firstjesus · 1 year
I know a place we can go for awhile.
There’s rest for weary, hope for the broken-hearted, there is healing for the hurting, there is a peace that no storm can stop.
Let’s take it to Jesus, Yeshua.
Oh what a Great High Priest. He was tempted in all ways, yet He did not sin. So if he too was tempted just like we are, run to Him, He understands.
When you’re questions don’t have answers…
When the tears don’t stop running…
I remember singing this over myself in the deepest pit of darkness and depression. All I can do was sit there knowing that Jesus was there holding me together even when all I felt was that I was falling apart. I felt like piece by piece the clay pot was chipping off and I didn’t know it yet, but I didn’t have to because God knew what he was doing.
Even before I spoke a word, there he was:
Thy WORD ~ John 1:1-3
There was Jesus.
There he was holding me together in the palm of His hands and never did he let go even when I felt like I was slipping away.
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