#stink epithet erased
favficbirthdays · 6 months
Happy Birthday
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Stink (10th April)
Epithet Erased
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stinky-fuck-swag · 11 months
Stinky Fuck Swag Bracket A Side A: Round 1, Match 2
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) VS Stink (Epithet Erased)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Zora Salazar:
Epithet Erased season 1 has these little character tidbits around ad breaks, and one of hers explicitly says she "kind of smells". She dresses like a cowboy, acts cool, and is *incredibly* powerful, but she's ultimately kind of a pissbaby, resorting to using her magic powers in an explicitly no-magic duel, then declaring the result of said duel a "draw" after getting zapped by a bunch of wizard lightning
Canonically smells and sleeps in the woods. She got called "Ol' Stinky" in one of the Kickstarter rewards. In the non canon Beetlejuice cover she referred to soap as "her only weakness". Also canonically doesn't like to shower. She's the stinky garbage cowgirl!
It's quite literally in their name
Small child. Literally named Stink.
my dude is literally named stink. he also wears a cow farting on his shirt. i think that to be named stink SOMETHING had to happen to make him stinky
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beepinout · 9 months
Merry lat late lat late late late late late Christmas
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thehandleisjammed · 7 months
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I thought of drawing Stink as Siffrin but the truth must not be denied.
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tinyturkeyranchmoney · 11 months
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I watched the new epithet erased song and I just fell in love with it. Idk why, but I just love it so much. Maybe it’s cause I’m starving and in dire need of more epithet erased content that I just ate it up like a rabid dog. If anyone hasn’t checked out the song yet, I highly recommend doing so! It’s a fun watch especially if you’re an epithet erased fan!
Also yes, the first post I’m every making on tumble is epithet erased. I just wanted to show some Fan art I did for the song! No, I’m not gonna post anything more (unless I actually do in the future, which I highly doubt it). Im still figuring out how tumblr works…
I’ll also put the link of the song I’m talking about in case anyone wants to watch it!
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mouseshift · 1 year
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whenever i dont know what to draw i end up drawing rick this is a cry for help
warm color vers:
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makofan100 · 7 months
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Bubblegum renegade
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solsticesailor · 2 years
I made some cursed Epithet Erased emojis
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stink in Singing Machine from Lobotomy Corporation. I should clarify that he should be IN the machine
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rule9-childofthestars · 8 months
not making it out the hood with this one
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shy-the-trash-lion · 2 years
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It’s ARNOLD MARKDOWN’S BIRTHDAY!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Take some ship art and my headcannon that Stink is their soon to be adopted child and-
*runs away*
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Stink (10th April)
Epithet Erased
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 days
Molly sing Waka waka but everyone ruined it
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beepinout · 2 years
This was from watching the epithet erased stream
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12niko13 · 2 years
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1141: Jitters & Fright (Epithet Erased)
4:23 p.m. at Sweet Jazz's Halloween Store........
Slylvie: (Walking in the Store Alongside his Friends) So, how do you girls feel about your big play for tomorrow night?
Phoenicia: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Oh I'm absolutely excited!~ It's been one of my list of dreams to play a leading acting role~
Molly: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'm a bit on the nervous side personally. But I'm happy to be a part of something at least.
Trixie: Happy for ya too, Molls. (Crosses Their Arms While Pouting) Me, on the other hand, would rather do a mountain of homework than taking the main stage........
Sylvie: (Turns to Trixie) Getting nervous??
Trixie: Nah. I wouldn't say I'm completely nervous per say. Just don't want millions of eyes staring at me all night....
Phoenicia: But it's the audience's job is to watch the actors perform until the end of the runtime.
Trixie: (Rolls Their Eyes) Fully aware of how the audience function, Feenie. (Starts Shivering a Bit) Doesn't make me squeamish any less.....
?????: Oh no!~ Little Miss Roughhouse getting cold feet?~
The gang turns to see two of the Neo Trio's classmates, Stink & Stonk, standing in front of them, with mischievous, boyish grins on both of their faces.
Stonk: Cuz if so, we're more than gladly to take the role of Bubblegum Renegade off your hands now.
Stink: Yeah!- Wait. (Turns to Stonk) "We"?
Stonk: Yeah. You know, as in....You and I and-
Stink: I know what I mean, you dope!! We can't both be the Bubblegum Renegade!
Stonk: Right, right. (Grabs his Chin) So I'm guessing that'll make me Bubblegum Renegade then?
Stink: Um NO, dude! You're not gonna be Bubblegum Renegade! I am!
Stonk: (Glares at his Friend) And why not? My acting skills gotten a lot better, you know!?
Stink: So does mines. Only the difference here is that FAR more cooler than you in comparison.
Stonk: ('Scoffs') Yeah right! Name one cool thing you ever did.
Stink: I....uh.....uhhh.....I-I come up with the raddest pranks imaginable!
Stonk: We BOTH come up with the rad prank ideas, genius! In fact, I seemed to remember doing most of the heavy lifting and dirty work compared to you.
Stink: ('Scoffs') Oh please! I equally did just as much work as you did if not wayyy more!
Stonk: Nuh-uh!
Stink: Yeah-huh!
Stonk: Nuh-uh!
Stink: Yeah-huh!
The boys continue to argue with one another as the others reluctantly watches.
Sylvie: .....Do I even wanna who those two are right now?
Molly: ('Sigh') That's just Stink and Stonk.
Trixie: (Already Has an Annoyed Look on Their Face) The two biggest lame brains in our class with their stupid pranks they're trying to pull.
Phoenicia: And dance choreography are a sight to behold.
Molly: Feenie, I don't think Dabbing's that good of a dance move to be frank with you.
Sylvie: I don't even think it should consider a dance move at all considering how basic the concept of it is.
Trixie: (Starts Groaning at What is in Front of Them Right Now) Speaking of which....
Trixie points to Stink amd Stonk repeatly dabbing at one another.
Molly: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Are they.... seriously having a dab off right now?
Trixie: (Facepalms Themselves into Oblivion) And here I thought they could never get anymore dumber......(Turns to Sylvie While Pointing Their Hands Out at the Dabbing Simpletons) You see what we have to deal with everyday, Sylvie!?
Sylvie: Somehow, I can weirdly re-
Sylvie: LATEHETE!!! (Gets Startled and Screamed in Horror as He Makes Himself Fall Backwards on the Floor)
Molly: Sylvie! (Quickly Rushes Over to Sylvie Side Along with the Rest of the Trio)
Jock: (Revealing Himself From the Monster Like Mask He Was Wearing With a Smirk on his Face) Oops! Didn't quite see you there Sylvesta-NERD! (Let's Out a Loud, Boastful Laugh as his Fellow Jockmates Joins amd Gives Him Multiple Hi-Fives)
Sylvie: (Growls in Annoyance as He Rubs his Head and Angrily Shakes his Fist at a Pact of Jocks in Front of Him) Don't you people have anywhere else to be right now!!!?
Jock: ('Scoffs') Of course we have somewhere to be, Einstein. We just wanna make sure if you got yourself a good scared.
Sylvie: Gee, thanks, Randall. I hate it!
Randell: Yeah, we don't care. Blame your psychologicist job for making you look more dorky than you already are.
Sylvie: At least I'm doing something more productive in my life than wasting my time messing with my neighbor all day!!
Randell: So you're a big shot now, big whoop! You're still a four-eyed nerdatron at the end of the day and still an easy target to boot. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a football game to win. (Finally Takes his Leave)
Other Jocks: (Starts Following Their Leader While Taunting Sylvie in the Process) Later, nerd!/Enjoy the floor nap!/ Don't let the door scare ya on the way out, Sylvesta-LOSER!!
Phoenicia: (Growls as She Angrily Picks up a Bag of Marshmallow From the Counter) His name is Dr. Sylvester Ashling, you UNCULTURED SWAN!!! (Throws the Bag at the Jocks as Hard as She Could......Which Didn't Go as Far as She Hoped Unfortunately)
Molly: (Helps Sylvie Back Up on his Feet) You okay, Sylvie?
Sylvie: ('Sigh') Besides my pride and patience, I'll be fine for now. (Turns to Phoenicia With a Small Smile on his Face) I appericate you trying to get those jerks back for me, Feenie, even if you REALLY didn't have to-ACK! (Gets Pulled into Tight, Loving Hug by Phoenicia Herself)
Phoenicia: There's no need to thank me at all, dear!~ I'd do anything for those I love and cherish, you included!~
Sylvie: (Winces a Bit) I see. Glad to be part of the equation....
Trixie: Say the word, Sylvie. (Starts Pounding Their Fist onto the Palm of Their Hands) And we'll get 'em back when they least expected!
?????: Least expected, huh?~
The gang turns to see Stink & Stonk staring at them with their signature mischievous grins.
Molly: Oh. You guys are finished with your dabbing contest already?
Stink: Yep! Came down with a draw for now!
Stonk: It was epic.
Trixie: (Rolls Their Eyes) Suuuure it was.....
Stink/Stonk: (Glares at Trixie) IT WAS SO!- (Clears Their Throats Before Calming Themselves Down)
Stink: Anywho, after we concluded our epic dabbing challenge, we couldn't help but overheard your little bully dilemma you got there, four eyes.
Sylvie: It's Sylvie. ('Sighs Heavily') But yeah.....You don't know the half of it......
Stonk: Which is why we want in on your vengeance journey.
Trixie: Wait. You....actually want to help us out on this?
Stonk: Heck yeah! We don't just do pranks for funs, we also do them to get back at those who bully and/or prank us first.
Stink: Buuuuuuuuut before we start helping you guys out, we're gonna want something back in return~
Sylvie: (Sighs Once More as Takes his Wallet Out of his Pants Pocket) Alright. How much do you want? I need to save rest of the money pay my rent this month, so I implore you not to ask for too-
Stonk: (Starts Pushing his Hands Back and Forth in the Air) Woah woah woah there, pal. We don't want any of your money!
Stink: We want something more valuable than that.
Sylvie: (Raises an Eyebrow) Which is.......
Stonk: (Uses his Thumb to Rub Up and Down on the Knuckles) Oh it's nothing too grand~
Stink: We just want to have ourselves play the role of the......
Stink/Stonk: Bubblegum Renegade-
Neo Trio: No!
Trixie: It's never going to happen!
Molly: Each of our roles have already been finalized days. Let it go already!
Stink: (Crosses his Arm While Pouting) Alright, alright, fine! We're gonna!
Stonk: (Shrugs at Stink) Can't say we tried, man.
Stink: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah.....Okay. How about uhh....uhhh.....(Points at Sylvie) You buy us bugs of candy!
Stonk: Ten bags tops!
Sylvie: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Ten!? Why not just one?
Stink: I dunno. It's the only offer we could think of right now.
Stonk: Either way, we're not gonna reach an negotiation empty handed.
Sylvie: How about I buy you two chocolate bars instead?
Stink: (Snaps his Finger ar Sylvie) Buy us each large size and you got yourself a deal!
Stonk: (Pulls his Hand Out) And we shake on it too!
Sylvie: (About to Shake Stonk's Hand) Fine by- ('Buzz') ME! (Felt Suddenly Shock on the Palm of his Hand Before Quickly Backing it Away)
Stonk: (Let's Out an Awkward Chuckle) Sorry. Forget I have a buzzer attached to my hand. (Pulls Out Another Hand) Here you go. Buzzer free this time.
Sylvie let's out a groan before reluctantly shaking Stonk's other hand, reach the agreement completely.
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