#stingray I'm the one that's supposed to write
cynophagia · 4 months
2 and 8!
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
my phone is being so uncooperative rn so I can't upload a pic but it varies a lot depending on what I'm doing n why. Usually I write in all caps, it's kinda sloppy and rounded, the lines don't always connect
8. any reoccurring dreams?
Usually my dreams don't reoccur but the last time they did was a couple months ago, it was mostly the setting that was the same. A house that was loosely the same in layout to one of the houses my mother lived in, long, rectangular, and single story with the far left side of the house being the master bedroom. It was mostly unfurnished and I knew I wasn't supposed to be inside, there was an old jack russel that I was very concerned that would bark and alert the owners. I don't know who owned the house or if they were there, but I knew I had to be really quiet. The yard was huge and mostly empty, bordered by pine trees, and in one of the dreams with this house I was walking along the wood line with my partner. First we found a skull with one really long, salt encrusted antler, we walked a little ways longer and found a connected set of fresh human arms, just the arms, collarbone region, and scapulae, no head and no lower body. A little ways later in a half shed/half rock outcropping we found a third fresh arm, just one, from the shoulder down. I was curious and mildly excited by this but we had to keep moving
When I was a kid, the only reoccurring nightmare I had was twice, two nights in a row. I was in an old red truck with my biological maternal grandfather, whom I had only met a couple of times and was really offput by. He slowly drove the truck into a muddy creek and it would fill with water and stingrays, and then I would wake up before we drowned. Was around the time Steve Irwin died
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 7 months
Summary: Azula, Mai, TyLee, and Tom-Tom go to the aquarium that Hahn works at. Azula and Hahn have very different opinions on sharks.
AN: Oml, I'm so glad to be writing for Azula again! It feels like it's been forever. But I finally had time and an idea at the same time.
Azula never had an interest in the sea nor the waves. In fact, she likes to stay well away from it. She has seen it erode great and mighty cliffs, has seen it swell up and batter piers. She has seen it drag houses away from their foundations and reduce them to little more than driftwood. 
She has seen what it has done to her leg—the way it has slammed her against the rocks, the way it…
She shudders.
And now TyLee wants to take her to an aquarium. “It’ll be fun, I promise!” She insists. “I’m going to get one of those cute little otter keyrings! And maybe some stickers that I can wear on my face and legs!” 
“You can go to the mall for that.” Azula mutters. 
“They don’t sell aquarium stickers at the mall, Azula!” 
And that’s how it had started. It’s how a good many things start; TyLee gets this quirky little idea and she and Mai indulge it. Of course, it isn’t all terrible. In fact, most of the time they have a nice time together. But this time?
No, Azula doesn’t care to see the ocean again, even if it is held behind glass. Somehow the glass seems too thin, too breakable. 
Azula pulls her pant leg back down to conceal the patch work of scars. The ones that end at her kneecap where the prosthetic begins. 
“Also, I kind of already told, Mai that we are on the way…” TyLee gives a small grimace. 
Azula sighs. “Right, well you didn’t…”
“I said that we were going to the aquarium and she told Tom-Tom.” 
Azula’s stomach sinks. She doesn’t particularly want to condemn Mai into hours of dealing with a Tom-Tom tantrum; the boy had given Azula herself a good bite on one occasion. “I guess that we’re going to the aquarium.” Azula mumbles. 
“You can look at the stingrays! You like stingrays, right?”
There was certainly a time when she had. She had also rather enjoyed the bioluminescent plankton. But that was quite some time ago. “Yeah, sure, TyLee.” 
The girl is grinning from ear to ear. Azula wishes that she could keep her stomach from sinking and turning. Really it’s rather irrational to resent the aquarium. She takes a deep breath and slips into the passenger seat. 
“Are you sure that you don’t want to at least see the otters with me?” TyLee asks. 
Azula nods. “I’m sure.” 
“We can go pet the stingrays.” Mai offers as Tom-Tom gives her hand another tug.
“No thanks.” Azula declines. A good part of her wishes that she could, but the stingrays are never swimming alone and the thought of putting her fingers anywhere near sharks, babies or not, leaves her shuddering.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” His little feet slide across the ground. He has more success in moving himself than he does with getting Mai to budge. 
“It’s fine.” Azula gives a nonchalant wave. “Take Tom-Tom to see the…”
“Sharks!” He shouts. “I wanna see the sharks!”
“Azula doesn’t like sharks, Tom-Tom. You like octopi, right?” 
“I don’t care what Azula likes!” Tom-Tom stomps his foot. “I like sharks, not octopuses.” 
“It’s alright, Mai.” Azula insists. “Take him to see the sharks I’ll…” she looks around the gift shop. “I’ll read one of the books.”
TyLee pouts, “aww come on, at least come inside of the aquarium, you don’t have to go near any of the exhibits.” 
Right, because immersing herself in the ambient wave sounds while in a rather dim space, decorated to exactly resemble the crevice of an ocean floor trench is exactly what she needs. She bites her lower lip. “Alright, but I’m not staying for long. And I’m not going with you guys to see the sharks.” 
Thankfully they go to see the otters first. Azula supposes that she doesn’t mind otters, they mind their own business and don’t bite the shit out of anything that breathes in their general direction. She doesn’t mind watching the manatees either. 
They are a little dicey. 
Does she trust them?
Not particularly. But she sticks around.
It is only when they wander off into the darker recesses of the aquarium where the sharks reside that she goes her own way. Evidently, her own way has taken her right into the kiddy section. She supposes that if she is going to be a baby about the sharks, she might as well be in the kiddy section of the aquarium. 
She imagines that TyLee will like it here anyhow; she can poke at jellyfish and starfish. So Azula finds herself a spot on the wall to prop herself against. And she waits, inspecting her nails and sparing disinterested glances at her phone. 
Azula jolts. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” The boy apologizes. Azula looks him over; chin-length dark hair, nicely combed and partly pulled back. Dark skin—she thinks that she sees a tattoo on his bicep, a dolphin maybe—vivid blue eyes and a square jawline to bring it all together. He smells faintly of cologne and heavily of fish food. And it is no wonder, he is wearing an aquarium uniform with several damp patches. 
“Am I not allowed to linger?” 
“Actually, I was kind of hoping that you would stick around for a bit. It’s been kind of a slow day and it’s getting a bit boring being by myself over there.” He jabs his thumb in the direction of the interactive tanks. “Most people like touching the starfish and jellyfish so Star is getting all of the attention.” He nods at the interactive tanks that run parallel to his own. “Star always takes the starfish tanks and our boss lets her do it because the kids love it when Star talks about starfish. Hanh, on the other hand…he gets tired of that joke.”
“Who is Hanh?” 
The boy chuckles. “Me, I’m Hanh. I get tired of star puns.”
“Yeah…” He rubs the back of his head. “So…”
Azula quirks a brow. 
“I know that it’s all kiddies stuff here but would you like to feed the stingrays or something?”
Azula casts the tank a weary look. “They share a tank with the sharks.”
“They’re just bamboo sharks.” Hanh smiles. “And they’re just babies.” 
“They still have teeth and my fingers, that I’d like to continue to have, are just small enough to fit in their mouths.” Azula twirls her bangs around one of said fingers. 
“Have you ever pet a cat before?”
Azula scrunches her brows. “I frequently pet my friend, Mai’s cat. Why?”
“Bamboo shark and cat teeth are pretty similar in size and shape.”
“I’m going to need to know where you are sourcing your information from.” 
“Firsthand experience.” 
“The weakest kind of evidence when trying to debate or win an argument.” Azula declares. 
“Well good thing we’re not arguing then.” Hanh folds his arms over his chest and smirks. He, Azula decides, is not as clever as he thinks that he is. “They’re bottom feeders, you know.” He continues. “Unless your fingers are made of mollusk shells or taste like crustaceans they’ll be fine.” 
Azula presses her lips together and half-frowns. She can’t quite deny that she does, at least somewhat, really want to pet the stingrays. She used to love them well enough, she still has all of the plushies and posters that Sokka used to give her before he and Katara moved away for an unconventional life at sea with their father.
Stingrays, like Sokka and his sister, are part of a bygone ear. A small window of her life that drifted out and away shortly after her accident. Part of a childish innocence that had been yanked and torn away from her at the very same moment her leg had been. 
“I’ll pass.” 
Hahn groans and buries his face in his palms. When he looks up he is wearing the most ridiculous, exaggerated pout that she has ever seen. His once attractive face is not tainted with this forced bug eyed look and a jutting lower lip that she is certain he thinks is adorable. “Please, my boys are starving!” 
“Your boys?”
“My stingray babies need food.”
“Then go feed them?” She tilts her head. 
“They are tired of me, they want you to feed them.”
Azula swallows. He reminds her of Sokka. Her stomach sinks. She misses Sokka. She misses surf competitions with Katara. She misses long summer nights spent on the beach with Chan, Sokka, a campfire, and the beverages that Ruon managed to smuggle. She misses a lot of things.
“I don’t like sharks, Hahn.” Perhaps it is the nostalgia. Perhaps she is just tired of keeping things to herself, out of sight and out of mind, just the way father likes it. She pulls up her pant leg. “I’ve seen what they can do. And I’d be perfectly okay with plucking one of them out of that tank and watching it flop around.” 
Hahn grimaces. Whether it is at the sight of her mangled leg and prosthetic or her words, she isn’t certain. 
“Sharks are like people. Some of them are bad and some of them are good…”
“I’ve heard the statistics.” Azula rolls her eyes. “A shark attack is about one in eleven-million. You’re more likely to get struck by lightning, drown, get into a car accident. Yes I know. But I didn’t get struck by lightning and I didn’t get hit by a car.” She scoffs.
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “I’ve always been a shark enthusiast.”
Azula sniffs. “Spoken like a boy who has never had his leg torn off.” She pauses. “I’ll bet that you’ve never even seen a shark up close.”
“I actually swim with them.” He replies quietly. Azula’s stomach sinks—she has just sucked the enthusiasm right out of him. But is it not his own fault for pestering her? “Sorry, I’ll leave you alone.’ 
Azula swallows. “I didn’t say that you had to stop talking to me.”
“You didn’t have to.” 
She thinks that she should say something. But he is already sulking back to his shark tank, probably to coo at the sharks and tell them that he’ll protect them from that mean girl who wants them dead. And later he will probably vent to Star.
It is what it is. TyLee is calling her anyhow.
Hahn brushes his fingers over Tincan’s smooth skin. Tincan has always been his favorite since the day that she had tried to eat a tin can. Or maybe she had been trying to make a home of it. Either which way, Tincan quickly became his favorite shark. 
He waits for Shipwreck to glide away and drops another mollusk into the tank. “Hurry up.” He mumbles to Tincan. “Before Shipwreck comes back and steals it again.” 
“How’s it going over here?” Star asks. 
Hahn shrugs. “I guess it’s going alright. I haven’t gotten much company aside from that one girl.” 
“The pretty one with the prosthetic?”
Hahn nods. 
“What were you guys talking about anyways?”
“How much she hates sharks.” 
“Oof, you could have just told me that you were having a rough day.” She frowns. “I, on the other hand, have had a delightful day!”
“And this is why I didn’t tell you…” he grumbles to himself. He likes Star well enough, but geez that girl can be so…clueless. 
“I met the most adorable little girl today. She had these chubby cheeks and these really bright green eyes. She loved the jellyfish and was able to tell me all about them. Of course I already knew everything that she mentioned, but…!” She pauses and wiggles her brows. “I pretended like I had no idea.” 
“You’re a real saint, Star.” 
“Sure am.” She beams. “The kids love me.” She pauses again and sticks out her lower lip. “They love the starfish more.” Quickly she adds, “but they definitely love me too!”
“That’s nice, Star.” He dips his finger back into the water and lets Tincan rub against it. He tries to pay attention to Star. Really he does, she has better things to say than his own brain does. But he can’t quite focus. 
He stares at Tincan, at her beady, precious, little eyes. He couldn’t even change the mind of one person. And there are probably millions like her out there; people who would feel no remorse, who would, perhaps, even delight in slaying a shark. Spiders, bats, bears—they’ve all got their reputations. And their reputations don’t seem to inspire compassion. Rather they seem to spark some violent itches in people. 
He would love to lift Tincan out of the water and give her a little kiss on the head. Maybe when Star leaves for the night he’ll dunk his head into the water and give her that peck. Of course, he will have to reckon with the stingrays and Shipwreck too. 
“Oh! Sorry, Hahn, looks like I got another group.” 
“Don’t worry about it. Do your thing.” He waves her off. 
He glances at the clock on the wall. His shift will be up soon. He will probably have to wait until he gets one of the night shifts to give Tincan her kiss. He finds a container of stingray food and scatters it into the tank. He watches them swarm their meal until he hears footsteps behind him. He takes a deep breath and prepares to prattle off his usual chipper greeting to a small child. When he turns around, that greeting dies on his tongue.
“I have decided that I will feed the stingrays.” 
“Are you sure? There are still baby sharks in there?” He grumbles. “And they still want to eat your fingers specifically. Not anyone else’s, of course, just yours.” 
Her expression deadpans. “You’re being redundant; saying that they want to eat my fingers specifically is the same thing as saying that they don’t want to eat anyone else’s.” 
“Just trying to emphasize the point.” Is he being an ass. Yeah. Probably, a little. “Maybe Tincan doesn’t want your fingers in her tank anyways.” 
“Either she wants my fingers to be in the tank so that she can eat them or she doesn’t want them there. Which is it?”
Hahn blinks. He can’t tell if she is being snarky or if she genuinely wants to know. This girl certainly knows how to hold up a good conversation. “I already told you; these sharks are friendly. They’re more likely to get hurt–usually by people–than hurt someone.”
At this the girl seems to flinch, it is only the slightest little motion. The faintest flicker of hurt in her eyes. Hanh sighs, maybe he is being a little harsh. Or alot harsh. “You were probably attacked by a great white or a tiger shark. Those ones are statistically the most likely to attack unprovoked.” He pauses. “But a lot of times people provoke them without meaning to…”
The girl nods. 
“Bamboo sharks nip sometimes, but it’s like a cat bite.” He pauses. “I guess that, that can still hurt…”
“Are you going to let me feed the stingrays or not?” 
“Yeah.” He replies flatly. “Sure.” 
The girl takes a cluster of dead shrimp.
“I kind of already fed them so they might ignore you.” He mentions. “...Just like you’re ignoring me.” 
“I’m not ignoring you.” She states simply. “I just don’t speak when I don’t have anything worthwhile to add.” 
“Right.” He folds his arms across his chest and watches her reluctantly lower her hand into the water. 
Azula has to admit that she is a touch disappointed that he had been right about the stingrays ignoring her. One brushes up against her knuckles as it makes its lazy circles around the tank, but mostly they glide out of reach. 
She should have just stuck with TyLee, Mai, and Tom-Tom. But Tom-Tom wanted to see the big sharks and the big sharks make her stomach lurch. She can imagine them locking eyes with her and banging into the glass in an attempt to finish her off.
And if she stares long enough she can envision herself suspended in the water in a cloud of red. She shudders. She isn’t even by the large sharks and she can feel the phantom tingles tracing the lines of her scars. 
“Are you okay?” Hahn asks. 
“Perfectly.” She replies quietly. 
“Really, because…”
“I’m just disappointed that the stingrays aren’t interested.”
Hahn bites his lower lip. “The stingrays aren’t but someone is…”
Azula jerks her hand out of the water. 
“She won’t bite, I promise.” Hahn tries. “Look.” He dips his hand into the water and rubs his hand right over the baby shark. “She actually loves to be petted.” 
It is Azula’s turn to pout. 
“Here, I can…” he begins with words and finishes with a gesture. She lets him take her hand and guide it back into the water. 
Her tummy is tickling frantically. A fluttering that grows more and more intense with each centimeter that the shark closes. And then it is upon her, nuzzling its maw against her hand. She feels like she is going to be sick.
“It’s alright.” Hahn promises. “She’s just going to take that shrimp from you.” 
Azula grits her teeth and eyes the shark with a burning intensity, half expecting to see her fingers reduced to bloody stubs. But the shark is…it is gentle. It takes the shrimp from her the way that Mai’s cat takes bits of kibble. 
“See.” Hanh smiles. 
Azula nods. 
She watches the shark circle her hand a few times, rubbing against it. It’s skin is so smooth and so cool against her own. 
“That means that she likes you.” Hahn notes. “Her name is Tincan. She doesn’t eat fingers but she did try to eat a tin can once.” 
“Oh.” Azula replies. “Okay.” 
And Hahn laughs. “You’re not easy to talk to, you know.” 
Azula nods. “Yes. I know.” 
He chuckles again. “I didn’t offend you?” 
She shrugs. “It’s not offensive if it’s true.”
“Some of the most offensive words are offensive because they’re the truth.” He counters. 
“That’s the smartest thing that you’ve said all day.” She replies. She scrunches her brows, purses her lips, and peers more intensely at the shark. 
“You’re not thinking about…”
“I’m not going to hurt the shark.” She cuts him off. She is, however, still slightly concerned that it will hurt her. 
And perhaps her anxiousness shows one her face because Hahn speaks up again. “Do you want to give her another shrimp?” 
Azula bites her lip again. “I…I guess.” 
Now Hahn’s eyes are sparkling. He hands her another shrimp. This time she lowers her hand without his to guide it. Her brows knit in concentration.
“Well what?” 
“Are you guys bonding?” 
Azula tilts her head. “Maybe. I guess.” 
At the very least, she looks much more relaxed. 
“I’d say that you’re ready to go swim with the great whites now.” 
The girl’s head jerks up and she shakes it quite quickly and adamantly.
He laughs and lifts his hands, “I’m joking, I’m joking.” 
“Thanks.” She mutters. 
“For what?” 
“Not doing that thing that people tend to do when they see me.” 
“Run away in fear?” 
“Ha.” The girl rolls her eyes. “No. That thing where they look at my leg or listen to me talk about what happened and then…” she trails off. “They get weird about it.” 
“How so?”
She takes a deep breath and offers an impression of a sympathetic expression. And with an almost uncanny softness in her voice says, “I’m so sorry, that must have been really. Hard. I don’t think that I would be able to handle it if I lost a leg. You’re so brave.” 
“They’re just trying to be nice.” 
“They end up being patronizing.”
“So you’d rather have a bunch of idiots like me, telling you to just get over it and love sharks.” 
She nods. 
Another nod. 
He bites back the urge to call her strange. 
“I’m tired of pity. And I’m tired of people being delicate with me.” She replies. “You say it how it is. Sort of.” She hums to herself. “You have your opinions and you didn’t listen to my sob story and change them. You like sharks. I…”
“You what?”
“Can maybe tolerate one specific shark.”
Hahn beams from ear to ear. “Tincan is a good girl. Shipwreck is friendly too. He’s been hiding in his…”
“Plastic rendition of a shipwreck?” She guesses.
“That’s right.” Hahn confirms. “Hey, if you come by tomorrow, I can introduce the two of you.” 
His grin widens. “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow then…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Azula.” 
“And I’ll have Tincan and Shipwreck well fed so that they won’t crave human fingers.” 
Azula rolls her eyes. But stupid jokes certainly beat saccharine, socially obligated niceties. Truth be told it is kind of nice to have someone willing to make tactless jokes for once. It is more authentic and somehow more comforting. 
It makes her feel normal. 
She takes one glance back at the shark tank before finding her way back to the lobby where TyLee stands, dripping in otter merch. A ridiculous, fuzzy otter hat and a bright pink t-shirt that reads ‘you and me otter go to the aquarium more often.’
Tom-Tom, naturally, has his own shark hat and a shark fin affixed to his back. He holds a plastic shark that he has taken to running around with while making swooshing noises. Azula supposes that she should probably give Tom-Tom credit too. Most people don’t even mention sharks around her let alone act out shark attacks with toy sharks in front of her. 
She hates to imagine what sort of chaos he and Hahn could cause to her psyche in a team effort. 
Of all of TyLee’s whimsical ideas, Azula thinks that this might have been one of the better ones.
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Ghost of the Sea
-Part 10-
Double chapter for the weekend! >:D
Had a lot of fun writing the villains. Hope you enjoy this one! ☺️
The Ao3 version can be found here
@uniwolfcorn , @teapotteringabout , @skymaiden32 , @knyee , @janetm74 , @the-original-sineater , @amistrio , @thundergeek59 , @riallasheng @dreamycloud , @mothmannerly , @room-on-broom , @westernstardh
"THE PHANTOM BEAST!?" was an outraged cry that shook the whole city of Titanica, "How dare she have the audacity to rise up from the depths of her hell, to challenge me!? The Great Mighty Titan!?"
"W-We weren't sure if it was her..." X-20 fumbled his fingers. The Aquaphibians who were accompanying him looked shell shocked from the ordeal.
"No! It was definitely her! Teufel sensed her terrible presence when it happened!" Pointed out Titan, his eyes staring at the aquarium where his 'God of the Sea' swam with great unease.
X-20 gulped at the confirmation.
For many Marine years since she have left her mark of her wrath, many underwater races made prophecies of the Phantom Beast's potential return, all of them shrouded with uncertainty and fear. 
And no one, aside from those wretched Pacificans, dared to utter a word about her since then.
The question is... Why had she decided to return now? Thought the surface agent, Did something disturbed her from her deep slumber? Was she after... Stingray?
"X-20!" a yell from his master startled him out of his thoughts.
"Yes, oh Great Titan?" he replied with readiness.
"What happened to Troy Tempest?" Titan demanded, his eyes had a slither of hope.
"He and his crew managed to escape unharmed."
"What!? Didn't the Phantom Beast damaged their precious Stingray!? I thought she supposed to finish them off!" The King of the Sea growled in shock annoyance.
"We could never explain who's she's after, oh Mighty Titan. She's as unpredictable as the sea itself," X-20 quickly explained.
Titan smacked his fist on the manchette of his throne, then got up and begrudgingly walked towards the big circled window showing the outside.
As he did, he dismissed the Aquaphibian soldiers, which they bowed and left the throne room, leaving him and his surface agent on their own.
X-20 turned to look at Teufel again. The surface agent had never seen the Sea God very stressed before. Seeing that made him feel a cold chill running down his spine.
"M-Maybe, we should stay away... for your safety, your Majesty," he warned. He nearly shook at the mere thought of meeting the foul beast again.
Titan, his face still staring at the window, muttered with venom, "I'll never forgive her for what she had done to my precious pet..."
X-20 had to withhold a sigh.
"Ah, I remember. Back when she first began her rampage, you have unleashed one of your elite sea giants to destroy her, only for it to return badly burnt and some of its arms cut clean. Now, it had been hiding in its cave since then." He raised an eyebrow.
"Yes! I'm glad you remembered, X-20!" Exclaimed the King of the Sea, "And now that she have returned after so many long Marine years, this will be my opportunity to exact my revenge!"
X-20 turned to Teufel once more with a deadpanned expression and quietly let out a nervous chuckle, "Hehe... We're gonna die..."
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waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years
Pollux and Sylvan cause ya know what. My boy needs more people to care about.
◎ = taking care of them while ill .
Heavy fever and bedridden, Sylvan couldn't really do much but rest.
Food, water and medicine kept appearing at Sylvan's bedside. He assumed that a dorm mate was looking after him each time he fell asleep.
...At least he did till he heard a voice mutter viciously in his half asleep state.
"...why hadn't the fever broke yet? Is it a normal one? Does he has any special illnesses? Maybe he should see the doctor... The medical care on campus clearly isn't good enough. But why did he even get sick so easily? Is the normal body this weak? Ugh. Inconvenient. Stupid boy... Be healthier-"
A relieving coolness touched his head and Sylvan thinks he made a face.
The voice went silent.
"...he's not waking up, is he?"
He wills himself to be still and keep his breathing even. He swears he recognizes that voice somewhere...
The boy continues muttering after a moment of hesitation. He listens to the boy shuffle about, taking away his empty water bottle and replacing it with something else on his nightstand.
It's...that jittery boy he met a while ago. The one that reminded him of rubellite tourmaline.
It seems he has a good heart.
The boy leaves after a while, still muttering anxiously to himself.
Slyvan cracks open an eye, looking around to see a thermos sitting on his nightstand. It's some kind of tea. Pushing through his tired haze, he manages to write a note to thank the boy sometime.
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ill-skillsgard · 3 years
Hi hi friend! how has life been for you lately?
I am stupid busy but that's good because I might not have any work in January at all (freelancer things, I suppose). Still in shock finding out that Gustaf has a 1yo daughter. Stunned but also of course thrilled for him. That pretty much sums it up lol
Also, hearing that you're writing more Faust stuff makes me really wanna rewatch lords of chaos!! Maybe I shall!!
Hello, darling! Life has been pretty average. I'm still getting used to more socialization, and finding it weird to go into public spaces, but I'm getting there.
I'm going to Montreal next weekend with my best friend so that should be fun! My boyfriend and I are also looking into selling our house to buy a bigger one, which means more dogs! And more garage space for my dream car (80's Corvette Stingray) when I finally save up the money to buy one....and learn how to drive it 🤭
Ummm, excuse me, what!? This is the first I've heard of this??? Gusgus is a dad!?! Consider my brain exploded.
Ooouu I highly encourage you to rewatch LOC. I've been on my Faust bullshit for the last couple of days. It's a crime they didn't give the babe more scenes, but I'll take what I can get.
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bts5sosempire · 6 years
BTS Reaction: Their s/o has an illness (Maknae Ver.)
A/n: I fell asleep writing this because it's like 12 in the morning near 1 am.
Hyung Ver.
Park Jimin:
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It took him a while to accept it that your health was deteriorating. Reality sets in on him, but he refuses to give up on you when you are already on the verge of giving up on yourself. Jimin still had some form of hopes left in him that you'll make it no matter what.
"Hey, how are you feeling? Do you need any comfort?" Jimin entered your hospital room and set everything on the table next to you. You give him a weak smile and shook your head.
"How about we go to the aquarium today? You always want to go see the stingrays and tigerfish."
"Can we go another time? I'm supposed to do my physical examination within an hour."
"Oh, okay," there was a slight dejected in his voice, but he masks it up quickly, "I'll come back tomorrow then."
"Jimin," you grab his hand and brought it up to your face and lean into his touch, "I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you. You stick by my side all this time when my family wasn't able to come to visit me. I want to thank you for being strong for me."
"Why are you saying this to me?" He lets out a small heavy laugh. Jimin was worried why would you say that all of a sudden. The look in your eyes became duller.
"There are some battles that can not always be won Jimin."
Kim Taehyung:
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Taehyung waited patiently for you to wake up from your fifth operation of removing tumors from your bones. The doctor had told him that this was one of the most dangerous and longest procedures they ever did on you. There was a 50/50 chance of you waking up and not waking up and Taehyung hold onto the other 50 tightly.
The only thing that confirms you were still breathing and beating is the heart monitor.
You look so beaten and tired. Taehyung went to hold your hand and silently pray for you to wake up and talk to him. That's all what he ever wanted.
"If only I paid attention to you more, you wouldn't have ended up in this mess." Blaming himself, he felt a very weak movement of your hand in both his palms. He looks at your face and saw fast movement behind your closed lids. "(Name)? (Name) can you hear me?"
Opening your eyes weakly, your voice sounds like scratches. "Tae...Taehyung?"
"Yes darling I'm here, " he hastily responds.
"I feel so tired and weak."
"It's probably the sleeping gas they put you under," Taehyung is trying reassure you on everything. "Do you want anything? Water or-"
"Taehyung I'm fine," he looks more distracted than you are, "I just want you to stay here with me."
He nervously calms himself, his hold on your hand didn't falter, in fact, he tightens it up a bit. "I was in fact scared that you wouldn't wake up."
"I won't go anywhere."
Jeon Jungkook:
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Nowadays Jungkook took his time off more frequently to look after you at home. He took such good care of you that he forgot about himself.
"(Name) be careful it's still hot!" Jungkook set down in front of you a small bowl of stew. You had problems eating food, if you eat the wrong kind of food it would burn your stomach or causes more pain to you.
You look at his hands to see them band-aid up and they were covered in small tiny scars.
"Jungkook are you sure that you're not taking too much time off of work?"
"I'll be fine, they can't kick me out." He tells you with confidence.
"You got a stain on your shirt."
"I'll change it later."
"Did you sleep?"
"Yeah, I did."
"Aren't you tired of me?"
"How can I ever be tired of you?" Jungkook asks with a soft smile and you cried. "Why are you crying? Is the food not good?" He panics and took as sip of your stew.
"I haven't even tried it yet, Jungkook I feel like I took more time from you when you could've spent it on your work and go having fun with the rest of your bandmates." You wipe the tears away in your eyes, "I just wish that I-" you feel something rush up your throat, a cough came from you. You turn away from Jungkook and push him away gently as he gets near you.
"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.
"I'm fine, I just need to-" another cough came from you, this time more violent.
"(Name)," Jungkook remove your hand to find a pool of red at the center of your palm.
"I'm getting tired Kookie..."
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