zzemo · 6 years
“Understood.” Oskar complied, cleared his throat and finally asked. “Am I authorized to… brutalize our own agents if necessary sir?”
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“yes.” zemo said firmly. “do whatever you need to do to get to the truth. just leave the important ones alive enough to talk. take whatever resources you need. oskar, i want these people found and i want everyone to know what happens when you betray hydra.”
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zzemo · 6 years
If he had been any other person, Kitty might have actually believed he was a good person. She still did believe he was a bit of a monster, but not as much as she once believed. Bobby was going free and he was protecting mutant kids. She looked down at the pictures, her hands touching them as she studied them as much as she could. Until he showed her the picture of the leader and there was a rock in the pit of her stomach. “You want us….to kill him?” Kitty didn’t feel right with killing someone. She never killed anyone in her life and it didn’t seem right for her to do this. “And what if we don’t? Kill him, I mean?”
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"if we don't kill him then he is going to just keep doing this to more and more children. they'll find a way to go more underground and before long we will lose them completely. i'm not taking that risk. we kill him we can put a stop to this and have them more under control before someone else steps up to lead." zemo said pushing the files closer to her. "he is not a good man kitty. he's hurt more innocent children than you would ever want to know. we can do something to stop him. we are able to do something that no one else will. and if you don't kill him then.... well i guess we would figure that out when you get back. but i dont think that is a good idea."
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zzemo · 6 years
Kitty followed him, if only because Zemo was letting Bobby go and she didn’t want to risk his departure being canceled because she didn’t cooperate. The mission actually seemed like a good thing. Anti-mutants with a list of mutants? That couldn’t be good. And while the idea of being able to phase was actually comforting to her, she still had a question. “Why? Why do you want us to do this?”
"because i don't like the idea of a bunch of small-minded imbeciles killing young children simply for the way they are born." zemo answered her. "when you first got here i told you that while my methods are different than other i am not just some mindless monster. everything i do is for a reason." zemo pulled down a file from the shelf in his office and opened it up on his desk. he pulled out surveillance pictures and maps of the compound, all with all sorts of other information. "other groups out there want to stop people like this but they aren't willing to go the extra mile. they are all too caught up in politics and an image they are holding up while real shit is going down. with you two going there you have the freedom to do what we should be done, while other's are scared." zemo pulled out a picture of the leader, sliding it over to kitty. "men like him want to kill innocent children and probably have already. if you want to kill the snake you cut off it's head. destroy the papers, burn the place to the ground if you want but, i want him dead." he told her. "we can do what other's wont."
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zzemo · 6 years
While she felt joy in that fact that she had secured Bobby’s freedom, she didn’t let it show. In fact, he was allowing her time to see her friends at the mansion, she knew it, but she wasn’t sure she’d want to go inside just yet. She didn’t think she was ready to face Logan or anyone just yet. Not after fake-Logan’s stabbing of her. “Yeah, I think she’d enjoy stretching her legs, but what kind of job are you talking about?”
zemo motioned for her to follow him, leading them to his office. "there is a compound out in the middle of nowhere midwest for a group of anti-mutant extremists. i've been watching them for some time now and gathering information. stupid as they are they're very dangerous. my intel tells me that they've got a list together of young mutants who they are looking to target. i want that list out of their hands and all evidence of it gone completely." he told her. "it's a fairly large compound they've got going with plenty of armed guards. so you will have to be careful. or don't be. stake it out and blend in pretending to be one of them until you get it or just sneak past them all. i don't care how you two do it as long as there is not a trace left of that information they have." zemo watched her for a moment, debating if he should be so kind to her or not. "when you are dropped off...i will allow you to take your cuffs off so you can have your powers but when you are picked back up they are to be returned straight away. do you have any questions?"
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zzemo · 6 years
Kitty actually felt herself breath easier as he conceded to let her go. But it wasn’t quite that simple. “Today.  And I want to be with him when he gets let go. I want to make sure he makes it to the mansion safely.” Not that she didn’t trust him, but she had to make sure.
“tonight.” he told her. “i need time to clear him and send him out. i don’t think anyone would appreciate half of a job being done on him. you can escort him back tonight.” he would allow her time to get out of the mansion. time with be with her friends before her next job would take place. maybe it would even help with what he wanted her to do. “you will be back here in the morning to head off to the job i want you to do. might take you some time getting there. and you will be taking kate with you. i think she could use some time outside of this place, don’t you think?”
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zzemo · 6 years
Kitty listened to everything Zemo had with a grain of salt. She had a very hard time believing that Zemo had taken her and her friends because he had plans to help people. Zemo had yet to prove to her that he was helping anyone. “Then start with Bobby.” Maybe she could play this a little more . “If you are being serious with what you’re saying, then let me help one person now.” She wasn’t going to let this go until he said he was for sure letting Bobby go.
the thoughts raced through zemo’s mind as he tried tot hinka ll of this through. truthfully he would have liked a day to think this all over and to weigh all the pros and cons. but he couldn’t do that right now. he needed to make a decision and make it fast. one to help his case and to get kitty to see. “fine.” he said finally. “bobby will be released as soon as i can clear him.” he told her. “i hope this shows you that i mean what i am saying. and i think it’s time to help even more. i would need you and maybe kate to go on a job for me. our first real test run, and maybe you will start to see more.”
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zzemo · 6 years
Sin had heard that Zemo was pissed and Sin knew it was because of her. So of course, she had to go see for herself. So she walked into on him just as he knocked everything off the table. “Oh, someone is mad,” she said, clearly amused by the show of anger. “What put you in such a foul mood?”
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she was enjoying this, he knew she was. it was that damn smirk that seemed permanently glued to her face. he had no patience to deal with her today at all. “don’t look so damn happy sin. someone here is leaking information about us.”
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zzemo · 6 years
“Sure sir.” He obliged, looking down a second, thinking about it. Barnes had no ways to predict the future, it had to be a security breach. Somewhere. Someone. Definitively someone. “Any suspicion sir?”
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“i had a small group of peple who know about my next plan and the next target. i had people trying to follow the kid. i need a list of all the names of the people who knew.” he said thinking out loud. “i suspect half of the people in this place. after all the skrull shit people are getting worried and doubting. i don’t like that.”
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zzemo · 6 years
Kitty could feel herself breath a little easier now. She knew it was still not one hundred percent confirmed in that moment, but she felt better knowing that there was a chance to at least get Bobby home. But she didn’t let the relief show on her face as he continued to speak. She was trying to survive, that was all. In fact, she laughed at a little at what he said. “You kidnapped Bobby, Kate, Wanda and me to help us?” She had a hard time believing that.
“no...that makes me sound absolutely insane. i know being here is not the best place for you. i know that. but it’s the best scenario to help other people right now.” he said. “people are scared, so much has been happening and so much isnt not in balance. but we can help them. in this turmoil, in this chaos there has to be people who will step forward and help. people who are willing to do things that maybe others don’t approve of. but it’s all for the greater good and that’s where you come in. someone who’s willing to help other people. help mutants.” zemo said. “i needed time to things to come into line and they have. soon you’ll be helping more people than you know.”
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zzemo · 6 years
Oh, she definitely knew she had him outmatched, but she wanted to get a few good punches in. She always would and when she finally got the cuffs off, she would. As for pleading for Bobby’s release, she didn’t think he would go for the idea. So she was shocked when he agreed. “So you’ll let him go?” she asked, as if for clarification. “Wait, what do you mean growing?”
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“i’m thinking about it. i’m not one to make rash decisions. there are steps that would need to be taken but....yes i am considering letting him go, for you.” he added on. he needed to be careful how he was playing this, he couldn’t overplay his hand too much nor unplay. he needed her to see her not as the total monster anymore. “strength, i see your strength growing. i see all of yours growing. when you first got here you barely would look at me. and now here you are negotiating for your friend. you’ve grown kitty. you’re stronger. i want you to talk with me. i want you to tell me what they need. all of this i’m doing for the mutants. i’m doing it to help them against people who push them down. who consider them beneath them. they need that strength, we all do.”
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zzemo · 6 years
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Oskar didn’t follow everything that happened, working on other things recently, but rumors were fast and seeing his boss like this was definitively not reassuring. He waited a few seconds after the excess of rage and finally managed to speak. “Sir?” He dared and hoped he will not regret it. “There’s anything you need?”
zemo was ready to kill the next person that pissed him off, so he was surprised to hear someone speaking up to him. he turned slowly to see oskar standing there. he was lucky he was not one of the people he had assigned to this job. “i need to know how the fuck bucky barnes knew what my next move was. he was waiting for me to talk to the kid. like he knew i was going to.”
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zzemo · 6 years
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the anger that he felt since his plan fell through was boiling more and more and more. how did bucky even know he was looking for pietro? he had to have been watching the kid, waiting. this made no sense. he took his time. he waited. he had his plan. and it slipped through his fingers. zemo let out an angry yell like he never did, knocking over everything on the table in front of him. “son of bitch.”
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zzemo · 6 years
       And to say the least, it didn’t matter anymore if Zemo was found dead without having found Wanda and the others first. Because Barnes had some intel inside, but that, Zemo didn’t need to know. “Right now I’m stopping you to get your hands on her brother. So then, just release her, what do you attempt to do with her, huh? Whatever you do you’re gonna have us on your way. And Wanda isn’t going to stop us.“ He frowned. “I’m gonna give you one single warning Zemo, because you’re a smart guy. Give up now before you regret it.”
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as much as he hated to admit defeat he saw no way he was coming out of this a winner right now. anger boiled within him as he stared at barnes. if looks could kill this one would be dead in an instant. “alright, captain. don’t whine to me later that i didn’t warn you.” looking quickly back over to pietro he scoffed, “just know i gave you two a chance. whatever happens now is on your shoulders.” one last dig to get in there and one last attempt at something. this wasn’t over. pietro would be alone again and he would make sure bucky was far far away. slowly, he took a step back before moving quickly from the alleyway.
@sgt-barnes​ @didnseethatcomingpietro​
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zzemo · 6 years
       Oh, he knew Zemo. And that face he was making… Bucky could say he liked it, but he wouldn’t assume it. He should not like that. But for once see that face of displeasure on his face was a nice view. “And he surely doesn’t need you either.” he replied, staying focused on his aiming. “Well, yeah, sorry about that. But I’ve been raised to not turn my back to my enemies.” He gritted his teeth. “I think that you are the one that needs to let us live our lives, and give back Wanda’s freedom.” 
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zemo certainly wasn’t enjoying having a gun pointed at him. sure he had his protection all around him but that didn’t mean he wasn’t angry about this. it would be a stupid move on bucky’s part to kill him since then there would severe consciences on those he was holding. “you really think i’d give back my biggest weapon just because you are pointing a gun at me?” he laughed. “i’m offering the kid a chance to actually see his sister. i figured she’d do better with him around since well...she’s been going downhill rather quickly. i thought he’d help. if you don’t want to do that.” lies. all lies, but there was no way he’d give that away.
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zzemo · 6 years
sgt-barnes :
      Bucky jumped off the rooftop he was in, finishing his rush next to Pietro, aiming his gun at Zemo. “There is no way at all you lying bastard.” He had indeed kept an eye on Pietro, to be sure when exactly would Zemo act on him. And it happened today. James would not let that be, not on his watch. “You’re not getting him.”
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Pietro had a feeling that he wasn’t going to like what Zemo had to say about ways to see his sister, but he would do just about anything to bring her back. Before  he could hear it, though, Bucky appeared and he just grinned. “You’re not the only one with back up.”
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son of a bitch. his intel had told him that that maximoff twin would be alone and unguarded. the last thing he wanted to deal with was another avenger poking their nose in where it didn’t belong. especially after he had laid out his hand for them to see. his lips pressed into a tight line as he held back his emotion. “wonderful, i didn’t know you needed a babysitter to watch you pietro.” he said before looking over to bucky. “i don’t think you’re needed here. we were having a private conversation before you jumped in.”
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zzemo · 6 years
Pietro crossed his arms as the devil himself appeared before him. “I could say the same about you. Ready to let go of my sister or should I just start beating the shit out of you now?”
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“really think that’s such a smart idea? need i remind you of what happened last time we had a conversation like this. what risks there are if you try anything.” he smiled. “no, i’m not letting your sister go. but that doesn’t mean you can’t still see her. there is a way. i can offer that to you, or we can keep wasting time with empty threats”
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zzemo · 6 years
“Or maybe you can join me in the training room instead,” she said, knowing he wouldn’t take the bite. She would love to show him just what she could do and get a few good hits on him, but somehow she doubted he would follow through on that. But now was not the time for that. She had made a promise to Bobby’s parents and she as sure as hell was going to do her best. “Let Bobby go,” she said very plainly. There was no sugar-coating it. “He doesn’t belong here and you know it. It’s been over a year and I think if you keep him here any longer, he’s going to lose anything useful you may find in him. Please, he needs to go home.”
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“i’m not much of a fighter. i know my basics but i am fairly sure you would have me outmatched.” he laughed. he knew his strengths and weaknesses. he was a man of sciences and testing and plans. he had never excelled in close combat, he was willing to admit it was flaw. zemo listened carefully though as kitty laid out her plea to him. she was right, bobby so far had not proved to be very useful to him. kitty had excelled under his scrutiny where bobby seemed to fall. he paused to think over what good could come from this. “i would be letting go of someone very valuable.” he said. “but i believe you may be right. i am not setting out to completely break anyone and he doesn’t seem to have the same strength right now as many of you do. i see you all growing so much, even if you do not know.”
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