#stormyboy animations
giotanner · 7 years
Thank you, my dear @thisisclairerity ♥
RULES: >post the rules >answer the questions given to you by the tagger >write 11 questions >tag 11 people
1. Pizza with pineapples or Just pizza?
I’m italian babe ;///; So JUST PIZZA pls. My fav pizza is CAPRICCIOSA ♥
2. Be deaf or be blind? 
Oh god. Well... I LOVE to draw, so maybe be deaf.
3. Will you shoot your dog for unlimited money?
4. What if you knew that you will only last for 24 hours, what or who will you spend your last hours? 
Watch my fav movies, my fav tv show, hug my sister and make a great, great drawing, my last drawing. ♥
5. Choose only one, a smartass but homeless or a dumbass but rich. 
...It’s unfair. And if I want to be dumbass but homeless?! (just kiddin’)
6. Choose one (only one) celebrity or fictional character, who would u smash? *lenny face* (if u dont understand this then dont answer this) 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7. Die a hero or live as a villain? 
8. Are u a left brain or a right brain? 
Right brain. I’m also left-handed.
9. Waffles or pancakes? 
Pancakes, I think. But okay, in Italy we eat for breakfast the ‘cornetto’. (Not the ice-cream Cornetto- Algida, eh xD)
10. What do you drink for breakfast?
Coffee, the or Cappuccino (more coffee less milk)
11. If u have the chance to watch all your cringey past on a big screen, would you take it?
Well, well... I think yes(?) DDD:
I tagged: @hamiltrash2097 @stormyboy @lauwurens @raise-a-glass-to-trash-cans @rory221b @ginger-algae @midnigtartist @noxkimiahcooper @zawanahahaha @marahbemorechill @rcctshcw
1. Fav song (musical or not) 2. Last fanfiction/fanart you saw. 3. Fav food 4. Marvel or DC? 5. Run for you life or walk until your death? 6. Make up yes or make up not? 7. Last movie you saw?  8. It’s better for you the winter or the autumn? 9. Did you know Voltron? 10. History or Chemistry? 11. Anime or Tv Show?
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number20js-blog · 6 years
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This is an animation I made of Jackson using Google Slides. It’s probably the best animation you’ll see out of me for a while, so don’t expect to see something like this very often!
If you’re interested in how I did it, I drew Jackson in Google Drawings and copied and pasted him onto Google Slides (basically a free version of Powerpoint), and I made about 200 slides and pasted him on each one, resizing him, stretching him, and giving him different expressions to create the keyframes. Then I uploaded each individual picture into makeagif.com(literally the first website I saw when I searched “how to make a gif”!) and put them all together to bring Jackson to life! It’s actually not as complicated as it sounds XD I did not draw Cruz, btw, I just used a clipart picture from the internet.
Oh, and sorry for the horrible picture quality! It’s so blurry...probably because I didn’t exactly make it in the most high-quality gif-making site...
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