artistictiana · 24 days
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Happy Birthday to ALEXANDER HAMILTON JR!!!
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The aftermath, chapter 1 is out!!
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Chapter 1 of the aftermath of MusicBox.Exe is out! Be sure to go read it and see what happens when Sonic is out of the mansion:
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blackmoonflowers · 3 years
Ever thought that maybe vampires don't hate or are repulsed by garlic? Maybe they just have garlic allergies but in truth, like many lactose intolerant people, they actually love something that they're not supposed to have? Except, instead of having bad bowel movements, the vampire just turns red like a lobster cooked because garlic makes the blood they drank heat up, kinda like a chemical reaction to the garlic.
Its midnight and most shops are closed now. A single cafe in the street stands open, alone in the dark sky of the night. The owner is having another insomniac night, and so decided to stay open to keep occupied.
The bell rings as the door is pushed open, someone entering the shop with shadows seeming to surround him. The cafe owner looks up just in time to face the customer at the counter.
"Good evening, sir! What's your order?"
"I-uhh, ummm...Garlic, ple- I mean garlic bread, please." The customer shrinks slightly away at the almost cheery greeting of the owner, his reply stumbling a bit.
"Garlic bread, coming out! It'll take a few minutes sir, would you like an extra topping of garlic in your bread?" used to the occasional garlic loving people appearing at midnight, the owner offers something most of them likes to have added; extra garlic.
"Y-yes please. Thank you..."
The reticent man sits near the door, having chosen a corner spot nearest the exit, overlooking the whole cafe.
The bread arrives with the extra garlic spooned on top of it, emitting a delicious aroma.
"Here you are, enjoy!"
As the odd man eats his garlic bread, his pale skin slowly turns red, almost like a drunk person would turn red, but despite the obvious reaction, the man keeps eating, savoring the taste of the decadent dish.
When the bread is finished, the man leaves quietly after paying for his meal.
A thought flashes through the owners thought as the door rang close,
"Huh... Everyone of my midnight customers are allergic to garlic.."
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existanceale · 4 years
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Would you help the sunshine boy?
Btw, this is a pic that i made for my Tokyo Ghoul Au, meet me there.
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ace-t-fic · 6 years
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Harlos au 8/5/2018 -this is a shipment post or simply can be used as a friendship story. But for this plot I’ll use it in a shipment sense.
When Carlos gets to auradon he instantly gets taken by the handsome sailor who doesn’t quite act like the rest of the students. He soon becomes wrapped up with him as they figure out if this is more then a annoying friendship. . . . . Harry is not secretly evil he’s just a regular sailor or pirate but does not have bad intentions. He’s still the son of hook but they arent villains considering people picked up on the fact that Peter pan was crazy and abducted and mutilated little kids when they got too old. Do not ship their person in real life using this au becuase that can affect them so instead opt for their characters who look like them but arent in any way connected to their real selfs please if you reblog do not use the gay tag seeing as that makes it seems like your fetishizing gay males and relationship along with the fact that the tag gay is most likely being used as a safe place and or real problems. thank you!
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littlebbartblog · 9 years
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No name Oc (now known as Tess) : By lilbutterflyb/ old post
I'm currently (minus the minor artblock im having) trying to design some OC's or revamp a few old ones to put in my story idea that well be mainly be opponents for Nera and B that follow the High Commander Orders. This one has similar abilities like Nera and is mainly after the other one for personal reasons not just cause she was told to hunt the two girls down.
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artistictiana · 20 days
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artistictiana · 21 days
I FINALLY FINISHED JAMES' OUTFITS!!! Hopefully now he can leave me alone 😭
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I was too lazy to draw the shoes....
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artistictiana · 21 days
Help! I feel like I'm being watched, and no one is around me!!!!! And I only have two explanations...
Either 1: Alex Jr is pissed off at me for the ring pop situation from last night.....
Or 2: It's James Hamilton still angry that I have procrastinated on his character development and his outfits, that he's gonna haunt me till I finish 😭
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artistictiana · 27 days
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This is a little treat as to what James looks like. I based his anatomy off of Xavier Serrano, but I gave him a hobo-ish hairstyle. I'm posting this for now until I can figure out five decent outfits for this guy.
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artistictiana · 27 days
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This is a shit post of James Hamilton shoving Alex Jr. out of the way, for I am working on his outfits next and also dedicating a full chapter to him having a mental breakdown. He just misses home and his wife, who is pregnant with their first child.
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artistictiana · 1 month
Just wanted to post more of the story on here. Which I believe I might just post it here instead... Too many people I went to High School with know my Wattpad account... So enjoy!
I stand there in silence for a moment before I turn towards the stairs. Before the party had begun, I made sure to tie the man up to my desk chair and I'm sure he would be awake by now. Right? I mean it is eerily quiet. I thought he would have tried to get someones attention.
    I rush up the flight of stairs and down the long hallway to my bedroom. I mentally encourage myself , taking hold of the door knob. Slowly twisting the knob to the right, and pushing the door open slowly as to not scare him.
    "I don't know who you are and what your motives are sir but-" I stopped. There in front of me was an empty chair and ropes that were unknotted on the floor. "Wa- What?!" How? How did he escape? I swore he never went downstairs. I had a clear shot of the stairs from where I was standing.
    Too shocked at the sight in front of me, I didn't even notice that someone crept up behind me 'til it was too late. I was forcfully shoved to the ground and I landed on my left side. I try to swiftly get up to fight only to be knocked back down and pinned to the hard cold floor. I glare up at the man that should have still been in the chair.
    "Get off of me, ya perv." I sneer.
    "Who are you and why did you tie me up? That isn't very ladylike behavior if you ask me." He was glaring daggers into my soul.
    "Oh I'm sorry if you don't like the way I act. I a'int here to entertain you." I retort. I had to bite my tongue in order to contain my laughter from seeing his reaction. "Now get the fuck off me before I beat the living daylights out of ya."
    He didn't budge. Instead, he laughed as he held me in this very uncomfortable and sexual position. "Ha! You think you can fight me and win. That is the most hilarious and most poppycock thing I have ever heard in my life! And my dear brother, James's existence is hilarious."
    "Well if you're so sure you will win, then you wouldn't mind me giving it a shot. That is," I pause and smirk up at him. "Or are you too cowardly to fight a woman." I give him a mocking pout and he sneers.
    "I am most certainly not cowardly. Just don't want to beat a woman. It's not very manly-"
    "Oh when have men ever had respect for women. Name me one time other than in the Bible and Cleopatra, then I will apologize for my rude behavior." I interrupt.
    "Not my fault women are always helpless and weak in the world. But if you would like an example then Queen Elizabeth the first is a good example and so is Jon the Ark and Mary Wollstonecraft." He lists. "Now apologize for being non ladylike."
    I groan. "I am shworry...." That hurt my pride. Proud of what he accomplished, he slowly lets go of his hold on my wrists and stands. He starts his way down the hallway. "Uhmm. Sir! Wait up! You have no idea where you are!" I call after him, rushing to my feet and chasing after him.
    "I am sure I will find my back to New York." He says as he walks downstairs.
    "No you won't. Besides, you look like you just came from the revolutionary war in that vintage uniform."
    "My father fought in that war. And what do you mean I can't find my way back? You can't hold me hostage here."
    "No I surely cannot. But you are in Texas. Which is hundreds of miles away from New York-" I pause. "Wait- Did you just say that your father fought in the fight for independence?"
    "Yeah. Captain Hamilton of the Artillery and Aide de Camp to General Washington."
    "Holy shit-" I couldn't believe it. "Prove it."
    "I beg your pardon?"
    "There is no way you are actually related to THE Alexander Hamilton." I scoff.
    "I am literally named after him." He deadpans. "How does one prove that he is the son of a war hero if I am not at home to prove it?"
    "There has to be some random fact that only his son would know and not the entire world." The man went into deep concentration, trying to think of a fact that I probably already know. He was about to speak but stopped, thinking long and hard about everything.
    "I honestly don't know what to say if I don't know what the whole world already knows. He just died seven years ago."
    "Fair enough." I say. "My name is J'Shawn Huston Murphy."
    "Alexander Hamilton Jr. 'Tis a pleasure to meet you Ms.Murphy." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. I blush.
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artistictiana · 10 days
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Drawing while at work
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artistictiana · 15 days
I finally finished rewriting the prolouge to my story. I also decided to post it here first rather than Wattpad because my current account seems to be popular due to a fanfic I wrote in the 9th grade. Imma make a new account so that way I can start clean. But here it is.
A Journey Through Time: The Hamilton Enigma
”Nooooo…” I whine as my alarm that is set for 6 a.m. plays at full volume. I slowly rise to a sitting position and rub the sleep from my eyes. I need to finish unpacking before my brother scolds me for lying to him.
I sigh as I grab my phone and turn off the alarm. In my mind, I plan out exactly how I was going to unpack all the last boxes. Start upstairs with the rooms and work my way to the kitchen, living room, dining room, and then finally the garage. And hopefully, by lunchtime, I will be done and can work on the backyard.
I finally emerged from bed now that I had a plan set. I decided to wear some sweatpants and a sports bra since I live alone. I headed to my bathroom and got ready to clean. Each box was in its respective room, meaning all my shower and hygiene products were still in its box.
”Let’s get this over with I guess.”
Hours passed and I unfortunately wasn’t done unpacking by lunch. I hated being behind schedule. Anything that doesn’t go to plan pisses me off. I shouldn’t have rested yesterday, that’s what the problem was. I was being lazy when usually I'm not. Being behind schedule is my punishment for yesterday. Guess I’m skipping out on lunch.
As I was stocking the bookshelf in the living room, a mysterious number texted my phone. It’s just a scam. I thought and ignored it, not even bothering to read what it said. I don’t need distractions at the moment. I need to get this done before dinner. And guess what. I did.
”That took way too much time.” I noted as I began to prepare dinner. I had sorted everything I needed on the counter so I wasn’t looking for anything.
“Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup… First prep chicken.” I read off the steps to my father’s recipe. As I continued down the recipe, the lights began to flicker. “The hell…?” I listen closely to hear if it is raining outside. It wasn’t.
The power goes out for a whole minute before turning back on. Footsteps from the second floor alerts me that someone else is in the house. I turn off the stove. Damn it… Another interruption. I hastily grabbed the closest knife and crept up the stairs.
I cautiously scanned each room to find the perpetrator. The last room that was left to check was my own. I peer through the semi-opened door to see a man towering over my desk. He seemed to be analyzing a photo of my family.
The way he was dressed made no sense for a burglar. He wore a dark vivid blue tailcoat with golden buttons, a white ruffled muslin shirt and trousers with a pair of black boots.
I cautiously crept up on him with the knife held straight out. I put on my bravest face I could conjure up, despite my frightened state. “Who are you? And why are you in my house?” I demand.
He jumped and dropped the framed photo on the ground. He turns to face me and then the knife. Holding his hands up in surrender, he says, “My name is Alexander Hamilton Jr. ma’am. And I mean no harm for I am afraid I have no clue how I got here.”
“Do you really expect me to believe that?!” I asked angrily.
“I swear on my life. Ma’am, please put the knife down…” he moves his hand out towards me.
“Stay Back!” I swing at him, making a large but not deep cut on his wrist.
”ARGGH!!!” He shouts in pain. “What Was That For?!”
”You were gonna touch me! I don’t like being touched by people I don’t know!”
”Could have said that!” He seethes, using his other hand to try and stop the bleeding. “I was trying to lower the knife. You could have killed me!”
”That would have been the point!” I argue.
I was about to say something else, but the tears forming in his eyes stopped me. He was in a lot of pain by the way he was crouched and hissing in pain. I sigh. “If you really are who you say you are, Alexander…” He looks up at me. “then prove it. Because as far as I know, he is dead.” I point the knife at his throat.
”I am not dead. I had just reached a port in Spain!”
I think for a moment. “What year do you think it is?”
”Judging by how you are inappropriately dressed… Not 1811.” He groans.
”1811… That was over 200 years ago.” I mumble to myself.
”200 YEARS AGO!?!” He shouts. “No. No. No. No. This isn’t real…”
”You're telling me. Time travel doesn’t exist… Or at least I don’t believe it does. Also it clearly is happening if you are bleeding and in pain… But I can pinch you just to be sure.”
He glares up at me. “No. I don’t believe that would be necessary.” Alex gazes around the room before asking me for my name. “It’s only fair if I know your name as well ma’am.
”J’Shawn Murphy. But you can just call me Jay.” I finally lowered the knife. “Follow me. I have some bandages to wrap that cut.” I make my way into the hallway and look back to see he was still in the same spot. “Chop, chop Hammy.” Then I leave.
Alex sat on the couch as I sat on the floor. “OW!! That burns.” He whines.
”Duhh. It's rubbing alcohol. It's meant to burn, otherwise the cut will get infected.” I explain as I continue to clean his cut. I looked up at him and he rolled his eyes with a frown. I smirk.
I then grabbed the bandage wrap. Before I wrapped the wound, I gave it a kiss like a mother does when her child falls and gets a boo boo. As I begin to wrap the wound, he coughs.
”What?” I ask.
”What was that kiss for?”
”You seemed like the kind of person that believed a kiss would heal any wound. Y’know, like when a kid gets hurt and their mother kisses it “better”.” I glance back up at him with a smug look. He looks away, a small blush forming on his cheeks.
”Did not…” he grumbles. I laughed at his reaction as I finished.
”There. All better.” I stand and stretch. “I’m going to put this stuff away and then finish cooking. You can join me if you want, otherwise you can sleep right where you are.”
”Gee… thanks.”
”If you would rather sleep outside with the raccoons and bugs, then please be my guest.” I picked up the first aid kit and placed it back in the drawer under the t.v.
“What are you making?”
”Chicken Noodle Soup. It's my father’s recipe. I promise, it’s delicious.” I head into the kitchen across the hall. I turned the stove back on and continued what I was doing before Alexander arrived.
After about an hour, the soup was ready. The two of us ate in silence. I guess we were both trying to forget the other was there. I for one enjoyed the silence. It helped me organize my thoughts on the events of today and how I was going to plan out tomorrow now that Alexander was in the picture.
”It’s okay Jay…” I whispered. gratefully, Alex didn’t react to it. “Tomorrow is a new day…”
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artistictiana · 15 days
Eating banana pudding and downing my third Dr.Pepper of the day while working on rewriting whatever I have written because now the story doesnt flow anymore. Writing sucks sometimes👍
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artistictiana · 26 days
This is so when I design AJ, I can have a specific look for him. Also, I don't know why, but I just picture Alex Jr. with a smooth, deep voice.... Is that bad? IDK 🤷‍♀️
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