alcrescendo · 2 years
started rewatching american dragon, and i blame @storybloom
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arch-wistcrias · 6 years
dragon and vampire!!
Dragon: Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse.
@loveisaviolence: definitely your love for lissa and elena stands out for me. I’ve seen you write on multiple occasions sprawling essays about things that have to do with them, and only someone who is truly dedicated to their muses could ever do that. 
@battleincarnate: nobody knows it, but your commitment to alison dilaurentis is honestly fucking astonishing. I wish people could view her through your lens. the times we’ve talked about her and you’ve metaed to me about her actions and thinking process, have truly opened my eyes to a lot of her character. 
@howlgrief: it took me ten years to remember your url but I think you’re absolutely so committed to tierney! she’s essentially an oc and I think she deserves so much more love because you breathed life into her and that’s no joke. 
Vampire: Tag someone of whom you’ve been a longtime fan.
@cognoscentee: I’ve loved your portrayals for a long time and I think I’ve followed you for an even longer time! I’m so glad we’ve been reunited because it’s so much fun to see you on my dash, and it brings me so much joy to write with you. 
@storybloomed: hey bestie ;) you’re probably one of the OG people I’m still following from way, way back…. so yeah, you could say I’m a longtime fan of yours. whether it’s bing or hans, lizzie or chidi, I think you’re a fantastic writer and roleplayer. end of story. 
@yagaymi: I used to always see you around and just be like!!!! over you because I love everything about your blog, from the muses range to your icon psd, to your phenomenal writing. 
POSITIVITY FOR OCTOBER || accepting always
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resiilients-old · 6 years
       “one second, babe, there’s someone at the door,” bess says as she gets up from her bed, crumbs falling from her sheets as she shifts to her feet. “honestly, it’s probably ned. have you seen his latest dramatic three paragraph rant on his private? apparently, him and nancy are having long-distance troubles. AGAIN.” she sighs, a little over the top, but her giggles quickly diminish her act. “glad we can’t relate. joss for the win!” she knew ned would agree with THAT, so she’s not scared about him hearing her say it as she nears her door. “okay, i might have to go ---”
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      bess stops mid-sentence as she opens the door, her face instantly brightening with equal parts shock, confusion, and happiness. bliss, even. “i’ll have to call you back, joe. my side guy’s here,” she teases with a smile as she hangs up the phone, before squealing and jumping into his arms --- yes! her boyfriend’s! he was THERE! on the other side of the door! god help her heart, it just might melt. her legs wrap around his waist, and she’s happy to just be there for a while, wrapped up in him in a fit of excitement. she laughs as he finally puts her down. “what are you doing here? you weren’t supposed to be back for another three days!” 
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heartlikearchive · 6 years
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          “ Veronica stayed over last night and made us watch Pitch Perfect 1, 2 and 3. She fell asleep half-way through the second one, but I just let it keep playing. She looks... so SERENE when she’s asleep... ” Betty bites down on her lip, partially because with the low-light of her bedside lamp, and Caramel purring through his sleep beside her, it feels way too easy to start saying all kinds of things that the night will swallow up and the day will forgive and forget. 
“ I’m... glad... we started doing this again. Talking. Like before. It’s really nice. ...You’re not like everyone else. I feel like... I can say anything to you. Even the ugly stuff. Like you don’t expect as much from me. ” Things like that. God, her mouth is overflowing, and she’s powerless to stop it. Lulled by the song of his breathing, she yawns, and more spills out, “ I’m glad Vader is okay, and I’m glad I could be there for you. I hope–– ...no, nothing, never mind. ” 
&  .  ♡    –––––  @storybloomed PLOTTED for REGGIE . 
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archaicroft · 6 years
           𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐒, 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐘 𝐀𝐈𝐑. Bullets sang as they zinged past her body. She zigzagged behind a crude crate, counting heartbeats before she could pull her bow off her back and take down man after man. The Trinity soldiers screamed as they fell from the rooftops, but their death was quick. MERCIFUL. Black winged birds tore from the tree-line. The sky was somehow even cloudier than before. 
She tried to tell herself she took no pleasure in scavenging their dead bodies for resources, but it was SURVIVAL of the fittest here. 
             Speaking of... where was her silent-footed companion? 
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“ I thought you said you had my back? ” Unwelcome wind lapped her fringe out of her eyes, Lara putting away the last remaining arrows. She considered the blood-stained tips, and packed them along with the rest. They would come in handy. 
She examined Ilya for injuries, but he was unharmed. The scrapes she’d gained she’d already bandaged and could hardly feel. This had been an easy encounter; the rest wouldn’t be. 
CC: @storybloomed FOR ILYA.  
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danger-archive · 6 years
         “ THEY’RE DESIGNER, ” She cries, picking her way over cobblestone and cobblestone like she’s balancing on toothpicks in the jaws of a cavity-ridden mouth. A stylishly Parisian one, but a cavity-ed mouth nonetheless! Up ahead, she can hear Joe’s under-the-breath curses for her to hurry up, damn it. “ Look, JOSEPH HARDY, if you don’t like it then you might as well throw me over your shoulder and–– HEY! I wasn’t serious! Joe! This is so not COOL. ” 
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❛   ♚   –––––  @storybloomed for JOE. 
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@storybloomed ​liked for THIS starter
                “ We have nothing to fear but fear itself. There is some fault to that statement, though I believe the basic foundation is critical for Defense Against the Dark Arts, ” Remus instructs, hands folded behind his back as he regards his student. Standing tall, though his posture is inhibited by the twinge of pain lingering in his spine from his transformation a week prior. “ Defense Against the Dark Arts is not for the faint of heart, nor for those who think its practice is as easy as a spell and a flick of the wand. It takes concentration, discipline, and, if need be, tricking your own mind. ”
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                    Remus rubs a hand over his bearded jaw. “ Often times we have to trick ourselves into believing we are not afraid in order to face what we have to face. ”
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robins-nest · 7 years
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My perfect 3 year old! 💕✨ I love you, I love you, I love you. Happy birthday, Story Bloom. You are everything I always imagined you'd be, just intensified by a hundred 😜. You keep us on our toes with your wild determination and (sometimes overwhelming) independence... You're always smirking like you've been here many, many times before. I'm so lucky to be here with you now, to watch you grow with your brother, to see your gentle hand touch every baby foot you can reach, any animal that will stop long enough for a hello. You have an incredibly kind heart, but also this long burning fire running through you... no idea where you get that from 😘. Oh baby girl, you are so wonderful and we're going to have so much fun setting life ablaze ...3 going on 13, but feel free to slow down anytime. ❤️ 🍦 🎈 xoxoxo always and forever, your mama llama #storybloom
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wistcrias-arch2 · 5 years
child meme for mei & jason @storybloomed until i get a new url lmao
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name: clara danforth 
gender: cis-female 
general appearance: chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights. she experiments with her bangs a lot and ultimately grows them out. she’s short and a little chubby, and has toned shoulders and calves. 
personality: a little devil-may-care, and an advocate for the under-dog. despite being bold in the name of others, she’s private with her own affairs and doesn’t open up to a lot of people, preferring one or two best friends. 
special talents: she can hold a handstand for 11 minutes straight. 
who they like better: jason, because he kind of gives her everything she wants. 
who they take after more: mei, because she’s sort of reserved and private. 
personal head canon: she was named clara because it means “bright” and both jason and mei were told they would never really achieve anything, and never thought they’d have a bright future… and now they do. 
face claim: paris berelc. 
MEME : accepting ( @storybloomed ) . 
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arch-wistcrias · 6 years
           “ Hey-yyyyy Lizzie. ” She bounds into her sister’s room with no regard for anyone but herself. For all she knows Lizzie is NAKED in there. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before: just skinny legs and boobs –– BO-RING! “ Mom wants you, ” she simply says when faced with an expectant look. “ You’re not filming? That’s weird. I thought that was like, your whole lame life now. ” Lydia searches for the camera, oddly disappointed. People on the net L-O-V-E her. Surprisingly they l-o-v-e Lizzie too.... just not in capitals. 
“ Anyway.... whatcha doin’? ” She flops down beside Lizzie. Her eyes land on a book of all things. “ Ugh. Don’t you ever do something FUN?! ” 
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&. @storybloomed for LIZZIE & LYDIA. 
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heartlikearchive · 6 years
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           “ Stop STARING, you’re going to make me write down the wrong numbers. ” Lightly, she taps him on the knee with the chewed-down end of her pencil. So very PUNISHING; he’s sure to have learned his lesson now! “ I’m starting to think you want me to fail this course. ” The pump feels like a stress ball in her palm, and if this were any other day in the life of a med student, she’d be squeezing till her knuckles seized. But as TROUBLESOME as Reggie is, he keeps her relaxed, smiling despite herself. It’s nice to see college has been good for him too. She doesn’t see a lot of him, though, what with her JAM-PACKED schedule, and Reggie being... REGGIE. 
Out of everyone you’d expect to have ended up at the same college, most people wouldn’t have bet on them. Then again, most people didn’t know Reggie and Betty the way Betty and Reggie did. 
“ I have bad news... my results show you’re going to live a short life.... A ROUGH ––– maybe... 70 or 80 more years? I’m so sorry... ” 
&  .  ♡    –––––  @storybloomed asked for COLLEGE STARTER . ( 6: hey, I have to take someone’s blood pressure for class, will you be my victim? )
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danger-archive · 6 years
me: what would fred do if he saw daphne building a bomb trap? @storybloomed: he’d like. nut. 
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               “oh god, are you alright? that... did not look like a fun time. are you hurt?”
@storybloomed // starter call ( accepting )
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quietchascr-blog · 6 years
⋆    /   PC.   @storybloomed
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      ALICIA HAD NEVER FELT SO ON EDGE AT HOGWARTS.  This was her home for the last six years and now? in her seventh, it was    cold.    the warmth of quidditch and friends. slowly  becoming a distant memory.    Still, the Gryffindor Common Room  managed to stay semi-normal.    the usual loud Gryffindors could continue to be loud,    the first years not defeated by Umbridge.     it was inspiring.     she ALMOST felt bad.    for being quiet.     for focusing on her school work,    she was in the DA and that’s all she could do right now.     She could not get expelled, not during N.E.W.T year.    The sound of giggles soon entered her earshot.    her eyes looked up at a weasley twin.   a quick scan at the face allowed her to make the call.     FRED.    her EX-PILLOW AT QUIDDITCH practices.    the guy she was still ‘angry’ at for getting kicked off the team.     he looked a MESS.    she would laugh,     but she was more concerned.  ❛  i’m still mad at you and you decide to show up all...  what happened?  why haven’t you gone to the hospital wing? ❜    ‘merlin, i sound like a mum more and more each day’ the thought drifted into her mind. 
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arch-wistcrias · 6 years
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        The bell above the ice cream shoppe tinkled with the kind of QUAINT charm that out-of-towners swooned over as I pushed open the door and breezed inside, already searching the worn-leather booths for a familiar head of dark hair. It'd been ages since the last time I was in River Heights, and what were the odds that both Hardys would have remained in town around the same time? It had to be fate. The anonymous letter I’d received burned a hole in my pocket, as if to remind me that FATE wasn't always a good thing. But I stubbornly ignored it, making my way over to Frank –– no Joe? –– with an uneven smile. Ah, Frank Hardy: one of my biggest almosts.  “ Frank. So good to see you! ” I hesitated for a moment, only a sliver of a second, and with a decisive nod to myself, opened both arms for a hug. I could be normal around Frank. I could. It didn't matter what had happened between us... or rather, almost happened. That was in the past. At least... I thought it was.
&. @storybloomed​ for FRANK & NANCY. 
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danger-archive · 6 years
tell the snail story
I got a fucking dead snail caught in my braces, there are you happy @storybloomed
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