#still very here for a vegas wedding hehehe
evocatiive · 1 year
@mctionsick liked this for a starter
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"So a little birdie may have mentioned to me awhile ago that you had been working on a new, different kind of song." That birdie had definitely been Seonho who hadn't meant to let the beans spill. Eevee curls her hands around Scout's, gaze undeniably fond as she looks at them with a saccharine smile. "Did you end up canning it or will I be able to hear it anytime soon? Maybe I can have a private debut performance even?" Long, glued on eyelashes flutter in her direction.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 4. Shine of 2
The story of this young couple continue in a normal way, the love between eachother was getting stronger.
In a Friday Day.
Betrayus have arrived in a jewelry
Cashier: Welcome to Bright shop, something special you're looking for?
Betrayus: Well... I was looking for a ring my girlfriend, an special one for her
Cashier: So you're looking for a wedding ring for your girl? Anyone in specific?.
Betrayus: Do you have sapphire rings?
Cashier: Ohohoh, Interesting asking, may I ask why did you choosed that jewel?
Betrayus: Well, I choosed a sapphire for her because,.. our relationship at evolving through the time, we always were honest and have confidence between eachother, all my improvement as person is thanks to her as I helped her as well to make her get up, for it and even more things impossible to tell all of them.. My Girl is special for me.
Cashier: So poetic~ *Shows him some sapphire rings* Heh..*Jokes* some people considers sapphire rings as "Princesses rings".
Betrayus: Believe me..She.. is better than a silly and boring princess, she is wild, rude, seductive and sometimes funny, my favorite type of partner in general.
Cashier: Any team is valid, you know so well bro.
Betrayus: yeah, and for it.. I choose this one.
Betrayus have choosed a sapphire ring with a unique design, it was perfect for Muriel
Cashier: Excellent election.
Betrayus after pay for the ring, have left the jewelry to his job with the box of the ring for his girlfriend, keeping it hide to later surprise her in their Movies Friday night.
Pacopolis 9:38 pm
Betrayus and Muriel have arrived home after finished their usual works
Betrayus: Ughhh.. I'm tired..*Falls in the coach*
Muriel:*arrives with her phone* You were, you know what day is?
Betrayus: Oh yeah!
B&M: Bitch it's Friday!
Muriel: Prepare the Movie!
Betrayus: Order a Pizza!
B&M: Yeah!!
Muriel have ordered the pizza while Betrayus was looking for the Cd of the Friday 13th movies.
Some minutes later the Pizza have arrived and Betrayus received the pizza while Muriel taked the beer to the table
Betrayus; It's Here!
Muriel: Oh Yeah!!
They started they typical Friday night to watch scary movies with Pizza, Betrayus was about to propose himself but the moment was interrupted by a call from Betrayus's phone.
Betrayus: Aghh it's my brother
Muriel:*pauses the movie* what did he want Sunlight?
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Betrayus: I dunno..*attends the call* what do you want stinky lemon?
Stratos: *in the call* Don't call me like that!.. uhum I mean.. Santana invited us to visit The Vegas, I was wondering... If you and Muriel would like to come with us?
Betrayus: Do you seriously think i want to go there, with you and mother!?... Yes
Stratos: So, you will come?
Betrayus: Hell yeah!! Let me tell my girlfriend about this *Ends the call*.
Muriel: What happened?
Betrayus: *sighs* Fluffyplum, my brother told me that my sister invited me to go with basically all the Spheros family to travel to the Vegas, I was wondering if would you like to come with me?..
Muriel: Go with you and your family to the city of lights, having to bear with your awful brother and Mother? Are you kidding me?
Betrayus: Uhhh...
Muriel: Hell yeah, I'm fucking ready!
Betrayus: Yeah girl!, But first, It's movie time! *Plays the movie*
They continued their movie night cuddling eachother while they were eating their pizza.
The next day, both where packing up their stuff getting ready for the travel, Betrayus had hided the box, his plans to propose marriage to Muriel instead of get ruined they had taked a plot twist.
Muriel: Wait... Who would take care of Yuū while we are out?
Yuū: Hmmm?
Betrayus: Sir Cumference
Muriel: A.
Betrayus: Just Kidding, we will take her with us, there's a place for pets in the hotel we will be.
Muriel: What a relief~..
After packing up they left to the airport where they meet up with Rotunda, Santana and Stratos.
Betrayus: Hello Family, we are here
Muriel: Sup
Santana: Betrayus! Little Brother how are you? *Notices Muriel* Oh! You most be my brother's girlfriend?
Betrayus: Yes, Mury, This is my older sister Santana, Santana this is my partner Muriel.
Santana: It's nice to meet you Muriel.
Muriel: it's nice to meet you too
Stratos: H-Hi Betrayus..Muriel
Rotunda: *Sighs* you really had to bring your bitch and her mutt here?..
Yuū: Grrrrrr...
Muriel: No Yuū..
Spheros Siblings: Mother!!!
Betrayus: It doesn't have anything wrong at bringing my girlfriend to the travel, I don't wanted leave her alone in the department.
Santana: C'mon Mom is not a bad Idea having my sister in law with us.
Rotunda: Aghh whatever...
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The Spheros Family & Muriel Taked a plane to the Vegas, Where Santana had some nice conversations with Muriel and Betrayus.
The PacVegas city
2:27 pm
At arriving in the city, they taked a Taxi to the hotel where they would stay.
Muriel and Betrayus where impressed about the city.
Muriel; I can't wait to take a ride around this Wholesome city!..
Betrayus; Me too! Hey Santy, would you like to come with us?
Muriel: Yeah girl come with us
Santana: Of course!
Stratos: Are you sure Santy?
Santana: Yeah, i have long time without getting along with my Tray Tray, and more now with my new sister in law.
Stratos:*sighs* Alright you can go while i take My mom to her reunion.
Rotunda:*Arrives* Let's go Stratos
Stratos: I'll go Mom.
Betrayus, Santana and Muriel had a long ride exploring and shopping in the city.
The PacVegas City
7:14 pm
The Spheros Family was resting in the hotel yard, Santana came in.
Santana: i was wondering to go to Cube Casino to you know have fun, would you like to come?
B&M: Yeah girl!
Stratos: Sounds Great
Rotunda: do whatever you want, I will be in the spa, I'm really tired
Rotunda leaves to the Hotel Spa.
Santana: Alright, *Grabs Muriel* we will see you in the door.
Muriel: Heheh see ya
Santana grabbed Muriel away taking her to her room. She was changing in elegant clothing as well Muriel which was also holding a tiny box with a nervous expression in her face.
Santana: Is there something wrong?
Muriel: it's something personal.. and a surprise.
Santana: what kind of surprise?
Muriel: *Jokes* I don't know if should tell you, you can get mad~
Santana: Aww c'mon, I am your sister in law, how could I be mad with you?
Muriel: okay you convinced me, *Shows her a Ruby ring from the box*
Santana: *Gasp* Oh my gosh.. you really?
Muriel: Yes
Santana: YEEEE!! *Hugs her* you will marry my brother!?
Muriel: we have 5 years together, I think it's time to go to the next step in our relationship.
Santana: This is so Exciting!.... Seriously Muriel, I want to thank you.
Muriel: For what?
Santana: For what you did for my younger brother... As you maybe know my mother and Stratos were always unfair with him for something is not his fault something i never liked it but... i didn't had enough time to give him the attention he deserved because i's always being focused *sob* in my own studies and work to help up my family but i honestly wasn't enjoyed it... I wanted to travel around the world and maybe try out my luck working in other country.. *In tears* but i can't left Betrayus behind because I was so worried of him.. and I'm still worrying for him.. it's a relief for me that my brother finally found out someone who cares a lot of him as I didn't do it.. specially someone like you.
Muriel: *dries up her tears* it's okay Santana, I understand and feel your pain.. *Hugs Her*
Santana: *Sniff* If you will Marry my brother Muriel,..will you promise me to take care of Betrayus?
Muriel: Always, I promise.
Santana: Thank you very much Muriel, all I want is see my brother smile.
Muriel: Me too Santana, you know girl I don't have a wedding godmother not even a friend for it, will you be our Wedding godmother?
Santana: Really!? That's a big honor...Count with me!.. and tell me why did you choosed a Ruby for my brother
Muriel: Because it represents the pasion he finally released, the pure love i felt for him, and also Rubies are considered as sun jewels and Betrayus Is a Sunlight.
Santana: that's so deep~
After the conversation the 4 had meet up in the Hotel Door
Betrayus: Wow girls you both look so good, and *blushed* you Muriel.
Santana: Aww thank you
Muriel: You too Betrayus *Blushed*
Stratos: Don't think your dress is somewhat provocative?
Betrayus: Don't think that you most shut the fuck up Stratos? She can dress as she wants and likes.
Santana: Yeah Stratos, what the hell?
Stratos: O-oh.. Sorry.
Santana: Well guys forget this and let's fucking go!
B&M: Oh Yeah!!
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Santana taked them to a Casino where they had fun Gambling, with Betrayus defeating his enemies with a psycho attitude.
Stratos: I Thought you fixed him!
Muriel: Let him be Stratos, Let him Be.
Santana: The Karaoke just opened who wants to rock out?
Betrayus:*have heard after winning a Gamble* I do!,.. Muriel will you make a Duo with me
Muriel: Of Course, I was about to ask you the same~
Both had walked to the scenery.
Betrayus: Uhum..Hello.. We are going to sing "Not Gonna get us" I hope you liked it
Betrayus and Muriel sang together in the Karaoke expressing how much their relationship had evolved, at finishing their song Betrayus was ready to confess his surprise.
Betrayus: Thank you everyone, this means a lot for me.. because this woman next to me have teached me how to appreciate myself, this woman was the first In hear me when I was fucked,.. this wild woman was the one who opened her arms for me, a real friend I never had, She is the woman I want to spend all my life..
Betrayus gets in his knees in front Muriel opening the Box revealing the sapphire ring he choosed for her.
Betrayus: Muriel Plizetxki... Will you marry me?
Muriel: Betrayus... I..I Literally wanted to ask you the same *Shows him the Ruby ring from her box*
Betrayus: That means Is a yes for eachother?
Muriel: Yeah!
Both Kissed while the crowd in the Casino next to Santana and Stratos clapped.
Their put eachother in their rings and continued the gambling party where both ended in not saint things.. coff coff alcohol... Coff coff shots coff coff.
Muriel: *Wakes up* Hmm~ my head
Betrayus:*wakes next to her* Morning Mury~ ... Ouch.. fuck my head hurts..
Muriel:Eh?...how the heck a horse entered in the room!!??
Horse: Hi
B&M: Holy Shit!!
Haha to be continued
What would happen in the next chapter?
Haha sorry for taking so long In post this but I can get blocked hehe sorry XD, I hope you loved this chapter!
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papersandkeyboards · 8 years
4/11-17: The Spring Break Series; Part 3: Repentance in Sin City (aka ‘Taubatan Nasuha di Kota Dosa’)
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We were on a schedule. We had to arrive in Las Vegas, exactly in this hotel Treasure Island, before 7 because Eric and Karen had booked three tickets to the most famous and the largest theatrical production in the world: Cirque du Soleil.
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Cirque du Soleil is a theatrical production based in Quebec, Canada. The word ‘Cirque du Soleil’ itself means ‘Circus of the Sun’ in French. It is, well, I guess you can say a circus—a contemporary circus—but boy, it is much MUCH more than just a circus.
It’s the mega-ultimate shit of all circuses.
I, for one, had heard about Cirque du Soleil somewhere in an episode of America’s Next Top Model, and now knowing that I will be watching it live thrilled me. For another, I have no hatred for circus—in fact, I think I do like circus, but can’t say a lot about it because I’ve only watched a live circus show once back in elementary.
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This particular show I was watching was called ‘Mystère’, which in French means mystery. I guess Cirque du Soleil have this odd, short, unfathomable titles to most of its shows.
The show, as many circuses are, was incredibly strange. Except that this one from Cirque du Soleil was probably fifty times more strange than a regular circus. In an awesome, amazing, out-of-this-world way.
The plot and perhaps the real meaning behind the whole show itself was a mystery indeed, at least to me. Before the real stage show started, there was this man in an odd Willy Wonka-ish costume (from which we all assumed he was part of the show) just mingled and grabbed buckets of popcorn from places, talked to the audience and dumped them with a bucket full of popcorn, got pushed away by ‘security’ but came back eventually, and basically causing laughs before the stage performers took over (he did come around once in a while on the stage during the show, being an important character, I guess).
I’m not gonna spoil you the whole plot, but I can assure you with all my heart that the entire show was a mix-up of men and women in loud-colored spandex (and some in fancy dresses), different kinds of gravity-defying stunts, uniquely arranged music, and a giant baby.
Overall, the extremely strange sequence had taken breaths and pleased the eyes. Bravo.
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Aside from me being an amateur circus critic for the first part of this entry, we enjoyed the performance, then enjoyed a buffet dinner, classic all-you-can-eat Las Vegas style. I shit you not, just about everything was there. Meat, vegetarian food, pasta, Japanese, soups, dessert—the buffet really lived up the name of ‘all-you-can-eat’ to more than just a budget reference.
We stayed for two nights in this Sin City, in a hotel downtown (which was not solely the center of attraction and tourists). Though the hotel was much simpler than those humongous fancy hotels along The Strip, I assume just about every hotel in Las Vegas has a casino in it. I got into my room and was surprised to found a pair of earplugs on the bedside table. Suddenly I was much more conscious of the noise outside: faint yet blaring sound of rock music and faint crowd cheering once in a while. Judging from the earplugs, the noise ain’t gonna come down anytime soon.
As what tourists do in the city of Las Vegas, the next morning we hit the blackjack table took a tour of the city—no, cross that—we took a tour of the Strip, specifically.
Las Vegas Strip, is a—well—strip, a long street of hotels and casinos and malls and all sorts of big extravagant places, most of which you should’ve seen somewhere on TV. The big hotel with the huge fountain in front of it? That’s Bellagio. The one that partly looks like an old-school Cinderella castle? That’s Excalibur. The one that looks like a big black pyramid and a Sphinx? That’s called Luxor (the Vegas version of Luxor, by the way). The one that looks like the Lady Liberty? I swear you better not believe that the real Lady Liberty is in Las Vegas.
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(I wonder what might trigger this particular rule)
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The Strip was absolutely crazy. Crazier even than Times Square, with all the crowd and commute and everything. The Strip was this huge area of pure extravagance and glitter sitting right smack in the middle of The Desert, the District of Nowhere, State of Nevada. Meanwhile, downtown Las Vegas was only a little bit less crazy. Las Vegas is the only city where small neon-signed chapels are spread all over the place like sprinkles, through which you can drag a stranger you meet in some hotel or casino and marry them right away.
You see, some people prefer to have their whole wedding ceremony planned for years to make everything perfect with the right place, right time, right flowers, right music, right loved ones, and of course, the right spouse; and there are people who get married in a chapel in Las Vegas that claimed Elvis Presley got married there. (feat. yer favorite liqueur)
Anyway, we hopped in one of these hop-on-hop-off double-decker tour buses that takes you around the city, not just the Strip. We had a good overview of the Strip, seeing those big malls, a humongous ferris wheel, a mini Venice, and a large statue of an M&M, among others.
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After the tour, we were dropped off by the hotel and casino Circus Circus, so we walked some distance to one of the malls to get lunch.
(ps: walking almost a mile on a hot dry desert weather wasn’t so fun. but then again, Karen and Eric were so used to walking long distance I seemed like a grandma)
Then we headed to a place called The Grand Canal Shoppes, which is just another big luxurious mall in the Strip, no biggie. I remembered of this banner I saw on this very mall that resembled Venice with all its fake blue water and huge fake Roman statues, and a story from my friend, Lili, whom I met in the New York Trip.
I was telling her how excited I was to go to Georgetown Cupcake store firsthand, and there was also this bakery I saw somewhere from the bus in New York, called Carlo’s Bakery, which, if you haven’t known, also has its own reality TV show.
So she told me she went to Las Vegas for her spring break and saw this same Carlo’s Bakery somewhere there. And so, when I told her I was gonna go to LV for my spring break, she told me to go there.
And damn right I did. I dragged Karen and Eric through the mall and put us in line with many people who are also there for the same purpose, while watching a baker making sugar fondant through the bakery window.
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The delicacies they offer are of course different from that of Georgetown Cupcake. I ended up buying only one pastry, hahaha. It was great.
We originally walked to the Grand Canal Shoppes with intention to go to another place, though, that went by the name of Madame Tussauds.
Let me just say that I haven’t been to such an interactive wax museum... or maybe wax museum in general.
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(gpp bermimpi itu boleh y)
We continued walking forward, specifically to New York-New York. I suppose it still was a hotel and casino, essentially, but it was packed with restaurants, stores, and games around the first floor, outdoor and indoor.
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(now that I think about it, if you imagine the indoor Paris area of Museum Angkut Batu, Malang, then you pretty much get the idea of what I was seeing here) (either that, or this really cool family entertainment center called KidZania that lets  kids play grown-up jobs and basically living like adults)
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I spiritually dragged my host parents here because I saw a structure of roller coaster snaking around the fake statue of Lady Liberty, and I did tell them at some point that I missed riding roller coaster. Eric was on board right away, but Karen hadn’t experienced a roller coaster ride before, but she decided to join in anyway.
Needless to say, it was the first and last roller coaster ride Karen had ever taken. At least her aftermath reaction said so. As for me, I enjoyed it. Hehe. Hehehe. Maaf buk. Maap.
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It was getting late, and my legs were about to be more muscular than my whole muscleless body, so we took a bus back to the hotel.
Just next to our hotel was another big attraction of Las Vegas, the second biggest street in the city: Fremont Street. Fremont St. was no less than another crazy part of the city in which multiple famous casinos and numbers of gift shops lined up under a high canopy along the street itself. It was almost like an enclosed place by itself—with the canopy effect—and high up to the ceiling was a series of ziplines.
In the day, the street looked almost like a regular premium outlet. But at night, the buildings had come as alive as the humans, as diverse as the costumes worn every night, and as bright as everyone’s spirit. The ceiling lit up its millions of LEDs, making its own attraction above the activities on the ground, and the people flying down the ziplines, making the street itself a whole different set of Las Vegas night life.
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Aside from the blaring sound of bass and people singing from one end of the street, and bunches of highly creative street attraction, and some almost-naked people here and there, I went there to find what I desired the most, my passion and ambition for this whole spring break trip: cheap souvenirs.
It’s arguable that the standards of ‘cheap souvenirs’ stand differently here than in Indonesia, but I still managed to buy some cheap keychains that fit above the ‘tacky’ line but under the ‘fancy’ line with a pretty reasonable price. In a way, Fremont Street resembled the legendary street of Malioboro in the city of Yogyakarta, but with a lot more bling and a lot less horse carts.
Around the same area of the Fremont Street was another section of entertainment district called Fremont East, which was a regular street lined up with big neon signs of different shapes. It also had a whole yard of neon signs, and a big neon sculpture of a grasshopper that occasionally breathed fire.
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And, oh, I guess I forgot to tell you that before we hit the street, we had dinner in this pizza place across the street from the hotel, and the place has TV screens that plays old music videos, kind of like Hard Rock Cafe, and at one point the whole cafe got Rickrolled.
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Having the fact that I own this blog to myself, without any association to any institutions that might affect my writing one way or another, I can’t help but pitch in a few personal comments on the Sin City, as the city has left quite a distinct impression to me. However, if you wish not to meddle into my rant through the following paragraphs, feel free not to scroll down and read.
Look, I’ve been growing up in a small town. My small town is quite bland, as I’m used to it, nothing new happening and to explore each day, unlike Seattle. Needless to say, I don’t have an experience on doing things that are out of this world, but I can vouch for the fact that Las Vegas is definitely the craziest place I’ve been in.
“I thought you like big cities!” Karen or Eric might say (and they did).
Sure, I like big cities, with tall towers and busy crowd crossing the street every now and then, I like the neatness of it and various things people might sell or do to support a living or simply have fun, but sorry for all who might want to say otherwise, but I don’t like the Las Vegas way of big city.
I woke up in the morning and went down to the lobby with Eric, trying to find a place to have breakfast, which means I had to automatically go through the hotel casino which devoured pretty much the entire lobby. I surely am the type of person who would love to wake up in the morning and enjoy my free morning leisurely with a cup of milk tea or something, but instead, the view I got was the bright flickering lights and various dings and dongs from dozens of slot machines. Some had people in front of them, fixing their eyes on the numbers displayed in bright colors and tempting value. People who were there, I assume, either woke up early to dig up the slot machines or had been there all night, doing the exact same thing. And I think that’s kind of depressing.
Even in the airports. Casinos and slot machines in Las Vegas are like the equivalent of Indonesian street food vendors: where there are empty space, they will be there. McCarran International Airport LV might be quiet in the middle of the night, where there are almost no people and all the stores are closed, but the occasional ding and the everlasting bright flickering neons and rolling number display will always be there. If you scout the whole airport, I doubt you will find less than one person sitting in front of one of the machines, any day, any time.
Las Vegas was, well, loud. New York might be as loud and bright, but NYC had a different vibe to it. Las Vegas was just not the place that I would want to spend my free time in. I don’t gamble, I don’t drink, I don’t strip, I don’t have the ability to flex my body in such a way that would make me hired for Cirque du Soleil. Las Vegas was hot and deserted, not much great view besides the distinct buildings. But even those are too much it seemed overwhelming.
But then again, it’s nice to have variations of big cities in this country, isn’t it? You have New York where people go to with hopeful hearts, which is a giant melting pot like no other cities can compare to. You have San Fransicso where most people are oriented to have fun with friends or family in a nice, joyous but also calming way. You have Seattle where most people eat organic food (haha), where people can hustle and bustle in the main mall shopping area and, at the same time, having family-ish kind of fun down below in the waterfront or up north in the calming and unique neighborhoods with their dozens of funny statues and farmers’ markets. Or probably Orlando, where you can have as much fun as an adult as you are a little kid. And of course, when your interests don’t coincide with what those cities offer you, you can always go to Las Vegas. Patung Liberty dan Menara Eiffel KW super.
What I’m trying to say is, each person have a different idea of having fun and spending their free time, and this country has offered a wide range of options to do so.
But seriously, guys, Seattle is like the best city you can have. My bias stands strong on this one.
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