part of you is adorable.” Asmodeus stated, putting at finger to Bronwen’s lips before she could reject it, “No! Don’t try to say otherwise, it’s true. I know I loved you before any of us even knew about this. It changes nothing. You’re still the same stunning woman, okay?”
“…I wouldn’t say-”
“No! Don’t even try it!” He pouted, “Bronwen, you’ve stopped me dead in my tracks multiple times. Me. That wouldn’t happen if you weren’t beautiful, alright?”
Bronwen didn’t say anything, just gradually blushing more and more, so Asmodeus took that as his cue to continue. “As I was saying, it doesn’t matter that you’re mostly human. What matters is that you’re you, and Corson will adore you if he has any sense at all. It he doesn’t, then you don’t need him. You have me after all~! Besides… I know he will adore you.”
“How? We can’t be sure…” Bronwen replied, that same anxiety still bubbling up in her heart. He just chuckled a bit.
“Because he already talks about you constantly. Do you know he talks about your achievements to any demon that will listen? He hasn’t even met you and he loves you already. Rightfully so! There’s nothing not to love about you.” Asmodeus smiled, touching his forehead to hers, “But I already knew that, because you’re all mine.”
Bronwen rolled her eyes, but couldn’t stop herself from laughing as Asmodeus began shamelessly kissing all over her face. “A-Asmo! Gosh, okay, okay, I get your point! You don’t have to attack me with kisses, you know!”
“Hm… I think I do. You need to see how cute and perfect you are!” He replied, not haunting his actions even for a minute.
Bronwen’s laughter filled the air along with a few of Asmodeus’ own chuckles, until eventually Bronwen ended up falling out of his arms in a futile attempt to get away- but luckily, comfortably just landed backwards onto the couch. He just took the chance to latch onto his girlfriend again, comfortably cuddling into her side and holding her as close as he could. Eventually the laughter toned down, leaving the couple cuddling on the couch in a comfortable silence. Bronwen was able to snake her arms around Asmodeus in return, however, but buried her face in his pink shirt so he couldn’t see her. But that didn’t change anything; he could easily tell she was blushing anyway.
“…Thank you, Asmo.” She grumbled just loud enough for him to hear, “Really. I… I swear, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’m the one that needs you, Bunny.” He replied, kissing the top of her head, “More than anything else. Don’t forget that… never forget how amazing you are.”
Her grip on his white jacket tightened a little.
“I’ll try not to.”
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Ep. 8 - The KaneHori scene
I lied. I can’t wait until the show ends to do an analysis on this part. I need to dissect this scene down to the very last second of it and I need to do it now while it’s still fresh in my head, before another train of angst hits me and sends my poor heart flying across the country. I mean, wtf is up with Ep 9′s title?!?!?! Can you plz not hurt my boys right after they just got back? Dx<
Warning: Screencap heavy.
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It’s a curious thing how you can say so much about these first few seconds and guess at exactly what’s going to happen in the following minutes.
Now I can’t be too sure on whether Kunihiro was actively searching for Kane-san or not. Maybe he wasn’t looking for him. Maybe he was just taking a stroll, wondering what he should say the next time they see each other, and happened to come across Kane-san sitting by the river while he was thinking just that.
In any case, you can clearly feel that it’s been a while since they were last in each other’s presence.
Judging by how Kane-san chose to come all the way out here to such a quiet, secluded spot, far from the Citadel, far from other people, I think it’s safe to say he wanted needed to be alone to straighten out his thoughts. So that meant he didn’t want to be disturbed.
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Kunihiro immediately picks up on that mood so rather than running straight up to Kane-san like he normally would, he approached him at a cautious pace instead while leaving room for himself to back out.
Even his greeting/opening sentence is cautious and unspoken intention obvious. He’s there to update Kane-san on a few things (cuz I’m fairly certain Kane-san hasn’t gone to visit Tonbokiri yet with his guilt still plaguing him and all) and if Kane-san wasn’t ready for company yet, he’d leave.
Kane-san doesn’t have to go through with forcing himself to say anything to Kunihiro. Because the last thing Kunihiro wants to do is aggravate Kane-san too much that he’d be chased away again. Like what happened last time.
Because I’m sure Kunihiro knows now that it probably hurt Kane-san just as much when he told Kunihiro to leave him alone. But back then, Kane-san really needed his space. He wasn’t ready to face anyone, including Kunihiro, yet. Not so soon when the memory of Edo was still vivid and painful on his mind.
He needed time apart from them to sort out what’s been bothering him.
And I suspect, after his conversation with Tsurumaru, Kunihiro figured it was best just to let his partner be. Knowing Kunihiro, he’d definitely put Kane-san’s needs before his own and if that meant he should keep his distance for a bit, then okay, he’d do it. He won’t offer to help until Kane-san is truly ready to accept it again.
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Fortunately, the time they spent recuperating apart (plus Kane-san’s talk with Mikazuki) did help so Kane-san’s calmer now than he was perhaps several days ago. Which means he’s become a little more receptive again since he’s no longer clamming himself up with issues he couldn’t even put a name to before.
It shows in his short reply to Kunihiro and Kunihiro’s reaction to that. Kane-san doesn’t give more words than what he says here and that might cause some to wonder between “Does that mean he’s ready to talk now?” or “Maybe he still needs time, so let me just come back later”. They’d still think they’re stepping on egg shells around him.
But Kunihiro just smiles because just by hearing Kane-san acknowledge the good news, he knows Kane-san’s gotten better as well. Because he knows Kane-san best. Even if he can’t read Kane-san perfectly all the time, he can still read his partner better than anyone else could.
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Which is why he knows it’s okay to stay with Kane-san now. And even when he sits down near him, he still gives him space. He doesn’t plant himself too close to Kane-san. He doesn’t even say anything to him. Not “How are you feeling?” or “What’s on your mind?” because he likely senses that those are not the questions Kane-san wants to answer at the moment.
Again, if conversation makes Kane-san uncomfortable, then he’ll refrain from it.
Kunihiro just wants Kane-san to recover at his own pace. He just wants to be by Kane-san’s side when he can and to let Kane-san know, even without words, that he’s there for him.
This is basically what the first few minutes of this scene is telling us.
And I highly doubt that if it was anyone else who didn’t possess the cognizance that Kunihiro has in this very moment…no, rather, if that person to approach Kane-san wasn’t Kunihiro, that Kane-san would be alright to allow them to come this close to him, let alone sit with him in silence.
He might get antsy again and demand that they leave. Not Kunihiro, though.
Kane-san knows Kunihiro. He feels the most at ease around Kunihiro because he can trust Kunihiro to say (or not say) the right things around him.
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That’s why Kane-san can finally, finally voice out what he’s been brooding about this entire time.
He takes a second to collect himself and then, without preamble, just straight up asks Kunihiro “did we really protect history?”. Because there’s no need for excessive formalities between them. It’s them, after all. Kane-san knows that Kunihiro will respond to him honestly and to the best of his ability without needing to sugar coat it for his benefit.
Take note that this is also the first time Kane-san has ever truly discussed his problems with anyone since they came back from Edo.
His talk with Mikazuki was different. Kane-san went to him because he wasn’t sure exactly what was bothering his conscience. He sought Mikazuki out so he could put a name to it (“did we really protect history when more people died when they shouldn’t have?”) and Mikazuki neither confirmed nor denied what Kane-san wanted to know. Mikazuki only listened.
That essentially makes Kunihiro the first person he ever actually shared his troubles with. Kane-san didn’t discuss this with the Saniwa. He didn’t discuss this with any of the other Second Unit swords.
But he is discussing it with Kunihiro right now and that speaks volumes about how his relationship with Kunihiro is the most important one in regards to his own character.
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Of course, just because he’s closer to Kunihiro than he is with anyone else does not automatically equal “Kunihiro knows exactly what Kane-san means”.
Because they are distinct from each other, after all, especially now that they have human forms. They may be partners but they don’t share the same brain. They’re individuals who experience things differently.
And that’s good because if Kunihiro’s mind was a carbon copy’s of Kane-san’s, he’d be no help at all. He’d only be reflecting Kane-san’s worries right back at him and they’d be stuck in the same place going nowhere.
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So let’s get back on track. Kane-san poses the question again and as expected, Kunihiro detects there’s more to it than what it looks like on the surface.
His “Kane-san?” is a gentle prodding for him to continue. For Kane-san to please explain so that he can better understand what Kane-san means.
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Kane-san then proceeds to do so, in more detail, and it must be very hard for him because saying it is like reliving the chaos all over again.
People, who didn’t need to die, lost their lives because of their fight with the Revisionists.
People, whose homes didn’t need to burn down, had to suffer the aftermath of a battle that shouldn’t have involved them at all.
In that way, true history has been altered and there’s nothing they, the Touken Danshi, can do to change it back to how it originally was.
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And judging by his expression, Kunihiro does understand exactly what Kane-san means and why he’s lamenting over it.
There isn’t just understanding here, either. There’s also sadness, sympathy, empathy and regret. Because Kunihiro was there with Kane-san and the Second Unit on that night. He was right in the middle of it all when it happened. When Edo was lit up in flames before his very eyes.
So there’s no way he wouldn’t comprehend the feeling of…failure that’s taken a hold of Kane-san. There’s no way Kunihiro didn’t blame himself as well.
“What if I had been stronger? Could we have protected history better if I was more capable? Could we have avoided those casualties if I had simply done a better job at it?” and so on.
This guilt and frustration that’s coursing through Kane-san, it most certainly is coursing through Kunihiro, too. Because they both experienced the same tragedy that night.
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However, Kunihiro doesn’t let those negative feelings over that event consume him and he won’t let them consume Kane-san either.
He tells Kane-san “Yes, we did protect it”. Direct and straightforward. Nothing superfluous attached because that will only lessen the effect of what he needs to get across to Kane-san.
He stands up to face Kane-san. To properly tell him (again) that they did what they needed to do. That they protected history as they were tasked to do.
Because right now, Kane-san is the one needs that validation. Kane-san needs someone to confirm that so he can go on fighting.
And that responsibility falls to Kunihiro, the one Kane-san has poured his heart out to.
It’s an echo back to episode one, when Kunihiro was the one who was insecure and Kane-san was the one to set him on his feet. Now it’s Kunihiro’s turn to return the favor by staying firm for Kane-san. To set Kane-san back on his own feet.
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Even Kunihiro’s words are similar to what Kane-san said to the Second Unit.
“Believe in our master.” “Protect history from being drastically changed by the Revisionists.”
I’ve already gone over this a bit in another post on my main blog so I’ll extend it here. That without them, the Touken Danshi, to fight against the Time Retrograde Army in the first place, the outcome would’ve been significantly worse than just more people dying on a certain day in the past.
Without the Second Unit to stand against their enemies on that night in Edo, to “preserve the flow of history” even if just barely, many more innocents could’ve perished from that point on. It would’ve changed everybody’s future that followed afterwards. Saniwa might’ve not come to exist, the Citadel might’ve not have come to exist, the Touken Danshi might not have come exist if that had happened.
But they are still here. He and Kane-san and the Saniwa and all the other Touken Danshi are all still here. So they must keep fighting, keep fighting even harder with everything they have. They have to take what happened in Edo as a lesson, as a reason why they need to continue and move forward.
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And like how the silence at the start of this entire scene can say so much, even this nonvocal exchange suggests that there’s a lot going on between them.
Kane-san appears to have absorbed all of what Kunihiro wanted to convey to him and seems to be holding his partner’s gaze like he’s waiting for the final seal on it. And Kunihiro does so with a simple and small, but confident, nod followed by a confident smile.
It’s almost like Kunihiro is promising Kane-san that it’ll be alright. As long as they stay focused on their objective and don’t falter, it’ll be alright.
I love that. Not only as an implication within itself but because I believe this is one of those very brief moments where we actually get to see Kunihiro acting like the older sword. Caring for a (technically) younger sword for once.
It’s nice to know that when Kane-san is too psychologically weary or emotional to be mature and steady that Kunihiro can step up to fill that position for him.
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That being said, there’s still one concern on Kane-san’s mind which has to do with his responsibilities as captain.
He still blames himself for what happened to Tonbokiri and he’s worried if he’s fit to be a leader if he can’t even protect the ones under his command. What if more of them had been gravely injured? What if it had been Yagen or Tsurumaru or Mutsunokami? What if, god forbid, it had been Kunihiro? *knocks on wood a thousand times*
How can he live with himself if any of them got hurt the next time? (Especially Kunihiro, he’d drive himself crazy with the guilt!)
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Well, as Kunihiro has made it clear several times already, none of that was Kane-san’s fault. None of the Second Unit members, least of all Tonbokiri, blames him for something that was beyond his control.
I mean, c’mon now. Who among them could’ve possibly predicted that their opponents were going to unfairly tip the odds by bringing in weapons that didn’t belong in that era?
And another thing, neither Tonbokiri nor any of other swords have regrets about fighting under his command that day. Kane-san did his best as captain and he’s still doing good because he still cares about their well-being even when they’re off-duty. It’s because he still cares that he’s still qualified to be captain and why the Second Unit swords readily agree to stay when he requested them to.
See, Kane-san’s relationship with his team has to at least work like his partnership with Kunihiro. It has to go both ways, not just one way. When they’re in combat, there will always be the risk of someone getting hurt and therefore, someone feeling responsible for it.
But for a unit to be able to function, there needs to be trust most of all. The members put their faith in their captain to hold them together and lead them on the right path. That’s why they’re willing to brave through the dangers. Because they believe in what they’re fighting for. They believe in their captain to get them to that result.
The captain, in turn, needs to have faith in his subordinates. He has to trust in their capabilities and their conviction towards completing the mission. He has to believe that they are strong enough to fight alongside him. Otherwise, that will distract him from his true duties as captain and he will fail to lead them properly.
The relationship needs to be balanced. If one side tries to take on too much, then everything will collapse in on itself and those involved would be more hurt than they need to be. I hope Kane-san realizes this now that he’s got all the Second Unit’s personal support. It’s a truly valuable lesson, one that I’m sure will make him an even better captain from this point on.
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And to no one’s surprise, when he asked Kunihiro (again, the first person he reaches out to regarding this whole matter) if he’s willing to continue following him, Kunihiro says yes in his usual manner.
“I’m your partner, Kane-san.”
By now, people should realize that this phrase carries more than one meaning for the both of them. It’s not just “because I’m your partner.” In fact, sometimes it doesn’t mean that at all.
Sometimes it means “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Other times it can mean “I will never abandon you.”
This time, in particular, it means “I want to stay by your side because you’re you.” It’s a deliberate flip of Kane-san’s low opinion of himself. Kunihiro is telling him “You’re a good captain because of who you are, Kane-san. And I know who are, Kane-san. I know you’re a very good person and that’s why you’re a good captain.”
Remember, Kunihiro declaring himself as Kane-san’s partner is completely voluntary. He’s not doing this because he’s been ordered to by anyone else. They may have been made to be companion swords when they served Hijikata Toshizo but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have to keep that relationship now that they’re working for the Saniwa. Yet they still do. Even after centuries of being apart, Kunihiro still chooses out of his own will to stick by Kane-san’s side. He wants to stay by Kane-san.
Why? Again, because he knows Kane-san. He knows his good points and his bad points and regardless, still loves and cares for him all the same. That is some incredibly beautiful devotion right there.
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And Kane-san is aware of that because he knows Kunihiro, too.
His response is again terse and succinct but if you listen to it closely, you can literally hear a substantial amount of relief behind it. Like some weight has been lifted off him simply because Kunihiro said “yes”.
Kane-san already knew Kunihiro would agree but I can imagine that he’s definitely feeling more on the inside than he is showing on the outside. I’m positive that there are probably no words he can use to express how grateful he is that he’s got Kunihiro to support him.
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One last thing. Notice how when Kane-san asks the other swords to stay in the Second Unit that Kane-san adopts a very polite way of speaking to them. Not in the sense of switching over to keigo but more like phrasing his request more humbly.
“I would like you to stay…” or “Will you be willing to fight with me?”. Something to that effect.
Even when it came to asking Mutsunokami, who he’s always butting heads with (haha~), there’s none of the challenge that’s normally present in his tone of voice.
With Kunihiro, however, there are traces of his usual roughness. But also, like always, without any heat.
This just goes to show that even when Kane-san’s low in spirits, he still has it in him subconsciously to act like his true self around Kunihiro. Again, because Kunihiro has long accepted him for the person he is so it’s okay to be himself around him.
That’s so sweet. <3
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And as expected, Kunihiro devotedly follows Kane-san. Because they’re partners, after all.
*sigh* I love Kunihiro. I love Kane-san. I love my swordboys.
Please don’t hurt them anymore, okay? TwT
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