writingpun · 11 months
I'm never going to be over Kim dokja realizing that the god responsible for all suffering in the world was a little abused kid...but BECAUSE the kid is his younger self his immediate reaction is to try and fucking strangle him. Like that's so Much in every level. What the fuck
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writingpun · 6 months
From what I remember of people saying when it came out, it wasn't exactly purposeful, but I think I am in eskew is probably one of my favorite metaphorical depictions of mental illness struggles. I am in eskew feels like it gets me where a thousand other stories about mental health fail. I'll expand later if I remember but basically it's the struggle for survival as a matter of just Enduring being alive. Being able to stand it. Just scraping by
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writingpun · 7 months
ooooghghghgh look. at these panels. i love them
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kendal's feet don't even touch the ground. Perched. falst's silly pose. falst not knowing how to take a compliment. dainix my king saying That and then being all :o when falst has to immediately leave the room. great sequence
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writingpun · 2 years
Top human sensations
1 train car all to yourself late at night
2 live music
3 going back to the beginning of a story you love and getting to re experience it while knowing where the story is headed
4 made someone laugh
5 everything else
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writingpun · 2 months
Well I for one think they should let Armand do whatever he wants
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writingpun · 10 months
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Physical edition GET. Oh yeah baby it's aaaall coming together
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writingpun · 2 months
as much as armand is my fav character the top moments in the show (for me) both go to louis no contest
the monologue about taking the candy. love that. it feels like it so perfectly encapsulates that feeling of "isn't there anything else I could have done?" be the man in the different suit! kid yourself into thinking you could have changed it! but you can't do that forever. can't do it for 77 years at least. not without killing yourself. so you have to acknowledge the ugly truth which is that she died, and she's dead, and you probably couldn't have saved her. because you didn't know. how were you supposed to know?
when he laughs and goes "this is hard!" and immediately throws a goblet of blood across the room shattering it against a piece of fine art. i felt that in my bones. i've done similar shit. you know, you're trying to hold it together (because expressing exactly how you feel would cause an unbearable amount of destruction and not fix anything) so you say haha! this is hard! in that horrible forced tone, like it's a revelation. but then saying it is too much, and also it's not enough, so you very carefully but also very impulsively fucking utterly decimate one small thing. and then you think, that was stupid. but now it's out of you and you can continue on. god im sorry louis i get it
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writingpun · 2 months
Feel like this screenshot betrays me as a very specific kind of guy
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writingpun · 1 year
ten billion points of psychic damage from reading dunmeshi's last chapter. absolutely unrecoverable. i need to see how fast i can get my hands on physical editions of the rest of the manga cuz i need to be able to touch the art asap
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writingpun · 8 days
I think I'm gonna put together a couple zines to clear out my back catalogue of short stories... one sci fi and one horror
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writingpun · 6 months
I have a portfolio site now! CLICK HERE for links to my short stories/games/comics/ as well as the audio dramas I've been involved with. I'm planning on adding stuff with time, too, although my socials are always gonna be the fastest way to be updated on what I'm working on. Yippee!
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writingpun · 1 month
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notes on the page of dreamwalkers issue 2 im working on rn. working w my old art is. well its fun to see how much ive improved
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writingpun · 6 months
Reader Beware Magazine Subs Opening Soon!
My horror magazine, READER BEWARE, is going to have an Issue 4 out this fall, and we're gonna need some poems, comics and stories to fill it! Here's the update on the submission call:
Submissions will be open May 1-15, though they may be extended if we feel we haven't filled out the magazine yet. Pay has stayed the same for short stories at $.01/word, BUT we do have some changes to our other rates for the better!
POETRY: Poets will now be paid a flat rate of $20 on top of the $.05/line. We realized while paying our poets for last issue if we just stuck to the $.05/line rule, we'd end up paying most of our lovely artists less than a dollar, and we wanted to fix that.
COMICS: We've shortened our max length for comics to 5 pages so that we can give artists $10/page. This is far behind professional standards, but it's the best we can do at the moment with our limited budget. We are also taking submissions for comics as scripts with art samples/sketches this year! You will then finish your comic during magazine production. This is to bring our comic publishing more in line with what we've seen comic-focused publishers do, and to limit the amount of work you'd do for us on spec.
Our site has been updated to reflect these changes, and with more submission guidelines based on our reading experiences last year.
If you're interested, keep an eye on our website, check out our twitter/tumblr @readerbewaremag
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writingpun · 2 months
Quit my job! Yippee! I'm gonna get another one soon BUT this begs the question
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writingpun · 21 hours
Perhaps this is jumping the gun but I think I have what it takes to be a really kick ass forty year old butch lesbian. I think when I get there I'll be quite proficient. So everybody watch out cuz in 16 years I will finally have achieved my life's goal (being a middle aged butch) after which point it will be all fucking over for you losers
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writingpun · 10 months
Talking w a coworker about how my taste in art has trended toward obscure works and like part of it is definitely that as I consume more art I start to seek things I haven't seen before thus making me journey farther and farther from the mainstream, but also I think it's because I am an artist with not many followers/"""mainstream""" influence and the more I work at trying to get my art seen the more I realize the distinction between mainstream and niche works is kinda based on bullshit. I've read/seen/etc great works that really stuck with me but they weren't popular because they didn't get lucky, or the artists parents weren't rich, or or or or ad infinitum. So when I seek out obscure art it feels like repayment almost for the small group of people who appreciate my stuff. Cuz there's so much quality art in the world but if I waited for it to get spoon fed to me I'd never experience half the stuff that's really changed my brain, and I hope there's people out there willing to do the same amount of digging to find my stuff and let it change *their* brain.
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