theauthorspawns · 7 years
Unlike the rest of Storybrooke during the curse --the first curse-- Regina didn’t have any memories, however vague or foggy, of growing up in this realm which meant she had no memories of the various holidays and traditions that came with it; only the knowledge of what they were with none of the history to go with them so her first year was, well a learning experience to say the least. 
Christmas, New Years, Valentines --a particularly saccharine experience that almost made her long for a return to the Enchanted Forest, the only thing that had made it bearable had been watching ‘Mary Margaret’ suffer through it alone-- all of them she muddled through, a perfectly artificially perfect smile on her lips and the platitudes of the season tripping off her tongue from whatever corner of her brain the curse had stuffed the necessary incantations for well wishing in a world where wishes never came true. 
Halloween had been the worst of them all. All those snivelling, greedy little children running around in cheap parodies of pop culture --as if anything in this realm deserved so elevated a title as ‘culture-- demanding rewards for no other reason than because it was expected they’d get it. And they had; the Mayor had been most generous that first year and every year since even if her fingers had twitched more than one in an instinctive but useless attempt to summon a fireball every time some cartoon Princess had showed up on her door step. 
The one part of the tradition she’d never partaking in. Not until Henry had been old enough to go out himself. That had been the first time she’d worn a costume and she’d detested every minute of it. Something that had remained unchanged since and a fact that would have surprised any who remembered her sartorial flare and penchant for extravagant attire once the curse had been broken. 
And Regina’s opinion hadn’t changed one bit since Emma did just that.
Not at first, anyway.  Henry pulling away from her in those early days after Emma stormed into her town and her life had made Regina look back on those nights she and Henry and dressed in matching costumes with a new found fondness. Where before she’d suffered through it to please Henry, now there was a connection between them that Emma didn’t have with Regina’s son and more importantly, never would have. Something so much better than stupid little code names for silly little conspiracies. 
And as the days became weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, her animosity towards Emma had softened. Slowly, yes, almost imperceptibly at times and with more than one case of two steps back and one step forward but inexorable all the same and somewhere along the way Henry had become their son, not hers, and holidays where shared amongst the three --or more, once Regina’ relationship with Snow started down the path her relationship with Emma had forged-- and somewhere in all of that, dressing up for Halloween suddenly wasn’t quite as onerous as it had been.
But she still hated it. 
At least that’s what she told herself, though really she was more annoyed now by the incessant prying into what her costume would be for the weeks leading up to the big night --Henry having long since decided that he’d outgrown ‘couples costumes’ with his mom-- than by the costume itself. 
Regina adjusted the last strap on her costume --hand made over the last week because a certain someone had insisted that using magic was ‘cheating’ and it was easier to give in and make it herself than spend the night being judged for ‘breaking the rules’.
At least that’s what she told herself. 
But she’d also told herself that this costume was the right choice and had ignore the doubt that had niggled at the back of her mind with every stitch. Even now as she gave herself one last check in the mirror she almost flicked her wrist to replace it with something more... benign, rules be damned.
She caught the eyes of her reflection and her face tightened with resolve. No, this was the costume she’d wear tonight and in anyone had an issue with it that was their problem.
With a small shake of her head, Regina turned away from the mirror, grabbing her cell phone from her dresser as she headed downstairs, the pitch black plume sticking from the band of her tricorn hat brushing the lintel of her bedroom door as she passed beneath it. 
Her fingers tapped out a short text as she walked, not waiting for a reply before dropping her phone into the deep pockets of her blood red mid thigh length coat.
to Emma: On my way, Swan. 
She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror hanging in the Foyer, paused, then stepped back to get a better look, turning her chin to one side then the other. Yes... losing the beard had been the right choice. 
A smile curling her lips, Regina twisted her wrist and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
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butstillyouwake · 7 years
Continued from here
It had been the worst outcome imaginable. The way the young blonde had looked at her before running away from her. She was a monster. She would always be a monster and no matter what she did Ingrid could not change that. Alone once again. A monster forever destined to be alone. It was too much for Ingrid to handle that she almost wanted to give up and find the dark one to get Elsa back, but she knew that it wouldn’t matter if she got her niece back because she was a monster to her as well. How had she become so unlovable to the point that she was watching Emma running from her, running from their future together. 
Every day after that seemed to blend together, Ingrid tried to plan her next move but all she could think about was how Emma had looked at her. She should have been more patient, let her powers come out naturally. That was Ingrid’s plan all along but she had gotten to excited and foiled her own carefully crafted plan. How could she recover from this; how could she win Emma back?
It was nights that were the worst. Ingrid would cook a meal for herself and remember how Emma had come into herself when they cooked together and when she sat down to eat she felt so alone that she could almost picture Emma sitting across from her as the television held her attention. Ingrid saw a life she could have had at every turn if only she hadn’t ruined it for herself.
The adoption papers that were left unsigned were left in plain sight on the kitchen cabinet. She had been to wrapped up in her misery to get rid of them and they were another reminder of Emma and their time together that Ingrid was too afraid to part with. Days flew in and Ingrid started to wonder if everything she had done was worth it. She could have been happy with Anna and Elsa; she could have been happy with Emma but she always ruined that for herself. Even when she was happy with her sisters she still found a way to ruin it and she wanted to give up. 
A glass of wine to many on a typically Thursday night for Ingrid and she had decided that she had no destiny and was ready to accept the darkness with the few pills she had left from one of the children she used to take care of. It would be easy and literally no one would miss her. This was when she got the call, Ingrid pondered if it was even worth answering at first but when she did the pills fell from her hand as both hands came up to grab the phone. Her heart was beating faster than she thought possible as the blondes voice flooded through her ears, she needed her and that was enough for Ingrid to keep living.
She had expected the hostility from Emma, she deserved it even but she had hoped as the days went on that Emma would begin to forgive her and even love her. It became apparent as Emma got bigger that this was not going to happen no matter what Ingrid did to show she was sorry. Emma was just so stubborn and it hurt Ingrid to watch her in so much pain every day and it hurt more knowing that Emma was bringing someone into the world that she could love and find love from without her. Ingrid would give her last breath to get Emma through this pregnancy but she knew that after the child was born Emma would leave her again and that would be enough for Ingrid to dig out the pills she had kept since her last dance with death.
“You never know” Ingrid replied after a long pause as she watched the way Emma cradled her stomach, she wanted to go over there and pull her in for a tight hug but Emma wouldn’t want that and Ingrid couldn’t face anymore rejection at this point so she just stayed where she was on the sofa. “I read that it’s supposed to be soothing for them to hear the voices of their loved ones”. Ingrid tried to offer a sympathetic smile with her words but she wasn’t sure it had gone down to well with Emma. After a beat Ingrid moved over to her bookcase to see what she owned that was child friendly. “I have a few Harry Potter books here, could give it a try?”
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anotherlostswan · 7 years
@stillalostgirl continued from x
Olivia’s eyes lifted up to meet her birth mother’s gaze when she felt her hand resting on her own. She offered her another shy smile as she replied. “I’m glad that I found you too.” she looked down to their hands before she nods towards the card. “I didn’t really know what to buy when I went to the store so I just brought art stuff and made you a card instead.”
She hasn’t shown Emma her art before and she’s a little nervous about it but she wants to do so. “I drew the flowers and the stuff inside the card..” she added as a light flush came to her cheeks. She wanted to look away but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. She needed to see how Emma reacted to the card.
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aseaofmuses-a-blog · 7 years
lily/emma for the kid thing
Name: Mia 
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Little sunshine, all after her mother - golden hair and bright eyes.
Personality: She’s energetic and loud, she’s everywhere, it’s impossible to calm her down. A thousand ideas per minute and a thousand questions per minute, she makes sure to keep both her moms busy.
Special Talents: Sometimes, when she sneezes, a toy gets burned...
Who they like better: Both.
Who they take after more: Lily.
Personal Head canon: As a dragon, she’s purple, like her mama!
Face Claim:
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regalisqueen · 7 years
@stillalostgirl​ || starter
Ever since Henry left the mansion to live with his grandfather, Regina had become somewhat of a recluse. The townspeople understandably loathed her, spat and snarled her name, and distrusted her beyond description (but could they really be blamed?). With her title of Mayor stripped from her name and with the absence of a boy running around the house, the former Queen found that she had very little excuse to go out... which only made controlling the urge to use her magic all the harder.
It didn’t help, of course, that she had done the ‘right thing’ in helping Emma and Snow White back through the portal. If anything, since their return, Regina had seen her son even less, and without his presence to remind her to stick by her goals, she was starting to stew in her own resentment. So it was hardly surprising that she had taken a step in an effort to see the only person in her life who had ever really loved her since her father’s death.
[TEXT: SHERIFF SWAN]: Miss Swan. Why don’t you and Henry join me for dinner tonight?
She had tried relentlessly to get David to cave in and allow her precious moments with her son, but she had been denied every time. Perhaps Emma would be different? Regina’s history with the blonde was... an interesting one, to say the least, and they had hardly seen each other since the initial shock of the curse being broken as the blonde had been dragged to another realm.
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tangledxrose-blog · 8 years
Once Upon a Dream
hidden away to protect them as a child, your muse is their childhood friend who never forgot them. When they meet in the woods as adults, they instantly know one another from somewhere… @stillalostgirl
Rose has always believed that the forest was full of pure magic. The type that has the ability to make her feel like she was five again with her dress catching in too long grass; giggling freely with her best-friend. Of course things had changed then, Rose is nearly a complete lady and Emma, well, she hadn’t seen Emma since they were five. That made it ten complete Winters without the blonde but she had never been good at forgetting those who she had loved and held dear. 
Rose knows that it is significantly more difficult to forget a friend who had just plainly disappeared; Whose Mother would not reply to any of the letters Rose had sent wishing for her sister’s health. Yet despite the lack of proper parting, Rose had grown and moved on. Only recalling in moments like this; when her reality was parallel to those of her past. With her dress flowing through the tall grass, berry basket swinging in her tight grasp, chanting up and away from the guards. It was easy now to rejoice in memories of the two of them evading everybody else and exploring the world that seemed to have been made for them.
Turning her head to see where she is heading, Rose’s foot catches, tripping quite spectacularly over the softest log she has ever had the displeasure of meeting. Basket discarded, Rose huffs, sitting up and brushing her skirt down. “Bloody no good nature-Oh my you’re a human.” She splutters, finally noticing the blonde laying down in the too tall grass and that’s probably what Rose deserves for not looking. 
“Oh lords, are you okay? I didn’t hurt your leg did I?”  
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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It’s already been 3 months here, and 200 followers later I decided it’s time for one of those things. First of all, thank you. This is a tiny, tiny fandom, and interacting solely within its bounds is basically impossible. Thank you to everybody from different fandoms who so warmly welcomed me and this pebble into their fandoms, plotted AUs with me and created bonds beyond the limitations of fandoms. It’s the only way a muse like that can be kept around, and I’m infinitely grateful for all of you.
Now, to not waste any more time with sentimental blabbering, find below a list of wonderful people, both old friends and new ones, and those I still hope to make friends with. They’re all worth a moment of your time, so do yourself a favour and check out their blogs.
The collection of precious pebbles:
@aeipathix | @allforacrown | @allmom | @animakerma | @bbcmary | @belgravianbitch | @bestvictim | @biologicalengineer | @bookcnds | @braverytaught | @britishnation | @chiiiaroscuro | @cloniing | @consequentson | @cruelborn | @d9ctor | @defenestratio | @defiantcharms | @dissolvedshadows | @distrvtto | @drdumaurier | @eastwiind | @eggscxlibur | @fivexfaith | @foughtevil | @fragilevanity | @galxhxd | @gammaorioniis | @goesthroughme | @guardlly | @heartsevered | @heroheart | @humansveiled | @iceregina | @imtinkerbell | @indissoluta | @kingsmanhart | @lostonesofoz | @madameserpent | @mctriarchy | @mistressmxleficent | @mistresswest | @motherduncan | @murderchased | @mustnothaveblood | @mxdam | @nimueries | @outofdxpth | @peabcdy | @potterstillstinks | @queenxreginaxmills | @rcginae | @requiemsrepertoire | @roxannemorton | @sanctamater | @sapphiism | @sardonicbeauty | @sepulchrebound | @sickassjigsaw | @smaugiiisms | @spcllbinding | @stillalostgirl | @suitedblue | @superintcndent | @surrexitpetalis | @sweetddisaster | @thevindictivegod | @ultimatecosmicjoke | @unseenmockingjay | @valentinoworn | @vexationisims | @villainofthisstory | @vorcotec | @witchyserena | @worserthoughts | @xaedificare
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theauthorspawns · 8 years
continued from here
[text to: Madam Mayor]: Regina, it’s 2am, wtf
[text to: Madam Mayor]: And this isn’t your kingdom, you can’t just order ppl around. It’s a democracy here not a whatever you call the king and princess thing.
[text to: “the saviour”]: Monarchy. The word you’re looking for is Monarchy and it literally means the rule of one, Misssswan.
[text to: ”the saviour’]: and in this case I am the one in question.
[text to: “the saviour”]: only si’t not in question because I am the one and only Queen.
[text to: nothequeen]: did you know my name means qUeen, Mma?
[text to: nothequeen]: It’s true. I was a Queen before I was a Queen.
[text to: nothequeen]: The Queen. I meant the queen.
[text to: nothequeen]: You have pretty hair. Sometimes I just want to grab it and runaway with it.
[text to: preetyhair]: do you want some cider? i will give you some of my cider if you give me some of yorur hair.
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butstillyouwake · 7 years
my url because I am selfish
Do I Follow Them?: Always!!!
Why Did I Follow Them?: I am pretty sure I saw you roleplaying with someone I followed back on Rubi and I was intrigued. //It was like two/three years ago I have a really bad memory, still it was the best decision I ever made!!!
Do We Role Play?: Yessss
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: I don’t know how to stop tbh ;3
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Other that the hundred odd we already do, hmm maybe an apocalyptic verse we haven’t gone down that road yet.
A Song For Our Muses: Crazy Beautiful - East of Eli
Do I Ship Our Muses?: With every bone in my body!
What I Think About The Mun: The mun is super precious af and I have claimed her so y’all can back off!
Overall Opinion: I love you so much and I will never not be happy roleplaying with you and just general fangirling and talking with you. All the kisses!!!!!!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 100000000000000000
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anotherlostswan · 7 years
Meeting Emma
Olivia was probably the most tired that she’s been in a very long time. The last time she had a decent amount of sleep was probably a week ago on the train that got her from Arizona to Boston. The seats were nice, unlike this stupid bike, and people left her alone, unlike the nosy people that asked questions or gave concerned glances when they noticed that an eleven year was traveling by herself. 
But she could ignore that tiredness and the sore legs and the sore butt because she actually did it. She tracked down her birth mother to this weird little town and she made it. The only problem was she made it and she had no idea where to look now. All her clues and suggestions ended with Storybrooke. So, now here she was bicycling around this small town in hopes of finding the blonde woman from the picture she had stolen out of her case file months ago. 
She decided that she needed to maybe stop and ask for help and she  figured that the best place to do that would be the police station. It made her sweat nervously to willingly go get help from the cops but she figured small town officers had to be nicer than the ones she’s ran into. So she parked her bike, tugged her only bag,a  green duffel bag, onto her sore arms and walked inside the station. 
It was quite, which she figured was pretty normal for a small town, and didn’t really seem like anyone was inside. “Uhm hello?” she called. What kind of police station didn’t have people inside of it? Where are the officers?
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themillslife · 7 years
{ spam }
sorry not sorry for @stillalostgirl‘s replies spam. the muse is calling out for her :D
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fragilevanity · 7 years
tagged by: @witchyserena tagging: @regalisqueen. @mistressnorth, @herocsandvillains, @askifwehaveavocados, @evilmayorqueen, @reginathequeenofmean, @cxretaker, @villainofthisstory, @stillalostgirl
RULES: tag 9 people who you would like know better.
Relationship status: single Last song I listened to: So freakin’ by Steve Aoki Last book read/listened to: F*ck it therapy by John C Parkin Favorite color: Teal Top three shows: Grace & Frankie, ... yep that’s all I’m watching at the moment. Top three characters:  Regina Mills, Frankie Bergstein ...uhhh wow. I do not know anyone else. Top three ships: Regina/the evil queen, ...  uhm, them in three different au’s maybe?
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theauthorspawns · 8 years
Continued from here
[text to: Regina]: For one terrifying second, I thought you were going to tell me I was pregnant with twins
[text to: Regina]: …That’s not possible, right?
[text to: Regina]: Regina, that’s not possible, right???
[text to: Regina]: RegINA?????????
[text to Emma]: That depends on if you’re asking if it’s technically possible that I could get you pregnant or if I would do so without first discussing it with you.
[text to Emma]: Because if it’s the later, let me assure you that it is extremely unlikely that the former will be an issue as you’ll be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future.
[text to Emma]: if it’s the former; we can discuss that tonight if you’d like. 
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butstillyouwake · 7 years
RULES: tag 9 people you want to get to know better OOC. ( PLEASE REPOST NOT REBLOG. ) TAGGED BY: @wxckedwxns
PREFERRED NAME: Taylor-Louise  ZODIAC SIGN:  Gemini  BIRTHDAY: June 20th RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single PETS: Border Collie named Frank - I did not name him!!! WAKE UP TIME:  Depends on what I’m doing the next day, typically when I’m not busy about 10 COKE OR PEPSI:  Dr Pepper! TEXT OR CALL: Facebook Message! LAST PERSON YOU CALLED:  My best friend. LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED: My sister. CHAPSTICK OR LIPSTICK:  Lipstick. NUMBER OF PIERCINGS:  Just my ears.
TAGGING: @stillalostgirl @reginathequeenofmean @brckenmartyr @hxdaleksakomtrigedakru @lcveispain @elsaofarendelle @hiddenheda
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anotherlostswan · 7 years
hc+art, hc+dancing, hc+family, hc+starry skies, hc+falling in love {any and all you want to do}
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
Art was always a means of escape for Olivia. If she was in a bad foster home she would find the quietest place in the house, or often enough go outside, and just sketch in her sketchbook until she felt better or until things were calmer in the house. 
Olivia is an awful dancer. She doesn’t have much confidence in it and always peeks around to make sure that no one is watching her. By herself her dancing is wild and all over the place though. 
oh boy. Okay one headcanon I have for Olivia is she had a hard time with getting use to the idea of having this large family. She trusted them but then on the other hand she didn’t trust them enough to keep her around. So she had moments were she acted out just to gauge their reaction. Just to see if they still loved her. 
hc+starry skies 
Back in Arizona in one of her foster homes there was a tree right outside her window. If the house was too loud she would climb out said window and sit in the tree and just star up at the stars. 
hc+falling in love 
Falling in love is terrifying for Olivia. She’s scared of not being enough, not being worthy for the other person. She’s scared of the person changing their minds and not wanting her in the end. She just has a lot of fears when it comes to love so she tries her best to stay away from it.
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