#stop making every other sentence a joke and stop ruining emotional moments with supposedly funny lines
leahcee · 10 months
no no no because I am very mad at how k*vin feige and the mcu made thanos and the blip this huge life altering event that was so traumatizing and heart breaking just to make it “silly” and have “funny” throw away jokes and restaurants in future films like that’s why ur shits quality is declining bro
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I Want To Know What Love Is|| Marley and Katherine (Chatzy)(POTW)
Katherine held onto Lysander’s hand until their distance compelled the bond to break. Wistfully, she watched him trek up the grassy slope, still wet and muddy from the recent snowfall. The weather had warmed up considerably and they’d been able to lay a heavy blanket on a dry area of rock by the pond. It was picturesque. She’d never been the romantic type--to take a half day and simply relax. She wasn’t geared that way. She worked, and when she was finished work, she trained or more recently, spent a considerable amount of time training her niece. But also she’d never met a man quite like this one. She bit down on a strawberry, lounging back onto the blanket when she heard the soft crunch of earth from behind her. “Did you forget something?” She grinned wide, glancing behind her. Instead of the love of her life, there stood Marley. Her shoulders slumped in disappointment. “Following me now, are you?” She spat bitterly, the sour turn of their recent conversation still fresh in her mind.
Marley had found herself taking a trek through the woods considerably more here than she ever had back in Ashford. Perhaps it was the gravitating wanderlust her feet had seemed to pick up ever since being thrust into this dimension, longing for a place to belong, longing to go home-- but finding it gone and occupied each time she walked the place. She belonged nowhere here, especially not in the place she'd wedged herself into. Into her other self's life. But things couldn't really be that bad. She had a purpose here. Still, her wandering mind and her restless legs often found her out into the skirts of the town. Today, they found her upon a most interesting scene. Katherine, who had unjustly blocked her when she'd questioned her sudden love, and the retreating figure of who she assumed to be the recipient of said "sudden affection". Marley put her hands up in an innocent, stop motion. "As interesting as this all is to me, I did not follow you," she said shaking off the bitter tone in Katherine's voice. She found herself caring less and less about things these days, as if her purpose was slipping through her fingers. As if her vengeance no longer fulfilled her. So it was the little things that she found joy in, and the fact that Katherine was most likely under a love spell was going to be one of those things. "You know, I'm hurt that you blocked me. I was just trying to understand your undying love for this supposedly wonderful man," she swooned, hands still up in a defensive manner as she gave an apathetic shrug.
Katherine had zero intentions on apologizing. She made that clear, glancing back towards the water, picking another strawberry from the bin. “You just missed him,” she nodded towards where he’d gone off to grab more wine for the two of them. She wondered briefly why she didn’t drink wine like this as she used to either. “And he ​is​ wonderful.” He was smart, handsome and funny. Her face hurt from smiling so much--she hadn’t felt this way… well, ever. He’d been gone all of two minutes and she already missed him. “And if you hadn’t been so negative, I wouldn’t have blocked you.” She turned back to her, tossing the green part of the strawberry into the pond. “If we’re such good ​friends​, you should be supporting me. Not doubting my emotions.”
"Okay, first of all," ​Marley started, then stopped. Probably not a good idea to tell Katherine they weren't friends-- she didn't do friends. She kept people close if they had use to her, and that was it. Sometimes the use was arbitrary, sometimes it was important-- but friends weren't on her To Do list. But Katherine didn't need to know that, especially now. What was it Josephine had always told her about fitting in? Be what they want you to be. Marley lowered her hands. "You're right-- I shouldn't have doubted you. It was just...sudden, I guess?" another shrug. God, Caplan, put more emotion behind it. She sounded like a drone. Cleared her throat. "I had a bad experience with something like this myself, and I guess I was just projecting. I'm--" clenched her jaw, but forced a smile. It would be worth it in the end, if only to tease Katherine endlessly once this wore off-- "happy for you."
Katherine was ready to go right back at her when the ​First of all,​ part of that sentence began. Her eyes narrowed in her direction as she started to give way to some sort of acceptance to her new situation, though her words were of very little comfort. “You don’t sound it,” she answered sharply. She wasn’t a body language expert but it didn’t take a genius to see the hesitation in the way she uttered those last few words. She sat up on her elbow, quiet for a moment. “You had a bad experience?” She asked. Very little doubt, if any, seeped into the thought of her own relationship, but she was curious about that part of what she said. “You’ve fallen madly in love and lived happily ever after?” She raised a brow, a small smirk teasing at the corner of her lips.
Great, Katherine, ​Marley​ thought, let's focus on the one part of the sentence that ​wasn't​ about you. She resister the urge to roll her eyes and repocketed her hands deep into her coat. "Happily ever after is a joke," she muttered. And technically, for her, it was neither. She'd never been in love, nor would she ever be. She'd come to terms with that a long time ago, and was okay with it. It was just the way she was. Still, she often felt a little bitter when people talked about romantic love and how it was the ultimate goal, the be all end all. And even though Katherine was clearly under the influence of something, it still bothered her. Perhaps more for Katherine's sake than her own, but it was still there. "I don't wanna ruin our good mood with my sappy story, anyway. I just want you to tell me how happy ​you​ are--" so she could record it and play it over and over again for Katherine to hear later-- "because I do want to be happy for you. You can at least trust that, right?" A grin, more genuine this time. It took practice, and remembering everything she'd learned on how to act normal and genuine. Body language, tone, and eye contact said a lot.
“I used to think so too,” ​Katherine​ said, hearing the mutter. Even as reluctant as it may have been, Marley seemed to be ​finally​ give in to reality. A more genuine smile crossed her face and she moved over on the blanket a little, patting the spot beside her to motion for Marley to sit. “I ​am​ happy,” she said, every part of her confident about that statement. “And I know it’s sudden, which probably makes it seem ridiculous. But if you could see the way he treats me…” she shook her head, laying back on the blanket. “It’s as if we were made for one another. Like maybe I was meant to come to this crummy little town for something beyond my work. Something for ​me​.” She could picture it -- her, Lysander, Darcy. A small happy little family. “Believe me, I know how I sound, and if you’d have told me even a week ago I would ever feel like this, I’d laugh right in your face.”
It sounded ​more​ than ridiculous, but ​Marley​ kept that bit to herself as she sat down on the blanket next to Katherine. As awkward and untrue as Katherine's feelings might have been, the way she talked about it made it seem real. Warm. There was no anger here, no pain or sorrow. Marley hadn't felt something like this in a long time, and it left a weird taste in her mouth. She fed off of chaos and vengeance, so feeling what was supposedly the exact opposite of that made her inside squirm a little. "Personally, I don't think any two people are ever ​made​ specifically for each other . Soulmates and that crap is just hocus pocus, but...I get how someone could make you ​feel​ that way." That vampire had certainly been able to make her counterpart feel that way, Marley could still remember how warm the memory felt in her stomach. If she'd have been capable to, she'd almost have felt a bit bad for Katherine. Being put under the influence of something to unbecome so much of oneself-- she wondered what that would feel like. She'd have to try it out sometime. "And you don't feel weird about this at all?"
It was getting easier to weed out the negative parts of Marley’s commentary. If she had any idea about how full her chest felt at that moment, there would be no argument. ​Katherine​ glanced up, shaking her head, she realizing she pitied her a bit. More than a bit, actually. She didn’t have this. She ​couldn’t​ feel what she felt. Whoever had left her this way had did quite the number. “The whole thing is weird. Love is weird,” she smiled, reaching over, patting Marley’s knee gently as if she was consoling her. “I have no doubt that you’ll find something like this again. One broken heart shouldn’t mean you should close it forever. Everyone deserves to feel like this, even if you don’t believe it yourself.” She plucked a chocolate from the box, bringing it to her lips. “If ​I​ can find love, a bitter spinster set in her ways... ​anyone​ can.”
"Love is a chemical reaction, technically," ​Marley​ explained, but realized it was pointless to say these sorts of things to someone under a love spell, or potion, or whatever. She should probably do something about that, maybe help Katherine, since she was an asset to Marley-- but she'd let this run it's course a bit more. Besides, it wasn't like it was hurting anyone, right? And they'd all get a good kick out of it in the end. "Not everyone is wired to feel it," she mumbled, leaning back on her hands. She remembered the jar of jealousy she had stashed back in the house. It would have been useful in a time like this, but she wasn't going to waste it on something as puny as love. "Don't give me that pitiful look, either. I'm fine with it. Just...remember this chat in a week or so."
Katherine wasn’t completely sold on Marley’s assurances. Maybe some people weren’t wired for it, sure, but she pitied them as well. That light, warm feeling, the near-euphoria--why would anyone willingly miss out on these? She wondered why she’d let so many years pass without allowing herself this simple pleasure. To love and be loved. “Why, are you going to tell me about your lost love?” She asked, though as she looked just past Marley, she saw Lysander coming down the path again. There it was, that skipping in her heart. He gave a wave in the distance, a smile as big as her own, before Katherine was unable to contain it. She jumped up quickly from the blanket, dashing across the muddy grass. His arms opened and she lept into them, squeezing him for all she was worth, their laughter ringing out in hearty echoes into the air.
Marley just watched as Katherine leapt up and sprinted over to man of her affection. Or...curse, she supposed. Katherine would certainly think this a curse once it was over. She'd start looking into it tomorrow, but for now....might as well let her be happy. She probably deserved it. Rolling her eyes, Marley stood up from the blanket, grabbing a handful of strawberries. "She wasn't mine, anyway," she mumbled, before making a gagging noise and turning to head off. Popped a strawberry in her mouth, glancing once over her shoulder to watch as Katherine and her fake boyfriend resumed their picnic as if Marley was never there. She looked so happy. Too bad it was fake, just like everything else in this town.
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