chicoespecial2022 · 2 months
Stocksbridge Park Steels FC (yellow shirts and blue shorts) seems to choose footy lads for their team, with very well developed / large, masculine bums, complimented by tight fitted footy shorts 🔥🔥🔥
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Roger Mayne
Stocksbridge Steel Works, Sheffield (1961)
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Dear God, Westminster was always bad but lately it’s like the Tories have been engaged in a secret contest to see who can come out with the most absolutely rancid takes in the Commons
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zenkor123 · 6 days
Haymitch's earplugs goes online wip
The earplug was recharging via the reserve battery for an entire day and only went online after Peeta was unconscious. Peeta gave Haymitch all his morphling before he went to his deployment in squad. It was midnight and Katniss was reading Peeta's journal. When the mic went online Katniss could smell the morphling from all the way in the capital. "Katniss turn on the screen" he says the sounds rolling like a morphling. Katniss turns on the screen, Haymitch sees her on top of Peeta with his journal, with piles of broken glass, vomit and morphling in the background, "what in the name of morphling happened here?, Haymitch looks both amused and shocked" Katniss sees an entire row of bottles behind Haymitch. " I destroyed Peeta's morphling supply, haymitch. Where did you get yours?" "From Peeta, he told me he was going to be dying anyway so I could have all his morphling supply." "That sounds about right" Katniss says. "So Peeta came in angry and looking like he was about to explode, and had a short fight with Gale that ended with Gale crying on the floor with his gun thrown a great distance away, then soon after I requested to join the rotation, Peeta was mad about this and told finnick that he was sick of both me and the capital,I tried to let Peeta leave me alone but I just couldn't, his words wouldn't leave my head so I destroyed his morphling, at the beginning of my watch and he is now unconscious and I'm reading his journal" "woah" Haymitch Is speechless. "I expected you to insult him and try to prove your over him""well I did when Jackson asked if I could kill Peeta I said it would be no different then killing a capital mutt, and that's Johanna's right, I just wanted him to leave me alone, Peeta didn't mind but got really mad about me joining the guard, said I either represent what is iretrevable or I am ripping his throat out and later tried to get Boggs to remove me. He was more then happy to leave me alone.He told Boggs that he raped me, and forced the star crossed lovers and in his journal he believes I was a prostitute. He also told Finnick that he would use his morphling to escape me and gave me looks filled with disgust rather fear which was worse."
"For someone who tried to avoid Peeta you seem awfly close, what are his journals like?
" it was like hunting a Squirrel, being this close to Peeta its like he came back to me, but I now am sucked by Peeta into his stormy world. His world is like what the ruins of 12 would be if people still lived in the destroyed buildings. I don't regret it"
Johanna is drinking Peeta's morphling with Haymitch and is both amused and thinks I'm crazy. "You both are crazy so I'm sure you will be all over eachother soon enough" Johanna looks at me like I'm strange and was not joking. "First you follow him everywhere he goes and now you shoot up his morphling supply and you enjoy reading his journal. And that vomit,you actually ran towards him while he was having a mental breakdown? You never were the normal one were you?"
I think of something cutting to say to Johanna but then I see Ash Brown looking at me disgusted and Arlo and Helene Stocksbridge looking at me with what can only be admiration. "Ever since Peeta sighed his euthanization sentence his morphling has stopped representing hope for him, I've seen the way you look at Peeta, the sun(to use a metaphore) I can't stand sunlight. But I knew that it sets and rises for that boy, take good care of our Jabberjay." Helene gives me the same look Finnick gave me after he restarted Peeta's heart.
Johanna ways "oh ignore Arlo his mouth has no filter"
Arlo continues "Johanna told me that your planning to kill Snow, Peeta would be so proud of you, I know you probably don't like morphling and think we stole your boy from you, but I've had the cartel send you some supplies to aid in your mission, just some from medical supplies,cartel binoculars, and a emp proof coms equipment that also can intercept radio waves a recon drone, a concealed microPistol, heat detector, Peeta's axe, I believe it already came"
I am silent and tiredly say "thanks!" I don't notice that I'm blushing.
I see a package thump like in the arena, it lands lightly, having been sent by drone. I run towards the package and squeeze Peeta's hand as I leave. I dump the morphling that the cartel sent and look at the useful supplies. I then run back to Peeta.
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mrschwartz · 2 years
Alex Turner on the Arctic Monkeys' musical evolution
By Mark Savage (published on October 22 2022)
Alex Turner is out of breath.
The Arctic Monkeys frontman has just blazed through a guitar solo on Body Paint - the swaggering, Bowie-esque centrepiece of their new album, The Car - on TV institution Later with Jools Holland.
"You've parched me out there," he pants. "Could someone get me a water?"
Unusually, the Arctics are the only band in the studio. For the first time in 15 years, the show is devoting an entire episode to a single act - an honour reserved for rock legends like REM, Radiohead, Metallica and Oasis.
Turner and his band-mates appreciate the enormity of the situation. They film additional takes and switch up their setlist to ensure the new music is conveyed with appropriate punch and panache.
"Gotta make this one count," says Turner as the recording runs into its second hour. "We'll do an acoustic one, and then Born To Run."
The promised Springsteen cover never materialises. Nor does the band's hellraising 2007 hit Brianstorm, despite guitarist Jamie Cook idly bashing out the riff between takes. But, with almost twice as much Monkey business as they'd bargained for, the audience leaves on a high.
"I enjoyed it a great deal," agrees Turner, on the phone to the BBC a couple of days later. "I'm a big fan of that show and I have been for a long time, even before we put the band together."
In fact, his highlight in the run-up to the show was getting access to the Later vaults, to pick a performance that influenced him for broadcast on the show.
"I kind of lost myself in the archive back there for a minute, Mark, to be honest with you," he says. "I found myself gravitating to performances from 2002 and going, 'Oh God, yeah, I remember seeing that and getting excited about it.'"
Of course, 2002 is the year the Arctic Monkeys formed in Sheffield, where all four members were pupils of Stocksbridge High School.
Turner and guitarist Jamie Cook had only received their first guitars a year earlier, as Christmas presents from their parents. The first song they wrote was called "Matt Dave Rock Song" - named for a singer who subsequently left the band, and which they subsequently described as "junk" and "total crap".
But they progressed at speed, developing a sharp, nervy sound full of searing riffs and witty, literate lyrics. By 2005, people were eagerly swapping bootlegs, demos and gossip on dedicated message boards.
When their first album, Whatever People I Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, arrived in 2006 it became the UK's fastest-selling debut of all time, just weeks after Turner's 20th birthday.
Arctic Monkeys were suddenly the most written-about, talked-about rock band of their generation.
They responded by closing ranks.
Back-slapping events like the Brit Awards were avoided, the band accepting prizes in mailed-in videos, dressed as characters from The Wizard of Oz. When they played Radio 1's Live Lounge, they subverted their "rock saviour" image by covering Katy B's On A Mission and Girls Aloud's Love Machine.
"I can't really remember the impetus behind that decision," reflects Turner, "but it was a lot of fun".
Musically, Arctic Monkeys went from strength to strength, particularly on the hard-hitting Humbug (2009) and the leather-jacketed rock of AM (2013).
They last graced the charts in 2018 with the space-jazz concept album Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino, which explored themes of consumerism and politics through the concept of a luxury resort on the moon.
Turner composed its languid, meandering songs on piano, declaring the guitar "had lost its ability to give me ideas".
Critics were divided. Rolling Stone called the album "indulgent", but Q Magazine thought it was "strange and wonderful". Fans sent the album to number one, but it's the only Arctic Monkeys record not to be certified platinum.
Released on Friday, The Car is tighter and more immediate than its predecessor but it spins in the same sonic universe.
Opening track There'd Better Be A Mirror Ball is all woozy keyboards and staccato string stabs, while Jet Skis On The Moat sees Turner slip on his velvet jacket for a brooding lounge-pop ballad.
"I made a big deal about the piano on the last record," says the singer, "but when I look at it now, the shift in sound between that record and the one before [AM] is more to do with the fact that my writing process [changed] around that time".
In the Arctic Monkeys' first decade, he explains, he'd take a song "into a rehearsal room and work out how it goes with the band". That's gradually become more insular, with Turner building up songs in his home studio until he feels they're ready.
"So the piano had a part in it, but being able to record myself and write to those recordings is perhaps what got us into this mess."
That's not the only thing that's changed.
"I can vaguely remember times in the past where I've been struck with the inspiration and written something quite quickly, but it feels like that happens less these days," he says. "But I'm not worried if it takes a little bit longer."
In fact, some of the musical motifs on The Car percolated for three years before he "persuaded them to be a pop song".
Among them was the instrumental refrain of Big Ideas, a gorgeous electric piano melody that "felt like it had aspirations to be a movie theme".
"It hung around for ages, that melody, and I'd play it whenever I found myself sitting at a piano [until] one of the band asked, 'Is that one of yours?'
"And that's about as excited as they get," he jokes.
Their enthusiasm encouraged him to build the passage into a song that describes a songwriter's (favourite) worst nightmare.
"I had big ideas... the kind you'd rather not share over the phone," Turner sings. "But now the orchestra's got us all surrounded and I can't for the life of me remember how they go."
It's one of many lyrics that hint at instability and dislocation.
The music, meanwhile, reflects his emotional turbulence. The band often sound like they're fighting to be heard - bursting through an orchestral swell to gasp for air, only to be dragged under the surface again.
"There was much discussion and deliberation" about those "push and pull dynamics", Turner says.
Some tracks, like Sculptures, were recorded with several different arrangements, then reconstructed in the mix.
The track was born when guitarist Jamie Cook wired a Moog synthesizer up to a drum machine, creating an ominous, industrial sound. Then it "went on its own journey", evolving into a full-band recording, before the original idea reasserted itself.
On the finished version, "it's almost like there's a button for the band and you press it and they step in for a bar, then they disappear back and you're in that synthesizer place," Turner explains.
"That, of course, is not the kind of idea that I would have had before we started. That's something that revealed itself during the process.
"So I'm thrilled that you mentioned the dynamics because that's something we attempted to explore and get a handle on this time. And yeah, I think I think we did a better job in that respect, than we did last time around."
Back on stage in Alexandra Palace, Arctic Monkeys are still figuring out how to play the new material live, taking a couple of passes at the funky, sqawkbox riffs of I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am before they're satisfied.
Without a string section, the songs become harder, more full-blooded - giving an idea of how they'll nestle up to Fluorescent Adolescent and RU Mine on tour.
And while some bands (cough, Radiohead, cough) abandon their old hits when they settle on a new sound, Turner has no such inclination.
"There's certain numbers from the early records that I should think we would continue to keep playing. And there are other numbers we haven't played for a while that we could imagine knocking the dust off. "
"Nothing has been ruled out," he concludes. "Although Love Machine might be a stretch."
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dog-house-riley · 2 years
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Industrial Buildings with Chimneys and Smoke, Surrounded by Houses and Fields
Stocksbridge Sheffield
Artist Robert Penistone
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horsfields · 16 days
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erebusvincent · 1 month
Others, including myself, want the practice banned – as it is in many countries across the world. Miriam Cates, the former Conservative MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge, caused a storm in January when she said surrogacy was “just ethically not acceptable”.
“Of course adults have a strong desire to be parents, both men or women. Of course it’s a sadness if that’s unfulfilled for whatever reason – they can’t conceive, don’t have a partner, whatever it is.
“But to deliberately bring a child into the world in order to separate it from its mother at birth I think is just ethically not acceptable,” she said.
Surrogacy is absolutely revolting.
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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petnews2day · 3 months
Armed police sent to school over 'dangerous dog' alert
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/kKATd
Armed police sent to school over 'dangerous dog' alert
Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276 Visit Shots! now Emergency services were sent to a Sheffield school this morning after concerns over a ‘dangerous dog’ on the site. Several police cars were reported outside Stocksbridge High School this morning, after South Yorkshire Police sent officers to the scene in […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/kKATd #DogNews
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stormclouds-chainmail · 7 months
A video from 1st March 2024 of a debate in the UK House of Commons about a conversion therapy ban.
My partner insisted I watch this after I got in from a long and difficult day. It's encouraging to know that there are some Tories who will attempt to protect LGBTQIA+ people. I don't know anything else about Alicia Kearns but this is good.
[Video transcript taken from Hansard:
Alicia Kearns, Conservative Party, MP for Rutland and Melton: I am often asked why I fight for a ban on conversion therapy. People say, “Surely there must be some personal connection. Surely you must have some personal history,” but I do not. In fact, there is no one in my family who is LGBT; we may be the only family in the UK without someone who is LGBT. The reason I do it is because fundamentally, as a Conservative, I have a duty to defend individual freedoms. I believe that the state should stay out of people’s lives, but it should protect the most vulnerable—defend those who others seek to harm, and recognise that the first and foremost duty of any Government is to protect their people.
This is not some woke frontier for politicians to weaponise for clickbait, and I am shamed by the debate that is increasingly taking place on conversion therapy. I remember the first debate I secured in this place on conversion therapy. It was moderate; we sat and debated the intricacies of legislation that was not yet there. Unfortunately, that has changed.
People in positions of trust are abusing those who they tell they are sinful, broken and need correcting, which causes lifelong hate. There are survivors in this place—in Parliament. The reason I fight so hard is that so many LGBT colleagues do not feel that they can come here and be labelled as fighting for themselves. They should be free to do that, but sometimes they cannot, and—do you know what?—allyship matters. We have a duty in this place to not impose our own personal views on things, but recognise that our rights—potentially to religious freedoms—can be protected while we also protect those who live a life different from ours.
Neale Hanvey, Alba Party, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath: The hon. Lady has made a really important point about LGB people coming to this place and feeling safe to argue their position on this important matter. I have experienced the most horrendous bullying in this place because I take a contrary view, or a more guarded view, than some in the LGB community. In fact, people in the LGB community are often referred to as “bigots”, “transphobes” and other slurs just because we have concerns about legislation such as this and want to make sure that young LGB people are protected —and trans people. Does the hon. Lady agree that that rule must apply to all sides of any debate, not just to the side that she favours?
Alicia Kearns: The hon. Gentleman is entirely right, but there was one letter missing in his LGB: the letter T. We do not divide the LGBT community in this place. Members can say that they have concerns about what we are doing, but by removing the T, the hon. Gentleman is suggesting that transgender people do not exist. He is suggesting that they are less than other LGB people, and I will not stand for that, because it was trans people who stood with gay people at Stonewall; it was trans people who fought alongside them for LGB rights. I will happily discuss the intricacies of legislation with the hon. Gentleman, but when he chooses to eradicate, that is wrong.
Miriam Cates, Conservative, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge: Will my hon. Friend give way?
Alicia Kearns: No, I will not give way on this point, because I will not hear more erasure of a transgender community. We can discuss the intricacies, but that I will not stand for.
I am not going to go into the arguments about the Bill, because the hon. Member for Brighton, Kemptown (Lloyd Russell-Moyle) did an exceptional. job. He went out and met every single person, organisation and lobby group and listened to all their views, even if he disagreed with them—and that includes the LGB Alliance, who have also removed the T—and I have supported him. He has done a phenomenal job.
The hon. Gentleman has set out what the Bill does. It protects religious leaders, who can still guide their flocks. Health practitioners can still support and challenge people, and parents are protected. That is why all major faith groups back the Bill, why the royal colleges back it, and why exploratory therapy is protected. This is a compromise Bill, and I say to Members who wish to oppose it, “Search within yourself, because you have a duty to protect children and a duty to allow professionals to do their job, and you need to recognise that some people’s objections are not to the nuances in the Bill.” The only people who fear a ban on conversion therapy are quacks and charlatans who profit from bigotry and misery. Conversion therapy causes lifelong harm. This is a moderate Bill and a compromise Bill, and it does not go as far as the Government’s proposals. [Interruption.] The hon. Member may chunter and laugh, but I am appalled—[Interruption.] I will happily give way to him if he asks, rather than chuntering.
Danny Kruger, Conservative, MP for Devizes: I apologise for chuntering. I was simply amused by the suggestion that this is a moderate Bill. This is not a moderate speech that the hon. Lady is making. The hon. Member for Brighton, Kemptown (Lloyd Russell-Moyle) made a very good speech, recognising that there are legitimate views on the other side of the debate. The hon. Lady talks about erasure, but she dismissed the comments of the hon. Member for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath (Neale Hanvey), suggesting that his view was completely invalid. I respect her arguments and her wish to pursue this Bill, or this kind of legislation, but can we please have a debate with more civility?
Alicia Kearns: I would suggest that the ultimate failure of civility is to erase a member of the LGBT community —to erase an entire group. I am happy to discuss the nuanced points, but I will not do so if Members want to suggest that transgender people do not exist, or that we do not really have a definition in law of what transgender people are. They exist in law and they exist in this place, and they exist in the hon. Member’s constituency as well.
The Government should back this compromise Bill, because love is not a pathology, and transgender people are not a pathology: they do not need treatment. I say, very simply, to those people, “You are seen in this place and you are heard in this place, and very many of us back you and will protect you.”
End description]
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Roger Mayne
Stocksbridge Steel Works, Sheffield (1961)
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elizabethbarlowunit5 · 10 months
penistones history
penistone was first recorded in the doomsday book in 1086 although it appeared as pengestone.
starting in the medieval times the township was owned by someone named Ailric. it was razed in 1069 in the harrying of the north following the norman conquest. in the doomsday book following all this penistone is described as ‘waste’
wool- penistone was first known for the penistone cloth. the penistone cloth was a rough home spun cloth. home weavers would bring there cloth to an annual cloth fair until 1768 when a cloth hall was built so they could regulate the sales of cloth. d
buildings- several pre-19th century buildings have survived the longest standing is penistone church which is in the centre of penistone. ‘this is the grade I listed mediavel parish church, st john the baptist church’ there are also multiple things that have been rebuilt as there was a town centre redeveloped recently one of these is penistone market which was an oaken cruck barn. before this there was a historic livestock market but that was closed for this re-development.
railway- the railway is one of the main modes of public transport used to get in and out of penistone. the manchester, sheffield, lincolnshire railway opened on the 15th of july 1845 on a route via penistone. during the construction of this railway was the construction conditions where very difficult and this led to 32 men dying during the tunnels construction which included 28 from cholora. this opening was then followed by another railway line called penistone to huddersfield which opened on july 1st 1850. during todays time there is penistone railway station and is on the onisfone line this provided psssenger trains to huddersfield, barnsley snd sheffield. they are genially hourly in each direction. there are also bus services operating in the area by stagecoach yorkshire, south penning community transport, globe holidays and TM travel. these buses connect penistone with barnsley, holmfirth, sheffield, stocksbridge and thurgoland
economy- penistone had a thriving market although this slowed down slightly with the building of a tesco supermarket in 2011. now there is penistone farmers market which is a monthly farmers market which happens on every second saturday if the month and are held in the market cruck barn.
penistone radio station- penistone has its own radio station called penistone FM. which was formed in 2005. this radio station is non profit. there is also dearne FM which broadcasts to barnsley, penistone, and the dearne valley areas in south yorkshire.
events- penistone hosts multiple events throughout the year these are the annual mayors parade which is in june this consists of two concerts a parade and also a gala. during august the annual gathering of the lords mayors parade happens. this day includes a service at the church, followed by a parade around the town and films and music held at the paramount cinima. during the month of september penistone hosts penistone show which is an annual agricultural show it is always held on the second saturday of September\
Wikipedia. (2023). Penistone. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penistone [Accessed 15 Nov. 2023].
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zenkor123 · 10 days
Peeta's journal-the Den continued
October 4th 75 ADD
The machines he introduced included the Morphling cooker,Morphling grinder,Morphling garden Morphling fermenter, Morphling dryer and Oven. He showed me the basics of using all these machines. The next to Introduce himself was the Goosling, Michael Nuka. He began describing the fermentation machines in more detail. Fermented morphling becomes hard like a raddish. Once this occurs it can be ground up into powder and later into a fluid. The result is the Morphling used in the hospitals. It is even more powerful then the morphling that is used recreationally becuase the sugars and carbohydrates rise like yeast in bread. It also has more "ions" like lemons. It is alot of science and its interesting. Nuka has curly hair and is a chemist for the hospital. His last name rhymes with Nuke.
Mrs Stocksbridge is just as shy as her husband but shows a computer taken from the hospital, it she handles the records for our cell. The records are in Morse code. When a sale is made she instructs me to put the time,date, product sold and customer. This information is written on a chip, you slip the paper into the chip and it is put into the computer which converts it into Morse code. She tells me that this is how miners store data on their daily finds in the lower levels of 13, and that she and Arlo began design of these machines for the hospital and for morphling.
Samanthan Nuka, the leafling(a type of stick insect mutt) cleans the den, and keeps everything organized, she is also a librarian and likewise organizes the den like library. She also checks the safety of the morphling for usage. She told me my shoes were dirty and had me clean my shoes cleaned as I entered the den. Everyone just rolled their eyes like they were used to it at this point. She also praised the pure scent of morphling and said she would discuss the history of Morphling. She begins by its creation by the mutation by the capital of a district 13 mushroom. The capital hoarded the morphling but in act of rebellion that this district is proudly known several morphling user Stone Dollar spread the spores of dry morphling into the forest and morphling returned to 13 its rightful owner. The foresters illegally harvested it in the ancient andirondacks. It was legalized by Galerius Nero who led the war against the capital during the dark days. It's medical applications were realized by the rebels who built centers of morphling production in district 6 for distribution in the front lines. Following our defeat in this war morphling gave hope in the dark bunkers of 13. The president who succeeded Nero banned all capitalist enterprises and crushed the enterprises that produced morphling but coin another tyrant who isnt a builder like the Jr Nero legalized our work. Her legacy shall be decided in this war the preparations for which were started by her predecessor in the 50s. We keep a low profile and she encourages and buys our morphling though she isn't a heavy morphling like us. I think to myself if morphling can bring hope to the damned survivors of 13 can it bring hope to me? I will not merely be a rebelous criminal but I will also preserve an item created by rebellion. I wouldn't have been able to work without the morphling treatments prior to Coin's resource allocations. The next to speak is Galena's husband tells of the history of our cell the forester enterprises rebuilt slowly after the purges the victors cell started as a minor 2 person operation but young foresters wanted to rebuild this industry so it would be ready once the surface was rebuilt. This project recieved the consent of the new President of 13, the iron lady alma coin. First the Nukas, then the stones,then Helena Kennedy and her boyfriend, Arlo, and finally the Browns. They didn't begin recruiting until Johanna volunteered. The next to speak is Harold Nuka, the Squirrel hog, a gardener who thanks me for saving his life by warning 13 of the capital bombardment. Harold was not untouched by capital bombardment, he sustained injuries as a AA gun operator. He shows the garden we have in the den, the garden is filled with mushrooms of different colors. I ask if morphling makes a great die for paint. He and Velma answer yes and that the morphling bottles use morphling die. Harold opens a shaft that goes the hospital greenhouse. He informs me that all siphoning is done with the consent of the hospital and that the cell pays the hospital for its morphling, written on a yellow card. He says this becuase Helena forgot to mention this important information. So he takes me to the hospital greenhouse and the plants have so many different colors, the air feels so good. I feel myself get used to the sweet smell of morphling, I used to think it smelled like urine but seeing so much colors that it's associated with and my exposure to it makes me want to smell it all the time. Katniss begins feeling quesey at the thought of that smell but she lived in the seam and in 13 so she was used to all sorts of smells she has learned to ignore such smells like dead bodies, coal and metal. She can't imagine actually liking the smell of morphling. But Thom she recalls likes the smell of coal. Katniss when Peeta went smashing Jacker hives learned what Jacker venom smells like: like metal smoke, with a hint of goat cheese. This is what Peeta smelled like when he choked her. This was also the smell of the Jackers from the 1st games. Katniss misses the smell of Peeta though.
Katniss thinks to herself, so Johanna wasn't stealing anything, the hospital gave my morphling to her! When Katniss found out that Johanna was in the cartel, she resolved that if she was injured Jo would recieve none of her morphling.
Katniss rolls her eyes and indignantly thinks :" wow even the smartest in 13 treat a harmful drug like it's something precious. "
Prim she wants to talk to me I haven't seen her since the resource allocations of coin, she never left my side,and helped recover memores I otherwise would not have had. Prim was doomed in every reality either the capital kills her along with Mrs Everdeen,reaps her for the 3rd quarter quell. But she is more then the innocent lamb that she is portrayed as she is a warrior who survived the death of Mr everdeen, with her dignity intact. It was her sister that took the hit when she sold herself to cray. Though the fake romance that took place with Peeta and Katniss saved both our lives I did stuff to her sister afterwards rather then accept that it was a con. I also in accordance with my design as a mutt attacked her sister. Yet she is 12 perhaps she is innocent and does not know. But after all that Prim did for me I can't close her off. Her sister hates me so why does she want to meet with me? Is it charity from a 12 YEAR OLD! Yet she deserves respect, it isn't just about what she did for me, I've seen her in the hospital with many patients and she is brave and is mature for her age and is super smart. Does she want to find what she believes was the old Peeta. I won't go through what I did with Delly again never again! What happens with delly represents everything wrong with Peeta Mellark. Just as I was silent to myrna for false safety, begging her for food, I yearned for any tether to old Peeta and any human connection, and like all false realities Peeta constructed they were lies. I would rather be alone then suffer that again.That she did all this for a lie hurts. But I want to protect her as best as she can so the world does not take Prim's nobility away. I want friends who want to take to me for me not old peeta. Stand guard Peeta, Stand guard! Well howabout this: we see if she wants to be friends with the mutt that strangled her sister but who escaped the capitals evil will or if she merely pities me. I am going to tell her how Peeta died in the capital and exactly how I am trying to rebuild. I will also hint in a way appropriate to a 12 year old that things with Katniss were never what they were. Prim unlocks an openness from the respect I have for her almost like a little sister and I can't lie to her. But I am going to start light first to see if I should even go there. This nonsense of Prim being like my sister is all in my head. I was her patient she was determined becuase it was her first assignment and she thought it would help her sister
Katniss remembers how she found the den, Peeta despite working disappeared, my brain kept asking “Where’s Peeetaa!!!” I kept repeating to it “it’s not Peeta it’s a mutt” but then it kept saying “Wheeeres Peeta.” I kept repeating "there is no Peeta, snow took him from me! But it would not shut up! Before Coin’s resource allocations I knew where Peeta was at all times, I also received updates on his progress. When that stopped because as Coin said “Peeta does not have an intimate relationship with the Mockingjay.” My heart sank, it was like he was really gone, When I kissed the Pearl I had no idea where Peeta was. I sometimes watched Peeta in the hallways, afraid he would kill me, and the fear that Peeta would hunt me down was real. But then he no longer traveled the hallways. When he appeared at lunch it was like went from thin air then returned to the thin air. I stared at Peeta and saw him leaving, he opened a small hatch and crawled into it. I stared at the hatch but had to go to training. While I went to sleep first I saw Peeta stare at me and I sometimes heard a noise that could only belong to the mutt that Snow replaced Peeta with. I sometimes was in training but then I would hear the loud noise of Peeta in the pipes and I would be totally distracted, He was vanished I knew about Peeta’s whereabouts as much as any stranger but now I could find out what Peeta was doing in the pipes and perhaps get Coin to resume treatment of Peeta. I saw Peeta and Johanna enter the pipes the following day, So I found the hatch in the cafeteria skipped training and followed after them. I quietly watched Peeta and Johanna like I would an animal I was tracking in the forest. I lost track of them but was surprised by the scale of these tunnels. I sometimes followed Peeta around in the tunnels so I would be prepared if he tried to kill me in my sleep. I saw Peeta with Morphling and reported him to coin but coin laughed at me and told me to mind my own business. Johanna, and Peeta’s friends from the cartel sometimes gave me dirty looks followed by strange looks. Later I saw Peeta Johanna, and several residents of 13 enter a hatch and I slowly and carefully followed them. I saw a room that smelled like Morphling and Peeta was in that room it had Color and showed a waterfall and looked almost like a room in the capital. I found a hatch that went one way but overlooked the ceiling of the room. Now I could watch the Morphling cartel without being discovered. They gave me the same looks and Peeta gave me a vacant stare. Later one of the foresters as I overhead them call themselves called to see if I wanted any Morphling I ran away. Then I came back 5 minutes later. And that is how I discovered the Den.
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fuzzysparrow · 1 year
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Who did Leicester City sign from Fleetwood Town for a non-league football/soccer record transfer fee in 2012?
In 2012, Leicester City made one of the most significant signings in their history by bringing in Jamie Vardy (born 1987) from Fleetwood Town. At the time, Vardy was playing in the Conference Premier, the fifth tier of English football.
Vardy started his career at Stocksbridge Park Steels, a non-league club in South Yorkshire, before moving to Halifax Town and then Fleetwood Town. It was at Fleetwood where he caught the eye of Leicester, who were then managed by Nigel Pearson.
Pearson had been impressed by Vardy's pace, work rate, and eye for goal, and he saw him as a player who could help Leicester push for promotion to the Championship. Vardy signed for Leicester in May 2012 for a fee of around £1 million, and he quickly became a key player for the club.
In his first season at Leicester, Vardy scored 16 goals in 42 appearances. The following season, he helped Leicester win the Championship title, scoring 16 goals in 37 appearances.
Vardy's impact on Leicester's fortunes continued in the Premier League. In the 2014-15 season, he scored five goals in 34 appearances as Leicester narrowly avoided relegation. But it was in the 2015-16 season that Vardy really made his mark, scoring 24 goals in 36 appearances as Leicester won the Premier League title against all odds.
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dog-house-riley · 2 years
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Siemens Open Hearth, Sheffield, No. 1 Melting Shop (1917–1968)
Stocksbridge Sheffield
Artist Robert Penistone
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