mandrathekandra · 1 year
I'm not saying you're wrong, but could you give me an explanation of why you think Kaladin is aro?
Hi! Of course I will be happy to answer. I’m very tired so you are getting a long run on sentence unfortunately lol
In summary he spends words of radiance generally being part of a love triangle he is only barely aware of, realizes he confused his platonic affection for shallan for romance (which can be common in the aro community, how do you really define romantic attraction? Especially when you don’t experience it yourself?), idk how common it is for allos to confuse romantic attraction with being reminded of your kid brother and wanting to be friends like seriously, he repeatedly forgets that the bridgemembers might get married or have relationships, he seems to think about romance very little compared to other characters, he was notably proud of remembering that uh drehy? was gay and that the other one was dating the bartender woman? Which highlighted how little he thought about it, the few times he mentions it it’s almost like he views romance as a nebulous inevitability rather than a desire, many other fantasy books have a tendency to shoehorn in romance even when it’s immensely impractical so I just appreciated that not being his focus, and I like the idea of having a major POV epic fantasy character be aromantic which we don’t see a lot. I want aromantic rep and he’s a genuinely cool character I like and it would be nice to have a popular aro character.
AND! He was also entirely oblivious to the rhythm of war phenomenon where light eyed women were going to his clinic just to flirt which is a huge aro mood, I cannot and will not register if someone is into me I do not think about it at all.
To me as an aro person I think he feels aro and I simply decided it’s more fun for me that way!
I think I specifically head canon him as aromantic grey ace
Sorry if this is a mess to read/breaches any tumblr ask etiquette idk I’m very tired and haven’t gotten real social on here so I’m just rambling at ya :) cheers
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